Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Sep 07 04:27:16
1942-M01       2430672.50 1942 Nov  9          A-4                      -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         HVP      P7               -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WEHR         MS   -                        Test                     AE1961A              -                    -
1944-M01       2431255.13 1944 Jun 13 1503     A-4                      -      V89                  Kalmar impact            -                        -                        -         HVP      P7               -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 WEHR         MF   -                        Test                     Stuhlinger           RocketTeam           -
1944-M02       2431347.20 1944 Sep 13 1647     A-4                      -      18181                M140                     -                        -                        -         HVP      SK               -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 WEHR         MS   -                        Test                     FE175                -                    -
1945-M01       2431479.50 1945 Jan 24          A-4b                     -      2                    A-9                      -                        -                        -         HVP      P10              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WEHR         MS   -                        Test                     DeMaes               IMSG                 -
1945-M02       2431739.50 1945 Oct 11          WAC A                    -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1945-M03       2431740.50 1945 Oct 12          WAC A                    -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1945-M04       2431747.50 1945 Oct 19          WAC A                    -      8                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1946-M01       2432167.50 1946 Dec 13          WAC B                    -      26                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1947-M01       2432209.52 1947 Jan 24 0022     V-2                      US     19                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ORD/GEMTS    SS   GEMTS/                   Test                     Hermes-Rpt           -                    -
1947-M02       2432240.50 1947 Feb 24          WAC B                    -      29B                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1947-M03       2432247.50 1947 Mar  3          WAC B                    -      30B                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     JPL4-41              -                    -
1947-M04       2432335.60 1947 May 30 0230     Hermes II                -      B-1 No. 0            Hermes II Dummy Ram      -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ORD          MF   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire          RVA3                 AASH15-335
1947-M05       2432348.50 1947 Jun 12          WAC B                    -      29B?                 -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ORD          SS   JPL/Malina               Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1947-M06       2432514.22 1947 Nov 24 1720     Aerobee RTV-N-8          -      A4                   Particles                -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 APL          SF   APL/VanAllen             CR                       Newell               -                    -
1948-M01       2432661.33 1948 Apr 19 1954     V-2                      US     38                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ORD/NRL      SF   NRL/                     Solar UV/Ionos           Hermes-Rpt           -                    -
1948-M02       2432713.93 1948 Jun 11 1022     V-2                      US     37                   Blossom III (Albert)     -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ORD/AFCFS    SS   AFCRL/                   Solar X/Ionos/Bio        Hermes-Rpt           -                    -
1948-M03       2432888.42 1948 Dec  2 2201     RTV-A-2                  -      MX-774               -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WRIGHT       MS   -                        Test                     Chapman              -                    -
1949-M01       2432945.22 1949 Jan 28 1720     V-2                      US     45                   Blossom                  -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ORD/NRL      SF   NRL/AFCRL/Seddon         Solar X/Ionos/Aeron/Bio  Hermes-Rpt           PhysRev51,552        -
1949-M02       2433028.51 1949 Apr 22 0017:16  Bumper-WAC               -      Bumper 6             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ORD/GEMTS    SF   ORD/APL/NRL/             Test/CR/Solar SX         Bumper6RPt           Hermes-Rpt           -
1949-M03       2433070.05 1949 Jun  2 1310     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 2                 Air Sampling             -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Nichols              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1949-M04       2433119.17 1949 Jul 21 1601     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 4                 Air Sampling             -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Nichols              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1949-M05       2433166.21 1949 Sep  6 1657     Viking                   -      2                    Viking 2                 -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 NRL          SF   NRL/                     Aeron/Photo              Newell               -                    -
1949-M06       2433180.21 1949 Sep 20 1703     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 5                 Air Sampling             -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Nichols              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1949-M07       2433189.21 1949 Sep 29 1658     V-2                      US     49                   NRL Ionos 1              -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ORD/NRL      SS   NRL/Friedman,Bryam       Solar X/Ionos/Meteorites Hermes-Rpt           PhysRev83,1025       -
1949-M08       2433257.27 1949 Dec  6 1832     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 3                 Air Sampling             -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Nichols              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1949-M09       2433257.51 1949 Dec  7 0016     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 7                 Air Sampling             -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Nichols              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1950-M01       2433297.49 1950 Jan 15 2345     Aerobee RTV-N-10         -      A15                  -                        -                        -                        AVM1      USN50A   LP1              -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 APL          SS   APL/VanAllen             Particles                Newell               -                    -
1950-M02       2433300.47 1950 Jan 18 2317     Aerobee RTV-N-10         -      A16                  -                        -                        -                        AVM1      USN50A   LP2              -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 APL          SS   APL/VanAllen             Particles                Newell               -                    -
1950-M03       2433322.41 1950 Feb  9 2144     Viking                   -      3                    Viking 3                 -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Solar UV,X/Photo         Newell               -                    -
1950-M04       2433344.52 1950 Mar  4 0036     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 6                 Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1950-M05       2433428.32 1950 May 26 1943     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 4               Insolation               -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   RIU/                     Solar UV?                Newell               -                    -
1950-M06       2433473.50 1950 Jul 11          Corporal E               -      5E                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1950-M07       2433476.86 1950 Jul 14 0839     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 8                 Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               JGR61,45             -
1950-M08       2433487.10 1950 Jul 24 1429     Bumper-WAC               -      Bumper 8             -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC3              -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 1GMR/GEMTS   SF   AOGMC/                   Test                     Hermes-Rpt           -                    -
1950-M09       2433491.99 1950 Jul 29 1144     Bumper-WAC               -      Bumper 7             -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC3              -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 1GMR/GEMTS   SS   AOGMC/                   Test                     LRPGD-TR1  t         Hermes-Rpt           -
1950-M10       2433571.67 1950 Oct 17 0400     Aerobee XASR-SC-2        -      SC 10                Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               JGR61,45             -
1950-M11       2433582.06 1950 Oct 27 1330     Aerobee XASR-SC-2        -      SC 13                Sampling                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Jones.L              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1950-M12       2433587.50 1950 Nov  2          Corporal E               -      6E                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1950-M13       2433627.79 1950 Dec 12 0704     Viking                   -      6                    Viking 6                 -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 NRL          SF   NRL/                     Iono-solar               Newell               -                    -
1950-M14       2433627.88 1950 Dec 12 0910     Aerobee XASR-SC-2        -      SC 16                Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               JGR61,45             -
1951-M01       2433662.50 1951 Jan 16          Corporal E               -      7R                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1951-M02       2433727.50 1951 Mar 22          Corporal E               -      8R                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1951-M03       2433734.47 1951 Mar 28 2314     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 10              GRD-2 NaCl release       -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1951-M04       2433755.28 1951 Apr 18 1839     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 12              Aeromed 1                -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   HAM/                     Biology                  Newell               -                    -
1951-M05       2433806.76 1951 Jun  9 0611     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 18                Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               JGR61,45             -
1951-M06       2433839.50 1951 Jul 12          Corporal E               -      9R                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     WSMR-PAO             -                    -
1951-M07       2433853.18 1951 Jul 25 1626     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 15              Airglow/NLC Imager       -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    Newell               -                    -
1951-M08       2433889.44 1951 Aug 30 2240     Aerobee RTV-A-1b         -      USAF 17              Rocket test              -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/HADC/              Test                     Newell               -                    -
1951-M09       2433902.98 1951 Sep 13 1137     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 18              UM T/p                   -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   UMI/Schulte              Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1951-M10       2433910.19 1951 Sep 20 1631     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 19              Aeromed 2                -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   HAM/                     Biology                  Newell               -                    -
1951-M11       2433916.50 1951 Sep 27 0006     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 21                Sampling                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/                     Aeron                    Newell               -                    -
1951-M12       2433951.91 1951 Nov  1 0945     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 20                Grenades                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeronomy                 Newell               JGR61,45             -
1952-M01       2434147.55 1952 May 15 0115     Aerobee XASR-SC-1        -      SC 23                Sphere                   -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Jones.L              Aeronomy                 Newell               UM-HA-2              -
1952-M02       2434154.14 1952 May 21 1515     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 26              Aeromed 3                -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   HAM/                     Biology                  Newell               -                    -
1952-M03       2434154.50 1952 May 22          Veronique                -      N3                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Bechar           -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 LRBA         SS   LRBA/                    Test                     AAS89-260            -                    -
1952-M04       2434246.81 1952 Aug 22 0733     V-2                      US     TF3                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC33             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 ORD/NRL      SS   NRL/                     Test/Photo/Solar X/Aeron WDCRF                AASH15-335           -
1952-M05       2434253.52 1952 Aug 29 0026     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    SUI 3                    -                        -                        WYG-279   USN52A   LP3              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Test                     Newell               -                    -
1952-M06       2434253.82 1952 Aug 29 0736     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    SUI 4                    -                        -                        WYG-279   USN52A   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR                       Newell               -                    -
1952-M07       2434256.38 1952 Aug 31 2110     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    SUI 6                    -                        -                        WYG-279   USN52A   LP6              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR                       Newell               -                    -
1952-M08       2434259.89 1952 Sep  4 0917     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    SUI 7                    -                        -                        WYG-279   USN52A   LP7              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR                       Newell               -                    -
1952-M09       2434323.16 1952 Nov  6 1556     Aerobee RTV-A-1          -      USAF 32              AF Airglow 2             -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Aeronomy SB              Newell               -                    -
1953-M01       2434419.50 1953 Feb 11          RV-A-10                  -      1                    Hermes A2 engine         -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     MT60-2544            -                    -
1953-M02       2434440.50 1953 Mar  4          RV-A-10                  -      2                    [Impact Vero Beach]      -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MF   -                        Test                     MT60-2544            -                    -
1953-M03       2434461.50 1953 Mar 25          RV-A-10                  -      3                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     MT60-2544            -                    -
1953-M04       2434461.50 1953 Mar 25          RV-A-10                  -      4                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        Test                     MT60-2544            -                    -
1953-M05       2434595.41 1953 Aug  5 2154     Deacon Rockoon           -      MUSHRAT 9            NRL Rockoon 1            -                        -                        AGB-5     USN53A   LP21             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/LaGow                Aeron                    Newell               JGR61,77             -
1953-M06       2434598.13 1953 Aug  8 1509     Deacon Rockoon           -      MUSHRAT 12           NRL Rockoon 2            -                        -                        AGB-5     USN53A   LP22             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/LaGow                Aeron                    Newell               JGR61,77             -
1953-M07       2434601.21 1953 Aug 11 1709     Deacon Rockoon           -      MUSHRAT 15           NRL Rockoon 4            -                        -                        AGB-5     USN53A   LP24             -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/LaGow                Aeron                    Newell               JGR61,77             -
1953-M08       2434624.67 1953 Sep  4 0359     Deacon Rockoon           -      Eastwind 54-7        NRL Rockoon 5            -                        -                        WYG-279   USN53B   LP25             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Aeron                    Newell               JGR61,77             -
1953-M09       2434625.16 1953 Sep  4 1551     Deacon Rockoon           -      Eastwind 54-8        NRL Rockoon 6            -                        -                        WYG-279   USN53B   LP26             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Aeron                    Newell               JGR61,77             -
1953-M10       2434650.37 1953 Sep 29 2050     Aerobee RTV-A-1a         -      SC 31                Sphere                   -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Jones.L              Aeronomy                 Newell/UM-FS         UM-HA-7              -
1954-M01       2434944.88 1954 Jul 21 0903     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    SUI 27                   -                        -                        AGB-3     USN54A   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Ionos/Aeron?             Newell               -                    -
1954-M02       2435030.42 1954 Oct 14 2212     Nike Nike T40            -      -                    F40 Heat Transfer        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 PARD         SS   PARD/                    Test                     RP-1028              TN-D-888             -
1955-M01       2435149.44 1955 Feb 10 2238     Aerobee RTV-A-1a         -      USAF 53              AF/Utah D-layer          -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/UUT/               Ionos                    AFCRL                -                    -
1955-M02       2435282.03 1955 Jun 23 1240     Aerobee Hi               -      USAF 57              AJ11-6 test              -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/                   Test                     Newell               -                    -
1955-M03       2435301.79 1955 Jul 13 0659     Aerobee RTV-N-10a        -      NRL 27               Mass spectrometers       -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1955-M04       2435335.50 1955 Aug 16          Rockair                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        F2H2-N    NAOTS    RW04/22          WI       LP1                   55      -  -               0.000 BUAER        SS   UMD/ONR/Singer,Ross      Test                     Newell               -                    -
1955-M05       2435335.50 1955 Aug 16?         Rockair                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        F2H2-N    NAOTS    RW04/22          WI       LP1                   50      -  -               0.000 BUAER        SF   UMD/ONR/Singer,Ross      Test                     Newell               -                    -
1955-M06       2435381.16 1955 Sep 30 1550     Aerobee AJ10-27          -      USAF 59              Colorado UVS             -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/UUT/UCO/           Solar UV                 Newell               -                    -
1955-M07       2435393.78 1955 Oct 13 0637     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    NRL Rockoon 19           -                        -                        LSD-1     USN55A   LP25             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Ionos/Aeron?             Newell               -                    -
1955-M08       2435394.07 1955 Oct 13 1342     Deacon Rockoon           -      -                    NRL Rockoon 20           -                        -                        LSD-1     USN55A   LP26             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 NRL          SF   NRL/                     Ionos/Aeron?             Newell               -                    -
1955-M09       2435411.50 1955 Nov             Rockair                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        F2H2-N    NAOTS    RW04/22          WI       LP1                   50      -  -               0.000 BUAER        SF   UMD/ONR/Singer,Ross      Test                     Newell               -                    -
1955-M10       2435411.50 1955 Nov             Rockair                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        F2H2-N    NAOTS    RW04/22          WI       LP1                   50      -  -               0.000 BUAER        SF   UMD/ONR/Singer,Ross      Test                     Newell               -                    -
1956-M01       2435491.50 1956 Jan 19          Sergeant                 -      1                    JPL-329 motor            -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MU   -                        Test                -                    -
1956-W01       2435510.50 1956 Feb  7          Loki Dart                -      WASP 1               -                        -                        -                        -         PM?      -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   USN/                     Test                     Newell               -                    -
1956-M02       2435531.50 1956 Feb 28          Sergeant                 -      2                    JPL-329                  -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MU   -                        Test                -                    -
1956-W02       2435563.50 1956 Apr             Loki Dart                -      WASP 1               -                        -                        -                        DD-787    BIK?     -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 JTF7         SS   USN/                     Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1956-W03       2435563.50 1956 Apr             Loki Dart                -      WASP 1               -                        -                        -                        DD-790    BIK?     -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 JTF7         SS   USN/                     Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1956-M03       2435587.50 1956 Apr 24          Sergeant                 -      3                    JPL-329                  -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MU   -                        Test                -                    -
1956-W04       2435593.50 1956 May             Loki Dart                -      WASP 1               -                        -                        -                        DD-787    BIK?     -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 JTF7         SS   USN/                     Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1956-W06       2435602.50 1956 May  9          Loki Dart                -      1-12                 -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 SCEL         SU   SCEL/                    Test                -                    -
1956-W07       2435603.50 1956 May 10          Loki Dart                -      13-20                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Test                     Newell               -                    -
1956-W05       2435621.76 1956 May 28 0616     Loki Dart                -      WASP 1               -                        ZUNI                     Lifeguard Stn 1          DD-790    ENW      LP1              -        -                     31?     -  -               0.000 JTF7         SS   USN/                     Aeronomy                 Redwing              -                    -
1956-M04       2435629.09 1956 Jun  4 1413     Aerobee Hi               -      NRL 46               RV-N-13a                 -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 NRL          SF   NRL/                     Solar UV                 Newell               -                    -
1956-M05       2435757.50 1956 Oct 11          HJ Nike                  -      -                    Polished Cone RV         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PARD         SS   PARD/                    Reentry Test             RP-1028              TN-D-955             -
1956-M06       2435779.04 1956 Nov  1 1257     Aerobee AJ10-34          -      USAF 73              Na Release               -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Bedinger           Aeronomy                 Newell               -                    -
1956-M07       2435780.50 1956 Nov  3          Sergeant                 -      4                    JPL-477                  -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MU   -                        Test                -                    -
1956-M08       2435789.99 1956 Nov 12 1147:47  Aerobee RTV-A-1a         -      SM1.01               Grenades                 IGY SM1.01               -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/UMI/Stroud,Bartman  Aeronomy                 FC/UM-HA             Newell               -
1956-M09       2435818.50 1956 Dec 11          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 2                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M10       2435818.50 1956 Dec 11          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 4                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M11       2435820.50 1956 Dec 13          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 12                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M12       2435820.50 1956 Dec 13          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 6                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M13       2435820.50 1956 Dec 13          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 22                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M14       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 17                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M15       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 18                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M16       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 19                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M17       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 23                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M18       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 21                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M19       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 20                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M20       2435821.50 1956 Dec 14          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 24                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M21       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 14                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M22       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 15                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M23       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 16                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M24       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 8                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M25       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 9                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M26       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 10                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1956-M27       2435825.50 1956 Dec 18          Loki Dart                -      WASP                 24                       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SCEL?        SS   SCEL/?                   Test                -                    -
1957-W01       2435838.50 1957                 Asp III                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LRL          SS   LRL/                     Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1957-W02       2435838.50 1957                 Asp III                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LRL          SS   LRL/                     Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1957-W03       2435838.50 1957                 Asp III                  4L     -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LRL          SS   LRL/                     Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1957-M01       2435869.50 1957 Jan 31          Sergeant                 -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1957-M02       2435882.35 1957 Feb 12 2030     Loki Rockoon             -      -                    II5.097                  IGY II5.97               -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M03       2435884.34 1957 Feb 14 2005     Loki Rockoon             -      -                    II5.098                  IGY II5.98               -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M04       2435887.40 1957 Feb 17 2136     Loki Rockoon             -      -                    II5.099                  IGY II5.99               -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M05       2435928.50 1957 Apr             Doorknob                 2      -                    Test 17 (last R&D)       [Needs confirmation]     -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Test                     Alway2002            -                    -
1957-M07       2435938.14 1957 Apr  9 1519     Aerobee AJ10-25          -      USAF 77              -                        -                        -                        -         HADC     A                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteorites               Newell               -                    -
1957-M06       2435944.50 1957 Apr 16          Sergeant                 -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1957-M08       2435980.72 1957 May 22 0520     Skylark                  1      SL02                 RAE Test 2               -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 SL           -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WRE/RAE      SS   WRE/RAE/                 Test                     WDCRF                BAE                  -
1957-M09       2436061.48 1957 Aug 10 2336     Loki Rockoon             -      II5.09F              SUI 64                   IGY II5.09F              -                        LSD-29    USN57A   LP9              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/VanAllen             Aeron/Auroral/CR         Newell               JGR100,14485         -
1957-M10       2436063.17 1957 Aug 12 1559:31  Aerobee                  -      SM1.04               Grenades                 IGY SM1.04               -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/UMI/Stroud,Bartman  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M11       2436075.60 1957 Aug 25 0229     Aerobee                  -      SM2.05               -                        [IGY SM2.05]             -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/UMI/Bandeen         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M12       2436099.09 1957 Sep 17 1404     Aerobee RTV-N-10         -      NRL 21               NRL UV Echelle           IGY NN1.25               -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Solar UV                 WDCRF                IGY1,198             -
1957-M13       2436100.25 1957 Sep 18 1754     Nike Deacon              -      NN7.49F              -                        IGY NN7.49F              -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Solar UV/Solar X         WDCRF                -                    -
1957-M14       2436114.50 1957 Oct  3          Sergeant                 -      8                    JPL-477                  -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1957-M15       2436168.50 1957 Nov 26          Sergeant                 -      7                    JPL-477                  -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-W01       2436203.50 1958                 Asp III                  4L     -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LRL          SS   LRL/                     Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1958-M01       2436224.50 1958 Jan 21          Sergeant                 -      9                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA1             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M02       2436276.50 1958 Mar 14          Sergeant                 -      10                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA2             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ORDRSA       MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M03       2436318.50 1958 Apr 25          Nike Cajun               -      -                    Beacon Test 1R           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 LARC         SS   LARC/                    Balloon test             RP-1028              -                    -
1958-M04       2436324.50 1958 May  1          Sergeant                 -      11                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA2             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M05       2436332.50 1958 May  9          Sergeant                 -      12                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA2             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M31       2436347.44 1958 May 23 2239     Aerobee 75               -      SS12.48              Grenades                 IGY SS12.48              -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   SCEL/                    Aeron                    IGY                  -                    -
1958-M06       2436384.50 1958 Jun 30          Sergeant                 -      13                   Off-pad test             -                        -                        -         WS       ALA2             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-W02       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W03       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W04       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W05       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W06       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W07       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W08       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W09       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W10       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W11       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W12       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-W13       2436415.50 1958 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-M32       2436416.50 1958 Aug  1          Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M10       2436416.91 1958 Aug  1 0947     Redstone                 -      CC-50    SX          Hardtack Teak            -                        -                        -         JI       LC1              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ABMA         MS   AFSWP/                   Nuclear Test             TM-X-64796           Hansen               -
1958-W14       2436427.50 1958 Aug 12          Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-M33       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 1         [or Nike Cajun?]         -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M34       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 2         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M35       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 3         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M36       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 4         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M37       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 5         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M38       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 6         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M39       2436427.89 1958 Aug 12 0927     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RF Attenuation 7         -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     76?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W15       2436437.50 1958 Aug 22          Loki Dart                -      -                    Argus training           -                        -                        DD-843    USN58A   ULP1             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 TF88         SS   USN/                     Test                     ARGUS                -                    -
1958-M07       2436442.50 1958 Aug 27          Sergeant                 -      16                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M08       2436442.50 1958 Aug 27          Sergeant                 -      15                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M09       2436443.50 1958 Aug 28          Sergeant                 -      14                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-W16       2436450.21 1958 Sep  3 1703     Loki Dart                -      II9.01F              Stability test           IGY II9.01F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Test/CR/Plasma           WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W17       2436450.31 1958 Sep  3 1930     Loki Dart                -      II9.02F              Radiation                IGY II9.02F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W18       2436451.31 1958 Sep  4 1930     Loki Dart                -      II9.03F              -                        IGY II9.03F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W19       2436454.59 1958 Sep  8 0204     Loki Dart                -      II9.05F              -                        IGY II9.05F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W20       2436454.62 1958 Sep  8 0256     Loki Dart                -      II9.06F              -                        IGY II9.06F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M11       2436471.74 1958 Sep 25 0550     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-RS-1             K-6-8                    S4                       -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TAO/Saito                Solar UV                 IGY36                -                    -
1958-M12       2436472.66 1958 Sep 26 0350     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-TW-4             K-6-9                    S5                       -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   KOBE/Matsumoto           Aeron                    IGY36                TT-F8550             -
1958-M15       2436478.32 1958 Oct  1 1942     Nike Asp                 -      NN8.58F              -                        IGY NN8.58F              -                        LSD-31    USN58C   LP1              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 NRL          SS   NRL/                     Test/Solar UV/Solar      WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M13       2436497.50 1958 Oct 21          Sergeant                 -      18                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M14       2436499.50 1958 Oct 23          Sergeant                 -      17                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M16       2436511.04 1958 Nov  3 1252     Aerobee 75               -      SS12.050             Grenades                 IGY SS12.50F             -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M17       2436515.02 1958 Nov  7 1225:38  Aerobee 75               -      SS12.051             Grenades                 IGY SS12.51F             -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W21       2436519.39 1958 Nov 11 2118     Loki Dart                -      II9.07F              Radiation                IGY II9.07F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M18       2436519.99 1958 Nov 12 1140     Nike Cajun               -      SS6.52               Grenades                 IGY SS6.52F              -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 UMI/SCEL     SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W22       2436521.39 1958 Nov 13 2115     Loki Dart                -      II9.08F              -                        IGY II9.08F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W23       2436521.41 1958 Nov 13 2145     Loki Dart                -      II9.09F              -                        IGY II9.09F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M19       2436521.97 1958 Nov 14 1109:43  Nike Cajun               -      SS6.53               Grenades                 IGY SS6.53F              -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 UMI/SCEL     SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W24       2436525.25 1958 Nov 17 1800     Loki Dart                -      II9.10F              -                        IGY II9.10F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M20       2436527.25 1958 Nov 19 1801:40  Nike Cajun               -      SS6.54               Grenades                 IGY SS6.54F              -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 UMI/SCEL     SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W25       2436527.27 1958 Nov 19 1830     Loki Dart                -      II9.11F              -                        IGY II9.11F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M21       2436527.36 1958 Nov 19 2032     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-104                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-W26       2436527.59 1958 Nov 20 0214     Loki Dart                -      II9.12F              -                        IGY II9.12F              -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     CR/Plasma                WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M22       2436527.60 1958 Nov 20 0225     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-105                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M23       2436528.11 1958 Nov 20 1438:40  Nike Cajun               -      SS6.55               Grenades                 IGY SS6.55F              -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 UMI/SCEL     SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M24       2436530.21 1958 Nov 22 1706:00  Aerobee 75               -      SS12.057             Grenades                 IGY SS12.57F             -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 SCEL         SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M25       2436532.23 1958 Nov 24 1727:18  Nike Cajun               -      SS6.58               Grenades                 IGY SS6.58F              -                        -         GUAM     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 UMI/SCEL     SS   UMI/Allen                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M27       2436541.55 1958 Dec  4 0113     Aeolus                   -      -                    AL1                      -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 LT           -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Aeron                    IGY36-579            -                    -
1958-M26       2436548.50 1958 Dec 11          Sergeant                 -      19                   JPL-477                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1958-M28       2436553.40 1958 Dec 15 2137     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-108                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1958-M29       2436556.50 1958 Dec 19          High Virgo WS199C        -      2                    High Virgo               -                        -                        B-58-660  EGL      RW12/30          AMR      LP1                   76    343  -               0.000 AFBMD        TS   LMSC/                    Test                     B-58                 -                    -
1958-M30       2436560.63 1958 Dec 23 0303     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-TW-5             K-6-13                   Grenade                  -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   KOBE/Matsumoto           Aeron                    IGY36                SR2,1080             -
1959-W01       2436568.50 1959                 Arcas                    -      (1 of 25)            -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFMTC        SS   AFMTC/                   Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1959-M39       2436568.50 1959?                Pogo Hi III              -      -                    Pogo Target Test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 BTL          SS   NMSU/                    Test                     NSMU                 -                    -
1959-M40       2436568.50 1959?                Pogo Hi III              -      -                    Pogo Hi Type IIIC5a      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 BTL          SS   NMSU/                    Target                   NSMU                 -                    -
1959-M01       2436568.50 1959?                ALSOR                    -      -                    Model A (F1)             -                        -                        F-104-749 EAFB     RW04/22?         EAFB     LP1                   74      -  -               0.000 FRC          SS   FRC/                     Test                     NOTS                 TN-D-1279            -
1959-M03       2436588.16 1959 Jan 19 1552     Polaris AX               -      AX-4                 -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC25A            -        -                     10?     -  -               0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     Cleary95/Wire        -                    -
1959-W02       2436592.14 1959 Jan 23 1515     Arcas                    -      4                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 SMSA         SS   SMSA/Webb                Test                     Quest16,2,41         MR590511-20/Desind   -
1959-W20       2436599.20 1959 Jan 30 1655     Arcas                    -      5                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 SMSA         SS   SMSA/Webb                Test                     Quest16,2,41         -                    -
1959-W03       2436611.46 1959 Feb 11 2300     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M06       2436640.81 1959 Mar 13 0730     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-120                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M07       2436644.57 1959 Mar 17 0135     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-RS-3             K-6-14                   -                        -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TAO/Saito                Solar UV                 IGY36                -                    -
1959-M08       2436645.61 1959 Mar 18 0245     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-TW-6             K-6-15                   Grenade                  -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   KOBE/Matsumoto           Aeron                    IGY36                SR2,1080             -
1959-M09       2436646.55 1959 Mar 19 0115     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-RS-4             K-6-16                   -                        -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TAO/Saito                Solar UV                 IGY36                -                    -
1959-M10       2436647.62 1959 Mar 20 0250     Kappa 6                  -      K-6-TW-7             K-6-17                   Grenade                  -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   KOBE/Matsumoto           Aeron                    IGY36                SR2,1080             -
1959-M04       2436650.50 1959 Mar 23          Sergeant                 -      21                   JPL-500                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-M05       2436652.50 1959 Mar 25          Sergeant                 -      22                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-M11       2436674.96 1959 Apr 16 1109     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-122                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M12       2436675.21 1959 Apr 16 1700     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-123                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M13       2436703.25 1959 May 14 1755     Arcon                    -      NASA 2.01GT          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Medrow              Test                     WDCRF                RP-1028              -
1959-M14       2436704.22 1959 May 15 1710     Arcon                    -      NASA 2.02GT          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Medrow              Test                     WDCRF                RP-1028              -
1959-M15       2436709.54 1959 May 21 0100     Nike Cajun               -      II6.20F              -                        IGY II6.20F              -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M16       2436712.10 1959 May 23 1430     Nike Cajun               -      II6.21F              -                        IGY II6.21F              -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M17       2436723.50 1959 Jun  4          High Virgo WS199C        -      3                    High Virgo               -                        -                        B-58-660  EGL      RW12/30          AMR      LP1                   51      -  -               0.000 AFBMD        TS   -                        Interceptor              B-58                 -                    -
1959-W18       2436724.50 1959 Jun  5          Arcas                    -      6                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 SMSA         SS   SMSA/                    Test                     ArcasFinal           -                    -
1959-M18       2436726.24 1959 Jun  6 1739     Atlas D                  -      5D                   Mk 2-2A                  R&D                      -                        -         CC       LC13             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AFBMD        MF   -                        Test                     RM                   -                    -
1959-M19       2436737.81 1959 Jun 18 0732     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-130                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M41       2436742.50 1959 Jun 23          Arcas                    -      7                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SMSA         SS   SMSA/                    Test                     ArcasFinal           -                    -
1959-M20       2436747.05 1959 Jun 27 1308     Nike Cajun               -      II6.31F              -                        IGY II6.31F              -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 SUI          SS   SUI/                     Fields                   WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M21       2436750.50 1959 Jul  1 0005     Skylark                  2      SL19                 RAE Test 7               -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 SL           -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WRE/RAE      SS   WRE/RAE/                 Test                     WDCRF                BAE                  -
1959-M22       2436764.38 1959 Jul 14 2100     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-132                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M23       2436765.15 1959 Jul 15 1534     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-133                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-W04       2436787.50 1959 Aug  7          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/                     Aeron                    RP-1028              -                    -
1959-W19       2436787.50 1959 Aug  7          Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     Desind               -                    -
1959-M25       2436787.50 1959 Aug  7          Arcon                    -      NASA 2.05GT          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   GSFC/Medrow              Test                     WDCRF                RP-1028              -
1959-M24       2436805.50 1959 Aug 25          Sergeant                 -      23                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-M26       2436807.32 1959 Aug 26 1935     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-138                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M27       2436807.58 1959 Aug 27 0200     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-139                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M28       2436807.78 1959 Aug 27 0642     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-140                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M29       2436837.79 1959 Sep 26 0700     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-141                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M30       2436838.04 1959 Sep 26 1300     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-143                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M31       2436838.36 1959 Sep 26 2045     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-144                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-M35       2436845.92 1959 Oct  4 1000     Little Joe 1             4P     LJ-6                 LJ-I                     -                        -                        -         WI       LA1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 LARCN        TS   -                        SC Test                  LJ-WorkingPaper133   WDCRF                -
1959-W05       2436854.50 1959 Oct 13          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W06       2436855.50 1959 Oct 14          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M36       2436856.19 1959 Oct 14 1630     Nike Zeus A              -      ZW-2/102             2                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        Test                     ElPasoHeraldPo/MST?  -                    -
1959-W07       2436861.50 1959 Oct 20          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W08       2436862.50 1959 Oct 21          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M32       2436862.50 1959 Oct 21          Sergeant                 -      26                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-W09       2436867.50 1959 Oct 26          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M33       2436867.50 1959 Oct 26          Sergeant                 -      27                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-W10       2436868.50 1959 Oct 27          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W13       2436869.50 1959 Oct 28          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M34       2436870.50 1959 Oct 29          Sergeant                 -      28                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1959-W14       2436876.50 1959 Nov  4          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M37       2436876.56 1959 Nov  4 0123     Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    RW-146                   -                        -                        -         TTR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1959-W15       2436882.50 1959 Nov 10          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W11       2436884.50 1959 Nov 12          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W16       2436888.50 1959 Nov 16          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-W12       2436890.50 1959 Nov 18          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1959-M38       2436890.71 1959 Nov 18 0503     Kappa 7                  -      K-7-1                -                        -                        -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     ISTS4                -                    -
1960-W69       2436951.50 1960 Jan 18          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W67       2436955.50 1960 Jan 22          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W68       2436958.50 1960 Jan 25          Loki                     -      Loki II              -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W70       2436967.50 1960 Feb  3          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-M01       2436968.38 1960 Feb  3 2102     Nike Zeus A              -      ZW-4/105             4                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     40?     -  FIX             0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 MR600516-12          -
1960-W71       2436968.50 1960 Feb  4          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W72       2436972.50 1960 Feb  8          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W01       2436979.50 1960 Feb 15          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    CR-1529              MoWxRev88,191        -
1960-W73       2436980.50 1960 Feb 16          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    MoWxRev88,187        -                    -
1960-W02       2436981.50 1960 Feb 17          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    ISTS2                -                    -
1960-W03       2436995.50 1960 Mar  2          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1960-M03       2437002.50 1960 Mar  9          Nike Zeus A              -      ZW-5/106             5                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     40?     -  FIX             0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        Test                     ElPasoHeraldPo       -                    -
1960-M05       2437042.50 1960 Apr 18          Polaris A1               -      A1X-19               -                        -                        -                        EAG-154   ETR      SLBM             -        -                     50?    30? -               0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     Cleary95             -                    -
1960-M06       2437044.50 1960 Apr 20          ALSOR                    -      -                    Model A (F4)             -                        -                        F-104-749 EAFB?    RW04/22?         WTR      LP9                   70?     -  -               0.000 FRC          SF   FRC/                     Test                     NOTS                 TN-D-1279            -
1960-M08       2437054.50 1960 Apr 30          ALSOR                    -      -                    Model A (F5)             -                        -                        F-104-749 EAFB?    RW04/22?         WTR      LP9                   62      -  -               0.000 FRC          SS   FRC/                     Test                     NOTS                 TN-D-1279            -
1960-M09       2437073.50 1960 May 19          Sergeant                 -      30                   JPL-500                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M10       2437074.50 1960 May 20          Sergeant                 -      31                   JPL-500                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M11       2437077.50 1960 May 23          Sergeant                 -      33                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M13       2437079.50 1960 May 25          Nike Zeus A              -      ZW-7                 7                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
1960-M14       2437085.50 1960 Jun             Apache                   -      -                    HIGHBALL test            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     MR600627-17          -                    -
1960-M12       2437085.50 1960 May 31          Sergeant                 -      32                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M15       2437093.16 1960 Jun  7 1554     Polaris A1               -      A1X-27               -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC25A            -        -                     50?    20? -               0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire          Cleary95             EST                    -
1960-W04       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W05       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W06       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W07       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W08       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W09       2437115.50 1960 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-M18       2437116.35 1960 Jun 30 2025     Javelin                  -      NASA 8.07GE          Magnetic fields          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   GSFC/Heppner             Magnetospheric           WDCRF                -                    -
1960-M19       2437116.50 1960 Jul  1          Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PA       LC-B             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AEC          SU   SAND/                    Aeron?                   VAFB                 -                    -
1960-M20       2437123.50 1960 Jul  8          Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PA       LC-B             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AEC          SU   SAND/                    Aeron?                   VAFB                 -                    -
1960-W46       2437129.28 1960 Jul 13 1839     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W47       2437129.30 1960 Jul 13 1915     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-M21       2437129.50 1960 Jul 14          Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PA       LC-B             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AEC          SU   SAND/                    Aeron?                   VAFB                 -                    -
1960-M17       2437141.50 1960 Jul 26          Sergeant                 -      36                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-W10       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W11       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W12       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W13       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W14       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W15       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W16       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W17       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W18       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W19       2437146.50 1960 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W48       2437155.21 1960 Aug  8 1701     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W49       2437155.22 1960 Aug  8 1720     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W50       2437158.12 1960 Aug 11 1500     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W51       2437158.17 1960 Aug 11 1600     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-M22       2437158.50 1960 Aug 12          Sergeant                 -      35                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-W52       2437159.06 1960 Aug 12 1330     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W53       2437159.10 1960 Aug 12 1430     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W54       2437159.15 1960 Aug 12 1530     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W55       2437159.20 1960 Aug 12 1645     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-M23       2437159.94 1960 Aug 13 1035     HJ Nike                  -      AA5.423              Firefly MARGIE           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Rosenberg          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR2,1143             -
1960-W56       2437162.25 1960 Aug 15 1800     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W57       2437162.26 1960 Aug 15 1820     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W58       2437166.21 1960 Aug 19 1700     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W59       2437166.22 1960 Aug 19 1720     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W60       2437169.18 1960 Aug 22 1626     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W61       2437169.20 1960 Aug 22 1650     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W62       2437171.26 1960 Aug 24 1812     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W63       2437171.29 1960 Aug 24 1856     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W64       2437172.13 1960 Aug 25 1503     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W65       2437172.14 1960 Aug 25 1520     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W66       2437172.15 1960 Aug 25 1540     Loki                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SRDL         SS   SRDL/Lowenthal           Aeron                    SR2,1049             -                    -
1960-W20       2437177.50 1960 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W21       2437177.50 1960 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W22       2437177.50 1960 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W23       2437177.50 1960 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W24       2437177.50 1960 Sep             T-7                      -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHIJ     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SIMED        SS   SIMED/Wang               Test                     Harvey               -                    -
1960-M24       2437192.50 1960 Sep 15          Sergeant                 -      34                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M27       2437193.26 1960 Sep 15 1809     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.03GP         AMPP                     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Baumann             Remote sensing           WDCRF                TN-D-706             -
1960-M25       2437198.50 1960 Sep 21          Sergeant                 -      37                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M26       2437200.50 1960 Sep 23          Sergeant                 -      39                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M28       2437202.26 1960 Sep 24 1813     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.05GP         AMPP                     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Baumann             Remote sensing           WDCRF                TN-D-706             -
1960-M29       2437206.62 1960 Sep 29 0246     Kappa 6H                 -      K-6H-TW-9            K-6H-1                   Grenade                  -                        -         AKT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   KOBE/Matsumoto           Aeron                    TT-F303              SR2,1080             -
1960-M38       2437207.50 1960 Oct             Apache                   -      -                    HIGHBALL IA test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     PSLDocs              -                    -
1960-M39       2437207.50 1960 Oct?            Apache                   -      -                    HIGHBALL IB test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     PSLDocs              -                    -
1960-M40       2437207.50 1960 Oct?            Apache                   -      -                    HIGHBALL IC test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     PSLDocs              -                    -
1960-M30       2437207.50 1960 Sep 30          Nike Viper I             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PA       LC-B             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AEC          SS   UMI/                     Aeron?                   JCM                  -                    -
1960-W25       2437219.51 1960 Oct 12 0015     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   AFCRL/Rosenberg          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-W26       2437220.53 1960 Oct 13 0045     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   US/                      Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-M34       2437225.50 1960 Oct 18          Arcas                    -      459 A275.AA          -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   ATLA/                    Test                     AD-437681            -                    -
1960-M35       2437227.50 1960 Oct 20          Arcas                    -      461 A277.4AA         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   ATLA/                    Test                     AD-437681            -                    -
1960-W27       2437233.49 1960 Oct 25 2342     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-W28       2437235.46 1960 Oct 27 2305     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-W29       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W30       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W31       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W32       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W33       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W34       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W35       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W36       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W37       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W38       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1960-W74       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         HADC     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 HADC         SS   HADC/?                   Aeron                    Desind               -                    -
1960-M37       2437238.50 1960 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Aerialrecovery           -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   PMR/                     Meteo                    Grahn,pc             -                    -
1960-W39       2437239.46 1960 Oct 31 2300:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-M36       2437241.50 1960 Nov  3          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   PMR/                     Meteo                    LowellSun601104      -                    -
1960-W40       2437247.09 1960 Nov  8 1404:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS60C   M9034            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1960-W41       2437256.42 1960 Nov 17 2212     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-W42       2437259.95 1960 Nov 21 1050     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1960-M41       2437266.50 1960 Nov 28          Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/?                  Aeron                    Wire/Ulrich          -                    -
1960-M31       2437269.50 1960 Dec  1          Sergeant                 -      40                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-W43       2437273.96 1960 Dec  5 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS60C   M9040            -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1960-W44       2437276.96 1960 Dec  8 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS60C   M9042            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1960-W45       2437277.95 1960 Dec  9 1054:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS60C   M9043            -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1960-M32       2437280.50 1960 Dec 12          Sergeant                 -      42                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1960-M33       2437281.50 1960 Dec 13          Sergeant                 -      41                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-W01       2437299.50 1961 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1961-W02       2437299.50 1961 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1961-M87       2437299.50 1961 Jan?            ALSOR                    -      -                    NOTS Viperscan           -                        -                        F-104-749 EAFB     RW04/22?         EAFB     LP1                   71      -  -               0.000 FRC          SS   FRC/NOTS/                Test                     NOTS4                TN-D-1279            -
1961-M86       2437303.25 1961 Jan  3 1800     Nike Cree                -      -                    Cree Test 38-11          -                        -                        -         EGL      A-11             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WADD         SS   WADD/                    Parachute test           Ulrich/Wire          -                    Or Jan 4?
1961-M01       2437309.50 1961 Jan 10          Sergeant                 -      43                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-W03       2437317.22 1961 Jan 17 1715     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M84       2437318.50 1961 Jan 19          Arcas                    -      666 A361.4AA         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   ATLA/                    Test                     AD-437681            -                    -
1961-M02       2437325.50 1961 Jan 26          Sergeant                 -      45                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-W04       2437330.50 1961 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMSA/WSMR    SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1961-M36       2437330.50 1961 Feb             Apache                   -      -                    HIGHBALL III test        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     PSLDocs              -                    -
1961-W05       2437332.01 1961 Feb  1 1219     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M85       2437340.50 1961 Feb 10          Arcas                    -      689 A374.4AA         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   ATLA/                    Test                     AD-437681            -                    -
1961-W06       2437347.28 1961 Feb 16 1838     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M04       2437365.50 1961 Mar  7          SE4400                   -      F91                  -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 STA          MS   -                        Test                     AASH17-131           -                    -
1961-M03       2437368.50 1961 Mar 10          Sergeant                 -      49                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M05       2437368.50 1961 Mar 10          SE4400                   -      F92                  -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 STA          MS   -                        Test                     AASH25-153           -                    -
1961-W07       2437376.11 1961 Mar 17 1445     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M06       2437385.50 1961 Mar 27          Deacon Arrow II          -      -                    Wind sphere              -                        -                        -         PA       LC-B             -        -                     88?     -  -               0.000 SAND         SU   SAND/                    Aeron                    VAFB                 SandNews630303       -
1961-M07       2437389.25 1961 Mar 30 1805:00  X-15                     -      2-14-28              Alt., BCS, Aero          -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          HH       A1                    51      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1961-M08       2437389.62 1961 Mar 31 0250     Aerobee 150A             -      NASA 04.34GG         UV star photometer       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Boggess             UV Astron                WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W08       2437390.11 1961 Mar 31 1443     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W09       2437400.42 1961 Apr 10 2210     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M09       2437401.15 1961 Apr 11 1540     Polaris A2               -      A2X-12               -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC29A            -        -                     50?   228  -               0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     Cleary95/Wire        -                    -
1961-W10       2437409.49 1961 Apr 19 2345     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W11       2437410.10 1961 Apr 20 1430     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M10       2437413.62 1961 Apr 24 0253     HAD                      -      HAD 101 (HAT 201?)   -                        -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 HAD          -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M37       2437419.50 1961 May             Cajun                    -      -                    HIGHBALL II test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NMSU         SS   NMSU/Moore               Test                     PSLDocs              -                    -
1961-M11       2437423.50 1961 May  4          Sergeant                 -      50                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-W12       2437424.41 1961 May  4 2147     Loki Dart                ?      -                    Instrument test?         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 US?          SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W13       2437424.48 1961 May  4 2325     Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W14       2437429.48 1961 May  9 2330     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E1                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W15       2437429.54 1961 May 10 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    Falling sphere           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1961-W16       2437429.56 1961 May 10 0130?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E2                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W17       2437429.60 1961 May 10 0230?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E3                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W18       2437429.65 1961 May 10 0330?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E4                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W19       2437429.69 1961 May 10 0430?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E6                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W20       2437429.73 1961 May 10 0530?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E7                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W21       2437429.77 1961 May 10 0630?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E8                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W22       2437429.81 1961 May 10 0730?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E9                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W23       2437429.85 1961 May 10 0830?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E10                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W24       2437429.90 1961 May 10 0930?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E11                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W25       2437429.93 1961 May 10 1015     Arcas                    -      -                    Falling sphere           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1961-W26       2437429.97 1961 May 10 1115     Arcas                    -      -                    Falling sphere           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1961-W27       2437430.01 1961 May 10 1215?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E12                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W28       2437430.05 1961 May 10 1315?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E13                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W29       2437430.09 1961 May 10 1415?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E14                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W30       2437430.14 1961 May 10 1515?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E15                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W31       2437430.18 1961 May 10 1615?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E16                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W32       2437430.22 1961 May 10 1715?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E17                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W33       2437430.26 1961 May 10 1815?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E18                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W34       2437430.30 1961 May 10 1915?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E19                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W35       2437430.33 1961 May 10 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Falling sphere           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1961-W36       2437430.39 1961 May 10 2115?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E20                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-W37       2437430.43 1961 May 10 2215?    Arcas                    -      -                    Robin E21                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    MR610522-16          -                    -
1961-M12       2437434.50 1961 May 15          Sergeant                 -      54                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M13       2437435.50 1961 May 16          Sergeant                 -      53                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-W38       2437436.32 1961 May 16 1946     Arcas                    -      -                    Falling sphere           -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WXB?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1961-M14       2437436.50 1961 May 17          Sergeant                 -      51                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M15       2437437.31 1961 May 17 1922     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.04GP         AMPP FU6                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Evans               Remote sensing           TN-D-1449            WDCRF                -
1961-M16       2437443.50 1961 May 24          Belier                   -      B05                  -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNET         SS   CNES/?                   Test                     AASH33-143           -                    -
1961-M17       2437444.50 1961 May 25          Belier                   -      B06                  -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNET         SS   CNES/?                   Test                     AASH33-143           -                    -
1961-W39       2437450.50 1961 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    HYDRA Arcas              -                        -                        LSD-31    HYDS     LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NOL          SS   NOL/?                    Test                     AASH26-371           -                    -
1961-M39       2437465.50 1961 Jun 15          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/                    Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1961-W40       2437467.35 1961 Jun 16 2018:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-W41       2437467.41 1961 Jun 16 2153:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M18       2437484.93 1961 Jul  4 1023     Skylark                  2      SL65                 UCL GC-15                -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 SL           -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WRE/RAE      SS   UCL/ICST/                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                BAE                  -
1961-M19       2437501.66 1961 Jul 21 0350     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.35GA         GSFC Grenade 16          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M20       2437507.99 1961 Jul 27 1145     Strongarm                1      CRL AA11.501         CWAS                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        HF   AFCRL/Ashenfelter        Aeron                    WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1961-W42       2437541.50 1961 Aug 30          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Robin              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WI           SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    TN-D-1611            -                    -
1961-W43       2437541.50 1961 Aug 30          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WI           SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    TN-D-1611            -                    -
1961-M25       2437558.50 1961 Sep 16          Cirrus II                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CUX      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 DRG          SS   HOG/Mohr                 Test                 -                    -
1961-M21       2437562.50 1961 Sep 20          Sergeant                 -      55                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M26       2437566.27 1961 Sep 23 1827     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.08GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin,Derdeyn      Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M22       2437568.50 1961 Sep 26          Sergeant                 -      56                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M27       2437570.02 1961 Sep 27 1230     Aerobee 150              -      AA2.502              CWAS                     -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ashenfelter        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M23       2437570.50 1961 Sep 28          Sergeant                 -      58                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M24       2437570.50 1961 Sep 28          Sergeant                 -      59                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ARGMA        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1961-M28       2437573.36 1961 Sep 30 2042     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.09GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin,Jepsen       Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M29       2437584.35 1961 Oct 11 2020:00  X-15                     -      2-20-36              Alt, Aero, Low q         -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          MUD      A                     66      -  EAFB RW18       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1961-M30       2437588.11 1961 Oct 15 1433     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.10GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin,Derdeyn      Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M31       2437590.34 1961 Oct 17 2011     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.07GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin,Derdeyn      Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M32       2437606.23 1961 Nov  2 1724     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.11GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin              Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M33       2437609.34 1961 Nov  5 2011     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.12GA         Air sampler              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Martin              Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1961-M38       2437660.50 1961 Dec 27          Luna-M                   -      -                    First launch             -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1962-W01       2437664.50 1962                 Skua                     -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Test/Aeron               Serra                -                    -
1962-W02       2437685.50 1962 Jan 21          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WI           SS   AFMTC/                   Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-W03       2437685.50 1962 Jan 21          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WI           SS   AFMTC/                   Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-M43       2437701.50 1962 Feb  6          Cajun                    -      HIGHBALL 59          HIGHBALL IIM SN 45       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M01       2437718.50 1962 Feb 23          Titan I                  -      SM-68-18             Mk 4 RV                  R&D Cat II               BLUE GANDER              -         V        395-A1           -        -                     50?   426  (ASC)?          0.000 AFBSL        MF   -                        OT                       MM/Titan             MR620305-10          -
1962-M52       2437724.50 1962 Mar  1          Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     68?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Faire              Aeron                    AP                   -                    -
1962-M53       2437724.50 1962 Mar  1          Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     68?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Faire              Aeron                    AP                   -                    -
1962-M44       2437725.50 1962 Mar  2          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 60          HIGHBALL IH SN 9         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M02       2437743.15 1962 Mar 19 1530     Aerobee 150A             -      NASA 04.18GA         Structure                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   UMI/Spencer,Brace        Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M45       2437743.50 1962 Mar 20          Cajun                    -      HIGHBALL 61          HIGHBALL IIK SN 46       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M46       2437743.50 1962 Mar 20          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 62          HIGHBALL IH SN 10        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M47       2437744.50 1962 Mar 21          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 63          HIGHBALL IE SN11         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M48       2437745.50 1962 Mar 22          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 64          HIGHBALL IH SN12         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-W04       2437747.39 1962 Mar 23 2125:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   GSFC/Nordberg            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W05       2437747.45 1962 Mar 23 2255:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   GSFC/Nordberg            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M49       2437749.50 1962 Mar 26          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 65          HIGHBALL IH SN13         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M50       2437749.50 1962 Mar 26          Cajun                    -      HIGHBALL 66          HIGHBALL IIM SN47        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M51       2437751.50 1962 Mar 28          Apache                   -      HIGHBALL 67          HIGHBALL IH SN14         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   NMSU/                    Target                   SpeedballRpt         -                    -
1962-M03       2437759.69 1962 Apr  5 0431     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.79NA         Ozone release            -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   LERC/Potter              Aeronomy                 TN-D-2972            WDCRF                -
1962-M04       2437760.25 1962 Apr  5 1804:25  X-15                     -      3-3-7                MH-96                    -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          HH       A2                    54      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-W06       2437771.04 1962 Apr 16 1259:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1962-M05       2437775.31 1962 Apr 20 1926:58  X-15                     -      3-4-8                MH-96, M=5               -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          MUD      A                     63      -  EAFB RW35       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-M06       2437785.22 1962 Apr 30 1723:20  X-15                     -      1-27-48              Alt, Low q, Aero         -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          MUD      A                     75      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-M07       2437794.42 1962 May  9 2208     Nike Zeus                3      ZM-12                ZM-12                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 MR620521-8           -
1962-M08       2437800.50 1962 May 16          Belier                   -      B04                  -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNET/                    Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1962-M09       2437813.50 1962 May 29          Belier                   -      B07                  Radioactivity            -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNRS/Blamont             Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1962-W07       2437822.61 1962 Jun 07 0241:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   GSFC/Nordberg            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W08       2437822.65 1962 Jun 07 0329:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   GSFC/Nordberg            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M10       2437828.29 1962 Jun 12 1904:00  X-15                     -      3-5-9                RCS check, M=5           -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2A                  56      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-M11       2437837.20 1962 Jun 21 1647:05  X-15                     -      3-6-10               MH-96 Demo, M=5          -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2A                  75      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-M55       2437843.50 1962 Jun 28          Nike Zeus                3      ZW-46?               -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Test                     NH-Bell              -                    -
1962-W09       2437845.50 1962 Jun 30          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-M12       2437845.50 1962 Jul             Sergeant                 -      -                    Eng-Service Test         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 AOMC         MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M13       2437845.50 1962 Jul             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 AOMC         MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-W10       2437847.50 1962 Jul  2          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-W11       2437850.50 1962 Jul  5          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-W12       2437851.50 1962 Jul  6          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    AE1962               -                    -
1962-M14       2437865.50 1962 Jul 20          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 AOMC         MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M15       2437866.50 1962 Jul 21          Al Kahir                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         JHAM     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 EGAO         SS   EGAO/                    Test                     AASH25-201           -                    -
1962-M16       2437866.50 1962 Jul 21          Al Kahir                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         JHAM     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 EGAO         SS   EGAO/                    Test                     AASH25-201           -                    -
1962-W13       2437866.75 1962 Jul 21 0555:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 2                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W14       2437871.63 1962 Jul 26 0303:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W15       2437871.71 1962 Jul 26 0509:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W16       2437871.76 1962 Jul 26 0609:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W17       2437872.88 1962 Jul 27 0911:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W18       2437872.90 1962 Jul 27 0939:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W19       2437872.94 1962 Jul 27 1037:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W20       2437872.99 1962 Jul 27 1145:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W21       2437875.99 1962 Jul 30 1143:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W22       2437876.07 1962 Jul 30 1341:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W23       2437883.24 1962 Aug 06 1744:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W24       2437883.26 1962 Aug 06 1821:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W25       2437883.35 1962 Aug 06 2020:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   APGC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M17       2437884.42 1962 Aug  7 2202     Arcas                    -      RTG K62-2            Air sample               -                        -                        -         KRON     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 RTG/AFCRL    SS   STO/AFCRL/Witt           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M18       2437891.24 1962 Aug 14 1741:35  X-15                     -      3-9-18               Const Theta Entry        -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2A                  59      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1962-M54       2437903.79 1962 Aug 27 0653     Nike Cajun               -      -                    Mariner Exhaust Expt.    -                        -                        -         VNC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/?                  Tech                     TampaBayTimes/Ulrich -                    -
1962-M19       2437907.50 1962 Sep             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M20       2437907.50 1962 Sep             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M21       2437907.50 1962 Sep             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M22       2437914.10 1962 Sep  6 1430     Aerobee 100              -      NASA 01.13NA         UV Airglow               -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   JPL/Barth                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W26       2437919.23 1962 Sep 11 1732:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 4                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W27       2437928.63 1962 Sep 21 0314:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 5                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W28       2437932.22 1962 Sep 24 1711     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W29       2437932.24 1962 Sep 24 1750     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W30       2437934.68 1962 Sep 27 0419     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 6                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M23       2437936.38 1962 Sep 28 2101     Minuteman 1A             -      503                  Mk 5 RV                  R&D Cat I                BIG GAME                 -         V        394A3            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFBSD        MF   -                        Test                     CBMO/Wire            -                    -
1962-M24       2437937.50 1962 Oct             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M25       2437937.50 1962 Oct             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-W36       2437940.65 1962 Oct 03 0334:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 7                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M26       2437949.36 1962 Oct 11 2033:00  Nike Cajun               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W37       2437950.38 1962 Oct 12 2101:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W38       2437950.40 1962 Oct 12 2132:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W39       2437950.44 1962 Oct 12 2238:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W40       2437950.46 1962 Oct 12 2309:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W41       2437950.51 1962 Oct 13 0013:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W42       2437950.56 1962 Oct 13 0131:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W43       2437950.57 1962 Oct 13 0136:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W44       2437950.59 1962 Oct 13 0214:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W45       2437950.61 1962 Oct 13 0244:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W46       2437950.65 1962 Oct 13 0335:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W47       2437950.66 1962 Oct 13 0352:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M27       2437961.50 1962 Oct 24          Sergeant                 -      -                    Tactical Field Fir.      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Test                     MR621029-5           -                    -
1962-M28       2437962.29 1962 Oct 24 1900     Nike Zeus                3      ZM-15 (F44)          ZM-15                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 MR621105-11          -
1962-W31       2437967.50 1962 Oct 30          Arcas                    -      Range test           Robin                    -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1962-W32       2437967.50 1962 Oct 30          Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1962-W33       2437969.50 1962 Nov  1?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1962-W34       2437969.50 1962 Nov  1?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1962-W35       2437969.50 1962 Nov  1?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1962-M30       2437970.50 1962 Nov  2          Sergeant                 -      -                    Tactical Field Fir.      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Test                     MR621112-10          -                    -
1962-W55       2437971.68 1962 Nov  3 0420     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 9                -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1962-W48       2437976.19 1962 Nov 07 1635:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 10 (MCM 30)      -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W56       2437983.74 1962 Nov 15 0547     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 11               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1962-M31       2437986.21 1962 Nov 17 1706:17  Polaris A3               -      A3X-5                -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC29A            -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     Cleary95/Wire        MR621126-15          -
1962-M32       2437989.50 1962 Nov 21          Belier                   -      B45                  -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNRS/Blamont             Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1962-M33       2437990.50 1962 Nov 22          Belier                   -      B41                  -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNRS/Blamont             Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1962-M34       2437993.58 1962 Nov 25 0201     Kappa 9M                 -      K-9M-1               -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SF   ISAS/Hirao               Ionos                    TT-F303              -                    -
1962-W49       2437996.63 1962 Nov 28 0314:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 12               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M35       2437998.50 1962 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M36       2437998.50 1962 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M37       2437998.50 1962 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1962-M38       2438002.80 1962 Dec  4 0719     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.46GA         GSFC Grenade 26          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1962-W50       2438003.73 1962 Dec 05 0530:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 13               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M39       2438005.10 1962 Dec  6 1419:04  Polaris A3               -      A3X-6                -                        -                        [Off course]             -         CC       LC29A            -        -                    100?   400  78W 32N?        0.000 USNSPO       MF   -                        Test                     nsf-koenn            MR621217-12          -
1962-W51       2438005.50 1962 Dec  7          MD-01                    -      MD-01/5 (105)        -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     21      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   SUD/                     Aeron                    CNES                 AASH35-355           -
1962-W52       2438005.50 1962 Dec  7          MD-01                    -      MD-01/6 (106)        -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     17      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   SUD/                     Aeron                    CNES                 AASH35-355           -
1962-M40       2438009.57 1962 Dec 11 0136     Aerobee 150A             -      NASA 04.80II         CSIRO VLF 2              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   CSIMP/Cartwright         Ionos                    WI-PR621211          MR621217-13          -
1962-W53       2438010.68 1962 Dec 12 0417:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 14               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1962-M41       2438017.50 1962 Dec 19          Topaze VE111             -      C3                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     20      -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     AASH27-295           Tiziou               -
1962-M42       2438019.52 1962 Dec 21 0035:15  Minuteman 1A             -      426                  Mk 5 RV                  R&D                      -                        -         CC       LC32B            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFBSD        MF   -                        Test                     CBMO/Wire            -                    -
1962-W54       2438019.66 1962 Dec 21 0349:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 15               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W01       2438029.50 1963?                Arcas                    -      -                    Parachute test           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 US/LARC      SS   LARC/                    Test                     TN-D-2183            -                    -
1963-W02       2438029.50 1963?                Arcas                    -      -                    Parachute test           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 US/LARC      SS   LARC/                    Test                     TN-D-2183            -                    -
1963-W03       2438029.50 1963?                Arcas                    -      -                    Parachute test           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 US/LARC      SS   LARC/                    Test                     TN-D-2183            -                    -
1963-W46       2438029.50 1963                 Raven                    -      8                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-W47       2438029.50 1963                 Raven                    -      9                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-W48       2438029.50 1963                 Raven                    -      10                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-W49       2438029.50 1963?                Raven                    -      15                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-M02       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M03       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M04       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M05       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M06       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M07       2438029.50 1963 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M68       2438029.50 1963?                Nike Zeus                3      ZK-31?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Stat                 -                    -
1963-M69       2438029.50 1963?                Nike Zeus                3      ZK-32?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Stat                 -                    -
1963-W04       2438038.64 1963 Jan 09 0320:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 16               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W05       2438045.70 1963 Jan 16 0445:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 17               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M08       2438046.57 1963 Jan 17 0144     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.80NA         Ozone release            -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   LERC/Potter              Aeronomy                 WI-PR63-7            TN-D-2972            -
1963-W06       2438048.22 1963 Jan 18 1718     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 4WG          SS   NASA/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-M58       2438050.50 1963 Jan 21          Martlet 1                -      -                    1A I                     -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     26      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   HARP/Bull                Test                     AD666744             -                    -
1963-M10       2438060.50 1963 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M11       2438060.50 1963 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M12       2438060.50 1963 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M59       2438061.50 1963 Feb  1          Martlet 1                -      -                    1B I                     -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     27      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   HARP/Bull                Test                     AD666744             -                    -
1963-M09       2438065.50 1963 Feb  5          Sergeant                 -      C-11                 -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-W41       2438066.73 1963 Feb  6 0535     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 18               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1963-M15       2438067.50 1963 Feb  7          Seliger 1                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CUX      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 DRG          SS   DRG/Seliger              Test                 -                    -
1963-M16       2438067.50 1963 Feb  7          Seliger 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CUX      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 DRG          SS   DRG/Seliger              Test                 -                    -
1963-M17       2438067.50 1963 Feb  7          Seliger 2                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CUX      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 DRG          SS   DRG/Seliger              Test                 -                    -
1963-W07       2438073.38 1963 Feb 12 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1963-W08       2438079.50 1963 Feb 19          Emma                     -      Emma 05              -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/Facy                 Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-M14       2438079.50 1963 Feb 19          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       ALA4             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M13       2438079.50 1963 Feb 19          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-W09       2438080.50 1963 Feb 20          Emma                     -      Emma 06              -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/Facy                 Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-W42       2438087.69 1963 Feb 27 0430     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 19               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1963-W10       2438088.50 1963 Feb 28          Emma                     -      Emma 01              -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/Facy                 Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-M18       2438088.50 1963 Mar             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-W11       2438090.51 1963 Mar  2 0015:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M19       2438106.50 1963 Mar 18          Sergeant                 -      -                    Deployability test       -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Op Test                  MR630401-11          -                    -
1963-M20       2438108.50 1963 Mar 20          Sergeant                 -      -                    Deployability test       -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Op Test                  MR630401-11          -                    -
1963-M21       2438109.50 1963 Mar 21          Sergeant                 -      -                    Deployability test       -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Op Test                  MR630401-11          -                    -
1963-M22       2438110.50 1963 Mar 22          Topaze VE111             -      C4                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1963-M23       2438116.50 1963 Mar 28          Topaze VE111             -      C7                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1963-W12       2438119.50 1963 Apr             Raven                    -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-W13       2438119.50 1963 Apr             Raven                    -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-M61       2438119.50 1963 Q2?             Nike Zeus                3      ZK-18?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Test                     Stat                 -                    -
1963-M62       2438119.50 1963 Q2?             Nike Zeus                3      ZK-19?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Test                     Stat                 -                    -
1963-M24       2438127.98 1963 Apr  8 1126     Astrobee 1500            -      NASA 16.01GT         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2A             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GSFC         HF   GSFC/Sorgnit             Test                     WDCRF                TM-X-63174           -
1963-M60       2438138.50 1963 Apr 19          Nike Zeus DM-15S         -      ZK-17?               DM-15S Sim Target        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Test                     Bell                 -                    -
1963-W43       2438143.54 1963 Apr 24 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 20               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1963-M55       2438145.50 1963 Apr 26          Dragon                   -      D-04                 -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   SUD/                     Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1963-M25       2438149.50 1963 May?            Al Kahir                 -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         JHAM     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 EGAO         SS   EGAO/                    Test                     AASH25-201           -                    -
1963-W14       2438149.50 1963 May             Raven                    -      7                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1963-M27       2438151.50 1963 May  2          Seliger 1                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CUX      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 DRG          SS   DRG/Seliger              Test                 -                    -
1963-M28       2438152.21 1963 May  2 1659:54  X-15                     -      3-16-26              APU,UVP,IR,flow          -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          MUD      B                     63      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/UV Ast/Tech         Thompson             -                    -
1963-M29       2438155.50 1963 May  6          Belier                   -      B01                  Radioactivity            -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     94      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNRS/Bernateau           Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1963-W15       2438159.50 1963 May 10          Emma                     -      Emma                 -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     18      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/Facy                 Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-W16       2438159.50 1963 May 10          Emma                     -      Emma                 -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     25      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/Facy                 Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-W17       2438159.50 1963 May 10          Hopi Dart                -      F5                   -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1963-M56       2438163.23 1963 May 13 1725     Sergeant                 -      -                    Off Range Test           -                        -                        -         DAT      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Test                     Wire/Ulrich          -                    -
1963-M57       2438164.50 1963 May 15          Sergeant                 -      -                    Off Range Test           -                        -                        -         DAT      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
1963-M26       2438165.50 1963 May 16          Sergeant                 -      -                    Off Range Test           -                        -                        -         DAT      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
1963-W18       2438165.65 1963 May 16 0340:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 21               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W19       2438172.50 1963 May 23          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BFL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC/UCAN    SS   UCAN/                    Ionos                    SP-4004              -                    -
1963-W20       2438173.50 1963 May 24          MD-01                    -      MD-01/8 (108)        -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   SUD/                     Aeron                    CNES                 AASH35-355           -
1963-W21       2438178.50 1963 May 29          MD-01                    -      Meteo M1A 01         -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   SUD/Blamont              Aeron                    CNES                 AASH35-355           -
1963-W22       2438180.50 1963 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 4WG          SS   NASA/4WG/                Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-M01       2438180.50 1963 Jun             Martlet 2                -      -                    2A II-4                  -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   HARP/                    Test                     AD666744             -                    -
1963-W23       2438185.50 1963 Jun  5          Hopi Dart                -      F6                   -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1963-M30       2438185.50 1963 Jun   5         Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    JFK visit
1963-M33       2438199.23 1963 Jun 18 1734:21  X-15                     -      3-19-30              Alt, UVP, Tail p         -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   68      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/UV Ast              Thompson             -                    -
1963-M34       2438201.50 1963 Jun 21          Topaze VE111             -      C9                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1963-M31       2438205.50 1963 Jun  25         Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        350 Btn                  -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M32       2438206.50 1963 Jun  26         Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        350 Btn                  -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M35       2438207.50 1963 Jun 27          Topaze VE111             -      C8                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1963-W24       2438212.62 1963 Jul 02 0257:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M36       2438220.30 1963 Jul  9 1912:12  X-15                     -      1-37-59              Opt Deg/TravP/RAS        -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   69      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Test                Thompson             -                    -
1963-M37       2438231.38 1963 Jul 20 2106     Aerobee 150              -      NASA 04.75UA         JHU Eclipse Airglow      -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   JHU/Fastie               Aeronomy/Eclipse         WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M38       2438234.50 1963 Jul 24          Belier                   -      B73                  -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNRS/Blamont             Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1963-M45       2438236.50 1963 Jul 26          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        5thBtn 73rdArt.          -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M46       2438236.50 1963 Jul 26          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        5thBtn 73rdArt.          -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-W25       2438239.66 1963 Jul 29 0348:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 22               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M39       2438251.64 1963 Aug 10 0317     LS-A                     -      LS-A Sustainer       -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     10?     -  -               0.000 STA          SF   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            SFLT18-399           -
1963-M40       2438251.71 1963 Aug 10 0458     S-A                      -      S-A1                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                      5      -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            SFLT18-399           -
1963-M41       2438251.81 1963 Aug 10 0720     S-A                      -      S-A2                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                      5      -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            SFLT18-399           -
1963-M42       2438251.87 1963 Aug 10 0858     S-A                      -      S-A3                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                      5      -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            SFLT18-399           -
1963-W44       2438255.60 1963 Aug 14 0230     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 23               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1963-W26       2438264.63 1963 Aug 23 0303:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 24               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M70       2438265.50 1963 Aug 24          Proson M1                -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 CITEF        SS   CITEF/                   Test                     DeLeon               -                    -
1963-M43       2438265.58 1963 Aug 24 0200     Lambda 2                 -      L-2-1                -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     L                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SF   ISAS/                    Ionos/Test               ISTS6-8              -                    -
1963-M71       2438266.50 1963 Aug 25          Proson M1                -      2                    -                        -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 CITEF        SS   CITEF/                   Test                     DeLeon               -                    -
1963-W27       2438270.28 1963 Aug 28 1848     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-W28       2438272.50 1963 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-W29       2438272.50 1963 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-W30       2438289.65 1963 Sep 17 0330:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 25               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W31       2438290.60 1963 Sep 18 0230:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 26               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M44       2438290.90 1963 Sep 18 0939     Thor DSV-2F              -      232                  ASSET 1                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TS   -                        Reentry Test             Wire                 -                    -
1963-W32       2438291.25 1963 Sep 18 1800:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M66       2438292.50 1963 Sep 20          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-25?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1963-W33       2438299.50 1963 Sep 27?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas-Margo (Meteor)     -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Reentry Test             TN-D-3930            TN-D-3420            -
1963-W34       2438299.62 1963 Sep 27 0300:00  Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 27               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W35       2438305.25 1963 Oct 02 1804:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-W45       2438305.65 1963 Oct  3 0330     Arcas                    -      -                    McMurdo 28               -                        -                        -         MCM      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TXWC         SS   TXWC/Briggs              Aeron                    JApMet4,238          -                    -
1963-M47       2438306.50 1963 Oct 4           Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-W36       2438310.25 1963 Oct  7 1800     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1963-W37       2438310.50 1963 Oct  8          Emma                     -      Emma 03              -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                      2      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   MNF/                     Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-M64       2438310.50 1963 Oct  8          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-26?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1963-W38       2438312.50 1963 Oct 10          Emma                     -      Emma 04              -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   MNF/                     Aeron                    CNES                 -                    -
1963-M48       2438326.50 1963 Oct 24          Topaze VE111             -      C10                  -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1963-M49       2438326.50 1963 Oct 24          DAC Roc                  -      -                    USN Eval 2               -                        -                        -         PA       LC-A             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NOTS?        SU   DAC/                     Aeron?                   VAFB                 MR631028-16          -
1963-M65       2438345.50 1963 Nov 12          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-27?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1963-W39       2438347.36 1963 Nov 13 2045:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M67       2438353.50 1963 Nov 20          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-29?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1963-M63       2438360.50 1963 Nov 27          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-30?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEZ        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1963-M50       2438363.50 1963 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1963-M51       2438369.49 1963 Dec  5 2342     HAD                      -      HAD 301              UV absorption            -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 HAD          -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   ADEL/Carver              Solar EUV/Aeron          JGR69,3755           WDCRF                -
1963-M52       2438373.50 1963 Dec 10          DAC Roc                  -      -                    USN Eval 4               -                        -                        -         PA       LC-A             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NOTS?        SU   DAC/                     Aeron?                   VAFB                 -                    -
1963-W40       2438376.53 1963 Dec 13 0045:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M53       2438377.44 1963 Dec 13 2232     Nike Apache              -      NASA 14.37GI         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   GSFC/LUX/Whipple         Solar X/Ionos            WDCRF                -                    -
1963-M54       2438383.50 1963 Dec 20          Seagull                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PA       LC-A             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NOTS?        SU   USN/                     Aeron?                   VAFB                 MR631028-16          -
1964-W01       2438394.50 1964 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W02       2438394.50 1964 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/                     Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W136      2438394.50 1964?                Raven                    -      17                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W137      2438394.50 1964?                Raven                    -      18                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W138      2438394.50 1964?                Raven                    -      20                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W139      2438394.50 1964?                Raven                    -      22                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W140      2438394.50 1964?                Raven                    -      24                   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ONR          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-M154      2438394.50 1964 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
1964-M155      2438394.50 1964 Jan             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
1964-M01       2438398.50 1964 Jan  4          Martlet 2                -      -                    2A IV-1                  -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   HARP/                    Test                     AD666744             -                    -
1964-W133      2438407.17 1964 Jan 12 1600     Skua                     -      -                    Wind,Temp                -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    Nature4932,587       -                    -
1964-W134      2438410.29 1964 Jan 15 1900     Skua                     -      -                    Wind,Temp                -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    Nature4932,587       -                    -
1964-W03       2438411.65 1964 Jan 17 0337:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M02       2438411.81 1964 Jan 17 0721     Black Brant II           -      AD-2-42              -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   SASK/Kavadas             Auroral/Ionos/Micromet   WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W135      2438412.33 1964 Jan 17 2000     Skua                     -      -                    Wind,Temp                -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    Nature4932,587       -                    -
1964-W04       2438423.59 1964 Jan 29 0205:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M150      2438425.50 1964 Jan 31          Loki Dart                -      HASP II              White Oak HI-LO          -                        -                        -         PM?      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   NOL/                     Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-M03       2438425.50 1964 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M139      2438425.50 1964 Feb?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-35?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              Bell                 -                    -
1964-M140      2438425.50 1964 Feb?            Nike Zeus DM-15S         -      ZK-36?               ASAT training            -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              Bell                 -                    -
1964-W05       2438430.57 1964 Feb  5 0145     Arcas                    -      -                    Deltasonde for 10.87     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W06       2438431.29 1964 Feb  5 1900     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   SAMSO/?                  Aeron                    SaltLakeTrib640206   -                    -
1964-W07       2438431.44 1964 Feb  5 2230     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   SAMSO/?                  Aeron                    DeseretNews          SaltLakeTrib640206   -
1964-M05       2438437.91 1964 Feb 12 0946     HAD                      -      HAD 124              -                        -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2 HAD          -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W08       2438438.69 1964 Feb 13 0440     Arcas                    ?      -                    Deltasonde for 10.88     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M129      2438439.54 1964 Feb 14 0052     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas-Margo              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARCN/                   Reentry Test             SAOLab               -                    -
1964-M04       2438442.50 1964 Feb 17          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC32             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M138      2438443.50 1964 Feb 18?         Nike Zeus                3      ZK-34?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              Ulrich/wsmr-archive  -                    -
1964-W09       2438454.50 1964 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W10       2438454.50 1964 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W11       2438454.50 1964 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W12       2438454.50 1964 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W13       2438454.50 1964 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M141      2438454.50 1964 Mar?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-37?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M142      2438454.50 1964 Mar?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-38?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M06       2438467.50 1964 Mar 13          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      LawtonCon640319      -                    -
1964-W14       2438468.33 1964 Mar 13 2000:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M147      2438470.50 1964 Mar 16          Arcas                    -      -                    Paetzold ozonesonde      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NOTS         SF   NOTS/                    Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-M07       2438479.01 1964 Mar 24 1215     Thor DSV-2G              -      240                  ASSET 2                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TF   -                        Reentry Test             Desind               MR640330-16          -
1964-W15       2438480.25 1964 Mar 25 1800:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W16       2438483.59 1964 Mar 29 0212     MT-135                   -      PT-135-1             Propellant Test          -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     ISTS6-8              -                    -
1964-W17       2438485.50 1964 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M143      2438485.50 1964 Apr?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-39?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-W18       2438485.80 1964 Mar 31 0715:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W19       2438487.54 1964 Apr 02 0100:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W20       2438493.67 1964 Apr 08 0409:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M08       2438494.25 1964 Apr  8 1802:27  X-15                     -      1-46-73              Opt Deg/Alt Build        -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   53      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Test                Thompson             -                    -
1964-W21       2438494.27 1964 Apr 08 1825:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M09       2438495.69 1964 Apr 10 0431     Aerobee 150              -      NASA 04.81GG         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   GSFC/Boggess             UV Astron                WDCRF                TM-X-1279            -
1964-W22       2438501.20 1964 Apr 15 1645:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M84       2438506.14 1964 Apr 20 1515     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M85       2438506.17 1964 Apr 20 1607     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M86       2438506.90 1964 Apr 21 0932     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M87       2438507.10 1964 Apr 21 1428     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M88       2438507.17 1964 Apr 21 1606     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M89       2438507.96 1964 Apr 22 1059     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M90       2438508.09 1964 Apr 22 1403     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M91       2438508.19 1964 Apr 22 1633     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-W23       2438508.25 1964 Apr 22 1807:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M92       2438508.94 1964 Apr 23 1038     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M93       2438509.09 1964 Apr 23 1403     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M94       2438509.10 1964 Apr 23 1424     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M95       2438509.18 1964 Apr 23 1623     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M96       2438509.92 1964 Apr 24 1002     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M97       2438510.09 1964 Apr 24 1404     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M98       2438512.97 1964 Apr 27 1120     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M99       2438513.08 1964 Apr 27 1402     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M100      2438513.20 1964 Apr 27 1648     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M101      2438513.94 1964 Apr 28 1028     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M102      2438513.96 1964 Apr 28 1100     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M103      2438514.09 1964 Apr 28 1403     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M104      2438514.17 1964 Apr 28 1559     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M105      2438514.20 1964 Apr 28 1646     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M106      2438514.95 1964 Apr 29 1042     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M107      2438515.09 1964 Apr 29 1408     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M108      2438515.19 1964 Apr 29 1634     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-W24       2438515.50 1964 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W25       2438515.50 1964 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W26       2438515.50 1964 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M144      2438515.50 1964 May?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-40?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M145      2438515.50 1964 May?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-41?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M132      2438515.50 1964 May?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-44?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M109      2438515.98 1964 Apr 30 1129     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M110      2438516.10 1964 Apr 30 1427     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M111      2438516.18 1964 Apr 30 1619     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M112      2438519.95 1964 May  4 1045     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M113      2438519.96 1964 May  4 1109     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M114      2438520.10 1964 May  4 1417     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M115      2438520.20 1964 May  4 1643     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M116      2438520.40 1964 May  4 2143     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M117      2438520.96 1964 May  5 1109     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M118      2438520.98 1964 May  5 1129     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M119      2438521.19 1964 May  5 1635     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M120      2438521.21 1964 May  5 1700     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M121      2438521.97 1964 May  6 1120     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M122      2438522.08 1964 May  6 1400     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M123      2438522.18 1964 May  6 1622     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-W27       2438522.25 1964 May 06 1800:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M124      2438523.94 1964 May  8 1039     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M125      2438523.96 1964 May  8 1103     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M126      2438524.10 1964 May  8 1422     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M127      2438524.12 1964 May  8 1448     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M128      2438524.20 1964 May  8 1647     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IFAMR/Schurer            Aeron                    AFCRL-TG248          -                    -
1964-M10       2438535.23 1964 May 19 1726:28  X-15                     -      1-48-75              Opt Deg/Alt Build        -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   59      -  EAFB RW23       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Test                Thompson             -                    -
1964-W28       2438536.17 1964 May 20 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W29       2438543.17 1964 May 27 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W30       2438546.50 1964 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W31       2438546.50 1964 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W32       2438546.50 1964 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M133      2438546.50 1964 Jun?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-45?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M134      2438546.50 1964 Jun?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-46?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M135      2438546.50 1964 Jun?            Nike Zeus                3      ZK-47?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              PMRHiist64           -                    -
1964-M14       2438550.50 1964 Jun  4          Topaze VE111             -      Ci1 (11)             MSBS test                -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                      1?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TF   -                        Test                     AASH27-295           Tiziou               -
1964-M12       2438555.50 1964 Jun  9          Sergeant                 -      099                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M13       2438555.50 1964 Jun  9          Sergeant                 -      100                  1stBtn 68thArt           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M11       2438556.50 1964 Jun 10          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-W33       2438557.17 1964 Jun 10 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M153      2438557.50 1964 Jun 11          Javelin 3                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Test                     Ulrich/AP            -                    -
1964-M156      2438563.50 1964 Jun 17          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 AFMTC        SS   AFMTC/?                  Aeron                    Ulrich               -                    -
1964-W34       2438564.17 1964 Jun 17 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W35       2438571.50 1964 Jun 25          Arcas                    -      T1-1673              BioSpace 1               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SF   WFF/Early                Bio                      SP-109               -                    -
1964-W36       2438576.50 1964 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W37       2438576.50 1964 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W38       2438576.50 1964 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W39       2438576.50 1964 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W128      2438576.50 1964 Jul             Aurore                   -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MNF          SU   ONERA/                   Aeron                    Moulin/Serra         -                    -
1964-M15       2438585.34 1964 Jul  8 2002:52  X-15                     -      3-30-50              Hor Scan/MH-96           -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   51      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1964-M130      2438585.50 1964 Jul  9          Nike Zeus                3      ZK-43 20158          Sim Target Intercept     -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              CDBMD                -                    -
1964-W40       2438586.50 1964 Jul 10          Arcas                    -      T1-1674              BioSpace 2               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SF   WFF/Early                Bio                      SP-109               -                    -
1964-W41       2438590.79 1964 Jul 14 0654     Judi-Dart                -      -                    ISRO 11.01               TERLS-008                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                SR6,410              -
1964-W42       2438591.91 1964 Jul 15 0955     Judi-Dart                -      -                    ISRO 11.02               TERLS-009                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W43       2438592.17 1964 Jul 15 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W44       2438592.88 1964 Jul 16 0910     Judi-Dart                -      -                    ISRO 11.03               TERLS-010                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M16       2438593.81 1964 Jul 17 0720     S-B                      -      S-B1                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1964-M17       2438595.50 1964 Jul 19          T-7A-S                   -      -                    Life Sci (mice)          -                        -                        -         SHIJ?    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 SIMED        SS   SIMED/Wang?              Biology                  Harvey               -                    -
1964-M18       2438595.66 1964 Jul 19 0347     S-B                      -      S-B2                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1964-M19       2438599.15 1964 Jul 22 1539     Thor DSV-2G              -      250                  ASSET 3                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TS   -                        Reentry Test             Desind               SP-4005              -
1964-W45       2438599.50 1964 Jul 23          Arcas                    -      T1-1675              BioSpace 3               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     27?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Early                Bio                      SP-109               -                    -
1964-M20       2438599.65 1964 Jul 23 0337     S-B                      -      S-B3                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1964-W46       2438605.50 1964 Jul 29          Arcas                    -      T1-1676              BioSpace 4               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     32?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Early                Bio                      SP-109               -                    -
1964-W47       2438607.50 1964 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W48       2438607.50 1964 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W49       2438607.50 1964 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W50       2438607.50 1964 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W51       2438607.50 1964 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W53       2438613.17 1964 Aug 05 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                   Aeron                   WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W54       2438614.00 1964 Aug  6 1207     Arcas                    -      Meteo                -                        Arcas Keweenaw 1         -                        -         KEW      LP1              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 UMI          SS   UMI/Wescott?             Aeron                    Quest1-2             JBIS49-59            -
1964-W52       2438617.50 1964 Aug 10?         Arcas                    -      -                    -                        Arcas Keweenaw 2         -                        -         KEW      LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UMI          SS   UMI/Wescott?             Aeron?                   Quest1-2             -                    -
1964-W55       2438618.27 1964 Aug 10 1830:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         THU      TUTO             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   ETAC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                JAppMet5,308         -
1964-W56       2438620.29 1964 Aug 12 1852:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         THU      TUTO             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   ETAC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                JAppMet5,308         -
1964-M148      2438623.50 1964 Aug 16          Arcas                    -      -                    Paetzold ozonesonde      -                        -                        -         PM?      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NOTS         SF   NOTS/                    Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-W57       2438625.27 1964 Aug 17 1834:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         THU      TUTO             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   ETAC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                JAppMet5,308         -
1964-W58       2438625.50 1964 Aug 18          Arcas                    -      -                    Reentry 4 Cal (1of6)     -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    NASA-PR64-202        -                    -
1964-W59       2438625.50 1964 Aug 18          Arcas                    -      -                    Reentry 4 Cal            -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    NASA-PR64-202        -                    -
1964-W60       2438626.75 1964 Aug 19 0601     Judi-Dart                -      -                    ISRO 11.04               TERLS-011                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W61       2438627.30 1964 Aug 19 1907:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         THU      TUTO             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   ETAC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                JAppMet5,308         -
1964-W62       2438627.33 1964 Aug 19 1951     Cajun Dart               -      01                   -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     WDCRF                Morrow               -
1964-W63       2438627.50 1964 Aug 20          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W64       2438627.50 1964 Aug 20          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W65       2438629.32 1964 Aug 21 1939     Cajun Dart               -      02                   -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     WDCRF                Morrow               -
1964-W66       2438632.24 1964 Aug 24 1745     Cajun Dart               -      03                   -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     CR-74067             WDCRF                -
1964-M151      2438633.50 1964 Aug 26          Arcas                    -      -                    Paetzold ozonesonde      -                        -                        -         PM?      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 NOTS         SS   NOTS/                    Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-W67       2438636.28 1964 Aug 28 1846     Cajun Dart               -      04                   -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     CR-74067             Morrow               -
1964-W68       2438638.50 1964 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W69       2438638.50 1964 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W70       2438638.50 1964 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W71       2438638.50 1964 Sep?            Arcas                    -      -                    -                        Arcas Keweenaw 3         -                        -         KEW      LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UMI          SS   UMI/Wescott?             Aeron?                   Quest1-2             -                    -
1964-W141      2438638.50 1964 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    PSU Arcas #1             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    EDPE                 -                    -
1964-W72       2438638.50 1964 Sep?            Arcas                    -      -                    -                        Arcas Keweenaw 5         -                        -         KEW      LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UMI          SS   UMI/Wescott?             Aeron?                   Quest1-2             -                    -
1964-W73       2438643.17 1964 Sep 04 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W74       2438652.50 1964 Sep 14          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        Arcas Keweenaw 4         -                        -         KEW      LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UMI          SS   UMI/Wescott?             Aeron?                   Quest1-2             -                    -
1964-W75       2438655.50 1964 Sep 17          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-M157      2438661.96 1964 Sep 23 1102     Skua                     -      M27                  MO Sonde                 -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SkuaM27Rpt           -                    -
1964-M152      2438663.50 1964 Sep 25          Judi-Dart                -      HASP/JUDI            -                        -                        -                        -         PM?      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 PMR          SS   PMR/                     Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-W76       2438666.50 1964 Sep 28          Sirocco                  -      LW-9                 -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1964-W77       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W78       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W79       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W80       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W81       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W82       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W83       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M21       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M22       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M23       2438668.50 1964 Oct             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M136      2438668.50 1964 Q4?             Nike Zeus                3      ZK-48?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              Stat                 -                    -
1964-M137      2438668.50 1964 Q4?             Nike Zeus                3      ZK-49?               -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Interceptor              Stat                 -                    -
1964-M158      2438668.98 1964 Sep 30 1129     Skua                     -      M28                  MO Sonde                 -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SkuaM27Rpt           -                    -
1964-W84       2438669.17 1964 Sep 30 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W85       2438669.95 1964 Oct 01 1047:00  Cajun Dart               ?      NO!                  -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W86       2438671.17 1964 Oct 02 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W87       2438674.17 1964 Oct 05 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W88       2438676.17 1964 Oct 07 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M149      2438676.50 1964 Oct  8          Arcas                    -      -                    ROCOZ                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 NOTS         SS   NOTS/                    Aeron                    PMRHist64            -                    -
1964-W89       2438676.50 1964 Oct  8          Sirocco                  -      LW-13                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1964-M32       2438680.50 1964 Oct 12          Rubis                    -      R3                   A-1 capsule              -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TF   -                        Test                     IAC-05.E4.3.02       Tiziou               -
1964-W90       2438681.17 1964 Oct 12 1607:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W91       2438683.17 1964 Oct 14 1602:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W92       2438685.17 1964 Oct 16 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M24       2438689.50 1964 Oct 21          Topaze VE111             -      Ci2 (12)             MSBS test                -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     49      -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     AASH27-295           Tiziou               -
1964-W129      2438690.08 1964 Oct 21 1358     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO                  -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1964-W93       2438690.17 1964 Oct 21 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W94       2438690.50 1964 Oct 22          Cajun Dart               -      06                   -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1964-W95       2438692.17 1964 Oct 23 1600:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-M25       2438697.65 1964 Oct 29 0335     Thor DSV-2F              -      260                  ASSET 4                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TS   -                        Reentry Test             Thor/Wire            SP-4005              -
1964-W96       2438698.29 1964 Oct 29 1903:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   ASC45/?                  usaAeron                 WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W97       2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W98       2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W99       2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W100      2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W101      2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W102      2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W103      2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W104      2438699.50 1964 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-M26       2438709.50 1964 Nov 10          Belier                   -      B69                  CNES FU-113              -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   LPA/Vassy                Aeronomy                 CNES                 -                    -
1964-W105      2438709.50 1964 Nov 10          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-M27       2438710.48 1964 Nov 10 2326     Nike Apache              -      AE5.551 IQSY         IQSY Ionos,Sphere        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Faire,Sagalyn      Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W106      2438713.59 1964 Nov 14 0210:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-002           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                SR6-1121             -
1964-W107      2438714.80 1964 Nov 15 0710:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-003           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                SR6-1121             -
1964-W130      2438718.09 1964 Nov 18 1408     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO                  -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1964-W108      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W109      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W110      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W111      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W112      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W113      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W114      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W115      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/4WG                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1964-W116      2438729.50 1964 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BFL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC/UCAN    SS   UCAN/                    Ionos                    SP-4401              -                    -
1964-W131      2438730.59 1964 Dec  1 0215     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO                  -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1964-W117      2438731.50 1964 Dec  2          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1964-W118      2438733.50 1964 Dec  4          Sirocco                  -      LW-19                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1964-W119      2438734.79 1964 Dec  5 0655     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-15             ISRO 11.05               TERLS-015                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W120      2438736.97 1964 Dec  7 1115     Arcas                    -      -                    ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1964-W121      2438737.21 1964 Dec  7 1705     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1964-M131      2438738.50 1964 Dec  9          Nike Zeus                3      ZW-72 20061          Special Comms Round      -                        -                        -         WS       LC38             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Test                     CDBMD                -                    -
1964-M29       2438738.58 1964 Dec  9 0200     Thor DSV-2F              -      247                  ASSET 5                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TS   -                        Reentry Test             Desind               SP-4005              -
1964-M28       2438739.50 1964 Dec 10          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1964-M30       2438740.50 1964 Dec 11          Topaze VE111             -      Ci3 (13)             MSBS test                -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1964-W122      2438741.25 1964 Dec 11 1805     Arcas                    -      -                    PSU Arcas #2             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    EDPE                 WDCRF                -
1964-M31       2438744.50 1964 Dec 15          Topaze VE111             -      Ci4 (14)             MSBS test                -                        -                        -         HMG      Agate            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TS   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1964-W123      2438744.77 1964 Dec 15 0630     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-16             ISRO 11.06               TERLS-016                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W125      2438745.50 1964 Dec 16          Frangible Arcas          -      FAD-1                AFFT-1                   -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/ATLR/Oss           Test                     AFCRL66-157          MR650104-11          -
1964-W126      2438745.50 1964 Dec 16          Sirocco                  -      LW-21                PSU D-region             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/PSU/                Test/Ionos               EDPE                 Morrow               -
1964-W124      2438745.82 1964 Dec 16 0738     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-17             ISRO 11.07               TERLS-017                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1964-W132      2438746.04 1964 Dec 16 1303     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO                  -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1964-W127      2438746.50 1964 Dec 17          Sirocco                  -      LW-22                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1964-M33       2438747.50 1964 Dec 18          Rubis                    -      R4                   A-1 capsule              -                        -                        -         HMG      Bacchus          -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        TF   -                        Test                     Tiziou               -                    -
1965-W01       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W02       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W03       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W04       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W05       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W06       2438760.50 1965 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W07       2438772.96 1965 Jan 12 1059     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-18             ISRO 11.08               TERLS-018                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W08       2438773.93 1965 Jan 13 1015     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-19             ISRO 11.09               TERLS-019                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W207      2438774.09 1965 Jan 13 1410     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO                  -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1965-W09       2438779.50 1965 Jan 19          Sirocco                  -      LW-27                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Test                     Morrow               -                    -
1965-W10       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W11       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W12       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W13       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W14       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W15       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W16       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M01       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M02       2438791.50 1965 Feb             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M48       2438793.50 1965 Feb  2          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-1              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W17       2438794.82 1965 Feb  3 0739     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-20             ISRO 11.10               TERLS-020                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M49       2438796.50 1965 Feb  5          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-2              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M50       2438796.50 1965 Feb  5          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-3              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M51       2438797.50 1965 Feb  6          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-4              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M52       2438800.50 1965 Feb  9          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-5              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M53       2438800.50 1965 Feb  9          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-6              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W210      2438808.15 1965 Feb 16 1537     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1965-W208      2438809.06 1965 Feb 17 1325     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 15/65?           -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1965-W211      2438809.21 1965 Feb 17 1700     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1965-W18       2438809.29 1965 Feb 17 1904     Cajun Dart               -      07                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-53303           Morrow               -
1965-M54       2438809.50 1965 Feb 18          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-7              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M55       2438814.50 1965 Feb 23          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-8              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M03       2438815.11 1965 Feb 23 1436     Thor DSV-2G              -      248                  ASSET 6                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC17B            -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 AFSSD        TS   -                        Reentry Test             MR650301-12          -                    -
1965-W19       2438816.13 1965 Feb 24 1508     Cajun Dart               -      08                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-53303           Morrow               -
1965-W20       2438818.23 1965 Feb 26 1730     Cajun Dart               -      09                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-53303           Morrow               -
1965-W21       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W22       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W23       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W24       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W25       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W26       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W27       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W28       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W29       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W30       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W31       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/4WG                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M04       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M05       2438819.50 1965 Mar             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M06       2438819.78 1965 Feb 28 0639     Nike Apache              -      AE5.495              -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Rosenberg          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M07       2438820.01 1965 Feb 28 1211     Nike Apache              -      NASA 14.200CA        GCA Ionos-TMA 4          -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SF   GCA/LSmith               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                GCA-TR-67-11-N       -
1965-M08       2438820.50 1965 Mar  1          Tomahawk                 -      Sandia 152-40        Magnus                   -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Test/Aeron?              FDS                  -                    -
1965-M56       2438821.50 1965 Mar  2          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-9              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W32       2438824.50 1965 Mar  5          Cajun Dart               -      10                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1965-W33       2438826.42 1965 Mar  6 2200     Arcas                    ?      -                    ROBIN 933                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1965-W34       2438826.50 1965 Mar  7          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    SP-4006              TM-X-1346            -
1965-W36       2438828.50 1965 Mar  9          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP44             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    SP-4006              -                    -
1965-M57       2438828.50 1965 Mar  9          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-10             -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W35       2438828.59 1965 Mar 09 0210:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-004           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W37       2438830.17 1965 Mar 10 1600     Cajun Dart               -      11                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W38       2438830.32 1965 Mar 10 1942:00  Cajun Dart               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W243      2438830.50 1965 Mar 11          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP45             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W39       2438830.59 1965 Mar 11 0207:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-005           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                SR6-1121             -
1965-W40       2438830.80 1965 Mar 11 0707:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-006           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                SR6-1121             -
1965-W41       2438835.50 1965 Mar 16          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP46             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    SP-4006              -                    -
1965-W42       2438835.70 1965 Mar 16 0452:30  Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.01GI         Sylvester I              -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC/NTNF    SS   GSFC/Kane                Ionos                    AND                  SP-4401              -
1965-W244      2438836.50 1965 Mar 17          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP47             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W43       2438836.79 1965 Mar 17 0655     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-21             ISRO 11.11               TERLS-021                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W44       2438837.22 1965 Mar 17 1710     Cajun Dart               -      12                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W209      2438837.23 1965 Mar 17 1732     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 16/65            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1965-W250      2438837.50 1965 Mar 18          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP48             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W245      2438838.50 1965 Mar 19          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP49             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W251      2438840.50 1965 Mar 21          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP50             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W246      2438841.50 1965 Mar 22          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP51             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W45       2438841.92 1965 Mar 22 1000:00  Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #4             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR8-325              WDCRF                -
1965-W46       2438842.75 1965 Mar 23 0559:30  Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.02GI         Sylvester II             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC/NTNF    SS   GSFC/Kane                Ionos                    AND                  WDCRF                -
1965-W252      2438843.50 1965 Mar 24          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP52             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W47       2438844.24 1965 Mar 24 1745     Cajun Dart               -      13                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W247      2438844.50 1965 Mar 25          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP53             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W253      2438846.50 1965 Mar 27          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP54             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W248      2438847.50 1965 Mar 28          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP55             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W48       2438850.50 1965 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W49       2438850.50 1965 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W50       2438850.50 1965 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W51       2438850.50 1965 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W52       2438850.50 1965 Mar 31          Sirocco                  -      EX-1.8               -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1965-W53       2438850.50 1965 Apr             Sonda 1                  -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Test                  -                    -
1965-W54       2438851.21 1965 Mar 31 1701     Cajun Dart               -      14                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W254      2438852.50 1965 Apr  2          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP56             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W255      2438853.50 1965 Apr  3          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP57             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W256      2438854.50 1965 Apr  4          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP58             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W257      2438855.50 1965 Apr  5          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP59             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W258      2438855.50 1965 Apr  5          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP60             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W259      2438856.50 1965 Apr  6          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP61             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W55       2438858.21 1965 Apr  7 1700     Cajun Dart               -      15                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W249      2438858.50 1965 Apr  8          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP62             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W260      2438860.50 1965 Apr 10          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP63             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W261      2438861.50 1965 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP64             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W262      2438861.50 1965 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP65             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W263      2438863.50 1965 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP66             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W264      2438864.50 1965 Apr 14          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP67             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W56       2438865.24 1965 Apr 14 1744     Cajun Dart               -      16                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W265      2438865.50 1965 Apr 15          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        CVE-25    NASA65   LP68             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   ESSA/Finger              Aeron                    TM-X-1346            -                    -
1965-W57       2438868.21 1965 Apr 17 1700     Cajun Dart               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M09       2438871.42 1965 Apr 20 2204     Nike Cajun               -      AD6.841              Antenna breakdown        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ellis              Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W58       2438872.22 1965 Apr 21 1715     Cajun Dart               -      17                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W59       2438878.50 1965 Apr 28          Cajun Dart               -      18                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1965-W60       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W61       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W62       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W63       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W64       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W65       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W66       2438880.50 1965 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W67       2438885.13 1965 May  4 1507:00  M-100                    -      -                    Error for May 5?         -                        -                        SHOK      GMS65A   LP8              -        -                     85?     -  -               0.000 AN           SS   -                        Aeron                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1965-W68       2438893.29 1965 May 12 1900     Cajun Dart               -      19                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M58       2438894.50 1965 May 14          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-11             -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W69       2438899.79 1965 May 19 0704     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-24?            ISRO 11.12               TERLS-024                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   IMDP/Sikdar              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M59       2438900.50 1965 May 20          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-12             -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W70       2438903.58 1965 May 23 0202:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W71       2438904.08 1965 May 23 1400:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M10       2438906.22 1965 May 25 1712:07  X-15                     -      1-54-88              IFDS/MIT/RAS Mod         -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          MUD      A                     54      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Test                Thompson             -                    -
1965-W212      2438906.24 1965 May 25 1740     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1965-W72       2438907.21 1965 May 26 1700     Cajun Dart               -      20                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M11       2438907.50 1965 May 27          Veronique 61             -      VA79                 FU-144 Ly alpha          -                        -                        -         HMG      Blandine         -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   CNRS/Quessette           Solar UV?                CNES                 -                    -
1965-M12       2438909.20 1965 May 28 1643:51  X-15                     -      3-42-65              Radiometer/Scan/BLN      -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   63      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Aeron               Thompson             -                    -
1965-W73       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W74       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W75       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W76       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W77       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W78       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M45       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Lex                      -      02/1                 -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ONERA        SS   ONERA/                   Test                     Moulin-Serra         -                    -
1965-M46       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Lex                      -      02/2                 -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        SS   ONERA/                   Test                     Moulin-Serra         -                    -
1965-M47       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Lex                      -      02/3                 -                        -                        -                        -         CERES    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        SS   ONERA/                   Test                     Moulin-Serra         -                    -
1965-M13       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M14       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M15       2438911.50 1965 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1965-M16       2438912.50 1965 Jun  1          T-7A-S                   -      -                    Life Sci (mice)          -                        -                        -         SHIJ?    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SIMED        SS   SIMED/                   Biology                  Harvey               -                    -
1965-W79       2438914.21 1965 Jun  2 1700     Cajun Dart               -      21                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M17       2438916.50 1965 Jun  5          T-7A-S                   -      -                    Life Sci (mice)          -                        -                        -         SHIJ?    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SIMED        SS   SIMED/                   Biology                  Harvey               -                    -
1965-W80       2438923.21 1965 Jun 11 1700     Cajun Dart               -      22                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M18       2438926.60 1965 Jun 15 0230     S-B                      -      S-B4                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1965-M86       2438927.50 1965 Jun 16          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB350 Training           -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1965-M19       2438927.67 1965 Jun 16 0400     S-B                      -      S-B5                 -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1965-W81       2438927.79 1965 Jun 16 0704     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-25             ISRO 11.13               TERLS-025                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   IMDP/Sikdar              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M20       2438928.23 1965 Jun 16 1726:33  X-15                     -      3-43-66              Radiometer/BLN           -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   74      -  EAFB RW18       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-W82       2438928.25 1965 Jun 16 1800     Cajun Dart               -      23                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M21       2438928.81 1965 Jun 17 0730     NAL-16                   -      HM-16-D              -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            ISTS7                -
1965-W83       2438935.23 1965 Jun 23 1725     Cajun Dart               -      24                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M60       2438940.50 1965 Jun 29          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS  5-13             -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W84       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W85       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W86       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W87       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W88       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W89       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W90       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W91       2438941.50 1965 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W92       2438942.13 1965 Jun 30 1503     Cajun Dart               -      25                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W93       2438949.12 1965 Jul  7 1500     Cajun Dart               -      26                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W94       2438949.60 1965 Jul 08 0226:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-007           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W95       2438949.97 1965 Jul 08 1110:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-008           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M22       2438950.18 1965 Jul  8 1616:55  X-15                     -      2-40-72              ST,Landing,Alt           -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   64      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-M23       2438951.50 1965 Jul 10          Saphir VE231             -      P2                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        MF   -                        Reentry Test             NordAvJT             -                    -
1965-W96       2438953.59 1965 Jul 12 0207:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-009           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SF   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W97       2438954.83 1965 Jul 13 0750:00  Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #5             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SRVII-140            WDCRF                -
1965-W98       2438956.21 1965 Jul 14 1709     Cajun Dart               -      27                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SF   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W99       2438956.71 1965 Jul 15 0500:00  Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #6             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SRVII-140            WDCRF                -
1965-W100      2438962.62 1965 Jul 21 0250     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-26             ISRO 11.14               TERLS-026                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W101      2438963.21 1965 Jul 21 1700     Cajun Dart               -      28                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-M61       2438963.50 1965 Jul 22          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-14              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W206      2438964.50 1965 Jul 23          Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #7?            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SRVII-140            -                    -
1965-W102      2438965.21 1965 Jul 23 1700     Cajun Dart               -      29                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W103      2438970.08 1965 Jul 28 1400     Cajun Dart               -      30                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Morrow               -
1965-W213      2438972.07 1965 Jul 30 1341     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Aeron                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1965-W104      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/6WW                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W105      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/6WW                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W106      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/6WW                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W107      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/6WW                  Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W108      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W109      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W110      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W111      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W112      2438972.50 1965 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M87       2438972.50 1965 Aug             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB150 Training           -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1965-M24       2438976.32 1965 Aug  3 1940:05  X-15                     -      2-41-73              RAS,ST,Landing           -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   63      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-W113      2438980.04 1965 Aug  7 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA / 10.96     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W114      2438980.36 1965 Aug  7 2045     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA /10.165     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W115      2438980.71 1965 Aug  8 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA /10.166     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W116      2438980.97 1965 Aug  8 1111     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA /10.167     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M62       2438984.50 1965 Aug 12          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-15              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W117      2438986.22 1965 Aug 13 1722:00  Cajun Dart               -      31                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M63       2438990.50 1965 Aug 18          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-16              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W118      2438990.80 1965 Aug 18 0710     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-27             ISRO 11.15               TERLS-027                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W119      2438991.21 1965 Aug 18 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      32                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M64       2438995.50 1965 Aug 23          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-17              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M25       2438998.20 1965 Aug 25 1654:46  X-15                     -      1-57-96              MIT Scan,Stability       -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   65      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-W120      2438998.21 1965 Aug 25 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      33                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M26       2438999.20 1965 Aug 26 1652:12  X-15                     -      3-47-71              Northrop Radiom,BLN      -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   73      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Aeron?              Thompson             -                    -
1965-W121      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W122      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W123      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W124      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W125      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W126      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W127      2439003.50 1965 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M65       2439004.50 1965 Sep  1          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-18              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W128      2439005.21 1965 Sep 01 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M66       2439005.50 1965 Sep  2          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-19              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M88       2439005.50 1965 Sep  2          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB250 Training           -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1965-M27       2439006.19 1965 Sep  2 1640:05  X-15                     -      2-42-74              RAS,ST,Landing           -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   73      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-W223      2439007.14 1965 Sep  3 1525     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-M67       2439011.50 1965 Sep  8          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-20              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M68       2439011.50 1965 Sep  8          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-21              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W229      2439012.41 1965 Sep  8 2145     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-01     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W129      2439012.44 1965 Sep  8 2235     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-01     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W230      2439012.46 1965 Sep  8 2307     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-02     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W131      2439012.50 1965 Sep 09          Cajun Dart               -      34                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W231      2439012.53 1965 Sep  9 0047     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-03     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W130      2439012.56 1965 Sep  9 0126     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-02     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W232      2439012.57 1965 Sep  9 0141     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-04     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     49      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W233      2439012.60 1965 Sep  9 0225     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-05     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W234      2439012.71 1965 Sep  9 0501     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-06     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W235      2439012.84 1965 Sep  9 0805     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-07     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W282      2439013.00 1965 Sep  9 1201     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-08     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W266      2439013.19 1965 Sep  9 1630     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-09     WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W237      2439013.20 1965 Sep  9 1648     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-10     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W238      2439013.44 1965 Sep  9 2234     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-11     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W239      2439013.55 1965 Sep 10 0115     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-12     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W240      2439013.71 1965 Sep 10 0500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-13     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W241      2439013.83 1965 Sep 10 0800     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-14     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-W242      2439014.03 1965 Sep 10 1238     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-15     HASP/WOX-1A              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NOL/WFF/                 Meteo                    TM-X-1298            -                    -
1965-M69       2439014.50 1965 Sep 11          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-22              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M70       2439017.50 1965 Sep 14          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-23              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M28       2439018.21 1965 Sep 14 1701:06  X-15                     -      3-48-72              N.Radiom,BLN             -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   72      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Aeron?              Thompson             -                    -
1965-W133      2439018.90 1965 Sep 15 0931     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-28             ISRO 11.16               TERLS-028                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M71       2439019.50 1965 Sep 16          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-24              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W134      2439021.21 1965 Sep 17 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      35                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W135      2439026.21 1965 Sep 22 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      36                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M72       2439031.50 1965 Sep 28          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-25              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W136      2439032.79 1965 Sep 29 0700:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-011           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W137      2439033.17 1965 Sep 29 1600:00  Cajun Dart               -      37                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W138      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W139      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W140      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W141      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W142      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W143      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W144      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W145      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W146      2439033.50 1965 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-M73       2439037.50 1965 Oct  4          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-26              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M74       2439038.50 1965 Oct  5          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-27              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W269      2439039.29 1965 Oct  5 1851     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-16     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W147      2439040.22 1965 Oct 06 1718:00  Cajun Dart               -      38                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W270      2439042.32 1965 Oct  8 1934     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-17     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-M75       2439044.50 1965 Oct 11          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-28              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W271      2439046.28 1965 Oct 12 1849     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-18     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W148      2439046.50 1965 Oct 13          Cajun Dart               -      39                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M76       2439046.50 1965 Oct 13          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-29              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W272      2439048.31 1965 Oct 14 1929     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-19     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W273      2439049.34 1965 Oct 15 2016     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-20     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W274      2439053.27 1965 Oct 19 1827     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-21     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-M82       2439053.50 1965 Oct 20          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    Shrike motor             -                        -                        B-57B-502 JI?      RW05/23          JI       LP1                   52?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMRHist65            -                    -
1965-W149      2439053.80 1965 Oct 20 0705     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-29             ISRO 11.17               TERLS-029                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W280      2439054.04 1965 Oct 20 1258     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 17/65            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1965-W150      2439054.21 1965 Oct 20 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      40                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W275      2439054.27 1965 Oct 20 1832     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-22     Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-M39       2439056.50 1965 Oct 23          SSBS S112                -      2601                 Essai 1                  -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1965-W151      2439058.67 1965 Oct 25 0400:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W214      2439059.32 1965 Oct 25 1938     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-03     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W267      2439059.51 1965 Oct 26 0015     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-04     Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W215      2439060.27 1965 Oct 26 1834     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-05     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W152      2439060.50 1965 Oct 27          Cajun Dart               -      41                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M40       2439061.24 1965 Oct 27 1749:10  X-15                     -      3-51-75              N.Scan/BLN               -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1A                  72      -  EAFB RW23?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1965-W216      2439061.32 1965 Oct 27 1942     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-06     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W276      2439061.48 1965 Oct 27 2331     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-23     WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-M77       2439061.50 1965 Oct 28          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-30              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M78       2439061.50 1965 Oct 28          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-31              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M79       2439061.50 1965 Oct 28          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-32              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-M80       2439061.50 1965 Oct 28          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-33              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W153      2439061.50 1965 Oct 28          Sirocco                  -      EX-1.8               -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 DASA         SS   DASA/                    Aeron                    Morrow               -                    -
1965-W277      2439063.28 1965 Oct 29 1845     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-24     WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W154      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W155      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W156      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W157      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W158      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W159      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W160      2439064.50 1965 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W161      2439066.21 1965 Nov 01 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      42                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M41       2439067.50 1965 Nov  3          SSBS S112                -      2602                 Essai 2                  -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1965-W278      2439068.31 1965 Nov  3 1927     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET J65-25     WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W268      2439069.30 1965 Nov  4 1911     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-07     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W162      2439072.50 1965 Nov 08          Cajun Dart               -      43                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W279      2439073.30 1965 Nov  8 1905     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-08     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1965-W217      2439073.34 1965 Nov  8 2013     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-09     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-M81       2439074.50 1965 Nov 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL WS 5-34              -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/Williamson           Aeron                    ECOM-5030            -                    -
1965-W218      2439075.26 1965 Nov 10 1819     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET A65-10     Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W224      2439075.69 1965 Nov 11 0440     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W163      2439081.86 1965 Nov 17 0836     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-30             ISRO 11.18               TERLS-030                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W281      2439082.01 1965 Nov 17 1210     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 18/65            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/                    Aeron                    SR8-871              -                    -
1965-W164      2439082.21 1965 Nov 17 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      44                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W165      2439082.52 1965 Nov 18 0034:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    DOVER                    -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M34       2439082.53 1965 Nov 18 0038     Martlet 2                -      162                  2C2 ENTERPRISE           -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 HARP         SF   HARP/                    Aeron TMA                AD666744             -                    -
1965-W166      2439082.68 1965 Nov 18 0415:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    FOUL BAY                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W167      2439082.74 1965 Nov 18 0545:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    GUN HILL                 -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M42       2439082.78 1965 Nov 18 0642     S-B                      -      SB-II F6             -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1965-W168      2439082.85 1965 Nov 18 0830:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    INDIAN GRND              -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W169      2439082.92 1965 Nov 18 1008:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    JAMESTOWN                -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W170      2439082.98 1965 Nov 18 1134:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    INEZ                     -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SU   AFCRL/Rosenberg          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M43       2439083.57 1965 Nov 19 0144     S-B                      -      SB-II F7             -                        -                        -                        -         NIIJ     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1965-M35       2439084.23 1965 Nov 19 1730     Martlet 2                -      168                  2C3 KENDALL              -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   HARP/                    Aeron Chaff              AD666744             -                    -
1965-M36       2439085.37 1965 Nov 20 2047     Martlet 2                -      171                  2C3 LANCASTER            -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 HARP         SF   HARP/                    Aeron Chaff              AD666744             -                    -
1965-W171      2439087.60 1965 Nov 23 0227     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-31             ISRO 19.01               TERLS-031                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W172      2439088.63 1965 Nov 24 0306:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W173      2439089.21 1965 Nov 24 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      45                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W219      2439089.22 1965 Nov 24 1716     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W225      2439093.69 1965 Nov 29 0429     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W174      2439094.21 1965 Nov 29 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      46                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W175      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W176      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W177      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W178      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W179      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W180      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W181      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W182      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W183      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W184      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W185      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W186      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W187      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W188      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W189      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W190      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W191      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W192      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W193      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W194      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W195      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W196      2439094.50 1965 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1965-W220      2439096.23 1965 Dec  1 1734     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W226      2439096.77 1965 Dec  2 0623     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W198      2439103.21 1965 Dec 08 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      47                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W221      2439103.35 1965 Dec  8 2031     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W227      2439103.70 1965 Dec  9 0454     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W197      2439104.43 1965 Dec  9 2215     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   OAR/6WW                  Aeron                    SR-VII-1050          FC                   -
1965-W199      2439105.50 1965 Dec 11          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 APGC         SS   AGPC/                    Aeron                    MR651220-10          -                    -
1965-W200      2439109.65 1965 Dec 15 0333     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1965-W201      2439109.82 1965 Dec 15 0735     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-32             ISRO 11.20               TERLS-032                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W222      2439110.31 1965 Dec 15 1921     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W228      2439110.75 1965 Dec 16 0601     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1965-W202      2439111.77 1965 Dec 17 0636     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-33             ISRO 11.21               TERLS-033                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W203      2439112.21 1965 Dec 17 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      48                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-W204      2439112.78 1965 Dec 18 0647     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-34             ISRO 11.22               TERLS-034                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1965-M83       2439114.50 1965 Dec 20?         Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57B-502 JI       RW05/23          JI       LP1                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMRHist65            -                    -
1965-W205      2439117.19 1965 Dec 22 1640:00  Cajun Dart               -      49                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W02       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W03       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W04       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W05       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W06       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W07       2439125.50 1966 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-M02       2439125.50 1966                 Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57B-502 PM?      RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   52?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    AWST660613-100       -                    -
1966-W08       2439130.01 1966 Jan  4 1214:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W09       2439131.17 1966 Jan  5 1600     Cajun Dart               -      50                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W10       2439131.62 1966 Jan  6 0300     Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #9             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR-VII-140           WDCRF                -
1966-W11       2439131.71 1966 Jan  6 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #10            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR-VII-140           WDCRF                -
1966-W12       2439134.01 1966 Jan  8 1214:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W13       2439137.50 1966 Jan 12          Cajun Dart               -      51                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W15       2439138.02 1966 Jan 12 1230     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 19/66            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              WDCRF                -
1966-W16       2439138.12 1966 Jan 12 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N01        04 CNAE 6601             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               WDCRF                -
1966-W14       2439138.14 1966 Jan 12 1523     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W01        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/?                    Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W17       2439140.50 1966 Jan 15 0000     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W18       2439143.02 1966 Jan 17 1222:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M64       2439143.35 1966 Jan 17 2021     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    1                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W19       2439143.59 1966 Jan 18 0210:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-012           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M65       2439144.09 1966 Jan 18 1411?    Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    2                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M66       2439144.31 1966 Jan 18 1921     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    3                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M67       2439144.34 1966 Jan 18 2007     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    4                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W20       2439144.50 1966 Jan 19          Cajun Dart               -      52                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W21       2439144.58 1966 Jan 19 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-013           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Yoshitake            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M03       2439144.69 1966 Jan 19 0439     Aerobee 150              -      KP3.11               Stellar Spectra          -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 KPNO         SF   KPNO/Stuart              UV Astron                WDC                  -                    -
1966-W22       2439144.90 1966 Jan 19 0930     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-36             ISRO 11.23               TERLS-036                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W23       2439145.02 1966 Jan 19 1230:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M68       2439145.12 1966 Jan 19 1500     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    5                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M69       2439145.28 1966 Jan 19 1845     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    6                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M70       2439145.33 1966 Jan 19 1957     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    7                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W434      2439146.15 1966 Jan 20 1543     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M71       2439146.17 1966 Jan 20 1607     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    8                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M72       2439146.31 1966 Jan 20 1925     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    9                        -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M73       2439147.17 1966 Jan 21 1602     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    10                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M74       2439147.33 1966 Jan 21 1950     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    11                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W24       2439149.78 1966 Jan 24 0640     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA /10.185     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-M75       2439150.17 1966 Jan 24 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    12                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W25       2439151.00 1966 Jan 25 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W26       2439152.01 1966 Jan 26 1218     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 20/66            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              WDCRF                -
1966-M76       2439152.17 1966 Jan 26 1610     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    13                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W27       2439152.50 1966 Jan 27 0000     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W28       2439153.00 1966 Jan 27 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W29       2439153.21 1966 Jan 27 1705:00  Cajun Dart               -      53                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M04       2439153.78 1966 Jan 28 0643     Astrobee 200             -      CRL AC15.733         Electron flux            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/Sandock            Ionos/Auroral            FC                   AFCRL                -
1966-M77       2439154.17 1966 Jan 28 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    14                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W30       2439155.02 1966 Jan 29 1225:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M78       2439157.19 1966 Jan 31 1640     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    15                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W31       2439157.83 1966 Feb  1 0800     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W32       2439158.02 1966 Feb  1 1225:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W33       2439158.39 1966 Feb  1 2115     Sirocco                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   DASA/                    Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W34       2439158.42 1966 Feb  1 2211     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   NASA/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W35       2439158.62 1966 Feb  2 0300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A /10.186     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   GSFC/Smith               Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W36       2439158.71 1966 Feb  2 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W37       2439159.02 1966 Feb  2 1223:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W38       2439159.12 1966 Feb  2 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W39       2439159.14 1966 Feb  2 1525     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W40       2439159.16 1966 Feb  2 1545     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M80       2439159.17 1966 Feb  2 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    17                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W41       2439159.17 1966 Feb  2 1600     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W42       2439159.23 1966 Feb  2 1730     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M05       2439159.23 1966 Feb  2 1735     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/                     Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M79       2439159.32 1966 Feb  2 1935     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    16                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W43       2439159.35 1966 Feb  2 2017     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W44       2439159.38 1966 Feb  2 2100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W45       2439159.39 1966 Feb  2 2115     Arcas                    -      -                    Delta T.F.               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W46       2439159.51 1966 Feb  3 0009     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W47       2439160.03 1966 Feb  3 1236:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W48       2439160.17 1966 Feb  3 1600     Sirocco                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   DASA/                    Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W49       2439160.33 1966 Feb  3 1959     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W50       2439160.33 1966 Feb 03 2000:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Ozone                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                MRN54                -
1966-W51       2439160.33 1966 Feb  3 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W52       2439160.42 1966 Feb  3 2200     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W53       2439160.46 1966 Feb  3 2300     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W54       2439160.80 1966 Feb  4 0705     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W55       2439160.80 1966 Feb  4 0705     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W56       2439161.00 1966 Feb  4 1201:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W57       2439161.09 1966 Feb  4 1415     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GTI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W58       2439161.13 1966 Feb  4 1507     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W59       2439161.14 1966 Feb  4 1526     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP II                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W60       2439161.17 1966 Feb  4 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W61       2439161.23 1966 Feb  4 1725     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP III                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W62       2439161.25 1966 Feb  4 1805     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W63       2439161.33 1966 Feb  4 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W64       2439161.54 1966 Feb  5 0101     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W65       2439162.33 1966 Feb  5 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W66       2439163.33 1966 Feb  6 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W67       2439164.12 1966 Feb  7 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W68       2439164.13 1966 Feb  7 1501     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W69       2439164.13 1966 Feb  7 1504     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M81       2439164.17 1966 Feb  7 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    18                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W70       2439164.21 1966 Feb  7 1705     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GTI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W71       2439164.25 1966 Feb  7 1800     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W72       2439164.43 1966 Feb  7 2219     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W73       2439164.52 1966 Feb  8 0030     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W74       2439165.23 1966 Feb  8 1732     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M06       2439165.30 1966 Feb  8 1916     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       5IN?             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W75       2439165.33 1966 Feb  8 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W76       2439165.33 1966 Feb 08 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M07       2439165.37 1966 Feb  8 2058     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       5IN?             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W77       2439165.50 1966 Feb  9 0000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   NASA/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W78       2439165.50 1966 Feb  9 0007     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W79       2439166.00 1966 Feb  9 1201:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W80       2439166.12 1966 Feb  9 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W81       2439166.12 1966 Feb  9 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W82       2439166.13 1966 Feb  9 1508     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W83       2439166.15 1966 Feb  9 1541     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP II                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M82       2439166.17 1966 Feb  9 1603     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    19                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W84       2439166.25 1966 Feb  9 1801     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W85       2439166.51 1966 Feb 10 0014     Arcas                    -      -                    Delta sensor             -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   ONR/                     Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W86       2439166.59 1966 Feb 10 0207     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W87       2439166.70 1966 Feb 10 0446     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W88       2439166.75 1966 Feb 10 0606     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W89       2439166.79 1966 Feb 10 0654     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W90       2439166.82 1966 Feb 10 0734     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W91       2439166.84 1966 Feb 10 0809     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   GSFC/Smith               Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W92       2439166.86 1966 Feb 10 0843     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W93       2439166.93 1966 Feb 10 1017     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W94       2439166.96 1966 Feb 10 1059     Boosted Arcas            ?      -                    Arcasonde IIA            -                        Ship Sierra              RREC?     USN66A   LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W95       2439167.29 1966 Feb 10 1900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   GSFC/Smith               Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W96       2439167.29 1966 Feb 10 1900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W97       2439167.30 1966 Feb 10 1915     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP III                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W98       2439167.33 1966 Feb 10 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W99       2439167.33 1966 Feb 10 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W100      2439167.46 1966 Feb 10 2300     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W101      2439167.49 1966 Feb 10 2340     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M143      2439167.50 1966 Feb 11          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SF   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1966-W102      2439167.51 1966 Feb 11 0008     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W103      2439167.55 1966 Feb 11 0114     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W104      2439167.59 1966 Feb 11 0214     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W105      2439167.62 1966 Feb 11 0300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W106      2439167.63 1966 Feb 11 0311     Arcas                    -      -                    Sphere                   -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W107      2439168.12 1966 Feb 11 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M83       2439168.17 1966 Feb 11 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    20                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W108      2439168.22 1966 Feb 11 1713     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP II                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W109      2439168.26 1966 Feb 11 1811     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W110      2439168.34 1966 Feb 11 2012     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W111      2439168.42 1966 Feb 11 2211     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W112      2439168.47 1966 Feb 11 2319     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W113      2439169.33 1966 Feb 12 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W114      2439171.12 1966 Feb 14 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W115      2439171.12 1966 Feb 14 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W116      2439171.14 1966 Feb 14 1515     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W117      2439171.17 1966 Feb 14 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GTI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W118      2439171.23 1966 Feb 14 1730     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W119      2439171.27 1966 Feb 14 1827     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W120      2439171.33 1966 Feb 14 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W121      2439171.33 1966 Feb 14 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M08       2439171.50 1966 Feb 15          SSBS S112                -      2603                 Silo 1                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1966-W122      2439171.52 1966 Feb 15 0023     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W123      2439172.33 1966 Feb 15 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W124      2439172.33 1966 Feb 15 2000     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W125      2439172.65 1966 Feb 16 0330     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-37             ISRO 11.24               TERLS-037                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W126      2439172.69 1966 Feb 16 0430     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 21/66            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              SR10-167             -
1966-W127      2439173.07 1966 Feb 16 1336     Judi-Dart                -      -                    SUPARCO 22/66            -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              SR10-167             -
1966-W484      2439173.09 1966 Feb 16 1405     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N02        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W128      2439173.13 1966 Feb 16 1510     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W129      2439173.16 1966 Feb 16 1545     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M84       2439173.17 1966 Feb 16 1600     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    21                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W130      2439173.19 1966 Feb 16 1629     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M09       2439173.21 1966 Feb 16 1700     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W131      2439173.25 1966 Feb 16 1800     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W132      2439173.25 1966 Feb 16 1805     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W133      2439173.33 1966 Feb 16 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W134      2439173.50 1966 Feb 17 0002     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W135      2439173.52 1966 Feb 17 0032     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W136      2439174.20 1966 Feb 17 1651     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M85       2439174.23 1966 Feb 17 1736     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    22                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W137      2439174.26 1966 Feb 17 1815     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W02        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                SP-175               -
1966-W138      2439174.33 1966 Feb 17 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W139      2439174.38 1966 Feb 17 2104     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W140      2439174.53 1966 Feb 18 0045     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W141      2439174.73 1966 Feb 18 0535     Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W142      2439175.10 1966 Feb 18 1430     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W143      2439175.12 1966 Feb 18 1500     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M86       2439175.13 1966 Feb 18 1501     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    23                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W144      2439175.22 1966 Feb 18 1720     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W145      2439175.25 1966 Feb 18 1800     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W146      2439175.25 1966 Feb 18 1805     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W147      2439175.27 1966 Feb 18 1835     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GTI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W148      2439175.31 1966 Feb 18 1920     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W149      2439175.33 1966 Feb 18 1950     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP II                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W150      2439175.33 1966 Feb 18 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W151      2439175.36 1966 Feb 18 2034     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W152      2439175.50 1966 Feb 19          Cajun Dart               -      54                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M92       2439175.71 1966 Feb 19 0509     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G01                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-W153      2439175.95 1966 Feb 19 1055     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W154      2439176.05 1966 Feb 19 1312     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M93       2439176.17 1966 Feb 19 1607     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G02                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     61?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-W155      2439176.33 1966 Feb 19 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M94       2439176.69 1966 Feb 20 0431     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G05                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-W156      2439177.04 1966 Feb 20 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W157      2439177.33 1966 Feb 20 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M87       2439177.41 1966 Feb 20 2153     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    24                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M10       2439177.41 1966 Feb 20 2153     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W158      2439178.04 1966 Feb 21 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W159      2439178.04 1966 Feb 21 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W160      2439178.10 1966 Feb 21 1430     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W161      2439178.11 1966 Feb 21 1445     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W162      2439178.12 1966 Feb 21 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GTI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W163      2439178.15 1966 Feb 21 1530     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W164      2439178.42 1966 Feb 21 2200:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W165      2439178.96 1966 Feb 22 1100:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W166      2439179.04 1966 Feb 22 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W167      2439179.04 1966 Feb 22 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W168      2439179.33 1966 Feb 22 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W169      2439179.45 1966 Feb 22 2245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W170      2439179.45 1966 Feb 22 2255     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W171      2439180.04 1966 Feb 23 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W172      2439180.12 1966 Feb 23 1446     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W173      2439180.13 1966 Feb 23 1504     Loki Dart                -      -                    HASP II                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W174      2439180.25 1966 Feb 23 1800     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W175      2439180.25 1966 Feb 23 1805     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W176      2439180.26 1966 Feb 23 1817     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W177      2439180.33 1966 Feb 23 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W178      2439180.33 1966 Feb 23 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W179      2439180.35 1966 Feb 23 2022     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M88       2439180.44 1966 Feb 23 2238     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    25                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M11       2439180.44 1966 Feb 23 2238     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W180      2439180.47 1966 Feb 23 2320     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W181      2439180.50 1966 Feb 24 0006     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M95       2439180.62 1966 Feb 24 0300     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G07                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-M89       2439180.64 1966 Feb 24 0323     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    26                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-M12       2439180.64 1966 Feb 24 0323     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M13       2439180.76 1966 Feb 24 0616     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M96       2439180.79 1966 Feb 24 0700     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G08                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-W182      2439181.03 1966 Feb 24 1245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W183      2439181.03 1966 Feb 24 1245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M14       2439181.17 1966 Feb 24 1600     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W184      2439182.03 1966 Feb 25 1245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W185      2439182.06 1966 Feb 25 1321     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W186      2439182.10 1966 Feb 25 1430     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W187      2439182.17 1966 Feb 25 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M15       2439182.17 1966 Feb 25 1600     Martlet 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     HARP16           -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-M90       2439182.17 1966 Feb 25 1606     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    27                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W188      2439182.27 1966 Feb 25 1830:00  Cajun Dart               -      55                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W189      2439182.32 1966 Feb 25 1941     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W190      2439182.45 1966 Feb 25 2245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W191      2439182.45 1966 Feb 25 2245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W192      2439182.53 1966 Feb 26 0045     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W193      2439182.61 1966 Feb 26 0245     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W194      2439183.22 1966 Feb 26 1712     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A Chute       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   KSC/                     Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W195      2439183.26 1966 Feb 26 1812:00  Cajun Dart               -      56                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W196      2439183.28 1966 Feb 26 1850     Arcas                    -      AS-201 support       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MSC-A-R-66-4         MRN-54               -
1966-W197      2439183.33 1966 Feb 26 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W198      2439183.33 1966 Feb 26 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W199      2439184.28 1966 Feb 27 1845     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W200      2439184.33 1966 Feb 27 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W201      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W202      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W203      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W204      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W205      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W206      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W207      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W208      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W209      2439184.50 1966 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W210      2439184.77 1966 Feb 28 0630     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W211      2439185.11 1966 Feb 28 1445     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W212      2439185.12 1966 Feb 28 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W213      2439185.20 1966 Feb 28 1651     Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W214      2439185.25 1966 Feb 28 1800     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W215      2439185.33 1966 Feb 28 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W216      2439185.44 1966 Feb 28 2230     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    MRN54                -                    -
1966-W217      2439187.16 1966 Mar  2 1548     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N03        07 CNAE 6604 Chaff       -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W493      2439187.30 1966 Mar  2 1915     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W03        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W218      2439187.33 1966 Mar 02 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M97       2439188.38 1966 Mar  3 2103     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G18                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-M98       2439188.42 1966 Mar  3 2201     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G19                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-M99       2439188.60 1966 Mar  4 0230     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    G24                      -                        -                        -         GRLY     5IN              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-TN1657           -                    -
1966-M91       2439189.17 1966 Mar  4 1608     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    30                       -                        -                        -         BARB     5IN              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1771           -                    -
1966-W219      2439189.33 1966 Mar 04 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W220      2439192.33 1966 Mar 07 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W221      2439193.00 1966 Mar  8 1207:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W222      2439194.33 1966 Mar 09 2000:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W223      2439201.00 1966 Mar 16 1200:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W224      2439201.01 1966 Mar 16 1210     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-38             ISRO 11.25               TERLS-038                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W225      2439201.12 1966 Mar 16 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N04        08 CNAE 6605 Chaff       -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W226      2439201.13 1966 Mar 16 1510:00  Judi-Dart                -      SUPARCO  23          -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              WDCRF                -
1966-W494      2439201.18 1966 Mar 16 1623     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W04        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W452      2439202.60 1966 Mar 18 0231     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W435      2439203.14 1966 Mar 18 1517     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W227      2439209.74 1966 Mar 25 0539:00  Judi-Dart                -      SUPARCO  24          -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    SR8-871              WDCRF                -
1966-W495      2439215.17 1966 Mar 30 1603     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W05        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W229      2439215.50 1966 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W230      2439215.50 1966 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W228      2439216.50 1966 Apr  1          Arcas                    -      -                    Gerdien condenser        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     10?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/USU/               Aeron                    AFCRL67-0343         FC                   -
1966-M16       2439217.08 1966 Apr  1 1357     Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    AC30.752                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                    103      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Sandock            Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1966-W408      2439226.50 1966 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W409      2439226.50 1966 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W410      2439226.50 1966 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W411      2439226.50 1966 Apr 11          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W412      2439226.50 1966 Apr 11?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W413      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W414      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W415      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W416      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W417      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W418      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W419      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W420      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W421      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W422      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W423      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W424      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W425      2439227.50 1966 Apr 12?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W426      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13?         Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W427      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W428      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W429      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W430      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W431      2439228.50 1966 Apr 13          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    SR8-823              -                    -
1966-W232      2439228.81 1966 Apr 13 0730     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-43             ISRO 11.26               TERLS-043                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W233      2439229.04 1966 Apr 13 1257:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-025/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W485      2439229.16 1966 Apr 13 1547     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N05        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W496      2439230.13 1966 Apr 14 1509     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W06        WOX-3A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W231      2439231.29 1966 Apr 15 1903     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1966-W234      2439234.41 1966 Apr 18 2153:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 SRC?         SU   DRTE/Heikkila,Barrington Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M100      2439235.50 1966 Apr 20          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M115      2439235.50 1966 Apr 20          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W235      2439236.27 1966 Apr 20 1834:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W236      2439237.42 1966 Apr 21 2203:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M101      2439237.50 1966 Apr 22          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M116      2439238.17 1966 Apr 22 1606     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-67-0659        -                    -
1966-M17       2439240.68 1966 Apr 25 0415     S-160                    -      IT-160-1             Instrument test          -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   ISAS/                    Test                     ISTS7                -                    -
1966-W237      2439243.01 1966 Apr 27 1208:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W238      2439243.41 1966 Apr 27 2154     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C01        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNIE         SS   CNIE/                    Meteo                    SP-175               WI-PR-66-21          -
1966-W239      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W240      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W241      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W242      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W243      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W244      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W245      2439245.50 1966 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W246      2439245.60 1966 Apr 30 0220:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-015           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W247      2439245.94 1966 Apr 30 1040:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-016           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W497      2439247.58 1966 May  2 0153     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W07        WOX-3A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W248      2439247.58 1966 May  2 0155     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N06        13 CNAE 6610 WOX-1A      -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W249      2439247.58 1966 May 02 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-017           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W250      2439247.65 1966 May  2 0330     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A /10.192     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W251      2439249.54 1966 May  4 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A /10.193     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W252      2439256.36 1966 May 10 2045     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR-66-25          SP-4007              -
1966-W253      2439256.63 1966 May 11 0306:04  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SAOLab/SL6-67        SP-4007              -
1966-M18       2439257.47 1966 May 11 2320     HJ Nike Nike             -      Sandia 152-81        LRL ROX-1                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SF   LRL/                     XR Astron                FDS                  UCRL-50587           -
1966-W254      2439257.50 1966 May 12          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-4007              -                    -
1966-W255      2439258.50 1966 May 13          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-4007              -                    -
1966-W256      2439262.00 1966 May 16 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W257      2439264.09 1966 May 18 1415:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-026/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W258      2439264.16 1966 May 18 1550     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N07        14 CNAE 6611 WOX-1A      -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W259      2439264.28 1966 May 18 1842:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C02        M-85 Chaff               -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W260      2439264.35 1966 May 18 2022     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C03        10-1449  WOX-1A          -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W498      2439265.21 1966 May 19 1701     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W08        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-M102      2439268.50 1966 May 23          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W261      2439270.46 1966 May 24 2300:00  Loki Dart                ?      SR-031               -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 US?          SU   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M103      2439270.50 1966 May 25          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M117      2439271.12 1966 May 25 1500     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M19       2439271.50 1966 May 26          MSBS M112                -      -                    Essai 1                  -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     deCordemoy           Serra                -
1966-M118      2439272.28 1966 May 26 1838     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M119      2439273.11 1966 May 27 1445     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W262      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W263      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W264      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W265      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W266      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W267      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W268      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W269      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W270      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W467      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Loki Dart                -      HE test              -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W468      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Loki Dart                -      HE test              -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W469      2439276.50 1966 Jun             Loki Dart                -      HE test              -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-M20       2439276.50 1966 Jun             MSBS M112                -      -                    Essai 2                  -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1966-M21       2439276.50 1966 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1966-M22       2439276.50 1966 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1966-W438      2439278.17 1966 Jun  1 1607     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W09        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W271      2439278.19 1966 Jun  1 1631     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N08        15 CNAE 6612 Arc-1A      -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W272      2439279.87 1966 Jun 03 0848:00  Skua                     ?      SA-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W439      2439280.12 1966 Jun  3 1446     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M23       2439283.50 1966 Jun  7          SSBS S112                -      2604                 Silo 2                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Sentinelles          Serra                -
1966-W273      2439290.00 1966 Jun 13 1207:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W274      2439291.00 1966 Jun 14 1206:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W275      2439292.09 1966 Jun 15 1405:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-027/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W01       2439292.15 1966 Jun 15 1532     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N09        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W499      2439292.26 1966 Jun 15 1814     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W10        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W276      2439292.32 1966 Jun 15 1943:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C04        10-1450 WOX-1A           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-175               WDCRF                -
1966-M24       2439292.51 1966 Jun 16 0014:36  Dragon                   -      D-19                 FU-151 Ions/part.        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNES         SF   GRI/Berthelier           Ionos                    AND                  Massey               -
1966-W277      2439293.68 1966 Jun 17 0423     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A /10.198     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W278      2439294.54 1966 Jun 18 0055:00  Loki Dart                ?      NA-HESTER            -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W279      2439299.81 1966 Jun 23 0724     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A /10.199     -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W440      2439301.13 1966 Jun 24 1501     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W441      2439306.11 1966 Jun 29 1436     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W11        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W487      2439306.18 1966 Jun 29 1619     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N10        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W280      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W281      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W282      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W283      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W284      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W285      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W286      2439306.50 1966 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W287      2439310.33 1966 Jul  3 1953     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1966-W288      2439310.50 1966 Jul 04          Cajun Dart               -      57                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W432      2439312.17 1966 Jul  5 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   KSC/                     Meteo                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1966-M144      2439312.20 1966 Jul  5 1645     Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1966-W289      2439312.50 1966 Jul 06          Cajun Dart               -      58                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M120      2439313.18 1966 Jul  6 1615     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M104      2439313.50 1966 Jul  7          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M105      2439315.13 1966 Jul  8 1509     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M121      2439315.19 1966 Jul  8 1630     Loki Dart                -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W470      2439315.23 1966 Jul  8 1725     Loki Dart                -      HE test              -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W471      2439315.32 1966 Jul  8 1936     Loki Dart                -      HE test              -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     89      -  -               0.000 ASL          SU   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-M25       2439318.50 1966 Jul 12          MSBS M112                -      -                    Caisson 1                -                        -                        -         CERES    Nemo             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     deCordemoy           Serra                -
1966-W290      2439319.81 1966 Jul 13 0730:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-028/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W442      2439320.30 1966 Jul 13 1914     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W12        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W291      2439320.45 1966 Jul 13 2244:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C05        10-1448  WOX-1A          -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W292      2439320.55 1966 Jul 14 0118:00  Judi-Dart                ?      EXAMETNET C06?       P-467                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W293      2439321.14 1966 Jul 14 1517:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C07        P-462    WOX-1A          -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W294      2439321.72 1966 Jul 15 0514:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W443      2439322.09 1966 Jul 15 1411     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W488      2439322.17 1966 Jul 15 1605     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N11        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-M26       2439327.21 1966 Jul 20 1701:07  Belier                   -      ESRO B12/1           ESRO B12/1  Neutrons     -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   MILAN/Occhialini         Ionospheric              ESRO-SP77            -                    -
1966-M27       2439328.29 1966 Jul 21 1902:03  X-15                     -      2-46-83              Alt,ST,Abl TPS           -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   58      -  EAFB RW18       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1966-W444      2439329.12 1966 Jul 22 1446     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M28       2439332.26 1966 Jul 25 1810:00  Belier                   -      ESRO B12/2           ESRO B12/2  Neutrons     -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   MILAN/Occhialini         Ionospheric              ESRO-SP77            -                    -
1966-M106      2439333.50 1966 Jul 27          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M29       2439335.21 1966 Jul 28 1701:12  X-15                     -      1-65-108             MuMet/HS/SB/RAS          -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1?                  73      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Meteor/Aeron        Thompson             -                    -
1966-M107      2439335.50 1966 Jul 29          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W295      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W296      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W297      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W298      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W299      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W300      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W301      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W302      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W303      2439337.50 1966 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-M30       2439341.16 1966 Aug  3 1545:26  X-15                     -      2-47-84              ST, Base drag            -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   75      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1966-W472      2439344.40 1966 Aug  6 2140?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G1                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     20?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SF   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W473      2439344.49 1966 Aug  6 2340?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G2                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     82?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W500      2439344.82 1966 Aug  7 0736     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W13        WOX-3A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W489      2439344.83 1966 Aug  7 0758     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N12        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W474      2439344.91 1966 Aug  7 0945?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G3                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W304      2439344.95 1966 Aug  7 1055     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W475      2439344.99 1966 Aug  7 1140?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G4                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W305      2439345.27 1966 Aug  7 1831     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeron                    FC                   JAtSci33,695         -
1966-W476      2439345.40 1966 Aug  7 2140?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G5                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W477      2439345.49 1966 Aug  7 2340?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G6                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     82      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W478      2439345.91 1966 Aug  8 0950?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G7                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     82?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W479      2439345.99 1966 Aug  8 1140?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G8                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W480      2439346.40 1966 Aug  8 2140?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G9                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-W481      2439346.49 1966 Aug  8 2340?    Loki Dart                -      HE motor             HE G10                   -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Aeron                    ECOM-5105            -                    -
1966-M31       2439349.20 1966 Aug 11 1644:13  X-15                     -      1-66-111             HS,MuMet,SB,Gas          -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   76      -  EAFB RW18       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Meteor/Aeron        Thompson             -                    -
1966-M32       2439350.23 1966 Aug 12 1725:33  X-15                     -      2-48-85              ST,Pitot,Base drag       -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   70      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test                     Thompson             -                    -
1966-W453      2439350.43 1966 Aug 12 2224     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M145      2439351.50 1966 Aug 14          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB650 Training           -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1966-M108      2439353.12 1966 Aug 15 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W454      2439353.80 1966 Aug 16 0706     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M129      2439353.81 1966 Aug 16 0730     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    TN-D-4741            -                    -
1966-M131      2439353.81 1966 Aug 16 0730     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    TN-D-4741            -                    -
1966-M130      2439353.83 1966 Aug 16 0750     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    TN-D-4741            -                    -
1966-M109      2439354.12 1966 Aug 16 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W461      2439354.12 1966 Aug 16 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde/Ballute        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   KSC/AFCRL/               Meteo/Test               BT1037.21            -                    -
1966-W462      2439354.17 1966 Aug 16 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde/Chute          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   KSC/AFCRL/               Meteo/Test               BT1037.21            -                    -
1966-W306      2439355.10 1966 Aug 17 1430:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-029/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W490      2439355.15 1966 Aug 17 1537     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N13        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W455      2439355.49 1966 Aug 17 2340     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W14        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W307      2439355.58 1966 Aug 18 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-018           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M110      2439356.12 1966 Aug 18 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W445      2439357.15 1966 Aug 19 1538     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M33       2439357.21 1966 Aug 19 1704:35  X-15                     -      3-54-80              BLN,OBE,H                -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   54      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Aeron?              Thompson             -                    -
1966-W308      2439362.19 1966 Aug 24 1630:00  Cajun Dart               -      59                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M34       2439363.20 1966 Aug 25 1649:11  X-15                     -      1-67-112             HS/MuMet/Gas             -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   78      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Meteor/Aeron        Thompson             -                    -
1966-W309      2439363.30 1966 Aug 25 1908:00  Cajun Dart               -      60                   -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W310      2439363.79 1966 Aug 26 0659:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W433      2439364.12 1966 Aug 26 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Chute                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   KSC/                     Meteo                    UM2027.42/5789       -                    -
1966-W446      2439364.33 1966 Aug 26 1954     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W456      2439365.70 1966 Aug 28 0451     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M142      2439366.50 1966 Aug 29          Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    USCOSPAR67-81        -                    -
1966-W447      2439367.19 1966 Aug 29 1631     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W457      2439367.56 1966 Aug 30 0121     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W330      2439368.50 1966 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W331      2439368.50 1966 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W332      2439368.50 1966 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W333      2439368.50 1966 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W311      2439375.71 1966 Sep  7 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W312      2439375.88 1966 Sep  7 0900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W313      2439376.04 1966 Sep  7 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W448      2439376.15 1966 Sep  7 1535     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W15        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W314      2439376.21 1966 Sep  7 1700     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W315      2439376.38 1966 Sep  7 2100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W316      2439376.54 1966 Sep  8 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W317      2439376.71 1966 Sep  8 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W318      2439376.88 1966 Sep  8 0900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W319      2439377.04 1966 Sep  8 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W320      2439377.21 1966 Sep  8 1700     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W334      2439377.28 1966 Sep  8 1841     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C09        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W321      2439377.38 1966 Sep  8 2100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W322      2439377.54 1966 Sep  9 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W323      2439377.71 1966 Sep  9 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W324      2439377.88 1966 Sep  9 0900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W325      2439378.04 1966 Sep  9 1300     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W449      2439378.16 1966 Sep  9 1550     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W326      2439378.21 1966 Sep  9 1700     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W327      2439378.38 1966 Sep  9 2100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W328      2439378.54 1966 Sep 10 0100     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W329      2439378.71 1966 Sep 10 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,659/FC      -                    -
1966-W491      2439383.15 1966 Sep 14 1539     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N14        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-M111      2439383.27 1966 Sep 14 1830     Arcas                    -      Ballute              DMQ-9/Arcasonde 1A       -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M35       2439383.29 1966 Sep 14 1901:29  X-15                     -      3-55-82              MuMet/Solar spec         -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   77      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Meteor/Solar        Thompson             -                    -
1966-W335      2439383.30 1966 Sep 14 1915     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C10        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-M112      2439384.17 1966 Sep 15 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    DMQ-9/Arcasonde 1A       -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W450      2439385.32 1966 Sep 16 1935     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W16        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W458      2439385.67 1966 Sep 17 0402     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M113      2439388.12 1966 Sep 19 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M114      2439389.12 1966 Sep 20 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M122      2439389.50 1966 Sep 21          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M123      2439389.50 1966 Sep 21          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W336      2439389.59 1966 Sep 21 0210     MT-135                   -      DT-135-1             -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   ISAS/                    Test                     ISTS7                -                    -
1966-W337      2439390.19 1966 Sep 21 1640     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C11        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-M124      2439390.50 1966 Sep 22          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W451      2439392.28 1966 Sep 23 1848     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W17        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W338      2439396.36 1966 Sep 27 2037:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Frith               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W340      2439396.50 1966 Sep 28          Arcas                    -      -                    Gerdien Condenser        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/USU/               Aeron                    AFCRL67-0343         FC                   -
1966-W482      2439397.25 1966 Sep 28 1805     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C12A?      Arcasonde 2B             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     69?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-M36       2439397.26 1966 Sep 28 1812     Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    AC30.753                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                    103      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Sandock            Ionos                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1966-W339      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W341      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W342      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W343      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W344      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W345      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W346      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W347      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W348      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W349      2439398.50 1966 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W459      2439399.52 1966 Oct  1 0033     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W18        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-W460      2439403.50 1966 Oct  5 0007     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-W483      2439404.53 1966 Oct  6 0040     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C12?       Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W501      2439405.11 1966 Oct  6 1440     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W19        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-M37       2439410.33 1966 Oct 11 1959:41  Atlas F                  -      115F                 Simulated BGRV 1         ABRES BGRV-1             LOW HILL                 -         V        ABRESA2          -        -                     40      -  -               0.000 AFBSD        MF   -                        Reentry Test             VCR                  -                    -
1966-W350      2439411.10 1966 Oct 12 1420:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-031/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W486      2439411.12 1966 Oct 12 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N15        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W351      2439411.68 1966 Oct 13 0420:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-A -020        -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W502      2439412.32 1966 Oct 13 1938     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W20        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W352      2439412.48 1966 Oct 13 2330     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C13?       Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W465      2439413.08 1966 Oct 14 1355     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6601          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               ActaA61,534          -
1966-M47       2439413.46 1966 Oct 14 2303     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5001                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M132      2439419.96 1966 Oct 21 1100     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6602          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W353      2439422.82 1966 Oct 24 0736:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M48       2439424.38 1966 Oct 25 2112     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5002                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M49       2439424.71 1966 Oct 26 0501     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5004                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M133      2439424.99 1966 Oct 26 1140     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6603          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-M38       2439429.09 1966 Oct 30 1406     Nike Cajun               -      CRL AC6.710          Optics test              -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Toolin             Tech                     AFCRL                -                    -
1966-W354      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W355      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W356      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W357      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W358      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W359      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W360      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W361      2439429.50 1966 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W362      2439429.80 1966 Oct 31 0712:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M134      2439431.95 1966 Nov  2 1054     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6604          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W363      2439435.08 1966 Nov  5 1355     Sonda 1                  ?      D-4C                 -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M39       2439435.15 1966 Nov 05 1535:00  Nike Javelin             -      Cert. Round          -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 DASA/BRL     SS   PSU/Baker,Hale           Ionos                    WDCRF                PSU-323              -
1966-M135      2439438.99 1966 Nov  9 1139     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6605          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W436      2439439.35 1966 Nov  9 2031     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1966-M40       2439439.50 1966 Nov 10          SSBS S112                -      2605                 Silo 3                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Sentinelles          Serra                -
1966-M41       2439442.07 1966 Nov 12 1338:00  Nike Javelin             -      D-003C               -                        Solar Eclipse            -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 DASA/BRL     SS   PSU/Baker,Hale           Ionos                    WDCRF                SR10,712             -
1966-W364      2439442.07 1966 Nov 12 1338     Sonda 1                  ?      D-3C                 -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M43       2439442.08 1966 Nov 12 1350:00  Nike Javelin             -      D-015C               -                        Solar Eclipse            -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 DASA/BRL     SS   PSU/Baker,Hale           Ionos                    WDCRF                PSU-323              -
1966-M42       2439442.09 1966 Nov 12 1408:00  Nike Javelin             -      D-010C               -                        Solar Eclipse            -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 DASA/BRL     SS   PSU/Baker,Hale           Ionos                    WDCRF                PSU-323              Or 1450? (USCO)
1966-W365      2439442.09 1966 Nov 12 1408     Sonda 1                  ?      D-10C                -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W366      2439442.12 1966 Nov 12 1450     Sonda 1                  ?      D-15C                -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W367      2439442.12 1966 Nov 12 1455     Sonda 1                  ?      D-4                  -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W368      2439442.13 1966 Nov 12 1508     Sonda 1                  ?      D-11                 -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W369      2439442.14 1966 Nov 12 1522     Sonda 1                  ?      D-13                 -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M44       2439442.15 1966 Nov 12 1535:00  Nike Javelin             -      D-016C               -                        Solar Eclipse            -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 DASA/BRL     SS   PSU/Baker,Hael           Ionos                    WDCRF                PSU-323              -
1966-W370      2439442.15 1966 Nov 12 1535     Sonda 1                  ?      D-16C                -                        -                        -                        -         CASS     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Eclipse                  WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M125      2439444.29 1966 Nov 14 1900     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M126      2439444.34 1966 Nov 14 2007     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M128      2439444.50 1966 Nov 15          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-M127      2439445.14 1966 Nov 15 1520     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1966-W463      2439445.95 1966 Nov 16 1055     Skua                     -      INTA S-6603          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Aeron/Test               ElAren               ActaA61,534          -
1966-W371      2439446.08 1966 Nov 16 1401:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-032/66       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Jafri,Purcell       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W492      2439446.13 1966 Nov 16 1505     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N16        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INPE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W372      2439446.15 1966 Nov 16 1530     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C14?       WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         TART     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W437      2439446.17 1966 Nov 16 1606     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W21        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-175               -
1966-M50       2439446.42 1966 Nov 16 2210     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5006                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M51       2439446.57 1966 Nov 17 0144     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5007                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M52       2439446.66 1966 Nov 17 0344     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5008                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M53       2439446.74 1966 Nov 17 0544     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5009                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M54       2439446.93 1966 Nov 17 1019     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5010                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M55       2439446.97 1966 Nov 17 1110     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5011                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M136      2439447.96 1966 Nov 18 1109     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6606          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W373      2439448.20 1966 Nov 18 1644:00  Aurore                   ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 CNES?        SU   ONERA/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M56       2439448.34 1966 Nov 18 2006     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5012                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M57       2439448.56 1966 Nov 19 0123     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5013                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M58       2439448.64 1966 Nov 19 0315     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5014                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M59       2439448.70 1966 Nov 19 0452     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5015                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M60       2439448.78 1966 Nov 19 0645     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5016                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M61       2439448.84 1966 Nov 19 0803     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5017                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-M62       2439449.00 1966 Nov 19 1154     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5019                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-W374      2439449.20 1966 Nov 19 1644:00  Aurore                   ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 CNES?        SU   ONERA/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M63       2439449.62 1966 Nov 20 0247     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    HARP 5021                -                        -                        -         YUMA     5IN              -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 HARP         SS   SRCI/Bull                Aeron                    BRL-MR1825           -                    -
1966-W375      2439450.20 1966 Nov 20 1653:00  Aurore                   ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 CNES?        SU   ONERA/                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-M137      2439452.96 1966 Nov 23 1105     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6607          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W376      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W377      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W378      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W379      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W380      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W381      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W382      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W383      2439459.50 1966 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-W464      2439459.96 1966 Nov 30 1102     Skua                     -      INTA S-6604          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Aeron/Test               ElAren               ActaA61,534          -
1966-M45       2439461.50 1966 Dec  2          Saphir VE231             -      R5                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Brigitte         -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        MF   -                        Reentry Test             NordAvJT             -                    -
1966-M138      2439461.96 1966 Dec  2 1106     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6608          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-M139      2439466.96 1966 Dec  7 1100     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6609          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-M140      2439468.98 1966 Dec  9 1135     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6610          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SU   INTA/NASA/               Met                      ElAren               -                    -
1966-W384      2439469.65 1966 Dec 10 0337     Arcas                    -      -                    Scanner 2 support        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 LARCN/MRN    SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TN-D-4905            -                    -
1966-W385      2439469.65 1966 Dec 10 0337:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W386      2439469.66 1966 Dec 10 0352     Arcas                    -      -                    Scanner 2 support        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 LARCN/MRN    SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TN-D-4905            -                    -
1966-W387      2439469.67 1966 Dec 10 0400     Arcas                    -      -                    Scanner 2 support        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 LARCN/MRN    SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TN-D-4905            -                    -
1966-W388      2439469.77 1966 Dec 10 0628:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W389      2439469.77 1966 Dec 10 0630     Arcas                    -      -                    Scanner 2 support        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 LARCN/MRN    SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TN-D-4905            -                    -
1966-W390      2439469.77 1966 Dec 10 0630:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W391      2439469.88 1966 Dec 10 0900     Arcas                    -      -                    Scanner 2 support        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 LARCN/MRN    SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    TN-D-4905            -                    -
1966-W392      2439470.26 1966 Dec 10 1812?    Arcas                    -      -                    PEPP support             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TM-X-1451            -                    -
1966-M141      2439471.50 1966 Dec 12          Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    USCOSPAR67-81        -                    -
1966-W407      2439473.29 1966 Dec 13 1900     Arcas                    -      -                    PSU-Arcas #16            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR8-325              -                    -
1966-W393      2439473.77 1966 Dec 14 0630:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W394      2439474.09 1966 Dec 14 1407     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C14A?      -                        -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1966-W395      2439474.35 1966 Dec 14 2025     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C15        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-175               -
1966-W503      2439474.36 1966 Dec 14 2039     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W22        Robinette                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-175               -                    -
1966-W396      2439474.79 1966 Dec 15 0659:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-M46       2439477.89 1966 Dec 18 0915     Cora                     -      G2                   -                        -                        -                        -         HMG      Beatrice         -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 CNES         TS   -                        Test                     Rothmund             -                    -
1966-W397      2439479.13 1966 Dec 19 1501:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9193            -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W398      2439480.97 1966 Dec 21 1121:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9199            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W399      2439481.96 1966 Dec 22 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9113            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W400      2439482.92 1966 Dec 23 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9112            -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W401      2439484.87 1966 Dec 25 0847:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9194            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W402      2439484.92 1966 Dec 25 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9111            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W403      2439487.37 1966 Dec 27 2046:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9196            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W404      2439487.79 1966 Dec 28 0659:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W405      2439488.85 1966 Dec 29 0830:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9197            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1966-W406      2439488.92 1966 Dec 29 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9110            -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W01       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W02       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W03       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W04       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W05       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W06       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W07       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W08       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W09       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W10       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W11       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W12       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W13       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W14       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W15       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W16       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W17       2439490.50 1967 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-M02       2439490.50 1967                 MSBS M112                -      -                    Gymnote 2                -                        -                        S655      CERES    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1967-M03       2439490.50 1967                 MSBS M112                -      -                    Gymnote 3                -                        -                        S655      CERES    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1967-M04       2439490.50 1967                 MSBS M011                -      -                    Caisson 1                -                        -                        -         CERES    Nemo             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1967-W19       2439493.83 1967 Jan  3 0800:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9191            -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W20       2439493.93 1967 Jan  3 1025:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9107            -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W21       2439494.88 1967 Jan  4 0912:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9190            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W22       2439495.86 1967 Jan  5 0834:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9189            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W23       2439500.88 1967 Jan 10 0904:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9184            -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M05       2439502.35 1967 Jan 11 2028     Castor                   -      IFTV                 Marquardt Scramjet       -                        TREE MOSS                -         V        4300C            -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 AFSC         SS   AFAPL/GASL/              Tech                     Ulrich/AP            VAFB                 Hallion2
1967-W24       2439508.90 1967 Jan 18 0935:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W25       2439509.09 1967 Jan 18 1415     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C16        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W300      2439509.12 1967 Jan 18 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N17        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W240      2439509.17 1967 Jan 18 1604     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W23        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W26       2439509.58 1967 Jan 19 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-021           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-M157      2439510.48 1967 Jan 19 2329     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Sissenwine         Aeron                    Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
1967-M158      2439510.48 1967 Jan 19 2334     Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Sissenwine         Aeron                    Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
1967-W27       2439511.96 1967 Jan 21 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9158            -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W28       2439511.96 1967 Jan 21 1104:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9200            -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W29       2439512.58 1967 Jan 22 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-022           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W30       2439512.71 1967 Jan 22 0500:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-023           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W31       2439512.83 1967 Jan 22 0800:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-024           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W294      2439513.75 1967 Jan 23 0600     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/WSMR/Faire         Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR10,188             -
1967-W295      2439513.88 1967 Jan 23 0900     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/WSMR/Faire         Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR10,188             -
1967-W32       2439513.94 1967 Jan 23 1030:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9179            -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W296      2439514.00 1967 Jan 23 1200     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/WSMR/Faire         Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR10,188             -
1967-W297      2439514.26 1967 Jan 23 1815     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/WSMR/Faire         Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR10,188             -
1967-W298      2439514.28 1967 Jan 23 1841     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/WSMR/Faire         Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SR10,188             -
1967-W33       2439514.58 1967 Jan 24 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-025           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W34       2439514.84 1967 Jan 24 0806:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W241      2439516.19 1967 Jan 25 1639     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W24        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W35       2439517.96 1967 Jan 27 1108:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9174            -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W36       2439518.97 1967 Jan 28 1113:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9175            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W37       2439520.97 1967 Jan 30 1113:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV?     GMS66B   M9177            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M22       2439521.10 1967 Jan 30 1430     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M134      2439521.21 1967 Jan 30 1703     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W38       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W39       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W40       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W41       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W42       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W43       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W44       2439521.50 1967 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1966-M01       2439521.50 1967 Feb             MSBS M112                -      -                    Caisson 2                -                        -                        -         CERES    Nemo             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1967-M23       2439522.12 1967 Jan 31 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M135      2439522.17 1967 Jan 31 1608     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W242      2439522.32 1967 Jan 31 1935     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W18       2439522.42 1967 Jan 31 2200     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1967-W45       2439523.10 1967 Feb  1 1430     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1967-W301      2439523.12 1967 Feb  1 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N18        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W243      2439523.28 1967 Feb  1 1838     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W25        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W244      2439525.27 1967 Feb  3 1825     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W46       2439529.88 1967 Feb  8 0902:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W316      2439531.13 1967 Feb  9 1501     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W26        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W47       2439536.88 1967 Feb 15 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK?     GMS66A   M9119            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W48       2439537.08 1967 Feb 15 1401     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C17        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W302      2439537.12 1967 Feb 15 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N19        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W245      2439537.20 1967 Feb 15 1651     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W27        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W303      2439544.12 1967 Feb 22 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N20        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-M136      2439549.12 1967 Feb 27 1500     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W49       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W50       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W51       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W52       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W53       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W54       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W55       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W56       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W57       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W58       2439549.50 1967 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-M01       2439549.50 1967 Mar?            MSBS M112                -      -                    Caisson 3                -                        -                        -         CERES    Nemo             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1967-M137      2439550.19 1967 Feb 28 1630     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M24       2439551.12 1967 Mar  1 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W304      2439551.12 1967 Mar  1 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N21        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-M06       2439551.50 1967 Mar  2          SSBS S112                -      2606                 Silo 4                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Sentinelles          Serra                -
1967-M25       2439552.17 1967 Mar  2 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W317      2439553.20 1967 Mar  3 1648     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W28        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W246      2439558.14 1967 Mar  8 1521     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W29        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W59       2439559.50 1967 Mar 10          Cajun Dart               -      -                    Robinette                -                        -                        -         EGL?     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1967-W318      2439566.10 1967 Mar 16 1429     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W30        WOX-3A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W60       2439571.96 1967 Mar 22 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W305      2439572.12 1967 Mar 22 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N22        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W319      2439572.28 1967 Mar 22 1845     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W31        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W247      2439574.30 1967 Mar 24 1913     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W61       2439578.96 1967 Mar 29 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W306      2439579.19 1967 Mar 29 1627     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N23        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W320      2439579.33 1967 Mar 29 1952     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W32        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W62       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W63       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W64       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W65       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W66       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W67       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W68       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W69       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W70       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W71       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W72       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W73       2439580.50 1967 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W74       2439581.27 1967 Mar 31 1828     MT-135                   -      MT-135-026?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W75       2439581.28 1967 Mar 31 1844     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                SP-4008              -
1967-W76       2439584.88 1967 Apr  4 0910     MT-135                   -      MT-135-027?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W77       2439584.89 1967 Apr  4 0927     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W78       2439584.91 1967 Apr  4 0955     MT-135                   -      MT-135-028?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W79       2439584.92 1967 Apr  4 1002     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W80       2439584.96 1967 Apr  4 1107     MT-135                   -      MT-135-029?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W81       2439584.97 1967 Apr  4 1119     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W82       2439585.00 1967 Apr  4 1156     MT-135                   -      MT-135-030?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W83       2439585.19 1967 Apr  4 1628     MT-135                   -      MT-135-031?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W84       2439585.20 1967 Apr  4 1643     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W85       2439585.29 1967 Apr  4 1902     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W86       2439585.45 1967 Apr  4 2244     MT-135                   -      MT-135-032?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W87       2439585.46 1967 Apr  4 2259     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W88       2439585.51 1967 Apr  5 0015     MT-135                   -      MT-135-033?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W89       2439585.52 1967 Apr  5 0032     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W90       2439585.54 1967 Apr  5 0101     MT-135                   -      MT-135-034?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W91       2439585.56 1967 Apr  5 0129     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W92       2439585.65 1967 Apr  5 0333     MT-135                   -      MT-135-035?          -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 NASA/JMA     SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ISTS7                JApMeteo7,390        -
1967-W93       2439585.67 1967 Apr  5 0358     Arcas                    -      -                    Japan-US                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   ESSA/                    Aeron                    ISTS7                -                    -
1967-W250      2439587.40 1967 Apr  6 2143     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W33        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W94       2439588.89 1967 Apr  8 0925:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Rosenberg          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W95       2439590.92 1967 Apr 10 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M138      2439591.50 1967 Apr 11          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W251      2439592.27 1967 Apr 11 1825     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-M139      2439592.50 1967 Apr 12          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W96       2439593.04 1967 Apr 12 1256:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W97       2439593.12 1967 Apr 12 1446     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C19        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-M26       2439593.12 1967 Apr 12 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W321      2439593.13 1967 Apr 12 1509     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W34        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W252      2439595.13 1967 Apr 14 1501     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W98       2439595.96 1967 Apr 15 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W99       2439596.00 1967 Apr 15 1204:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W100      2439598.00 1967 Apr 17 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M07       2439598.93 1967 Apr 18 1025     Nike Iroquois            -      CRL AF07.624         Niro TMA E7/LangP        -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Rosenberg,Ulwick   Aeron                    AFCRL                -                    -
1967-M08       2439599.50 1967 Apr 19          MSBS M112                -      -                    Gymnote 1                -                        -                        S655      CERES    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     deCordemoy           Serra                -
1967-W101      2439599.92 1967 Apr 19 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M27       2439600.12 1967 Apr 19 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W253      2439601.25 1967 Apr 20 1806     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W35        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W102      2439603.00 1967 Apr 22 1202:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W103      2439604.92 1967 Apr 24 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W254      2439607.12 1967 Apr 26 1451     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W36        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-M145      2439607.50 1967 Apr 27          Cajun                    ?      -                    HIGHBALL MAR test        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         MS   USA/                     Radar targets            CDBMD                -                    -
1967-W104      2439607.71 1967 Apr 27 0503:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M09       2439609.22 1967 Apr 28 1723:32  X-15                     -      1-71-121             WTR/HS/E loads           -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP1                   50      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1967-W105      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W106      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W107      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W108      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W109      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W110      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W111      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W112      2439610.50 1967 May             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W268      2439614.09 1967 May  3 1407     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W37        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W340      2439614.67 1967 May  4 0403     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    StratoCirc,453       -                    -
1967-W341      2439614.67 1967 May  4 0403     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         V        -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    StratoCirc,453       -                    -
1967-W337      2439615.19 1967 May  4 1629     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    StratoCirc,453       -                    -
1967-W338      2439615.19 1967 May  4 1629     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         V        -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    StratoCirc,453       -                    -
1967-W339      2439615.19 1967 May  4 1629     Arcas                    -      -                    Robin                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    StratoCirc,453       -                    -
1967-W269      2439615.36 1967 May  4 2033     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W291      2439615.81 1967 May  5 0726     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W113      2439616.92 1967 May  6 1000:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M141      2439619.50 1967 May  9          Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M140      2439620.10 1967 May  9 1421     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M28       2439621.12 1967 May 10 1500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M29       2439621.17 1967 May 10 1600     Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W270      2439621.25 1967 May 10 1758     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W38        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-M10       2439621.87 1967 May 11 0855     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.161GM        GSFC Ozone 2             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4008              -
1967-M142      2439623.14 1967 May 12 1527     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-M143      2439623.19 1967 May 12 1627     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W114      2439623.67 1967 May 13 0404:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W115      2439625.88 1967 May 15 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W116      2439625.92 1967 May 15 1003:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-M146      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    JTF-8 exercise           -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M147      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M148      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M149      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M150      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M151      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M152      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-M153      2439626.50 1967 May 16          Cleansweep IIIB          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        B-57C     PM       RW03/21?         WTR      LP3                   50?     -  -               0.000 USAF/LRL     SS   LRL/?                    Atmos                    PMHist67             -                    -
1967-W117      2439627.92 1967 May 17 1006:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W271      2439628.10 1967 May 17 1429     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W39        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W118      2439628.18 1967 May 17 1615     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C20        Arcasonde 2B             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-M144      2439628.97 1967 May 18 1115     Loki Dart                -      -                    Ballute                  -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W272      2439636.28 1967 May 25 1849     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W40        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-176               MoWxRev97,607        -
1967-W119      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W120      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W121      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W122      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W123      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W124      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W125      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W126      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W127      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W128      2439641.50 1967 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-M11       2439641.50 1967 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1967-M12       2439641.50 1967 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1967-W273      2439644.28 1967 Jun  2 1846     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W41        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W129      2439648.58 1967 Jun  7 0200     Arcas                    -      -                    Charged particles        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Sandock            Ionos                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1967-W274      2439649.11 1967 Jun  7 1432     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W42        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W307      2439656.13 1967 Jun 14 1511     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N24        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W130      2439656.19 1967 Jun 14 1640     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C21        Arcasonde 2B             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W275      2439657.24 1967 Jun 15 1742     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W43        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-M13       2439657.26 1967 Jun 15 1809:28  X-15                     -      1-72-125             HS/Stab/WTR              -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2                   69      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1967-W326      2439658.50 1967 Jun 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      JD-07-14             Qual Test 1-1            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W327      2439659.50 1967 Jun 18          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      JD-07-15             Qual Test 1-2            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W299      2439661.10 1967 Jun 19 1430?    Arcas                    -      -                    PEPP support             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    TM-X-1542            -                    -
1967-W131      2439661.92 1967 Jun 20 1006:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W276      2439663.09 1967 Jun 21 1414     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W44        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W132      2439663.34 1967 Jun 21 2006     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.13UP         Chaff test               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SF   DUD/Hemenway             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W133      2439665.88 1967 Jun 24 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W134      2439667.90 1967 Jun 26 0930:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W135      2439668.96 1967 Jun 27 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W136      2439669.88 1967 Jun 28 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W137      2439669.92 1967 Jun 28 1003:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W277      2439670.13 1967 Jun 28 1501     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W45        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-M14       2439671.27 1967 Jun 29 1827:51  X-15                     -      1-73-126             WTR/HS/ASAS              -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          SRL      LP1                   52      -  MUD RW27?       0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YF   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1967-W138      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W139      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W140      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W141      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W142      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W143      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W144      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W145      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W146      2439671.50 1967 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W278      2439677.11 1967 Jul  5 1442     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W46        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W308      2439677.12 1967 Jul  5 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N25        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-M30       2439677.50 1967 Jul  6          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W147      2439679.51 1967 Jul  8 0010     Skua                     -      Su1H                 D-region                 -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCW/Williams             Ionospheric              WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W148      2439681.88 1967 Jul 10 0902:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W149      2439683.89 1967 Jul 12 0924:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W150      2439683.92 1967 Jul 12 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W309      2439684.21 1967 Jul 12 1658     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N26        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W151      2439684.21 1967 Jul 12 1702     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C22        [Not in SP-176]          -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W152      2439686.88 1967 Jul 15 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W153      2439688.88 1967 Jul 17 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W154      2439688.92 1967 Jul 17 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W155      2439690.92 1967 Jul 19 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W325      2439692.34 1967 Jul 20 2011     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W47        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-M15       2439696.50 1967 Jul 25          SSBS S01                 -      -                    S01V-1                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Sentinelles          Serra                -
1967-W279      2439698.09 1967 Jul 26 1414     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W48        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W156      2439699.50 1967 Jul 28          Arcas                    -      -                    PEPP support             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/?                   Aeron                    TM-X-1499            -                    -
1967-W280      2439700.08 1967 Jul 28 1359     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W328      2439700.50 1967 Jul 29          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-07-02             Qual Test 2-2            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W157      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W158      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W159      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W160      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W161      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W162      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W163      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W164      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W165      2439702.50 1967 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W310      2439705.12 1967 Aug  2 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N27        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W166      2439705.46 1967 Aug  2 2258     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.16DA         OGO 4 Ozone test         -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W292      2439711.53 1967 Aug  9 0043     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W293      2439711.56 1967 Aug  9 0130     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W49        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     49      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-M31       2439718.50 1967 Aug 16          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W167      2439719.10 1967 Aug 16 1425     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C23        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W311      2439719.12 1967 Aug 16 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N28        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W281      2439719.23 1967 Aug 16 1730     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W50        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W168      2439720.92 1967 Aug 18 1001:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W282      2439721.09 1967 Aug 18 1411     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W169      2439723.88 1967 Aug 21 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W170      2439724.31 1967 Aug 21 1932     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.17DA         OGO 4 Ozone test         -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W171      2439724.50 1967 Aug 22          Arcas                    -      #76                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W172      2439725.92 1967 Aug 23 1001:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W283      2439728.10 1967 Aug 25 1417     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W51        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W173      2439732.88 1967 Aug 30 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W284      2439733.26 1967 Aug 30 1818     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W52        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W174      2439733.50 1967 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W175      2439733.50 1967 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W176      2439733.50 1967 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W177      2439734.92 1967 Sep  1 1006:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W285      2439740.11 1967 Sep  6 1435     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W53        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W286      2439742.10 1967 Sep  8 1418     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W312      2439747.12 1967 Sep 13 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N29        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W178      2439747.35 1967 Sep 13 2030     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C24        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W179      2439747.52 1967 Sep 14 0029     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.35DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W180      2439747.92 1967 Sep 14 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W287      2439749.07 1967 Sep 15 1345     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W54        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W181      2439750.51 1967 Sep 17 0015     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.36DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W182      2439751.88 1967 Sep 18 0908:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W183      2439751.92 1967 Sep 18 1006:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W184      2439752.50 1967 Sep 19          Arcas                    -      #91                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W185      2439752.50 1967 Sep 19          Arcas                    -      #96                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W186      2439753.50 1967 Sep 20 0000     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.37DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W187      2439753.50 1967 Sep 20          Arcas                    -      #98                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W188      2439753.92 1967 Sep 20 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W288      2439754.15 1967 Sep 20 1529     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W55        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W289      2439756.15 1967 Sep 22 1530     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-M16       2439758.50 1967 Sep 25          Tomahawk                 -      Sandia 152-61        JTF-8 Safeguard          -                        -                        -         JI       -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Test/Aeron?              FDS                  -                    -
1967-W290      2439761.11 1967 Sep 27 1445     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W56        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W189      2439763.50 1967 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W190      2439763.50 1967 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W191      2439763.50 1967 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-M17       2439768.22 1967 Oct  4 1716:54  X-15                     -      3-63-94              UV Plume/Solar/MM        -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          SRL      LP1                   76      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Tech/Meteor/Solar        Thompson             -                    -
1967-W322      2439768.50 1967 Oct  5 0007     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W57        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W255      2439769.09 1967 Oct  5 1413     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W256      2439770.27 1967 Oct  6 1834     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W257      2439776.15 1967 Oct 12 1530     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W58        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        SP-176               -
1967-W193      2439776.50 1967 Oct 13          Loki Dart                -      162                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W194      2439777.40 1967 Oct 13 2134     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.38DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 AnnalesGeo25,307     WDCRF                -
1967-W192      2439777.48 1967 Oct 13 2335     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1967-W195      2439782.38 1967 Oct 18 2103     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C25        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W196      2439782.50 1967 Oct 19          Loki Dart                -      173                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W197      2439783.38 1967 Oct 19 2104     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.39DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W198      2439783.50 1967 Oct 20          Loki Dart                -      175                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W199      2439783.92 1967 Oct 20 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W258      2439784.08 1967 Oct 20 1350     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W59        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W200      2439786.37 1967 Oct 22 2046     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.40DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W201      2439786.92 1967 Oct 23 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W202      2439788.08 1967 Oct 24 1400     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.32GI         Mag North                -                        -                        -         RES      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kane                Ionos                    WDCRF                SP-4008              -
1967-W203      2439788.33 1967 Oct 24 1950     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.33GI         Mag North                -                        -                        -         RES      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kane                Ionos                    WDCRF                SP-4008              -
1967-W259      2439789.10 1967 Oct 25 1417     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W60        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W313      2439789.19 1967 Oct 25 1630     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N30        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W204      2439789.35 1967 Oct 25 2030     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.41DA         OGO 4                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 NOTS/GSFC    SS   NOTS/Horowitz            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1967-M32       2439790.50 1967 Oct 27          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W205      2439790.92 1967 Oct 27 1000:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W260      2439791.12 1967 Oct 27 1455     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W206      2439794.50 1967 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W207      2439794.50 1967 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W208      2439794.50 1967 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W209      2439794.50 1967 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W210      2439794.50 1967 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W211      2439796.50 1967 Nov  2          Loki Dart                -      182                  -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W261      2439798.23 1967 Nov  3 1726     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W61        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W212      2439802.50 1967 Nov  8          Arcas                    -      #119 R-112           -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W213      2439802.50 1967 Nov  8          Loki Dart                -      187 R114             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W214      2439803.04 1967 Nov 08 1300:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W215      2439804.10 1967 Nov 09 1430:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-M18       2439804.50 1967 Nov 10          SSBS S01                 -      -                    S01V-2                   -                        -                        -         CEL      BLB              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MU   -                        Test                     Sentinelles          Serra                -
1967-W216      2439805.88 1967 Nov 11 0901:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W217      2439809.50 1967 Nov 15          Arcas                    -      #118 R-113           -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W218      2439809.50 1967 Nov 15          Arcas                    -      #117 R-112           -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    CR-1529              -                    -
1967-W314      2439810.08 1967 Nov 15 1400     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N31        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W219      2439810.16 1967 Nov 15 1557     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C26        Arcasonde 2B             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W323      2439810.24 1967 Nov 15 1744     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W62        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W262      2439812.15 1967 Nov 17 1542     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W220      2439814.72 1967 Nov 20 0515     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-53             ISRO 11.28               TERLS-053                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W263      2439816.14 1967 Nov 21 1515     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W63        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W221      2439816.92 1967 Nov 22 1001:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W222      2439816.98 1967 Nov 22 1130:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W223      2439818.87 1967 Nov 24 0849:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W224      2439821.94 1967 Nov 27 1030:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W225      2439822.71 1967 Nov 28 0503:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W226      2439823.59 1967 Nov 29 0210     Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-033/67       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W227      2439823.92 1967 Nov 29 1007:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W264      2439824.33 1967 Nov 29 1953     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W64        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W228      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W229      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W230      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W231      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W232      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W233      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-W234      2439824.50 1967 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1967-M154      2439824.50 1967 Dec             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1967-M155      2439824.50 1967 Dec             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1967-M156      2439824.50 1967 Dec             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1967-M19       2439824.50 1967 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1967-M20       2439824.50 1967 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1967-W324      2439831.32 1967 Dec  6 1945     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W65        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W265      2439833.25 1967 Dec  8 1759     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W235      2439835.92 1967 Dec 11 0959:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W236      2439836.88 1967 Dec 12 0913:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-034/67       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W237      2439838.08 1967 Dec 13 1355     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C27        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-176               -
1967-W315      2439838.12 1967 Dec 13 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N32        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-176               -                    -
1967-W266      2439838.26 1967 Dec 13 1816     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W66        Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-M21       2439841.12 1967 Dec 16 1458     Orion-2                  -      Rad 2/67             -                        -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNIE         SS   IAFE/Ghielmetti          XR Astron                WDCRF                -                    -
1967-W329      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-1           Qual Test 3-1            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W330      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-2           Qual Test 3-2            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W331      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-3           Qual Test 3-3            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W332      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-4           Qual Test 3-4            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W333      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-5           Qual Test 3-5            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W334      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-6           Qual Test 3-6            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W335      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-7           Qual Test 3-7            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-W336      2439841.50 1967 Dec 17          Loki Dart PWN-8B         -      LD-12-17-8           Qual Test 3-8            -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/SDCO/              Test                     AFCRL-68-0132        -                    -
1967-M33       2439842.50 1967 Dec 18          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1967-W267      2439844.36 1967 Dec 19 2041     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde IA             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    MoWxRev97,607        -                    -
1967-W238      2439844.88 1967 Dec 20 0900:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1967-W239      2439844.90 1967 Dec 20 0939     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-55             ISRO 11.29               TERLS-055                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/Rao                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W01       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W02       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W03       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W04       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W05       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W06       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W07       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W08       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W09       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W10       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W11       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W12       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W13       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W14       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W15       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W16       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M01       2439855.50 1968?                HJ Nike Nike             ?      -                    4-ft Ballute test        -                        -                        -         WS?      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     TN-D-4943            -                    -
1968-W18       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W19       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W20       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W21       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W22       2439855.50 1968 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W23       2439855.50 1968?                Meteor-2H                -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1968-W24       2439855.50 1968?                Meteor-2H                -      2                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1968-M02       2439855.50 1968                 MSBS M011                -      -                    Caisson 2                -                        -                        -         CERES    Nemo             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 DMA          MS   -                        Test                     Villain              Serra                -
1968-W25       2439858.88 1968 Jan  3 0900:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W17       2439860.33 1968 Jan  4 2000     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1968-W312      2439861.20 1968 Jan  5 1650     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 67       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W278      2439864.53 1968 Jan  9 0050     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozonesonde               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    MWxRev98,402         -                    -
1968-W279      2439864.71 1968 Jan  9 0500     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozonesonde               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    MWxRev98,402         -                    -
1968-W280      2439865.07 1968 Jan  9 1335     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozonesonde               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    MWxRev98,402         -                    -
1968-W281      2439865.22 1968 Jan  9 1715     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozonesonde               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    MWxRev98,402         -                    -
1968-W282      2439865.43 1968 Jan  9 2215     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozonesonde               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    MWxRev98,402         -                    -
1968-W313      2439866.28 1968 Jan 10 1840     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 68       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W26       2439868.88 1968 Jan 13 0901:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W27       2439872.71 1968 Jan 17 0500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M45       2439873.00 1968 Jan 17 1157     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6801          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W28       2439873.04 1968 Jan 17 1259:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W299      2439873.12 1968 Jan 17 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N33        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W314      2439873.17 1968 Jan 17 1612     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 69       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W29       2439873.23 1968 Jan 17 1725     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C28        Arcasonde 2B             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W30       2439878.58 1968 Jan 23 0200:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W31       2439879.92 1968 Jan 24 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M46       2439879.97 1968 Jan 24 1114     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6802          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W32       2439880.04 1968 Jan 24 1256:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W315      2439882.17 1968 Jan 26 1559     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 70       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W33       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W34       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W35       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W36       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W37       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W38       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W39       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W40       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W41       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W42       2439886.50 1968 Feb             Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A?            -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M47       2439886.97 1968 Jan 31 1118     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6803          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W301      2439887.13 1968 Jan 31 1512     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N34        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W44       2439888.50 1968 Feb  2          Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    SP-4010              -                    -
1968-W45       2439891.90 1968 Feb  5 0940:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W46       2439891.92 1968 Feb  5 1000:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W43       2439892.47 1968 Feb  5 2314     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         FC                   -
1968-M58       2439893.96 1968 Feb  7 1106     Skua                     -      INTA S-6801          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-M03       2439894.17 1968 Feb  7 1600     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.234GM        Ozone/Parachute test     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Rast                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W316      2439894.20 1968 Feb  7 1644     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 71       Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W47       2439898.92 1968 Feb 12 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W48       2439901.06 1968 Feb 14 1333     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C29        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W317      2439901.13 1968 Feb 14 1513     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 72       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M48       2439901.18 1968 Feb 14 1622     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6804          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W49       2439902.67 1968 Feb 16 0402:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W318      2439907.41 1968 Feb 20 2144     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 73       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M49       2439908.90 1968 Feb 22 0938     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6805          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W50       2439914.67 1968 Feb 28 0401:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M50       2439914.98 1968 Feb 28 1135     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6806          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W319      2439915.14 1968 Feb 28 1528     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 74       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M44       2439915.50 1968 Feb 29          Arcas                    -      -                    Ballute/Arcasonde 1A     -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Test                     AFCRL-68-0622        -                    -
1968-W51       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W52       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W53       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W54       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W55       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W56       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W57       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W58       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W59       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W60       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W61       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W62       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W63       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W64       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W65       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W66       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M66       2439915.50 1968 Mar             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        30FA B2 Training         -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 30FA2        MS   -                        OT                       Ulrich               -                    -
1968-M65       2439916.50 1968 Mar  1          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB650 Training           -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1968-W67       2439919.92 1968 Mar  4 1002:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W68       2439921.50 1968 Mar  6          Epona                    -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         CERES?   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNES?        SS   MNF/                     Meteo                    ATWA70-71            -                    -
1968-M59       2439921.98 1968 Mar  6 1134     Skua                     -      INTA S-6802          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W320      2439922.13 1968 Mar  6 1503     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 75       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M04       2439923.44 1968 Mar  7 2236     Skua 2                   -      AMD-S2-5             O2 profile               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   YORK/Schiff              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-M51       2439928.98 1968 Mar 13 1134     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6807          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W69       2439929.14 1968 Mar 13 1528     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C30        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W321      2439930.12 1968 Mar 14 1500     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 76       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W70       2439936.17 1968 Mar 20 1600:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C31        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W322      2439937.18 1968 Mar 21 1618     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 77       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W71       2439943.17 1968 Mar 27 1558:00  Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C32        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W323      2439943.28 1968 Mar 27 1841     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 78       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W73       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W74       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W75       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W76       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W77       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W78       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W79       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W80       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W81       2439946.50 1968 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W82       2439950.07 1968 Apr 03 1339:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C33        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W324      2439950.17 1968 Apr  3 1559     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 79       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M05       2439951.25 1968 Apr  4 1802:17  X-15                     -      1-75-133             CO/WTR/SA TPS            -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2                   57      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1968-W83       2439951.29 1968 Apr 04 1851:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W84       2439951.88 1968 Apr  5 0901:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W285      2439952.25 1968 Apr  5 1807     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1968-W85       2439954.50 1968 Apr  8          Super Arcas              -      NASA 12.11GM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SF   GSFC/Smith               Aeronomy/Test            SP-4401              -                    -
1968-W86       2439956.59 1968 Apr 10 0210:00  Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C34        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W325      2439957.13 1968 Apr 10 1505     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 80       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W87       2439960.59 1968 Apr 14 0203     Boosted Arcas 2          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL?       SU   USAF/                    Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W88       2439960.72 1968 Apr 14 0519     Boosted Arcas 2          -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL?       SU   USAF/                    Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W302      2439964.12 1968 Apr 17 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N35        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W89       2439964.18 1968 Apr 17 1626:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C35        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W326      2439964.29 1968 Apr 17 1851     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 81       WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W90       2439965.88 1968 Apr 19 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M40       2439967.50 1968 Apr 21          Viper-Dart               -      SDC VD-17            -                        -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    AFCRL-68-0418        -                    -
1968-W327      2439971.17 1968 Apr 24 1612     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 82       WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M06       2439973.33 1968 Apr 26 1951:49  X-15                     -      1-76-134             SA TPS/HS                -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          DDL      LP2                   63      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1968-W91       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W92       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W93       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W94       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W95       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W96       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W97       2439976.50 1968 May             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M07       2439976.50 1968 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1968-M08       2439976.58 1968 Apr 30 0200     Skua 2                   -      AMD-S2-7             -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CA           SS   YORK/Schiff              Aeron/CR                 FC                   -                    -
1968-M09       2439976.92 1968 Apr 30 1000     Skua 2                   -      AMD-S2-6             -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 CA           SS   YORK/Schiff              Aeron/CR                 FC                   -                    -
1968-W303      2439978.12 1968 May  1 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N36        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M63       2439978.50 1968 May  2          Sergeant                 -      -                    MINOTAURUS 68            RB250 Training           -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1968-W328      2439979.12 1968 May  2 1459     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 83       WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W98       2439980.88 1968 May  4 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W99       2439983.09 1968 May  6 1415     Loki Dart                -      Cal for Super Loki   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    CR-61238             -                    -
1968-W100      2439983.15 1968 May  6 1530     Loki Dart                -      Cal for Super Loki   HE Loki                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    CR-61238             -                    -
1968-W101      2439984.88 1968 May  8 0912:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M10       2439984.99 1968 May  8 1147:25  Centaure 1               -      CE-46 (C152)         ESRO C33/1               -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   MPAE/Dieminger           Ionospheric              ESRO-SP-79           JBIS24,215           -
1968-W329      2439985.12 1968 May  8 1459     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 84       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W102      2439991.88 1968 May 15 0904:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M11       2439991.98 1968 May 15 1124:00  Centaure 1               -      CE-47 (C153)         ESRO C33/2               -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   MPAE/Dieminger           Ionospheric              ESRO-SP-79           ESRO68               1224/JGR
1968-W304      2439992.12 1968 May 15 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N37        WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W330      2439992.22 1968 May 15 1712     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 85       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W103      2439992.33 1968 May 15 1955:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C36        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     68?     -  -               0.000 CONAE/NASA   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W104      2439992.92 1968 May 16 1007:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W105      2439993.77 1968 May 17 0630     Arcas                    ?      Sandia               Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1968-W106      2439994.10 1968 May 17 1430     Arcas                    ?      Sandia               Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1968-W107      2439994.48 1968 May 17 2337     Arcas                    ?      Sandia               Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1968-W108      2439997.10 1968 May 20 1430     Loki Dart                -      Cal for Super Loki   HE Loki                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     85?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    CR-61238             -                    -
1968-W109      2439997.20 1968 May 20 1655     Loki Dart                -      Cal for Super Loki   -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MSFC         SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    CR-61238             -                    -
1968-W331      2439999.10 1968 May 22 1420     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 86       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W110      2440000.31 1968 May 23 1930     Arcas                    ?      Sandia               Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SAND         SS   SAND/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1968-W305      2440006.12 1968 May 29 1500     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N38        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W111      2440006.23 1968 May 29 1732     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C37        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 CONAE/NASA   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W112      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W113      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W114      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W115      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W116      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W117      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W118      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W119      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W120      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W121      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W122      2440007.50 1968 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M12       2440007.50 1968 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1968-M13       2440007.50 1968 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1968-W332      2440013.30 1968 Jun  5 1915     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 87       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M64       2440017.50 1968 Jun 10          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB150 Training           -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1968-W123      2440019.63 1968 Jun 12 0301:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W124      2440019.89 1968 Jun 12 0927:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W306      2440020.13 1968 Jun 12 1502     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET N39        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M14       2440020.15 1968 Jun 12 1531:01  X-15                     -      1-77-136             WTR/SA TPS/HS/FAB        -                        -                        NB-52-008 EAFB     RW04/22          SRL      LP1                   67      -  EAFB RW18?      0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech                Thompson             -                    -
1968-W333      2440021.09 1968 Jun 13 1413     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 88       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W125      2440021.26 1968 Jun 13 1820:00  Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C38        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W126      2440026.96 1968 Jun 19 1102:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W334      2440027.11 1968 Jun 19 1432     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 89       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W127      2440033.88 1968 Jun 26 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W128      2440034.20 1968 Jun 26 1650:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C39        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 CONAE/NASA   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                SP-231               -
1968-W129      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W130      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W131      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W132      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W133      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W134      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W135      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W136      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W137      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W138      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W139      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W140      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W141      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W142      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W143      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W144      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W145      2440037.50 1968 Jul             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W335      2440040.16 1968 Jul  2 1554     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 90       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W146      2440040.35 1968 Jul  2 2027:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W147      2440040.54 1968 Jul  3 0059:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W148      2440040.71 1968 Jul  3 0503:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W149      2440040.88 1968 Jul  3 0910:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W150      2440043.92 1968 Jul  6 1006:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W151      2440047.88 1968 Jul 10 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W336      2440048.12 1968 Jul 10 1447     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 91       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W152      2440053.57 1968 Jul 16 0145:00  Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C40        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-M15       2440054.43 1968 Jul 16 2223:06  X-15                     -      1-78-138             WTR/HS/SB/FAB/FP         -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          RRV      LP1                   67      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech/Aeron          Thompson             -                    -
1968-W153      2440054.59 1968 Jul 17 0203:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W337      2440055.09 1968 Jul 17 1412     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 92       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W154      2440056.26 1968 Jul 18 1813     Arcas                    -      FC-OR-348            Ozonosonde               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   NWC/Krueger              Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W286      2440057.23 1968 Jul 19 1732     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1968-W155      2440057.27 1968 Jul 19 1836     Arcas                    -      FC-OR-348            Ozonosonde               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   NWC/Krueger              Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W338      2440062.13 1968 Jul 24 1506     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 93       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W307      2440062.17 1968 Jul 24 1602     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N40        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W156      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W157      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W158      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W159      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W160      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W161      2440068.50 1968 Aug             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W162      2440068.88 1968 Jul 31 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W339      2440069.18 1968 Jul 31 1618     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 94       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W163      2440069.44 1968 Jul 31 2228:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C41        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 CONAE/NASA   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-M16       2440075.50 1968 Aug  7          Spartan ABM              -      800005               KT-3                     -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Test                     Safeguard            -                    -
1968-W340      2440077.13 1968 Aug  8 1506     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 95       WOX-1A                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W164      2440082.29 1968 Aug 13 1859:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     IOLZ     IOCOR            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M17       2440083.19 1968 Aug 14 1637     Aerobee 150              -      NRL NE3.183          Solar radiation          -                        -                        -         WS       LC35             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 NRL          SF   NRL/Prinz,Bartoe         Solar EUV                WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W341      2440083.23 1968 Aug 14 1730     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 96       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M29       2440083.60 1968 Aug 15 0223     Skua                     -      S101                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M34       2440084.56 1968 Aug 16 0133     Kookaburra               -      WRE K113             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W165      2440085.29 1968 Aug 16 1859:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     IOLZ     IOCOR            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W166      2440089.46 1968 Aug 20 2300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W167      2440089.88 1968 Aug 21 0907:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W342      2440090.06 1968 Aug 21 1321     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 97       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W168      2440090.21 1968 Aug 21 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W169      2440092.29 1968 Aug 23 1859:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W343      2440097.10 1968 Aug 28 1421     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 98       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W170      2440097.44 1968 Aug 28 2240:00  Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C43        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W171      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W172      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W173      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W174      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W175      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W176      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W177      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W178      2440099.50 1968 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W179      2440102.25 1968 Sep  2 1800:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9135            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W180      2440103.25 1968 Sep  3 1800:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9135            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M52       2440103.93 1968 Sep  4 1013     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6808          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-M35       2440103.95 1968 Sep  4 1042     Kookaburra               -      WRE K115             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M30       2440104.01 1968 Sep  4 1212     Skua                     -      S102                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W344      2440104.16 1968 Sep  4 1544     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 99       Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W181      2440104.29 1968 Sep  4 1859:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9135            -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M19       2440109.50 1968 Sep 10          S-160                    -      ST-160-F-2           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     WDCRF                ISTS8                -
1968-M18       2440109.58 1968 Sep 10 0200     S-160                    -      ST-160-F-1           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     WDCRF                ISTS8                -
1968-W182      2440110.38 1968 Sep 10 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9171            -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W183      2440110.46 1968 Sep 10 2300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9171            -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M53       2440110.92 1968 Sep 11 1000     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6809          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W345      2440111.26 1968 Sep 11 1810     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 100      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W284      2440111.26 1968 Sep 11 1821     Arcas                    ?      Arcasonde            -                        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NOTS?        SS   NOTS/?                   Meteo                    BT-1040.04           -                    -
1968-W283      2440111.28 1968 Sep 11 1845     Loki Dart                ?      STS                  Balloon Cal              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    BT-1040.04           -                    -
1968-M20       2440111.50 1968 Sep 12          S-160                    -      SO-160-1             -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     WDCRF                ISTS8                -
1968-M54       2440112.97 1968 Sep 13 1120     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6810          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-M21       2440113.26 1968 Sep 13 1819:23  X-15                     -      1-80-140             WTR/HS/SB/FAB/FP         -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          SRL      LP1                   77      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech/Aeron          Thompson             -                    -
1968-W184      2440114.58 1968 Sep 15 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-036           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Sakai                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W185      2440114.72 1968 Sep 15 0518:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-037           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Sakai                Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W186      2440115.17 1968 Sep 15 1559:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9167            -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M22       2440116.17 1968 Sep 16 1558     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.235GM        GSFC Ozone 3             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W187      2440116.25 1968 Sep 16 1807     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.60UE         NOTS Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF/NOTS     SS   NOTS/Krueger             Plasma                   WDCRF                SP-4010              -
1968-M67       2440116.26 1968 Sep 16 1812     Arcas                    -      -                    Ozone comp test          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    TM-79712             -                    -
1968-M55       2440117.92 1968 Sep 18 1011     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6811          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-M31       2440117.98 1968 Sep 18 1133     Skua                     -      S103                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M36       2440118.02 1968 Sep 18 1233     Kookaburra               -      WRE K114             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W346      2440118.11 1968 Sep 18 1441     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 101      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W308      2440118.14 1968 Sep 18 1519     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N41        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W293      2440119.65 1968 Sep 20 0340     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C44        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W188      2440121.21 1968 Sep 21 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR?     GMS68B   M9165            -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W189      2440124.57 1968 Sep 25 0140     Arcas                    -      PSU-NO-1             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    SR10,208             -                    -
1968-M56       2440124.95 1968 Sep 25 1054     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6812          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W347      2440125.10 1968 Sep 25 1424     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 102      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W294      2440125.33 1968 Sep 25 1959     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C45        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W190      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W191      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W192      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W193      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W194      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W195      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W196      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W197      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W198      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W199      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W200      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W201      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W202      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W203      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W204      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W205      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W206      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W207      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W208      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W209      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W210      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W211      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W212      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W213      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W214      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W215      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W216      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W217      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W218      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W219      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W220      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W221      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W222      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W223      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W224      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W225      2440129.50 1968 Oct             Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    Alway                -                    -
1968-W226      2440131.89 1968 Oct  2 0915:59  M-100                    -      -                    Particle flux 2          -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   AN/Tulinov               Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR12,1459            -
1968-W295      2440132.14 1968 Oct  2 1520     Judi-Dart                -      EXAMETNET C46        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 CONAE        SS   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W348      2440132.24 1968 Oct  2 1745     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 103      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M37       2440138.52 1968 Oct  9 0026     Kookaburra               -      WRE K119             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M57       2440138.95 1968 Oct  9 1042     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6813          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1968-W287      2440139.27 1968 Oct  9 1829     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    JAtSci33,695         -                    -
1968-M32       2440139.51 1968 Oct 10 0018     Skua                     -      S104                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M38       2440139.56 1968 Oct 10 0133     Kookaburra               -      WRE K117             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W296      2440140.27 1968 Oct 10 1835     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C47        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W227      2440140.29 1968 Oct 10 1900:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W349      2440141.14 1968 Oct 11 1517     Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      EXAMETNET W 104      Chute                    -                        -                        -         WI       5IN              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W228      2440141.33 1968 Oct 11 2001:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W229      2440145.92 1968 Oct 16 1001:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W309      2440146.13 1968 Oct 16 1514     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N52        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W350      2440146.31 1968 Oct 16 1920     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 105      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M24       2440153.15 1968 Oct 23 1532     HJ Nike Nike             -      PEPP/SHAPE           40-ft DBG Para           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     TM-X-1924            SP-4010              -
1968-W292      2440153.25 1968 Oct 23 1800     Arcas                    -      PEPP meteo           -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TM-X-1924            -                    -
1968-W351      2440153.26 1968 Oct 23 1810     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 106      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M25       2440154.21 1968 Oct 24 1702:47  X-15                     -      1-81-141             WTR/HS/FAB/FP            -                        -                        NB-52-003 EAFB     RW04/22          SRL      LP1                   77      -  EAFB            0.000 NASA/AFFTC   YS   -                        Test/Tech/Aeron          Thompson             -                    -
1968-W230      2440160.00 1968 Oct 30 1202:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W352      2440160.20 1968 Oct 30 1652     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 107      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W231      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W232      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W233      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W234      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W235      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W236      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W237      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M60       2440160.50 1968 Nov             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1968-M61       2440160.50 1968 Nov             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1968-M62       2440160.50 1968 Nov             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1968-W238      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W239      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W240      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W241      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W242      2440160.50 1968 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M26       2440161.71 1968 Nov  1 0459:00  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      NASA 15.24II         Arcas VI PCA             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 NASA/NTNF    SF   BERG/NDRE/Arsnes         Ionos/Plasma/Field       WDCRF                AND                  -
1968-W243      2440164.84 1968 Nov  4 0803:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W359      2440168.16 1968 Nov  7 1551     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 108      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M33       2440168.40 1968 Nov  7 2136     Skua                     -      S105                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W310      2440174.15 1968 Nov 13 1530     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N53        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W354      2440174.16 1968 Nov 13 1552     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 109      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W297      2440174.30 1968 Nov 13 1910     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C48        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W244      2440175.75 1968 Nov 15 0602:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-M39       2440179.98 1968 Nov 19 1134     Kookaburra               -      WRE K120             Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-M41       2440180.00 1968 Nov 19 1203     Skua                     -      S106                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W355      2440181.16 1968 Nov 20 1556     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 110      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     43      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-M42       2440181.21 1968 Nov 20 1703     Skua                     -      S107                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W245      2440181.32 1968 Nov 20 1941:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W246      2440181.45 1968 Nov 20 2245:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-M23       2440182.50 1968 Nov 22          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1968-W247      2440183.04 1968 Nov 22 1302:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W248      2440187.63 1968 Nov 27 0302:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W298      2440188.16 1968 Nov 27 1550     Orion-2                  ?      EXAMETNET C49        Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 CONAE/NASA   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W356      2440188.18 1968 Nov 27 1626     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 111      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W249      2440189.85 1968 Nov 29 0820:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W250      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W251      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W252      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W253      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W254      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W255      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W256      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W259      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W260      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W261      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W262      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-W263      2440190.50 1968 Dec             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1968-M27       2440190.50 1968 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1968-M43       2440193.43 1968 Dec  2 2223     Skua                     -      S108                 Met                      -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/CBMET/Callus         Meteo                    SR11,781             -                    -
1968-W264      2440194.88 1968 Dec  4 0904:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W357      2440196.14 1968 Dec  5 1525     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 112      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W265      2440197.55 1968 Dec  7 0105     Arcas                    -      PSU-NO-2             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    SR10,208             -                    -
1968-M28       2440201.50 1968 Dec 11          HJ Nike Nike             -      PEPP                 SHAPE Parachute test     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     SP-4010              -                    -
1968-W353      2440202.37 1968 Dec 11 2059     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET W 113      Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W266      2440203.55 1968 Dec 13 0105     Arcas                    -      PSU-NO-3             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    SR10,208             -                    -
1968-W267      2440204.14 1968 Dec 13 1515     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W268      2440204.22 1968 Dec 13 1720     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W269      2440204.73 1968 Dec 14 0527     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W270      2440204.80 1968 Dec 14 0715     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W271      2440204.98 1968 Dec 14 1127     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BARB     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W288      2440208.55 1968 Dec 18 0105     Arcas                    -      PSU-NO-4             Control flight           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ERDA         SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    SR10,208             -                    -
1968-W290      2440208.88 1968 Dec 18 0912     M-100                    -      -                    Particle flux 7          -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     88?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   AN/Tulinov               Meteo                    SR12,1459            -                    -
1968-W258      2440209.12 1968 Dec 18 1500     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET N54        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 CNAE         SS   INPE/DeMendonca          Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W257      2440209.25 1968 Dec 18 1802     Arcas                    -      EXAMETNET C50        Arcasonde 1A             -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CONAE/GSFC   SU   CONAE/Lichtenstein       Aeron                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W272      2440210.25 1968 Dec 19 1800:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W273      2440210.30 1968 Dec 19 1910:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1968-W358      2440210.31 1968 Dec 19 1922     Loki Dart                -      EXAMETNET W 114      Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    SP-231               -                    -
1968-W274      2440213.85 1968 Dec 23 0830:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W291      2440215.88 1968 Dec 25 0911     M-100                    -      -                    Particle flux 8          -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     88?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   AN/Tulinov               Meteo                    SR12,1459            -                    -
1968-W275      2440217.48 1968 Dec 26 2330:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W276      2440220.71 1968 Dec 30 0502:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1968-W277      2440221.25 1968 Dec 30 1753:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      IOLZ     RODR             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W01       2440221.50 1969 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W02       2440221.50 1969 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W03       2440221.50 1969 Jan             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W04       2440221.50 1969 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W05       2440221.50 1969?                Meteor-2H                -      3                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1969-W06       2440221.50 1969?                Meteor-2H                -      4                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1969-W07       2440221.50 1969?                Meteor-2H                -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1969-W08       2440224.12 1969 Jan  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W09       2440224.24 1969 Jan  2 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W10       2440225.11 1969 Jan  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W11       2440225.11 1969 Jan  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W12       2440225.12 1969 Jan  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W13       2440225.17 1969 Jan  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W14       2440225.29 1969 Jan  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W15       2440225.35 1969 Jan  3 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W16       2440225.37 1969 Jan  3 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W17       2440225.46 1969 Jan  3 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W18       2440225.58 1969 Jan 04 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-038           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W19       2440225.71 1969 Jan 04 0500:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-039           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W20       2440226.58 1969 Jan  5 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-40            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Arizumi              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W21       2440227.20 1969 Jan  5 1641:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W22       2440228.11 1969 Jan  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W23       2440228.13 1969 Jan  6 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W24       2440228.14 1969 Jan  6 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W25       2440228.18 1969 Jan  6 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W26       2440228.29 1969 Jan  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W27       2440228.37 1969 Jan  6 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W28       2440229.18 1969 Jan  7 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W29       2440229.25 1969 Jan  7 1755:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W30       2440229.28 1969 Jan  7 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W31       2440229.28 1969 Jan  7 1848:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W32       2440230.10 1969 Jan  8 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W33       2440230.11 1969 Jan  8 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W34       2440230.15 1969 Jan  8 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W35       2440230.17 1969 Jan  8 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W36       2440230.23 1969 Jan  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W37       2440230.25 1969 Jan  8 1807:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W38       2440230.27 1969 Jan  8 1833:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W39       2440231.22 1969 Jan  9 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W40       2440231.24 1969 Jan  9 1747:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W41       2440231.29 1969 Jan  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W42       2440231.32 1969 Jan  9 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W43       2440232.11 1969 Jan 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W44       2440232.12 1969 Jan 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W45       2440232.17 1969 Jan 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W46       2440232.22 1969 Jan 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W47       2440232.25 1969 Jan 10 1755:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W48       2440232.27 1969 Jan 10 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W49       2440232.27 1969 Jan 10 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W50       2440232.27 1969 Jan 10 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W51       2440232.29 1969 Jan 10 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W52       2440232.32 1969 Jan 10 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W53       2440232.34 1969 Jan 10 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W54       2440232.34 1969 Jan 10 2011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W55       2440232.35 1969 Jan 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W56       2440232.36 1969 Jan 10 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W57       2440232.41 1969 Jan 10 2144:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W58       2440235.12 1969 Jan 13 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W59       2440235.13 1969 Jan 13 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W60       2440235.19 1969 Jan 13 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W61       2440235.23 1969 Jan 13 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W62       2440235.25 1969 Jan 13 1801:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W63       2440235.29 1969 Jan 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W64       2440235.30 1969 Jan 13 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W65       2440235.33 1969 Jan 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W66       2440236.12 1969 Jan 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W67       2440236.13 1969 Jan 14 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W68       2440236.15 1969 Jan 14 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W69       2440236.19 1969 Jan 14 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W70       2440236.21 1969 Jan 14 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W71       2440236.34 1969 Jan 14 2010     Loki Dart                ?      -                    Rocketsonde              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1969-W72       2440237.11 1969 Jan 15 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W73       2440237.11 1969 Jan 15 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W74       2440237.12 1969 Jan 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W75       2440237.17 1969 Jan 15 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W76       2440237.19 1969 Jan 15 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W77       2440237.20 1969 Jan 15 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W78       2440237.28 1969 Jan 15 1847:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W79       2440237.33 1969 Jan 15 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W80       2440237.33 1969 Jan 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W81       2440237.34 1969 Jan 15 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W82       2440237.44 1969 Jan 15 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W83       2440238.12 1969 Jan 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W84       2440238.36 1969 Jan 16 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W85       2440238.49 1969 Jan 16 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W86       2440238.53 1969 Jan 17 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W87       2440238.65 1969 Jan 17 0334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W88       2440238.77 1969 Jan 17 0634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W89       2440238.79 1969 Jan 17 0655:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W90       2440238.80 1969 Jan 17 0714:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W91       2440239.11 1969 Jan 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W92       2440239.17 1969 Jan 17 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W93       2440239.19 1969 Jan 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W94       2440239.23 1969 Jan 17 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W95       2440239.27 1969 Jan 17 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W96       2440239.32 1969 Jan 17 1933:59  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W97       2440239.33 1969 Jan 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W98       2440239.37 1969 Jan 17 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W99       2440239.45 1969 Jan 17 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W100      2440240.24 1969 Jan 18 1748:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M01       2440241.30 1969 Jan 19 1905     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.314IM        RTG SNC 2B/2 K69/1       -                        -                        -         ESR      N                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC/RTG     SS   MISU/UCL/Udin            Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W101      2440241.99 1969 Jan 20 1148:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6901          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W102      2440242.11 1969 Jan 20 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W103      2440242.15 1969 Jan 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W104      2440242.16 1969 Jan 20 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W105      2440242.28 1969 Jan 20 1841:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W106      2440242.29 1969 Jan 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W107      2440242.32 1969 Jan 20 1936:59  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W108      2440242.35 1969 Jan 20 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W109      2440242.35 1969 Jan 20 2026:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W110      2440242.38 1969 Jan 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W111      2440243.21 1969 Jan 21 1655:59  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W112      2440243.21 1969 Jan 21 1700     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W113      2440243.21 1969 Jan 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W114      2440243.25 1969 Jan 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W115      2440243.29 1969 Jan 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W116      2440243.29 1969 Jan 21 1901:59  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W117      2440243.96 1969 Jan 22 1056:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6902          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W118      2440243.96 1969 Jan 22 1100     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W119      2440243.97 1969 Jan 22 1110:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W120      2440244.10 1969 Jan 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W121      2440244.11 1969 Jan 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W122      2440244.12 1969 Jan 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W123      2440244.17 1969 Jan 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W124      2440244.21 1969 Jan 22 1700:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W125      2440244.24 1969 Jan 22 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W126      2440244.31 1969 Jan 22 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W127      2440244.33 1969 Jan 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W128      2440244.45 1969 Jan 22 2253:59  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W129      2440244.46 1969 Jan 22 2300:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   USAF/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W130      2440245.12 1969 Jan 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W131      2440245.25 1969 Jan 23 1755:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W132      2440245.31 1969 Jan 23 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W133      2440245.49 1969 Jan 23 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W134      2440245.61 1969 Jan 24 0233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W135      2440245.95 1969 Jan 24 1054:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6903          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W136      2440246.10 1969 Jan 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W137      2440246.11 1969 Jan 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W138      2440246.15 1969 Jan 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W139      2440246.25 1969 Jan 24 1756:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W140      2440246.25 1969 Jan 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W141      2440246.33 1969 Jan 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W142      2440246.34 1969 Jan 24 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W143      2440246.36 1969 Jan 24 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W144      2440249.11 1969 Jan 27 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W145      2440249.12 1969 Jan 27 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W146      2440249.12 1969 Jan 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W147      2440249.24 1969 Jan 27 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W148      2440249.29 1969 Jan 27 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W149      2440249.33 1969 Jan 27 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W150      2440249.37 1969 Jan 27 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W151      2440249.78 1969 Jan 28 0649:59  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W152      2440249.86 1969 Jan 28 0837:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W153      2440250.12 1969 Jan 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W154      2440250.21 1969 Jan 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W155      2440250.95 1969 Jan 29 1054:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6904          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W156      2440251.11 1969 Jan 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W157      2440251.12 1969 Jan 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W158      2440251.14 1969 Jan 29 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W159      2440251.17 1969 Jan 29 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W160      2440251.25 1969 Jan 29 1755:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W161      2440251.25 1969 Jan 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W162      2440251.28 1969 Jan 29 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W163      2440251.29 1969 Jan 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W164      2440251.31 1969 Jan 29 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W165      2440251.32 1969 Jan 29 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W166      2440251.33 1969 Jan 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W167      2440251.34 1969 Jan 29 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W168      2440251.36 1969 Jan 29 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W169      2440251.36 1969 Jan 29 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W170      2440251.36 1969 Jan 29 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M02       2440251.56 1969 Jan 30 0131     NAL-16                   -      NAL-16 31D           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1969-W171      2440251.66 1969 Jan 30 0345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W172      2440252.34 1969 Jan 30 2006:00  Judi-Dart                ?      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W173      2440252.35 1969 Jan 30 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W174      2440252.37 1969 Jan 30 2051:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W175      2440252.42 1969 Jan 30 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W176      2440252.50 1969 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W177      2440252.50 1969 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W178      2440252.67 1969 Jan 31 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W179      2440253.11 1969 Jan 31 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W180      2440253.11 1969 Jan 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W181      2440253.14 1969 Jan 31 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W182      2440253.25 1969 Jan 31 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W183      2440253.26 1969 Jan 31 1821     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.61DM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF/NOTS     SS   NOTS/Krueger             Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W184      2440253.27 1969 Jan 31 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W185      2440253.33 1969 Jan 31 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W186      2440253.37 1969 Jan 31 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W187      2440253.49 1969 Jan 31 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M03       2440253.57 1969 Feb  1 0140     NAL-25                   -      NAL-25 31            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1969-W188      2440254.33 1969 Feb  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W189      2440255.35 1969 Feb  2 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W190      2440256.09 1969 Feb  3 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W191      2440256.11 1969 Feb  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W192      2440256.12 1969 Feb  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W193      2440256.22 1969 Feb  3 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W194      2440256.29 1969 Feb  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W195      2440256.33 1969 Feb  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W196      2440256.36 1969 Feb  3 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W197      2440256.38 1969 Feb  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W198      2440256.45 1969 Feb  3 2245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W199      2440257.29 1969 Feb  4 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W200      2440257.29 1969 Feb  4 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W201      2440257.33 1969 Feb  4 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W202      2440257.33 1969 Feb  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W203      2440257.36 1969 Feb  4 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W204      2440257.45 1969 Feb  4 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W205      2440258.07 1969 Feb  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W206      2440258.11 1969 Feb  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W207      2440258.12 1969 Feb  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W208      2440258.24 1969 Feb  5 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W209      2440258.29 1969 Feb  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W210      2440258.30 1969 Feb  5 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W211      2440258.34 1969 Feb  5 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W212      2440258.38 1969 Feb  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W213      2440258.40 1969 Feb  5 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W214      2440258.43 1969 Feb  5 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M04       2440258.50 1969 Feb  6          Spartan ABM              -      800008               KT-6                     -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NIKEX        MS   -                        Test                     Safeguard            -                    -
1969-W215      2440258.93 1969 Feb  6 1023:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W216      2440259.11 1969 Feb  6 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W217      2440259.25 1969 Feb  6 1800     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.62DM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF/NOTS     SS   NOTS/Krueger             Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W218      2440259.29 1969 Feb  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W219      2440259.33 1969 Feb  6 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W220      2440259.33 1969 Feb  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W221      2440259.41 1969 Feb  6 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W222      2440260.08 1969 Feb  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W223      2440260.12 1969 Feb  7 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W224      2440260.12 1969 Feb  7 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W225      2440260.17 1969 Feb  7 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W226      2440260.34 1969 Feb  7 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W227      2440260.38 1969 Feb  7 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W228      2440260.40 1969 Feb  7 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W229      2440260.47 1969 Feb  7 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W230      2440260.74 1969 Feb  8 0546:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M05       2440262.07 1969 Feb  9 1346     Centaure 1               -      -                    Rehbar 19                -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SF   SUPA/Shafi-Ahmed         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W231      2440263.09 1969 Feb 10 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W232      2440263.11 1969 Feb 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W233      2440263.12 1969 Feb 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W234      2440263.29 1969 Feb 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W235      2440263.31 1969 Feb 10 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W236      2440263.33 1969 Feb 10 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W237      2440263.34 1969 Feb 10 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W238      2440263.36 1969 Feb 10 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W239      2440264.23 1969 Feb 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W240      2440264.28 1969 Feb 11 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W241      2440264.31 1969 Feb 11 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W242      2440264.52 1969 Feb 12 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W243      2440265.09 1969 Feb 12 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W244      2440265.11 1969 Feb 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W245      2440265.14 1969 Feb 12 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W246      2440265.17 1969 Feb 12 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W247      2440265.19 1969 Feb 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W248      2440265.27 1969 Feb 12 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W249      2440265.28 1969 Feb 12 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W250      2440265.38 1969 Feb 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W251      2440265.38 1969 Feb 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W252      2440265.40 1969 Feb 12 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W253      2440266.12 1969 Feb 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W254      2440266.35 1969 Feb 13 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W255      2440266.36 1969 Feb 13 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W256      2440266.37 1969 Feb 13 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W257      2440266.39 1969 Feb 13 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W258      2440266.62 1969 Feb 14 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W259      2440266.66 1969 Feb 14 0349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W260      2440266.67 1969 Feb 14 0409:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W261      2440267.14 1969 Feb 14 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W262      2440267.19 1969 Feb 14 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W263      2440267.21 1969 Feb 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W264      2440267.25 1969 Feb 14 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W265      2440267.28 1969 Feb 14 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W266      2440267.29 1969 Feb 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W267      2440267.33 1969 Feb 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W268      2440267.38 1969 Feb 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W269      2440267.46 1969 Feb 14 2255:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W270      2440270.11 1969 Feb 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W271      2440270.15 1969 Feb 17 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W272      2440270.17 1969 Feb 17 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W273      2440270.21 1969 Feb 17 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W274      2440270.29 1969 Feb 17 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W275      2440270.29 1969 Feb 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W276      2440270.36 1969 Feb 17 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W277      2440270.37 1969 Feb 17 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W278      2440271.21 1969 Feb 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W279      2440271.39 1969 Feb 18 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W280      2440271.71 1969 Feb 19 0456:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W281      2440272.07 1969 Feb 19 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W282      2440272.11 1969 Feb 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W283      2440272.15 1969 Feb 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W284      2440272.19 1969 Feb 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W285      2440272.19 1969 Feb 19 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W286      2440272.26 1969 Feb 19 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W287      2440272.27 1969 Feb 19 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W288      2440272.28 1969 Feb 19 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W289      2440272.51 1969 Feb 20 0014:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W290      2440273.17 1969 Feb 20 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W291      2440273.29 1969 Feb 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W292      2440273.30 1969 Feb 20 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W293      2440273.33 1969 Feb 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W294      2440273.35 1969 Feb 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W295      2440273.40 1969 Feb 20 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W296      2440274.24 1969 Feb 21 1749:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W297      2440274.25 1969 Feb 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W298      2440277.11 1969 Feb 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W299      2440277.12 1969 Feb 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W300      2440277.25 1969 Feb 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W301      2440277.29 1969 Feb 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W302      2440277.34 1969 Feb 24 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W303      2440277.37 1969 Feb 24 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W304      2440278.13 1969 Feb 25 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W305      2440278.40 1969 Feb 25 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M06       2440278.40 1969 Feb 25 2137:10  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    ESRO A40/3               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     88      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/DSRI/Wrenn,Peters    Ionos/Plasma/Field       ESRO-SP80            SR10,831             -
1969-W306      2440279.15 1969 Feb 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W307      2440279.22 1969 Feb 26 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W308      2440279.25 1969 Feb 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W309      2440279.33 1969 Feb 26 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W310      2440279.64 1969 Feb 27 0318:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W311      2440280.12 1969 Feb 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W312      2440280.32 1969 Feb 27 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W313      2440280.41 1969 Feb 27 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M89       2440280.50 1969 Mar             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1969-M90       2440280.50 1969 Mar             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1969-M91       2440280.50 1969 Mar             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1969-W314      2440281.11 1969 Feb 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W315      2440281.12 1969 Feb 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W316      2440281.12 1969 Feb 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W317      2440281.25 1969 Feb 28 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W318      2440281.31 1969 Feb 28 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W319      2440281.31 1969 Feb 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W320      2440281.33 1969 Feb 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W321      2440281.34 1969 Feb 28 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W322      2440281.39 1969 Feb 28 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W323      2440281.74 1969 Mar  1 0548:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W324      2440282.09 1969 Mar  1 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W325      2440283.09 1969 Mar  2 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W326      2440284.11 1969 Mar  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W327      2440284.17 1969 Mar  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W328      2440284.18 1969 Mar  3 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W329      2440284.23 1969 Mar  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W330      2440284.25 1969 Mar  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W331      2440284.25 1969 Mar  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M93       2440284.27 1969 Mar  3 1829     Viper-Dart               -      -                    Apollo 9 support         -                        -                        -         CC       LC43?            -        -                     73?     -  -               0.000 KSC?         SS   NASA/?                   Aeron                    FER-AS504            -                    -
1969-W332      2440284.33 1969 Mar  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W333      2440284.36 1969 Mar  3 2042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W334      2440284.69 1969 Mar  4 0437:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W335      2440285.38 1969 Mar  4 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W336      2440285.39 1969 Mar  4 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W337      2440286.11 1969 Mar  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W338      2440286.13 1969 Mar  5 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W339      2440286.19 1969 Mar  5 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W340      2440286.23 1969 Mar  5 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W341      2440286.25 1969 Mar  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W342      2440286.31 1969 Mar  5 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W343      2440286.33 1969 Mar  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W344      2440286.36 1969 Mar  5 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W345      2440286.38 1969 Mar  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W346      2440286.62 1969 Mar  6 0248:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W347      2440287.33 1969 Mar  6 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W348      2440287.38 1969 Mar  6 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W349      2440287.57 1969 Mar  7 0144:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W350      2440288.11 1969 Mar  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W351      2440288.13 1969 Mar  7 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W352      2440288.21 1969 Mar  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W353      2440288.23 1969 Mar  7 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W354      2440288.23 1969 Mar  7 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W355      2440288.27 1969 Mar  7 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W356      2440288.31 1969 Mar  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W357      2440288.33 1969 Mar  7 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W358      2440288.37 1969 Mar  7 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W359      2440291.09 1969 Mar 10 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W360      2440291.11 1969 Mar 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W361      2440291.12 1969 Mar 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W362      2440291.17 1969 Mar 10 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W363      2440291.22 1969 Mar 10 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W364      2440291.25 1969 Mar 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W365      2440291.33 1969 Mar 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W366      2440291.34 1969 Mar 10 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W367      2440291.37 1969 Mar 10 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W368      2440291.40 1969 Mar 10 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W369      2440292.31 1969 Mar 11 1930:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W370      2440292.35 1969 Mar 11 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W371      2440292.40 1969 Mar 11 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W372      2440293.11 1969 Mar 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W373      2440293.14 1969 Mar 12 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W374      2440293.15 1969 Mar 12 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W375      2440293.16 1969 Mar 12 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W376      2440293.20 1969 Mar 12 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W377      2440293.25 1969 Mar 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W378      2440293.26 1969 Mar 12 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W379      2440293.30 1969 Mar 12 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W380      2440293.33 1969 Mar 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W381      2440293.37 1969 Mar 12 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W382      2440293.37 1969 Mar 12 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W383      2440293.43 1969 Mar 12 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W384      2440293.69 1969 Mar 13 0430:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W385      2440294.25 1969 Mar 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1746     2440294.26 1969 Mar 13 1817     M-100                    -      -                    Particle flux 18         -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AN           SS   AN/Tulinov               Plasma                   SR12,1459            -                    -
1969-W386      2440294.30 1969 Mar 13 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W387      2440294.37 1969 Mar 13 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W388      2440294.38 1969 Mar 13 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W389      2440294.59 1969 Mar 14 0203:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W390      2440294.97 1969 Mar 14 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W391      2440295.11 1969 Mar 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W392      2440295.11 1969 Mar 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W393      2440295.12 1969 Mar 14 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W394      2440295.26 1969 Mar 14 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W395      2440295.30 1969 Mar 14 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W396      2440295.33 1969 Mar 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W397      2440295.33 1969 Mar 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W398      2440295.37 1969 Mar 14 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W399      2440295.59 1969 Mar 15 0203:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W400      2440298.09 1969 Mar 17 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W401      2440298.12 1969 Mar 17 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W402      2440298.12 1969 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W403      2440298.16 1969 Mar 17 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W404      2440298.25 1969 Mar 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W405      2440298.28 1969 Mar 17 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W406      2440298.29 1969 Mar 17 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W407      2440298.35 1969 Mar 17 2018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W408      2440298.35 1969 Mar 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W409      2440299.21 1969 Mar 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W410      2440299.27 1969 Mar 18 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W411      2440299.41 1969 Mar 18 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M44       2440299.96 1969 Mar 19 1057     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6905          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1969-W412      2440300.11 1969 Mar 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W413      2440300.13 1969 Mar 19 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W414      2440300.17 1969 Mar 19 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W415      2440300.23 1969 Mar 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W416      2440300.25 1969 Mar 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W417      2440300.26 1969 Mar 19 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W418      2440300.26 1969 Mar 19 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W419      2440300.27 1969 Mar 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W420      2440300.28 1969 Mar 19 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W421      2440300.29 1969 Mar 19 1900     Viper-Dart               -      Sphere 3             Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1969-W422      2440300.34 1969 Mar 19 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W423      2440300.38 1969 Mar 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W424      2440301.14 1969 Mar 20 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W425      2440301.36 1969 Mar 20 2042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W426      2440301.40 1969 Mar 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W427      2440301.48 1969 Mar 20 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W428      2440301.67 1969 Mar 21 0358:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W429      2440302.11 1969 Mar 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W430      2440302.12 1969 Mar 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W431      2440302.13 1969 Mar 21 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W432      2440302.28 1969 Mar 21 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W433      2440302.37 1969 Mar 21 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W434      2440304.92 1969 Mar 24 1010:00  M-100                    -      -                    Particle study 1         -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   TSAO/Kokin,Popov         Aeron/Particles          SR11,924             DSI-5850             -
1969-W435      2440305.09 1969 Mar 24 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W436      2440305.11 1969 Mar 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W437      2440305.12 1969 Mar 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W438      2440305.13 1969 Mar 24 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W439      2440305.25 1969 Mar 24 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W440      2440305.29 1969 Mar 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W441      2440305.33 1969 Mar 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W442      2440305.64 1969 Mar 25 0322:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W443      2440306.39 1969 Mar 25 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W444      2440306.40 1969 Mar 25 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W445      2440307.11 1969 Mar 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W446      2440307.12 1969 Mar 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W447      2440307.23 1969 Mar 26 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W448      2440307.25 1969 Mar 26 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W449      2440307.33 1969 Mar 26 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W450      2440307.34 1969 Mar 26 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W451      2440307.39 1969 Mar 26 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W452      2440307.45 1969 Mar 26 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W453      2440307.56 1969 Mar 27 0131:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W454      2440307.65 1969 Mar 27 0332:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W455      2440308.19 1969 Mar 27 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W456      2440308.39 1969 Mar 27 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W457      2440308.51 1969 Mar 28 0021:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M45       2440308.57 1969 Mar 28 0139     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6906          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1969-W458      2440308.69 1969 Mar 28 0436:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W459      2440308.73 1969 Mar 28 0537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W460      2440308.85 1969 Mar 28 0824:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W461      2440309.11 1969 Mar 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W462      2440309.12 1969 Mar 28 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W463      2440309.18 1969 Mar 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W464      2440309.27 1969 Mar 28 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W465      2440309.27 1969 Mar 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W466      2440309.28 1969 Mar 28 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W467      2440309.29 1969 Mar 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W468      2440309.33 1969 Mar 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W469      2440309.41 1969 Mar 28 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M46       2440309.55 1969 Mar 29 0105     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6907          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Aeron                    ElAren               -                    -
1969-W470      2440309.55 1969 Mar 29 0111:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W471      2440309.70 1969 Mar 29 0442:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W472      2440311.50 1969 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W473      2440311.50 1969 Apr             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W474      2440312.09 1969 Mar 31 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W475      2440312.54 1969 Apr  1 0059:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W476      2440313.10 1969 Apr  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W477      2440313.29 1969 Apr  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W478      2440314.12 1969 Apr  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W479      2440314.15 1969 Apr  2 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W480      2440314.16 1969 Apr  2 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W481      2440314.17 1969 Apr  2 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W482      2440314.19 1969 Apr  2 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W483      2440314.25 1969 Apr  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W484      2440314.31 1969 Apr  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W485      2440314.35 1969 Apr  2 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W486      2440314.36 1969 Apr  2 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W487      2440315.08 1969 Apr  3 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W488      2440315.26 1969 Apr  3 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W489      2440315.40 1969 Apr  3 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W490      2440316.10 1969 Apr  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W491      2440316.11 1969 Apr  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W492      2440316.12 1969 Apr  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W493      2440316.19 1969 Apr  4 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W494      2440316.21 1969 Apr  4 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W495      2440316.22 1969 Apr  4 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W496      2440316.34 1969 Apr  4 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W497      2440319.09 1969 Apr  7 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W498      2440319.12 1969 Apr  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W499      2440319.12 1969 Apr  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W500      2440319.17 1969 Apr  7 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W501      2440319.17 1969 Apr  7 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W502      2440319.29 1969 Apr  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W503      2440319.36 1969 Apr  7 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W504      2440319.38 1969 Apr  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W505      2440320.08 1969 Apr  8 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W506      2440320.27 1969 Apr  8 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W507      2440320.29 1969 Apr  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W508      2440321.11 1969 Apr  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W509      2440321.11 1969 Apr  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W510      2440321.12 1969 Apr  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W511      2440321.13 1969 Apr  9 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W512      2440321.19 1969 Apr  9 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W513      2440321.24 1969 Apr  9 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W514      2440321.25 1969 Apr  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W515      2440321.27 1969 Apr  9 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W516      2440321.36 1969 Apr  9 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W517      2440321.37 1969 Apr  9 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W518      2440321.46 1969 Apr  9 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W519      2440321.61 1969 Apr 10 0240:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W520      2440322.12 1969 Apr 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W521      2440322.19 1969 Apr 10 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W522      2440322.23 1969 Apr 10 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W523      2440322.90 1969 Apr 11 0934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W524      2440323.11 1969 Apr 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W525      2440323.12 1969 Apr 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W526      2440323.17 1969 Apr 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W527      2440323.17 1969 Apr 11 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W528      2440323.23 1969 Apr 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W529      2440323.26 1969 Apr 11 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W530      2440323.27 1969 Apr 11 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W531      2440323.33 1969 Apr 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W532      2440323.36 1969 Apr 11 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W533      2440323.64 1969 Apr 12 0315:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M08       2440324.82 1969 Apr 13 0743:13  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    ESRO A40/6               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/DSRI/Wrenn,Peters    Ionos/Plasma/Field       ESRO-SP80            WDCRF/ESRO69         -
1969-M09       2440324.90 1969 Apr 13 0940:40  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    ESRO A40/4               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/DSRI/Wrenn,Peters    Ionos/Plasma/Field       ESRO-SP80            WDCRF/Massey         -
1969-W534      2440325.14 1969 Apr 13 1523:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W535      2440326.12 1969 Apr 14 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M10       2440326.17 1969 Apr 14 1611:00  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    ESRO A40/5               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/DSRI/Wrenn,Peters    Ionos/Plasma/Field       ESRO-SP80            WDCRF/ESRO69         -
1969-W536      2440326.20 1969 Apr 14 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W537      2440326.22 1969 Apr 14 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W538      2440326.25 1969 Apr 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W539      2440326.28 1969 Apr 14 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M11       2440326.29 1969 Apr 14 1900:04  Sidewinder-Arcas         -      -                    ESRO A40/1               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/DSRI/Wrenn,Peters    Ionos/Plasma/Field       ESRO-SP80            WDCRF/Massey         -
1969-W540      2440326.32 1969 Apr 14 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W541      2440326.33 1969 Apr 14 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W542      2440326.42 1969 Apr 14 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W543      2440326.63 1969 Apr 15 0311:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W544      2440327.12 1969 Apr 15 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W545      2440327.18 1969 Apr 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W546      2440327.42 1969 Apr 15 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W547      2440327.97 1969 Apr 16 1113:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6908          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W548      2440328.09 1969 Apr 16 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W549      2440328.11 1969 Apr 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M12       2440328.11 1969 Apr 16 1445:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W550      2440328.12 1969 Apr 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W551      2440328.13 1969 Apr 16 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W552      2440328.18 1969 Apr 16 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W553      2440328.18 1969 Apr 16 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W554      2440328.21 1969 Apr 16 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W555      2440328.29 1969 Apr 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W556      2440328.33 1969 Apr 16 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W557      2440328.39 1969 Apr 16 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W558      2440328.42 1969 Apr 16 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W559      2440328.42 1969 Apr 16 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W560      2440329.19 1969 Apr 17 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W561      2440329.23 1969 Apr 17 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W562      2440329.34 1969 Apr 17 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W563      2440330.08 1969 Apr 18 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M13       2440330.11 1969 Apr 18 1437:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W564      2440330.11 1969 Apr 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W565      2440330.12 1969 Apr 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W566      2440330.20 1969 Apr 18 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W567      2440330.26 1969 Apr 18 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W568      2440330.29 1969 Apr 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W569      2440330.33 1969 Apr 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M14       2440330.50 1969 Apr 19          Belier                   -      B116                 FU-191                   Belier CSG 1             -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/CSG/                Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1969-W570      2440330.67 1969 Apr 19 0409     Boosted Arcas 2          -      AMM-BA-3             O/OH profile             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   YORK/Schiff              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-M15       2440333.11 1969 Apr 21 1437:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W571      2440333.11 1969 Apr 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W572      2440333.11 1969 Apr 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W573      2440333.12 1969 Apr 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W574      2440333.25 1969 Apr 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W575      2440333.31 1969 Apr 21 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W576      2440333.32 1969 Apr 21 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W577      2440333.34 1969 Apr 21 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W578      2440333.34 1969 Apr 21 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W579      2440333.37 1969 Apr 21 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W580      2440333.38 1969 Apr 21 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W581      2440333.39 1969 Apr 21 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W582      2440333.61 1969 Apr 22 0238:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W583      2440334.42 1969 Apr 22 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W584      2440334.55 1969 Apr 23 0111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M16       2440335.10 1969 Apr 23 1423:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W585      2440335.11 1969 Apr 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W586      2440335.12 1969 Apr 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W587      2440335.17 1969 Apr 23 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W588      2440335.17 1969 Apr 23 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W589      2440335.19 1969 Apr 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W590      2440335.24 1969 Apr 23 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W591      2440335.25 1969 Apr 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W592      2440335.27 1969 Apr 23 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W593      2440335.40 1969 Apr 23 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W594      2440335.60 1969 Apr 24 0222:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M17       2440336.09 1969 Apr 24 1415:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W595      2440336.39 1969 Apr 24 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W596      2440337.11 1969 Apr 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W597      2440337.12 1969 Apr 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W598      2440337.15 1969 Apr 25 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W599      2440337.21 1969 Apr 25 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W600      2440337.21 1969 Apr 25 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W601      2440337.23 1969 Apr 25 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W602      2440337.48 1969 Apr 25 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W603      2440337.60 1969 Apr 26 0231:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W604      2440338.65 1969 Apr 27 0340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W605      2440338.67 1969 Apr 27 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W606      2440338.69 1969 Apr 27 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W607      2440338.71 1969 Apr 27 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W608      2440338.74 1969 Apr 27 0549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W609      2440338.75 1969 Apr 27 0553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W610      2440338.77 1969 Apr 27 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M18       2440339.33 1969 Apr 27 1953:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W611      2440340.09 1969 Apr 28 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W612      2440340.11 1969 Apr 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W613      2440340.25 1969 Apr 28 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W614      2440340.29 1969 Apr 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W615      2440340.38 1969 Apr 28 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W616      2440340.42 1969 Apr 28 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M19       2440341.08 1969 Apr 29 1400:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W617      2440341.16 1969 Apr 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W618      2440341.17 1969 Apr 29 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W619      2440341.21 1969 Apr 29 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W620      2440341.25 1969 Apr 29 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W621      2440341.27 1969 Apr 29 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W622      2440341.95 1969 Apr 30 1044:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6909          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W623      2440342.08 1969 Apr 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W624      2440342.11 1969 Apr 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W625      2440342.11 1969 Apr 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W626      2440342.17 1969 Apr 30 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W627      2440342.19 1969 Apr 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W628      2440342.25 1969 Apr 30 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W629      2440342.30 1969 Apr 30 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W630      2440342.38 1969 Apr 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W631      2440343.12 1969 May  1 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W632      2440343.21 1969 May  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W633      2440343.21 1969 May  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M20       2440343.35 1969 May  1 2027:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W634      2440343.40 1969 May  1 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W635      2440343.49 1969 May  1 2343:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W636      2440344.08 1969 May  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W637      2440344.10 1969 May  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W638      2440344.12 1969 May  2 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W639      2440344.14 1969 May  2 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W640      2440344.18 1969 May  2 1618:59  Arcas                    ?      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W641      2440344.25 1969 May  2 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W642      2440344.27 1969 May  2 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W643      2440344.27 1969 May  2 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W644      2440344.29 1969 May  2 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W645      2440344.29 1969 May  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W646      2440344.30 1969 May  2 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W647      2440344.32 1969 May  2 1945:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M21       2440345.08 1969 May  3 1352:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M22       2440345.33 1969 May  3 1956:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M23       2440345.50 1969 May  4          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC32W            -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1969-M24       2440345.50 1969 May  4          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       LC32E            -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1969-W648      2440347.08 1969 May  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W649      2440347.11 1969 May  5 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W650      2440347.21 1969 May  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W651      2440347.23 1969 May  5 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W652      2440347.28 1969 May  5 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W653      2440347.32 1969 May  5 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W654      2440347.33 1969 May  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W655      2440347.38 1969 May  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W656      2440348.12 1969 May  6 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W657      2440348.25 1969 May  6 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W658      2440348.39 1969 May  6 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W659      2440349.12 1969 May  7 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W660      2440349.12 1969 May  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W661      2440349.15 1969 May  7 1538:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W662      2440349.19 1969 May  7 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W663      2440349.21 1969 May  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W664      2440349.23 1969 May  7 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W665      2440349.25 1969 May  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W666      2440349.25 1969 May  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W667      2440349.26 1969 May  7 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W668      2440349.38 1969 May  7 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W669      2440349.54 1969 May  8 0102:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6910          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W670      2440350.10 1969 May  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W671      2440350.25 1969 May  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W672      2440350.31 1969 May  8 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W673      2440350.38 1969 May  8 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W674      2440351.11 1969 May  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W675      2440351.20 1969 May  9 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W676      2440351.29 1969 May  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W677      2440351.29 1969 May  9 1900     Loki Dart                ?      -                    Rocketsonde              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron                    SP-219               -                    -
1969-W678      2440351.32 1969 May  9 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W679      2440351.40 1969 May  9 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W680      2440351.62 1969 May 10 0255:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6911          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W681      2440351.72 1969 May 10 0513:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W682      2440352.55 1969 May 11 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W683      2440352.65 1969 May 11 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W684      2440352.67 1969 May 11 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W685      2440352.69 1969 May 11 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W686      2440352.69 1969 May 11 0432:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W687      2440352.71 1969 May 11 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W688      2440352.73 1969 May 11 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W689      2440352.75 1969 May 11 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W690      2440352.77 1969 May 11 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W691      2440352.77 1969 May 11 0633:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W692      2440354.08 1969 May 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W693      2440354.20 1969 May 12 1645:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W694      2440354.22 1969 May 12 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W695      2440354.29 1969 May 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W696      2440354.29 1969 May 12 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W697      2440354.30 1969 May 12 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W698      2440354.40 1969 May 12 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W699      2440355.14 1969 May 13 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W700      2440355.15 1969 May 13 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W701      2440355.17 1969 May 13 1602:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W702      2440355.22 1969 May 13 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W703      2440355.22 1969 May 13 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W704      2440355.95 1969 May 14 1046:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6912          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W705      2440355.96 1969 May 14 1106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W706      2440356.08 1969 May 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W707      2440356.09 1969 May 14 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W708      2440356.19 1969 May 14 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W709      2440356.25 1969 May 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W710      2440356.29 1969 May 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W711      2440357.12 1969 May 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W712      2440357.13 1969 May 15 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W713      2440357.42 1969 May 15 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W714      2440357.42 1969 May 15 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W715      2440357.42 1969 May 15 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W716      2440358.11 1969 May 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W717      2440358.12 1969 May 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W718      2440358.19 1969 May 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W719      2440358.25 1969 May 16 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W720      2440358.26 1969 May 16 1811:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W721      2440358.31 1969 May 16 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W722      2440358.36 1969 May 16 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W723      2440358.40 1969 May 16 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W724      2440359.05 1969 May 17 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W725      2440360.31 1969 May 18 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M94       2440360.31 1969 May 18 1928     Loki Dart                -      -                    Apollo 10 support        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43?            -        -                     57?     -  -               0.000 AWS?         SS   NASA/?                   Aeron                    FER-AS505            -                    -
1969-W726      2440360.67 1969 May 19 0400:00  M-100                    -      M-100                -                        -                        -                        SHOK      KER      M9128            -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W727      2440361.08 1969 May 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W728      2440361.11 1969 May 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W729      2440361.15 1969 May 19 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W730      2440361.21 1969 May 19 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W731      2440361.42 1969 May 19 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W732      2440362.26 1969 May 20 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W733      2440362.42 1969 May 20 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W734      2440363.11 1969 May 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W735      2440363.13 1969 May 21 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W736      2440363.13 1969 May 21 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W737      2440363.19 1969 May 21 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W738      2440363.25 1969 May 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W739      2440363.29 1969 May 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W740      2440363.36 1969 May 21 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W741      2440363.42 1969 May 21 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W742      2440363.55 1969 May 22 0104:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W743      2440364.25 1969 May 22 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W744      2440364.25 1969 May 22 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W745      2440364.28 1969 May 22 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W746      2440364.29 1969 May 22 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Exp. Sonde      -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W747      2440365.10 1969 May 23 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W748      2440365.10 1969 May 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W749      2440365.11 1969 May 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W750      2440365.16 1969 May 23 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Exp. Sonde      -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W751      2440365.23 1969 May 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W752      2440365.24 1969 May 23 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W753      2440365.27 1969 May 23 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W754      2440365.29 1969 May 23 1856:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W755      2440365.35 1969 May 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W756      2440365.38 1969 May 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W757      2440366.50 1969 May 24 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W758      2440368.08 1969 May 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W759      2440368.12 1969 May 26 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W760      2440368.21 1969 May 26 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W761      2440368.25 1969 May 26 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W762      2440368.29 1969 May 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W763      2440368.42 1969 May 26 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W764      2440368.54 1969 May 27 0053:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W765      2440369.29 1969 May 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W766      2440370.09 1969 May 28 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W767      2440370.11 1969 May 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W768      2440370.20 1969 May 28 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W769      2440370.20 1969 May 28 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W770      2440370.21 1969 May 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W771      2440370.25 1969 May 28 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W772      2440370.27 1969 May 28 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W773      2440370.31 1969 May 28 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W774      2440370.38 1969 May 28 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W775      2440371.12 1969 May 29 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W776      2440371.12 1969 May 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W777      2440371.17 1969 May 29 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W778      2440371.19 1969 May 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W779      2440371.25 1969 May 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W780      2440371.29 1969 May 29 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W781      2440372.13 1969 May 30 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W782      2440372.26 1969 May 30 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W783      2440372.33 1969 May 30 1956:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W784      2440372.50 1969 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W785      2440375.13 1969 Jun  2 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W786      2440375.18 1969 Jun  2 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W787      2440375.29 1969 Jun  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W788      2440375.35 1969 Jun  2 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W789      2440375.38 1969 Jun  2 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W790      2440377.02 1969 Jun  4 1226:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W791      2440377.08 1969 Jun  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W792      2440377.12 1969 Jun  4 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W793      2440377.17 1969 Jun  4 1559:59  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS69C   M9144            -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W794      2440377.20 1969 Jun  4 1644:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W795      2440377.25 1969 Jun  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W796      2440377.27 1969 Jun  4 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W797      2440377.43 1969 Jun  4 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W798      2440378.23 1969 Jun  5 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W799      2440378.71 1969 Jun  6 0504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W800      2440378.79 1969 Jun  6 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W801      2440379.11 1969 Jun  6 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W802      2440379.18 1969 Jun  6 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W803      2440379.22 1969 Jun  6 1713:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W804      2440379.23 1969 Jun  6 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W805      2440379.33 1969 Jun  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W806      2440379.41 1969 Jun  6 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W807      2440379.42 1969 Jun  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W808      2440379.45 1969 Jun  6 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W809      2440382.17 1969 Jun  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W810      2440382.24 1969 Jun  9 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W811      2440382.29 1969 Jun  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W812      2440383.12 1969 Jun 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W813      2440383.18 1969 Jun 10 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W814      2440383.25 1969 Jun 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W815      2440383.33 1969 Jun 10 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W816      2440383.72 1969 Jun 11 0520     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-110            ISRO 11.30               TERLS-110                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W817      2440384.08 1969 Jun 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W818      2440384.10 1969 Jun 11 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W819      2440384.10 1969 Jun 11 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W820      2440384.16 1969 Jun 11 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W821      2440384.18 1969 Jun 11 1612:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W822      2440384.19 1969 Jun 11 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W823      2440384.21 1969 Jun 11 1657:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W824      2440384.24 1969 Jun 11 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W825      2440384.38 1969 Jun 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W826      2440385.27 1969 Jun 12 1832     Arcas                    -      NASA 12.12GM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W827      2440385.40 1969 Jun 12 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W828      2440386.10 1969 Jun 13 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W829      2440386.12 1969 Jun 13 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W830      2440386.21 1969 Jun 13 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W831      2440386.27 1969 Jun 13 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W832      2440386.32 1969 Jun 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W833      2440386.40 1969 Jun 13 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W834      2440387.68 1969 Jun 15 0418:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W835      2440388.23 1969 Jun 15 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W836      2440389.22 1969 Jun 16 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W837      2440389.25 1969 Jun 16 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W838      2440390.17 1969 Jun 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W839      2440390.98 1969 Jun 18 1125:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W840      2440391.10 1969 Jun 18 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W841      2440391.13 1969 Jun 18 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W842      2440391.15 1969 Jun 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W843      2440391.20 1969 Jun 18 1648:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W844      2440391.21 1969 Jun 18 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W845      2440391.23 1969 Jun 18 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W846      2440391.29 1969 Jun 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1747     2440391.29 1969 Jun 18 1900     Arcas                    -      -                    PEPP support             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Meteo                    TN-D-5796            -                    -
1969-W847      2440391.30 1969 Jun 18 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W848      2440391.39 1969 Jun 18 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W849      2440391.45 1969 Jun 18 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W850      2440392.15 1969 Jun 19 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W851      2440392.23 1969 Jun 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W852      2440392.56 1969 Jun 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W853      2440392.57 1969 Jun 20 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W854      2440392.86 1969 Jun 20 0837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W855      2440393.10 1969 Jun 20 1430:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W856      2440393.15 1969 Jun 20 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W857      2440393.15 1969 Jun 20 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W858      2440393.17 1969 Jun 20 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W859      2440393.19 1969 Jun 20 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W860      2440393.19 1969 Jun 20 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W861      2440393.23 1969 Jun 20 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W862      2440393.24 1969 Jun 20 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W863      2440393.27 1969 Jun 20 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W864      2440393.28 1969 Jun 20 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W865      2440393.29 1969 Jun 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W866      2440393.30 1969 Jun 20 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W867      2440393.32 1969 Jun 20 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W868      2440393.32 1969 Jun 20 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W869      2440393.40 1969 Jun 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W870      2440393.40 1969 Jun 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W871      2440396.08 1969 Jun 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W872      2440396.11 1969 Jun 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W873      2440396.14 1969 Jun 23 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W874      2440396.14 1969 Jun 23 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W875      2440396.17 1969 Jun 23 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W876      2440396.20 1969 Jun 23 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W877      2440396.23 1969 Jun 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W878      2440396.25 1969 Jun 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W879      2440396.38 1969 Jun 23 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W880      2440397.08 1969 Jun 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W881      2440397.10 1969 Jun 24 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W882      2440397.12 1969 Jun 24 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W883      2440397.12 1969 Jun 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W884      2440397.26 1969 Jun 24 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W885      2440397.76 1969 Jun 25 0612     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-115            ISRO 11.31               TERLS-115                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W886      2440398.10 1969 Jun 25 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W887      2440398.11 1969 Jun 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W888      2440398.11 1969 Jun 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W889      2440398.12 1969 Jun 25 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W890      2440398.12 1969 Jun 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W891      2440398.15 1969 Jun 25 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W892      2440398.17 1969 Jun 25 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W893      2440398.29 1969 Jun 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W894      2440398.33 1969 Jun 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W895      2440398.39 1969 Jun 25 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W896      2440398.42 1969 Jun 25 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W897      2440399.12 1969 Jun 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W898      2440399.13 1969 Jun 26 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W899      2440399.41 1969 Jun 26 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W900      2440400.09 1969 Jun 27 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W901      2440400.20 1969 Jun 27 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W902      2440400.25 1969 Jun 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W903      2440400.25 1969 Jun 27 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W904      2440400.29 1969 Jun 27 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W905      2440400.33 1969 Jun 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W906      2440400.39 1969 Jun 27 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W907      2440400.46 1969 Jun 27 2255:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W908      2440403.11 1969 Jun 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W909      2440403.11 1969 Jun 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W910      2440403.11 1969 Jun 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W911      2440403.12 1969 Jun 30 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W912      2440403.14 1969 Jun 30 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W913      2440403.38 1969 Jun 30 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W914      2440403.74 1969 Jul  1 0546:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W915      2440404.27 1969 Jul  1 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W916      2440404.92 1969 Jul  2 1003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W917      2440405.09 1969 Jul  2 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W918      2440405.11 1969 Jul  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W919      2440405.13 1969 Jul  2 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W920      2440405.13 1969 Jul  2 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W921      2440405.17 1969 Jul  2 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W922      2440405.20 1969 Jul  2 1645:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W923      2440405.23 1969 Jul  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W924      2440405.25 1969 Jul  2 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W925      2440405.35 1969 Jul  2 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W926      2440405.38 1969 Jul  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W927      2440406.12 1969 Jul  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W928      2440406.26 1969 Jul  3 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W929      2440406.29 1969 Jul  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W930      2440406.31 1969 Jul  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W931      2440406.39 1969 Jul  3 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W932      2440410.08 1969 Jul  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W933      2440410.11 1969 Jul  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W934      2440410.12 1969 Jul  7 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W935      2440410.18 1969 Jul  7 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W936      2440410.22 1969 Jul  7 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W937      2440411.27 1969 Jul  8 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W938      2440412.10 1969 Jul  9 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W939      2440412.14 1969 Jul  9 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W940      2440412.16 1969 Jul  9 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W941      2440412.20 1969 Jul  9 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W942      2440412.25 1969 Jul  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W943      2440412.26 1969 Jul  9 1818:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W944      2440412.38 1969 Jul  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W945      2440413.32 1969 Jul 10 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W946      2440413.56 1969 Jul 11 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W947      2440414.08 1969 Jul 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W948      2440414.11 1969 Jul 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W949      2440414.12 1969 Jul 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W950      2440414.20 1969 Jul 11 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W951      2440414.30 1969 Jul 11 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W952      2440414.47 1969 Jul 11 2322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W953      2440417.10 1969 Jul 14 1431:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-219               -
1969-W954      2440417.11 1969 Jul 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W955      2440417.13 1969 Jul 14 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W956      2440417.16 1969 Jul 14 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W957      2440417.28 1969 Jul 14 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W958      2440417.29 1969 Jul 14 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W959      2440417.30 1969 Jul 14 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W960      2440417.30 1969 Jul 14 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W961      2440418.08 1969 Jul 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W962      2440418.12 1969 Jul 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W963      2440418.15 1969 Jul 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W964      2440418.38 1969 Jul 15 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W965      2440418.73 1969 Jul 16 0530     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-116            ISRO 11.32               TERLS-116                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W966      2440419.11 1969 Jul 16 1434:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W967      2440419.11 1969 Jul 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W968      2440419.13 1969 Jul 16 1511:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             CR-1529              -
1969-W969      2440419.14 1969 Jul 16 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W970      2440419.17 1969 Jul 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W971      2440419.20 1969 Jul 16 1645:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W972      2440419.21 1969 Jul 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W973      2440419.25 1969 Jul 16 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W974      2440419.41 1969 Jul 16 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W975      2440420.11 1969 Jul 17 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W976      2440420.24 1969 Jul 17 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W977      2440420.25 1969 Jul 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W978      2440420.30 1969 Jul 17 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W979      2440421.08 1969 Jul 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W980      2440421.11 1969 Jul 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W981      2440421.16 1969 Jul 18 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W982      2440421.17 1969 Jul 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W983      2440421.21 1969 Jul 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W984      2440421.29 1969 Jul 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W985      2440421.38 1969 Jul 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W986      2440425.30 1969 Jul 22 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W987      2440425.38 1969 Jul 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W988      2440425.40 1969 Jul 22 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W989      2440425.74 1969 Jul 23 0550     Judi-Dart                -      TERLS-117            ISRO 11.33               TERLS-117                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W990      2440426.08 1969 Jul 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W991      2440426.15 1969 Jul 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W992      2440426.17 1969 Jul 23 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W993      2440426.24 1969 Jul 23 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W994      2440426.25 1969 Jul 23 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W995      2440426.29 1969 Jul 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W996      2440426.35 1969 Jul 23 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W997      2440426.38 1969 Jul 23 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W998      2440426.40 1969 Jul 23 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W999      2440427.10 1969 Jul 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1000     2440427.17 1969 Jul 24 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1001     2440427.32 1969 Jul 24 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1002     2440427.35 1969 Jul 24 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1003     2440427.40 1969 Jul 24 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1004     2440427.91 1969 Jul 25 0956:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1005     2440428.02 1969 Jul 25 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1006     2440428.05 1969 Jul 25 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1007     2440428.11 1969 Jul 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1008     2440428.17 1969 Jul 25 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1009     2440428.21 1969 Jul 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1010     2440428.22 1969 Jul 25 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1011     2440428.23 1969 Jul 25 1733:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1012     2440428.39 1969 Jul 25 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1013     2440431.06 1969 Jul 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1014     2440431.11 1969 Jul 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1015     2440431.33 1969 Jul 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1016     2440431.36 1969 Jul 28 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1017     2440431.41 1969 Jul 28 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1018     2440432.25 1969 Jul 29 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1019     2440432.42 1969 Jul 29 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1020     2440433.10 1969 Jul 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1021     2440433.10 1969 Jul 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1022     2440433.11 1969 Jul 30 1445:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1023     2440433.15 1969 Jul 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1024     2440433.19 1969 Jul 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1025     2440433.21 1969 Jul 30 1658:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1026     2440433.38 1969 Jul 30 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M26       2440433.50 1969 Jul 31          Spartan ABM              -      800014               KT-11                    -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 SAFSC        MS   -                        Test                     Safeguard            -                    -
1969-W1027     2440434.20 1969 Jul 31 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1028     2440434.38 1969 Jul 31 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1029     2440434.44 1969 Jul 31 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1030     2440435.08 1969 Aug  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1031     2440435.13 1969 Aug  1 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1032     2440435.17 1969 Aug  1 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1033     2440435.27 1969 Aug  1 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1034     2440435.27 1969 Aug  1 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1035     2440435.28 1969 Aug  1 1837:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1036     2440435.37 1969 Aug  1 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1037     2440438.08 1969 Aug  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1038     2440438.10 1969 Aug  4 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1039     2440438.11 1969 Aug  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1040     2440438.18 1969 Aug  4 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1041     2440438.32 1969 Aug  4 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1042     2440438.39 1969 Aug  4 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M37       2440438.50 1969 Aug  5          Viper-Dart               -      SDC VD-35            ROBIN                    -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/                   Aeron                    AFCRL-70-0150        -                    -
1969-W1043     2440439.08 1969 Aug  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1044     2440439.38 1969 Aug  5 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1045     2440439.40 1969 Aug  5 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1046     2440439.67 1969 Aug  6 0359     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas C-H-I              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Test                     FC                   -                    -
1969-W1047     2440439.74 1969 Aug  6 0550     Judi-Dart                -      ISRO 11.35           ISRO 11.35               TERLS-121                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1048     2440440.08 1969 Aug  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1049     2440440.10 1969 Aug  6 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1050     2440440.11 1969 Aug  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1051     2440440.12 1969 Aug  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1052     2440440.19 1969 Aug  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1053     2440440.29 1969 Aug  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1054     2440440.40 1969 Aug  6 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1055     2440440.55 1969 Aug  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1056     2440440.70 1969 Aug  7 0446:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1057     2440441.36 1969 Aug  7 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1058     2440442.08 1969 Aug  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1059     2440442.09 1969 Aug  8 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1060     2440442.11 1969 Aug  8 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1061     2440442.11 1969 Aug  8 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1062     2440442.25 1969 Aug  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1063     2440442.31 1969 Aug  8 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1064     2440442.42 1969 Aug  8 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1065     2440442.56 1969 Aug  9 0123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1066     2440445.12 1969 Aug 11 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1067     2440445.18 1969 Aug 11 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1068     2440445.25 1969 Aug 11 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1069     2440445.43 1969 Aug 11 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1070     2440446.38 1969 Aug 12 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1071     2440446.42 1969 Aug 12 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1072     2440447.02 1969 Aug 13 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1073     2440447.08 1969 Aug 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1074     2440447.10 1969 Aug 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1075     2440447.17 1969 Aug 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1076     2440447.25 1969 Aug 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1077     2440447.28 1969 Aug 13 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1078     2440447.31 1969 Aug 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1079     2440447.33 1969 Aug 13 1956:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1080     2440448.09 1969 Aug 14 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1081     2440448.19 1969 Aug 14 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1082     2440449.02 1969 Aug 15 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1083     2440449.10 1969 Aug 15 1430:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1084     2440449.11 1969 Aug 15 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1085     2440449.17 1969 Aug 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1086     2440449.20 1969 Aug 15 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1087     2440449.25 1969 Aug 15 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1088     2440449.27 1969 Aug 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1089     2440449.29 1969 Aug 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1090     2440449.39 1969 Aug 15 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1091     2440449.59 1969 Aug 16 0207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M27       2440451.50 1969 Aug 18          Belier                   -      B117                 FU-191B                  Belier CSG 2             -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/CSG/                Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1969-W1092     2440451.78 1969 Aug 18 0647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1093     2440452.08 1969 Aug 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1094     2440452.11 1969 Aug 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1095     2440452.17 1969 Aug 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1096     2440452.20 1969 Aug 18 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1097     2440452.20 1969 Aug 18 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1098     2440452.25 1969 Aug 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1099     2440452.31 1969 Aug 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1100     2440452.40 1969 Aug 18 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1101     2440452.56 1969 Aug 19 0122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1102     2440453.09 1969 Aug 19 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1103     2440453.21 1969 Aug 19 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1104     2440453.26 1969 Aug 19 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1105     2440453.96 1969 Aug 20 1057     Judi-Dart                -      ISRO 11.36           ISRO 11.36               TERLS-123                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1106     2440454.08 1969 Aug 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1107     2440454.11 1969 Aug 20 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1108     2440454.11 1969 Aug 20 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1109     2440454.15 1969 Aug 20 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1110     2440454.15 1969 Aug 20 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1111     2440454.17 1969 Aug 20 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1112     2440454.23 1969 Aug 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1113     2440454.27 1969 Aug 20 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1114     2440454.50 1969 Aug 21 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1115     2440454.56 1969 Aug 21 0127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1116     2440455.14 1969 Aug 21 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1117     2440455.17 1969 Aug 21 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1118     2440455.54 1969 Aug 22 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1119     2440455.73 1969 Aug 22 0527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1120     2440456.02 1969 Aug 22 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1121     2440456.08 1969 Aug 22 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1122     2440456.08 1969 Aug 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1123     2440456.25 1969 Aug 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1124     2440456.25 1969 Aug 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1125     2440456.26 1969 Aug 22 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1126     2440456.30 1969 Aug 22 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1127     2440456.36 1969 Aug 22 2041:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1128     2440456.50 1969 Aug 23 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1129     2440456.56 1969 Aug 23 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M28       2440458.50 1969 Aug 25          S-160                    -      IT-160-3             Instrumentation Test     -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ISST9                -                    -
1969-W1130     2440459.20 1969 Aug 25 1641:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1131     2440459.21 1969 Aug 25 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1132     2440459.24 1969 Aug 25 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1133     2440459.25 1969 Aug 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1134     2440459.31 1969 Aug 25 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1135     2440459.52 1969 Aug 26 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1136     2440459.57 1969 Aug 26 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1137     2440460.11 1969 Aug 26 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1138     2440460.14 1969 Aug 26 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1139     2440460.19 1969 Aug 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1140     2440460.26 1969 Aug 26 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1141     2440460.50 1969 Aug 27 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1142     2440460.64 1969 Aug 27 0325:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1143     2440461.07 1969 Aug 27 1346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1144     2440461.08 1969 Aug 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1145     2440461.09 1969 Aug 27 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1146     2440461.15 1969 Aug 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1147     2440461.17 1969 Aug 27 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1148     2440461.22 1969 Aug 27 1715:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1149     2440461.29 1969 Aug 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1150     2440461.29 1969 Aug 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1151     2440461.31 1969 Aug 27 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1152     2440461.58 1969 Aug 28 0148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1153     2440462.27 1969 Aug 28 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1154     2440462.51 1969 Aug 29 0008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1155     2440462.99 1969 Aug 29 1140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1156     2440463.08 1969 Aug 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1157     2440463.11 1969 Aug 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1158     2440463.17 1969 Aug 29 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1159     2440463.20 1969 Aug 29 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1160     2440463.29 1969 Aug 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1161     2440463.38 1969 Aug 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1162     2440463.51 1969 Aug 30 0009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1163     2440464.50 1969 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W1164     2440464.50 1969 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W1165     2440464.50 1969 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1969-M92       2440464.50 1969 Aug 31          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB350 Training           -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1969-W1166     2440467.04 1969 Sep  2 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1167     2440467.29 1969 Sep  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1168     2440467.50 1969 Sep  3 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1169     2440467.65 1969 Sep  3 0341:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1170     2440468.07 1969 Sep  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1171     2440468.08 1969 Sep  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1172     2440468.11 1969 Sep  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1173     2440468.17 1969 Sep  3 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1174     2440468.20 1969 Sep  3 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1175     2440468.24 1969 Sep  3 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1176     2440468.40 1969 Sep  3 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1177     2440468.60 1969 Sep  4 0224:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1178     2440469.10 1969 Sep  4 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1179     2440469.17 1969 Sep  4 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1180     2440469.28 1969 Sep  4 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1181     2440469.50 1969 Sep  5 0003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1182     2440470.11 1969 Sep  5 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1183     2440470.11 1969 Sep  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1184     2440470.11 1969 Sep  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1185     2440470.21 1969 Sep  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1186     2440470.24 1969 Sep  5 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1187     2440470.25 1969 Sep  5 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1188     2440470.29 1969 Sep  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1189     2440470.39 1969 Sep  5 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1190     2440470.50 1969 Sep  6 0006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1191     2440470.55 1969 Sep  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1192     2440470.58 1969 Sep 06 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-041           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1193     2440471.25 1969 Sep  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1194     2440471.58 1969 Sep 07 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135-P -002        -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1195     2440471.71 1969 Sep 07 0500:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-042           -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1196     2440473.08 1969 Sep  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1197     2440473.11 1969 Sep  8 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1198     2440473.18 1969 Sep  8 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1199     2440473.29 1969 Sep  8 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1200     2440473.29 1969 Sep  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1201     2440473.32 1969 Sep  8 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1202     2440473.57 1969 Sep  9 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M29       2440473.77 1969 Sep  9 0630     S-B                      -      SB-III F11           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1969-W1203     2440474.13 1969 Sep  9 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1204     2440474.15 1969 Sep  9 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1205     2440474.18 1969 Sep  9 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1206     2440474.21 1969 Sep  9 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1207     2440474.22 1969 Sep  9 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1208     2440474.78 1969 Sep 10 0642:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1209     2440475.08 1969 Sep 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1210     2440475.10 1969 Sep 10 1430:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1211     2440475.11 1969 Sep 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1212     2440475.29 1969 Sep 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1213     2440475.31 1969 Sep 10 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1214     2440475.40 1969 Sep 10 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1215     2440475.58 1969 Sep 11 0148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1216     2440475.59 1969 Sep 11 0215:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1217     2440476.15 1969 Sep 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1218     2440476.38 1969 Sep 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1219     2440476.38 1969 Sep 11 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1220     2440476.42 1969 Sep 11 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1221     2440476.56 1969 Sep 12 0124:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1222     2440477.08 1969 Sep 12 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1223     2440477.11 1969 Sep 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1224     2440477.13 1969 Sep 12 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1225     2440477.17 1969 Sep 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1226     2440477.18 1969 Sep 12 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1227     2440477.21 1969 Sep 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Arcasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1228     2440477.25 1969 Sep 12 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1229     2440477.26 1969 Sep 12 1818:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1230     2440477.30 1969 Sep 12 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1231     2440477.45 1969 Sep 12 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1232     2440477.55 1969 Sep 13 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1233     2440477.98 1969 Sep 13 1127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1234     2440478.25 1969 Sep 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1235     2440479.54 1969 Sep 15 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1236     2440480.04 1969 Sep 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1237     2440480.08 1969 Sep 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1238     2440480.11 1969 Sep 15 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1239     2440480.12 1969 Sep 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1240     2440480.17 1969 Sep 15 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1241     2440480.20 1969 Sep 15 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1242     2440480.23 1969 Sep 15 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1243     2440480.25 1969 Sep 15 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1244     2440480.31 1969 Sep 15 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1245     2440480.40 1969 Sep 15 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1246     2440480.68 1969 Sep 16 0418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1247     2440481.04 1969 Sep 16 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1248     2440481.10 1969 Sep 16 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1249     2440481.22 1969 Sep 16 1715     Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas C-H-10             -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Test                     FC                   -                    -
1969-W1250     2440481.23 1969 Sep 16 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1251     2440481.30 1969 Sep 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1252     2440481.33 1969 Sep 16 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1253     2440482.10 1969 Sep 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1254     2440482.11 1969 Sep 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1255     2440482.20 1969 Sep 17 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1256     2440482.20 1969 Sep 17 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1257     2440482.21 1969 Sep 17 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1258     2440482.23 1969 Sep 17 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1259     2440482.25 1969 Sep 17 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1260     2440482.29 1969 Sep 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1261     2440482.29 1969 Sep 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1262     2440482.36 1969 Sep 17 2042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1263     2440482.44 1969 Sep 17 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1264     2440482.68 1969 Sep 18 0424:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1265     2440483.07 1969 Sep 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1266     2440483.10 1969 Sep 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1267     2440483.25 1969 Sep 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1268     2440483.32 1969 Sep 18 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1269     2440483.44 1969 Sep 18 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1270     2440484.10 1969 Sep 19 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1271     2440484.11 1969 Sep 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Met Sphere      -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1272     2440484.20 1969 Sep 19 1653:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1273     2440484.21 1969 Sep 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1274     2440484.29 1969 Sep 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1275     2440484.40 1969 Sep 19 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1276     2440484.92 1969 Sep 20 1007:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      IOLZ     IO65             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1277     2440485.05 1969 Sep 20 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1278     2440486.50 1969 Sep 22          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL?       SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1279     2440487.08 1969 Sep 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1280     2440487.11 1969 Sep 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1281     2440487.17 1969 Sep 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1282     2440487.21 1969 Sep 22 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1283     2440487.25 1969 Sep 22 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1284     2440487.27 1969 Sep 22 1834:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1285     2440487.30 1969 Sep 22 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1286     2440487.39 1969 Sep 22 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1287     2440487.42 1969 Sep 22 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1288     2440487.43 1969 Sep 22 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1289     2440487.53 1969 Sep 23 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1290     2440487.55 1969 Sep 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M30       2440488.11 1969 Sep 23 1440:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1291     2440488.19 1969 Sep 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1292     2440488.19 1969 Sep 23 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1293     2440488.38 1969 Sep 23 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1294     2440488.40 1969 Sep 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1295     2440489.09 1969 Sep 24 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1296     2440489.11 1969 Sep 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1297     2440489.13 1969 Sep 24 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1298     2440489.18 1969 Sep 24 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1299     2440489.21 1969 Sep 24 1703:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1300     2440489.24 1969 Sep 24 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1301     2440489.26 1969 Sep 24 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1302     2440489.40 1969 Sep 24 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M31       2440489.50 1969 Sep 25          Belier III               -      B307                 CRAPEL/ELECTRE           -                        -                        -         CEL      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ONERA        SS   ONERA/                   Reentry Test             Serra                -                    -
1969-W1303     2440489.55 1969 Sep 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1304     2440490.15 1969 Sep 25 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1305     2440490.68 1969 Sep 26 0424:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1306     2440491.18 1969 Sep 26 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1307     2440491.24 1969 Sep 26 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1308     2440491.25 1969 Sep 26 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1309     2440491.29 1969 Sep 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1310     2440491.30 1969 Sep 26 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1311     2440491.31 1969 Sep 26 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1312     2440491.32 1969 Sep 26 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1313     2440491.34 1969 Sep 26 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1314     2440491.40 1969 Sep 26 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1315     2440491.59 1969 Sep 27 0205:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135-P -003        -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1316     2440491.59 1969 Sep 27 0209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1317     2440494.11 1969 Sep 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1318     2440494.15 1969 Sep 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1319     2440494.18 1969 Sep 29 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1320     2440494.20 1969 Sep 29 1651:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1321     2440494.25 1969 Sep 29 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1322     2440494.32 1969 Sep 29 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1323     2440494.36 1969 Sep 29 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1324     2440494.38 1969 Sep 29 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1325     2440494.50 1969 Oct             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/                    Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W1326     2440495.28 1969 Sep 30 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1327     2440495.37 1969 Sep 30 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1328     2440495.44 1969 Sep 30 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M88       2440495.50 1969 Oct  1          Black Brant VI           -      RDT&E XM-75          Test 1                   -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1969-W1329     2440495.52 1969 Oct  1 0026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1330     2440496.14 1969 Oct  1 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1331     2440496.16 1969 Oct  1 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1332     2440496.20 1969 Oct  1 1647:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1333     2440496.24 1969 Oct  1 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1334     2440496.38 1969 Oct  1 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1335     2440496.50 1969 Oct  2 0006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1336     2440496.61 1969 Oct  2 0238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1337     2440497.17 1969 Oct  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1338     2440497.28 1969 Oct  2 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1339     2440497.35 1969 Oct  2 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1340     2440497.62 1969 Oct  3 0246:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1341     2440498.08 1969 Oct  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1342     2440498.11 1969 Oct  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1343     2440498.19 1969 Oct  3 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1344     2440498.22 1969 Oct  3 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1345     2440498.25 1969 Oct  3 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1346     2440498.29 1969 Oct  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1347     2440498.38 1969 Oct  3 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1348     2440498.56 1969 Oct  4 0123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1349     2440501.08 1969 Oct  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1350     2440501.11 1969 Oct  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1351     2440501.17 1969 Oct  6 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1352     2440501.17 1969 Oct  6 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1353     2440501.19 1969 Oct  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1354     2440501.39 1969 Oct  6 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1355     2440501.57 1969 Oct  7 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1356     2440502.37 1969 Oct  7 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1357     2440503.08 1969 Oct  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1358     2440503.17 1969 Oct  8 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1359     2440503.20 1969 Oct  8 1651:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1360     2440503.21 1969 Oct  8 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1361     2440503.23 1969 Oct  8 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1362     2440503.26 1969 Oct  8 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1363     2440503.27 1969 Oct  8 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1364     2440503.39 1969 Oct  8 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1365     2440505.09 1969 Oct 10 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1366     2440505.10 1969 Oct 10 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1367     2440505.11 1969 Oct 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1368     2440505.13 1969 Oct 10 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1369     2440505.13 1969 Oct 10 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1370     2440505.14 1969 Oct 10 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1371     2440505.14 1969 Oct 10 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1372     2440505.19 1969 Oct 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1373     2440505.20 1969 Oct 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1374     2440505.21 1969 Oct 10 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1375     2440505.22 1969 Oct 10 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1376     2440505.31 1969 Oct 10 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1377     2440505.54 1969 Oct 11 0053:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M39       2440507.50 1969 Oct 13          MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 TSAO         SS   TSAO/Kokin               Aeron                    TT-F-17507           -                    -
1969-W1378     2440508.08 1969 Oct 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1379     2440508.09 1969 Oct 13 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1380     2440508.10 1969 Oct 13 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1381     2440508.12 1969 Oct 13 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1382     2440508.17 1969 Oct 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1383     2440508.21 1969 Oct 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1384     2440508.38 1969 Oct 13 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1385     2440508.40 1969 Oct 13 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1386     2440508.46 1969 Oct 13 2303:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M40       2440508.50 1969 Oct 14          MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 TSAO         SS   TSAO/Kokin               Aeron                    TT-F-17507           -                    -
1969-W1387     2440509.17 1969 Oct 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1388     2440509.18 1969 Oct 14 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1389     2440509.38 1969 Oct 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1390     2440509.95 1969 Oct 15 1049:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6913          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1391     2440510.01 1969 Oct 15 1209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1392     2440510.10 1969 Oct 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1393     2440510.12 1969 Oct 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1394     2440510.17 1969 Oct 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1395     2440510.18 1969 Oct 15 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1396     2440510.19 1969 Oct 15 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1397     2440510.21 1969 Oct 15 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1398     2440510.22 1969 Oct 15 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1399     2440510.25 1969 Oct 15 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1400     2440510.29 1969 Oct 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1401     2440510.64 1969 Oct 16 0327:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1402     2440511.08 1969 Oct 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1403     2440511.17 1969 Oct 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1404     2440511.19 1969 Oct 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1405     2440511.21 1969 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1406     2440511.24 1969 Oct 16 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1407     2440511.29 1969 Oct 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M32       2440511.50 1969 Oct 17          Spartan ABM              -      800016               KT-13                    -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 SAFSC        MS   -                        Test                     Safeguard            -                    -
1969-W1408     2440512.09 1969 Oct 17 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1409     2440512.09 1969 Oct 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1410     2440512.12 1969 Oct 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1411     2440512.19 1969 Oct 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1412     2440512.25 1969 Oct 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1413     2440512.26 1969 Oct 17 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1414     2440512.29 1969 Oct 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1415     2440512.31 1969 Oct 17 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1416     2440512.32 1969 Oct 17 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1417     2440512.43 1969 Oct 17 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1418     2440512.58 1969 Oct 18 0154:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1419     2440515.09 1969 Oct 20 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1420     2440515.10 1969 Oct 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1421     2440515.12 1969 Oct 20 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1422     2440515.40 1969 Oct 20 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1423     2440515.64 1969 Oct 21 0322:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1424     2440516.17 1969 Oct 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1425     2440516.38 1969 Oct 21 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1426     2440516.67 1969 Oct 22 0357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1427     2440517.08 1969 Oct 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1428     2440517.08 1969 Oct 22 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1429     2440517.09 1969 Oct 22 1410:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-047/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1430     2440517.09 1969 Oct 22 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1431     2440517.12 1969 Oct 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1432     2440517.13 1969 Oct 22 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1433     2440517.16 1969 Oct 22 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1434     2440517.23 1969 Oct 22 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1435     2440517.30 1969 Oct 22 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1436     2440517.43 1969 Oct 22 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1437     2440517.61 1969 Oct 23 0245:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1438     2440518.10 1969 Oct 23 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1439     2440518.17 1969 Oct 23 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1440     2440519.08 1969 Oct 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1441     2440519.09 1969 Oct 24 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1442     2440519.15 1969 Oct 24 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1443     2440519.25 1969 Oct 24 1800:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1444     2440522.11 1969 Oct 27 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1445     2440522.12 1969 Oct 27 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1446     2440522.15 1969 Oct 27 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1447     2440522.15 1969 Oct 27 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1448     2440522.18 1969 Oct 27 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1449     2440522.22 1969 Oct 27 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,Datasonde     -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1450     2440522.24 1969 Oct 27 1751:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1451     2440522.27 1969 Oct 27 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1452     2440522.29 1969 Oct 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1453     2440522.30 1969 Oct 27 1917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1454     2440523.11 1969 Oct 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1455     2440523.17 1969 Oct 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1456     2440523.42 1969 Oct 28 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1457     2440524.09 1969 Oct 29 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1458     2440524.12 1969 Oct 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1459     2440524.17 1969 Oct 29 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1460     2440524.24 1969 Oct 29 1749:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1461     2440524.26 1969 Oct 29 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1462     2440524.31 1969 Oct 29 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1463     2440524.32 1969 Oct 29 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1464     2440524.59 1969 Oct 30 0206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1465     2440525.25 1969 Oct 30 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1466     2440525.42 1969 Oct 30 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1467     2440525.96 1969 Oct 31 1107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1468     2440526.10 1969 Oct 31 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1469     2440526.12 1969 Oct 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1470     2440526.13 1969 Oct 31 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1471     2440526.15 1969 Oct 31 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1472     2440526.16 1969 Oct 31 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1473     2440526.17 1969 Oct 31 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1474     2440526.18 1969 Oct 31 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1475     2440526.33 1969 Oct 31 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1476     2440526.42 1969 Oct 31 2208:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1477     2440527.50 1969 Nov  2?         Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    SFLT1971-225         -                    -
1969-W1478     2440528.70 1969 Nov  3 0454:59  Judi-Dart                -      Starute,Datasonde    PCA69 Met                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    SR11,1181            DSI-5850             -
1969-W1479     2440528.73 1969 Nov  3 0535     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-01               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-W1480     2440528.79 1969 Nov  3 0700     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-02               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1481     2440529.02 1969 Nov  3 1228     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-03               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1482     2440529.04 1969 Nov  3 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1483     2440529.05 1969 Nov  3 1310:59  Judi-Dart                -      Starute,Datasonde    PCA69 Met                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    SR11,1181            DSI-5850             -
1969-W1484     2440529.09 1969 Nov  3 1405     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-04               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1485     2440529.19 1969 Nov  3 1629     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-05               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1486     2440529.19 1969 Nov  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1487     2440529.22 1969 Nov  3 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1488     2440529.26 1969 Nov  3 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1489     2440529.29 1969 Nov  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1490     2440529.29 1969 Nov  3 1901:59  Judi-Dart                -      Starute,Datasonde    PCA69 Met                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    SR11,1181            DSI-5850             -
1969-W1491     2440529.40 1969 Nov  3 2130:00  Judi-Dart                -      Starute,Datasonde    PCA69 Met                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    SR11,1181            DSI-5850             -
1969-W1492     2440530.21 1969 Nov  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1493     2440530.25 1969 Nov  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1494     2440530.33 1969 Nov  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1495     2440530.35 1969 Nov  4 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1496     2440530.43 1969 Nov  4 2220     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-07               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1497     2440530.48 1969 Nov  4 2325     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-08               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1498     2440530.50 1969 Nov  4 2357     Arcas                    -      -                    PCA69 H-09               -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1969-W1499     2440531.12 1969 Nov  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1500     2440531.16 1969 Nov  5 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1501     2440531.16 1969 Nov  5 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1502     2440531.17 1969 Nov  5 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1503     2440531.25 1969 Nov  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1504     2440531.27 1969 Nov  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1505     2440531.31 1969 Nov  5 1927:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1506     2440531.39 1969 Nov  5 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1507     2440531.42 1969 Nov  5 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1508     2440531.55 1969 Nov  6 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1509     2440532.31 1969 Nov  6 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1510     2440532.63 1969 Nov  7 0309:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1511     2440533.13 1969 Nov  7 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1512     2440533.16 1969 Nov  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1513     2440533.18 1969 Nov  7 1612:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1514     2440533.21 1969 Nov  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1515     2440533.26 1969 Nov  7 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1516     2440533.32 1969 Nov  7 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1517     2440536.12 1969 Nov 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1518     2440536.22 1969 Nov 10 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1519     2440536.29 1969 Nov 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1520     2440536.40 1969 Nov 10 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1521     2440537.97 1969 Nov 12 1120:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6914          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1522     2440538.08 1969 Nov 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1523     2440538.14 1969 Nov 12 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1524     2440538.25 1969 Nov 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1525     2440538.30 1969 Nov 12 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1526     2440538.30 1969 Nov 12 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1527     2440538.33 1969 Nov 12 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1528     2440538.59 1969 Nov 13 0214:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1529     2440538.70 1969 Nov 13 0449:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1530     2440539.11 1969 Nov 13 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1531     2440539.13 1969 Nov 13 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1532     2440539.37 1969 Nov 13 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1533     2440540.21 1969 Nov 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1534     2440540.26 1969 Nov 14 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1535     2440540.31 1969 Nov 14 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1536     2440540.33 1969 Nov 14 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1537     2440540.68 1969 Nov 15 0423:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1538     2440543.09 1969 Nov 17 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1539     2440543.13 1969 Nov 17 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1540     2440543.13 1969 Nov 17 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1541     2440543.19 1969 Nov 17 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1542     2440543.22 1969 Nov 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1543     2440543.24 1969 Nov 17 1747:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1544     2440543.25 1969 Nov 17 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1545     2440543.26 1969 Nov 17 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1546     2440543.29 1969 Nov 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1547     2440543.38 1969 Nov 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1548     2440544.09 1969 Nov 18 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1549     2440544.12 1969 Nov 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1550     2440544.19 1969 Nov 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1551     2440544.23 1969 Nov 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1552     2440544.24 1969 Nov 18 1751:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1553     2440545.11 1969 Nov 19 1435:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-048/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1554     2440545.12 1969 Nov 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1555     2440545.17 1969 Nov 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1556     2440545.19 1969 Nov 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1557     2440545.23 1969 Nov 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1558     2440545.24 1969 Nov 19 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1559     2440545.24 1969 Nov 19 1748:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1560     2440545.25 1969 Nov 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1561     2440545.43 1969 Nov 19 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1562     2440545.46 1969 Nov 19 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1563     2440545.56 1969 Nov 20 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1564     2440546.08 1969 Nov 20 1350:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-049/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1565     2440546.12 1969 Nov 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1566     2440546.13 1969 Nov 20 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1567     2440546.24 1969 Nov 20 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1568     2440546.38 1969 Nov 20 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1569     2440546.42 1969 Nov 20 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1570     2440547.12 1969 Nov 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1571     2440547.13 1969 Nov 21 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1572     2440547.27 1969 Nov 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1573     2440547.42 1969 Nov 21 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1574     2440547.43 1969 Nov 21 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1575     2440547.56 1969 Nov 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1576     2440550.24 1969 Nov 24 1747:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1577     2440550.29 1969 Nov 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1578     2440550.42 1969 Nov 24 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M33       2440550.50 1969 Nov 25          Spartan ABM              -      800015               KT-14                    -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 SAFSC        MS   -                        Test                     Safeguard            -                    -
1969-W1579     2440551.24 1969 Nov 25 1749:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1580     2440551.27 1969 Nov 25 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1581     2440551.34 1969 Nov 25 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1582     2440551.34 1969 Nov 25 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1583     2440551.40 1969 Nov 25 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1584     2440551.44 1969 Nov 25 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1585     2440551.76 1969 Nov 26 0611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1586     2440551.96 1969 Nov 26 1103:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-6915          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1587     2440552.16 1969 Nov 26 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1588     2440552.16 1969 Nov 26 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1589     2440552.24 1969 Nov 26 1744:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1590     2440552.25 1969 Nov 26 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1591     2440552.30 1969 Nov 26 1909:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1592     2440552.35 1969 Nov 26 2022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1593     2440552.41 1969 Nov 26 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1594     2440552.42 1969 Nov 26 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1595     2440552.59 1969 Nov 27 0213:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1596     2440553.24 1969 Nov 27 1743:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1597     2440554.25 1969 Nov 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1598     2440554.55 1969 Nov 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1599     2440555.24 1969 Nov 29 1743:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1600     2440555.50 1969 Dec             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1969-M34       2440555.50 1969 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1969-W1601     2440557.08 1969 Dec  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1602     2440557.10 1969 Dec  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1603     2440557.12 1969 Dec  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1604     2440557.14 1969 Dec  1 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1605     2440557.19 1969 Dec  1 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1606     2440557.36 1969 Dec  1 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1607     2440557.42 1969 Dec  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1608     2440558.24 1969 Dec  2 1747:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1609     2440558.27 1969 Dec  2 1830:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1610     2440558.44 1969 Dec  2 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1611     2440558.44 1969 Dec  2 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1612     2440558.91 1969 Dec  3 0956:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1613     2440559.10 1969 Dec  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1614     2440559.11 1969 Dec  3 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1615     2440559.14 1969 Dec  3 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1616     2440559.17 1969 Dec  3 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1617     2440559.34 1969 Dec  3 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1618     2440559.55 1969 Dec  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1619     2440560.20 1969 Dec  4 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1620     2440560.22 1969 Dec  4 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1621     2440560.22 1969 Dec  4 1719:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1622     2440560.26 1969 Dec  4 1817:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1623     2440560.39 1969 Dec  4 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1624     2440560.50 1969 Dec  5 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1625     2440561.08 1969 Dec  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1626     2440561.13 1969 Dec  5 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1627     2440561.25 1969 Dec  5 1800:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1628     2440561.25 1969 Dec  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1629     2440561.31 1969 Dec  5 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1630     2440561.38 1969 Dec  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1631     2440561.50 1969 Dec 06          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1632     2440561.62 1969 Dec  6 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1633     2440564.10 1969 Dec  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1634     2440564.12 1969 Dec  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1635     2440564.20 1969 Dec  8 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1636     2440564.21 1969 Dec  8 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1637     2440564.25 1969 Dec  8 1754:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1638     2440564.31 1969 Dec  8 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1639     2440564.42 1969 Dec  8 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1640     2440564.56 1969 Dec  9 0121:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M35       2440564.57 1969 Dec 09 0141:00  Kookaburra               -      WRE K138             -                        -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2              -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WRE          SU   WRE/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1641     2440565.12 1969 Dec  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1642     2440565.31 1969 Dec  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1643     2440565.53 1969 Dec 10 0045:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1644     2440566.10 1969 Dec 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1645     2440566.13 1969 Dec 10 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1646     2440566.17 1969 Dec 10 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1647     2440566.22 1969 Dec 10 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1648     2440566.28 1969 Dec 10 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1649     2440566.29 1969 Dec 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1650     2440566.46 1969 Dec 10 2309:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1651     2440566.54 1969 Dec 11 0103:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1652     2440566.57 1969 Dec 11 0146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1653     2440567.13 1969 Dec 11 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1654     2440567.25 1969 Dec 11 1800:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1655     2440567.41 1969 Dec 11 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1656     2440567.50 1969 Dec 12          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1657     2440567.61 1969 Dec 12 0233:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1658     2440568.04 1969 Dec 12 1304     Skua                     -      Su24H                -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCW/Williams             Ionospheric              WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1659     2440568.09 1969 Dec 12 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1660     2440568.09 1969 Dec 12 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1661     2440568.10 1969 Dec 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1662     2440568.11 1969 Dec 12 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1663     2440568.25 1969 Dec 12 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1664     2440568.27 1969 Dec 12 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1665     2440568.33 1969 Dec 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1666     2440568.54 1969 Dec 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1667     2440568.58 1969 Dec 13 0202:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1668     2440568.62 1969 Dec 13 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1669     2440571.11 1969 Dec 15 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1670     2440571.14 1969 Dec 15 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1671     2440571.17 1969 Dec 15 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1672     2440571.19 1969 Dec 15 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1673     2440571.24 1969 Dec 15 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1674     2440571.25 1969 Dec 15 1753:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1675     2440571.25 1969 Dec 15 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1676     2440571.26 1969 Dec 15 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1677     2440571.27 1969 Dec 15 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1678     2440571.38 1969 Dec 15 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1679     2440571.56 1969 Dec 16 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1680     2440572.23 1969 Dec 16 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1681     2440572.24 1969 Dec 16 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1682     2440572.24 1969 Dec 16 1748:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1683     2440572.36 1969 Dec 16 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1684     2440572.38 1969 Dec 16 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1685     2440573.05 1969 Dec 17 1310:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-050/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1686     2440573.09 1969 Dec 17 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1687     2440573.14 1969 Dec 17 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1688     2440573.15 1969 Dec 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1689     2440573.17 1969 Dec 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1690     2440573.24 1969 Dec 17 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1691     2440573.25 1969 Dec 17 1756:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1692     2440573.33 1969 Dec 17 1948:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1693     2440573.43 1969 Dec 17 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1694     2440573.55 1969 Dec 18 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1695     2440574.12 1969 Dec 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1696     2440574.18 1969 Dec 18 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1697     2440574.24 1969 Dec 18 1747:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1698     2440574.38 1969 Dec 18 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1699     2440574.50 1969 Dec 19          Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/Hale                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1700     2440575.10 1969 Dec 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1701     2440575.12 1969 Dec 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1702     2440575.16 1969 Dec 19 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1703     2440575.21 1969 Dec 19 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1704     2440575.23 1969 Dec 19 1735:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1705     2440575.24 1969 Dec 19 1747:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1706     2440575.28 1969 Dec 19 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1707     2440575.34 1969 Dec 19 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1708     2440575.59 1969 Dec 20 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-M36       2440575.97 1969 Dec 20 1110     INTA-255                 -      INTA I-6901          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Test                     ElAren               JBIS24,87            -
1969-W1709     2440578.17 1969 Dec 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1710     2440578.24 1969 Dec 22 1748:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1711     2440578.27 1969 Dec 22 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1712     2440578.29 1969 Dec 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1713     2440578.38 1969 Dec 22 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1714     2440578.57 1969 Dec 23 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1715     2440579.12 1969 Dec 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1716     2440579.22 1969 Dec 23 1720:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1717     2440579.39 1969 Dec 23 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1718     2440580.10 1969 Dec 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1719     2440580.12 1969 Dec 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1720     2440580.17 1969 Dec 24 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1721     2440580.24 1969 Dec 24 1748:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1722     2440580.29 1969 Dec 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1723     2440580.39 1969 Dec 24 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1724     2440580.57 1969 Dec 25 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1725     2440582.12 1969 Dec 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1726     2440582.12 1969 Dec 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1727     2440583.23 1969 Dec 27 1736:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1728     2440585.10 1969 Dec 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1729     2440585.12 1969 Dec 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1730     2440585.28 1969 Dec 29 1846:59  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1731     2440585.29 1969 Dec 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1732     2440585.43 1969 Dec 29 2220:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1733     2440585.56 1969 Dec 30 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1734     2440586.24 1969 Dec 30 1745:00  Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1735     2440586.32 1969 Dec 30 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1736     2440586.47 1969 Dec 30 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W06       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W07       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W08       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W09       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W10       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W11       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W12       2440586.50 1970 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W13       2440586.50 1970?                Meteor-2H                -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA?    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Test                     Alway                -                    -
1969-W1737     2440586.77 1969 Dec 31 0633:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1738     2440587.05 1969 Dec 31 1315:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-051/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1969-W1739     2440587.10 1969 Dec 31 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1740     2440587.19 1969 Dec 31 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1741     2440587.28 1969 Dec 31 1841:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1742     2440587.29 1969 Dec 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1743     2440587.29 1969 Dec 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1744     2440587.37 1969 Dec 31 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1969-W1745     2440587.41 1969 Dec 31 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W14       2440587.56 1970 Jan  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W15       2440588.46 1970 Jan  1 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W16       2440589.10 1970 Jan  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W17       2440589.13 1970 Jan  2 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W18       2440589.18 1970 Jan  2 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W19       2440589.29 1970 Jan  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W20       2440589.34 1970 Jan  2 2015:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W21       2440589.42 1970 Jan  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W22       2440589.55 1970 Jan  3 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W23       2440589.75 1970 Jan  3 0600:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W24       2440589.77 1970 Jan  3 0633:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W25       2440590.25 1970 Jan  3 1800:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W26       2440590.31 1970 Jan  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W27       2440590.33 1970 Jan  3 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W28       2440590.75 1970 Jan  4 0602:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W29       2440591.25 1970 Jan  4 1802:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W30       2440591.27 1970 Jan  4 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W31       2440591.31 1970 Jan  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W32       2440591.35 1970 Jan  4 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W33       2440591.75 1970 Jan  5 0600:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W34       2440592.10 1970 Jan 05 1423:00  Skua                     -      UCL 01               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W35       2440592.10 1970 Jan  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W36       2440592.12 1970 Jan  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W37       2440592.15 1970 Jan  5 1534:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W38       2440592.17 1970 Jan  5 1608:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W39       2440592.24 1970 Jan  5 1748:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W40       2440592.32 1970 Jan  5 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W41       2440592.33 1970 Jan  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W42       2440592.40 1970 Jan  5 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W43       2440592.42 1970 Jan  5 2200:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W44       2440592.55 1970 Jan  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W45       2440592.75 1970 Jan  6 0600:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W46       2440593.12 1970 Jan  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W47       2440593.17 1970 Jan  6 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W48       2440593.46 1970 Jan  6 2306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W49       2440593.68 1970 Jan  7 0417:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W50       2440594.10 1970 Jan 07 1426:18  Skua                     -      UCL 02               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    ESRLV                -                    -
1970-W51       2440594.10 1970 Jan  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W52       2440594.17 1970 Jan  7 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W53       2440594.25 1970 Jan  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W54       2440594.28 1970 Jan  7 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W55       2440594.34 1970 Jan  7 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W56       2440594.37 1970 Jan  7 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W57       2440594.40 1970 Jan  7 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W58       2440594.46 1970 Jan  7 2303:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W59       2440594.55 1970 Jan  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W60       2440595.28 1970 Jan  8 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W61       2440595.33 1970 Jan  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W62       2440596.10 1970 Jan  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W63       2440596.11 1970 Jan 09 1444:00  Skua                     -      UCL 03               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    ESRLV                -                    -
1970-W64       2440596.22 1970 Jan  9 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W65       2440596.22 1970 Jan  9 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W66       2440596.24 1970 Jan  9 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W67       2440596.25 1970 Jan  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W68       2440596.38 1970 Jan  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W69       2440596.55 1970 Jan 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W70       2440596.60 1970 Jan 10 0226:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W71       2440596.99 1970 Jan 10 1140:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7001          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W72       2440599.11 1970 Jan 12 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W73       2440599.11 1970 Jan 12 1439:00  Skua                     -      UCL 04               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W74       2440599.17 1970 Jan 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W75       2440599.18 1970 Jan 12 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W76       2440599.30 1970 Jan 12 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W77       2440599.38 1970 Jan 12 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W78       2440599.44 1970 Jan 12 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W79       2440599.56 1970 Jan 13 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W80       2440600.22 1970 Jan 13 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W81       2440600.58 1970 Jan 14 0155:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W82       2440600.98 1970 Jan 14 1135:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7002          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W83       2440601.04 1970 Jan 14 1300:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-052/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W84       2440601.08 1970 Jan 14 1400:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-053/69?      -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W85       2440601.10 1970 Jan 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W86       2440601.14 1970 Jan 14 1515:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-054/69       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W87       2440601.17 1970 Jan 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W88       2440601.20 1970 Jan 14 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W89       2440601.22 1970 Jan 14 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W90       2440601.25 1970 Jan 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W91       2440601.26 1970 Jan 14 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W92       2440601.27 1970 Jan 14 1826:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   GSFC/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             WI-PR70-1            -
1970-W93       2440601.27 1970 Jan 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,STS           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W94       2440601.52 1970 Jan 15 0022:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W95       2440601.55 1970 Jan 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W96       2440602.18 1970 Jan 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W97       2440602.30 1970 Jan 15 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W98       2440602.40 1970 Jan 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W100      2440603.10 1970 Jan 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W101      2440603.12 1970 Jan 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W102      2440603.15 1970 Jan 16 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W103      2440603.17 1970 Jan 16 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W104      2440603.20 1970 Jan 16 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W99       2440603.20 1970 Jan 16 1653     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.56UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   GSFC/Krueger             Plasma                   USSOCSPAR71          WDCRF                -
1970-W105      2440603.23 1970 Jan 16 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W106      2440603.26 1970 Jan 16 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W107      2440603.30 1970 Jan 16 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W108      2440603.33 1970 Jan 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W109      2440603.33 1970 Jan 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W110      2440603.41 1970 Jan 16 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W111      2440603.54 1970 Jan 17 0058:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W112      2440603.55 1970 Jan 17 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W113      2440604.12 1970 Jan 17 1446:00  Skua                     -      UCL 06               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W114      2440605.98 1970 Jan 19 1130:00  Skua                     -      INTA S-7001          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M01       2440606.05 1970 Jan 19 1316:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA MP-7005         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   MPAE/Rose,Widdel         Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W115      2440606.13 1970 Jan 19 1501:00  Skua                     -      UCL 07               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W116      2440606.17 1970 Jan 19 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W117      2440606.21 1970 Jan 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W118      2440606.25 1970 Jan 19 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W119      2440606.27 1970 Jan 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W120      2440606.29 1970 Jan 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W121      2440606.33 1970 Jan 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W122      2440606.42 1970 Jan 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W123      2440606.55 1970 Jan 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W124      2440606.64 1970 Jan 20 0325:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W125      2440607.12 1970 Jan 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W126      2440607.23 1970 Jan 20 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W127      2440607.42 1970 Jan 20 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W128      2440607.63 1970 Jan 21 0301:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W129      2440608.02 1970 Jan 21 1224:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7003          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W130      2440608.12 1970 Jan 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W131      2440608.12 1970 Jan 21 1500:00  Skua                     -      UCL 08               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W132      2440608.24 1970 Jan 21 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W133      2440608.25 1970 Jan 21 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             JAtSci33,695         -
1970-W134      2440608.26 1970 Jan 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W135      2440608.36 1970 Jan 21 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W136      2440608.37 1970 Jan 21 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W137      2440608.40 1970 Jan 21 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Density gauge            -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W138      2440608.42 1970 Jan 21 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W139      2440608.45 1970 Jan 21 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W140      2440608.55 1970 Jan 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W141      2440608.62 1970 Jan 22 0257:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W142      2440608.71 1970 Jan 22 0500:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135-P -004        -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W143      2440609.12 1970 Jan 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W144      2440609.24 1970 Jan 22 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W145      2440609.60 1970 Jan 23 0220:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135-P -005        -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   JMA/Shimizu              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M02       2440609.71 1970 Jan 23 0500     S-160                    -      MT-160-2             Meteo Test               -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   MRI/Muramatsu            Aeron                    ISST9                PMetGeo22,209        -
1970-W146      2440610.13 1970 Jan 23 1506:00  Skua                     -      UCL 09               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W147      2440610.15 1970 Jan 23 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W148      2440610.25 1970 Jan 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W149      2440610.26 1970 Jan 23 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W150      2440610.30 1970 Jan 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W151      2440610.31 1970 Jan 23 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W152      2440610.34 1970 Jan 23 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W153      2440610.34 1970 Jan 23 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W154      2440610.40 1970 Jan 23 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W155      2440613.10 1970 Jan 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W156      2440613.12 1970 Jan 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W157      2440613.14 1970 Jan 26 1518:00  Skua                     -      UCL 10               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W158      2440613.26 1970 Jan 26 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W159      2440613.35 1970 Jan 26 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W160      2440613.38 1970 Jan 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W161      2440613.66 1970 Jan 27 0346:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W162      2440614.15 1970 Jan 27 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W163      2440614.97 1970 Jan 28 1118:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7004          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W164      2440615.12 1970 Jan 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W165      2440615.12 1970 Jan 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W166      2440615.12 1970 Jan 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W167      2440615.14 1970 Jan 28 1518:00  Skua                     -      UCL 11               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W168      2440615.25 1970 Jan 28 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W169      2440615.32 1970 Jan 28 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W170      2440615.33 1970 Jan 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W171      2440615.34 1970 Jan 28 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W172      2440615.35 1970 Jan 28 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W173      2440615.42 1970 Jan 28 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W174      2440615.59 1970 Jan 29 0212:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W175      2440615.64 1970 Jan 29 0317:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M03       2440616.22 1970 Jan 29 1721     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.339GM        GSFC Grenade 230 PB      -                        -                        -         PBA      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Smith               Aeronomy                 USCOSPAR1971         WDCRF                -
1970-W176      2440616.41 1970 Jan 29 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W177      2440616.44 1970 Jan 29 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W178      2440617.14 1970 Jan 30 1527:00  Skua                     -      UCL 12               -                        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   UCL/Groves               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W179      2440617.23 1970 Jan 30 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W180      2440617.26 1970 Jan 30 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W181      2440617.31 1970 Jan 30 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W182      2440617.36 1970 Jan 30 2037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W183      2440617.42 1970 Jan 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W184      2440617.50 1970 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W185      2440617.50 1970 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W186      2440617.50 1970 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W187      2440617.50 1970 Feb             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W188      2440617.56 1970 Jan 31 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W189      2440620.25 1970 Feb  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W190      2440620.45 1970 Feb  2 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W191      2440620.45 1970 Feb  2 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M04       2440620.50 1970 Feb  3          Belier                   -      B139                 FU-191C                  Belier CSG 3             -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/CSG/                Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1970-W192      2440620.56 1970 Feb  3 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W193      2440621.24 1970 Feb  3 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W194      2440621.25 1970 Feb  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W195      2440621.35 1970 Feb  3 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W196      2440621.42 1970 Feb  3 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W197      2440621.62 1970 Feb  4 0258:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W198      2440622.09 1970 Feb  4 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W199      2440622.09 1970 Feb  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W200      2440622.26 1970 Feb  4 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W201      2440622.28 1970 Feb  4 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W202      2440622.37 1970 Feb  4 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W203      2440622.42 1970 Feb  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W204      2440622.49 1970 Feb  4 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W205      2440622.56 1970 Feb  5 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W206      2440622.56 1970 Feb  5 0131:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W207      2440623.19 1970 Feb  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W208      2440623.25 1970 Feb  5 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W209      2440623.27 1970 Feb  5 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W210      2440623.38 1970 Feb  5 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W211      2440624.10 1970 Feb  6 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W212      2440624.25 1970 Feb  6 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W213      2440624.29 1970 Feb  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W214      2440624.38 1970 Feb  6 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W215      2440624.60 1970 Feb  7 0217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W216      2440624.65 1970 Feb  7 0329:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W217      2440626.05 1970 Feb  8 1318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W218      2440627.08 1970 Feb  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W219      2440627.13 1970 Feb  9 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W220      2440627.15 1970 Feb  9 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W221      2440627.21 1970 Feb  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W222      2440627.21 1970 Feb  9 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W223      2440627.25 1970 Feb  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W224      2440627.29 1970 Feb  9 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W225      2440627.31 1970 Feb  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W226      2440627.32 1970 Feb  9 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W227      2440627.33 1970 Feb  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W228      2440627.35 1970 Feb  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W229      2440627.36 1970 Feb  9 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W230      2440627.38 1970 Feb  9 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W231      2440627.42 1970 Feb  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W232      2440627.56 1970 Feb 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W233      2440627.76 1970 Feb 10 0614:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W234      2440628.13 1970 Feb 10 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W235      2440628.23 1970 Feb 10 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W236      2440628.30 1970 Feb 10 1915:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W237      2440628.37 1970 Feb 10 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W238      2440628.96 1970 Feb 11 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7005          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W239      2440629.05 1970 Feb 11 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W240      2440629.06 1970 Feb 11 1330:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-055/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W241      2440629.08 1970 Feb 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W242      2440629.13 1970 Feb 11 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W243      2440629.28 1970 Feb 11 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W244      2440629.30 1970 Feb 11 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W245      2440629.42 1970 Feb 11 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W246      2440629.57 1970 Feb 12 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W247      2440629.68 1970 Feb 12 0417:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W248      2440630.12 1970 Feb 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W249      2440630.19 1970 Feb 12 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W250      2440630.42 1970 Feb 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W251      2440630.48 1970 Feb 12 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W252      2440630.51 1970 Feb 13 0019:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W253      2440631.08 1970 Feb 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W254      2440631.13 1970 Feb 13 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W255      2440631.31 1970 Feb 13 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W256      2440631.35 1970 Feb 13 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W257      2440631.44 1970 Feb 13 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W258      2440631.56 1970 Feb 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W259      2440634.12 1970 Feb 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W260      2440634.14 1970 Feb 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W261      2440634.17 1970 Feb 16 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W262      2440634.25 1970 Feb 16 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W263      2440634.33 1970 Feb 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W264      2440634.35 1970 Feb 16 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W265      2440634.40 1970 Feb 16 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W266      2440634.52 1970 Feb 17 0026:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W267      2440634.57 1970 Feb 17 0135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W268      2440635.14 1970 Feb 17 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W269      2440635.38 1970 Feb 17 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W270      2440635.42 1970 Feb 17 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W271      2440635.60 1970 Feb 18 0231:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W272      2440636.09 1970 Feb 18 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W273      2440636.10 1970 Feb 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W274      2440636.12 1970 Feb 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W275      2440636.26 1970 Feb 18 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W276      2440636.26 1970 Feb 18 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W277      2440636.36 1970 Feb 18 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W278      2440636.37 1970 Feb 18 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W279      2440636.38 1970 Feb 18 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W280      2440636.51 1970 Feb 19 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W281      2440636.57 1970 Feb 19 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W282      2440636.58 1970 Feb 19 0202:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W283      2440637.12 1970 Feb 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W284      2440638.08 1970 Feb 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W285      2440638.13 1970 Feb 20 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W286      2440638.33 1970 Feb 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W287      2440638.50 1970 Feb 20 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W288      2440638.56 1970 Feb 21 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W289      2440641.81 1970 Feb 24 0720     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.72UI         -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1970-W290      2440642.12 1970 Feb 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W291      2440642.13 1970 Feb 24 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W292      2440642.23 1970 Feb 24 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W293      2440642.29 1970 Feb 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W294      2440642.40 1970 Feb 24 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W295      2440642.71 1970 Feb 25 0500:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7006          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W296      2440643.12 1970 Feb 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W297      2440643.15 1970 Feb 25 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W298      2440643.15 1970 Feb 25 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W299      2440643.21 1970 Feb 25 1703:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7007          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W300      2440643.25 1970 Feb 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W301      2440643.28 1970 Feb 25 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W302      2440643.33 1970 Feb 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W303      2440643.34 1970 Feb 25 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W304      2440643.36 1970 Feb 25 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W305      2440643.38 1970 Feb 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W306      2440643.59 1970 Feb 26 0214:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W307      2440643.61 1970 Feb 26 0237:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W308      2440644.12 1970 Feb 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W309      2440644.23 1970 Feb 26 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W310      2440644.25 1970 Feb 26 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W311      2440644.38 1970 Feb 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W312      2440644.63 1970 Feb 27 0300:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W313      2440645.08 1970 Feb 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W314      2440645.11 1970 Feb 27 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W315      2440645.11 1970 Feb 27 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W316      2440645.25 1970 Feb 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W317      2440645.25 1970 Feb 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W318      2440645.25 1970 Feb 27 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W319      2440645.33 1970 Feb 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W320      2440645.41 1970 Feb 27 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W321      2440645.50 1970 Mar             Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   USAF/6WW                 Aeron                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W322      2440645.50 1970 Mar             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W323      2440645.56 1970 Feb 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W324      2440645.67 1970 Feb 28 0409:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W325      2440647.24 1970 Mar  1 1752     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.73UI         -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   HOUS/Schmerling          Ionos                    USSOCSPAR71          WDCRF                -
1970-W326      2440648.08 1970 Mar  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W327      2440648.12 1970 Mar  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W328      2440648.17 1970 Mar  2 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W329      2440648.27 1970 Mar  2 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W330      2440648.29 1970 Mar  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W331      2440648.38 1970 Mar  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W332      2440648.56 1970 Mar  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W333      2440649.10 1970 Mar  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W334      2440649.36 1970 Mar  3 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W335      2440649.40 1970 Mar  3 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W336      2440649.53 1970 Mar  4 0049:59  Skua                     -      INTA S-7002          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W337      2440650.08 1970 Mar  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W338      2440650.12 1970 Mar  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W339      2440650.15 1970 Mar  4 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W340      2440650.21 1970 Mar  4 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W341      2440650.25 1970 Mar  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W342      2440650.31 1970 Mar  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W343      2440650.37 1970 Mar  4 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W344      2440650.44 1970 Mar  4 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W345      2440650.55 1970 Mar  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W346      2440650.57 1970 Mar  5 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W347      2440651.41 1970 Mar  5 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W348      2440651.43 1970 Mar  5 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W350      2440652.07 1970 Mar  6 1345     Skua                     -      ISRO 16.02           ISRO 16.02               TERLS-154                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W351      2440652.08 1970 Mar  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W352      2440652.12 1970 Mar  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W353      2440652.14 1970 Mar  6 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W349      2440652.28 1970 Mar  6 1839     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.66UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Plasma                   AIAA70-1395          -                    -
1970-W354      2440652.38 1970 Mar  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W355      2440652.57 1970 Mar  7 0147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W356      2440653.10 1970 Mar  7 1430     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.68NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W357      2440653.17 1970 Mar  7 1600     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.69NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M05       2440653.17 1970 Mar  7 1600     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.345GM        Ozone/H2O                -                        -                        -         WI       LA5              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Eclipse Aeron            WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W359      2440653.24 1970 Mar  7 1745     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.70NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M06       2440653.26 1970 Mar  7 1810     Nike Iroquois            -      CRL A07.016-1        Sphere                   -                        -                        -         CSB      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Faire              Eclipse Aeron            AFCRL                -                    -
1970-M07       2440653.28 1970 Mar  7 1837:30  Nike Iroquois            -      CRL A07.902-9        Mass spectrometer        -                        -                        -         WI       LA3              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Philbrick          Eclipse Aeron            AFCRL                -                    -
1970-M08       2440653.28 1970 Mar  7 1840:30  Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.346GM        GSFC Ozone?              -                        -                        -         WI       LA5              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Eclipse Aeronomy         WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W360      2440653.29 1970 Mar  7 1857     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.71NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W361      2440653.31 1970 Mar  7 1925     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.67NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W362      2440653.33 1970 Mar 07 2000:00  Arcas                    -      NASA 15.76NM         ?                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 AIAA70-1395          -                    -
1970-W365      2440654.07 1970 Mar 08 1345:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.003          ISRO 16.03               TERLS-155                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W363      2440654.24 1970 Mar  8 1745     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.78NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 AIAA70-1395          -                    -
1970-W364      2440654.25 1970 Mar  8 1806     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.77NM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       LA2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   LARC/Henry               Aeronomy                 AIAA70-1395          -                    -
1970-W366      2440655.08 1970 Mar  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W367      2440655.12 1970 Mar  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W368      2440655.15 1970 Mar  9 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W369      2440655.19 1970 Mar  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W370      2440655.29 1970 Mar  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W371      2440655.38 1970 Mar  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W372      2440655.55 1970 Mar 10 0107:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W373      2440655.56 1970 Mar 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W374      2440656.09 1970 Mar 10 1415:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.004          ISRO 16.04               TERLS-159                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M09       2440656.11 1970 Mar 10 1436     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W375      2440656.14 1970 Mar 10 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W376      2440656.39 1970 Mar 10 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W377      2440657.09 1970 Mar 11 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W378      2440657.12 1970 Mar 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W379      2440657.14 1970 Mar 11 1515:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-056/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W380      2440657.14 1970 Mar 11 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W381      2440657.17 1970 Mar 11 1610:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-057/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W382      2440657.19 1970 Mar 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W383      2440657.27 1970 Mar 11 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W384      2440657.33 1970 Mar 11 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W385      2440657.48 1970 Mar 11 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W386      2440657.56 1970 Mar 12 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M10       2440657.66 1970 Mar 12 0348:00  Kookaburra               -      WRE K141             -                        -                        -                        -         WOO      LA2              -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W387      2440657.78 1970 Mar 12 0643:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W388      2440658.07 1970 Mar 12 1345:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.005          ISRO 16.05               TERLS-160                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M11       2440658.08 1970 Mar 12 1400     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W389      2440658.23 1970 Mar 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W390      2440659.03 1970 Mar 13 1240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W391      2440659.08 1970 Mar 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M12       2440659.11 1970 Mar 13 1436     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W392      2440659.11 1970 Mar 13 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W393      2440659.17 1970 Mar 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W394      2440659.29 1970 Mar 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W395      2440659.34 1970 Mar 13 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W396      2440659.35 1970 Mar 13 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W397      2440659.38 1970 Mar 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W398      2440659.56 1970 Mar 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W399      2440659.60 1970 Mar 14 0229:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W400      2440660.05 1970 Mar 14 1305:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.006          ISRO 16.06               TERLS-161                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M13       2440660.10 1970 Mar 14 1420     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W401      2440662.07 1970 Mar 16 1345:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.007          ISRO 16.07               TERLS-162                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W402      2440662.08 1970 Mar 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M14       2440662.09 1970 Mar 16 1412     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W403      2440662.14 1970 Mar 16 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W404      2440662.27 1970 Mar 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W405      2440662.38 1970 Mar 16 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W406      2440662.38 1970 Mar 16 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W407      2440662.49 1970 Mar 16 2350:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.008          ISRO 16.08               TERLS-163                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W408      2440662.56 1970 Mar 17 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W409      2440662.60 1970 Mar 17 0225:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W410      2440663.27 1970 Mar 17 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W411      2440664.07 1970 Mar 18 1345:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.009          ISRO 16.09               TERLS-169                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W412      2440664.08 1970 Mar 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M15       2440664.09 1970 Mar 18 1416     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W413      2440664.12 1970 Mar 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W414      2440664.17 1970 Mar 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W415      2440664.25 1970 Mar 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W416      2440664.29 1970 Mar 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W417      2440664.57 1970 Mar 19 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W418      2440664.61 1970 Mar 19 0238:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W419      2440665.13 1970 Mar 19 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W420      2440665.21 1970 Mar 19 1707:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W421      2440665.31 1970 Mar 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W422      2440666.07 1970 Mar 20 1345:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.010          ISRO 16.10               TERLS-173                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W423      2440666.08 1970 Mar 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M16       2440666.10 1970 Mar 20 1430     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W424      2440666.12 1970 Mar 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W425      2440666.21 1970 Mar 20 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W426      2440666.33 1970 Mar 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M17       2440666.49 1970 Mar 20 2350     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.277NA        -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   MSC/Potter               Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W427      2440668.07 1970 Mar 22 1335:00  Skua                     -      ISRO-16.011          ISRO 16.11               TERLS-174                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Pisharoty            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M18       2440668.15 1970 Mar 22 1541     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       QJRMS98,668          -
1970-W428      2440669.08 1970 Mar 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M19       2440669.10 1970 Mar 23 1430     Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    rocketservices       -                    -
1970-W429      2440669.12 1970 Mar 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W430      2440669.13 1970 Mar 23 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W431      2440669.17 1970 Mar 23 1600:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W432      2440669.36 1970 Mar 23 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W433      2440669.40 1970 Mar 23 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W434      2440669.42 1970 Mar 23 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W435      2440669.43 1970 Mar 23 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W436      2440669.56 1970 Mar 24 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W437      2440670.04 1970 Mar 24 1302:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W438      2440670.28 1970 Mar 24 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W439      2440670.31 1970 Mar 24 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W440      2440670.34 1970 Mar 24 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W441      2440671.05 1970 Mar 25 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W442      2440671.08 1970 Mar 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W443      2440671.12 1970 Mar 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W444      2440671.17 1970 Mar 25 1600:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W445      2440671.17 1970 Mar 25 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W446      2440671.20 1970 Mar 25 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W447      2440671.29 1970 Mar 25 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W448      2440671.30 1970 Mar 25 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W449      2440671.33 1970 Mar 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M31       2440671.50 1970 Mar 26          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W450      2440671.57 1970 Mar 26 0135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W451      2440671.91 1970 Mar 26 0945:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W452      2440672.38 1970 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W453      2440672.79 1970 Mar 27 0700     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.54GI         ISRO-12.03               TERLS-176                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kane                Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W454      2440673.10 1970 Mar 27 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W455      2440673.12 1970 Mar 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W456      2440673.17 1970 Mar 27 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W457      2440673.21 1970 Mar 27 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W458      2440673.29 1970 Mar 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W459      2440673.56 1970 Mar 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W460      2440674.19 1970 Mar 28 1640:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-058/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W02       2440674.94 1970 Mar 29 1034:12  Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 70-?         -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    AFCRL-72-0005        Serra                -
1970-M32       2440675.50 1970 Mar 30          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W461      2440676.12 1970 Mar 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W462      2440676.18 1970 Mar 30 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W463      2440676.24 1970 Mar 30 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W464      2440676.38 1970 Mar 30 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W465      2440676.57 1970 Mar 31 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W466      2440677.21 1970 Mar 31 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W467      2440677.30 1970 Mar 31 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W468      2440677.39 1970 Mar 31 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M33       2440677.50 1970 Apr  1          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W469      2440678.08 1970 Apr  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W470      2440678.12 1970 Apr  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W471      2440678.15 1970 Apr  1 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W472      2440678.19 1970 Apr  1 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W473      2440678.19 1970 Apr  1 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W474      2440678.20 1970 Apr  1 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W475      2440678.29 1970 Apr  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W476      2440678.33 1970 Apr  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W477      2440678.42 1970 Apr  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M34       2440678.50 1970 Apr  2          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W478      2440678.56 1970 Apr  2 0122:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W479      2440678.56 1970 Apr  2 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W480      2440679.33 1970 Apr  2 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M35       2440679.50 1970 Apr  3          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W481      2440679.74 1970 Apr  3 0545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W482      2440680.10 1970 Apr  3 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W483      2440680.10 1970 Apr  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W484      2440680.22 1970 Apr  3 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W485      2440680.25 1970 Apr  3 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W486      2440680.29 1970 Apr  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W487      2440680.40 1970 Apr  3 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W488      2440680.59 1970 Apr  4 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W489      2440683.09 1970 Apr  6 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W490      2440683.12 1970 Apr  6 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W491      2440683.12 1970 Apr  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W492      2440683.21 1970 Apr  6 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W493      2440683.21 1970 Apr 06 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W494      2440683.31 1970 Apr  6 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W495      2440683.33 1970 Apr  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W496      2440683.42 1970 Apr  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W497      2440684.03 1970 Apr  7 1237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W498      2440684.10 1970 Apr  7 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W499      2440684.14 1970 Apr 07 1525:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W500      2440684.25 1970 Apr  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W501      2440684.35 1970 Apr  7 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W502      2440685.12 1970 Apr  8 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W503      2440685.13 1970 Apr  8 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W504      2440685.21 1970 Apr 08 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W505      2440685.21 1970 Apr  8 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W506      2440685.25 1970 Apr  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W507      2440685.27 1970 Apr  8 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W508      2440685.34 1970 Apr  8 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W509      2440685.56 1970 Apr  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W510      2440686.13 1970 Apr  9 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W511      2440686.13 1970 Apr  9 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W512      2440686.21 1970 Apr 09 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W513      2440686.28 1970 Apr  9 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W514      2440686.33 1970 Apr  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W515      2440686.35 1970 Apr  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W516      2440687.08 1970 Apr 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W517      2440687.22 1970 Apr 10 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W518      2440687.24 1970 Apr 10 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W519      2440687.26 1970 Apr 10 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W520      2440687.33 1970 Apr 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W521      2440687.35 1970 Apr 10 2020:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W522      2440687.38 1970 Apr 10 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W523      2440687.46 1970 Apr 10 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W524      2440687.50 1970 Apr 11 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W525      2440688.37 1970 Apr 11 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W526      2440688.40 1970 Apr 11 2143:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-M20       2440689.30 1970 Apr 12 1914     Nike Iroquois            -      CRL A07.913-3        Sphere                   -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Faire              Aeron                    AFCRL                -                    -
1970-M36       2440689.50 1970 Apr 13          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W527      2440690.08 1970 Apr 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W528      2440690.10 1970 Apr 13 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W529      2440690.12 1970 Apr 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W530      2440690.25 1970 Apr 13 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W531      2440690.29 1970 Apr 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W532      2440690.31 1970 Apr 13 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W533      2440690.33 1970 Apr 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W534      2440690.38 1970 Apr 13 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M37       2440690.50 1970 Apr 14          Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SS   MSFC/                    Aeron                    TM-X-64758           -                    -
1970-W535      2440691.02 1970 Apr 14 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W536      2440691.20 1970 Apr 14 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W537      2440691.33 1970 Apr 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W538      2440691.42 1970 Apr 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W539      2440692.06 1970 Apr 15 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W540      2440692.07 1970 Apr 15 1345:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-059/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W541      2440692.08 1970 Apr 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W542      2440692.11 1970 Apr 15 1445:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-060/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W543      2440692.12 1970 Apr 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W544      2440692.21 1970 Apr 15 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W545      2440692.26 1970 Apr 15 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W546      2440692.29 1970 Apr 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W547      2440692.33 1970 Apr 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W548      2440692.35 1970 Apr 15 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W549      2440692.37 1970 Apr 15 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W550      2440692.49 1970 Apr 15 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W551      2440692.56 1970 Apr 16 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W552      2440692.78 1970 Apr 16 0639     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.74UI         -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     40      -  -               0.000 AWS          SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    FC                   WDCRF                -
1970-W553      2440693.21 1970 Apr 16 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W554      2440693.21 1970 Apr 16 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W555      2440693.22 1970 Apr 16 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W556      2440693.30 1970 Apr 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W557      2440693.38 1970 Apr 16 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W558      2440694.08 1970 Apr 17 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W559      2440694.12 1970 Apr 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W560      2440694.21 1970 Apr 17 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W561      2440694.27 1970 Apr 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W562      2440694.28 1970 Apr 17 1845:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W563      2440694.29 1970 Apr 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W564      2440694.30 1970 Apr 17 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W565      2440694.32 1970 Apr 17 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W566      2440694.33 1970 Apr 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W567      2440694.34 1970 Apr 17 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W568      2440694.42 1970 Apr 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W03       2440696.92 1970 Apr 20 1001     Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 70-5?        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    Pitfield             -                    -
1970-W569      2440697.12 1970 Apr 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W570      2440697.21 1970 Apr 20 1700:00  Cajun Dart               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MSFC?        SU   MSFC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W571      2440697.25 1970 Apr 20 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W572      2440697.29 1970 Apr 20 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W573      2440697.31 1970 Apr 20 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W574      2440698.27 1970 Apr 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W575      2440698.33 1970 Apr 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M21       2440698.84 1970 Apr 22 0811     Black Brant II           -      AEF-2-121            -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   UTOR/deLeeuw             Aeron/Ionos              WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W576      2440698.89 1970 Apr 22 0920:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W577      2440699.08 1970 Apr 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W578      2440699.12 1970 Apr 22 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W579      2440699.12 1970 Apr 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W580      2440699.24 1970 Apr 22 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W581      2440699.25 1970 Apr 22 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W582      2440699.26 1970 Apr 22 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W583      2440699.28 1970 Apr 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W584      2440699.33 1970 Apr 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W585      2440699.42 1970 Apr 22 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W586      2440699.56 1970 Apr 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W587      2440700.30 1970 Apr 23 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W588      2440700.36 1970 Apr 23 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W589      2440700.39 1970 Apr 23 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W590      2440700.65 1970 Apr 24 0334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W591      2440700.86 1970 Apr 24 0845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W592      2440701.08 1970 Apr 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W593      2440701.12 1970 Apr 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W594      2440701.14 1970 Apr 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W595      2440701.25 1970 Apr 24 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W596      2440701.27 1970 Apr 24 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W597      2440701.29 1970 Apr 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W598      2440701.33 1970 Apr 24 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W599      2440701.40 1970 Apr 24 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W600      2440701.42 1970 Apr 24 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W601      2440704.08 1970 Apr 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W602      2440704.11 1970 Apr 27 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W603      2440704.15 1970 Apr 27 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W604      2440704.24 1970 Apr 27 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W605      2440704.25 1970 Apr 27 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W606      2440704.29 1970 Apr 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W607      2440704.45 1970 Apr 27 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W608      2440705.14 1970 Apr 28 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W609      2440705.23 1970 Apr 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W610      2440705.32 1970 Apr 28 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W611      2440705.42 1970 Apr 28 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W04       2440705.94 1970 Apr 29 1036     Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 70-3?        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    Pitfield             -                    -
1970-W612      2440706.00 1970 Apr 29 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W05       2440706.02 1970 Apr 29 1234     Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 70-6?        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    Pitfield             -                    -
1970-W01       2440706.08 1970 Apr 29 1358     Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 70-4?        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    Pitfield             AFCRL-72-0005        -
1970-W613      2440706.13 1970 Apr 29 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W614      2440706.21 1970 Apr 29 1656:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W615      2440706.22 1970 Apr 29 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W616      2440706.23 1970 Apr 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W617      2440706.24 1970 Apr 29 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W618      2440706.25 1970 Apr 29 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W619      2440706.26 1970 Apr 29 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W620      2440706.35 1970 Apr 29 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W621      2440706.49 1970 Apr 29 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W622      2440706.50 1970 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W623      2440706.50 1970 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W624      2440706.50 1970 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W625      2440706.50 1970 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W626      2440706.50 1970 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W627      2440707.10 1970 Apr 30 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W628      2440707.22 1970 Apr 30 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W629      2440707.23 1970 Apr 30 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W630      2440707.42 1970 Apr 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W631      2440708.08 1970 May  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W632      2440708.10 1970 May  1 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W633      2440708.15 1970 May  1 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W634      2440708.17 1970 May  1 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W635      2440708.25 1970 May  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W636      2440708.27 1970 May  1 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W637      2440708.29 1970 May  1 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W638      2440711.08 1970 May  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W639      2440711.23 1970 May  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W640      2440711.25 1970 May  4 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W641      2440711.26 1970 May  4 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W642      2440711.29 1970 May  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W643      2440711.37 1970 May  4 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W644      2440712.15 1970 May  5 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W645      2440712.19 1970 May  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W646      2440712.21 1970 May  5 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W647      2440712.42 1970 May  5 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W648      2440712.47 1970 May  5 2315:00  Skua                     -      INTA S-7003          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W649      2440712.93 1970 May  6 1021:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W650      2440713.08 1970 May  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W651      2440713.11 1970 May  6 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W652      2440713.16 1970 May  6 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W653      2440713.21 1970 May  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W654      2440713.22 1970 May  6 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W655      2440713.27 1970 May  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W656      2440713.28 1970 May  6 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W657      2440713.29 1970 May  6 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W658      2440713.29 1970 May  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W659      2440713.58 1970 May  7 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W660      2440714.43 1970 May  7 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W661      2440715.05 1970 May  8 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W662      2440715.08 1970 May  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W663      2440715.08 1970 May  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W664      2440715.09 1970 May  8 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W665      2440715.25 1970 May  8 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W666      2440715.29 1970 May  8 1856:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W667      2440715.35 1970 May  8 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W668      2440716.23 1970 May  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W669      2440718.08 1970 May 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W670      2440718.16 1970 May 11 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W671      2440718.17 1970 May 11 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W672      2440718.19 1970 May 11 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W673      2440718.21 1970 May 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W674      2440718.26 1970 May 11 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W675      2440718.29 1970 May 11 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W676      2440718.45 1970 May 11 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W677      2440719.21 1970 May 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W678      2440719.27 1970 May 12 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W679      2440719.45 1970 May 12 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W680      2440719.95 1970 May 13 1044:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7009          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W681      2440720.07 1970 May 13 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W682      2440720.08 1970 May 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W683      2440720.10 1970 May 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W684      2440720.17 1970 May 13 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W685      2440720.19 1970 May 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W686      2440720.21 1970 May 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W687      2440720.23 1970 May 13 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W688      2440720.24 1970 May 13 1752:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W689      2440720.25 1970 May 13 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W690      2440720.25 1970 May 13 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W691      2440720.29 1970 May 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W692      2440720.30 1970 May 13 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W693      2440720.44 1970 May 13 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W695      2440720.56 1970 May 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W696      2440721.23 1970 May 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W694      2440721.31 1970 May 14 1923     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.57UE         -                        -                        -                        -         V        -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Plasma                   USCOSPAR71           WDCRF                -
1970-W697      2440721.33 1970 May 14 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W698      2440721.42 1970 May 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W699      2440721.43 1970 May 14 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W700      2440722.07 1970 May 15 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W701      2440722.08 1970 May 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W702      2440722.08 1970 May 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W703      2440722.13 1970 May 15 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W704      2440722.14 1970 May 15 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W705      2440722.21 1970 May 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W706      2440722.21 1970 May 15 1706:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W707      2440722.29 1970 May 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W708      2440722.29 1970 May 15 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W709      2440722.42 1970 May 15 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W710      2440725.08 1970 May 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W711      2440725.09 1970 May 18 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W712      2440725.11 1970 May 18 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W713      2440725.16 1970 May 18 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W714      2440725.20 1970 May 18 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W715      2440725.23 1970 May 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W716      2440725.27 1970 May 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W717      2440725.42 1970 May 18 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W718      2440725.56 1970 May 19 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W719      2440726.21 1970 May 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W720      2440726.23 1970 May 19 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W721      2440726.29 1970 May 19 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W722      2440726.42 1970 May 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W723      2440726.96 1970 May 20 1101:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7010          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W724      2440727.08 1970 May 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W725      2440727.08 1970 May 20 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W726      2440727.09 1970 May 20 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W727      2440727.09 1970 May 20 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W728      2440727.09 1970 May 20 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W729      2440727.09 1970 May 20 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W730      2440727.10 1970 May 20 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W731      2440727.17 1970 May 20 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W732      2440727.21 1970 May 20 1656:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W733      2440727.21 1970 May 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W734      2440727.22 1970 May 20 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W735      2440727.25 1970 May 20 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W736      2440727.25 1970 May 20 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W737      2440727.32 1970 May 20 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W738      2440727.56 1970 May 21 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W739      2440728.11 1970 May 21 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W740      2440728.22 1970 May 21 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W741      2440728.38 1970 May 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W742      2440729.05 1970 May 22 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W743      2440729.08 1970 May 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W744      2440729.09 1970 May 22 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W745      2440729.21 1970 May 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W746      2440729.23 1970 May 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W747      2440729.25 1970 May 22 1800:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W748      2440729.25 1970 May 22 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W749      2440729.35 1970 May 22 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W750      2440729.42 1970 May 22 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W751      2440731.75 1970 May 25 0600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W752      2440731.79 1970 May 25 0700:00  Arcas                    -      ARCAS                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W753      2440732.08 1970 May 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W754      2440732.08 1970 May 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W755      2440732.18 1970 May 25 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W756      2440732.21 1970 May 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W757      2440732.23 1970 May 25 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W758      2440732.25 1970 May 25 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W759      2440732.26 1970 May 25 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W760      2440732.30 1970 May 25 1914:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W761      2440732.38 1970 May 25 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W762      2440732.40 1970 May 25 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W763      2440732.42 1970 May 25 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W764      2440732.42 1970 May 25 2204:00  Arcas                    -      ARCAS                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W765      2440732.49 1970 May 25 2345:00  Arcas                    -      ARCAS                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W766      2440732.56 1970 May 26 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W767      2440732.57 1970 May 26 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W768      2440732.61 1970 May 26 0240:00  Arcas                    -      ARCAS                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W769      2440732.65 1970 May 26 0340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W770      2440732.69 1970 May 26 0440:00  Arcas                    -      ARCAS                -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W771      2440733.18 1970 May 26 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W772      2440733.42 1970 May 26 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W773      2440733.90 1970 May 27 0933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W774      2440733.96 1970 May 27 1107:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7011          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W775      2440734.02 1970 May 27 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W776      2440734.09 1970 May 27 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W777      2440734.10 1970 May 27 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W778      2440734.21 1970 May 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W779      2440734.23 1970 May 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W780      2440734.25 1970 May 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W781      2440734.25 1970 May 27 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W782      2440734.29 1970 May 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W783      2440734.56 1970 May 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W784      2440735.10 1970 May 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W785      2440735.12 1970 May 28 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W786      2440735.13 1970 May 28 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W787      2440735.25 1970 May 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W788      2440736.27 1970 May 29 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M22       2440737.50 1970 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1970-M23       2440737.50 1970 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1970-W789      2440739.06 1970 Jun  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W790      2440739.08 1970 Jun  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W791      2440739.14 1970 Jun  1 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W792      2440739.21 1970 Jun  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W793      2440739.21 1970 Jun  1 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W794      2440739.22 1970 Jun  1 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W795      2440739.24 1970 Jun  1 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W796      2440739.29 1970 Jun  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W797      2440739.42 1970 Jun  1 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W798      2440739.56 1970 Jun  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W799      2440740.31 1970 Jun  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W800      2440740.42 1970 Jun  2 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W801      2440740.62 1970 Jun  3 0255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W802      2440740.96 1970 Jun  3 1103:00  Skua                     -      INTA S-7004          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W803      2440741.08 1970 Jun  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W804      2440741.08 1970 Jun  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W805      2440741.09 1970 Jun  3 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W806      2440741.10 1970 Jun  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W807      2440741.12 1970 Jun  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W808      2440741.20 1970 Jun  3 1652:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W809      2440741.23 1970 Jun  3 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W810      2440741.24 1970 Jun  3 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W811      2440741.25 1970 Jun  3 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W812      2440741.29 1970 Jun  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W813      2440741.34 1970 Jun  3 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W814      2440741.37 1970 Jun  3 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W815      2440741.43 1970 Jun  3 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W816      2440742.39 1970 Jun  4 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W817      2440742.59 1970 Jun  5 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W818      2440743.08 1970 Jun  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W819      2440743.09 1970 Jun  5 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W820      2440743.10 1970 Jun  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W821      2440743.11 1970 Jun  5 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W822      2440743.13 1970 Jun  5 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W823      2440743.16 1970 Jun  5 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W824      2440743.17 1970 Jun  5 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W825      2440743.29 1970 Jun  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W826      2440743.36 1970 Jun  5 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W827      2440743.42 1970 Jun  5 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W828      2440746.04 1970 Jun  8 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W829      2440746.08 1970 Jun  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W830      2440746.12 1970 Jun  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W831      2440746.15 1970 Jun  8 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W832      2440746.19 1970 Jun  8 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W833      2440746.21 1970 Jun  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W834      2440746.29 1970 Jun  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W835      2440746.43 1970 Jun  8 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W836      2440746.56 1970 Jun  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W837      2440747.05 1970 Jun  9 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W838      2440747.22 1970 Jun  9 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W839      2440747.23 1970 Jun  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W840      2440747.30 1970 Jun  9 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W841      2440747.42 1970 Jun  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W842      2440747.96 1970 Jun 10 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7012          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W843      2440748.04 1970 Jun 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W844      2440748.07 1970 Jun 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W845      2440748.08 1970 Jun 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W846      2440748.12 1970 Jun 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W847      2440748.17 1970 Jun 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W848      2440748.19 1970 Jun 10 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W849      2440748.26 1970 Jun 10 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W850      2440748.31 1970 Jun 10 1930:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W851      2440748.43 1970 Jun 10 2225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W852      2440748.56 1970 Jun 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W853      2440749.12 1970 Jun 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W854      2440749.16 1970 Jun 11 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W855      2440749.20 1970 Jun 11 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W856      2440749.35 1970 Jun 11 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W857      2440749.42 1970 Jun 11 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W858      2440750.08 1970 Jun 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W859      2440750.19 1970 Jun 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W860      2440750.19 1970 Jun 12 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W861      2440750.22 1970 Jun 12 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W862      2440750.29 1970 Jun 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W863      2440750.56 1970 Jun 13 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W864      2440753.04 1970 Jun 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W865      2440753.12 1970 Jun 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W866      2440753.12 1970 Jun 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W867      2440753.17 1970 Jun 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W868      2440753.18 1970 Jun 15 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W869      2440753.21 1970 Jun 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W870      2440753.29 1970 Jun 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W871      2440753.43 1970 Jun 15 2222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W872      2440753.56 1970 Jun 16 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W873      2440754.15 1970 Jun 16 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W874      2440754.22 1970 Jun 16 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W875      2440754.24 1970 Jun 16 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W876      2440754.31 1970 Jun 16 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W877      2440754.40 1970 Jun 16 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W878      2440754.43 1970 Jun 16 2221:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W879      2440754.97 1970 Jun 17 1115:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7013          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W880      2440755.08 1970 Jun 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W881      2440755.12 1970 Jun 17 1450:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-062/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W882      2440755.12 1970 Jun 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W883      2440755.14 1970 Jun 17 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W884      2440755.15 1970 Jun 17 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W885      2440755.17 1970 Jun 17 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W886      2440755.19 1970 Jun 17 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W887      2440755.20 1970 Jun 17 1651:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W888      2440755.21 1970 Jun 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W889      2440755.23 1970 Jun 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W890      2440755.24 1970 Jun 17 1741:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W891      2440755.25 1970 Jun 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W892      2440755.26 1970 Jun 17 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W893      2440755.28 1970 Jun 17 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W894      2440755.29 1970 Jun 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W895      2440755.33 1970 Jun 17 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W896      2440755.56 1970 Jun 18 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W897      2440756.22 1970 Jun 18 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W898      2440756.28 1970 Jun 18 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W899      2440756.30 1970 Jun 18 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W900      2440756.31 1970 Jun 18 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W901      2440756.35 1970 Jun 18 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W902      2440756.39 1970 Jun 18 2126     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.79GM         -                        -                        -                        -         V        -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W903      2440757.08 1970 Jun 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W904      2440757.09 1970 Jun 19 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W905      2440757.09 1970 Jun 19 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W906      2440757.12 1970 Jun 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W907      2440757.14 1970 Jun 19 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W908      2440757.21 1970 Jun 19 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W909      2440757.33 1970 Jun 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W910      2440757.43 1970 Jun 19 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W911      2440757.56 1970 Jun 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W912      2440758.00 1970 Jun 20 1156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W913      2440760.08 1970 Jun 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W914      2440760.12 1970 Jun 22 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W915      2440760.12 1970 Jun 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W916      2440760.12 1970 Jun 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W917      2440760.16 1970 Jun 22 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W918      2440760.18 1970 Jun 22 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W919      2440760.19 1970 Jun 22 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W920      2440760.21 1970 Jun 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W921      2440760.42 1970 Jun 22 2207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W922      2440760.57 1970 Jun 23 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W923      2440761.10 1970 Jun 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W924      2440761.20 1970 Jun 23 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W925      2440761.29 1970 Jun 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W926      2440761.42 1970 Jun 23 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W927      2440761.96 1970 Jun 24 1055:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7014          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W928      2440762.08 1970 Jun 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W929      2440762.10 1970 Jun 24 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W930      2440762.10 1970 Jun 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W931      2440762.12 1970 Jun 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W932      2440762.14 1970 Jun 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W933      2440762.21 1970 Jun 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W934      2440762.26 1970 Jun 24 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W935      2440762.29 1970 Jun 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W936      2440762.35 1970 Jun 24 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W937      2440762.37 1970 Jun 24 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W938      2440762.42 1970 Jun 24 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W939      2440763.14 1970 Jun 25 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W940      2440763.16 1970 Jun 25 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W941      2440763.28 1970 Jun 25 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W942      2440763.41 1970 Jun 25 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W943      2440764.08 1970 Jun 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W944      2440764.12 1970 Jun 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W945      2440764.12 1970 Jun 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W946      2440764.28 1970 Jun 26 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W947      2440764.28 1970 Jun 26 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W948      2440764.31 1970 Jun 26 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W949      2440764.31 1970 Jun 26 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W950      2440767.07 1970 Jun 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W951      2440767.08 1970 Jun 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W952      2440767.12 1970 Jun 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W953      2440767.12 1970 Jun 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W954      2440767.17 1970 Jun 29 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W955      2440767.18 1970 Jun 29 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W956      2440767.21 1970 Jun 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W957      2440767.47 1970 Jun 29 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W958      2440767.56 1970 Jun 30 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W959      2440767.63 1970 Jun 30 0307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W960      2440768.12 1970 Jun 30 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W961      2440769.00 1970 Jul  1 1200:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7015          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W962      2440769.06 1970 Jul  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W963      2440769.08 1970 Jul  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W964      2440769.10 1970 Jul  1 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W965      2440769.12 1970 Jul  1 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W966      2440769.12 1970 Jul  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W967      2440769.13 1970 Jul  1 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W968      2440769.19 1970 Jul  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W969      2440769.21 1970 Jul  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W970      2440769.29 1970 Jul  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W971      2440769.34 1970 Jul  1 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W972      2440769.38 1970 Jul  1 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W973      2440769.52 1970 Jul  2 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W974      2440769.56 1970 Jul  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W975      2440770.12 1970 Jul  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W976      2440770.16 1970 Jul  2 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W977      2440770.33 1970 Jul  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W978      2440770.42 1970 Jul  2 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W979      2440771.56 1970 Jul  4 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W980      2440774.04 1970 Jul  6 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W981      2440774.10 1970 Jul  6 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W982      2440774.12 1970 Jul  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W983      2440774.17 1970 Jul  6 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W984      2440774.19 1970 Jul  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W985      2440774.21 1970 Jul  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W986      2440774.42 1970 Jul  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W987      2440775.15 1970 Jul  7 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W988      2440775.46 1970 Jul  7 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W989      2440776.04 1970 Jul  8 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W990      2440776.08 1970 Jul  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W991      2440776.08 1970 Jul  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W992      2440776.12 1970 Jul  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W993      2440776.16 1970 Jul  8 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W994      2440776.18 1970 Jul  8 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W995      2440776.23 1970 Jul  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W996      2440776.25 1970 Jul  8 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W997      2440776.29 1970 Jul  8 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W998      2440776.40 1970 Jul  8 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W999      2440776.42 1970 Jul  8 2159:59  Skua                     -      INTA S-7005          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1000     2440776.59 1970 Jul  9 0208:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1001     2440777.16 1970 Jul  9 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1002     2440777.42 1970 Jul  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1003     2440778.04 1970 Jul 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1004     2440778.08 1970 Jul 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1005     2440778.20 1970 Jul 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1006     2440778.21 1970 Jul 10 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1007     2440778.21 1970 Jul 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1008     2440778.21 1970 Jul 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1009     2440778.56 1970 Jul 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1010     2440781.04 1970 Jul 13 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1011     2440781.08 1970 Jul 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1012     2440781.18 1970 Jul 13 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1013     2440781.18 1970 Jul 13 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1014     2440781.19 1970 Jul 13 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1015     2440781.21 1970 Jul 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1016     2440781.21 1970 Jul 13 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1017     2440781.21 1970 Jul 13 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1018     2440781.29 1970 Jul 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1019     2440781.38 1970 Jul 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1020     2440781.56 1970 Jul 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1021     2440782.09 1970 Jul 14 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1022     2440782.19 1970 Jul 14 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1023     2440782.44 1970 Jul 14 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1024     2440782.59 1970 Jul 15 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1025     2440783.05 1970 Jul 15 1311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1026     2440783.10 1970 Jul 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1027     2440783.10 1970 Jul 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1028     2440783.12 1970 Jul 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1029     2440783.13 1970 Jul 15 1505:00  Judi-Dart                ?      SUPARCO-063/70       -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SU   SUPA/Rahmatullah         Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1030     2440783.24 1970 Jul 15 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1031     2440783.29 1970 Jul 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1032     2440783.38 1970 Jul 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1033     2440783.43 1970 Jul 15 2212:59  Skua                     -      INTA S-7006          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1034     2440783.58 1970 Jul 16 0153:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1035     2440784.18 1970 Jul 16 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1036     2440784.22 1970 Jul 16 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1037     2440784.24 1970 Jul 16 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1038     2440784.38 1970 Jul 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1039     2440785.04 1970 Jul 17 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1040     2440785.08 1970 Jul 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1041     2440785.14 1970 Jul 17 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1042     2440785.22 1970 Jul 17 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1043     2440785.24 1970 Jul 17 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1044     2440785.25 1970 Jul 17 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1045     2440785.25 1970 Jul 17 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1046     2440785.25 1970 Jul 17 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1047     2440785.39 1970 Jul 17 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1048     2440785.56 1970 Jul 18 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1049     2440786.00 1970 Jul 18 1155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1050     2440788.04 1970 Jul 20 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1051     2440788.08 1970 Jul 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1052     2440788.12 1970 Jul 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1053     2440788.13 1970 Jul 20 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1054     2440788.14 1970 Jul 20 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1055     2440788.19 1970 Jul 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1056     2440788.20 1970 Jul 20 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1057     2440788.21 1970 Jul 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1058     2440788.25 1970 Jul 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1059     2440788.28 1970 Jul 20 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1060     2440788.39 1970 Jul 20 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1061     2440788.58 1970 Jul 21 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1062     2440789.09 1970 Jul 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1063     2440789.12 1970 Jul 21 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1064     2440789.15 1970 Jul 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1065     2440789.35 1970 Jul 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1066     2440789.40 1970 Jul 21 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M30       2440789.95 1970 Jul 22 1047     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7016          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1970-W1067     2440790.08 1970 Jul 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1068     2440790.18 1970 Jul 22 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1069     2440790.18 1970 Jul 22 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1070     2440790.23 1970 Jul 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1071     2440790.23 1970 Jul 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1072     2440790.25 1970 Jul 22 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1073     2440790.25 1970 Jul 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1074     2440790.30 1970 Jul 22 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1075     2440790.32 1970 Jul 22 1944:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1076     2440790.33 1970 Jul 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1077     2440790.58 1970 Jul 23 0202:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1078     2440791.15 1970 Jul 23 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1079     2440791.16 1970 Jul 23 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1080     2440791.19 1970 Jul 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1081     2440791.21 1970 Jul 23 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1082     2440791.26 1970 Jul 23 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1083     2440791.27 1970 Jul 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1084     2440791.40 1970 Jul 23 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1085     2440792.08 1970 Jul 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1086     2440792.09 1970 Jul 24 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1087     2440792.12 1970 Jul 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1088     2440792.15 1970 Jul 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1089     2440792.24 1970 Jul 24 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1090     2440792.29 1970 Jul 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1091     2440792.38 1970 Jul 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1092     2440792.57 1970 Jul 25 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1093     2440795.04 1970 Jul 27 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1094     2440795.08 1970 Jul 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1095     2440795.12 1970 Jul 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1096     2440795.20 1970 Jul 27 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1097     2440795.22 1970 Jul 27 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1098     2440795.29 1970 Jul 27 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1099     2440795.39 1970 Jul 27 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1100     2440795.56 1970 Jul 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1101     2440796.11 1970 Jul 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1102     2440796.17 1970 Jul 28 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1103     2440796.20 1970 Jul 28 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1104     2440796.40 1970 Jul 28 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1105     2440796.59 1970 Jul 29 0207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1106     2440796.95 1970 Jul 29 1054:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7017          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1107     2440797.04 1970 Jul 29 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1108     2440797.08 1970 Jul 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1109     2440797.10 1970 Jul 29 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1110     2440797.12 1970 Jul 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1111     2440797.13 1970 Jul 29 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1112     2440797.18 1970 Jul 29 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1113     2440797.24 1970 Jul 29 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1114     2440797.31 1970 Jul 29 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1115     2440797.41 1970 Jul 29 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1116     2440797.56 1970 Jul 30 0124:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1117     2440797.56 1970 Jul 30 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1118     2440798.14 1970 Jul 30 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1119     2440798.18 1970 Jul 30 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1120     2440798.21 1970 Jul 30 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1121     2440798.50 1970 Aug             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W1122     2440799.04 1970 Jul 31 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1123     2440799.08 1970 Jul 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1124     2440799.15 1970 Jul 31 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1125     2440799.20 1970 Jul 31 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1126     2440799.21 1970 Jul 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1127     2440799.21 1970 Jul 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1128     2440799.29 1970 Jul 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1129     2440799.40 1970 Jul 31 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1130     2440799.56 1970 Aug  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1131     2440802.08 1970 Aug  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1132     2440802.12 1970 Aug  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1133     2440802.16 1970 Aug  3 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1134     2440802.17 1970 Aug  3 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1135     2440802.19 1970 Aug  3 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1136     2440802.21 1970 Aug  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1137     2440802.23 1970 Aug  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1138     2440802.29 1970 Aug  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1139     2440802.38 1970 Aug  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1140     2440802.56 1970 Aug  4 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1141     2440803.09 1970 Aug  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1142     2440803.32 1970 Aug  4 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1143     2440803.38 1970 Aug  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1144     2440803.58 1970 Aug  5 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R2            Range Test               -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1970-W1145     2440804.04 1970 Aug  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1146     2440804.07 1970 Aug  5 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1147     2440804.07 1970 Aug  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1148     2440804.08 1970 Aug  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1149     2440804.12 1970 Aug  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1150     2440804.25 1970 Aug  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1151     2440804.25 1970 Aug  5 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1152     2440804.28 1970 Aug  5 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1153     2440804.29 1970 Aug  5 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1154     2440804.38 1970 Aug  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1155     2440804.56 1970 Aug  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1156     2440804.73 1970 Aug  6 0537:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1157     2440805.14 1970 Aug  6 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1158     2440805.16 1970 Aug  6 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1159     2440805.20 1970 Aug  6 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1160     2440805.38 1970 Aug  6 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1161     2440806.04 1970 Aug  7 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1162     2440806.09 1970 Aug  7 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1163     2440806.09 1970 Aug  7 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1164     2440806.23 1970 Aug  7 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1165     2440806.25 1970 Aug  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1166     2440806.25 1970 Aug  7 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1167     2440806.29 1970 Aug  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1168     2440806.56 1970 Aug  8 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1169     2440806.71 1970 Aug  8 0455:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1170     2440809.04 1970 Aug 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1171     2440809.08 1970 Aug 10 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1172     2440809.15 1970 Aug 10 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1173     2440809.19 1970 Aug 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1174     2440809.25 1970 Aug 10 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1175     2440809.29 1970 Aug 10 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1176     2440809.56 1970 Aug 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1177     2440809.69 1970 Aug 11 0437:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1178     2440810.40 1970 Aug 11 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1179     2440811.05 1970 Aug 12 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1180     2440811.08 1970 Aug 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1181     2440811.08 1970 Aug 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1182     2440811.10 1970 Aug 12 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1183     2440811.11 1970 Aug 12 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1184     2440811.11 1970 Aug 12 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1185     2440811.12 1970 Aug 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1186     2440811.13 1970 Aug 12 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1187     2440811.14 1970 Aug 12 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1188     2440811.14 1970 Aug 12 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1189     2440811.20 1970 Aug 12 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1190     2440811.25 1970 Aug 12 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1191     2440811.27 1970 Aug 12 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1192     2440811.38 1970 Aug 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1193     2440811.49 1970 Aug 12 2344:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1194     2440811.57 1970 Aug 13 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1195     2440812.12 1970 Aug 13 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1196     2440812.15 1970 Aug 13 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1197     2440812.38 1970 Aug 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1198     2440812.93 1970 Aug 14 1025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1199     2440813.04 1970 Aug 14 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1200     2440813.08 1970 Aug 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1201     2440813.09 1970 Aug 14 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1202     2440813.12 1970 Aug 14 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1203     2440813.15 1970 Aug 14 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1204     2440813.21 1970 Aug 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1205     2440813.28 1970 Aug 14 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1206     2440813.34 1970 Aug 14 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1207     2440813.38 1970 Aug 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1208     2440816.08 1970 Aug 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1209     2440816.13 1970 Aug 17 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1210     2440816.16 1970 Aug 17 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1211     2440816.21 1970 Aug 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1212     2440816.24 1970 Aug 17 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1213     2440816.25 1970 Aug 17 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1214     2440816.28 1970 Aug 17 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1215     2440816.29 1970 Aug 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1216     2440816.38 1970 Aug 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1217     2440816.56 1970 Aug 18 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1218     2440817.06 1970 Aug 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1219     2440817.18 1970 Aug 18 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1220     2440817.23 1970 Aug 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1221     2440817.39 1970 Aug 18 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1222     2440818.08 1970 Aug 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1223     2440818.11 1970 Aug 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1224     2440818.12 1970 Aug 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1225     2440818.16 1970 Aug 19 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1226     2440818.18 1970 Aug 19 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1227     2440818.22 1970 Aug 19 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1228     2440818.24 1970 Aug 19 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1229     2440818.25 1970 Aug 19 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1230     2440818.28 1970 Aug 19 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1231     2440818.29 1970 Aug 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1232     2440818.35 1970 Aug 19 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1233     2440818.40 1970 Aug 19 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1234     2440818.43 1970 Aug 19 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1235     2440818.56 1970 Aug 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1236     2440818.58 1970 Aug 20 0200:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1237     2440819.12 1970 Aug 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1238     2440819.16 1970 Aug 20 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1239     2440819.18 1970 Aug 20 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1240     2440819.40 1970 Aug 20 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M24       2440819.55 1970 Aug 21 0117     Black Brant IVA          -      CRL A16.010-03       Propagation              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   AFCRL/Harvey             Ionos                    AFCRL                -                    -
1970-W1241     2440820.05 1970 Aug 21 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1242     2440820.08 1970 Aug 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1243     2440820.35 1970 Aug 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1244     2440820.40 1970 Aug 21 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1245     2440820.51 1970 Aug 22 0015:00  Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1246     2440820.56 1970 Aug 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1247     2440823.04 1970 Aug 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1248     2440823.08 1970 Aug 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1249     2440823.12 1970 Aug 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1250     2440823.19 1970 Aug 24 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1251     2440823.20 1970 Aug 24 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1252     2440823.20 1970 Aug 24 1648:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1253     2440823.21 1970 Aug 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1254     2440823.25 1970 Aug 24 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1255     2440823.38 1970 Aug 24 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1256     2440824.39 1970 Aug 25 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1257     2440825.04 1970 Aug 26 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1258     2440825.12 1970 Aug 26 1452:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1259     2440825.12 1970 Aug 26 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1260     2440825.13 1970 Aug 26 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1261     2440825.25 1970 Aug 26 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1262     2440825.50 1970 Aug 26 2354:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1263     2440825.53 1970 Aug 27 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1264     2440825.58 1970 Aug 27 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1265     2440826.17 1970 Aug 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1266     2440826.17 1970 Aug 27 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1267     2440826.29 1970 Aug 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1268     2440827.04 1970 Aug 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1269     2440827.08 1970 Aug 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1270     2440827.08 1970 Aug 28 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1271     2440827.12 1970 Aug 28 1449:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1272     2440827.12 1970 Aug 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1273     2440827.25 1970 Aug 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1274     2440827.25 1970 Aug 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1275     2440827.25 1970 Aug 28 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1276     2440827.38 1970 Aug 28 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M38       2440829.50 1970 Sep             Sergeant                 -      -                    MINOTAURUS 70            RakArtLBttr Training     -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1970-W1901     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 1            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1902     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 2            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1903     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 3            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1904     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 4            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1905     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 5            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1906     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 6            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1907     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 7            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1908     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 8            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1909     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 9            -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1910     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 10           -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1911     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 11           -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1912     2440829.50 1970 Sep             Skua                     -      -                    Gan Diurnal 12           -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Hamilton            Meteo                    QJRMS98,668          -                    -
1970-W1277     2440830.11 1970 Aug 31 1443:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1278     2440830.12 1970 Aug 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1279     2440830.18 1970 Aug 31 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1280     2440830.19 1970 Aug 31 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1281     2440830.20 1970 Aug 31 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1282     2440830.29 1970 Aug 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1283     2440830.32 1970 Aug 31 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1284     2440830.38 1970 Aug 31 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1285     2440831.12 1970 Sep  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1286     2440832.08 1970 Sep  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1287     2440832.08 1970 Sep  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1288     2440832.10 1970 Sep  2 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1289     2440832.12 1970 Sep  2 1447:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1290     2440832.25 1970 Sep  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1291     2440832.31 1970 Sep  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1292     2440832.34 1970 Sep 02 2015:00  Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1293     2440832.42 1970 Sep  2 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1294     2440832.44 1970 Sep  2 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1295     2440832.56 1970 Sep  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1296     2440833.23 1970 Sep  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1297     2440833.45 1970 Sep  3 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1298     2440834.04 1970 Sep  4 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1299     2440834.09 1970 Sep  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1300     2440834.14 1970 Sep  4 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1301     2440834.15 1970 Sep  4 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1302     2440834.29 1970 Sep  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1303     2440834.39 1970 Sep  4 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1304     2440834.56 1970 Sep  5 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1305     2440837.34 1970 Sep 07 2015:00  Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1306     2440837.48 1970 Sep  7 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1307     2440838.14 1970 Sep  8 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1308     2440838.21 1970 Sep  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1309     2440838.23 1970 Sep  8 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1310     2440838.30 1970 Sep  8 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1311     2440838.40 1970 Sep  8 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1312     2440838.92 1970 Sep  9 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1313     2440838.96 1970 Sep  9 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7018          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1314     2440839.04 1970 Sep  9 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1315     2440839.04 1970 Sep  9 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1316     2440839.08 1970 Sep  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1317     2440839.11 1970 Sep  9 1445:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1318     2440839.12 1970 Sep  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1319     2440839.12 1970 Sep  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1320     2440839.21 1970 Sep  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1321     2440839.28 1970 Sep  9 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1322     2440839.34 1970 Sep 09 2015:00  Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                Alway                -
1970-W1323     2440839.42 1970 Sep  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1324     2440839.49 1970 Sep  9 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1325     2440839.57 1970 Sep 10 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1326     2440840.16 1970 Sep 10 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1327     2440840.29 1970 Sep 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1328     2440840.41 1970 Sep 10 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1329     2440841.04 1970 Sep 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1330     2440841.08 1970 Sep 11 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1331     2440841.08 1970 Sep 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1332     2440841.15 1970 Sep 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1333     2440841.16 1970 Sep 11 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1334     2440841.29 1970 Sep 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1335     2440841.38 1970 Sep 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1336     2440841.57 1970 Sep 12 0146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1337     2440842.26 1970 Sep 12 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1338     2440844.05 1970 Sep 14 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1339     2440844.10 1970 Sep 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1340     2440844.11 1970 Sep 14 1435:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1341     2440844.11 1970 Sep 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1342     2440844.16 1970 Sep 14 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1343     2440844.17 1970 Sep 14 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1344     2440844.17 1970 Sep 14 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1345     2440844.19 1970 Sep 14 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1346     2440844.21 1970 Sep 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1347     2440844.25 1970 Sep 14 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1348     2440844.38 1970 Sep 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1349     2440844.46 1970 Sep 14 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1350     2440844.56 1970 Sep 15 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1351     2440845.10 1970 Sep 15 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1352     2440845.12 1970 Sep 15 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1353     2440845.15 1970 Sep 15 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1354     2440845.26 1970 Sep 15 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1355     2440845.39 1970 Sep 15 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1356     2440845.44 1970 Sep 15 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1357     2440845.96 1970 Sep 16 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7019          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1358     2440846.08 1970 Sep 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1359     2440846.12 1970 Sep 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1360     2440846.13 1970 Sep 16 1513:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1361     2440846.15 1970 Sep 16 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1362     2440846.19 1970 Sep 16 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1363     2440846.20 1970 Sep 16 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1364     2440846.21 1970 Sep 16 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1365     2440846.22 1970 Sep 16 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1366     2440846.27 1970 Sep 16 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1367     2440846.27 1970 Sep 16 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1368     2440846.28 1970 Sep 16 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1369     2440846.30 1970 Sep 16 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1370     2440846.30 1970 Sep 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1371     2440846.30 1970 Sep 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1372     2440846.42 1970 Sep 16 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1373     2440846.50 1970 Sep 17          Arcas                    -      -                    Nimbus cal               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NASA/                    Aeron                    SP-4015              -                    -
1970-W1374     2440846.50 1970 Sep 17          Arcas                    -      -                    Nimbus cal               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NASA/                    Aeron                    SP-4015              -                    -
1970-M39       2440846.50 1970 Sep 17          Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NASA/?                   Aeron                    SP4015               -                    -
1970-W1375     2440846.59 1970 Sep 17 0214:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1376     2440847.14 1970 Sep 17 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1377     2440847.19 1970 Sep 17 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1378     2440847.19 1970 Sep 17 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1379     2440847.21 1970 Sep 17 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1380     2440847.35 1970 Sep 17 2020:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1381     2440847.35 1970 Sep 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1382     2440847.38 1970 Sep 17 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1383     2440848.04 1970 Sep 18 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1384     2440848.11 1970 Sep 18 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1385     2440848.11 1970 Sep 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1386     2440848.15 1970 Sep 18 1538:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1387     2440848.32 1970 Sep 18 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1388     2440848.38 1970 Sep 18 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1389     2440848.39 1970 Sep 18 2126:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1390     2440849.16 1970 Sep 19 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1391     2440849.18 1970 Sep 19 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1392     2440850.50 1970 Sep 21          Arcas                    -      -                    Nimbus cal               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NASA/                    Aeron                    SP-4015              -                    -
1970-M40       2440850.50 1970 Sep 21          Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   NASA/?                   Aeron                    SP4015               -                    -
1970-W1393     2440851.11 1970 Sep 21 1433:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1394     2440851.12 1970 Sep 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1395     2440851.16 1970 Sep 21 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1396     2440851.16 1970 Sep 21 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1397     2440851.19 1970 Sep 21 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1398     2440851.19 1970 Sep 21 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1399     2440851.20 1970 Sep 21 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1400     2440851.23 1970 Sep 21 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1401     2440851.25 1970 Sep 21 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1402     2440851.31 1970 Sep 21 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1403     2440851.33 1970 Sep 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1404     2440851.38 1970 Sep 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1405     2440851.56 1970 Sep 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1406     2440852.33 1970 Sep 22 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1407     2440852.41 1970 Sep 22 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1408     2440853.04 1970 Sep 23 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1409     2440853.08 1970 Sep 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1410     2440853.10 1970 Sep 23 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1411     2440853.11 1970 Sep 23 1437:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1412     2440853.20 1970 Sep 23 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1413     2440853.25 1970 Sep 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1414     2440853.25 1970 Sep 23 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1415     2440853.31 1970 Sep 23 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1416     2440853.33 1970 Sep 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1417     2440853.46 1970 Sep 23 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1418     2440853.58 1970 Sep 24 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1419     2440854.39 1970 Sep 24 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1420     2440854.96 1970 Sep 25 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7020          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1421     2440855.08 1970 Sep 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1422     2440855.09 1970 Sep 25 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1423     2440855.25 1970 Sep 25 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1424     2440855.31 1970 Sep 25 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1425     2440855.38 1970 Sep 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1426     2440855.56 1970 Sep 26 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1427     2440858.04 1970 Sep 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1428     2440858.08 1970 Sep 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1429     2440858.10 1970 Sep 28 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1430     2440858.16 1970 Sep 28 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1431     2440858.17 1970 Sep 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1432     2440858.25 1970 Sep 28 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1433     2440858.57 1970 Sep 29 0146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1434     2440859.26 1970 Sep 29 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1435     2440859.41 1970 Sep 29 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1436     2440859.41 1970 Sep 29 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1437     2440859.92 1970 Sep 30 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1438     2440859.96 1970 Sep 30 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7021          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1439     2440860.04 1970 Sep 30 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1440     2440860.11 1970 Sep 30 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1441     2440860.11 1970 Sep 30 1442:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1442     2440860.27 1970 Sep 30 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1443     2440860.33 1970 Sep 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1444     2440860.59 1970 Oct  1 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1445     2440861.42 1970 Oct  1 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1446     2440862.04 1970 Oct  2 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1447     2440862.07 1970 Oct  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1448     2440862.08 1970 Oct  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1449     2440862.12 1970 Oct  2 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1450     2440862.12 1970 Oct  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1451     2440862.23 1970 Oct  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1452     2440862.56 1970 Oct  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1453     2440865.08 1970 Oct  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1454     2440865.09 1970 Oct  5 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1455     2440865.12 1970 Oct  5 1447:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1456     2440865.15 1970 Oct  5 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1457     2440865.27 1970 Oct  5 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1458     2440865.38 1970 Oct  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1459     2440865.42 1970 Oct  5 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1460     2440865.54 1970 Oct  6 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1461     2440865.56 1970 Oct  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1462     2440865.69 1970 Oct  6 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1463     2440866.12 1970 Oct  6 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1464     2440866.19 1970 Oct  6 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1465     2440866.28 1970 Oct 06 1840:00  Super Loki               -      AFCRL 70-1           -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Griffin            Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1466     2440866.42 1970 Oct  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1467     2440866.54 1970 Oct  7 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M25       2440866.90 1970 Oct 07 0930:00  Meteor-2K                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SU   PIHM/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1468     2440866.96 1970 Oct  7 1100:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7022          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1469     2440867.04 1970 Oct  7 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1470     2440867.08 1970 Oct  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1471     2440867.12 1970 Oct  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1472     2440867.13 1970 Oct  7 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1473     2440867.15 1970 Oct  7 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1474     2440867.17 1970 Oct 07 1600:00  Super Loki               -      AFCRL 70-2           -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Griffin            Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1475     2440867.18 1970 Oct  7 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1476     2440867.22 1970 Oct  7 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1477     2440867.27 1970 Oct  7 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1478     2440867.61 1970 Oct  8 0235:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1479     2440868.04 1970 Oct 08 1300:00  Super Loki               -      AFCRL 70-3           -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Griffin            Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1480     2440868.14 1970 Oct 08 1515:00  Super Loki               -      AFCRL 70-4           -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Griffin            Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1481     2440868.18 1970 Oct 08 1623:00  Super Loki               -      AFCRL 70-5           -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SU   AFCRL/Griffin            Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1482     2440868.23 1970 Oct  8 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1483     2440868.25 1970 Oct  8 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1484     2440868.29 1970 Oct  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1485     2440868.42 1970 Oct  8 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1486     2440869.04 1970 Oct  9 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1487     2440869.08 1970 Oct  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1488     2440869.10 1970 Oct  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1489     2440869.12 1970 Oct  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1490     2440869.13 1970 Oct  9 1511:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1491     2440869.19 1970 Oct  9 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1492     2440869.21 1970 Oct  9 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1493     2440869.27 1970 Oct  9 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1494     2440869.29 1970 Oct  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1495     2440869.37 1970 Oct  9 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1496     2440869.38 1970 Oct  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1497     2440869.60 1970 Oct 10 0221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1498     2440870.25 1970 Oct 10 1800     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.80GM         -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4015              -
1970-W1499     2440872.13 1970 Oct 12 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1500     2440872.29 1970 Oct 12 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1501     2440872.57 1970 Oct 13 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1502     2440873.12 1970 Oct 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1503     2440873.29 1970 Oct 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1504     2440873.38 1970 Oct 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1505     2440873.55 1970 Oct 14 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1506     2440873.60 1970 Oct 14 0225:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1507     2440873.65 1970 Oct 14 0336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1508     2440874.04 1970 Oct 14 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1509     2440874.08 1970 Oct 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1510     2440874.12 1970 Oct 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1511     2440874.12 1970 Oct 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1512     2440874.12 1970 Oct 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1513     2440874.13 1970 Oct 14 1500:59  Judi-Dart                -      [Not in FC]          Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1514     2440874.22 1970 Oct 14 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1515     2440874.25 1970 Oct 14 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1516     2440874.26 1970 Oct 14 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1517     2440874.26 1970 Oct 14 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1518     2440874.32 1970 Oct 14 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1519     2440874.33 1970 Oct 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1520     2440874.34 1970 Oct 14 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1521     2440874.43 1970 Oct 14 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1522     2440874.46 1970 Oct 14 2307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1523     2440874.56 1970 Oct 15 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1524     2440875.14 1970 Oct 15 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1525     2440875.14 1970 Oct 15 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1526     2440876.04 1970 Oct 16 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1527     2440876.06 1970 Oct 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1528     2440876.08 1970 Oct 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1529     2440876.11 1970 Oct 16 1445:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1530     2440876.12 1970 Oct 16 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1531     2440876.14 1970 Oct 16 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1532     2440876.16 1970 Oct 16 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1533     2440876.21 1970 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1534     2440876.25 1970 Oct 16 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1535     2440876.32 1970 Oct 16 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1536     2440876.38 1970 Oct 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1537     2440876.56 1970 Oct 17 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1538     2440877.25 1970 Oct 17 1800     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.81GM         -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4015              -
1970-W1539     2440879.11 1970 Oct 19 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1540     2440879.11 1970 Oct 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1541     2440879.15 1970 Oct 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1542     2440879.18 1970 Oct 19 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1543     2440879.21 1970 Oct 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1544     2440879.34 1970 Oct 19 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1545     2440879.39 1970 Oct 19 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1546     2440879.56 1970 Oct 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1547     2440880.16 1970 Oct 20 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1548     2440881.06 1970 Oct 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1549     2440881.08 1970 Oct 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1550     2440881.11 1970 Oct 21 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1551     2440881.12 1970 Oct 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1552     2440881.14 1970 Oct 21 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1553     2440881.16 1970 Oct 21 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    WOX-1A RSo/Para          -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                SR12,601             -
1970-W1554     2440881.26 1970 Oct 21 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1555     2440881.29 1970 Oct 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1556     2440881.33 1970 Oct 21 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1557     2440881.41 1970 Oct 21 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1558     2440881.56 1970 Oct 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1559     2440882.15 1970 Oct 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1560     2440882.19 1970 Oct 22 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1561     2440882.38 1970 Oct 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1562     2440883.09 1970 Oct 23 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1563     2440883.11 1970 Oct 23 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1564     2440883.12 1970 Oct 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1565     2440883.21 1970 Oct 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1566     2440883.29 1970 Oct 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1567     2440883.35 1970 Oct 23 2022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1568     2440883.48 1970 Oct 23 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1569     2440883.58 1970 Oct 24 0155:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1570     2440886.08 1970 Oct 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1571     2440886.12 1970 Oct 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1572     2440886.21 1970 Oct 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1573     2440886.21 1970 Oct 26 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1574     2440886.21 1970 Oct 26 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1575     2440886.25 1970 Oct 26 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1576     2440886.28 1970 Oct 26 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1577     2440886.33 1970 Oct 26 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1578     2440886.33 1970 Oct 26 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1579     2440886.38 1970 Oct 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1580     2440886.61 1970 Oct 27 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1581     2440887.43 1970 Oct 27 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1898     2440887.58 1970 Oct 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R8            -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1970-W1582     2440887.98 1970 Oct 28 1126:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7024          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1583     2440888.08 1970 Oct 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1584     2440888.09 1970 Oct 28 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1585     2440888.09 1970 Oct 28 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1586     2440888.12 1970 Oct 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1587     2440888.15 1970 Oct 28 1540:00  Judi-Dart                -      [Not in FC]          Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1588     2440888.17 1970 Oct 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1589     2440888.21 1970 Oct 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1590     2440888.22 1970 Oct 28 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1591     2440888.29 1970 Oct 28 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1592     2440888.33 1970 Oct 28 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1593     2440888.35 1970 Oct 28 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1594     2440888.40 1970 Oct 28 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1595     2440888.44 1970 Oct 28 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1596     2440888.56 1970 Oct 29 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1597     2440889.17 1970 Oct 29 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1598     2440889.20 1970 Oct 29 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1599     2440889.22 1970 Oct 29 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1600     2440889.25 1970 Oct 29 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1601     2440889.31 1970 Oct 29 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1602     2440890.05 1970 Oct 30 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1603     2440890.08 1970 Oct 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1604     2440890.08 1970 Oct 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1605     2440890.12 1970 Oct 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1606     2440890.15 1970 Oct 30 1537:59  Judi-Dart                -      [Not in FC]          Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1607     2440890.21 1970 Oct 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1608     2440890.33 1970 Oct 30 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1609     2440890.34 1970 Oct 30 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1610     2440890.35 1970 Oct 30 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1611     2440890.38 1970 Oct 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1612     2440890.50 1970 Nov             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W1613     2440890.61 1970 Oct 31 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1614     2440891.33 1970 Oct 31 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1615     2440893.08 1970 Nov  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1616     2440893.12 1970 Nov  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1617     2440893.16 1970 Nov  2 1551:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1618     2440893.17 1970 Nov  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1619     2440893.19 1970 Nov  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1620     2440893.21 1970 Nov  2 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1621     2440893.32 1970 Nov  2 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1622     2440893.33 1970 Nov  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1623     2440893.36 1970 Nov  2 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1624     2440894.15 1970 Nov  3 1543:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1625     2440894.29 1970 Nov  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1626     2440894.40 1970 Nov  3 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1627     2440895.08 1970 Nov  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1628     2440895.08 1970 Nov  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1629     2440895.09 1970 Nov  4 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1630     2440895.12 1970 Nov  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1631     2440895.14 1970 Nov  4 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1632     2440895.15 1970 Nov  4 1543:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1633     2440895.23 1970 Nov  4 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1634     2440895.42 1970 Nov  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1635     2440895.45 1970 Nov  4 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1636     2440895.57 1970 Nov  5 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1637     2440895.58 1970 Nov  5 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1638     2440895.73 1970 Nov  5 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1639     2440896.25 1970 Nov  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M26       2440896.50 1970 Nov  6          Belier                   -      B140                 FU-191D Range test       Belier CSG 4             -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/CSG/                Test                     CNES                 -                    -
1970-W1640     2440897.02 1970 Nov  6 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1641     2440897.08 1970 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1642     2440897.14 1970 Nov  6 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1643     2440897.15 1970 Nov  6 1537:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1644     2440897.20 1970 Nov  6 1645     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.82GM         -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1645     2440897.35 1970 Nov  6 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1646     2440897.40 1970 Nov  6 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1647     2440897.42 1970 Nov  6 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1648     2440897.62 1970 Nov  7 0255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1649     2440900.07 1970 Nov  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1650     2440900.08 1970 Nov  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1651     2440900.08 1970 Nov  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1652     2440900.15 1970 Nov  9 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1653     2440900.21 1970 Nov  9 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1654     2440900.28 1970 Nov  9 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1655     2440900.29 1970 Nov  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1656     2440900.34 1970 Nov  9 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1657     2440900.38 1970 Nov  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1658     2440900.56 1970 Nov 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1659     2440901.21 1970 Nov 10 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1660     2440901.24 1970 Nov 10 1742:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1661     2440901.29 1970 Nov 10 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1662     2440901.54 1970 Nov 11 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1899     2440902.58 1970 Nov 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R6            -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1970-W1663     2440903.11 1970 Nov 12 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1664     2440903.15 1970 Nov 12 1536:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1665     2440903.17 1970 Nov 12 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1666     2440903.38 1970 Nov 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1667     2440904.08 1970 Nov 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1668     2440904.08 1970 Nov 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1669     2440904.20 1970 Nov 13 1645     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.83GM         -                        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1970-W1670     2440904.25 1970 Nov 13 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1671     2440904.29 1970 Nov 13 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1672     2440904.29 1970 Nov 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1673     2440904.33 1970 Nov 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1674     2440904.35 1970 Nov 13 2027:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1675     2440907.08 1970 Nov 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1676     2440907.08 1970 Nov 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1677     2440907.12 1970 Nov 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1678     2440907.15 1970 Nov 16 1537:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1679     2440907.16 1970 Nov 16 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1680     2440907.18 1970 Nov 16 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1681     2440907.30 1970 Nov 16 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1682     2440907.32 1970 Nov 16 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1683     2440907.38 1970 Nov 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1684     2440908.15 1970 Nov 17 1537:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1685     2440908.27 1970 Nov 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1686     2440908.33 1970 Nov 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1687     2440908.92 1970 Nov 18 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1688     2440909.08 1970 Nov 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1689     2440909.08 1970 Nov 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1690     2440909.15 1970 Nov 18 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1691     2440909.16 1970 Nov 18 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1692     2440909.28 1970 Nov 18 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1693     2440909.35 1970 Nov 18 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1694     2440909.36 1970 Nov 18 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1695     2440909.44 1970 Nov 18 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1696     2440909.48 1970 Nov 18 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1697     2440909.60 1970 Nov 19 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1698     2440910.15 1970 Nov 19 1542:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1699     2440910.17 1970 Nov 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1700     2440910.24 1970 Nov 19 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1701     2440910.24 1970 Nov 19 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1702     2440911.08 1970 Nov 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1703     2440911.08 1970 Nov 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1704     2440911.12 1970 Nov 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1705     2440911.15 1970 Nov 20 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1706     2440911.18 1970 Nov 20 1618:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1707     2440911.19 1970 Nov 20 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1708     2440911.30 1970 Nov 20 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1709     2440911.58 1970 Nov 21 0152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1710     2440912.36 1970 Nov 21 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1711     2440914.08 1970 Nov 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1712     2440914.09 1970 Nov 23 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1713     2440914.11 1970 Nov 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1714     2440914.12 1970 Nov 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1715     2440914.18 1970 Nov 23 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1716     2440914.24 1970 Nov 23 1752:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1717     2440914.30 1970 Nov 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1718     2440914.32 1970 Nov 23 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1719     2440914.34 1970 Nov 23 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1720     2440914.46 1970 Nov 23 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1721     2440914.56 1970 Nov 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M27       2440914.60 1970 Nov 24 0218     Bullpup Apache           -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NSF/UAF      SS   UAF/Wescott              Aeron Ba                 WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1970-W1722     2440915.15 1970 Nov 24 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1723     2440915.28 1970 Nov 24 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1724     2440915.38 1970 Nov 24 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1725     2440916.05 1970 Nov 25 1315:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    WOX-1A Rso/Para          -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                SR12,601             -
1970-W1726     2440916.08 1970 Nov 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1727     2440916.08 1970 Nov 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1728     2440916.12 1970 Nov 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1729     2440916.13 1970 Nov 25 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1730     2440916.16 1970 Nov 25 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1731     2440916.17 1970 Nov 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1732     2440916.20 1970 Nov 25 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1733     2440916.21 1970 Nov 25 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1734     2440916.24 1970 Nov 25 1745:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1735     2440916.29 1970 Nov 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1736     2440916.50 1970 Nov 25 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1737     2440916.50 1970 Nov 26 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1738     2440918.10 1970 Nov 27 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1739     2440918.14 1970 Nov 27 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1740     2440918.17 1970 Nov 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1741     2440918.17 1970 Nov 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1742     2440918.46 1970 Nov 27 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1743     2440918.49 1970 Nov 27 2342:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1744     2440920.50 1970 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W1745     2440920.50 1970 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W1746     2440920.50 1970 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-M28       2440920.50 1970 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1970-W1747     2440921.08 1970 Nov 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1748     2440921.13 1970 Nov 30 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1749     2440921.16 1970 Nov 30 1544:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1750     2440921.26 1970 Nov 30 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1751     2440921.27 1970 Nov 30 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1752     2440921.28 1970 Nov 30 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1753     2440921.29 1970 Nov 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1754     2440921.37 1970 Nov 30 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1755     2440921.38 1970 Nov 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1756     2440921.38 1970 Nov 30 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1757     2440921.57 1970 Dec  1 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1758     2440922.15 1970 Dec  1 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1759     2440922.20 1970 Dec  1 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-M29       2440922.58 1970 Dec  2 0200     Bullpup Apache           -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NSF/UAF      SS   UAF/Wescott              Aeron Ba                 WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1970-W1760     2440923.04 1970 Dec  2 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1761     2440923.08 1970 Dec  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1762     2440923.12 1970 Dec  2 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1763     2440923.12 1970 Dec  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1764     2440923.25 1970 Dec  2 1800:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1765     2440923.29 1970 Dec  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1766     2440923.40 1970 Dec  2 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1767     2440923.56 1970 Dec  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1768     2440924.12 1970 Dec  3 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1769     2440924.16 1970 Dec  3 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1770     2440924.23 1970 Dec  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1771     2440924.30 1970 Dec  3 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1772     2440924.34 1970 Dec  3 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1773     2440925.08 1970 Dec  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1774     2440925.08 1970 Dec  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1775     2440925.09 1970 Dec  4 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1776     2440925.15 1970 Dec  4 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1777     2440925.16 1970 Dec  4 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1778     2440925.22 1970 Dec  4 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1779     2440925.27 1970 Dec  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1780     2440925.31 1970 Dec  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1781     2440925.48 1970 Dec  4 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1782     2440928.08 1970 Dec  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1783     2440928.09 1970 Dec  7 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1784     2440928.20 1970 Dec  7 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1785     2440928.29 1970 Dec  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1786     2440928.39 1970 Dec  7 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1787     2440928.56 1970 Dec  8 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1788     2440929.12 1970 Dec  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1789     2440929.16 1970 Dec  8 1551:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1790     2440929.38 1970 Dec  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1791     2440929.38 1970 Dec  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1792     2440930.08 1970 Dec  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1793     2440930.08 1970 Dec  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1794     2440930.10 1970 Dec  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1795     2440930.12 1970 Dec  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1796     2440930.16 1970 Dec  9 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1797     2440930.17 1970 Dec  9 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1798     2440930.27 1970 Dec  9 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1799     2440930.27 1970 Dec  9 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1800     2440930.38 1970 Dec  9 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1801     2440931.16 1970 Dec 10 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1802     2440931.33 1970 Dec 10 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1803     2440932.08 1970 Dec 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1804     2440932.12 1970 Dec 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1805     2440932.17 1970 Dec 11 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1806     2440932.18 1970 Dec 11 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1807     2440932.22 1970 Dec 11 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1808     2440932.22 1970 Dec 11 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1809     2440932.23 1970 Dec 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1810     2440932.25 1970 Dec 11 1757:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1811     2440932.26 1970 Dec 11 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1812     2440932.27 1970 Dec 11 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1813     2440932.30 1970 Dec 11 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1814     2440932.34 1970 Dec 11 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1815     2440932.56 1970 Dec 12 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1816     2440935.12 1970 Dec 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1817     2440935.22 1970 Dec 14 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1818     2440935.25 1970 Dec 14 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1819     2440935.27 1970 Dec 14 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1820     2440935.29 1970 Dec 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1821     2440935.40 1970 Dec 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1822     2440935.47 1970 Dec 14 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1823     2440935.61 1970 Dec 15 0233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1824     2440936.19 1970 Dec 15 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1825     2440936.26 1970 Dec 15 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1826     2440937.00 1970 Dec 16 1200:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7025          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1827     2440937.08 1970 Dec 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1828     2440937.12 1970 Dec 16 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1829     2440937.12 1970 Dec 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1830     2440937.18 1970 Dec 16 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1831     2440937.21 1970 Dec 16 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1832     2440937.23 1970 Dec 16 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1833     2440937.32 1970 Dec 16 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1834     2440937.38 1970 Dec 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1835     2440937.40 1970 Dec 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1836     2440937.47 1970 Dec 16 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1837     2440937.56 1970 Dec 17 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1838     2440938.14 1970 Dec 17 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1839     2440938.16 1970 Dec 17 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1840     2440938.16 1970 Dec 17 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1841     2440938.17 1970 Dec 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1842     2440938.22 1970 Dec 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1843     2440938.38 1970 Dec 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1844     2440939.08 1970 Dec 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1845     2440939.09 1970 Dec 18 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1846     2440939.16 1970 Dec 18 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1847     2440939.19 1970 Dec 18 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1848     2440939.22 1970 Dec 18 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1849     2440939.30 1970 Dec 18 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1850     2440939.41 1970 Dec 18 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1851     2440939.56 1970 Dec 19 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1852     2440942.12 1970 Dec 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1853     2440942.15 1970 Dec 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1854     2440942.16 1970 Dec 21 1552:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1855     2440942.29 1970 Dec 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1856     2440942.38 1970 Dec 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1857     2440942.57 1970 Dec 22 0136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1858     2440943.02 1970 Dec 22 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1859     2440943.15 1970 Dec 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1860     2440943.16 1970 Dec 22 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1861     2440943.16 1970 Dec 22 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1862     2440943.38 1970 Dec 22 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1863     2440943.50 1970 Dec 23 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1900     2440943.60 1970 Dec 23 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R11           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1970-W1864     2440944.08 1970 Dec 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1865     2440944.12 1970 Dec 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1866     2440944.15 1970 Dec 23 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1867     2440944.24 1970 Dec 23 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1868     2440944.27 1970 Dec 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1869     2440944.29 1970 Dec 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1870     2440944.31 1970 Dec 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1871     2440944.34 1970 Dec 23 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1872     2440944.36 1970 Dec 23 2034:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1873     2440944.42 1970 Dec 23 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1874     2440944.57 1970 Dec 24 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1875     2440945.16 1970 Dec 24 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1876     2440947.29 1970 Dec 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1877     2440949.12 1970 Dec 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1878     2440949.15 1970 Dec 28 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1879     2440949.27 1970 Dec 28 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1880     2440949.29 1970 Dec 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1881     2440949.48 1970 Dec 28 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1882     2440949.56 1970 Dec 29 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1883     2440950.15 1970 Dec 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1884     2440950.15 1970 Dec 29 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1885     2440950.32 1970 Dec 29 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1886     2440950.39 1970 Dec 29 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1887     2440951.08 1970 Dec 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1888     2440951.12 1970 Dec 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1889     2440951.15 1970 Dec 30 1540:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    WOX-1A Rso/Para          -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                SR12,601             -
1970-W1890     2440951.19 1970 Dec 30 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1891     2440951.29 1970 Dec 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1892     2440951.39 1970 Dec 30 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1893     2440951.41 1970 Dec 30 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W01       2440951.50 1971 Jan             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1970-W1894     2440951.57 1970 Dec 31 0136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1895     2440952.16 1970 Dec 31 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1896     2440952.31 1970 Dec 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1970-W1897     2440952.38 1970 Dec 31 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W02       2440955.35 1971 Jan  3 2018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W03       2440956.08 1971 Jan  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W04       2440956.08 1971 Jan  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W05       2440956.16 1971 Jan  4 1556:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W06       2440956.31 1971 Jan  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W07       2440956.58 1971 Jan  5 0156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W08       2440957.29 1971 Jan  5 1903:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W09       2440957.33 1971 Jan  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1692     2440957.58 1971 Jan  6 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R12           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W10       2440958.09 1971 Jan  6 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W11       2440958.12 1971 Jan  6 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W12       2440958.25 1971 Jan  6 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W13       2440958.32 1971 Jan  6 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W14       2440958.34 1971 Jan  6 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W15       2440958.35 1971 Jan  6 2018:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W16       2440959.29 1971 Jan  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W17       2440959.30 1971 Jan  7 1907:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W18       2440959.38 1971 Jan  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W19       2440959.38 1971 Jan  7 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W20       2440960.08 1971 Jan  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W21       2440960.13 1971 Jan  8 1502     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/1               ESRO Sk83/1              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W22       2440960.13 1971 Jan  8 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W23       2440960.18 1971 Jan  8 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W24       2440960.21 1971 Jan  8 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W25       2440960.24 1971 Jan  8 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W26       2440960.25 1971 Jan  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W27       2440960.25 1971 Jan  8 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W28       2440960.31 1971 Jan  8 1930:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,197             -
1971-W29       2440960.32 1971 Jan  8 1938:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W30       2440960.45 1971 Jan  8 2246:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,197             -
1971-W31       2440960.56 1971 Jan  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W32       2440961.12 1971 Jan  9 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W33       2440961.61 1971 Jan 10 0240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W34       2440963.08 1971 Jan 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W35       2440963.09 1971 Jan 11 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W36       2440963.22 1971 Jan 11 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W37       2440963.28 1971 Jan 11 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W38       2440963.29 1971 Jan 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W39       2440963.35 1971 Jan 11 2026:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W40       2440964.08 1971 Jan 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W41       2440964.17 1971 Jan 12 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W42       2440964.25 1971 Jan 12 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W43       2440964.26 1971 Jan 12 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W44       2440964.30 1971 Jan 12 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W45       2440964.37 1971 Jan 12 2052:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W46       2440964.39 1971 Jan 12 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W47       2440964.63 1971 Jan 13 0304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W48       2440964.69 1971 Jan 13 0427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W49       2440965.03 1971 Jan 13 1241:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7101          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W50       2440965.08 1971 Jan 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W51       2440965.11 1971 Jan 13 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W52       2440965.14 1971 Jan 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W53       2440965.17 1971 Jan 13 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W54       2440965.18 1971 Jan 13 1619:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W55       2440965.27 1971 Jan 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W56       2440965.28 1971 Jan 13 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W57       2440965.32 1971 Jan 13 1936:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W58       2440965.32 1971 Jan 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W59       2440965.56 1971 Jan 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W60       2440965.62 1971 Jan 14 0252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W61       2440966.15 1971 Jan 14 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W62       2440966.19 1971 Jan 14 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W63       2440966.24 1971 Jan 14 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W64       2440966.24 1971 Jan 14 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W65       2440966.30 1971 Jan 14 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W66       2440966.43 1971 Jan 14 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W67       2440966.45 1971 Jan 14 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W68       2440966.66 1971 Jan 15 0351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W69       2440966.67 1971 Jan 15 0402:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W70       2440967.09 1971 Jan 15 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W71       2440967.14 1971 Jan 15 1525     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/2               ESRO Sk83/2              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W72       2440967.17 1971 Jan 15 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W73       2440967.17 1971 Jan 15 1601:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W74       2440967.18 1971 Jan 15 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W75       2440967.37 1971 Jan 15 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W76       2440967.39 1971 Jan 15 2122:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W77       2440967.56 1971 Jan 16 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W78       2440967.58 1971 Jan 16 0151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M18       2440967.99 1971 Jan 16 1145     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7102          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W79       2440968.13 1971 Jan 16 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W80       2440969.15 1971 Jan 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W81       2440970.08 1971 Jan 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W82       2440970.08 1971 Jan 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W83       2440970.24 1971 Jan 18 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W84       2440970.25 1971 Jan 18 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W85       2440970.27 1971 Jan 18 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W86       2440970.29 1971 Jan 18 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W87       2440970.33 1971 Jan 18 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W88       2440970.50 1971 Jan 19 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W89       2440970.55 1971 Jan 19 0107:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W90       2440970.56 1971 Jan 19 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W91       2440970.67 1971 Jan 19 0409:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W92       2440971.08 1971 Jan 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W93       2440971.14 1971 Jan 19 1520     Skua                     -      Sk83/4               ESRO Sk83/4              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W94       2440971.25 1971 Jan 19 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W95       2440971.31 1971 Jan 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W96       2440971.33 1971 Jan 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W97       2440971.50 1971 Jan 20          Skua                     -      M--325H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/?                   Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W98       2440971.50 1971 Jan 20 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1693     2440971.58 1971 Jan 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R14           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W99       2440972.02 1971 Jan 20 1234:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7103          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W100      2440972.08 1971 Jan 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W101      2440972.10 1971 Jan 20 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W102      2440972.13 1971 Jan 20 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W103      2440972.21 1971 Jan 20 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W104      2440972.23 1971 Jan 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W105      2440972.26 1971 Jan 20 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W106      2440972.27 1971 Jan 20 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W107      2440972.27 1971 Jan 20 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W108      2440972.29 1971 Jan 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W109      2440972.31 1971 Jan 20 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W110      2440972.56 1971 Jan 21 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W111      2440972.65 1971 Jan 21 0333:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W112      2440973.13 1971 Jan 21 1507:26  Skua 2                   -      Sk83/5               ESRO Sk83/5              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF/ESRLV          -                    -
1971-W113      2440973.25 1971 Jan 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W114      2440973.27 1971 Jan 21 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W115      2440973.29 1971 Jan 21 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W116      2440973.32 1971 Jan 21 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W117      2440973.37 1971 Jan 21 2048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W118      2440973.43 1971 Jan 21 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W119      2440973.50 1971 Jan 22          Skua                     -      M--327H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W120      2440973.50 1971 Jan 22          Skua                     -      M--324A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W121      2440973.63 1971 Jan 22 0310:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W122      2440974.17 1971 Jan 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W123      2440974.27 1971 Jan 22 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W124      2440974.33 1971 Jan 22 2000:00  Arcas                    ?      WSMR/PSU             Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/WSMR/Hale            Ionos                    WDCRF                SR13,471             -
1971-W125      2440974.46 1971 Jan 22 2304:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W126      2440974.50 1971 Jan 23 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W127      2440974.50 1971 Jan 23          Skua                     -      M--329H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W128      2440974.56 1971 Jan 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W129      2440974.60 1971 Jan 23 0219:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W130      2440975.16 1971 Jan 23 1553:30  Skua 2                   -      Sk83/6               ESRO Sk83/6              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF/ESRLV          -                    -
1971-W131      2440976.50 1971 Jan 25          Skua                     -      M--331H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W132      2440977.08 1971 Jan 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W133      2440977.13 1971 Jan 25 1510     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/7               ESRO Sk83/7              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W134      2440977.17 1971 Jan 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W135      2440977.19 1971 Jan 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W136      2440977.22 1971 Jan 25 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W137      2440977.25 1971 Jan 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W138      2440977.30 1971 Jan 25 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W139      2440977.33 1971 Jan 25 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W140      2440977.37 1971 Jan 25 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W141      2440977.45 1971 Jan 25 2251:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W142      2440977.50 1971 Jan 26          Skua                     -      M--326A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W143      2440977.56 1971 Jan 26 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W144      2440978.22 1971 Jan 26 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W145      2440978.30 1971 Jan 26 1918:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W146      2440978.34 1971 Jan 26 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W147      2440978.40 1971 Jan 26 2130:00  Arcas                    ?      WSMR/PSU             Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/WSMR/Hale            Ionos                    WDCRF                SR13,471             -
1971-W148      2440978.44 1971 Jan 26 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W149      2440979.08 1971 Jan 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W150      2440979.10 1971 Jan 27 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W151      2440979.15 1971 Jan 27 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W152      2440979.18 1971 Jan 27 1622:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W153      2440979.25 1971 Jan 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W154      2440979.27 1971 Jan 27 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W155      2440979.27 1971 Jan 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W156      2440979.29 1971 Jan 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W157      2440979.34 1971 Jan 27 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W158      2440979.34 1971 Jan 27 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W159      2440979.50 1971 Jan 28          Skua                     -      M--328A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W160      2440979.57 1971 Jan 28 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W161      2440980.27 1971 Jan 28 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W162      2440980.30 1971 Jan 28 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W163      2440980.34 1971 Jan 28 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W164      2440980.35 1971 Jan 28 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W165      2440980.37 1971 Jan 28 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W166      2440980.39 1971 Jan 28 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W167      2440981.08 1971 Jan 29 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W168      2440981.12 1971 Jan 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W169      2440981.15 1971 Jan 29 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W170      2440981.16 1971 Jan 29 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W171      2440981.16 1971 Jan 29 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W172      2440981.19 1971 Jan 29 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W173      2440981.22 1971 Jan 29 1721     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/9               ESRO Sk83/9              -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    ESRLV: 1721UTC
1971-W174      2440981.28 1971 Jan 29 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W175      2440981.57 1971 Jan 30 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W176      2440982.08 1971 Jan 30 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W177      2440983.20 1971 Jan 31 1645     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/10              ESRO Sk83/10             -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W178      2440983.46 1971 Jan 31 2309:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W179      2440983.50 1971 Feb 01          Skua                     -      M--335H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W180      2440984.08 1971 Feb  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W181      2440984.19 1971 Feb  1 1636:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W182      2440984.21 1971 Feb  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W183      2440984.25 1971 Feb  1 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W184      2440984.25 1971 Feb  1 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W185      2440984.30 1971 Feb  1 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W186      2440984.30 1971 Feb  1 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W187      2440984.30 1971 Feb 01 1915:00  Arcas                    ?      WSMR/PSU             Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/WSMR/Hale            Ionos                    WDCRF                SR13,471             -
1971-W188      2440984.38 1971 Feb  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W189      2440984.41 1971 Feb  1 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W190      2440984.57 1971 Feb  2 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W191      2440985.19 1971 Feb  2 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W192      2440985.22 1971 Feb  2 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W193      2440985.38 1971 Feb  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W194      2440985.50 1971 Feb 03          Skua                     -      M--336H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-M01       2440985.57 1971 Feb  3 0135     S-B                      -      SB-III A12           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1971-W1694     2440985.58 1971 Feb  3 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R16           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-M02       2440985.77 1971 Feb  3 0630     S-B                      -      SB-III A13           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1971-W195      2440986.08 1971 Feb  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W196      2440986.08 1971 Feb  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W197      2440986.12 1971 Feb  3 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W198      2440986.16 1971 Feb  3 1548:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W199      2440986.17 1971 Feb  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W200      2440986.24 1971 Feb  3 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W201      2440986.26 1971 Feb  3 1812     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/11              ESRO Sk83/11             -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W202      2440986.26 1971 Feb  3 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W203      2440986.32 1971 Feb  3 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W204      2440986.35 1971 Feb  3 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W205      2440986.41 1971 Feb  3 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W206      2440986.50 1971 Feb 04          Skua                     -      M--330A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W207      2440986.56 1971 Feb  4 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W208      2440987.21 1971 Feb  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W209      2440987.27 1971 Feb  4 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W210      2440987.29 1971 Feb  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W211      2440987.33 1971 Feb  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W212      2440987.38 1971 Feb  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W213      2440987.50 1971 Feb 05          Skua                     -      M--337H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W214      2440987.51 1971 Feb  5 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W215      2440988.08 1971 Feb  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W216      2440988.08 1971 Feb  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W217      2440988.25 1971 Feb  5 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W218      2440988.29 1971 Feb  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W219      2440988.37 1971 Feb  5 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W220      2440988.40 1971 Feb  5 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W221      2440988.48 1971 Feb  5 2326:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W222      2440990.50 1971 Feb 08          Skua                     -      M--332A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W223      2440991.08 1971 Feb  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W224      2440991.08 1971 Feb  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W225      2440991.19 1971 Feb  8 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W226      2440991.26 1971 Feb  8 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W227      2440991.29 1971 Feb  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W228      2440991.34 1971 Feb  8 2013:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W229      2440991.40 1971 Feb  8 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W230      2440992.18 1971 Feb  9 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W231      2440992.23 1971 Feb  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W232      2440992.23 1971 Feb  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W233      2440992.25 1971 Feb  9 1800     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/13              ESRO Sk83/13             -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W234      2440992.32 1971 Feb  9 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W235      2440992.40 1971 Feb  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W236      2440992.50 1971 Feb 10          Skua                     -      M--338H              -                        -                        -                        -         SUIST    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W237      2440992.50 1971 Feb 10          Skua                     -      M--334A              -                        -                        -                        -         ABER     SK               -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W238      2440993.09 1971 Feb 10 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W239      2440993.10 1971 Feb 10 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W240      2440993.14 1971 Feb 10 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W241      2440993.17 1971 Feb 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W242      2440993.18 1971 Feb 10 1612:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W243      2440993.20 1971 Feb 10 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W244      2440993.25 1971 Feb 10 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W245      2440993.25 1971 Feb 10 1801:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W246      2440993.35 1971 Feb 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W247      2440993.44 1971 Feb 10 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W248      2440993.46 1971 Feb 10 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M29       2440993.50 1971 Feb 11          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 1A              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   CBMET/                   Aeron                    Ulrich/FDC           -                    -
1971-M30       2440993.50 1971 Feb 11          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 1B              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   CBMET/                   Aeron                    Ulrich/FDC           -                    -
1971-W249      2440993.56 1971 Feb 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1695     2440993.58 1971 Feb 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R17           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W250      2440994.16 1971 Feb 11 1555:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W251      2440994.24 1971 Feb 11 1750     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/14              ESRO Sk83/14             -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W252      2440994.27 1971 Feb 11 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W253      2440994.39 1971 Feb 11 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W254      2440994.40 1971 Feb 11 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W255      2440995.08 1971 Feb 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W256      2440995.08 1971 Feb 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W257      2440995.18 1971 Feb 12 1624:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W258      2440995.23 1971 Feb 12 1730     Skua 2                   -      Sk83/15              ESRO Sk83/15             -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ESRO         SS   UCL/Scott                Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W259      2440995.38 1971 Feb 12 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W260      2440995.41 1971 Feb 12 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W261      2440995.58 1971 Feb 13 0201:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W262      2440998.25 1971 Feb 15 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W263      2440998.51 1971 Feb 16 0019:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W264      2440999.20 1971 Feb 16 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W265      2440999.38 1971 Feb 16 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W266      2440999.53 1971 Feb 17 0041:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W267      2441000.08 1971 Feb 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W268      2441000.11 1971 Feb 17 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W269      2441000.12 1971 Feb 17 1500:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7104          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W270      2441000.14 1971 Feb 17 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W271      2441000.25 1971 Feb 17 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W272      2441000.29 1971 Feb 17 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W273      2441000.29 1971 Feb 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W274      2441000.32 1971 Feb 17 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W275      2441000.41 1971 Feb 17 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1696     2441000.58 1971 Feb 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R18           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W276      2441000.61 1971 Feb 18 0240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W277      2441001.33 1971 Feb 18 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W278      2441002.08 1971 Feb 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W279      2441002.08 1971 Feb 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W280      2441002.13 1971 Feb 19 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W281      2441002.25 1971 Feb 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W282      2441002.29 1971 Feb 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W283      2441002.38 1971 Feb 19 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W284      2441002.62 1971 Feb 20 0252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W285      2441002.64 1971 Feb 20 0323     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.75UI         Auroral particles        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon,Kern        Ionos                    WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W286      2441002.70 1971 Feb 20 0446:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W287      2441005.08 1971 Feb 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W288      2441005.08 1971 Feb 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W289      2441005.08 1971 Feb 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W290      2441005.21 1971 Feb 22 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W291      2441005.30 1971 Feb 22 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W292      2441005.38 1971 Feb 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W293      2441006.29 1971 Feb 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W294      2441006.33 1971 Feb 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W295      2441006.38 1971 Feb 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W296      2441006.38 1971 Feb 23 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M19       2441006.98 1971 Feb 24 1130     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7105          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W297      2441007.02 1971 Feb 24 1222:59  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7106          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W298      2441007.08 1971 Feb 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W299      2441007.09 1971 Feb 24 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W300      2441007.11 1971 Feb 24 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W301      2441007.14 1971 Feb 24 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W302      2441007.25 1971 Feb 24 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W303      2441007.35 1971 Feb 24 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W304      2441007.38 1971 Feb 24 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W305      2441007.42 1971 Feb 24 2158     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.84GM         -                        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W306      2441008.18 1971 Feb 25 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W307      2441008.40 1971 Feb 25 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W308      2441008.51 1971 Feb 26 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W309      2441008.56 1971 Feb 26 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W310      2441009.06 1971 Feb 26 1331:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W311      2441009.08 1971 Feb 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W312      2441009.08 1971 Feb 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W313      2441009.25 1971 Feb 26 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W314      2441009.31 1971 Feb 26 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W315      2441009.35 1971 Feb 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W316      2441009.56 1971 Feb 27 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W317      2441012.08 1971 Mar  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W318      2441012.08 1971 Mar  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W319      2441012.23 1971 Mar  1 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W320      2441012.25 1971 Mar  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W321      2441012.36 1971 Mar  1 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W322      2441012.40 1971 Mar  1 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W323      2441012.56 1971 Mar  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W324      2441013.09 1971 Mar  2 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W325      2441013.42 1971 Mar  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W326      2441013.79 1971 Mar  3 0652     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.89UI         Auroral particles        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon,Kern        Ionos                    WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W327      2441013.98 1971 Mar  3 1131:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7107          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W328      2441014.08 1971 Mar  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W329      2441014.09 1971 Mar  3 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W330      2441014.25 1971 Mar  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W331      2441014.25 1971 Mar  3 1807:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W332      2441014.35 1971 Mar  3 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W333      2441014.42 1971 Mar  3 2158     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.85GM         Nimbus cal               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W334      2441014.56 1971 Mar  4 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W335      2441015.15 1971 Mar  4 1542:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W336      2441015.23 1971 Mar  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W337      2441015.23 1971 Mar  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W338      2441015.42 1971 Mar  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W339      2441016.08 1971 Mar  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W340      2441016.13 1971 Mar  5 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W341      2441016.15 1971 Mar  5 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W342      2441016.26 1971 Mar  5 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W343      2441016.27 1971 Mar  5 1825:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W344      2441016.29 1971 Mar  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W345      2441016.31 1971 Mar  5 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W346      2441016.42 1971 Mar  5 2207     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.86GM         Nimbus cal               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W347      2441016.42 1971 Mar  5 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W348      2441016.56 1971 Mar  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W349      2441019.08 1971 Mar  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W350      2441019.23 1971 Mar  8 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W351      2441019.25 1971 Mar  8 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W352      2441019.29 1971 Mar  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W353      2441019.32 1971 Mar  8 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W354      2441019.38 1971 Mar  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W355      2441019.56 1971 Mar  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W356      2441019.61 1971 Mar  9 0244:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W357      2441019.73 1971 Mar  9 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W358      2441020.25 1971 Mar  9 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W359      2441020.59 1971 Mar 10 0206:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M20       2441020.98 1971 Mar 10 1135     Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7108          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W360      2441021.08 1971 Mar 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W361      2441021.25 1971 Mar 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W362      2441021.27 1971 Mar 10 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W363      2441021.56 1971 Mar 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1697     2441021.58 1971 Mar 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R20           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W364      2441021.81 1971 Mar 11 0721:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W365      2441022.24 1971 Mar 11 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W366      2441022.55 1971 Mar 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W367      2441022.60 1971 Mar 12 0230:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,197             -
1971-W368      2441022.81 1971 Mar 12 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W369      2441023.06 1971 Mar 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W370      2441023.16 1971 Mar 12 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W371      2441023.31 1971 Mar 12 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M17       2441023.45 1971 Mar 12 2242:20  Petrel                   -      P92K                 Auroral electrons        -                        -                        -         ESR      N                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SRC          SF   RSRS/Bryant              Auroral                       Massey               -
1971-W372      2441023.57 1971 Mar 13 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M03       2441025.75 1971 Mar 15 0601     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.375GM        GSFC Ozone               -                        -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Wright              Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W373      2441026.20 1971 Mar 15 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W374      2441026.29 1971 Mar 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W375      2441026.30 1971 Mar 15 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W376      2441026.37 1971 Mar 15 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W377      2441026.42 1971 Mar 15 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W378      2441026.56 1971 Mar 16 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W379      2441026.56 1971 Mar 16 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M04       2441027.05 1971 Mar 16 1316     Nike Cajun               -      NASA 10.376GM        GSFC Ozone               -                        -                        -         CSG      ALFS             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Wright              Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W380      2441027.26 1971 Mar 16 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W381      2441027.39 1971 Mar 16 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W382      2441027.98 1971 Mar 17 1130:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7109          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W383      2441028.13 1971 Mar 17 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W384      2441028.18 1971 Mar 17 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W385      2441028.29 1971 Mar 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W386      2441028.33 1971 Mar 17 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W387      2441028.44 1971 Mar 17 2232:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W388      2441028.57 1971 Mar 18 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W389      2441029.07 1971 Mar 18 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W390      2441029.38 1971 Mar 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W391      2441030.09 1971 Mar 19 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W392      2441030.21 1971 Mar 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W393      2441030.24 1971 Mar 19 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W394      2441030.33 1971 Mar 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W395      2441030.56 1971 Mar 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W396      2441030.74 1971 Mar 20 0543:00  Arcas                    ?      [= Nike?]            -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   UNK/                     Plasma/Fields            WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W397      2441030.74 1971 Mar 20 0546:00  Arcas                    ?      [= Nike?]            -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AWS          SU   UNK/                     Plasma/Fields            WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W398      2441033.08 1971 Mar 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W399      2441033.14 1971 Mar 22 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W400      2441033.28 1971 Mar 22 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W401      2441033.29 1971 Mar 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W402      2441033.33 1971 Mar 22 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M05       2441033.45 1971 Mar 22 2250:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA AB-7101         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   IASB/Ackerman            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W403      2441033.56 1971 Mar 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W404      2441033.62 1971 Mar 23 0251:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M06       2441034.43 1971 Mar 23 2215:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA AB-7102         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   IASB/Ackerman            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-M07       2441034.47 1971 Mar 23 2321:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA AB-7103         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   IASB/Ackerman            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W1698     2441034.58 1971 Mar 24 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R21           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W405      2441034.63 1971 Mar 24 0300:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W406      2441035.00 1971 Mar 24 1200:00  Judi-Dart                -      INTA H-7110          -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W407      2441035.12 1971 Mar 24 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W408      2441035.12 1971 Mar 24 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W409      2441035.20 1971 Mar 24 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W410      2441035.23 1971 Mar 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M08       2441035.32 1971 Mar 24 1942:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA AB-7104         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   IASB/Ackerman            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W411      2441035.33 1971 Mar 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M09       2441035.35 1971 Mar 24 2020:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA AB-7105         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   IASB/Ackerman            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W412      2441035.37 1971 Mar 24 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W413      2441035.40 1971 Mar 24 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W414      2441035.59 1971 Mar 25 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W415      2441036.25 1971 Mar 25 1800:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W416      2441036.27 1971 Mar 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W417      2441036.30 1971 Mar 25 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W418      2441036.30 1971 Mar 25 1915:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W419      2441037.08 1971 Mar 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W420      2441037.09 1971 Mar 26 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W421      2441037.26 1971 Mar 26 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W422      2441037.31 1971 Mar 26 1927:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W423      2441037.35 1971 Mar 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W424      2441037.38 1971 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W425      2441037.56 1971 Mar 27 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W426      2441040.21 1971 Mar 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W427      2441040.25 1971 Mar 29 1757:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W428      2441040.27 1971 Mar 29 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W429      2441040.38 1971 Mar 29 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W430      2441040.44 1971 Mar 29 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W431      2441040.58 1971 Mar 30 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W432      2441041.27 1971 Mar 30 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W433      2441041.38 1971 Mar 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W434      2441042.06 1971 Mar 31 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W435      2441042.08 1971 Mar 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W436      2441042.09 1971 Mar 31 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W437      2441042.25 1971 Mar 31 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W438      2441042.25 1971 Mar 31 1803:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W439      2441042.28 1971 Mar 31 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W440      2441042.29 1971 Mar 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W441      2441042.46 1971 Mar 31 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W442      2441042.56 1971 Apr  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W443      2441043.27 1971 Apr  1 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W444      2441043.39 1971 Apr  1 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W445      2441044.08 1971 Apr  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W446      2441044.08 1971 Apr  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W447      2441044.12 1971 Apr  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W448      2441044.25 1971 Apr  2 1803:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W449      2441044.27 1971 Apr  2 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W450      2441044.29 1971 Apr  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W451      2441044.38 1971 Apr  2 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W452      2441044.48 1971 Apr  2 2326:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W453      2441044.57 1971 Apr  3 0135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W454      2441045.03 1971 Apr  3 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W455      2441045.23 1971 Apr  3 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W456      2441045.24 1971 Apr  3 1741:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W457      2441046.71 1971 Apr  5 0508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W458      2441046.90 1971 Apr  5 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W459      2441047.08 1971 Apr  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W460      2441047.08 1971 Apr  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W461      2441047.12 1971 Apr  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W462      2441047.16 1971 Apr  5 1546:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W463      2441047.24 1971 Apr  5 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W464      2441047.25 1971 Apr  5 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W465      2441047.29 1971 Apr  5 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W466      2441047.31 1971 Apr  5 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W467      2441047.34 1971 Apr  5 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W468      2441047.37 1971 Apr  5 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W469      2441047.56 1971 Apr  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W470      2441048.38 1971 Apr  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1699     2441048.58 1971 Apr  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R22           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W471      2441049.00 1971 Apr  7 1207:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7101         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W472      2441049.08 1971 Apr  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W473      2441049.08 1971 Apr  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W474      2441049.09 1971 Apr  7 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W475      2441049.12 1971 Apr  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W476      2441049.16 1971 Apr  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W477      2441049.17 1971 Apr  7 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W478      2441049.25 1971 Apr  7 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W479      2441049.29 1971 Apr  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W480      2441049.30 1971 Apr  7 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W481      2441049.34 1971 Apr  7 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W482      2441049.39 1971 Apr  7 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W483      2441049.63 1971 Apr  8 0304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W484      2441050.12 1971 Apr  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W485      2441050.25 1971 Apr  8 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W486      2441050.49 1971 Apr  8 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W487      2441051.08 1971 Apr  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W488      2441051.13 1971 Apr  9 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W489      2441051.13 1971 Apr  9 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W490      2441051.19 1971 Apr  9 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W491      2441051.19 1971 Apr  9 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W492      2441051.25 1971 Apr  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W493      2441051.29 1971 Apr  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W494      2441051.38 1971 Apr  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W495      2441051.56 1971 Apr 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W496      2441054.08 1971 Apr 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W497      2441054.08 1971 Apr 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W498      2441054.12 1971 Apr 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W499      2441054.23 1971 Apr 12 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W500      2441054.25 1971 Apr 12 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W501      2441054.30 1971 Apr 12 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W502      2441054.36 1971 Apr 12 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W503      2441054.38 1971 Apr 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W504      2441054.60 1971 Apr 13 0227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W505      2441055.38 1971 Apr 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M21       2441056.07 1971 Apr 14 1340     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7102         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W506      2441056.08 1971 Apr 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W507      2441056.13 1971 Apr 14 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W508      2441056.13 1971 Apr 14 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W509      2441056.18 1971 Apr 14 1613:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W510      2441056.20 1971 Apr 14 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W511      2441056.25 1971 Apr 14 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W512      2441056.34 1971 Apr 14 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W513      2441056.38 1971 Apr 14 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W514      2441056.40 1971 Apr 14 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W515      2441056.60 1971 Apr 15 0225:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W516      2441057.37 1971 Apr 15 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W517      2441057.48 1971 Apr 15 2334:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W518      2441058.08 1971 Apr 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W519      2441058.08 1971 Apr 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W520      2441058.11 1971 Apr 16 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W521      2441058.15 1971 Apr 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W522      2441058.16 1971 Apr 16 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W523      2441058.25 1971 Apr 16 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W524      2441058.25 1971 Apr 16 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W525      2441058.40 1971 Apr 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W526      2441058.52 1971 Apr 17 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W527      2441058.79 1971 Apr 17 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W528      2441061.08 1971 Apr 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W529      2441061.09 1971 Apr 19 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W530      2441061.12 1971 Apr 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W531      2441061.21 1971 Apr 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W532      2441061.25 1971 Apr 19 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W533      2441061.25 1971 Apr 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W534      2441061.25 1971 Apr 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W535      2441061.31 1971 Apr 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W536      2441061.35 1971 Apr 19 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W537      2441061.39 1971 Apr 19 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W538      2441061.43 1971 Apr 19 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W539      2441061.55 1971 Apr 20 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W540      2441061.56 1971 Apr 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W541      2441062.28 1971 Apr 20 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W542      2441062.43 1971 Apr 20 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1700     2441062.58 1971 Apr 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R23           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    RISRJ                -                    -
1971-W543      2441063.08 1971 Apr 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W544      2441063.08 1971 Apr 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W545      2441063.12 1971 Apr 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W546      2441063.17 1971 Apr 21 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W547      2441063.17 1971 Apr 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W548      2441063.25 1971 Apr 21 1757:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W549      2441063.25 1971 Apr 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W550      2441063.25 1971 Apr 21 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W551      2441063.25 1971 Apr 21 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W552      2441063.28 1971 Apr 21 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W553      2441063.33 1971 Apr 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W554      2441063.42 1971 Apr 21 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W555      2441063.56 1971 Apr 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W556      2441064.16 1971 Apr 22 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W557      2441064.88 1971 Apr 23 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W558      2441065.08 1971 Apr 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W559      2441065.12 1971 Apr 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W560      2441065.13 1971 Apr 23 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W561      2441065.26 1971 Apr 23 1809:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W562      2441065.29 1971 Apr 23 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W563      2441065.30 1971 Apr 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W564      2441065.31 1971 Apr 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W565      2441065.56 1971 Apr 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W566      2441068.12 1971 Apr 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W567      2441068.14 1971 Apr 26 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W568      2441068.21 1971 Apr 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W569      2441068.21 1971 Apr 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W570      2441068.24 1971 Apr 26 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W571      2441068.37 1971 Apr 26 2059:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W572      2441068.38 1971 Apr 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W573      2441068.56 1971 Apr 27 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W574      2441069.09 1971 Apr 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W575      2441069.09 1971 Apr 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W576      2441069.10 1971 Apr 27 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W577      2441069.17 1971 Apr 27 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W578      2441069.17 1971 Apr 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W579      2441069.19 1971 Apr 27 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W580      2441069.20 1971 Apr 27 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W581      2441069.28 1971 Apr 27 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W582      2441069.31 1971 Apr 27 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W583      2441069.32 1971 Apr 27 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W584      2441069.32 1971 Apr 27 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W585      2441069.42 1971 Apr 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W586      2441069.98 1971 Apr 28 1135     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7103         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W587      2441070.04 1971 Apr 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W588      2441070.12 1971 Apr 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W589      2441070.13 1971 Apr 28 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W590      2441070.15 1971 Apr 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W591      2441070.17 1971 Apr 28 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W592      2441070.22 1971 Apr 28 1717:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W593      2441070.26 1971 Apr 28 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W594      2441070.39 1971 Apr 28 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W595      2441070.58 1971 Apr 29 0158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W596      2441071.09 1971 Apr 29 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W597      2441071.23 1971 Apr 29 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W598      2441071.38 1971 Apr 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W599      2441071.50 1971 May             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1971-M10       2441071.50 1971 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1971-W600      2441072.08 1971 Apr 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W601      2441072.11 1971 Apr 30 1445:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W602      2441072.12 1971 Apr 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W603      2441072.13 1971 Apr 30 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W604      2441072.27 1971 Apr 30 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W605      2441072.38 1971 Apr 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W606      2441072.56 1971 May  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W607      2441072.64 1971 May  1 0322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W608      2441075.08 1971 May  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W609      2441075.12 1971 May  3 1459:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W610      2441075.12 1971 May  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W611      2441075.13 1971 May  3 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W612      2441075.26 1971 May  3 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W613      2441075.27 1971 May  3 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W614      2441075.34 1971 May  3 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W615      2441075.38 1971 May  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W616      2441075.61 1971 May  4 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W617      2441076.25 1971 May  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W618      2441076.37 1971 May  4 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W619      2441076.98 1971 May  5 1131:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7104         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W620      2441077.12 1971 May  5 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W621      2441077.12 1971 May  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W622      2441077.23 1971 May  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W623      2441077.25 1971 May  5 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W624      2441077.25 1971 May  5 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W625      2441077.33 1971 May  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W626      2441077.41 1971 May  5 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W627      2441077.56 1971 May  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1701     2441077.58 1971 May  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R24           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    SR12,607             -                    -
1971-W628      2441078.12 1971 May  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W629      2441078.29 1971 May  6 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W630      2441078.38 1971 May  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W631      2441078.52 1971 May  7 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W632      2441078.96 1971 May  7 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W633      2441079.09 1971 May  7 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W634      2441079.12 1971 May  7 1455:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W635      2441079.23 1971 May  7 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W636      2441079.42 1971 May  7 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W637      2441079.44 1971 May  7 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W638      2441079.56 1971 May  8 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W639      2441082.06 1971 May 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W640      2441082.08 1971 May 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W641      2441082.08 1971 May 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W642      2441082.12 1971 May 10 1456:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W643      2441082.12 1971 May 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W644      2441082.24 1971 May 10 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W645      2441082.25 1971 May 10 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W646      2441082.27 1971 May 10 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W647      2441082.29 1971 May 10 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W648      2441082.50 1971 May 10 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W649      2441083.37 1971 May 11 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W650      2441083.44 1971 May 11 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W651      2441083.55 1971 May 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1702     2441083.58 1971 May 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R25           -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     49      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    SR12,607             -                    -
1971-M22       2441083.98 1971 May 12 1130     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7105         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W652      2441084.06 1971 May 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W653      2441084.08 1971 May 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W654      2441084.09 1971 May 12 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W655      2441084.10 1971 May 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W656      2441084.12 1971 May 12 1457:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W657      2441084.12 1971 May 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W658      2441084.17 1971 May 12 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W659      2441084.21 1971 May 12 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W660      2441084.22 1971 May 12 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W661      2441084.26 1971 May 12 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W662      2441084.31 1971 May 12 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W663      2441084.35 1971 May 12 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W664      2441084.53 1971 May 13 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W665      2441084.58 1971 May 13 0153:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W666      2441085.20 1971 May 13 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W667      2441085.24 1971 May 13 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W668      2441086.08 1971 May 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W669      2441086.09 1971 May 14 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W670      2441086.12 1971 May 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W671      2441086.15 1971 May 14 1543:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W672      2441086.20 1971 May 14 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W673      2441086.29 1971 May 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W674      2441086.35 1971 May 14 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W675      2441086.44 1971 May 14 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W676      2441086.53 1971 May 15 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W677      2441086.57 1971 May 15 0142:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W678      2441086.70 1971 May 15 0441:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W679      2441088.21 1971 May 16 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W680      2441089.08 1971 May 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W681      2441089.09 1971 May 17 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W682      2441089.11 1971 May 17 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W683      2441089.12 1971 May 17 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W684      2441089.12 1971 May 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W685      2441089.16 1971 May 17 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W686      2441089.20 1971 May 17 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W687      2441089.21 1971 May 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W688      2441089.26 1971 May 17 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W689      2441089.37 1971 May 17 2048:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS71A   LP1              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W690      2441089.42 1971 May 17 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W691      2441089.49 1971 May 17 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W692      2441090.12 1971 May 18 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W693      2441090.38 1971 May 18 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W694      2441090.97 1971 May 19 1115:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7106         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W695      2441091.07 1971 May 19 1346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W696      2441091.08 1971 May 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W697      2441091.09 1971 May 19 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W698      2441091.12 1971 May 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W699      2441091.13 1971 May 19 1509:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W700      2441091.21 1971 May 19 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W701      2441091.21 1971 May 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W702      2441091.25 1971 May 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W703      2441091.25 1971 May 19 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W704      2441091.34 1971 May 19 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W705      2441091.37 1971 May 19 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W706      2441091.41 1971 May 19 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W707      2441091.56 1971 May 20 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W708      2441092.13 1971 May 20 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W709      2441093.06 1971 May 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W710      2441093.07 1971 May 21 1341:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W711      2441093.08 1971 May 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W712      2441093.12 1971 May 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W713      2441093.23 1971 May 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W714      2441093.27 1971 May 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W715      2441093.31 1971 May 21 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W716      2441093.33 1971 May 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W717      2441093.42 1971 May 21 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W718      2441093.57 1971 May 22 0141:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W719      2441094.21 1971 May 22 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W720      2441095.21 1971 May 23 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W721      2441096.04 1971 May 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W722      2441096.08 1971 May 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W723      2441096.12 1971 May 24 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W724      2441096.12 1971 May 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W725      2441096.21 1971 May 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W726      2441096.38 1971 May 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W727      2441096.45 1971 May 24 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W728      2441096.56 1971 May 25 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W729      2441097.31 1971 May 25 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W730      2441097.39 1971 May 25 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M23       2441097.98 1971 May 26 1134     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7107         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W731      2441098.06 1971 May 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W732      2441098.08 1971 May 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W733      2441098.12 1971 May 26 1446:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W734      2441098.12 1971 May 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W735      2441098.14 1971 May 26 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W736      2441098.21 1971 May 26 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W737      2441098.21 1971 May 26 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W738      2441098.25 1971 May 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W739      2441098.32 1971 May 26 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W740      2441098.38 1971 May 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W741      2441098.39 1971 May 26 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W742      2441098.44 1971 May 26 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W743      2441098.59 1971 May 27 0209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W744      2441099.09 1971 May 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W745      2441099.12 1971 May 27 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W746      2441099.30 1971 May 27 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W747      2441099.40 1971 May 27 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W748      2441100.09 1971 May 28 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W749      2441100.12 1971 May 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W750      2441100.15 1971 May 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W751      2441100.21 1971 May 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W752      2441100.21 1971 May 28 1709:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W753      2441100.29 1971 May 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W754      2441100.40 1971 May 28 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W755      2441100.63 1971 May 29 0304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W756      2441102.50 1971 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1971-W757      2441103.28 1971 May 31 1836:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W758      2441104.12 1971 Jun  1 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W759      2441104.15 1971 Jun  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W760      2441104.15 1971 Jun  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W761      2441104.19 1971 Jun  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W762      2441104.22 1971 Jun  1 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W763      2441104.25 1971 Jun  1 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W764      2441104.40 1971 Jun  1 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M31       2441104.50 1971 Jun  2          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 6               -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     30?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-M32       2441104.50 1971 Jun  2          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 7               -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     30?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W765      2441105.07 1971 Jun  2 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W766      2441105.08 1971 Jun  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W767      2441105.13 1971 Jun  2 1509:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W768      2441105.14 1971 Jun  2 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W769      2441105.15 1971 Jun  2 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W770      2441105.21 1971 Jun  2 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W771      2441105.23 1971 Jun  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W772      2441105.29 1971 Jun  2 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W773      2441105.40 1971 Jun  2 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W774      2441105.56 1971 Jun  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W775      2441106.33 1971 Jun  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W776      2441106.38 1971 Jun  3 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W777      2441106.56 1971 Jun  4 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W778      2441106.76 1971 Jun  4 0612:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W779      2441107.06 1971 Jun  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W780      2441107.08 1971 Jun  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W781      2441107.12 1971 Jun  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W782      2441107.34 1971 Jun  4 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W783      2441107.40 1971 Jun  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W784      2441107.47 1971 Jun  4 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W785      2441110.10 1971 Jun  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W786      2441110.12 1971 Jun  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W787      2441110.19 1971 Jun  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W788      2441110.24 1971 Jun  7 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W789      2441110.27 1971 Jun  7 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W790      2441110.38 1971 Jun  7 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W791      2441110.44 1971 Jun  7 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W792      2441110.56 1971 Jun  8 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W793      2441111.13 1971 Jun  8 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W794      2441111.23 1971 Jun  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W795      2441111.40 1971 Jun  8 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W796      2441112.06 1971 Jun  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W797      2441112.08 1971 Jun  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W798      2441112.10 1971 Jun  9 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W799      2441112.10 1971 Jun  9 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W800      2441112.12 1971 Jun  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W801      2441112.13 1971 Jun  9 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W802      2441112.13 1971 Jun 09 1509:00  Arcas                    ?      WSMR/PSU             Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   PSU/WSMR/Hale            Ionos                    WDCRF                SR13,471             -
1971-W803      2441112.13 1971 Jun  9 1513:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W804      2441112.14 1971 Jun  9 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W805      2441112.19 1971 Jun  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W806      2441112.32 1971 Jun  9 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W807      2441112.33 1971 Jun  9 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W808      2441112.42 1971 Jun  9 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W809      2441112.44 1971 Jun  9 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W810      2441112.56 1971 Jun 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W811      2441113.14 1971 Jun 10 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W812      2441113.62 1971 Jun 11 0246:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W813      2441114.07 1971 Jun 11 1346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W814      2441114.08 1971 Jun 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W815      2441114.17 1971 Jun 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W816      2441114.22 1971 Jun 11 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W817      2441114.23 1971 Jun 11 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W818      2441114.24 1971 Jun 11 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W819      2441114.33 1971 Jun 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W820      2441114.35 1971 Jun 11 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W821      2441114.38 1971 Jun 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W822      2441114.56 1971 Jun 12 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W823      2441117.12 1971 Jun 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W824      2441117.21 1971 Jun 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W825      2441117.23 1971 Jun 14 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W826      2441117.23 1971 Jun 14 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W827      2441117.34 1971 Jun 14 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W828      2441117.60 1971 Jun 15 0229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W829      2441118.14 1971 Jun 15 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W830      2441118.35 1971 Jun 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W831      2441118.99 1971 Jun 16 1142:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7108         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W832      2441119.11 1971 Jun 16 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W833      2441119.14 1971 Jun 16 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W834      2441119.17 1971 Jun 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W835      2441119.25 1971 Jun 16 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W836      2441119.40 1971 Jun 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W837      2441119.60 1971 Jun 17 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W838      2441120.23 1971 Jun 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W839      2441120.58 1971 Jun 18 0201:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W840      2441121.07 1971 Jun 18 1346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W841      2441121.12 1971 Jun 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W842      2441123.14 1971 Jun 20 1527:00  Arcas                    -      -                    PAET Arcasonde           -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ARC          SS   ARC/Seiff                Aeron                    WDCRF                Icarus18,525         -
1971-W843      2441123.40 1971 Jun 20 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W844      2441123.46 1971 Jun 20 2259:00  Arcas                    -      -                    PAET Arcasonde           -                        -                        -         BERM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ARC          SS   ARC/Seiff                Aeron                    WDCRF                Icarus18,525         -
1971-M33       2441123.50 1971 Jun 21          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 8               -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W845      2441124.06 1971 Jun 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W846      2441124.12 1971 Jun 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W847      2441124.12 1971 Jun 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W848      2441124.19 1971 Jun 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W849      2441124.23 1971 Jun 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W850      2441124.38 1971 Jun 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W851      2441124.56 1971 Jun 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W852      2441125.17 1971 Jun 22 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W853      2441126.08 1971 Jun 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W854      2441126.13 1971 Jun 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W855      2441126.19 1971 Jun 23 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W856      2441126.22 1971 Jun 23 1722:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W857      2441126.31 1971 Jun 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W858      2441126.33 1971 Jun 23 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W859      2441126.56 1971 Jun 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W860      2441126.58 1971 Jun 24 0157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W861      2441127.16 1971 Jun 24 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W862      2441127.16 1971 Jun 24 1556:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W863      2441127.23 1971 Jun 24 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W864      2441127.24 1971 Jun 24 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W865      2441127.25 1971 Jun 24 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W866      2441127.43 1971 Jun 24 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W867      2441128.10 1971 Jun 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W868      2441128.12 1971 Jun 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W869      2441128.21 1971 Jun 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W870      2441128.29 1971 Jun 25 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W871      2441128.38 1971 Jun 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W872      2441128.56 1971 Jun 26 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W873      2441131.06 1971 Jun 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W874      2441131.12 1971 Jun 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W875      2441131.16 1971 Jun 28 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W876      2441131.29 1971 Jun 28 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W877      2441131.38 1971 Jun 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W878      2441131.56 1971 Jun 29 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W879      2441131.77 1971 Jun 29 0622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W880      2441132.15 1971 Jun 29 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W881      2441132.24 1971 Jun 29 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W882      2441132.38 1971 Jun 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M24       2441132.98 1971 Jun 30 1134     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7109         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W883      2441133.09 1971 Jun 30 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W884      2441133.12 1971 Jun 30 1448:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W885      2441133.13 1971 Jun 30 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W886      2441133.13 1971 Jun 30 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W887      2441133.17 1971 Jun 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W888      2441133.19 1971 Jun 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W889      2441133.19 1971 Jun 30 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W890      2441133.21 1971 Jun 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W891      2441133.21 1971 Jun 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W892      2441133.23 1971 Jun 30 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W893      2441133.38 1971 Jun 30 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W894      2441133.42 1971 Jun 30 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W895      2441134.17 1971 Jul  1 1604:59  Loki Dart                -      [MC-71-1]            Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W896      2441134.39 1971 Jul  1 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W897      2441135.08 1971 Jul  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W898      2441135.12 1971 Jul  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W899      2441135.16 1971 Jul  2 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W900      2441135.21 1971 Jul  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W901      2441135.25 1971 Jul  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W902      2441135.29 1971 Jul  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W903      2441135.36 1971 Jul  2 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W904      2441135.38 1971 Jul  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W905      2441139.17 1971 Jul  6 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W906      2441139.38 1971 Jul  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W907      2441140.08 1971 Jul  7 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W908      2441140.08 1971 Jul  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W909      2441140.12 1971 Jul  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W910      2441140.12 1971 Jul  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W911      2441140.14 1971 Jul  7 1520:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W912      2441140.20 1971 Jul  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W913      2441140.20 1971 Jul  7 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W914      2441140.32 1971 Jul  7 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W915      2441141.21 1971 Jul  8 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W916      2441141.38 1971 Jul  8 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W917      2441141.39 1971 Jul  8 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W918      2441142.05 1971 Jul  9 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W919      2441142.08 1971 Jul  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W920      2441142.12 1971 Jul  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W921      2441142.19 1971 Jul  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W922      2441142.31 1971 Jul  9 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W923      2441142.40 1971 Jul  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W924      2441145.07 1971 Jul 12 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W925      2441145.08 1971 Jul 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W926      2441145.13 1971 Jul 12 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W927      2441145.14 1971 Jul 12 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W928      2441145.15 1971 Jul 12 1534:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W929      2441145.19 1971 Jul 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W930      2441145.19 1971 Jul 12 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W931      2441145.21 1971 Jul 12 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W932      2441145.38 1971 Jul 12 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W933      2441146.38 1971 Jul 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W934      2441147.08 1971 Jul 14 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W935      2441147.08 1971 Jul 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W936      2441147.12 1971 Jul 14 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W937      2441147.12 1971 Jul 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W938      2441147.15 1971 Jul 14 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W939      2441147.21 1971 Jul 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W940      2441147.21 1971 Jul 14 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W941      2441147.39 1971 Jul 14 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W942      2441147.57 1971 Jul 15 0141:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W943      2441148.18 1971 Jul 15 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      [MC-71-2]            Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W944      2441148.21 1971 Jul 15 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W945      2441148.40 1971 Jul 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W946      2441149.06 1971 Jul 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W947      2441149.08 1971 Jul 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W948      2441149.12 1971 Jul 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W949      2441149.25 1971 Jul 16 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W950      2441149.31 1971 Jul 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W951      2441149.38 1971 Jul 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W952      2441149.56 1971 Jul 17 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W953      2441150.58 1971 Jul 18 0152:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W954      2441150.61 1971 Jul 18 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W955      2441152.06 1971 Jul 19 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W956      2441152.10 1971 Jul 19 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W957      2441152.12 1971 Jul 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W958      2441152.15 1971 Jul 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W959      2441152.21 1971 Jul 19 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W960      2441152.23 1971 Jul 19 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W961      2441152.32 1971 Jul 19 1935:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W962      2441152.38 1971 Jul 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W963      2441152.60 1971 Jul 20 0217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W964      2441153.38 1971 Jul 20 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W965      2441153.38 1971 Jul 20 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M25       2441153.98 1971 Jul 21 1135     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7111         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W966      2441154.06 1971 Jul 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W967      2441154.08 1971 Jul 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W968      2441154.10 1971 Jul 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W969      2441154.12 1971 Jul 21 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W970      2441154.12 1971 Jul 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W971      2441154.14 1971 Jul 21 1523:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W972      2441154.18 1971 Jul 21 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W973      2441154.19 1971 Jul 21 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W974      2441154.22 1971 Jul 21 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W975      2441154.28 1971 Jul 21 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W976      2441154.42 1971 Jul 21 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W977      2441154.57 1971 Jul 22 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W978      2441155.26 1971 Jul 22 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W979      2441155.39 1971 Jul 22 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W980      2441156.06 1971 Jul 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W981      2441156.08 1971 Jul 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W982      2441156.09 1971 Jul 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W983      2441156.12 1971 Jul 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W984      2441156.17 1971 Jul 23 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W985      2441156.19 1971 Jul 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W986      2441156.31 1971 Jul 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W987      2441156.39 1971 Jul 23 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W988      2441156.44 1971 Jul 23 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W989      2441157.03 1971 Jul 24 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W990      2441158.03 1971 Jul 25 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W991      2441159.08 1971 Jul 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W992      2441159.09 1971 Jul 26 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W993      2441159.12 1971 Jul 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W994      2441159.13 1971 Jul 26 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W995      2441159.19 1971 Jul 26 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W996      2441159.21 1971 Jul 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W997      2441159.22 1971 Jul 26 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W998      2441159.30 1971 Jul 26 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W999      2441159.38 1971 Jul 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M34       2441159.50 1971 Jul 27          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 11              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W1000     2441159.57 1971 Jul 27 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1001     2441160.14 1971 Jul 27 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1002     2441160.23 1971 Jul 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1003     2441161.08 1971 Jul 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1005     2441161.09 1971 Jul 28 1405:00  Arcas                    ?      WSMR/PSU             Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   PSU/WSMR/Hale            Aeron                    DSI-5850             SR13,471             -
1971-W1006     2441161.12 1971 Jul 28 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1007     2441161.12 1971 Jul 28 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1008     2441161.12 1971 Jul 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1009     2441161.13 1971 Jul 28 1500:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1010     2441161.15 1971 Jul 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1011     2441161.17 1971 Jul 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1012     2441161.18 1971 Jul 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1013     2441161.20 1971 Jul 28 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1014     2441161.21 1971 Jul 28 1704:59  Loki Dart                -      [MC-71-3]            Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1015     2441161.27 1971 Jul 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1016     2441161.56 1971 Jul 29 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1017     2441162.10 1971 Jul 29 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1018     2441162.22 1971 Jul 29 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1019     2441162.25 1971 Jul 29 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1020     2441163.08 1971 Jul 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1021     2441163.09 1971 Jul 30 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1022     2441163.10 1971 Jul 30 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1023     2441163.12 1971 Jul 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1024     2441163.22 1971 Jul 30 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1025     2441163.24 1971 Jul 30 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1026     2441163.26 1971 Jul 30 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1027     2441163.29 1971 Jul 30 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1028     2441163.38 1971 Jul 30 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1029     2441163.50 1971 Aug             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1971-W1030     2441163.50 1971 Aug             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1971-W1031     2441163.59 1971 Jul 31 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1032     2441166.07 1971 Aug  2 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1033     2441166.08 1971 Aug  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1034     2441166.10 1971 Aug  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1035     2441166.12 1971 Aug  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1036     2441166.25 1971 Aug  2 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1037     2441166.25 1971 Aug  2 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1038     2441166.29 1971 Aug  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1039     2441166.33 1971 Aug  2 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1040     2441166.40 1971 Aug  2 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M35       2441166.50 1971 Aug  3          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 12              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W1041     2441166.56 1971 Aug  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1042     2441167.12 1971 Aug  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1043     2441167.30 1971 Aug  3 1916     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.46UI         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Kendall              Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W1044     2441167.34 1971 Aug  3 2010:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1045     2441168.06 1971 Aug  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1046     2441168.08 1971 Aug  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1047     2441168.12 1971 Aug  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1048     2441168.13 1971 Aug  4 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1049     2441168.14 1971 Aug  4 1523:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1050     2441168.14 1971 Aug  4 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1051     2441168.17 1971 Aug  4 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1052     2441168.17 1971 Aug  4 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1053     2441168.24 1971 Aug  4 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1054     2441168.34 1971 Aug  4 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1055     2441168.39 1971 Aug  4 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1056     2441168.56 1971 Aug  5 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1057     2441169.21 1971 Aug  5 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1058     2441169.22 1971 Aug  5 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1059     2441169.38 1971 Aug  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1060     2441170.07 1971 Aug  6 1341:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1061     2441170.08 1971 Aug  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1062     2441170.09 1971 Aug  6 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1063     2441170.12 1971 Aug  6 1446:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1064     2441170.12 1971 Aug  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1065     2441170.13 1971 Aug  6 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1066     2441170.16 1971 Aug  6 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1067     2441170.20 1971 Aug  6 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1068     2441170.24 1971 Aug  6 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1069     2441170.38 1971 Aug  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1070     2441170.56 1971 Aug  7 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1071     2441171.33 1971 Aug  7 1949     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.87GM         -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W1072     2441171.40 1971 Aug  7 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1073     2441173.08 1971 Aug  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1074     2441173.11 1971 Aug  9 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1075     2441173.17 1971 Aug  9 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1076     2441173.31 1971 Aug  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1077     2441173.34 1971 Aug  9 2012     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.88GM         -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W1078     2441173.44 1971 Aug  9 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1079     2441173.56 1971 Aug 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1080     2441174.34 1971 Aug 10 2015     Boosted Arcas 2          -      NASA 15.14GI         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kane,Serbu          Ionos                    KPNO                 SP-4016              -
1971-W1081     2441174.47 1971 Aug 10 2318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1082     2441175.08 1971 Aug 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1083     2441175.11 1971 Aug 11 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1084     2441175.14 1971 Aug 11 1517:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1085     2441175.15 1971 Aug 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1086     2441175.16 1971 Aug 11 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1087     2441175.18 1971 Aug 11 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1088     2441175.18 1971 Aug 11 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1089     2441175.33 1971 Aug 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1090     2441175.45 1971 Aug 11 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1091     2441175.58 1971 Aug 12 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1092     2441176.12 1971 Aug 12 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1093     2441176.18 1971 Aug 12 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1094     2441176.39 1971 Aug 12 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1095     2441177.01 1971 Aug 13 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1096     2441177.06 1971 Aug 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1097     2441177.09 1971 Aug 13 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1098     2441177.09 1971 Aug 13 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1099     2441177.10 1971 Aug 13 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1100     2441177.12 1971 Aug 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1101     2441177.15 1971 Aug 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1102     2441177.18 1971 Aug 13 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1103     2441177.19 1971 Aug 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1104     2441177.20 1971 Aug 13 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1105     2441177.29 1971 Aug 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1106     2441177.56 1971 Aug 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1107     2441178.33 1971 Aug 14 1954     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.90GM         -                        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4016              -
1971-W1108     2441180.11 1971 Aug 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1109     2441180.12 1971 Aug 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1110     2441180.12 1971 Aug 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1111     2441180.18 1971 Aug 16 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1112     2441180.20 1971 Aug 16 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1113     2441180.21 1971 Aug 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1114     2441180.25 1971 Aug 16 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1115     2441180.38 1971 Aug 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1116     2441180.46 1971 Aug 16 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1117     2441180.56 1971 Aug 17 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1118     2441181.20 1971 Aug 17 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1119     2441181.38 1971 Aug 17 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1120     2441182.08 1971 Aug 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1121     2441182.08 1971 Aug 18 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1122     2441182.10 1971 Aug 18 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1123     2441182.12 1971 Aug 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1124     2441182.12 1971 Aug 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1125     2441182.17 1971 Aug 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1126     2441182.21 1971 Aug 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1127     2441182.33 1971 Aug 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1128     2441182.43 1971 Aug 18 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1129     2441182.58 1971 Aug 19 0157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1130     2441183.16 1971 Aug 19 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1131     2441183.40 1971 Aug 19 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1132     2441183.96 1971 Aug 20 1102:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1133     2441183.97 1971 Aug 20 1111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1134     2441184.06 1971 Aug 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1135     2441184.08 1971 Aug 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1136     2441184.12 1971 Aug 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1137     2441184.12 1971 Aug 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1138     2441184.15 1971 Aug 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1139     2441184.15 1971 Aug 20 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1140     2441184.17 1971 Aug 20 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1141     2441184.21 1971 Aug 20 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1142     2441184.33 1971 Aug 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1143     2441184.38 1971 Aug 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1144     2441184.57 1971 Aug 21 0141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1145     2441187.08 1971 Aug 23 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1146     2441187.08 1971 Aug 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1147     2441187.12 1971 Aug 23 1447:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1148     2441187.12 1971 Aug 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1149     2441187.17 1971 Aug 23 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1150     2441187.21 1971 Aug 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1151     2441187.25 1971 Aug 23 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1152     2441187.30 1971 Aug 23 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1153     2441187.35 1971 Aug 23 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1154     2441187.40 1971 Aug 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1155     2441187.56 1971 Aug 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1156     2441188.21 1971 Aug 24 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1157     2441188.38 1971 Aug 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1158     2441189.06 1971 Aug 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1159     2441189.08 1971 Aug 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1160     2441189.12 1971 Aug 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1161     2441189.13 1971 Aug 25 1507:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1162     2441189.19 1971 Aug 25 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1163     2441189.24 1971 Aug 25 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1164     2441189.30 1971 Aug 25 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1165     2441189.31 1971 Aug 25 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1166     2441189.33 1971 Aug 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1167     2441189.40 1971 Aug 25 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1168     2441190.23 1971 Aug 26 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1169     2441190.42 1971 Aug 26 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M11       2441190.88 1971 Aug 27 0900     Bullpup Apache           -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NSF/UAF      SS   DENV/Barcas              Particles                WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1971-W1170     2441191.06 1971 Aug 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1171     2441191.08 1971 Aug 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1172     2441191.12 1971 Aug 27 1456:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1173     2441191.12 1971 Aug 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1174     2441191.21 1971 Aug 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1175     2441191.23 1971 Aug 27 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1176     2441191.25 1971 Aug 27 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1177     2441191.30 1971 Aug 27 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1178     2441191.38 1971 Aug 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1179     2441191.44 1971 Aug 27 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1180     2441194.05 1971 Aug 30 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1181     2441194.08 1971 Aug 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1182     2441194.13 1971 Aug 30 1504:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1183     2441194.17 1971 Aug 30 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1184     2441194.19 1971 Aug 30 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1185     2441194.33 1971 Aug 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1186     2441194.38 1971 Aug 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1187     2441194.50 1971 Sep             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1971-W1188     2441194.56 1971 Aug 31 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1189     2441195.09 1971 Aug 31 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1190     2441195.14 1971 Aug 31 1527:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1191     2441195.31 1971 Aug 31 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1192     2441195.43 1971 Aug 31 2225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1193     2441195.76 1971 Sep  1 0614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1194     2441196.01 1971 Sep  1 1211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1195     2441196.04 1971 Sep  1 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1196     2441196.08 1971 Sep  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1197     2441196.09 1971 Sep  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1198     2441196.11 1971 Sep  1 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1199     2441196.11 1971 Sep  1 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1200     2441196.12 1971 Sep  1 1458:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1201     2441196.13 1971 Sep  1 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1202     2441196.14 1971 Sep  1 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1203     2441196.17 1971 Sep  1 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1204     2441196.17 1971 Sep  1 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1205     2441196.17 1971 Sep  1 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1206     2441196.32 1971 Sep  1 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1207     2441196.43 1971 Sep  1 2222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1208     2441196.56 1971 Sep  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1209     2441197.17 1971 Sep  2 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1210     2441197.42 1971 Sep  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1211     2441198.06 1971 Sep  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1212     2441198.08 1971 Sep  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1213     2441198.10 1971 Sep  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1214     2441198.20 1971 Sep  3 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1215     2441198.38 1971 Sep  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1216     2441198.57 1971 Sep  4 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M12       2441200.57 1971 Sep  6 0135     S-B                      -      SB-III A14           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1971-W1217     2441202.21 1971 Sep  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1218     2441202.29 1971 Sep  7 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1219     2441202.29 1971 Sep  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1220     2441202.38 1971 Sep  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1221     2441202.44 1971 Sep  7 2226:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1222     2441202.98 1971 Sep  8 1135:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7112         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1223     2441203.06 1971 Sep  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1224     2441203.08 1971 Sep  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1225     2441203.08 1971 Sep  8 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1226     2441203.14 1971 Sep  8 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1227     2441203.20 1971 Sep  8 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1228     2441203.21 1971 Sep  8 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1229     2441203.32 1971 Sep  8 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1230     2441203.38 1971 Sep  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1231     2441203.59 1971 Sep  9 0209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1232     2441204.21 1971 Sep  9 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1233     2441204.38 1971 Sep  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1234     2441205.08 1971 Sep 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1235     2441205.08 1971 Sep 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1236     2441205.10 1971 Sep 10 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1237     2441205.11 1971 Sep 10 1435:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1238     2441205.11 1971 Sep 10 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1239     2441205.12 1971 Sep 10 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1240     2441205.21 1971 Sep 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1241     2441205.38 1971 Sep 10 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1242     2441205.57 1971 Sep 11 0136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M13       2441205.57 1971 Sep 11 0145     S-B                      -      SB-III A15           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 STA          SS   STA/                     Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1971-W1243     2441208.08 1971 Sep 13 1352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1244     2441208.11 1971 Sep 13 1437:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1245     2441208.21 1971 Sep 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1246     2441208.30 1971 Sep 13 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1247     2441208.38 1971 Sep 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1248     2441208.61 1971 Sep 14 0244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1249     2441209.38 1971 Sep 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1250     2441210.00 1971 Sep 15 1155:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7113         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1251     2441210.06 1971 Sep 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1252     2441210.08 1971 Sep 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1253     2441210.11 1971 Sep 15 1440:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1254     2441210.12 1971 Sep 15 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1255     2441210.17 1971 Sep 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1256     2441210.17 1971 Sep 15 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1257     2441210.23 1971 Sep 15 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1258     2441210.38 1971 Sep 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1259     2441210.56 1971 Sep 16 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1260     2441211.42 1971 Sep 16 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1261     2441211.52 1971 Sep 17 0033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1262     2441211.75 1971 Sep 17 0553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1263     2441212.06 1971 Sep 17 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1264     2441212.08 1971 Sep 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1265     2441212.09 1971 Sep 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1266     2441212.10 1971 Sep 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1267     2441212.11 1971 Sep 17 1444:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1268     2441212.14 1971 Sep 17 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1269     2441212.19 1971 Sep 17 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1270     2441212.23 1971 Sep 17 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1271     2441212.27 1971 Sep 17 1830:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 1/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/Olson               Meteo                    DSI-5850             AD-A-005589          -
1971-W1272     2441212.56 1971 Sep 18 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1273     2441215.06 1971 Sep 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1274     2441215.08 1971 Sep 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1275     2441215.12 1971 Sep 20 1449:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1276     2441215.16 1971 Sep 20 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1277     2441215.23 1971 Sep 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1278     2441215.26 1971 Sep 20 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1279     2441215.38 1971 Sep 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1280     2441215.57 1971 Sep 21 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1281     2441216.12 1971 Sep 21 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1282     2441216.15 1971 Sep 21 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1283     2441216.39 1971 Sep 21 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1284     2441217.06 1971 Sep 22 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1285     2441217.08 1971 Sep 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1286     2441217.11 1971 Sep 22 1438:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1287     2441217.13 1971 Sep 22 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1288     2441217.20 1971 Sep 22 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1289     2441217.23 1971 Sep 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1290     2441217.23 1971 Sep 22 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1291     2441217.25 1971 Sep 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1292     2441217.30 1971 Sep 22 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1293     2441217.38 1971 Sep 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1294     2441217.56 1971 Sep 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1295     2441218.11 1971 Sep 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1296     2441218.15 1971 Sep 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1297     2441218.38 1971 Sep 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1298     2441219.00 1971 Sep 24 1200:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7115         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1299     2441219.04 1971 Sep 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1300     2441219.06 1971 Sep 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1301     2441219.08 1971 Sep 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1302     2441219.11 1971 Sep 24 1438:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1303     2441219.21 1971 Sep 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1304     2441219.38 1971 Sep 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1305     2441219.56 1971 Sep 25 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1306     2441220.19 1971 Sep 25 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1307     2441221.99 1971 Sep 27 1149:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7116         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1308     2441222.06 1971 Sep 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1309     2441222.21 1971 Sep 27 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1310     2441222.21 1971 Sep 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1311     2441222.30 1971 Sep 27 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1312     2441222.38 1971 Sep 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1313     2441222.60 1971 Sep 28 0217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1314     2441223.19 1971 Sep 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1315     2441223.38 1971 Sep 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M14       2441223.50 1971 Sep 29          S-160                    -      S-160-3              Para. Test               -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     ISTS10               -                    -
1971-W1316     2441223.99 1971 Sep 29 1145:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7117         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1317     2441224.16 1971 Sep 29 1544:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1318     2441224.21 1971 Sep 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1319     2441224.24 1971 Sep 29 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1320     2441224.32 1971 Sep 29 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1321     2441224.38 1971 Sep 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1322     2441224.56 1971 Sep 30 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1323     2441225.35 1971 Sep 30 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1324     2441225.39 1971 Sep 30 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1325     2441226.08 1971 Oct  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1326     2441226.11 1971 Oct  1 1441:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1327     2441226.13 1971 Oct  1 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1328     2441226.21 1971 Oct  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1329     2441226.23 1971 Oct  1 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1330     2441226.43 1971 Oct  1 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1331     2441229.06 1971 Oct  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1332     2441229.08 1971 Oct  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1333     2441229.11 1971 Oct  4 1438:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1334     2441229.16 1971 Oct  4 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1335     2441229.21 1971 Oct  4 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1336     2441229.23 1971 Oct  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1337     2441229.30 1971 Oct  4 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1338     2441229.38 1971 Oct  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1339     2441230.38 1971 Oct  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1340     2441230.43 1971 Oct  5 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M26       2441230.99 1971 Oct  6 1150     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7118         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W1341     2441231.08 1971 Oct  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1342     2441231.08 1971 Oct  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1343     2441231.10 1971 Oct  6 1423:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1344     2441231.21 1971 Oct  6 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1345     2441231.23 1971 Oct  6 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1346     2441231.35 1971 Oct  6 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1347     2441231.41 1971 Oct  6 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1348     2441231.56 1971 Oct  7 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1349     2441232.11 1971 Oct  7 1440:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1350     2441232.13 1971 Oct  7 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1351     2441232.15 1971 Oct  7 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1352     2441232.21 1971 Oct  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1353     2441232.22 1971 Oct  7 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1354     2441232.25 1971 Oct  7 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1355     2441232.26 1971 Oct  7 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1356     2441232.30 1971 Oct  7 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1357     2441232.32 1971 Oct  7 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1358     2441232.35 1971 Oct  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1359     2441233.07 1971 Oct  8 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1360     2441233.08 1971 Oct  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1361     2441233.12 1971 Oct  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1362     2441233.14 1971 Oct  8 1517:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1363     2441233.34 1971 Oct  8 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1364     2441233.56 1971 Oct  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1365     2441237.21 1971 Oct 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1366     2441237.30 1971 Oct 12 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1367     2441237.34 1971 Oct 12 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1368     2441237.43 1971 Oct 12 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1369     2441238.08 1971 Oct 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1370     2441238.11 1971 Oct 13 1437:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1371     2441238.16 1971 Oct 13 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1372     2441238.21 1971 Oct 13 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1373     2441238.24 1971 Oct 13 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1374     2441238.24 1971 Oct 13 1750:00  Boosted Arcas 2          ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GSFC?        SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W1375     2441238.25 1971 Oct 13 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1376     2441238.29 1971 Oct 13 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1377     2441238.33 1971 Oct 13 1959     Boosted Arcas 2          -      NASA 15.15GI         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Serbu               Ionos                    KPNO                 -                    -
1971-W1378     2441238.36 1971 Oct 13 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1379     2441238.37 1971 Oct 13 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1380     2441238.56 1971 Oct 14 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1381     2441239.10 1971 Oct 14 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1382     2441239.38 1971 Oct 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1383     2441239.44 1971 Oct 14 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1384     2441239.50 1971 Oct 15 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1385     2441240.08 1971 Oct 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1386     2441240.08 1971 Oct 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1387     2441240.10 1971 Oct 15 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1388     2441240.12 1971 Oct 15 1447:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1389     2441240.27 1971 Oct 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1390     2441240.58 1971 Oct 16 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1391     2441243.06 1971 Oct 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1392     2441243.08 1971 Oct 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1393     2441243.11 1971 Oct 18 1442:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1394     2441243.27 1971 Oct 18 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1395     2441243.38 1971 Oct 18 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1396     2441243.57 1971 Oct 19 0141:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1397     2441244.17 1971 Oct 19 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1398     2441244.38 1971 Oct 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1399     2441245.06 1971 Oct 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1400     2441245.08 1971 Oct 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1401     2441245.11 1971 Oct 20 1438:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1402     2441245.13 1971 Oct 20 1502:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1403     2441245.23 1971 Oct 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1404     2441245.32 1971 Oct 20 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1405     2441245.34 1971 Oct 20 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1406     2441245.40 1971 Oct 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1407     2441245.56 1971 Oct 21 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1408     2441246.17 1971 Oct 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1409     2441246.38 1971 Oct 21 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1410     2441247.08 1971 Oct 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1411     2441247.09 1971 Oct 22 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1412     2441247.20 1971 Oct 22 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1413     2441247.23 1971 Oct 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1414     2441247.23 1971 Oct 22 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1415     2441247.40 1971 Oct 22 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1416     2441247.42 1971 Oct 22 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1417     2441247.56 1971 Oct 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1418     2441250.11 1971 Oct 25 1435:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1419     2441251.17 1971 Oct 26 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1420     2441251.30 1971 Oct 26 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1421     2441251.31 1971 Oct 26 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1422     2441251.38 1971 Oct 26 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1423     2441252.06 1971 Oct 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1424     2441252.07 1971 Oct 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1425     2441252.08 1971 Oct 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1426     2441252.09 1971 Oct 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1427     2441252.11 1971 Oct 27 1440:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1428     2441252.11 1971 Oct 27 1440:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1429     2441252.17 1971 Oct 27 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1430     2441252.19 1971 Oct 27 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1431     2441252.20 1971 Oct 27 1651:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1432     2441252.22 1971 Oct 27 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1433     2441252.38 1971 Oct 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1434     2441252.57 1971 Oct 28 0142:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1435     2441253.21 1971 Oct 28 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1436     2441253.38 1971 Oct 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1437     2441254.08 1971 Oct 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1438     2441254.11 1971 Oct 29 1443:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1439     2441254.21 1971 Oct 29 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1440     2441254.23 1971 Oct 29 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1441     2441254.26 1971 Oct 29 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1442     2441254.28 1971 Oct 29 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M15       2441255.50 1971 Nov             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1971-W1443     2441257.08 1971 Nov  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1444     2441257.12 1971 Nov  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1445     2441257.15 1971 Nov  1 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1446     2441257.18 1971 Nov  1 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1447     2441257.29 1971 Nov  1 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1448     2441257.38 1971 Nov  1 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1450     2441258.36 1971 Nov  2 2041:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1451     2441258.38 1971 Nov  2 2100:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 2/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1971-W1452     2441259.08 1971 Nov  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1453     2441259.10 1971 Nov  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1454     2441259.12 1971 Nov 03 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1971-W1455     2441259.16 1971 Nov  3 1546:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1456     2441259.22 1971 Nov  3 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1457     2441259.25 1971 Nov  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1458     2441259.29 1971 Nov  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1459     2441259.42 1971 Nov  3 2204:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7119         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1460     2441260.08 1971 Nov  4 1349:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1461     2441260.13 1971 Nov  4 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1462     2441260.15 1971 Nov  4 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1463     2441260.16 1971 Nov  4 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1464     2441260.24 1971 Nov  4 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1465     2441260.28 1971 Nov  4 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M36       2441260.50 1971 Nov  5          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 15              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-M28       2441260.50 1971 Nov  5          Canopus 2                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Test                     DeLeon               -                    -
1971-W1466     2441261.10 1971 Nov  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1467     2441261.12 1971 Nov  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1468     2441261.18 1971 Nov  5 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1469     2441261.23 1971 Nov  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1470     2441261.31 1971 Nov  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1471     2441264.08 1971 Nov  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1472     2441264.10 1971 Nov  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1473     2441264.12 1971 Nov  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1474     2441264.15 1971 Nov  8 1540:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1475     2441264.23 1971 Nov  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1476     2441264.29 1971 Nov  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1477     2441264.31 1971 Nov  8 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1478     2441264.33 1971 Nov  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1479     2441264.38 1971 Nov  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M37       2441264.53 1971 Nov  9 0050     Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 16              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W1480     2441265.05 1971 Nov  9 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1481     2441265.19 1971 Nov  9 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1482     2441265.35 1971 Nov  9 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1483     2441266.10 1971 Nov 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1484     2441266.12 1971 Nov 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1485     2441266.12 1971 Nov 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1486     2441266.16 1971 Nov 10 1544:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1487     2441266.24 1971 Nov 10 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1488     2441266.26 1971 Nov 10 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1489     2441266.35 1971 Nov 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1490     2441266.42 1971 Nov 10 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M38       2441266.54 1971 Nov 11 0100     Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 17              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W1491     2441267.38 1971 Nov 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1492     2441268.08 1971 Nov 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1493     2441268.13 1971 Nov 12 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1494     2441268.15 1971 Nov 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1495     2441268.23 1971 Nov 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1496     2441268.24 1971 Nov 12 1748:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1497     2441268.27 1971 Nov 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1498     2441268.29 1971 Nov 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Density gauge            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1499     2441271.11 1971 Nov 15 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1500     2441271.16 1971 Nov 15 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1501     2441271.19 1971 Nov 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1502     2441271.25 1971 Nov 15 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1503     2441271.25 1971 Nov 15 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Density gauge            -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1504     2441271.28 1971 Nov 15 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1505     2441271.29 1971 Nov 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1506     2441271.34 1971 Nov 15 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1507     2441271.42 1971 Nov 15 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1508     2441272.16 1971 Nov 16 1546:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1509     2441272.20 1971 Nov 16 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1510     2441272.31 1971 Nov 16 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1511     2441272.38 1971 Nov 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1512     2441273.08 1971 Nov 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1513     2441273.10 1971 Nov 17 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1514     2441273.12 1971 Nov 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1515     2441273.12 1971 Nov 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1516     2441273.16 1971 Nov 17 1553:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1517     2441273.21 1971 Nov 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1518     2441273.35 1971 Nov 17 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1519     2441273.36 1971 Nov 17 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1520     2441273.38 1971 Nov 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M39       2441273.50 1971 Nov 18          Loki Dart                -      HASP                 WRE HASP 18              -                        -                        -         WOO      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WRE          SS   WRE/                     Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1971-W1521     2441274.16 1971 Nov 18 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1522     2441274.23 1971 Nov 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1523     2441274.23 1971 Nov 18 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1524     2441274.25 1971 Nov 18 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1525     2441274.34 1971 Nov 18 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1526     2441275.08 1971 Nov 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1527     2441275.10 1971 Nov 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1528     2441275.10 1971 Nov 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1529     2441275.12 1971 Nov 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1530     2441275.12 1971 Nov 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1531     2441275.16 1971 Nov 19 1546:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1532     2441275.38 1971 Nov 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1533     2441275.46 1971 Nov 19 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1534     2441278.08 1971 Nov 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1535     2441278.16 1971 Nov 22 1556:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1536     2441278.17 1971 Nov 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1537     2441278.17 1971 Nov 22 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1538     2441278.32 1971 Nov 22 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1539     2441278.38 1971 Nov 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1540     2441278.42 1971 Nov 22 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1541     2441279.16 1971 Nov 23 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1542     2441280.08 1971 Nov 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1543     2441280.12 1971 Nov 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1544     2441280.12 1971 Nov 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1545     2441280.13 1971 Nov 24 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1546     2441280.16 1971 Nov 24 1553:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1547     2441280.19 1971 Nov 24 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1548     2441280.22 1971 Nov 24 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1549     2441280.31 1971 Nov 24 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1550     2441280.34 1971 Nov 24 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1551     2441280.37 1971 Nov 24 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1552     2441280.48 1971 Nov 24 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1553     2441281.17 1971 Nov 25 1602:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1554     2441282.08 1971 Nov 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1555     2441282.08 1971 Nov 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1556     2441282.11 1971 Nov 26 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1557     2441282.12 1971 Nov 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1558     2441282.16 1971 Nov 26 1549:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1559     2441282.19 1971 Nov 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1560     2441282.29 1971 Nov 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1561     2441285.08 1971 Nov 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1562     2441285.12 1971 Nov 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1563     2441285.14 1971 Nov 29 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1564     2441285.16 1971 Nov 29 1553:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1565     2441285.22 1971 Nov 29 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1566     2441285.25 1971 Nov 29 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1567     2441285.31 1971 Nov 29 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1568     2441285.46 1971 Nov 29 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1569     2441285.47 1971 Nov 29 2313:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M16       2441285.50 1971 Dec             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1971-W1570     2441286.16 1971 Nov 30 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1571     2441286.19 1971 Nov 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1572     2441286.22 1971 Nov 30 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1573     2441286.28 1971 Nov 30 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1574     2441286.38 1971 Nov 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1575     2441287.08 1971 Dec  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1576     2441287.10 1971 Dec  1 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1577     2441287.12 1971 Dec  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1578     2441287.12 1971 Dec  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1579     2441287.16 1971 Dec  1 1547:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1580     2441287.33 1971 Dec  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1581     2441287.38 1971 Dec  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1582     2441287.38 1971 Dec  1 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1583     2441287.40 1971 Dec  1 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1584     2441288.16 1971 Dec  2 1546:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1585     2441288.23 1971 Dec  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1586     2441288.38 1971 Dec  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1587     2441289.12 1971 Dec  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1588     2441289.13 1971 Dec  3 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1589     2441289.16 1971 Dec  3 1555:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1590     2441289.22 1971 Dec  3 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1591     2441289.38 1971 Dec  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1592     2441289.39 1971 Dec  3 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1593     2441292.12 1971 Dec  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1594     2441292.16 1971 Dec  6 1549:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1595     2441292.21 1971 Dec  6 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1596     2441292.30 1971 Dec  6 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1597     2441292.31 1971 Dec  6 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1598     2441293.25 1971 Dec  7 1756:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1599     2441293.38 1971 Dec  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1600     2441294.08 1971 Dec  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1601     2441294.10 1971 Dec  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1602     2441294.12 1971 Dec  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1603     2441294.16 1971 Dec  8 1554:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1604     2441294.23 1971 Dec  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1605     2441294.23 1971 Dec  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1606     2441294.33 1971 Dec  8 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1607     2441294.40 1971 Dec  8 2132:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7120         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1608     2441294.40 1971 Dec  8 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1609     2441295.12 1971 Dec  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1610     2441295.19 1971 Dec  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1611     2441295.21 1971 Dec  9 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1612     2441295.31 1971 Dec  9 1929:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1613     2441296.08 1971 Dec 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1614     2441296.09 1971 Dec 10 1404:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1615     2441296.10 1971 Dec 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1616     2441296.11 1971 Dec 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1617     2441296.12 1971 Dec 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1618     2441296.13 1971 Dec 10 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1619     2441296.15 1971 Dec 10 1538:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1620     2441296.17 1971 Dec 10 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1621     2441296.18 1971 Dec 10 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1622     2441296.20 1971 Dec 10 1649:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1623     2441296.27 1971 Dec 10 1823:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1624     2441299.08 1971 Dec 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1625     2441299.12 1971 Dec 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1626     2441299.17 1971 Dec 13 1558:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1627     2441299.21 1971 Dec 13 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1628     2441299.24 1971 Dec 13 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1629     2441299.27 1971 Dec 13 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1630     2441299.33 1971 Dec 13 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1631     2441300.27 1971 Dec 14 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1632     2441300.42 1971 Dec 14 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1633     2441300.44 1971 Dec 14 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1634     2441301.08 1971 Dec 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1635     2441301.10 1971 Dec 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1636     2441301.14 1971 Dec 15 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1637     2441301.16 1971 Dec 15 1547:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1638     2441301.19 1971 Dec 15 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1639     2441301.21 1971 Dec 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1640     2441301.21 1971 Dec 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1641     2441301.38 1971 Dec 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-M27       2441301.43 1971 Dec 15 2219     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7121         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1971-W1642     2441301.53 1971 Dec 16 0040:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR13,177             -
1971-W1643     2441302.11 1971 Dec 16 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1644     2441302.16 1971 Dec 16 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1645     2441302.17 1971 Dec 16 1608:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1646     2441302.17 1971 Dec 16 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1647     2441302.43 1971 Dec 16 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1648     2441303.08 1971 Dec 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1649     2441303.14 1971 Dec 17 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1650     2441303.15 1971 Dec 17 1540:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1651     2441303.18 1971 Dec 17 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1652     2441303.19 1971 Dec 17 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1653     2441303.47 1971 Dec 17 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1654     2441306.10 1971 Dec 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1655     2441306.12 1971 Dec 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1656     2441306.17 1971 Dec 20 1603:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1657     2441306.20 1971 Dec 20 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1658     2441306.20 1971 Dec 20 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1659     2441306.38 1971 Dec 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1660     2441307.17 1971 Dec 21 1557:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1661     2441307.19 1971 Dec 21 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1662     2441307.37 1971 Dec 21 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1663     2441308.00 1971 Dec 22 1204:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7122         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1664     2441308.10 1971 Dec 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1665     2441308.12 1971 Dec 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1666     2441308.16 1971 Dec 22 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1667     2441308.19 1971 Dec 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1668     2441308.37 1971 Dec 22 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1669     2441308.43 1971 Dec 22 2218:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7123         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1670     2441309.16 1971 Dec 23 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1671     2441309.38 1971 Dec 23 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1672     2441310.16 1971 Dec 24 1547:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1673     2441313.10 1971 Dec 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1674     2441313.38 1971 Dec 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1675     2441314.12 1971 Dec 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1676     2441314.19 1971 Dec 28 1636:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1677     2441314.31 1971 Dec 28 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1678     2441314.45 1971 Dec 28 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1679     2441315.10 1971 Dec 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1680     2441315.13 1971 Dec 29 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1681     2441315.15 1971 Dec 29 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1682     2441315.26 1971 Dec 29 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1683     2441315.37 1971 Dec 29 2055:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1684     2441315.40 1971 Dec 29 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1685     2441315.42 1971 Dec 29 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1686     2441316.12 1971 Dec 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1687     2441316.15 1971 Dec 30 1533:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1688     2441316.25 1971 Dec 30 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1689     2441316.37 1971 Dec 30 2047:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1690     2441316.38 1971 Dec 30 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1971-W1691     2441317.15 1971 Dec 31 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W05       2441320.11 1972 Jan  3 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W06       2441320.12 1972 Jan  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W07       2441320.23 1972 Jan  3 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W08       2441320.29 1972 Jan  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W09       2441320.35 1972 Jan  3 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W10       2441320.38 1972 Jan  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W11       2441321.15 1972 Jan  4 1542:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W12       2441321.37 1972 Jan  4 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W13       2441322.08 1972 Jan  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W14       2441322.10 1972 Jan  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W15       2441322.12 1972 Jan  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W16       2441322.16 1972 Jan  5 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W17       2441322.23 1972 Jan  5 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W18       2441322.33 1972 Jan  5 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W19       2441322.38 1972 Jan  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W20       2441322.40 1972 Jan  5 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W21       2441322.41 1972 Jan  5 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W22       2441322.48 1972 Jan  5 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W23       2441322.59 1972 Jan  6 0203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W24       2441323.24 1972 Jan  6 1751:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W25       2441323.28 1972 Jan  6 1837     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.92UI         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                SR13,471             -
1972-W26       2441323.29 1972 Jan  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W27       2441323.31 1972 Jan  6 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W28       2441323.35 1972 Jan  6 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W29       2441323.38 1972 Jan  6 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W30       2441323.48 1972 Jan  6 2324:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W31       2441323.50 1972 Jan  7 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W32       2441324.08 1972 Jan  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W33       2441324.12 1972 Jan  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W34       2441324.13 1972 Jan  7 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W35       2441324.20 1972 Jan  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W36       2441324.20 1972 Jan  7 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W37       2441324.24 1972 Jan  7 1741:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W38       2441324.33 1972 Jan  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W39       2441324.33 1972 Jan  7 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W40       2441324.40 1972 Jan  7 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W41       2441327.08 1972 Jan 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W42       2441327.17 1972 Jan 10 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W43       2441327.20 1972 Jan 10 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W44       2441327.28 1972 Jan 10 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W45       2441327.39 1972 Jan 10 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W46       2441328.10 1972 Jan 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W47       2441328.17 1972 Jan 11 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W48       2441328.24 1972 Jan 11 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W49       2441329.08 1972 Jan 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W50       2441329.10 1972 Jan 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W51       2441329.12 1972 Jan 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W52       2441329.13 1972 Jan 12 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W53       2441329.23 1972 Jan 12 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W54       2441329.29 1972 Jan 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W55       2441329.29 1972 Jan 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W56       2441329.34 1972 Jan 12 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W57       2441329.38 1972 Jan 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W58       2441329.39 1972 Jan 12 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M18       2441329.43 1972 Jan 12 2218     Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7201         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W59       2441329.46 1972 Jan 12 2300:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7202         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W60       2441330.16 1972 Jan 13 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W61       2441330.30 1972 Jan 13 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W62       2441330.31 1972 Jan 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W63       2441330.38 1972 Jan 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W64       2441331.08 1972 Jan 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W65       2441331.10 1972 Jan 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W66       2441331.12 1972 Jan 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W67       2441331.15 1972 Jan 14 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W68       2441331.21 1972 Jan 14 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W69       2441331.29 1972 Jan 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W70       2441331.45 1972 Jan 14 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W71       2441331.54 1972 Jan 15 0101:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W72       2441332.50 1972 Jan 15 2359     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.97UI         ATT-BA-4                 -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GSFC/NRCC    SS   HOUS/NRCC/Sheldon,Whal   Auroral                  FC                   SP-4017              -
1972-W73       2441332.50 1972 Jan 16 0000     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.98UI         -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    FC                   SP-4017              -
1972-W74       2441334.08 1972 Jan 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W75       2441334.10 1972 Jan 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W76       2441334.10 1972 Jan 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W77       2441334.12 1972 Jan 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W78       2441334.17 1972 Jan 17 1557:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W79       2441334.19 1972 Jan 17 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W80       2441334.23 1972 Jan 17 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W81       2441334.29 1972 Jan 17 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W82       2441334.38 1972 Jan 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W83       2441334.46 1972 Jan 17 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W84       2441335.16 1972 Jan 18 1551:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W85       2441335.18 1972 Jan 18 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W86       2441335.22 1972 Jan 18 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W87       2441335.35 1972 Jan 18 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W88       2441335.37 1972 Jan 18 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W89       2441335.58 1972 Jan 19 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1972-W90       2441336.10 1972 Jan 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W91       2441336.12 1972 Jan 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W92       2441336.16 1972 Jan 19 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W93       2441336.18 1972 Jan 19 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W94       2441336.23 1972 Jan 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W95       2441336.25 1972 Jan 19 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Ozone                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                IJRadioSP3,62        -
1972-W96       2441336.25 1972 Jan 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W97       2441336.31 1972 Jan 19 1930:00  Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1972-W98       2441336.36 1972 Jan 19 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W99       2441336.45 1972 Jan 19 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W100      2441336.45 1972 Jan 19 2244:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7201         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W101      2441336.56 1972 Jan 20 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W102      2441337.13 1972 Jan 20 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W103      2441337.15 1972 Jan 20 1542:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W104      2441337.40 1972 Jan 20 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W105      2441337.54 1972 Jan 21 0100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W106      2441338.08 1972 Jan 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W107      2441338.12 1972 Jan 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W108      2441338.15 1972 Jan 21 1542:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W109      2441338.21 1972 Jan 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W110      2441338.25 1972 Jan 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W111      2441338.25 1972 Jan 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W112      2441338.29 1972 Jan 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W113      2441338.31 1972 Jan 21 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W114      2441338.33 1972 Jan 21 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W115      2441338.36 1972 Jan 21 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W116      2441338.37 1972 Jan 21 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W117      2441338.38 1972 Jan 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W118      2441338.47 1972 Jan 21 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M19       2441338.58 1972 Jan 22 0153     Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7203         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W119      2441340.95 1972 Jan 24 1047:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7204         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W120      2441341.08 1972 Jan 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W121      2441341.10 1972 Jan 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W122      2441341.12 1972 Jan 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W123      2441341.15 1972 Jan 24 1541:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W124      2441341.20 1972 Jan 24 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W125      2441341.29 1972 Jan 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W126      2441341.46 1972 Jan 24 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W127      2441341.55 1972 Jan 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W128      2441341.57 1972 Jan 25 0147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W129      2441342.23 1972 Jan 25 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W130      2441342.25 1972 Jan 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W131      2441342.42 1972 Jan 25 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W132      2441342.98 1972 Jan 26 1134:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7202         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W133      2441343.08 1972 Jan 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W134      2441343.10 1972 Jan 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W135      2441343.12 1972 Jan 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W136      2441343.15 1972 Jan 26 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W137      2441343.22 1972 Jan 26 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W138      2441343.25 1972 Jan 26 1758:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W139      2441343.41 1972 Jan 26 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W140      2441343.43 1972 Jan 26 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W141      2441343.57 1972 Jan 27 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W142      2441344.17 1972 Jan 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W143      2441344.29 1972 Jan 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W144      2441344.31 1972 Jan 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W145      2441345.08 1972 Jan 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W146      2441345.12 1972 Jan 28 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W147      2441345.12 1972 Jan 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W148      2441345.16 1972 Jan 28 1544:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W149      2441345.17 1972 Jan 28 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W150      2441345.29 1972 Jan 28 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W151      2441345.35 1972 Jan 28 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W152      2441345.56 1972 Jan 29 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M01       2441348.06 1972 Jan 31 1322     Skua 2                   -      SK32T/C              ISRO-16.16               TERLS-409                -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 SRC          SS   PRL/SUSX/Rao,Martelli    Ionospheric Ba           WDCRF                -                    -
1972-W153      2441348.08 1972 Jan 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W154      2441348.12 1972 Jan 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W155      2441348.16 1972 Jan 31 1553:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W156      2441348.20 1972 Jan 31 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W157      2441348.30 1972 Jan 31 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W158      2441348.31 1972 Jan 31 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W159      2441348.33 1972 Jan 31 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W160      2441348.35 1972 Jan 31 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W161      2441348.46 1972 Jan 31 2256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W162      2441348.56 1972 Feb  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W163      2441349.16 1972 Feb  1 1547:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W164      2441349.23 1972 Feb  1 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W165      2441349.25 1972 Feb 01 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Ozone                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                IJRadioSP3,62        -
1972-W166      2441349.27 1972 Feb  1 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W167      2441349.27 1972 Feb  1 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W168      2441349.29 1972 Feb  1 1900     Arcas                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/                    Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1972-W169      2441349.31 1972 Feb  1 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W170      2441349.79 1972 Feb  2 0656     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T1            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1972-W171      2441349.98 1972 Feb  2 1134:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7203         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W172      2441350.08 1972 Feb  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W173      2441350.09 1972 Feb  2 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W174      2441350.15 1972 Feb  2 1543:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W175      2441350.20 1972 Feb  2 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W176      2441350.31 1972 Feb  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W177      2441350.38 1972 Feb  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W178      2441350.56 1972 Feb  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W179      2441351.16 1972 Feb  3 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W180      2441351.29 1972 Feb  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W181      2441352.08 1972 Feb  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W182      2441352.12 1972 Feb  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W183      2441352.16 1972 Feb  4 1548:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W184      2441352.20 1972 Feb  4 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W185      2441352.25 1972 Feb  4 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W186      2441352.29 1972 Feb  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W187      2441352.30 1972 Feb  4 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W188      2441352.50 1972 Feb  5 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W189      2441352.56 1972 Feb  5 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W190      2441354.78 1972 Feb  7 0645     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T2            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1972-W191      2441355.00 1972 Feb  7 1201:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W192      2441355.08 1972 Feb  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W193      2441355.10 1972 Feb  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W194      2441355.12 1972 Feb  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W195      2441355.17 1972 Feb  7 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W196      2441355.20 1972 Feb  7 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W197      2441355.30 1972 Feb  7 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W198      2441355.36 1972 Feb  7 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W199      2441355.50 1972 Feb  7 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W200      2441355.80 1972 Feb  8 0710:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W201      2441356.29 1972 Feb  8 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W202      2441356.29 1972 Feb  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W203      2441356.38 1972 Feb  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W204      2441356.98 1972 Feb  9 1133:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7204         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W205      2441357.08 1972 Feb  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W206      2441357.10 1972 Feb  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W207      2441357.12 1972 Feb  9 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W208      2441357.17 1972 Feb  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W209      2441357.27 1972 Feb  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W210      2441357.30 1972 Feb  9 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W211      2441357.30 1972 Feb  9 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W212      2441357.35 1972 Feb  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W213      2441357.42 1972 Feb  9 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W214      2441357.44 1972 Feb  9 2235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W215      2441357.46 1972 Feb  9 2301:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W216      2441357.47 1972 Feb  9 2323:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7205         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W217      2441357.55 1972 Feb 10 0117:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W218      2441357.56 1972 Feb 10 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W219      2441358.17 1972 Feb 10 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W220      2441358.31 1972 Feb 10 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W221      2441358.67 1972 Feb 11 0402:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W222      2441359.04 1972 Feb 11 1252:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7206         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W223      2441359.08 1972 Feb 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W224      2441359.10 1972 Feb 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W225      2441359.12 1972 Feb 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W226      2441359.20 1972 Feb 11 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W227      2441359.23 1972 Feb 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W228      2441359.24 1972 Feb 11 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W229      2441359.25 1972 Feb 11 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Ozone                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                IJRadioSP3,62        -
1972-W230      2441359.26 1972 Feb 11 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W231      2441359.33 1972 Feb 11 1948:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W232      2441359.38 1972 Feb 11 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W233      2441359.56 1972 Feb 12 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W234      2441359.78 1972 Feb 12 0648:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W235      2441362.06 1972 Feb 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W236      2441362.11 1972 Feb 14 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W237      2441362.12 1972 Feb 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W238      2441362.13 1972 Feb 14 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W239      2441362.16 1972 Feb 14 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W240      2441362.29 1972 Feb 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W241      2441362.38 1972 Feb 14 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W242      2441362.44 1972 Feb 14 2233:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7207         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W243      2441362.75 1972 Feb 15 0555:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W244      2441363.18 1972 Feb 15 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W245      2441363.24 1972 Feb 15 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W246      2441363.29 1972 Feb 15 1901:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W247      2441363.50 1972 Feb 16 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W248      2441363.98 1972 Feb 16 1130:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7208         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W249      2441364.08 1972 Feb 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W250      2441364.10 1972 Feb 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W251      2441364.10 1972 Feb 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W252      2441364.11 1972 Feb 16 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W253      2441364.12 1972 Feb 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W254      2441364.16 1972 Feb 16 1545:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W255      2441364.17 1972 Feb 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W256      2441364.31 1972 Feb 16 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W257      2441364.40 1972 Feb 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W258      2441365.17 1972 Feb 17 1606:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W259      2441365.42 1972 Feb 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W260      2441365.43 1972 Feb 17 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W261      2441365.98 1972 Feb 18 1137:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7209         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W262      2441366.08 1972 Feb 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W263      2441366.12 1972 Feb 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W264      2441366.14 1972 Feb 18 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W265      2441366.16 1972 Feb 18 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W266      2441366.16 1972 Feb 18 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W267      2441366.40 1972 Feb 18 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W268      2441366.54 1972 Feb 19 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W269      2441369.10 1972 Feb 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W270      2441370.12 1972 Feb 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W271      2441370.16 1972 Feb 22 1552:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W272      2441370.21 1972 Feb 22 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W273      2441370.36 1972 Feb 22 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W274      2441370.92 1972 Feb 23 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W275      2441370.99 1972 Feb 23 1140:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7210         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W276      2441371.08 1972 Feb 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W277      2441371.12 1972 Feb 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W278      2441371.16 1972 Feb 23 1547:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W279      2441371.23 1972 Feb 23 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W280      2441371.29 1972 Feb 23 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W281      2441371.33 1972 Feb 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W282      2441371.34 1972 Feb 23 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W283      2441371.56 1972 Feb 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W284      2441372.15 1972 Feb 24 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W285      2441372.16 1972 Feb 24 1551:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W286      2441372.16 1972 Feb 24 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W287      2441372.25 1972 Feb 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W288      2441372.31 1972 Feb 24 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W289      2441372.38 1972 Feb 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W290      2441373.08 1972 Feb 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W291      2441373.12 1972 Feb 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W292      2441373.15 1972 Feb 25 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W293      2441373.22 1972 Feb 25 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W294      2441373.25 1972 Feb 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W295      2441373.38 1972 Feb 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W296      2441373.40 1972 Feb 25 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W297      2441373.56 1972 Feb 26 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W298      2441376.12 1972 Feb 28 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W299      2441376.12 1972 Feb 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W300      2441376.16 1972 Feb 28 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W301      2441376.17 1972 Feb 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W302      2441376.31 1972 Feb 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W303      2441376.33 1972 Feb 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W304      2441376.56 1972 Feb 29 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W305      2441378.11 1972 Mar  1 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W306      2441378.11 1972 Mar  1 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W307      2441378.12 1972 Mar  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W308      2441378.16 1972 Mar  1 1545:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W309      2441378.26 1972 Mar  1 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W310      2441378.31 1972 Mar  1 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W311      2441378.35 1972 Mar  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W312      2441378.56 1972 Mar  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W313      2441379.16 1972 Mar  2 1551:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W314      2441379.42 1972 Mar  2 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W315      2441380.10 1972 Mar  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W316      2441380.12 1972 Mar  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W317      2441380.15 1972 Mar  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W318      2441380.17 1972 Mar  3 1600:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W319      2441380.18 1972 Mar  3 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W320      2441380.26 1972 Mar  3 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W321      2441380.29 1972 Mar  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W322      2441380.32 1972 Mar  3 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W323      2441380.39 1972 Mar  3 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M02       2441382.11 1972 Mar  5 1435     Sandhawk Tomahawk        -      DLR T-DH-43          ISRO 21.01               TERLS-420 Dual Hawk      -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISRO/DLR     SF   MPE/PRL/UCB/Haeren.,Rao  Ionos                    Moraba               Powell               EquSpreadF
1972-W325      2441383.19 1972 Mar  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W326      2441383.19 1972 Mar  6 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W327      2441383.25 1972 Mar  6 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 3/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WSMR/Olson               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1972-W328      2441383.27 1972 Mar  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W329      2441383.29 1972 Mar  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W330      2441383.33 1972 Mar  6 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W331      2441383.37 1972 Mar  6 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W332      2441383.38 1972 Mar  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W333      2441384.09 1972 Mar  7 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W334      2441384.68 1972 Mar  8 0418:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W335      2441385.08 1972 Mar  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W336      2441385.12 1972 Mar  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W337      2441385.12 1972 Mar  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W338      2441385.19 1972 Mar  8 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W339      2441385.28 1972 Mar  8 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W340      2441385.29 1972 Mar  8 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W341      2441385.29 1972 Mar  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W342      2441386.59 1972 Mar 10 0214:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W343      2441387.08 1972 Mar 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W344      2441387.08 1972 Mar 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W345      2441387.12 1972 Mar 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W346      2441387.12 1972 Mar 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W347      2441387.15 1972 Mar 10 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W348      2441387.19 1972 Mar 10 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W349      2441387.22 1972 Mar 10 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W350      2441387.40 1972 Mar 10 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W351      2441387.56 1972 Mar 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W352      2441387.57 1972 Mar 11 0145:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M03       2441388.11 1972 Mar 11 1438     Sandhawk Tomahawk        -      DLT T-DH-44          ISRO 21.02               TERLS-424 Dual Hawk      -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISRO/DLR     SF   MPE/PRL/UCB/Haeren.l,Rao Ionos                    Moraba               Powell               EquSpreadF
1972-W353      2441390.08 1972 Mar 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W354      2441390.12 1972 Mar 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W355      2441390.16 1972 Mar 13 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W356      2441390.23 1972 Mar 13 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W357      2441390.29 1972 Mar 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W358      2441392.00 1972 Mar 15 1157:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7205         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W359      2441392.08 1972 Mar 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W360      2441392.10 1972 Mar 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W361      2441392.12 1972 Mar 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W362      2441392.15 1972 Mar 15 1533:00  Loki Dart                -      T1-5939              Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1972-W363      2441392.15 1972 Mar 15 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W364      2441392.18 1972 Mar 15 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W365      2441392.21 1972 Mar 15 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W366      2441392.26 1972 Mar 15 1808     Super Arcas              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           FDC/Ulrich           -
1972-W367      2441392.29 1972 Mar 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W368      2441392.33 1972 Mar 15 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W369      2441392.34 1972 Mar 15 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W370      2441392.38 1972 Mar 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W371      2441392.51 1972 Mar 16 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W372      2441392.56 1972 Mar 16 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W373      2441392.59 1972 Mar 16 0203:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W374      2441392.60 1972 Mar 16 0219:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W375      2441393.11 1972 Mar 16 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W376      2441393.12 1972 Mar 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M26       2441393.14 1972 Mar 16 1516     MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    FDC                  -                    -
1972-W377      2441393.17 1972 Mar 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W378      2441393.17 1972 Mar 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W379      2441393.29 1972 Mar 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W380      2441394.08 1972 Mar 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W381      2441394.12 1972 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W382      2441394.12 1972 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W383      2441394.14 1972 Mar 17 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W384      2441394.17 1972 Mar 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W385      2441394.17 1972 Mar 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W386      2441394.25 1972 Mar 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W387      2441394.33 1972 Mar 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W388      2441394.35 1972 Mar 17 2026:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W389      2441394.56 1972 Mar 18 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W390      2441397.08 1972 Mar 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W391      2441397.08 1972 Mar 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W392      2441397.10 1972 Mar 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W393      2441397.12 1972 Mar 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W394      2441397.23 1972 Mar 20 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W395      2441397.23 1972 Mar 20 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W396      2441397.29 1972 Mar 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W397      2441397.31 1972 Mar 20 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W399      2441397.33 1972 Mar 20 2000:00  Loki Dart                -      T1-5549              Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1972-W398      2441397.33 1972 Mar 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M25       2441397.36 1972 Mar 20 2032     MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    FDC                  -                    -
1972-W400      2441397.56 1972 Mar 21 0132:59  Loki Dart                -      T1-5950              Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1972-W401      2441398.81 1972 Mar 22 0732:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W402      2441398.98 1972 Mar 22 1137:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7206         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W403      2441399.08 1972 Mar 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W404      2441399.08 1972 Mar 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W405      2441399.10 1972 Mar 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W406      2441399.12 1972 Mar 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W407      2441399.18 1972 Mar 22 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W408      2441399.22 1972 Mar 22 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W409      2441399.32 1972 Mar 22 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W410      2441399.38 1972 Mar 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W411      2441399.56 1972 Mar 23 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W412      2441400.01 1972 Mar 23 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W413      2441400.60 1972 Mar 24 0224:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W414      2441401.03 1972 Mar 24 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W415      2441401.08 1972 Mar 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W416      2441401.10 1972 Mar 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W417      2441401.12 1972 Mar 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W418      2441401.26 1972 Mar 24 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W419      2441401.29 1972 Mar 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W420      2441401.33 1972 Mar 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W421      2441401.57 1972 Mar 25 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W422      2441401.64 1972 Mar 25 0319:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W423      2441404.01 1972 Mar 27 1219:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W424      2441404.08 1972 Mar 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W425      2441404.12 1972 Mar 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W426      2441404.20 1972 Mar 27 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W427      2441404.28 1972 Mar 27 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W428      2441404.33 1972 Mar 27 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W429      2441404.33 1972 Mar 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W430      2441404.56 1972 Mar 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W431      2441404.86 1972 Mar 28 0832:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W432      2441406.00 1972 Mar 29 1202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W433      2441406.08 1972 Mar 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W434      2441406.12 1972 Mar 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W435      2441406.23 1972 Mar 29 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W436      2441406.28 1972 Mar 29 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M04       2441406.35 1972 Mar 29 2024     Bullpup Apache           -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NSF/UAF      SS   DENV/Barcas              Particles                WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1972-W437      2441406.36 1972 Mar 29 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W438      2441406.40 1972 Mar 29 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W439      2441406.56 1972 Mar 30 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W440      2441406.89 1972 Mar 30 0924:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W441      2441407.12 1972 Mar 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W442      2441407.29 1972 Mar 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W443      2441407.32 1972 Mar 30 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W444      2441407.90 1972 Mar 31 0933:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W445      2441408.00 1972 Mar 31 1156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W446      2441408.08 1972 Mar 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W447      2441408.11 1972 Mar 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W448      2441408.33 1972 Mar 31 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W449      2441408.38 1972 Mar 31 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W450      2441408.56 1972 Apr  1 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W451      2441411.00 1972 Apr  3 1159:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W452      2441411.08 1972 Apr  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W453      2441411.08 1972 Apr  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W454      2441411.12 1972 Apr  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W455      2441411.16 1972 Apr  3 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W456      2441411.17 1972 Apr  3 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W457      2441411.29 1972 Apr  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W458      2441411.33 1972 Apr  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W459      2441411.57 1972 Apr  4 0147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W460      2441412.30 1972 Apr  4 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W461      2441413.00 1972 Apr  5 1155:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7207         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W462      2441413.08 1972 Apr  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W463      2441413.10 1972 Apr  5 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W464      2441413.12 1972 Apr  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W465      2441413.13 1972 Apr  5 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W466      2441413.16 1972 Apr  5 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W467      2441413.21 1972 Apr  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W468      2441413.31 1972 Apr  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W469      2441413.56 1972 Apr  6 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W470      2441413.90 1972 Apr  6 0932:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W471      2441414.22 1972 Apr  6 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W472      2441415.08 1972 Apr  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W473      2441415.10 1972 Apr  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W474      2441415.11 1972 Apr  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W475      2441415.12 1972 Apr  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W476      2441415.14 1972 Apr  7 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W477      2441415.29 1972 Apr  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W478      2441415.56 1972 Apr  8 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W479      2441415.88 1972 Apr  8 0913:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W480      2441418.08 1972 Apr 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W481      2441418.10 1972 Apr 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W482      2441418.12 1972 Apr 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W483      2441418.12 1972 Apr 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W484      2441418.19 1972 Apr 10 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W485      2441418.30 1972 Apr 10 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W486      2441418.34 1972 Apr 10 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W487      2441418.40 1972 Apr 10 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W488      2441418.56 1972 Apr 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W489      2441419.21 1972 Apr 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W490      2441419.66 1972 Apr 12 0345:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W491      2441419.98 1972 Apr 12 1137:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7208         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W492      2441420.08 1972 Apr 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W493      2441420.10 1972 Apr 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W494      2441420.12 1972 Apr 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W495      2441420.13 1972 Apr 12 1510:00  Viper-Dart               -      T 1-5765             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           [FDC1501]
1972-W496      2441420.20 1972 Apr 12 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W497      2441420.29 1972 Apr 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W498      2441420.57 1972 Apr 13 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W499      2441420.72 1972 Apr 13 0512:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W500      2441422.04 1972 Apr 14 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W501      2441422.08 1972 Apr 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W502      2441422.12 1972 Apr 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W503      2441422.16 1972 Apr 14 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W504      2441422.17 1972 Apr 14 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W505      2441422.28 1972 Apr 14 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W506      2441422.33 1972 Apr 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W507      2441422.66 1972 Apr 15 0356:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W508      2441423.04 1972 Apr 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W509      2441424.31 1972 Apr 16 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W510      2441425.08 1972 Apr 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W511      2441425.10 1972 Apr 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W512      2441425.12 1972 Apr 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W513      2441425.22 1972 Apr 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W514      2441425.26 1972 Apr 17 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W515      2441425.31 1972 Apr 17 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W516      2441425.33 1972 Apr 17 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W517      2441425.40 1972 Apr 17 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W518      2441425.56 1972 Apr 18 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W519      2441426.14 1972 Apr 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W520      2441426.30 1972 Apr 18 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W521      2441427.08 1972 Apr 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W522      2441427.10 1972 Apr 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W523      2441427.12 1972 Apr 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W524      2441427.17 1972 Apr 19 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W525      2441427.19 1972 Apr 19 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W526      2441427.29 1972 Apr 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W527      2441427.31 1972 Apr 19 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W528      2441427.50 1972 Apr 20 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W529      2441427.67 1972 Apr 20 0409:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W530      2441428.25 1972 Apr 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W531      2441429.08 1972 Apr 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W532      2441429.10 1972 Apr 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W533      2441429.12 1972 Apr 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W534      2441429.25 1972 Apr 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W535      2441429.29 1972 Apr 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W536      2441429.56 1972 Apr 22 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W537      2441429.64 1972 Apr 22 0317:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W538      2441432.08 1972 Apr 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W539      2441432.15 1972 Apr 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W540      2441432.17 1972 Apr 24 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W541      2441432.19 1972 Apr 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W542      2441432.23 1972 Apr 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W543      2441432.31 1972 Apr 24 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W544      2441432.34 1972 Apr 24 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W545      2441432.35 1972 Apr 24 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W546      2441432.56 1972 Apr 25 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W547      2441432.67 1972 Apr 25 0359:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W548      2441433.12 1972 Apr 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W549      2441433.19 1972 Apr 25 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W550      2441433.19 1972 Apr 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W551      2441434.10 1972 Apr 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W552      2441434.12 1972 Apr 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W553      2441434.15 1972 Apr 26 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W554      2441434.20 1972 Apr 26 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W555      2441434.29 1972 Apr 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W556      2441434.42 1972 Apr 26 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W557      2441434.54 1972 Apr 27 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W558      2441434.57 1972 Apr 27 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W559      2441434.68 1972 Apr 27 0424:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W560      2441435.29 1972 Apr 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W561      2441435.31 1972 Apr 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Density gauge            -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W562      2441436.08 1972 Apr 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W563      2441436.10 1972 Apr 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W564      2441436.12 1972 Apr 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W565      2441436.15 1972 Apr 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W566      2441436.15 1972 Apr 28 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W567      2441436.27 1972 Apr 28 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W568      2441436.29 1972 Apr 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W569      2441436.29 1972 Apr 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W570      2441436.40 1972 Apr 28 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W571      2441436.55 1972 Apr 29 0110:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W572      2441439.07 1972 May  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W573      2441439.08 1972 May  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W574      2441439.08 1972 May  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W575      2441439.12 1972 May  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W576      2441439.15 1972 May  1 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W577      2441439.28 1972 May  1 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W578      2441439.32 1972 May  1 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W579      2441439.38 1972 May  1 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W580      2441439.46 1972 May  1 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W581      2441439.56 1972 May  2 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W582      2441441.04 1972 May  3 1300:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7211         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W583      2441441.08 1972 May  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W584      2441441.11 1972 May  3 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W585      2441441.11 1972 May  3 1444:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W586      2441441.12 1972 May  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W587      2441441.12 1972 May  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W588      2441441.15 1972 May  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W589      2441441.23 1972 May  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W590      2441441.29 1972 May  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W591      2441441.33 1972 May  3 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W592      2441441.44 1972 May  3 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W593      2441441.56 1972 May  4 0131:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W594      2441442.14 1972 May  4 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W595      2441442.21 1972 May  4 1700     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.91GM         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4017              -
1972-W597      2441443.07 1972 May  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W598      2441443.08 1972 May  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W599      2441443.12 1972 May  5 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W600      2441443.12 1972 May  5 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W601      2441443.12 1972 May  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W602      2441443.15 1972 May  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W603      2441443.15 1972 May  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W604      2441443.29 1972 May  5 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W605      2441443.32 1972 May  5 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W606      2441443.33 1972 May  5 1955:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W607      2441443.39 1972 May  5 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W608      2441443.57 1972 May  6 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W609      2441446.07 1972 May  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W610      2441446.08 1972 May  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W611      2441446.08 1972 May  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W612      2441446.10 1972 May  8 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W613      2441446.11 1972 May  8 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W614      2441446.12 1972 May  8 1452:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W615      2441446.12 1972 May  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W616      2441446.21 1972 May  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W617      2441446.31 1972 May  8 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W618      2441446.32 1972 May  8 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W619      2441446.37 1972 May  8 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W620      2441446.56 1972 May  9 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W621      2441447.09 1972 May  9 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W622      2441447.12 1972 May  9 1454:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W596      2441448.05 1972 May 10 1308:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7211         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               DSI-5850             -
1972-W623      2441448.08 1972 May 10 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W624      2441448.08 1972 May 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W625      2441448.08 1972 May 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W626      2441448.11 1972 May 10 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W627      2441448.11 1972 May 10 1445:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W628      2441448.21 1972 May 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W629      2441448.29 1972 May 10 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W630      2441448.29 1972 May 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W631      2441448.38 1972 May 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W632      2441448.57 1972 May 11 0136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W633      2441449.12 1972 May 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W634      2441449.21 1972 May 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W635      2441450.07 1972 May 12 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W636      2441450.08 1972 May 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W637      2441450.08 1972 May 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W638      2441450.11 1972 May 12 1442:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W639      2441450.12 1972 May 12 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W640      2441450.12 1972 May 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W641      2441450.15 1972 May 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W642      2441450.41 1972 May 12 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W643      2441450.56 1972 May 13 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W644      2441453.08 1972 May 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W645      2441453.10 1972 May 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W646      2441453.11 1972 May 15 1440:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W647      2441453.12 1972 May 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W648      2441453.17 1972 May 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W649      2441453.25 1972 May 15 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W650      2441453.27 1972 May 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W651      2441453.38 1972 May 15 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W652      2441454.08 1972 May 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W653      2441454.13 1972 May 16 1511     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.99GM         -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4017              -
1972-W654      2441455.04 1972 May 17 1251:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7212         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W655      2441455.07 1972 May 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W656      2441455.08 1972 May 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W657      2441455.09 1972 May 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W658      2441455.10 1972 May 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W659      2441455.11 1972 May 17 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W660      2441455.12 1972 May 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W661      2441455.20 1972 May 17 1654:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W662      2441455.21 1972 May 17 1707:00  Viper-Dart               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           [FDC1800Z]
1972-W663      2441455.23 1972 May 17 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W664      2441455.27 1972 May 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W665      2441455.39 1972 May 17 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W666      2441455.46 1972 May 17 2255:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W667      2441455.47 1972 May 17 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W668      2441456.11 1972 May 18 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W669      2441456.12 1972 May 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W670      2441456.26 1972 May 18 1810:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W671      2441457.06 1972 May 19 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W672      2441457.08 1972 May 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W673      2441457.10 1972 May 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W674      2441457.12 1972 May 19 1451:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W675      2441457.12 1972 May 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W676      2441457.17 1972 May 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W677      2441457.38 1972 May 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W678      2441460.12 1972 May 22 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W679      2441460.12 1972 May 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W680      2441460.15 1972 May 22 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W681      2441460.21 1972 May 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W682      2441460.29 1972 May 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLY     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W683      2441460.38 1972 May 22 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W684      2441460.56 1972 May 23 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W685      2441461.13 1972 May 23 1502     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.100GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                SP-4017              -
1972-M20       2441462.00 1972 May 24 1206     Loki Dart                -      INTA HT-7201         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W686      2441462.08 1972 May 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W687      2441462.11 1972 May 24 1435:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W688      2441462.11 1972 May 24 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W689      2441462.12 1972 May 24 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W690      2441462.18 1972 May 24 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W691      2441462.18 1972 May 24 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W692      2441462.23 1972 May 24 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W693      2441462.31 1972 May 24 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W694      2441463.16 1972 May 25 1552:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W695      2441464.08 1972 May 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W696      2441464.08 1972 May 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W697      2441464.10 1972 May 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W698      2441464.10 1972 May 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W699      2441464.11 1972 May 26 1443:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W700      2441464.12 1972 May 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W701      2441464.25 1972 May 26 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W702      2441464.27 1972 May 26 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W703      2441464.29 1972 May 26 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W704      2441464.37 1972 May 26 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W705      2441467.20 1972 May 29 1647:59  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W706      2441468.12 1972 May 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W707      2441468.21 1972 May 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W708      2441468.28 1972 May 30 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W709      2441468.39 1972 May 30 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W710      2441468.50 1972 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W711      2441468.50 1972 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W712      2441468.50 1972 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W713      2441468.50 1972 Jun             Judi-Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-M05       2441468.50 1972 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1972-M06       2441468.50 1972 Jun             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1972-W714      2441468.93 1972 May 31 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W715      2441469.06 1972 May 31 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W716      2441469.07 1972 May 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W717      2441469.08 1972 May 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W718      2441469.09 1972 May 31 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W719      2441469.11 1972 May 31 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W720      2441469.11 1972 May 31 1442:00  Judi-Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W721      2441469.11 1972 May 31 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W722      2441469.12 1972 May 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W723      2441469.18 1972 May 31 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W724      2441469.24 1972 May 31 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W725      2441469.26 1972 May 31 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W726      2441469.40 1972 May 31 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W727      2441469.50 1972 Jun  1 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W728      2441470.66 1972 Jun  2 0345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W729      2441470.86 1972 Jun  2 0832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W730      2441471.08 1972 Jun  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W731      2441471.08 1972 Jun  2 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W732      2441471.12 1972 Jun  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W733      2441471.17 1972 Jun  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W734      2441471.29 1972 Jun  2 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W735      2441471.38 1972 Jun  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W736      2441471.42 1972 Jun  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W737      2441471.56 1972 Jun  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W738      2441471.68 1972 Jun  3 0424:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W739      2441474.07 1972 Jun  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W740      2441474.08 1972 Jun  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W741      2441474.12 1972 Jun  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W742      2441474.13 1972 Jun  5 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W743      2441474.23 1972 Jun  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W744      2441474.31 1972 Jun  5 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W745      2441474.48 1972 Jun  5 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W746      2441476.08 1972 Jun  7 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W747      2441476.08 1972 Jun  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W748      2441476.10 1972 Jun  7 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W749      2441476.10 1972 Jun  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W750      2441476.12 1972 Jun  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W751      2441476.23 1972 Jun  7 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W752      2441476.24 1972 Jun  7 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W753      2441476.38 1972 Jun  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W754      2441476.50 1972 Jun  7 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W755      2441477.45 1972 Jun  8 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W756      2441478.08 1972 Jun  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W757      2441478.08 1972 Jun  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W758      2441478.09 1972 Jun  9 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W759      2441478.12 1972 Jun  9 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W760      2441478.12 1972 Jun  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W761      2441478.29 1972 Jun  9 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W762      2441478.38 1972 Jun  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W763      2441478.41 1972 Jun  9 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W764      2441478.50 1972 Jun  9 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W765      2441480.92 1972 Jun 12 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W766      2441481.04 1972 Jun 12 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W767      2441481.12 1972 Jun 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W768      2441481.17 1972 Jun 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W769      2441481.17 1972 Jun 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W770      2441481.26 1972 Jun 12 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W771      2441481.29 1972 Jun 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W772      2441481.39 1972 Jun 12 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W773      2441481.44 1972 Jun 12 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W774      2441482.05 1972 Jun 13 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W775      2441482.15 1972 Jun 13 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W776      2441483.04 1972 Jun 14 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W777      2441483.07 1972 Jun 14 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W778      2441483.08 1972 Jun 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W779      2441483.11 1972 Jun 14 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W780      2441483.12 1972 Jun 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W781      2441483.17 1972 Jun 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W782      2441483.41 1972 Jun 14 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W783      2441483.42 1972 Jun 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W784      2441483.50 1972 Jun 14 2354:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W785      2441484.11 1972 Jun 15 1438:59  Viper-Dart               -      T 1-5795             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           FDC1540Z
1972-W786      2441484.16 1972 Jun 15 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W787      2441484.26 1972 Jun 15 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W788      2441484.32 1972 Jun 15 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W789      2441485.08 1972 Jun 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W790      2441485.12 1972 Jun 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W791      2441485.12 1972 Jun 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W792      2441485.16 1972 Jun 16 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W793      2441485.17 1972 Jun 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W794      2441485.40 1972 Jun 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W795      2441485.42 1972 Jun 16 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W796      2441485.49 1972 Jun 16 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W797      2441485.53 1972 Jun 17 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W798      2441486.12 1972 Jun 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W799      2441487.12 1972 Jun 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W800      2441488.12 1972 Jun 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W801      2441488.17 1972 Jun 19 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W802      2441488.19 1972 Jun 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W803      2441488.22 1972 Jun 19 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W804      2441488.29 1972 Jun 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W805      2441488.34 1972 Jun 19 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W806      2441488.44 1972 Jun 19 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W807      2441488.49 1972 Jun 19 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W808      2441489.09 1972 Jun 20 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W809      2441489.15 1972 Jun 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W810      2441489.23 1972 Jun 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W811      2441490.10 1972 Jun 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W812      2441490.14 1972 Jun 21 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W813      2441490.16 1972 Jun 21 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W814      2441490.17 1972 Jun 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W815      2441490.23 1972 Jun 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W816      2441490.45 1972 Jun 21 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W817      2441490.50 1972 Jun 21 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W818      2441491.08 1972 Jun 22 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W819      2441491.12 1972 Jun 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W820      2441491.15 1972 Jun 22 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W821      2441491.16 1972 Jun 22 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W822      2441491.22 1972 Jun 22 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M07       2441491.50 1972 Jun 23          Spartan ABM              -      800026               SAFEGUARD M2-19          -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 SAFSC        MS   -                        Interceptor              Safeguard            -                    -
1972-W823      2441492.06 1972 Jun 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W824      2441492.12 1972 Jun 23 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W825      2441492.12 1972 Jun 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W826      2441492.12 1972 Jun 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W827      2441492.28 1972 Jun 23 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W828      2441492.43 1972 Jun 23 2221:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W829      2441492.49 1972 Jun 23 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W830      2441493.12 1972 Jun 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W831      2441495.08 1972 Jun 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W832      2441495.12 1972 Jun 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W833      2441495.20 1972 Jun 26 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W834      2441495.27 1972 Jun 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W835      2441495.46 1972 Jun 26 2303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W836      2441495.52 1972 Jun 27 0026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W837      2441497.07 1972 Jun 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W838      2441497.12 1972 Jun 28 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W839      2441497.14 1972 Jun 28 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W840      2441497.15 1972 Jun 28 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W841      2441497.19 1972 Jun 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W842      2441497.27 1972 Jun 28 1825     Arcas                    -      L1-5480              Stokes Flow Para         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     CR-112251            -                    -
1972-W843      2441497.27 1972 Jun 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W844      2441497.49 1972 Jun 28 2348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W845      2441498.08 1972 Jun 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W846      2441498.09 1972 Jun 29 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W847      2441498.21 1972 Jun 29 1708     Arcas                    -      L1-5481              Stokes Flow Para         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     CR-112251            -                    -
1972-W848      2441498.28 1972 Jun 29 1841     Arcas                    -      L1-5482              Stokes Flow Para         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     CR-112251            -                    -
1972-W1576     2441498.50 1972 Jul             Skua                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GAN      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/Bridge              Meteor                   GAN Post720710       -                    -
1972-W849      2441499.07 1972 Jun 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W850      2441499.08 1972 Jun 30 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W851      2441499.13 1972 Jun 30 1508     Arcas                    -      L1-5483              Stokes Flow Para         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/                    Test                     CR-112251            -                    -
1972-W852      2441499.31 1972 Jun 30 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W853      2441499.34 1972 Jun 30 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W854      2441499.37 1972 Jun 30 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W855      2441499.49 1972 Jun 30 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W856      2441502.06 1972 Jul  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W857      2441502.07 1972 Jul  3 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W858      2441502.12 1972 Jul  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W859      2441502.25 1972 Jul  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W860      2441504.06 1972 Jul  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W861      2441504.11 1972 Jul  5 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W862      2441504.12 1972 Jul  5 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W863      2441504.12 1972 Jul  5 1457:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W864      2441504.12 1972 Jul  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W865      2441504.12 1972 Jul  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W866      2441504.28 1972 Jul  5 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W867      2441504.38 1972 Jul  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W868      2441504.52 1972 Jul  6 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W869      2441505.09 1972 Jul  6 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W870      2441505.12 1972 Jul  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W871      2441506.06 1972 Jul  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W872      2441506.07 1972 Jul  7 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W873      2441506.09 1972 Jul  7 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W874      2441506.10 1972 Jul  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W875      2441506.13 1972 Jul  7 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W876      2441506.14 1972 Jul  7 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W877      2441506.17 1972 Jul  7 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W878      2441506.21 1972 Jul  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W879      2441506.27 1972 Jul  7 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W880      2441506.38 1972 Jul  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W881      2441507.12 1972 Jul  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W882      2441509.06 1972 Jul 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W883      2441509.07 1972 Jul 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W884      2441509.12 1972 Jul 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W885      2441509.20 1972 Jul 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W886      2441509.21 1972 Jul 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W887      2441509.31 1972 Jul 10 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W888      2441509.39 1972 Jul 10 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W889      2441509.60 1972 Jul 11 0220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M24       2441510.14 1972 Jul 11 1523     Arcas                    -      T1-5999              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W890      2441510.27 1972 Jul 11 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W891      2441511.07 1972 Jul 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W892      2441511.12 1972 Jul 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W893      2441511.13 1972 Jul 12 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W894      2441511.14 1972 Jul 12 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W895      2441511.20 1972 Jul 12 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W896      2441511.27 1972 Jul 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W897      2441511.30 1972 Jul 12 1907     Black Brant VI           ?      RDT&E?               MDSS FP-019              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W898      2441511.37 1972 Jul 12 2052     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-020              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W899      2441511.44 1972 Jul 12 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W900      2441511.48 1972 Jul 12 2335     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-021              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W901      2441511.53 1972 Jul 13 0046     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-025              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W902      2441512.31 1972 Jul 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W903      2441512.33 1972 Jul 13 1952     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-029              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W904      2441512.40 1972 Jul 13 2134     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-027              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W905      2441512.48 1972 Jul 13 2330     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-026              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W906      2441513.07 1972 Jul 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W907      2441513.08 1972 Jul 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W908      2441513.10 1972 Jul 14 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W909      2441513.12 1972 Jul 14 1453     Black Brant VI           ?      -                    MDSS FP-024              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 BAL          SS   BAL/                     Test                     FC                   -                    -
1972-W910      2441513.12 1972 Jul 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W911      2441513.19 1972 Jul 14 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W912      2441513.42 1972 Jul 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W913      2441516.07 1972 Jul 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W914      2441516.08 1972 Jul 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W915      2441516.08 1972 Jul 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W916      2441516.12 1972 Jul 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W917      2441516.19 1972 Jul 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W918      2441516.24 1972 Jul 17 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W919      2441516.27 1972 Jul 17 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W920      2441516.29 1972 Jul 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W921      2441516.42 1972 Jul 17 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W922      2441517.04 1972 Jul 18 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W923      2441517.08 1972 Jul 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W924      2441518.08 1972 Jul 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W925      2441518.10 1972 Jul 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W926      2441518.10 1972 Jul 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W927      2441518.12 1972 Jul 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W928      2441518.13 1972 Jul 19 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M17       2441518.17 1972 Jul 19 1604     Viper-Dart               -      T 1-5798             Starute,Datasonde        T1-5798                  -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W929      2441518.20 1972 Jul 19 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W930      2441518.20 1972 Jul 19 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W931      2441518.21 1972 Jul 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W932      2441518.21 1972 Jul 19 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W933      2441518.22 1972 Jul 19 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W934      2441518.25 1972 Jul 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W935      2441518.38 1972 Jul 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W936      2441520.07 1972 Jul 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W937      2441520.08 1972 Jul 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W938      2441520.08 1972 Jul 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W939      2441520.11 1972 Jul 21 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W940      2441520.12 1972 Jul 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W941      2441520.22 1972 Jul 21 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W942      2441520.26 1972 Jul 21 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W943      2441520.28 1972 Jul 21 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W944      2441520.30 1972 Jul 21 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W945      2441520.42 1972 Jul 21 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W946      2441523.07 1972 Jul 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W947      2441523.08 1972 Jul 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W948      2441523.12 1972 Jul 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W949      2441523.19 1972 Jul 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W950      2441523.27 1972 Jul 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W951      2441523.30 1972 Jul 24 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W952      2441523.42 1972 Jul 24 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W953      2441524.08 1972 Jul 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W954      2441524.08 1972 Jul 25 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W955      2441524.12 1972 Jul 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W956      2441524.17 1972 Jul 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W957      2441524.62 1972 Jul 26 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W958      2441525.06 1972 Jul 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W959      2441525.07 1972 Jul 26 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W960      2441525.09 1972 Jul 26 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W961      2441525.09 1972 Jul 26 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W962      2441525.11 1972 Jul 26 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W963      2441525.14 1972 Jul 26 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W964      2441525.18 1972 Jul 26 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W965      2441525.20 1972 Jul 26 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W966      2441525.25 1972 Jul 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W967      2441525.27 1972 Jul 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W968      2441525.38 1972 Jul 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W969      2441525.50 1972 Jul 27 0007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W970      2441526.25 1972 Jul 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W971      2441527.07 1972 Jul 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W972      2441527.11 1972 Jul 28 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W973      2441527.12 1972 Jul 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W974      2441527.17 1972 Jul 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W975      2441527.24 1972 Jul 28 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W976      2441527.25 1972 Jul 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W977      2441527.28 1972 Jul 28 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W978      2441527.30 1972 Jul 28 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W979      2441527.43 1972 Jul 28 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W980      2441527.49 1972 Jul 28 2348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W981      2441529.50 1972 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W982      2441530.08 1972 Jul 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W983      2441530.09 1972 Jul 31 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W984      2441530.25 1972 Jul 31 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W985      2441530.26 1972 Jul 31 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W986      2441530.47 1972 Jul 31 2314:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W987      2441532.08 1972 Aug  2 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W988      2441532.08 1972 Aug  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W989      2441532.10 1972 Aug  2 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W990      2441532.11 1972 Aug  2 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W991      2441532.11 1972 Aug  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W992      2441532.12 1972 Aug  2 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W993      2441532.12 1972 Aug  2 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W994      2441532.21 1972 Aug  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W995      2441532.27 1972 Aug  2 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W996      2441532.37 1972 Aug  2 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W997      2441532.41 1972 Aug  2 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W998      2441532.51 1972 Aug  3 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W999      2441534.08 1972 Aug  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1000     2441534.10 1972 Aug  4 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1001     2441534.12 1972 Aug  4 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1002     2441534.15 1972 Aug  4 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W01       2441534.21 1972 Aug  4 1700?    Super Arcas              -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 71-5P        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    AFCRL2               -                    -
1972-W1003     2441534.31 1972 Aug  4 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1004     2441534.42 1972 Aug  4 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1005     2441534.46 1972 Aug  4 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W02       2441535.38 1972 Aug  5 2102?    Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 71-A3        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    AFCRL2               -                    -
1972-W03       2441535.43 1972 Aug  5 2224?    Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 71-6P        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    AFCRL2               -                    -
1972-W1006     2441537.08 1972 Aug  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1007     2441537.12 1972 Aug  7 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1008     2441537.19 1972 Aug  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1009     2441537.21 1972 Aug  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1010     2441537.27 1972 Aug  7 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1011     2441537.39 1972 Aug  7 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1012     2441537.58 1972 Aug  8 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1013     2441538.17 1972 Aug  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1014     2441538.25 1972 Aug  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W04       2441538.42 1972 Aug  8 2200?    Arcas                    -      PCA                  AFCRL Arcas 71-A1        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/                   Ionos                    AFCRL2               -                    -
1972-W1015     2441539.08 1972 Aug  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1016     2441539.11 1972 Aug  9 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1017     2441539.17 1972 Aug  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1018     2441539.25 1972 Aug  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1019     2441539.28 1972 Aug  9 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1020     2441539.31 1972 Aug  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1021     2441539.36 1972 Aug  9 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1022     2441539.50 1972 Aug  9 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1023     2441541.07 1972 Aug 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1024     2441541.09 1972 Aug 11 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1025     2441541.11 1972 Aug 11 1441:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1026     2441541.22 1972 Aug 11 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1027     2441541.23 1972 Aug 11 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1028     2441541.27 1972 Aug 11 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1029     2441541.32 1972 Aug 11 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1030     2441541.50 1972 Aug 12 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1031     2441541.69 1972 Aug 12 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1032     2441541.91 1972 Aug 12 0956:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1033     2441542.46 1972 Aug 12 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1034     2441542.54 1972 Aug 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1035     2441542.69 1972 Aug 13 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1036     2441543.23 1972 Aug 13 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1037     2441544.08 1972 Aug 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1038     2441544.08 1972 Aug 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1039     2441544.15 1972 Aug 14 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1040     2441544.25 1972 Aug 14 1801:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1041     2441544.29 1972 Aug 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1042     2441544.30 1972 Aug 14 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1043     2441544.30 1972 Aug 14 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1044     2441544.39 1972 Aug 14 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1045     2441546.09 1972 Aug 16 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1046     2441546.10 1972 Aug 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1047     2441546.11 1972 Aug 16 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1048     2441546.11 1972 Aug 16 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1049     2441546.13 1972 Aug 16 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1050     2441546.18 1972 Aug 16 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/?                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1051     2441546.21 1972 Aug 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1052     2441546.27 1972 Aug 16 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1053     2441546.27 1972 Aug 16 1835:59  Viper-Dart               -      T 1-6067             Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1972-W1054     2441546.38 1972 Aug 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1055     2441547.13 1972 Aug 17 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1056     2441547.15 1972 Aug 17 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1057     2441548.07 1972 Aug 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1058     2441548.11 1972 Aug 18 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1059     2441548.12 1972 Aug 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1060     2441548.14 1972 Aug 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1061     2441548.27 1972 Aug 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1062     2441548.27 1972 Aug 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1063     2441548.30 1972 Aug 18 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1064     2441548.38 1972 Aug 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1065     2441551.08 1972 Aug 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1066     2441551.11 1972 Aug 21 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1067     2441551.12 1972 Aug 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1068     2441551.25 1972 Aug 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1069     2441551.30 1972 Aug 21 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1070     2441551.38 1972 Aug 21 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1071     2441553.07 1972 Aug 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1072     2441553.08 1972 Aug 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1073     2441553.14 1972 Aug 23 1518:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1074     2441553.14 1972 Aug 23 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1075     2441553.14 1972 Aug 23 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1076     2441553.23 1972 Aug 23 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1077     2441553.27 1972 Aug 23 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1078     2441553.27 1972 Aug 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1079     2441553.45 1972 Aug 23 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1080     2441555.09 1972 Aug 25 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1081     2441555.11 1972 Aug 25 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1082     2441555.11 1972 Aug 25 1442:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1083     2441555.18 1972 Aug 25 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1084     2441555.20 1972 Aug 25 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1085     2441555.24 1972 Aug 25 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1086     2441555.27 1972 Aug 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1087     2441555.50 1972 Aug 25 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1088     2441558.07 1972 Aug 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1089     2441558.08 1972 Aug 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1090     2441558.10 1972 Aug 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1091     2441558.12 1972 Aug 28 1448:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1092     2441558.12 1972 Aug 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1093     2441558.15 1972 Aug 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1094     2441558.21 1972 Aug 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1095     2441558.27 1972 Aug 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1096     2441558.38 1972 Aug 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1097     2441558.49 1972 Aug 28 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1098     2441559.56 1972 Aug 30 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T3            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1972-W1099     2441559.76 1972 Aug 30 0615     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T4            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1972-W1100     2441560.07 1972 Aug 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1101     2441560.09 1972 Aug 30 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1102     2441560.10 1972 Aug 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1103     2441560.10 1972 Aug 30 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1104     2441560.11 1972 Aug 30 1444:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1105     2441560.12 1972 Aug 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1106     2441560.14 1972 Aug 30 1524:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/?                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1107     2441560.21 1972 Aug 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1108     2441560.28 1972 Aug 30 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1109     2441560.28 1972 Aug 30 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1110     2441560.50 1972 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W1111     2441561.42 1972 Aug 31 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1112     2441562.07 1972 Sep  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1113     2441562.08 1972 Sep  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1114     2441562.11 1972 Sep  1 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1115     2441562.12 1972 Sep  1 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1116     2441562.38 1972 Sep  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1117     2441562.49 1972 Sep  1 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1118     2441566.21 1972 Sep  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1119     2441566.27 1972 Sep  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1120     2441567.07 1972 Sep  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1121     2441567.08 1972 Sep  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1122     2441567.10 1972 Sep  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1123     2441567.12 1972 Sep  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1124     2441567.21 1972 Sep  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1125     2441567.27 1972 Sep  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1126     2441567.39 1972 Sep  6 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1127     2441567.50 1972 Sep  7 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1128     2441567.61 1972 Sep  7 0233:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1129     2441568.21 1972 Sep  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1130     2441569.07 1972 Sep  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1131     2441569.08 1972 Sep  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1132     2441569.09 1972 Sep  8 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1133     2441569.19 1972 Sep  8 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1134     2441569.21 1972 Sep  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1135     2441569.49 1972 Sep  8 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1136     2441570.22 1972 Sep  9 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1137     2441571.21 1972 Sep 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1138     2441572.08 1972 Sep 11 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1139     2441572.08 1972 Sep 11 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1140     2441572.08 1972 Sep 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1141     2441572.21 1972 Sep 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1142     2441572.29 1972 Sep 11 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1143     2441572.58 1972 Sep 12 0148:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1144     2441573.33 1972 Sep 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1145     2441574.07 1972 Sep 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1146     2441574.08 1972 Sep 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1147     2441574.10 1972 Sep 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1148     2441574.12 1972 Sep 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1149     2441574.13 1972 Sep 13 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1150     2441574.21 1972 Sep 13 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1151     2441574.25 1972 Sep 13 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1152     2441574.25 1972 Sep 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1153     2441574.27 1972 Sep 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1154     2441574.59 1972 Sep 14 0203:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1155     2441575.21 1972 Sep 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M21       2441576.02 1972 Sep 15 1235     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7213         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W1156     2441576.08 1972 Sep 15 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1157     2441576.08 1972 Sep 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1158     2441576.11 1972 Sep 15 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1159     2441576.26 1972 Sep 15 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1160     2441576.49 1972 Sep 15 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1161     2441576.58 1972 Sep 16 0158:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1162     2441577.21 1972 Sep 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1163     2441578.23 1972 Sep 17 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1164     2441579.07 1972 Sep 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1165     2441579.08 1972 Sep 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1166     2441579.12 1972 Sep 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1167     2441579.17 1972 Sep 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1168     2441579.24 1972 Sep 18 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1169     2441579.26 1972 Sep 18 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1170     2441579.27 1972 Sep 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1171     2441579.38 1972 Sep 18 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1172     2441579.83 1972 Sep 19 0802:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M22       2441581.00 1972 Sep 20 1204     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7214         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W1173     2441581.08 1972 Sep 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1174     2441581.16 1972 Sep 20 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1175     2441581.17 1972 Sep 20 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1176     2441581.21 1972 Sep 20 1704:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/?                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1177     2441581.25 1972 Sep 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1178     2441581.29 1972 Sep 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1179     2441581.40 1972 Sep 20 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1180     2441581.49 1972 Sep 20 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1181     2441583.12 1972 Sep 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1182     2441583.23 1972 Sep 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1183     2441583.27 1972 Sep 22 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1184     2441583.49 1972 Sep 22 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1185     2441583.63 1972 Sep 23 0312:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1186     2441586.08 1972 Sep 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1187     2441586.12 1972 Sep 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1188     2441586.15 1972 Sep 25 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1189     2441586.15 1972 Sep 25 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1190     2441586.17 1972 Sep 25 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1191     2441586.21 1972 Sep 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1192     2441586.26 1972 Sep 25 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1193     2441586.27 1972 Sep 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1194     2441586.53 1972 Sep 26 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1195     2441587.07 1972 Sep 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1196     2441587.17 1972 Sep 26 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M23       2441587.92 1972 Sep 27 1006     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7215         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1972-W1197     2441588.07 1972 Sep 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1199     2441588.08 1972 Sep 27 1400:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   INTA/?                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1198     2441588.08 1972 Sep 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1200     2441588.10 1972 Sep 27 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1201     2441588.11 1972 Sep 27 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1202     2441588.12 1972 Sep 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1203     2441588.15 1972 Sep 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1204     2441588.21 1972 Sep 27 1657:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1205     2441588.25 1972 Sep 27 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1206     2441588.27 1972 Sep 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1207     2441590.07 1972 Sep 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1208     2441590.08 1972 Sep 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1209     2441590.11 1972 Sep 29 1438:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1210     2441590.12 1972 Sep 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1211     2441590.15 1972 Sep 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1212     2441590.22 1972 Sep 29 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1213     2441590.38 1972 Sep 29 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1214     2441593.07 1972 Oct  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1215     2441593.08 1972 Oct  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1216     2441593.09 1972 Oct  2 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1217     2441593.12 1972 Oct  2 1452:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1218     2441593.14 1972 Oct  2 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1219     2441593.15 1972 Oct  2 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1220     2441593.16 1972 Oct  2 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1221     2441593.21 1972 Oct  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1222     2441593.34 1972 Oct  2 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1223     2441593.38 1972 Oct  2 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M16       2441593.50 1972 Oct  3          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-13          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W1224     2441594.12 1972 Oct  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1225     2441594.17 1972 Oct  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1226     2441595.09 1972 Oct  4 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1227     2441595.10 1972 Oct  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1228     2441595.10 1972 Oct  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1229     2441595.12 1972 Oct  4 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1230     2441595.14 1972 Oct  4 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1231     2441595.15 1972 Oct  4 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1232     2441595.17 1972 Oct  4 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1233     2441595.25 1972 Oct  4 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1234     2441595.46 1972 Oct  4 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1235     2441595.64 1972 Oct  5 0323:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1236     2441597.07 1972 Oct  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1237     2441597.08 1972 Oct  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1238     2441597.15 1972 Oct  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1239     2441597.21 1972 Oct  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1240     2441597.21 1972 Oct  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1241     2441597.25 1972 Oct  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1242     2441597.42 1972 Oct  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1243     2441597.59 1972 Oct  7 0206:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1244     2441600.08 1972 Oct  9 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1245     2441600.08 1972 Oct  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1246     2441601.12 1972 Oct 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1247     2441601.21 1972 Oct 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1249     2441602.07 1972 Oct 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1250     2441602.08 1972 Oct 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1251     2441602.12 1972 Oct 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1252     2441602.12 1972 Oct 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1253     2441602.15 1972 Oct 11 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1254     2441602.16 1972 Oct 11 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1255     2441602.17 1972 Oct 11 1559:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 4/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1972-W1256     2441602.18 1972 Oct 11 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1257     2441602.28 1972 Oct 11 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1258     2441602.30 1972 Oct 11 1904:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1259     2441602.39 1972 Oct 11 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1260     2441602.39 1972 Oct 11 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1261     2441604.07 1972 Oct 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1262     2441604.08 1972 Oct 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1263     2441604.09 1972 Oct 13 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1264     2441604.12 1972 Oct 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1265     2441604.20 1972 Oct 13 1645:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1266     2441604.20 1972 Oct 13 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1267     2441604.27 1972 Oct 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1268     2441607.11 1972 Oct 16 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1269     2441607.21 1972 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1270     2441607.21 1972 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1271     2441607.34 1972 Oct 16 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1272     2441608.29 1972 Oct 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1273     2441608.42 1972 Oct 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1274     2441608.47 1972 Oct 17 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1275     2441609.07 1972 Oct 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1276     2441609.08 1972 Oct 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1277     2441609.12 1972 Oct 18 1452:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1278     2441609.12 1972 Oct 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1279     2441609.21 1972 Oct 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1280     2441609.21 1972 Oct 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1281     2441609.27 1972 Oct 18 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1282     2441609.31 1972 Oct 18 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1283     2441609.42 1972 Oct 18 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1284     2441609.49 1972 Oct 18 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1285     2441610.09 1972 Oct 19 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1286     2441610.22 1972 Oct 19 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1287     2441611.07 1972 Oct 20 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1288     2441611.07 1972 Oct 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1289     2441611.08 1972 Oct 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1290     2441611.09 1972 Oct 20 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1291     2441611.12 1972 Oct 20 1452:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1292     2441611.12 1972 Oct 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1293     2441611.14 1972 Oct 20 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1294     2441611.21 1972 Oct 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1295     2441611.40 1972 Oct 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1296     2441614.13 1972 Oct 23 1501:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1297     2441615.12 1972 Oct 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1298     2441615.21 1972 Oct 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1299     2441616.07 1972 Oct 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1300     2441616.08 1972 Oct 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1301     2441616.12 1972 Oct 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1302     2441616.14 1972 Oct 25 1517:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1303     2441616.15 1972 Oct 25 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1304     2441616.21 1972 Oct 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1305     2441616.29 1972 Oct 25 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1306     2441616.38 1972 Oct 25 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1307     2441616.39 1972 Oct 25 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1308     2441616.42 1972 Oct 25 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1309     2441616.47 1972 Oct 25 2322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1310     2441617.11 1972 Oct 26 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1311     2441617.30 1972 Oct 26 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1312     2441617.42 1972 Oct 26 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1313     2441617.47 1972 Oct 26 2312:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1314     2441617.52 1972 Oct 27 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1315     2441617.65 1972 Oct 27 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1316     2441618.07 1972 Oct 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1317     2441618.10 1972 Oct 27 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1318     2441618.12 1972 Oct 27 1456:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1319     2441618.12 1972 Oct 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1320     2441618.25 1972 Oct 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1321     2441618.38 1972 Oct 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1322     2441618.49 1972 Oct 27 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1323     2441621.08 1972 Oct 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1324     2441621.14 1972 Oct 30 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1325     2441621.20 1972 Oct 30 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1326     2441621.21 1972 Oct 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1327     2441621.29 1972 Oct 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1328     2441621.29 1972 Oct 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1329     2441621.38 1972 Oct 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1330     2441621.50 1972 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-M08       2441621.50 1972 Nov             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1972-M09       2441621.50 1972 Nov             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1972-W1331     2441621.66 1972 Oct 31 0347:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1332     2441622.30 1972 Oct 31 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1333     2441622.41 1972 Oct 31 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1334     2441622.46 1972 Oct 31 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1335     2441622.79 1972 Nov  1 0657     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.94UI         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1972-W1336     2441622.83 1972 Nov  1 0752:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1337     2441623.08 1972 Nov  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1338     2441623.09 1972 Nov  1 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1339     2441623.20 1972 Nov  1 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1340     2441623.27 1972 Nov  1 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1341     2441623.29 1972 Nov  1 1852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1342     2441623.41 1972 Nov  1 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1343     2441623.46 1972 Nov  1 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1344     2441623.49 1972 Nov  1 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1345     2441623.50 1972 Nov  1 2354:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1346     2441623.68 1972 Nov  2 0426     Boosted Arcas            -      NASA 15.96UI         -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    WDCRF                SP-4017              -
1972-W1347     2441623.74 1972 Nov  2 0543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M10       2441624.50 1972 Nov  3          Spartan ABM              -      800036               SAFEGUARD M2-40          -                        -                        -         KMR      Meck             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 SAFSC        MS   -                        Interceptor              Safeguard            -                    -
1972-W1348     2441625.08 1972 Nov  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1349     2441625.09 1972 Nov  3 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1350     2441625.10 1972 Nov  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1351     2441625.14 1972 Nov  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1352     2441625.16 1972 Nov  3 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1353     2441625.19 1972 Nov  3 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1354     2441625.26 1972 Nov  3 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1355     2441625.33 1972 Nov  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1356     2441625.38 1972 Nov  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M11       2441627.49 1972 Nov  5 2345     Nike Tomahawk            -      CRL A08.105-10       Release                  -                        -                        -         EGL      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Good               Aeron                    AFCRL                -                    -
1972-W1357     2441628.08 1972 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1358     2441628.08 1972 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1359     2441628.08 1972 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1360     2441628.16 1972 Nov  6 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1361     2441628.20 1972 Nov  6 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1362     2441628.29 1972 Nov  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1363     2441628.38 1972 Nov  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1364     2441628.38 1972 Nov  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1365     2441629.16 1972 Nov  7 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1367     2441630.08 1972 Nov  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1368     2441630.09 1972 Nov  8 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1369     2441630.12 1972 Nov  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1370     2441630.15 1972 Nov  8 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1371     2441630.18 1972 Nov  8 1614:59  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 5/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Meteo                    DSI-5850             AD-A-05589           -
1972-W1372     2441630.20 1972 Nov  8 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1373     2441630.21 1972 Nov  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1374     2441630.22 1972 Nov  8 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1375     2441630.30 1972 Nov  8 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1376     2441630.40 1972 Nov  8 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1377     2441630.46 1972 Nov  8 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1378     2441630.47 1972 Nov  8 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1379     2441630.49 1972 Nov  8 2347:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1380     2441630.70 1972 Nov  9 0448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1381     2441631.16 1972 Nov  9 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1382     2441631.29 1972 Nov  9 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1383     2441631.40 1972 Nov  9 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1384     2441631.48 1972 Nov  9 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1386     2441632.07 1972 Nov 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1387     2441632.09 1972 Nov 10 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1388     2441632.09 1972 Nov 10 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1389     2441632.15 1972 Nov 10 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1390     2441632.19 1972 Nov 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1391     2441632.25 1972 Nov 10 1800:00  Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 6/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Meteo                    DSI-5850             AD-A-05589           -
1972-W1392     2441632.28 1972 Nov 10 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1393     2441632.31 1972 Nov 10 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1394     2441632.40 1972 Nov 10 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1395     2441632.42 1972 Nov 10 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1396     2441632.47 1972 Nov 10 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1397     2441635.08 1972 Nov 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1398     2441635.09 1972 Nov 13 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1399     2441635.29 1972 Nov 13 1852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1400     2441635.30 1972 Nov 13 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1401     2441635.42 1972 Nov 13 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1402     2441636.16 1972 Nov 14 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1403     2441637.08 1972 Nov 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1404     2441637.09 1972 Nov 15 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1405     2441637.15 1972 Nov 15 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1406     2441637.20 1972 Nov 15 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1407     2441637.29 1972 Nov 15 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1408     2441637.35 1972 Nov 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M13       2441637.36 1972 Nov 15 2038     Viper-Dart               -      T 1-6150             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W1409     2441637.39 1972 Nov 15 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1410     2441637.40 1972 Nov 15 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1411     2441637.45 1972 Nov 15 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1412     2441638.15 1972 Nov 16 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1413     2441638.27 1972 Nov 16 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1414     2441638.40 1972 Nov 16 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1415     2441638.45 1972 Nov 16 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1416     2441638.49 1972 Nov 16 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M14       2441638.50 1972 Nov 17          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-15          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W1417     2441639.08 1972 Nov 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1418     2441639.10 1972 Nov 17 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1419     2441639.15 1972 Nov 17 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1420     2441639.19 1972 Nov 17 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1421     2441639.25 1972 Nov 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1422     2441639.29 1972 Nov 17 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1423     2441639.31 1972 Nov 17 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1424     2441639.39 1972 Nov 17 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1425     2441639.42 1972 Nov 17 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1426     2441639.45 1972 Nov 17 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1427     2441642.08 1972 Nov 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1428     2441642.16 1972 Nov 20 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1429     2441642.27 1972 Nov 20 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1430     2441642.28 1972 Nov 20 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1431     2441642.31 1972 Nov 20 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1432     2441642.36 1972 Nov 20 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1433     2441642.38 1972 Nov 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1434     2441642.49 1972 Nov 20 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1435     2441643.15 1972 Nov 21 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1436     2441644.08 1972 Nov 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1437     2441644.09 1972 Nov 22 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1438     2441644.12 1972 Nov 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1439     2441644.13 1972 Nov 22 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1440     2441644.15 1972 Nov 22 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1441     2441644.19 1972 Nov 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1442     2441644.21 1972 Nov 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1443     2441644.28 1972 Nov 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1444     2441644.29 1972 Nov 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1445     2441644.41 1972 Nov 22 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1446     2441645.16 1972 Nov 23 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1447     2441646.16 1972 Nov 24 1551:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1448     2441646.29 1972 Nov 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1449     2441649.08 1972 Nov 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1450     2441649.11 1972 Nov 27 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1451     2441649.19 1972 Nov 27 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1452     2441649.29 1972 Nov 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1453     2441649.31 1972 Nov 27 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1454     2441649.34 1972 Nov 27 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1455     2441649.49 1972 Nov 27 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1456     2441649.63 1972 Nov 28 0304:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1457     2441650.55 1972 Nov 29 0118:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1458     2441651.02 1972 Nov 29 1227:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7216         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1459     2441651.08 1972 Nov 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1460     2441651.12 1972 Nov 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1461     2441651.15 1972 Nov 29 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1462     2441651.19 1972 Nov 29 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1463     2441651.25 1972 Nov 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1464     2441651.27 1972 Nov 29 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1465     2441651.38 1972 Nov 29 2104:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1466     2441651.50 1972 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1972-W1467     2441653.10 1972 Dec  1 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1468     2441653.19 1972 Dec  1 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1469     2441653.25 1972 Dec  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1470     2441653.26 1972 Dec  1 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1471     2441653.29 1972 Dec  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1472     2441653.37 1972 Dec  1 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1473     2441653.61 1972 Dec  2 0243:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1474     2441656.08 1972 Dec  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1475     2441656.08 1972 Dec  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1476     2441656.14 1972 Dec  4 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1477     2441656.19 1972 Dec  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1478     2441656.35 1972 Dec  4 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1479     2441656.49 1972 Dec  4 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1480     2441656.53 1972 Dec  5 0043:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1481     2441657.04 1972 Dec  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1482     2441657.19 1972 Dec  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1483     2441657.23 1972 Dec  5 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1484     2441657.29 1972 Dec  5 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1485     2441657.58 1972 Dec  6 0200:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1486     2441658.01 1972 Dec  6 1217:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7217         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1487     2441658.19 1972 Dec  6 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1488     2441658.21 1972 Dec  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1489     2441658.25 1972 Dec  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1490     2441658.32 1972 Dec  6 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1491     2441658.33 1972 Dec  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1492     2441658.49 1972 Dec  6 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1493     2441658.62 1972 Dec  7 0255:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1494     2441658.82 1972 Dec  7 0737:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1495     2441658.84 1972 Dec  7 0815:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1496     2441658.86 1972 Dec  7 0834:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1497     2441659.30 1972 Dec  7 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1498     2441659.55 1972 Dec  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1499     2441659.62 1972 Dec  8 0251:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1500     2441659.75 1972 Dec  8 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1501     2441660.08 1972 Dec  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1502     2441660.09 1972 Dec  8 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1503     2441660.12 1972 Dec  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,AN/DMQ-9-          -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1504     2441660.40 1972 Dec  8 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M12       2441660.56 1972 Dec  9 0130     Astrobee D               -      CRL A30.205-2        Auroral Quiet IR         -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ulwick             Ionos/Aeron              FC                   AFCRL                -
1972-W1505     2441660.60 1972 Dec  9 0229:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1506     2441662.54 1972 Dec 11 0057:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1507     2441662.59 1972 Dec 11 0210:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1508     2441662.61 1972 Dec 11 0245:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1509     2441663.08 1972 Dec 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1510     2441663.08 1972 Dec 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1511     2441663.10 1972 Dec 11 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,AN/DMQ-9-          -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1512     2441663.10 1972 Dec 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1513     2441663.22 1972 Dec 11 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1514     2441663.29 1972 Dec 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1515     2441663.29 1972 Dec 11 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1516     2441663.49 1972 Dec 11 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1517     2441663.60 1972 Dec 12 0230:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1518     2441664.25 1972 Dec 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1519     2441664.51 1972 Dec 13 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1520     2441665.08 1972 Dec 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1521     2441665.12 1972 Dec 13 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1522     2441665.16 1972 Dec 13 1547:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1523     2441665.27 1972 Dec 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1524     2441665.29 1972 Dec 13 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1525     2441665.31 1972 Dec 13 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1526     2441665.49 1972 Dec 13 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1527     2441666.16 1972 Dec 14 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1528     2441666.29 1972 Dec 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1529     2441666.35 1972 Dec 14 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1530     2441667.16 1972 Dec 15 1547:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1531     2441667.17 1972 Dec 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1532     2441667.19 1972 Dec 15 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1533     2441667.25 1972 Dec 15 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1534     2441667.45 1972 Dec 15 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1535     2441667.49 1972 Dec 15 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1536     2441670.08 1972 Dec 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1537     2441670.10 1972 Dec 18 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1538     2441670.17 1972 Dec 18 1559:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1539     2441670.17 1972 Dec 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1540     2441670.23 1972 Dec 18 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1541     2441670.27 1972 Dec 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-M15       2441670.29 1972 Dec 18 1900     Viper-Dart               -      T 1-6261             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1972-W1542     2441670.44 1972 Dec 18 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1543     2441670.92 1972 Dec 19 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1544     2441671.14 1972 Dec 19 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1545     2441671.16 1972 Dec 19 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1546     2441671.17 1972 Dec 19 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1547     2441671.29 1972 Dec 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1548     2441671.37 1972 Dec 19 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1549     2441671.58 1972 Dec 20 0157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1550     2441672.10 1972 Dec 20 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1551     2441672.12 1972 Dec 20 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1552     2441672.18 1972 Dec 20 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1553     2441672.19 1972 Dec 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1554     2441672.25 1972 Dec 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1555     2441672.31 1972 Dec 20 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1556     2441672.51 1972 Dec 21 0011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1557     2441673.15 1972 Dec 21 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1558     2441673.21 1972 Dec 21 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1559     2441674.16 1972 Dec 22 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1560     2441674.29 1972 Dec 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1561     2441674.33 1972 Dec 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1562     2441678.28 1972 Dec 26 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1563     2441678.38 1972 Dec 26 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1564     2441679.15 1972 Dec 27 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1565     2441679.18 1972 Dec 27 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1566     2441679.28 1972 Dec 27 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1567     2441679.29 1972 Dec 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1568     2441679.40 1972 Dec 27 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1569     2441679.49 1972 Dec 27 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1570     2441680.16 1972 Dec 28 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1571     2441681.10 1972 Dec 29 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1572     2441681.16 1972 Dec 29 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1573     2441681.27 1972 Dec 29 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1574     2441681.29 1972 Dec 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1972-W1575     2441681.49 1972 Dec 29 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W01       2441682.50 1973 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W02       2441682.50 1973 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W03       2441682.50 1973 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W04       2441682.50 1973 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W05       2441685.16 1973 Jan  2 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W06       2441685.29 1973 Jan  2 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W07       2441685.46 1973 Jan  2 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W08       2441685.51 1973 Jan  3 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W09       2441686.14 1973 Jan  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W10       2441686.18 1973 Jan  3 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W11       2441686.19 1973 Jan  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W12       2441686.20 1973 Jan  3 1648:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W13       2441686.26 1973 Jan  3 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W14       2441686.29 1973 Jan  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W15       2441686.29 1973 Jan  3 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W16       2441686.31 1973 Jan  3 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W17       2441686.40 1973 Jan  3 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W18       2441686.50 1973 Jan  3 2353:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W19       2441687.16 1973 Jan  4 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W20       2441687.20 1973 Jan  4 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W21       2441687.22 1973 Jan  4 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W22       2441687.31 1973 Jan  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W23       2441687.38 1973 Jan  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W24       2441688.15 1973 Jan  5 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W25       2441688.16 1973 Jan  5 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W26       2441688.19 1973 Jan  5 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W27       2441688.23 1973 Jan  5 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W28       2441688.27 1973 Jan  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W29       2441688.29 1973 Jan  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W30       2441688.41 1973 Jan  5 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W31       2441688.51 1973 Jan  6 0019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W32       2441689.24 1973 Jan  6 1752:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W33       2441690.25 1973 Jan  7 1757:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W34       2441691.08 1973 Jan  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W35       2441691.18 1973 Jan  8 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W36       2441691.19 1973 Jan  8 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W37       2441691.22 1973 Jan  8 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W38       2441691.24 1973 Jan  8 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W39       2441691.25 1973 Jan  8 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W40       2441691.26 1973 Jan  8 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W41       2441691.34 1973 Jan  8 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W42       2441691.39 1973 Jan  8 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W43       2441691.49 1973 Jan  8 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W44       2441692.19 1973 Jan  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W45       2441692.30 1973 Jan  9 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W46       2441692.31 1973 Jan  9 1932:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W47       2441692.35 1973 Jan  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M38       2441693.03 1973 Jan 10 1245     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7301         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1973-W48       2441693.10 1973 Jan 10 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W49       2441693.16 1973 Jan 10 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W50       2441693.19 1973 Jan 10 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W51       2441693.20 1973 Jan 10 1644:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W52       2441693.20 1973 Jan 10 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W53       2441693.21 1973 Jan 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W54       2441693.24 1973 Jan 10 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W55       2441693.29 1973 Jan 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W56       2441693.31 1973 Jan 10 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W57       2441693.33 1973 Jan 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W58       2441693.35 1973 Jan 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W59       2441693.49 1973 Jan 10 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W60       2441694.15 1973 Jan 11 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W61       2441694.24 1973 Jan 11 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W62       2441694.35 1973 Jan 11 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W63       2441694.49 1973 Jan 11 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W64       2441694.71 1973 Jan 12 0504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W65       2441694.86 1973 Jan 12 0835:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W66       2441694.86 1973 Jan 12 0835:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W67       2441694.94 1973 Jan 12 1034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W68       2441695.10 1973 Jan 12 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W69       2441695.15 1973 Jan 12 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W70       2441695.16 1973 Jan 12 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W71       2441695.20 1973 Jan 12 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W72       2441695.22 1973 Jan 12 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W73       2441695.27 1973 Jan 12 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W74       2441695.28 1973 Jan 12 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W75       2441695.35 1973 Jan 12 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W76       2441695.38 1973 Jan 12 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W77       2441695.49 1973 Jan 12 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W78       2441696.47 1973 Jan 13 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W79       2441698.12 1973 Jan 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W80       2441698.18 1973 Jan 15 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W81       2441698.20 1973 Jan 15 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W82       2441698.26 1973 Jan 15 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W83       2441698.27 1973 Jan 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W84       2441698.29 1973 Jan 15 1855:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W85       2441698.40 1973 Jan 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W86       2441698.49 1973 Jan 15 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W87       2441699.15 1973 Jan 16 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W88       2441699.20 1973 Jan 16 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W89       2441699.29 1973 Jan 16 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W90       2441699.29 1973 Jan 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W91       2441699.31 1973 Jan 16 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W92       2441699.38 1973 Jan 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W93       2441700.09 1973 Jan 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W94       2441700.13 1973 Jan 17 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W95       2441700.14 1973 Jan 17 1522:00  Viper-Dart               -      T 1-6253             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    FDC1634
1973-W96       2441700.19 1973 Jan 17 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W97       2441700.20 1973 Jan 17 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W98       2441700.21 1973 Jan 17 1703:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W99       2441700.29 1973 Jan 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W100      2441700.33 1973 Jan 17 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W101      2441700.33 1973 Jan 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W102      2441700.37 1973 Jan 17 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W103      2441700.40 1973 Jan 17 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W104      2441700.49 1973 Jan 17 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W105      2441701.32 1973 Jan 18 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W106      2441701.38 1973 Jan 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W107      2441702.10 1973 Jan 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W108      2441702.16 1973 Jan 19 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W109      2441702.20 1973 Jan 19 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W110      2441702.20 1973 Jan 19 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W111      2441702.21 1973 Jan 19 1658:00  Arcas                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   WSMR/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W112      2441702.21 1973 Jan 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W113      2441702.28 1973 Jan 19 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W114      2441702.31 1973 Jan 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W115      2441702.38 1973 Jan 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W116      2441702.49 1973 Jan 19 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M01       2441702.98 1973 Jan 20 1138:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA MSCL-7301       -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 INTA/DLR     SS   MPAE/Rose,Sanchez        Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W117      2441705.18 1973 Jan 22 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W118      2441705.18 1973 Jan 22 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W119      2441705.19 1973 Jan 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W120      2441705.31 1973 Jan 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W121      2441705.31 1973 Jan 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W122      2441705.36 1973 Jan 22 2038:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W123      2441705.40 1973 Jan 22 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W124      2441705.49 1973 Jan 22 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W125      2441706.15 1973 Jan 23 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W126      2441706.15 1973 Jan 23 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W127      2441706.31 1973 Jan 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W128      2441706.34 1973 Jan 23 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W129      2441706.38 1973 Jan 23 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W130      2441706.44 1973 Jan 23 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W131      2441707.10 1973 Jan 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W132      2441707.15 1973 Jan 24 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Chaff,Datasonde          -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W133      2441707.17 1973 Jan 24 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W134      2441707.19 1973 Jan 24 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W135      2441707.27 1973 Jan 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W136      2441707.29 1973 Jan 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W137      2441707.44 1973 Jan 24 2232:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W138      2441707.49 1973 Jan 24 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W139      2441708.32 1973 Jan 25 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W140      2441708.66 1973 Jan 26 0348:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W141      2441709.11 1973 Jan 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W142      2441709.12 1973 Jan 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W143      2441709.13 1973 Jan 26 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W144      2441709.14 1973 Jan 26 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W145      2441709.28 1973 Jan 26 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W146      2441709.30 1973 Jan 26 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W147      2441709.49 1973 Jan 26 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W148      2441709.66 1973 Jan 27 0349:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W149      2441711.77 1973 Jan 29 0633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W150      2441712.10 1973 Jan 29 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W151      2441712.18 1973 Jan 29 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W152      2441712.23 1973 Jan 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W153      2441712.35 1973 Jan 29 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W154      2441712.40 1973 Jan 29 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W155      2441712.49 1973 Jan 29 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W156      2441713.26 1973 Jan 30 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W157      2441713.31 1973 Jan 30 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W158      2441713.38 1973 Jan 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M02       2441713.50 1973 Feb             Alfa                     -      001                  [Spurious?]              -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 I            MS   -                        Test                     Serra                -                    -
1973-M03       2441714.04 1973 Jan 31 1257:00  Skua 4                   -      INTA MS4CLO-7301     -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 INTA/DLR     SS   MPAE/Rose,Sanchez        Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W159      2441714.10 1973 Jan 31 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W160      2441714.12 1973 Jan 31 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W161      2441714.26 1973 Jan 31 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W162      2441714.28 1973 Jan 31 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W163      2441714.31 1973 Jan 31 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W164      2441714.31 1973 Jan 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W165      2441714.40 1973 Jan 31 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W166      2441714.49 1973 Jan 31 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W167      2441714.60 1973 Feb  1 0224:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W168      2441715.24 1973 Feb  1 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W169      2441715.33 1973 Feb  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W170      2441715.41 1973 Feb  1 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1653     2441715.50 1973 Feb  2          Arcas                    -      USA Ozone            Arcas Starute 7/Ozo      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Aeron/Test               AD-A-005589          -                    -
1973-W171      2441715.55 1973 Feb  2 0118:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W172      2441715.76 1973 Feb  2 0615     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.101UI        -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    WDCRF                SR14,353             -
1973-W173      2441716.10 1973 Feb  2 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W174      2441716.12 1973 Feb  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W175      2441716.29 1973 Feb  2 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W176      2441716.30 1973 Feb  2 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W177      2441716.35 1973 Feb  2 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W178      2441716.44 1973 Feb  2 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W179      2441716.49 1973 Feb  2 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W180      2441716.55 1973 Feb  3 0118:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W181      2441718.58 1973 Feb  5 0152     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T5            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1973-W182      2441719.19 1973 Feb  5 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W183      2441719.27 1973 Feb  5 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W184      2441719.30 1973 Feb  5 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W185      2441719.34 1973 Feb  5 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W186      2441719.48 1973 Feb  5 2332:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W187      2441719.49 1973 Feb  5 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W188      2441719.54 1973 Feb  6 0051:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W189      2441720.10 1973 Feb  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W190      2441720.10 1973 Feb  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W191      2441720.27 1973 Feb  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W192      2441720.32 1973 Feb  6 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W193      2441720.53 1973 Feb  7 0045:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W194      2441721.00 1973 Feb  7 1207:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7302         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W195      2441721.12 1973 Feb  7 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W196      2441721.20 1973 Feb  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W197      2441721.25 1973 Feb  7 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W198      2441721.27 1973 Feb  7 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W199      2441721.29 1973 Feb  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W200      2441721.31 1973 Feb  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W201      2441721.40 1973 Feb  7 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W202      2441721.50 1973 Feb  7 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W203      2441721.56 1973 Feb  8 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T6            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1973-W204      2441721.57 1973 Feb  8 0142:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W205      2441722.08 1973 Feb  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W206      2441722.12 1973 Feb  8 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W207      2441722.12 1973 Feb  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W208      2441722.25 1973 Feb  8 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W209      2441722.40 1973 Feb  8 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W210      2441722.66 1973 Feb  9 0356:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W211      2441723.09 1973 Feb  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W212      2441723.10 1973 Feb  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W213      2441723.13 1973 Feb  9 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W214      2441723.25 1973 Feb  9 1803:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W215      2441723.31 1973 Feb  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W216      2441723.33 1973 Feb  9 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W217      2441723.42 1973 Feb  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W218      2441723.49 1973 Feb  9 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W219      2441726.10 1973 Feb 12 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W220      2441726.19 1973 Feb 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W221      2441726.25 1973 Feb 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W222      2441726.26 1973 Feb 12 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W223      2441726.28 1973 Feb 12 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W224      2441726.30 1973 Feb 12 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W225      2441726.36 1973 Feb 12 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W226      2441726.36 1973 Feb 12 2045:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W227      2441726.38 1973 Feb 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W228      2441726.49 1973 Feb 12 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W229      2441727.15 1973 Feb 13 1530     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.107GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W230      2441727.16 1973 Feb 13 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W231      2441727.24 1973 Feb 13 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W232      2441727.29 1973 Feb 13 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W233      2441727.33 1973 Feb 13 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W234      2441727.39 1973 Feb 13 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W235      2441728.08 1973 Feb 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W236      2441728.11 1973 Feb 14 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W237      2441728.13 1973 Feb 14 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W238      2441728.14 1973 Feb 14 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W239      2441728.18 1973 Feb 14 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W240      2441728.20 1973 Feb 14 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W241      2441728.27 1973 Feb 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W242      2441728.29 1973 Feb 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W243      2441728.31 1973 Feb 14 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W244      2441728.33 1973 Feb 14 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W245      2441728.38 1973 Feb 14 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W246      2441728.50 1973 Feb 14 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W247      2441729.18 1973 Feb 15 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W248      2441729.25 1973 Feb 15 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W249      2441729.39 1973 Feb 15 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W250      2441729.42 1973 Feb 15 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W251      2441730.08 1973 Feb 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W252      2441730.09 1973 Feb 16 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W253      2441730.16 1973 Feb 16 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W254      2441730.26 1973 Feb 16 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W255      2441730.38 1973 Feb 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W256      2441730.49 1973 Feb 16 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W257      2441733.16 1973 Feb 19 1556:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W258      2441734.09 1973 Feb 20 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W259      2441734.12 1973 Feb 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W260      2441734.14 1973 Feb 20 1525     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.108GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W261      2441734.24 1973 Feb 20 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W262      2441734.28 1973 Feb 20 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W263      2441734.32 1973 Feb 20 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W264      2441734.67 1973 Feb 21 0410:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W265      2441735.12 1973 Feb 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W266      2441735.15 1973 Feb 21 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W267      2441735.27 1973 Feb 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W268      2441735.29 1973 Feb 21 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W269      2441735.31 1973 Feb 21 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W270      2441735.35 1973 Feb 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W271      2441735.44 1973 Feb 21 2233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W272      2441735.49 1973 Feb 21 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W273      2441735.55 1973 Feb 22 0118:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W274      2441736.29 1973 Feb 22 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W275      2441736.39 1973 Feb 22 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W276      2441736.39 1973 Feb 22 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W277      2441736.63 1973 Feb 23 0308:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W278      2441737.12 1973 Feb 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W279      2441737.15 1973 Feb 23 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W280      2441737.16 1973 Feb 23 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W281      2441737.24 1973 Feb 23 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W282      2441737.31 1973 Feb 23 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W283      2441737.35 1973 Feb 23 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W284      2441737.38 1973 Feb 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W285      2441737.49 1973 Feb 23 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W286      2441737.66 1973 Feb 24 0348:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W287      2441740.09 1973 Feb 26 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W288      2441740.19 1973 Feb 26 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W289      2441740.27 1973 Feb 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W290      2441740.36 1973 Feb 26 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W291      2441740.38 1973 Feb 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W292      2441741.24 1973 Feb 27 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W293      2441741.29 1973 Feb 27 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W294      2441741.35 1973 Feb 27 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W295      2441741.44 1973 Feb 27 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W296      2441741.49 1973 Feb 27 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W297      2441742.12 1973 Feb 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W298      2441742.14 1973 Feb 28 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W299      2441742.19 1973 Feb 28 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W300      2441742.29 1973 Feb 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W301      2441742.30 1973 Feb 28 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W302      2441742.38 1973 Feb 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W303      2441742.49 1973 Feb 28 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W304      2441742.67 1973 Mar  1 0407:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W305      2441743.10 1973 Mar  1 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W306      2441743.25 1973 Mar  1 1757:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W307      2441743.26 1973 Mar  1 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W308      2441743.39 1973 Mar  1 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W309      2441744.08 1973 Mar  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W310      2441744.08 1973 Mar  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W311      2441744.12 1973 Mar  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W312      2441744.13 1973 Mar  2 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W313      2441744.16 1973 Mar  2 1547:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W314      2441744.30 1973 Mar  2 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W315      2441744.32 1973 Mar  2 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W316      2441744.40 1973 Mar  2 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W317      2441744.49 1973 Mar  2 2347:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W318      2441747.08 1973 Mar  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W319      2441747.09 1973 Mar  5 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W320      2441747.16 1973 Mar  5 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W321      2441747.20 1973 Mar  5 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W322      2441747.25 1973 Mar  5 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W323      2441747.30 1973 Mar  5 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W324      2441747.38 1973 Mar  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W325      2441747.49 1973 Mar  5 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W326      2441748.18 1973 Mar  6 1617:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W327      2441748.21 1973 Mar  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W328      2441748.33 1973 Mar  6 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W329      2441748.39 1973 Mar  6 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W330      2441748.58 1973 Mar  7 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W331      2441749.05 1973 Mar  7 1304:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7303         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W332      2441749.08 1973 Mar  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W333      2441749.09 1973 Mar  7 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W334      2441749.14 1973 Mar  7 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W335      2441749.15 1973 Mar  7 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W336      2441749.16 1973 Mar  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W337      2441749.21 1973 Mar  7 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W338      2441749.30 1973 Mar  7 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W339      2441749.31 1973 Mar  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W340      2441749.40 1973 Mar  7 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W341      2441749.51 1973 Mar  8 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W342      2441750.08 1973 Mar  8 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W343      2441750.18 1973 Mar  8 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W344      2441750.19 1973 Mar  8 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W345      2441750.40 1973 Mar  8 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W346      2441751.09 1973 Mar  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W347      2441751.15 1973 Mar  9 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W348      2441751.19 1973 Mar  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W349      2441751.25 1973 Mar  9 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W350      2441751.31 1973 Mar  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W351      2441751.33 1973 Mar  9 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W352      2441751.40 1973 Mar  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W353      2441754.10 1973 Mar 12 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W354      2441754.15 1973 Mar 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W355      2441754.15 1973 Mar 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W356      2441754.16 1973 Mar 12 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W357      2441754.19 1973 Mar 12 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W358      2441754.29 1973 Mar 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W359      2441754.31 1973 Mar 12 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W360      2441754.36 1973 Mar 12 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W361      2441754.38 1973 Mar 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W362      2441754.42 1973 Mar 12 2208:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W363      2441755.18 1973 Mar 13 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W364      2441755.37 1973 Mar 13 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W365      2441756.12 1973 Mar 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W366      2441756.15 1973 Mar 14 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W367      2441756.16 1973 Mar 14 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W368      2441756.17 1973 Mar 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W369      2441756.21 1973 Mar 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M24       2441756.26 1973 Mar 14 1808     Viper-Dart               -      T 1-6438             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W370      2441756.26 1973 Mar 14 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W371      2441756.32 1973 Mar 14 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W372      2441756.34 1973 Mar 14 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W373      2441756.38 1973 Mar 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W374      2441756.51 1973 Mar 15 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M04       2441757.09 1973 Mar 15 1415:00  Skua 2                   -      SUPARCO/MR/72        -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W375      2441757.15 1973 Mar 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W376      2441757.15 1973 Mar 15 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W377      2441757.19 1973 Mar 15 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W378      2441757.26 1973 Mar 15 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W379      2441757.38 1973 Mar 15 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W380      2441758.08 1973 Mar 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W381      2441758.15 1973 Mar 16 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W382      2441758.19 1973 Mar 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W383      2441758.26 1973 Mar 16 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W384      2441758.29 1973 Mar 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W385      2441758.30 1973 Mar 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W386      2441758.44 1973 Mar 16 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W387      2441758.49 1973 Mar 16 2347:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W388      2441761.15 1973 Mar 19 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W389      2441761.19 1973 Mar 19 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W390      2441761.27 1973 Mar 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W391      2441761.28 1973 Mar 19 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W392      2441761.32 1973 Mar 19 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W393      2441761.32 1973 Mar 19 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W394      2441761.36 1973 Mar 19 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W395      2441761.40 1973 Mar 19 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W396      2441762.12 1973 Mar 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W397      2441762.19 1973 Mar 20 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W398      2441762.24 1973 Mar 20 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W399      2441762.25 1973 Mar 20 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W400      2441762.40 1973 Mar 20 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M37       2441762.50 1973 Mar 21          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-16          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-M05       2441762.92 1973 Mar 21 1011:00  Astrobee D               -      CRL A30.205-5        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ulwick             Aeron                    AFCRL                -                    -
1973-W401      2441763.11 1973 Mar 21 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W402      2441763.15 1973 Mar 21 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W403      2441763.16 1973 Mar 21 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W404      2441763.19 1973 Mar 21 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W405      2441763.24 1973 Mar 21 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W406      2441763.29 1973 Mar 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W407      2441763.30 1973 Mar 21 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W408      2441763.40 1973 Mar 21 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W409      2441764.19 1973 Mar 22 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W410      2441764.32 1973 Mar 22 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W411      2441764.40 1973 Mar 22 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W412      2441764.95 1973 Mar 23 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W413      2441765.09 1973 Mar 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W414      2441765.13 1973 Mar 23 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W415      2441765.14 1973 Mar 23 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Datasonde          -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W416      2441765.15 1973 Mar 23 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W417      2441765.19 1973 Mar 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W418      2441765.22 1973 Mar 23 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W419      2441765.30 1973 Mar 23 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W420      2441765.32 1973 Mar 23 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W421      2441765.38 1973 Mar 23 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W422      2441765.40 1973 Mar 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M06       2441768.02 1973 Mar 26 1235:00  Skua 2                   -      INTA MSC-7303        -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 INTA/DLR     SS   MPAE/Rose,Cisneros       Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W423      2441768.09 1973 Mar 26 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W424      2441768.09 1973 Mar 26 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W425      2441768.09 1973 Mar 26 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W426      2441768.15 1973 Mar 26 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W427      2441768.29 1973 Mar 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W428      2441768.30 1973 Mar 26 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W429      2441768.34 1973 Mar 26 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W430      2441768.38 1973 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W431      2441768.50 1973 Mar 27 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W432      2441768.70 1973 Mar 27 0444:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W433      2441768.91 1973 Mar 27 0945:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W434      2441769.18 1973 Mar 27 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W435      2441769.25 1973 Mar 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W436      2441769.30 1973 Mar 27 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W437      2441769.39 1973 Mar 27 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M35       2441769.50 1973 Mar 28          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-17          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W438      2441770.09 1973 Mar 28 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W439      2441770.10 1973 Mar 28 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W440      2441770.11 1973 Mar 28 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W441      2441770.12 1973 Mar 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W442      2441770.16 1973 Mar 28 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W443      2441770.19 1973 Mar 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W444      2441770.24 1973 Mar 28 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W445      2441770.30 1973 Mar 28 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W446      2441770.30 1973 Mar 28 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W447      2441770.44 1973 Mar 28 2229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W448      2441770.71 1973 Mar 29 0455:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W449      2441771.18 1973 Mar 29 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W450      2441771.19 1973 Mar 29 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W451      2441771.33 1973 Mar 29 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W452      2441771.40 1973 Mar 29 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M16       2441771.50 1973 Mar 30          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6175 SSL 3-16     Robin Dart E4-4          -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-M17       2441771.50 1973 Mar 30          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6176 SSL 3-17     Robin Dart E4-4          -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-W453      2441771.74 1973 Mar 30 0552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W454      2441772.09 1973 Mar 30 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W455      2441772.24 1973 Mar 30 1742:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M43       2441772.28 1973 Mar 30 1845     Arcas                    -      T1-6446              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W456      2441772.28 1973 Mar 30 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W457      2441772.31 1973 Mar 30 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W458      2441772.34 1973 Mar 30 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W459      2441772.42 1973 Mar 30 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W460      2441772.44 1973 Mar 30 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M19       2441774.50 1973 Apr  2          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6478 SSL 3-19     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-W461      2441775.12 1973 Apr  2 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W462      2441775.15 1973 Apr  2 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W463      2441775.20 1973 Apr  2 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W464      2441775.21 1973 Apr  2 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W465      2441775.22 1973 Apr  2 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W466      2441775.23 1973 Apr  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W467      2441775.24 1973 Apr  2 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W468      2441775.32 1973 Apr  2 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W469      2441775.34 1973 Apr  2 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W470      2441775.39 1973 Apr  2 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W471      2441775.69 1973 Apr  3 0434:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W472      2441776.06 1973 Apr  3 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W473      2441776.19 1973 Apr  3 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W474      2441776.41 1973 Apr  3 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M36       2441776.50 1973 Apr  4          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-18          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W475      2441777.10 1973 Apr  4 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W476      2441777.15 1973 Apr  4 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W477      2441777.19 1973 Apr  4 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W478      2441777.24 1973 Apr  4 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W479      2441777.28 1973 Apr  4 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W480      2441777.31 1973 Apr  4 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W481      2441777.34 1973 Apr  4 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W482      2441777.35 1973 Apr  4 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W483      2441778.14 1973 Apr  5 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W484      2441778.19 1973 Apr  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M07       2441778.86 1973 Apr  6 0845:00  Astrobee D               -      CRL A30.205-6        Enhanced OH              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ulwick             Aeron                    AFCRL                -                    -
1973-W485      2441779.09 1973 Apr  6 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W486      2441779.15 1973 Apr  6 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W487      2441779.25 1973 Apr  6 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W488      2441779.27 1973 Apr  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W489      2441779.28 1973 Apr  6 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W490      2441779.31 1973 Apr  6 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W491      2441779.45 1973 Apr  6 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W492      2441782.09 1973 Apr  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W493      2441782.19 1973 Apr  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W494      2441782.29 1973 Apr  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W495      2441782.31 1973 Apr  9 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W496      2441782.32 1973 Apr  9 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W497      2441782.41 1973 Apr  9 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W498      2441782.51 1973 Apr 10 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M44       2441782.59 1973 Apr 10 0215     Arcas                    -      T1-6428              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W499      2441782.69 1973 Apr 10 0434:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W500      2441783.19 1973 Apr 10 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W501      2441783.41 1973 Apr 10 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W502      2441783.82 1973 Apr 11 0734:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W503      2441784.01 1973 Apr 11 1220:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7304         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W504      2441784.12 1973 Apr 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W505      2441784.15 1973 Apr 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W506      2441784.15 1973 Apr 11 1536:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W507      2441784.19 1973 Apr 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W508      2441784.25 1973 Apr 11 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W509      2441784.29 1973 Apr 11 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W510      2441784.31 1973 Apr 11 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W511      2441784.32 1973 Apr 11 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W512      2441784.32 1973 Apr 11 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W513      2441784.39 1973 Apr 11 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W514      2441784.50 1973 Apr 12 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W515      2441785.19 1973 Apr 12 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W516      2441785.49 1973 Apr 12 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W517      2441786.09 1973 Apr 13 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W518      2441786.12 1973 Apr 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W519      2441786.15 1973 Apr 13 1535:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W520      2441786.24 1973 Apr 13 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W521      2441786.31 1973 Apr 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W522      2441786.38 1973 Apr 13 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W523      2441789.01 1973 Apr 16 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W524      2441789.06 1973 Apr 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W525      2441789.10 1973 Apr 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W526      2441789.21 1973 Apr 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W527      2441789.29 1973 Apr 16 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W528      2441789.32 1973 Apr 16 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W529      2441789.38 1973 Apr 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W530      2441789.69 1973 Apr 17 0434:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W531      2441790.19 1973 Apr 17 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W532      2441790.40 1973 Apr 17 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M25       2441790.50 1973 Apr 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-19          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W533      2441791.09 1973 Apr 18 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W534      2441791.09 1973 Apr 18 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W535      2441791.10 1973 Apr 18 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M08       2441791.10 1973 Apr 18 1430:00  Skua 2                   -      SUPARCO/MR/73        -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 SUPA         SS   SUPA/Jafri               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W536      2441791.12 1973 Apr 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W537      2441791.15 1973 Apr 18 1535:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W538      2441791.16 1973 Apr 18 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W539      2441791.19 1973 Apr 18 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W540      2441791.25 1973 Apr 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W541      2441791.26 1973 Apr 18 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W542      2441791.31 1973 Apr 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W543      2441791.42 1973 Apr 18 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W544      2441791.49 1973 Apr 18 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W545      2441792.18 1973 Apr 19 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W546      2441792.24 1973 Apr 19 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W547      2441793.03 1973 Apr 20 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W548      2441793.24 1973 Apr 20 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W549      2441793.32 1973 Apr 20 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W550      2441793.37 1973 Apr 20 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W551      2441793.43 1973 Apr 20 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W552      2441796.09 1973 Apr 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W553      2441796.30 1973 Apr 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W554      2441796.31 1973 Apr 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W555      2441796.34 1973 Apr 23 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W556      2441796.38 1973 Apr 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W557      2441796.49 1973 Apr 23 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W558      2441796.69 1973 Apr 24 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W559      2441797.19 1973 Apr 24 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W560      2441797.40 1973 Apr 24 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W561      2441797.89 1973 Apr 25 0922:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W562      2441798.09 1973 Apr 25 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W563      2441798.12 1973 Apr 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W564      2441798.14 1973 Apr 25 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W565      2441798.15 1973 Apr 25 1534:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W566      2441798.15 1973 Apr 25 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W567      2441798.24 1973 Apr 25 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W568      2441798.29 1973 Apr 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W569      2441798.30 1973 Apr 25 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W570      2441798.31 1973 Apr 25 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W571      2441799.19 1973 Apr 26 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W572      2441799.55 1973 Apr 27 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         GRLC     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W573      2441800.04 1973 Apr 27 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W574      2441800.09 1973 Apr 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W575      2441800.17 1973 Apr 27 1609:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W576      2441800.24 1973 Apr 27 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W577      2441800.25 1973 Apr 27 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W578      2441800.27 1973 Apr 27 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W579      2441800.33 1973 Apr 27 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W580      2441800.44 1973 Apr 27 2230:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M09       2441802.50 1973 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1973-M10       2441802.50 1973 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1973-W581      2441803.09 1973 Apr 30 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W582      2441803.11 1973 Apr 30 1436:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W583      2441803.21 1973 Apr 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W584      2441803.23 1973 Apr 30 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W585      2441803.27 1973 Apr 30 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W586      2441803.33 1973 Apr 30 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W587      2441803.39 1973 Apr 30 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W588      2441805.07 1973 May  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W589      2441805.10 1973 May  2 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W590      2441805.11 1973 May  2 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W591      2441805.12 1973 May  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W592      2441805.17 1973 May  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W593      2441805.21 1973 May  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W594      2441805.25 1973 May  2 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W595      2441805.32 1973 May  2 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W596      2441805.38 1973 May  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W597      2441805.38 1973 May  2 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W598      2441805.58 1973 May  3 0152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W599      2441806.20 1973 May  3 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W600      2441806.25 1973 May  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W601      2441807.06 1973 May  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W602      2441807.07 1973 May  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W603      2441807.09 1973 May  4 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W604      2441807.18 1973 May  4 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W605      2441807.25 1973 May  4 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W606      2441807.27 1973 May  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W607      2441807.39 1973 May  4 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W608      2441807.39 1973 May  4 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W609      2441810.08 1973 May  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W610      2441810.22 1973 May  7 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W611      2441810.23 1973 May  7 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W612      2441810.30 1973 May  7 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W613      2441810.31 1973 May  7 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W614      2441810.38 1973 May  7 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W615      2441810.53 1973 May  8 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W616      2441811.20 1973 May  8 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W617      2441811.22 1973 May  8 1721:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W618      2441811.30 1973 May  8 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M26       2441811.50 1973 May  9          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-20          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W619      2441812.02 1973 May  9 1233:00  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7305         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W620      2441812.12 1973 May  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W621      2441812.13 1973 May  9 1507:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W622      2441812.17 1973 May  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W623      2441812.24 1973 May  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W624      2441812.31 1973 May  9 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W625      2441812.41 1973 May  9 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W626      2441812.55 1973 May 10 0104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W627      2441812.59 1973 May 10 0203:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W628      2441813.08 1973 May 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W629      2441813.09 1973 May 10 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W630      2441813.23 1973 May 10 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W631      2441813.50 1973 May 11 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W632      2441814.12 1973 May 11 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W633      2441814.15 1973 May 11 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W634      2441814.18 1973 May 11 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W635      2441814.19 1973 May 11 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W636      2441814.25 1973 May 11 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W637      2441814.27 1973 May 11 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W638      2441814.39 1973 May 11 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W639      2441816.06 1973 May 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W640      2441817.06 1973 May 14 1332:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W641      2441817.12 1973 May 14 1449:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W642      2441817.21 1973 May 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W643      2441817.25 1973 May 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W644      2441817.27 1973 May 14 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W645      2441817.29 1973 May 14 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W646      2441817.38 1973 May 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W647      2441817.49 1973 May 14 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W648      2441818.19 1973 May 15 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W649      2441818.27 1973 May 15 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W650      2441818.29 1973 May 15 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W651      2441818.96 1973 May 16 1106     Black Brant VI           -      AAF-VI-01            Dust collector           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   NRCC/Wlochowicz          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W652      2441819.05 1973 May 16 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W653      2441819.07 1973 May 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W654      2441819.09 1973 May 16 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W655      2441819.09 1973 May 16 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W656      2441819.15 1973 May 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W657      2441819.17 1973 May 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W658      2441819.18 1973 May 16 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W659      2441819.24 1973 May 16 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W660      2441819.25 1973 May 16 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W661      2441819.31 1973 May 16 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W662      2441819.33 1973 May 16 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W663      2441819.58 1973 May 17 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W664      2441820.13 1973 May 17 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W665      2441820.38 1973 May 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W666      2441820.39 1973 May 17 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W667      2441821.08 1973 May 18 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W668      2441821.08 1973 May 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W669      2441821.18 1973 May 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W670      2441821.21 1973 May 18 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W671      2441821.25 1973 May 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W672      2441821.27 1973 May 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W673      2441821.47 1973 May 18 2314:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W674      2441822.55 1973 May 20 0117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W675      2441824.07 1973 May 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W676      2441824.14 1973 May 21 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W677      2441824.21 1973 May 21 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W678      2441824.27 1973 May 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W679      2441824.31 1973 May 21 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W680      2441824.38 1973 May 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W681      2441825.11 1973 May 22 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W682      2441825.19 1973 May 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W683      2441825.25 1973 May 22 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W684      2441826.08 1973 May 23 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W685      2441826.09 1973 May 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W686      2441826.12 1973 May 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W687      2441826.17 1973 May 23 1609:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W688      2441826.23 1973 May 23 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W689      2441826.24 1973 May 23 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W690      2441826.31 1973 May 23 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W691      2441826.46 1973 May 23 2307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W692      2441827.09 1973 May 24 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W693      2441827.12 1973 May 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W694      2441827.39 1973 May 24 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W695      2441828.10 1973 May 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W696      2441828.18 1973 May 25 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W697      2441828.25 1973 May 25 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W698      2441828.29 1973 May 25 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W699      2441828.29 1973 May 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W700      2441828.39 1973 May 25 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W701      2441828.53 1973 May 26 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W702      2441831.12 1973 May 28 1457:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M18       2441831.50 1973 May 29          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6178 SSL 3-15     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-W703      2441832.21 1973 May 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W704      2441832.29 1973 May 29 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W705      2441832.31 1973 May 29 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W706      2441832.34 1973 May 29 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M15       2441832.50 1973 May 30          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-21          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    Envelope             -                    -
1973-W707      2441833.07 1973 May 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W708      2441833.07 1973 May 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W709      2441833.07 1973 May 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W710      2441833.11 1973 May 30 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W711      2441833.15 1973 May 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W712      2441833.17 1973 May 30 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W713      2441833.17 1973 May 30 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W714      2441833.18 1973 May 30 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W715      2441833.21 1973 May 30 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W716      2441833.25 1973 May 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W717      2441833.31 1973 May 30 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W718      2441833.39 1973 May 30 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W719      2441833.53 1973 May 31 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W720      2441834.51 1973 Jun  1 0012:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W721      2441835.09 1973 Jun  1 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W722      2441835.18 1973 Jun  1 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W723      2441835.18 1973 Jun  1 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W724      2441835.31 1973 Jun  1 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W725      2441835.35 1973 Jun  1 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W726      2441835.38 1973 Jun  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W727      2441838.01 1973 Jun  4 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W728      2441838.08 1973 Jun  4 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W729      2441838.12 1973 Jun  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W730      2441838.23 1973 Jun  4 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W731      2441838.24 1973 Jun  4 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W732      2441838.25 1973 Jun  4 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W733      2441838.27 1973 Jun  4 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W734      2441838.31 1973 Jun  4 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W735      2441838.38 1973 Jun  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W736      2441839.13 1973 Jun  5 1501     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.109GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W737      2441839.39 1973 Jun  5 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W738      2441839.50 1973 Jun  6 0006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W739      2441839.99 1973 Jun  6 1140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W740      2441840.01 1973 Jun  6 1214:59  Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7306         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W741      2441840.03 1973 Jun  6 1236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W742      2441840.06 1973 Jun  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W743      2441840.08 1973 Jun  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W744      2441840.11 1973 Jun  6 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W745      2441840.12 1973 Jun  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W746      2441840.18 1973 Jun  6 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W747      2441840.21 1973 Jun  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W748      2441840.25 1973 Jun  6 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W749      2441840.25 1973 Jun  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W750      2441840.27 1973 Jun  6 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W751      2441840.31 1973 Jun  6 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W752      2441840.38 1973 Jun  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M27       2441840.50 1973 Jun  7          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-22          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W753      2441840.53 1973 Jun  7 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W754      2441841.69 1973 Jun  8 0434:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W755      2441842.08 1973 Jun  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W756      2441842.09 1973 Jun  8 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W757      2441842.15 1973 Jun  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W758      2441842.18 1973 Jun  8 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W759      2441842.18 1973 Jun  8 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W760      2441842.21 1973 Jun  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W761      2441842.25 1973 Jun  8 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W762      2441842.31 1973 Jun  8 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W763      2441842.41 1973 Jun  8 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W764      2441842.53 1973 Jun  9 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W765      2441842.58 1973 Jun  9 0151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W766      2441842.60 1973 Jun  9 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W767      2441843.31 1973 Jun  9 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W768      2441845.12 1973 Jun 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W769      2441845.16 1973 Jun 11 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W770      2441845.18 1973 Jun 11 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W771      2441845.21 1973 Jun 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W772      2441845.23 1973 Jun 11 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W773      2441845.31 1973 Jun 11 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W774      2441845.38 1973 Jun 11 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W775      2441845.58 1973 Jun 12 0154:00  MR-12                    -      MR-12                TOFMS/RFMS               -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                    168      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Butko                Aeron                    WDCRF                SR15,263             -
1973-W776      2441846.25 1973 Jun 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W777      2441847.08 1973 Jun 13 1348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W778      2441847.09 1973 Jun 13 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W779      2441847.10 1973 Jun 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W780      2441847.17 1973 Jun 13 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W781      2441847.21 1973 Jun 13 1655:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W782      2441847.25 1973 Jun 13 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W783      2441847.27 1973 Jun 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W784      2441847.29 1973 Jun 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W785      2441847.42 1973 Jun 13 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W786      2441847.42 1973 Jun 13 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W787      2441847.53 1973 Jun 14 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W788      2441848.09 1973 Jun 14 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W789      2441848.13 1973 Jun 14 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W790      2441848.69 1973 Jun 15 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W791      2441849.07 1973 Jun 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W792      2441849.08 1973 Jun 15 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W793      2441849.18 1973 Jun 15 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W794      2441849.23 1973 Jun 15 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W795      2441849.32 1973 Jun 15 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W796      2441849.41 1973 Jun 15 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W797      2441849.56 1973 Jun 16 0123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W798      2441852.07 1973 Jun 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W799      2441852.10 1973 Jun 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W800      2441852.21 1973 Jun 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W801      2441852.25 1973 Jun 18 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W802      2441852.31 1973 Jun 18 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W803      2441852.32 1973 Jun 18 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W804      2441852.38 1973 Jun 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W805      2441853.04 1973 Jun 19 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W806      2441853.31 1973 Jun 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W807      2441853.51 1973 Jun 20 0008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W808      2441853.70 1973 Jun 20 0444:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W809      2441854.11 1973 Jun 20 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W810      2441854.14 1973 Jun 20 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W811      2441854.18 1973 Jun 20 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W812      2441854.19 1973 Jun 20 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W813      2441854.30 1973 Jun 20 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W814      2441854.35 1973 Jun 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W815      2441854.40 1973 Jun 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M20       2441854.50 1973 Jun 21          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6180 SSL 4-21     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-M21       2441854.50 1973 Jun 21          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6181 SSL 4-22     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-M22       2441854.50 1973 Jun 21          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6182 SSL 4-23     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-M23       2441854.50 1973 Jun 21          Stable Super Loki        -      D1-6183 SSL 4-24     Dart F4-1                -                        -                        -         WI?      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SF   SDCO/                    Test                     AFCRL-TR-73-0412     -                    -
1973-W816      2441855.14 1973 Jun 21 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W817      2441856.12 1973 Jun 22 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W818      2441856.18 1973 Jun 22 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W819      2441856.20 1973 Jun 22 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W820      2441856.21 1973 Jun 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W821      2441856.21 1973 Jun 22 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W822      2441856.40 1973 Jun 22 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W823      2441856.53 1973 Jun 23 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W824      2441859.12 1973 Jun 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W825      2441859.17 1973 Jun 25 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W826      2441859.25 1973 Jun 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W827      2441859.31 1973 Jun 25 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W828      2441859.39 1973 Jun 25 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W829      2441860.33 1973 Jun 26 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W830      2441860.68 1973 Jun 27 0424:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W831      2441861.04 1973 Jun 27 1303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W832      2441861.10 1973 Jun 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W833      2441861.11 1973 Jun 27 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W834      2441861.18 1973 Jun 27 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W835      2441861.18 1973 Jun 27 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W836      2441861.19 1973 Jun 27 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W837      2441861.19 1973 Jun 27 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W838      2441861.30 1973 Jun 27 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W839      2441862.07 1973 Jun 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W840      2441862.31 1973 Jun 28 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W841      2441863.07 1973 Jun 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W842      2441863.19 1973 Jun 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W843      2441863.23 1973 Jun 29 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W844      2441863.25 1973 Jun 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W845      2441863.50 1973 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W846      2441863.50 1973 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W847      2441863.50 1973 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-M11       2441864.36 1973 Jun 30 2033     Nike Apache              -      NASA 14.519GI        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Aikin,Goldberg      Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W848      2441864.38 1973 Jun 30 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W849      2441866.12 1973 Jul  2 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W850      2441866.17 1973 Jul  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W851      2441866.23 1973 Jul  2 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W852      2441866.27 1973 Jul  2 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W853      2441866.40 1973 Jul  2 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W854      2441867.12 1973 Jul  3 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W855      2441867.26 1973 Jul  3 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W856      2441868.18 1973 Jul  4 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W857      2441869.31 1973 Jul  5 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W858      2441869.48 1973 Jul  5 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W859      2441870.08 1973 Jul  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W860      2441870.11 1973 Jul  6 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W861      2441870.14 1973 Jul  6 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W862      2441870.19 1973 Jul  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W863      2441870.21 1973 Jul  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W864      2441870.23 1973 Jul  6 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W865      2441873.08 1973 Jul  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W866      2441873.12 1973 Jul  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W867      2441873.23 1973 Jul  9 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W868      2441873.25 1973 Jul  9 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W869      2441873.31 1973 Jul  9 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W870      2441873.40 1973 Jul  9 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M39       2441875.01 1973 Jul 11 1220     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7307         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1973-W871      2441875.10 1973 Jul 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W872      2441875.18 1973 Jul 11 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W873      2441875.19 1973 Jul 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W874      2441875.21 1973 Jul 11 1658:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W875      2441875.21 1973 Jul 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W876      2441875.30 1973 Jul 11 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W877      2441875.32 1973 Jul 11 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W878      2441875.39 1973 Jul 11 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W879      2441875.50 1973 Jul 12          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 8/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1973-W880      2441876.26 1973 Jul 12 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W881      2441876.31 1973 Jul 12 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W882      2441876.69 1973 Jul 13 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W883      2441877.07 1973 Jul 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W884      2441877.08 1973 Jul 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W885      2441877.09 1973 Jul 13 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W886      2441877.21 1973 Jul 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W887      2441877.37 1973 Jul 13 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W888      2441880.04 1973 Jul 16 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W889      2441880.18 1973 Jul 16 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W890      2441880.23 1973 Jul 16 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W891      2441880.25 1973 Jul 16 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W892      2441880.25 1973 Jul 16 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W893      2441880.31 1973 Jul 16 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W894      2441880.40 1973 Jul 16 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W895      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17          Arcas                    -      -                    Arcas Starute 9/STS      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/Olson               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1973-W896      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W897      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W898      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W899      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W900      2441880.50 1973 Jul 17?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W901      2441881.05 1973 Jul 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M42       2441881.09 1973 Jul 17 1403     Viper-Dart               -      E 1-6678             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SU   -                        Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W902      2441881.20 1973 Jul 17 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W903      2441881.24 1973 Jul 17 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W904      2441881.50 1973 Jul 18?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W905      2441881.50 1973 Jul 18?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W906      2441881.50 1973 Jul 18?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W907      2441881.50 1973 Jul 18?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W908      2441881.50 1973 Jul 18?         Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    SP-4018              -                    -
1973-W909      2441881.69 1973 Jul 18 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W910      2441881.73 1973 Jul 18 0531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W911      2441882.07 1973 Jul 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W912      2441882.10 1973 Jul 18 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W913      2441882.12 1973 Jul 18 1447:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W914      2441882.14 1973 Jul 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W915      2441882.19 1973 Jul 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W916      2441882.24 1973 Jul 18 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W917      2441882.30 1973 Jul 18 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W918      2441882.53 1973 Jul 19 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M46       2441883.26 1973 Jul 19 1819     Super Arcas              -      L1-6574              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W919      2441883.31 1973 Jul 19 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W920      2441884.07 1973 Jul 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W921      2441884.08 1973 Jul 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W922      2441884.23 1973 Jul 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W923      2441884.28 1973 Jul 20 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W924      2441884.39 1973 Jul 20 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W925      2441887.08 1973 Jul 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W926      2441887.19 1973 Jul 23 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W927      2441887.29 1973 Jul 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W928      2441887.40 1973 Jul 23 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W929      2441889.04 1973 Jul 25 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W930      2441889.07 1973 Jul 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W931      2441889.17 1973 Jul 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W932      2441889.17 1973 Jul 25 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W933      2441889.19 1973 Jul 25 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W934      2441889.19 1973 Jul 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W935      2441889.21 1973 Jul 25 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W936      2441889.38 1973 Jul 25 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W937      2441890.04 1973 Jul 26 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W938      2441890.05 1973 Jul 26 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W939      2441890.25 1973 Jul 26 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W940      2441890.31 1973 Jul 26 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W941      2441890.32 1973 Jul 26 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W942      2441890.38 1973 Jul 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W943      2441891.04 1973 Jul 27 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W944      2441891.08 1973 Jul 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W945      2441891.08 1973 Jul 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W946      2441891.10 1973 Jul 27 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W947      2441891.11 1973 Jul 27 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W948      2441891.12 1973 Jul 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W949      2441891.14 1973 Jul 27 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W950      2441891.16 1973 Jul 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W951      2441891.29 1973 Jul 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W952      2441892.03 1973 Jul 28 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W953      2441894.10 1973 Jul 30 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W954      2441894.19 1973 Jul 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W955      2441894.23 1973 Jul 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W956      2441894.25 1973 Jul 30 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W957      2441894.31 1973 Jul 30 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W958      2441894.41 1973 Jul 30 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W959      2441894.50 1973 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W960      2441894.50 1973 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W961      2441894.50 1973 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W962      2441894.50 1973 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W963      2441895.31 1973 Jul 31 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W964      2441895.52 1973 Aug  1 0035:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W965      2441896.07 1973 Aug  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W966      2441896.07 1973 Aug  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W967      2441896.08 1973 Aug  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W968      2441896.09 1973 Aug  1 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W969      2441896.10 1973 Aug  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W970      2441896.12 1973 Aug  1 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W971      2441896.12 1973 Aug  1 1459:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W972      2441896.19 1973 Aug  1 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W973      2441897.05 1973 Aug  2 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W974      2441897.20 1973 Aug  2 1651:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W975      2441897.40 1973 Aug  2 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W976      2441897.83 1973 Aug  3 0752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W977      2441898.07 1973 Aug  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W978      2441898.08 1973 Aug  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W979      2441898.10 1973 Aug  3 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W980      2441898.33 1973 Aug  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W981      2441898.40 1973 Aug  3 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W982      2441898.53 1973 Aug  4 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W983      2441901.07 1973 Aug  6 1342:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W984      2441901.14 1973 Aug  6 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W985      2441901.19 1973 Aug  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W986      2441901.21 1973 Aug  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W987      2441901.25 1973 Aug  6 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W988      2441901.26 1973 Aug  6 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W989      2441901.41 1973 Aug  6 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W990      2441903.07 1973 Aug  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W991      2441903.08 1973 Aug  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W992      2441903.13 1973 Aug  8 1507:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W993      2441903.16 1973 Aug  8 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W994      2441903.19 1973 Aug  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W995      2441903.21 1973 Aug  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W996      2441903.30 1973 Aug  8 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W997      2441903.36 1973 Aug  8 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W998      2441903.42 1973 Aug  8 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W999      2441903.54 1973 Aug  9 0053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1000     2441904.11 1973 Aug  9 1437:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1001     2441904.25 1973 Aug  9 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1002     2441904.31 1973 Aug  9 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1003     2441904.97 1973 Aug 10 1122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1004     2441905.07 1973 Aug 10 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1005     2441905.08 1973 Aug 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1006     2441905.14 1973 Aug 10 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1007     2441905.17 1973 Aug 10 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1008     2441905.21 1973 Aug 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1009     2441905.31 1973 Aug 10 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1010     2441905.53 1973 Aug 11 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1011     2441908.08 1973 Aug 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1012     2441908.14 1973 Aug 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1013     2441908.18 1973 Aug 13 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1014     2441908.21 1973 Aug 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1015     2441908.21 1973 Aug 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1016     2441908.22 1973 Aug 13 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1017     2441908.25 1973 Aug 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1018     2441908.31 1973 Aug 13 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1019     2441908.41 1973 Aug 13 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1020     2441909.25 1973 Aug 14 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1021     2441909.31 1973 Aug 14 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1022     2441909.73 1973 Aug 15 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1023     2441910.07 1973 Aug 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1024     2441910.07 1973 Aug 15 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1025     2441910.08 1973 Aug 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1026     2441910.11 1973 Aug 15 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1027     2441910.12 1973 Aug 15 1451:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1028     2441910.15 1973 Aug 15 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1029     2441910.19 1973 Aug 15 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1030     2441910.29 1973 Aug 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1031     2441910.38 1973 Aug 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1032     2441910.38 1973 Aug 15 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1033     2441910.44 1973 Aug 15 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1034     2441910.50 1973 Aug 16 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1035     2441911.18 1973 Aug 16 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1036     2441911.20 1973 Aug 16 1650     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.111GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W1037     2441911.21 1973 Aug 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1038     2441911.25 1973 Aug 16 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1039     2441911.26 1973 Aug 16 1810     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.112GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W1040     2441911.93 1973 Aug 17 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1041     2441912.08 1973 Aug 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1042     2441912.08 1973 Aug 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1043     2441912.12 1973 Aug 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1044     2441912.17 1973 Aug 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1045     2441912.19 1973 Aug 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1046     2441914.92 1973 Aug 20 1009:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1047     2441915.08 1973 Aug 20 1348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1048     2441915.12 1973 Aug 20 1447:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1049     2441915.15 1973 Aug 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1050     2441915.19 1973 Aug 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1051     2441915.21 1973 Aug 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1052     2441915.53 1973 Aug 21 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1053     2441915.92 1973 Aug 21 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1054     2441916.25 1973 Aug 21 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1055     2441916.94 1973 Aug 22 1040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1056     2441917.08 1973 Aug 22 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1057     2441917.12 1973 Aug 22 1448:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1058     2441917.12 1973 Aug 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1059     2441917.15 1973 Aug 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1060     2441917.21 1973 Aug 22 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1061     2441917.22 1973 Aug 22 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1062     2441917.25 1973 Aug 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1063     2441917.51 1973 Aug 23 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1064     2441917.60 1973 Aug 23 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1065     2441917.90 1973 Aug 23 0941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1066     2441918.04 1973 Aug 23 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1067     2441918.57 1973 Aug 24 0143:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1068     2441918.82 1973 Aug 24 0740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1069     2441918.92 1973 Aug 24 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1070     2441919.07 1973 Aug 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1071     2441919.08 1973 Aug 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1072     2441919.10 1973 Aug 24 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1073     2441919.12 1973 Aug 24 1452     Arcas                    -      T1-6723              Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1973-M49       2441919.16 1973 Aug 24 1555     Super Arcas              -      T1-6777              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1074     2441919.18 1973 Aug 24 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1075     2441919.34 1973 Aug 24 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1076     2441919.35 1973 Aug 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1077     2441919.53 1973 Aug 25 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1078     2441921.93 1973 Aug 27 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1079     2441922.07 1973 Aug 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1080     2441922.08 1973 Aug 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1081     2441922.11 1973 Aug 27 1444:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1082     2441922.15 1973 Aug 27 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1083     2441922.19 1973 Aug 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1084     2441922.53 1973 Aug 28 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1085     2441922.81 1973 Aug 28 0730:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1086     2441922.88 1973 Aug 28 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1087     2441923.10 1973 Aug 28 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1088     2441923.10 1973 Aug 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1089     2441923.14 1973 Aug 28 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1090     2441923.92 1973 Aug 29 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1091     2441923.93 1973 Aug 29 1013:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1092     2441924.07 1973 Aug 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1093     2441924.08 1973 Aug 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1094     2441924.08 1973 Aug 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1095     2441924.11 1973 Aug 29 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1096     2441924.11 1973 Aug 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1097     2441924.12 1973 Aug 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1098     2441924.21 1973 Aug 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1099     2441924.29 1973 Aug 29 1854:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1100     2441924.29 1973 Aug 29 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1101     2441924.39 1973 Aug 29 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1102     2441924.50 1973 Aug 30 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1103     2441924.92 1973 Aug 30 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1104     2441925.03 1973 Aug 30 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1105     2441925.18 1973 Aug 30 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1106     2441925.25 1973 Aug 30 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1107     2441925.25 1973 Aug 30 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1108     2441925.41 1973 Aug 30 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1109     2441925.50 1973 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1110     2441925.50 1973 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1111     2441925.50 1973 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1112     2441925.91 1973 Aug 31 0949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1113     2441926.07 1973 Aug 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1114     2441926.08 1973 Aug 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M47       2441926.21 1973 Aug 31 1707     Arcas                    -      T1-6731              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1115     2441926.22 1973 Aug 31 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1116     2441926.33 1973 Aug 31 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1117     2441926.53 1973 Sep  1 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1118     2441930.13 1973 Sep  4 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1119     2441930.25 1973 Sep  4 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1120     2441930.26 1973 Sep  4 1809:00  Arcas                    -      T1-6720              Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC/Ulrich           -
1973-W1121     2441930.31 1973 Sep  4 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1122     2441930.58 1973 Sep  5 0157     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T7            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1973-W1123     2441930.77 1973 Sep  5 0630     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T8            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1973-W1124     2441931.07 1973 Sep  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1125     2441931.08 1973 Sep  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1126     2441931.12 1973 Sep  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1127     2441931.12 1973 Sep  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1128     2441931.26 1973 Sep  5 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1129     2441931.29 1973 Sep  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1130     2441931.40 1973 Sep  5 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1131     2441931.50 1973 Sep  6 0001:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1132     2441932.38 1973 Sep  6 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1133     2441932.40 1973 Sep  6 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1134     2441933.07 1973 Sep  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1135     2441933.08 1973 Sep  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1136     2441933.16 1973 Sep  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1137     2441933.23 1973 Sep  7 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1138     2441933.23 1973 Sep  7 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1139     2441933.24 1973 Sep  7 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1140     2441933.31 1973 Sep  7 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M28       2441935.50 1973 Sep 10          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-23          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1141     2441936.07 1973 Sep 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1142     2441936.08 1973 Sep 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1143     2441936.17 1973 Sep 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1144     2441936.20 1973 Sep 10 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1145     2441936.20 1973 Sep 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1146     2441936.29 1973 Sep 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1147     2441936.30 1973 Sep 10 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1148     2441936.51 1973 Sep 11 0015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1149     2441936.83 1973 Sep 11 0752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1150     2441937.18 1973 Sep 11 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1151     2441937.31 1973 Sep 11 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M29       2441937.50 1973 Sep 12          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-24          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1152     2441937.80 1973 Sep 12 0706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1153     2441938.07 1973 Sep 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1154     2441938.08 1973 Sep 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1155     2441938.08 1973 Sep 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1156     2441938.12 1973 Sep 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1157     2441938.14 1973 Sep 12 1518:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1158     2441938.15 1973 Sep 12 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1159     2441938.16 1973 Sep 12 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1160     2441938.17 1973 Sep 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1161     2441938.21 1973 Sep 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1162     2441938.29 1973 Sep 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1163     2441938.50 1973 Sep 13 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1164     2441938.71 1973 Sep 13 0504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1165     2441939.18 1973 Sep 13 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1166     2441939.26 1973 Sep 13 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1167     2441940.08 1973 Sep 14 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1168     2441940.08 1973 Sep 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1169     2441940.17 1973 Sep 14 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1170     2441940.21 1973 Sep 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1171     2441940.31 1973 Sep 14 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1172     2441940.52 1973 Sep 15 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1173     2441941.51 1973 Sep 16 0015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1174     2441941.56 1973 Sep 16 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1175     2441943.07 1973 Sep 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1176     2441943.08 1973 Sep 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1177     2441943.19 1973 Sep 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1178     2441943.25 1973 Sep 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1179     2441943.27 1973 Sep 17 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1180     2441943.31 1973 Sep 17 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1181     2441943.31 1973 Sep 17 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1182     2441944.18 1973 Sep 18 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1183     2441944.25 1973 Sep 18 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1184     2441944.52 1973 Sep 19 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1185     2441945.08 1973 Sep 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1186     2441945.10 1973 Sep 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1187     2441945.12 1973 Sep 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1188     2441945.14 1973 Sep 19 1521:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1189     2441945.17 1973 Sep 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1190     2441945.25 1973 Sep 19 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1191     2441945.26 1973 Sep 19 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M50       2441945.28 1973 Sep 19 1839     Super Arcas              -      T1-6776              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1192     2441945.29 1973 Sep 19 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1193     2441945.29 1973 Sep 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1194     2441945.53 1973 Sep 20 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Datasonde          -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1633     2441946.08 1973 Sep 20 1349     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1601     2441946.08 1973 Sep 20 1354     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1613     2441946.11 1973 Sep 20 1440     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1195     2441946.18 1973 Sep 20 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1196     2441946.19 1973 Sep 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1197     2441946.25 1973 Sep 20 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1634     2441946.64 1973 Sep 21 0328     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1602     2441946.65 1973 Sep 21 0332     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1621     2441946.66 1973 Sep 21 0344     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1198     2441947.07 1973 Sep 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1199     2441947.08 1973 Sep 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1200     2441947.08 1973 Sep 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1635     2441947.13 1973 Sep 21 1513     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1614     2441947.14 1973 Sep 21 1520     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1622     2441947.15 1973 Sep 21 1539     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1201     2441947.21 1973 Sep 21 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1202     2441947.22 1973 Sep 21 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1203     2441947.24 1973 Sep 21 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1204     2441947.31 1973 Sep 21 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1636     2441947.67 1973 Sep 22 0402     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1615     2441947.67 1973 Sep 22 0410     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1623     2441947.69 1973 Sep 22 0431     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1603     2441947.69 1973 Sep 22 0437     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1205     2441950.08 1973 Sep 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1206     2441950.09 1973 Sep 24 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1207     2441950.14 1973 Sep 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1208     2441950.15 1973 Sep 24 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1637     2441950.22 1973 Sep 24 1710     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1604     2441950.22 1973 Sep 24 1715     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1616     2441950.22 1973 Sep 24 1720     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1209     2441950.23 1973 Sep 24 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1210     2441950.25 1973 Sep 24 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1211     2441950.27 1973 Sep 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1212     2441950.31 1973 Sep 24 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1213     2441950.50 1973 Sep 25 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1638     2441950.51 1973 Sep 25 0019     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1617     2441950.52 1973 Sep 25 0030     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1624     2441950.54 1973 Sep 25 0051     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1605     2441950.54 1973 Sep 25 0056     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1214     2441950.85 1973 Sep 25 0822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1215     2441950.87 1973 Sep 25 0855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1216     2441950.93 1973 Sep 25 1024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1217     2441951.18 1973 Sep 25 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1639     2441951.25 1973 Sep 25 1800     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1618     2441951.26 1973 Sep 25 1810     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1625     2441951.27 1973 Sep 25 1835     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1606     2441951.28 1973 Sep 25 1840     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1648     2441951.50 1973 Sep 26?         Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1619     2441951.51 1973 Sep 26 0020     M-100                    -      CIMO                 -                        -                        -                        KORO      CSG      MER              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/                     Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1626     2441951.54 1973 Sep 26 0101     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1607     2441951.55 1973 Sep 26 0106     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1640     2441951.57 1973 Sep 26 0139     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1218     2441952.07 1973 Sep 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1219     2441952.08 1973 Sep 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1641     2441952.09 1973 Sep 26 1404     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1220     2441952.10 1973 Sep 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1627     2441952.11 1973 Sep 26 1435     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1608     2441952.11 1973 Sep 26 1442     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1645     2441952.12 1973 Sep 26 1500     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1221     2441952.14 1973 Sep 26 1514:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1222     2441952.15 1973 Sep 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1646     2441952.19 1973 Sep 26 1630     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1223     2441952.22 1973 Sep 26 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1224     2441952.24 1973 Sep 26 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1225     2441952.27 1973 Sep 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1647     2441952.38 1973 Sep 26 2100     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1649     2441952.50 1973 Sep 27 0000     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1226     2441952.56 1973 Sep 27 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1650     2441952.71 1973 Sep 27 0500     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1651     2441952.81 1973 Sep 27 0730     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1227     2441952.93 1973 Sep 27 1024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1652     2441953.04 1973 Sep 27 1300     Sonda 2                  -      -                    Diurnal                  -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   IAE/                     Meteo                    SR16,393             -                    -
1973-W1628     2441953.10 1973 Sep 27 1420     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1609     2441953.10 1973 Sep 27 1426     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1642     2441953.12 1973 Sep 27 1458     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1228     2441953.18 1973 Sep 27 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1229     2441953.19 1973 Sep 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1230     2441953.45 1973 Sep 27 2242:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1643     2441953.61 1973 Sep 28 0233     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1629     2441953.63 1973 Sep 28 0306     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1610     2441953.63 1973 Sep 28 0311     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1231     2441954.08 1973 Sep 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1232     2441954.10 1973 Sep 28 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1233     2441954.17 1973 Sep 28 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1234     2441954.21 1973 Sep 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1235     2441954.29 1973 Sep 28 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1644     2441954.62 1973 Sep 29 0252     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1630     2441954.64 1973 Sep 29 0324     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     88      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1611     2441954.65 1973 Sep 29 0329     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1238     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1239     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1240     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1241     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1242     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1243     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1236     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1237     2441955.50 1973 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1244     2441955.77 1973 Sep 30 0623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1654     2441956.65 1973 Oct  1 0330     Super Loki               -      CIMO                 Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NOAA         SS   NOAA/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1631     2441956.67 1973 Oct  1 0402     Skua                     -      CIMO                 BMO Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 UKMO         SS   UKMO/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1612     2441956.67 1973 Oct  1 0408     Super Arcas              -      CIMO                 DMN Sonde                -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/                    Meteo                    SR15,143             -                    -
1973-W1245     2441957.07 1973 Oct  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1246     2441957.08 1973 Oct  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1247     2441957.09 1973 Oct  1 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1248     2441957.15 1973 Oct  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1249     2441957.51 1973 Oct  2 0017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1250     2441958.18 1973 Oct  2 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1251     2441958.25 1973 Oct  2 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1252     2441958.25 1973 Oct  2 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1253     2441958.40 1973 Oct  2 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1254     2441959.09 1973 Oct  3 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1255     2441959.10 1973 Oct  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1256     2441959.17 1973 Oct  3 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1257     2441959.19 1973 Oct  3 1640:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1258     2441959.26 1973 Oct  3 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1259     2441959.29 1973 Oct  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1260     2441959.48 1973 Oct  3 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M12       2441959.53 1973 Oct  4 0040:01  Astrobee D               -      CRL A30.311-1        IR Radiometer            AO30.311-1               -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 AFCRL        SS   AFCRL/Ulwick             Aeron                    AFCRL-TR-76-0057     -                    -
1973-W1261     2441959.56 1973 Oct  4 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Arcasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1262     2441959.61 1973 Oct  4 0235:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1263     2441959.68 1973 Oct  4 0419:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Arcasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1264     2441959.70 1973 Oct  4 0449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Arcasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1265     2441960.18 1973 Oct  4 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1266     2441960.40 1973 Oct  4 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1267     2441961.07 1973 Oct  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1268     2441961.08 1973 Oct  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1269     2441961.10 1973 Oct  5 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,AN/DMQ-9        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1270     2441961.15 1973 Oct  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1271     2441961.21 1973 Oct  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1272     2441961.40 1973 Oct  5 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere,MK-1          -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1273     2441964.08 1973 Oct  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1274     2441964.15 1973 Oct  8 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1275     2441965.18 1973 Oct  9 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1276     2441965.24 1973 Oct  9 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1277     2441965.25 1973 Oct  9 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1278     2441965.27 1973 Oct  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1279     2441965.29 1973 Oct  9 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1280     2441965.40 1973 Oct  9 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M31       2441965.50 1973 Oct 10          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-25          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1281     2441966.00 1973 Oct 10 1203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1282     2441966.10 1973 Oct 10 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1283     2441966.10 1973 Oct 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M30       2441966.14 1973 Oct 10 1515     Arcas                    -      L1-6576              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/                    Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1284     2441966.20 1973 Oct 10 1641:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M51       2441966.25 1973 Oct 10 1804     Arcas                    -      L1-6577              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Meteo?                   FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1285     2441966.27 1973 Oct 10 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1286     2441966.29 1973 Oct 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1287     2441966.55 1973 Oct 11 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1288     2441966.94 1973 Oct 11 1040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1289     2441967.32 1973 Oct 11 1945:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1290     2441967.40 1973 Oct 11 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1291     2441968.07 1973 Oct 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1292     2441968.11 1973 Oct 12 1441:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1293     2441968.17 1973 Oct 12 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1294     2441968.21 1973 Oct 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1295     2441968.33 1973 Oct 12 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1296     2441971.08 1973 Oct 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1297     2441971.14 1973 Oct 15 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1298     2441971.15 1973 Oct 15 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1299     2441971.23 1973 Oct 15 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1300     2441971.24 1973 Oct 15 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1301     2441971.25 1973 Oct 15 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1302     2441971.27 1973 Oct 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1303     2441971.28 1973 Oct 15 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1304     2441971.31 1973 Oct 15 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1305     2441972.18 1973 Oct 16 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1306     2441972.25 1973 Oct 16 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1307     2441972.40 1973 Oct 16 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1308     2441973.07 1973 Oct 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1309     2441973.10 1973 Oct 17 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1310     2441973.10 1973 Oct 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1311     2441973.10 1973 Oct 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1312     2441973.14 1973 Oct 17 1527:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1313     2441973.15 1973 Oct 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1314     2441973.25 1973 Oct 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1315     2441973.27 1973 Oct 17 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1316     2441973.30 1973 Oct 17 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1317     2441973.33 1973 Oct 17 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1318     2441973.40 1973 Oct 17 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1319     2441973.53 1973 Oct 18 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1320     2441974.85 1973 Oct 19 0818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1321     2441975.08 1973 Oct 19 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1322     2441975.08 1973 Oct 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1323     2441975.09 1973 Oct 19 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1324     2441975.14 1973 Oct 19 1517:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1325     2441975.20 1973 Oct 19 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1326     2441975.25 1973 Oct 19 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1327     2441975.27 1973 Oct 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1328     2441975.53 1973 Oct 20 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1329     2441979.21 1973 Oct 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1330     2441979.27 1973 Oct 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1331     2441979.32 1973 Oct 23 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1332     2441979.40 1973 Oct 23 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1333     2441979.85 1973 Oct 24 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1334     2441979.94 1973 Oct 24 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1335     2441980.01 1973 Oct 24 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1336     2441980.07 1973 Oct 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1337     2441980.08 1973 Oct 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1338     2441980.11 1973 Oct 24 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1339     2441980.12 1973 Oct 24 1446:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1340     2441980.15 1973 Oct 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1341     2441980.51 1973 Oct 25 0019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1342     2441981.20 1973 Oct 25 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1343     2441981.39 1973 Oct 25 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1344     2441982.07 1973 Oct 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1345     2441982.10 1973 Oct 26 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1346     2441982.14 1973 Oct 26 1521:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1347     2441982.21 1973 Oct 26 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1348     2441982.25 1973 Oct 26 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1349     2441982.25 1973 Oct 26 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1350     2441982.30 1973 Oct 26 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1351     2441982.53 1973 Oct 27 0047:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1352     2441985.14 1973 Oct 29 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1353     2441985.19 1973 Oct 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1354     2441985.29 1973 Oct 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1355     2441985.31 1973 Oct 29 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1356     2441985.93 1973 Oct 30 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1357     2441986.18 1973 Oct 30 1624:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M13       2441986.29 1973 Oct 30 1854:19  Petrel                   -      P147A                High Lat/Particles       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 SRC          SF   SOTON/Jenkins            Auroral                  WDCRF                AND                  -
1973-W1358     2441986.40 1973 Oct 30 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M32       2441986.50 1973 Oct 31          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-40          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1359     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1360     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1361     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1362     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-M14       2441986.50 1973 Nov             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1973-W1363     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1364     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1365     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1366     2441986.50 1973 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1367     2441987.08 1973 Oct 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1368     2441987.11 1973 Oct 31 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1369     2441987.11 1973 Oct 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1370     2441987.17 1973 Oct 31 1606:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1371     2441987.26 1973 Oct 31 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1372     2441987.31 1973 Oct 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1373     2441987.33 1973 Oct 31 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1374     2441987.33 1973 Oct 31 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1375     2441988.26 1973 Nov  1 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Density gauge    -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1376     2441988.87 1973 Nov  2 0848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1377     2441989.08 1973 Nov  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1378     2441989.10 1973 Nov  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1379     2441989.18 1973 Nov  2 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1380     2441989.19 1973 Nov  2 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1381     2441989.22 1973 Nov  2 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1382     2441989.27 1973 Nov  2 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1383     2441989.32 1973 Nov  2 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1384     2441992.08 1973 Nov  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1385     2441992.11 1973 Nov  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1386     2441992.19 1973 Nov  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1387     2441992.20 1973 Nov  5 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1388     2441992.25 1973 Nov  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1389     2441992.32 1973 Nov  5 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1390     2441994.08 1973 Nov  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1391     2441994.11 1973 Nov  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1392     2441994.15 1973 Nov  7 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1393     2441994.18 1973 Nov  7 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1394     2441994.25 1973 Nov  7 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1395     2441994.28 1973 Nov  7 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1396     2441994.32 1973 Nov  7 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1397     2441994.53 1973 Nov  8 0048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1398     2441994.95 1973 Nov  8 1041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1399     2441995.17 1973 Nov  8 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1400     2441996.08 1973 Nov  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1401     2441996.11 1973 Nov  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1402     2441996.12 1973 Nov  9 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1403     2441996.18 1973 Nov  9 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1404     2441996.25 1973 Nov  9 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1405     2441996.28 1973 Nov  9 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1406     2441996.33 1973 Nov  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1407     2441996.40 1973 Nov  9 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1408     2441999.13 1973 Nov 12 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1409     2441999.19 1973 Nov 12 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1410     2441999.28 1973 Nov 12 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1411     2441999.29 1973 Nov 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1412     2441999.34 1973 Nov 12 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1413     2441999.38 1973 Nov 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1414     2441999.90 1973 Nov 13 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1415     2441999.99 1973 Nov 13 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1416     2442000.15 1973 Nov 13 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1417     2442000.31 1973 Nov 13 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1418     2442000.31 1973 Nov 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M40       2442001.01 1973 Nov 14 1212     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7308         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1973-W1419     2442001.08 1973 Nov 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1420     2442001.08 1973 Nov 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1421     2442001.11 1973 Nov 14 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1422     2442001.14 1973 Nov 14 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1423     2442001.18 1973 Nov 14 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1424     2442001.26 1973 Nov 14 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1425     2442001.29 1973 Nov 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1426     2442001.33 1973 Nov 14 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1427     2442001.40 1973 Nov 14 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1428     2442002.04 1973 Nov 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1429     2442002.15 1973 Nov 15 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1430     2442002.50 1973 Nov 16 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1431     2442003.08 1973 Nov 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1432     2442003.08 1973 Nov 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1433     2442003.10 1973 Nov 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1434     2442003.18 1973 Nov 16 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1435     2442003.18 1973 Nov 16 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1436     2442003.20 1973 Nov 16 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1437     2442003.25 1973 Nov 16 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1438     2442003.40 1973 Nov 16 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1439     2442003.44 1973 Nov 16 2233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1440     2442006.08 1973 Nov 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1441     2442006.11 1973 Nov 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1442     2442006.25 1973 Nov 19 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1443     2442006.25 1973 Nov 19 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1444     2442006.31 1973 Nov 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1445     2442006.32 1973 Nov 19 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1446     2442006.48 1973 Nov 19 2326:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1447     2442006.50 1973 Nov 20 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1448     2442007.31 1973 Nov 20 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1449     2442007.32 1973 Nov 20 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1450     2442007.48 1973 Nov 20 2330:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1451     2442007.85 1973 Nov 21 0825:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1452     2442008.08 1973 Nov 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1453     2442008.11 1973 Nov 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1454     2442008.19 1973 Nov 21 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1455     2442008.23 1973 Nov 21 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1456     2442008.25 1973 Nov 21 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1457     2442008.33 1973 Nov 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1458     2442008.44 1973 Nov 21 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1459     2442008.51 1973 Nov 22 0015:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1460     2442010.14 1973 Nov 23 1520     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.115GM        -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Kreuger             Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1973-W1461     2442013.08 1973 Nov 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1462     2442013.08 1973 Nov 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1463     2442013.11 1973 Nov 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1464     2442013.19 1973 Nov 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1465     2442013.24 1973 Nov 26 1738:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1466     2442013.26 1973 Nov 26 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1467     2442013.30 1973 Nov 26 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1468     2442013.93 1973 Nov 27 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1469     2442014.03 1973 Nov 27 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1470     2442014.50 1973 Nov 28 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1471     2442015.11 1973 Nov 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1472     2442015.15 1973 Nov 28 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1473     2442015.16 1973 Nov 28 1546:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1474     2442015.20 1973 Nov 28 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1475     2442015.32 1973 Nov 28 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1476     2442015.40 1973 Nov 28 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1477     2442015.41 1973 Nov 28 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1478     2442015.42 1973 Nov 28 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M33       2442015.50 1973 Nov 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-41          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1479     2442015.53 1973 Nov 29 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1480     2442016.16 1973 Nov 29 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1481     2442016.42 1973 Nov 29 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1482     2442016.50 1973 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1483     2442016.50 1973 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1484     2442016.50 1973 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1485     2442016.50 1973 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1973-W1486     2442017.11 1973 Nov 30 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1487     2442017.11 1973 Nov 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1488     2442017.13 1973 Nov 30 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1489     2442017.18 1973 Nov 30 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1490     2442017.19 1973 Nov 30 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1491     2442017.32 1973 Nov 30 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1492     2442017.34 1973 Nov 30 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1493     2442017.40 1973 Nov 30 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1494     2442020.11 1973 Dec  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1495     2442020.16 1973 Dec  3 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1496     2442020.21 1973 Dec  3 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1497     2442020.21 1973 Dec  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1498     2442020.25 1973 Dec  3 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1499     2442020.35 1973 Dec  3 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1500     2442021.15 1973 Dec  4 1533:00  Arcas                    -      NASA L1-6963         Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             FDC                  -
1973-W1501     2442021.15 1973 Dec  4 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M48       2442021.27 1973 Dec  4 1835     Arcas                    -      NASA L1-6964         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1502     2442021.28 1973 Dec  4 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1503     2442022.11 1973 Dec  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1504     2442022.18 1973 Dec  5 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1505     2442022.19 1973 Dec  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1506     2442022.23 1973 Dec  5 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1507     2442022.25 1973 Dec  5 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1508     2442022.26 1973 Dec  5 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1509     2442022.32 1973 Dec  5 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1510     2442022.53 1973 Dec  6 0046:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1511     2442022.90 1973 Dec  6 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1512     2442023.16 1973 Dec  6 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1513     2442023.20 1973 Dec  6 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1514     2442023.26 1973 Dec  6 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1515     2442023.28 1973 Dec  6 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1516     2442023.70 1973 Dec  7 0449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1517     2442024.01 1973 Dec  7 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1518     2442024.08 1973 Dec  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1519     2442024.14 1973 Dec  7 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1520     2442024.18 1973 Dec  7 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1521     2442024.18 1973 Dec  7 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1522     2442024.19 1973 Dec  7 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1523     2442024.31 1973 Dec  7 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1524     2442024.31 1973 Dec  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1525     2442024.40 1973 Dec  7 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1526     2442027.01 1973 Dec 10 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1527     2442027.08 1973 Dec 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1528     2442027.12 1973 Dec 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1529     2442027.16 1973 Dec 10 1546:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1530     2442027.21 1973 Dec 10 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1531     2442027.23 1973 Dec 10 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1532     2442027.25 1973 Dec 10 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1533     2442027.32 1973 Dec 10 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1534     2442027.33 1973 Dec 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1535     2442028.13 1973 Dec 11 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1536     2442028.23 1973 Dec 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1537     2442028.24 1973 Dec 11 1742:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1538     2442028.31 1973 Dec 11 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M34       2442028.50 1973 Dec 12          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-42          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1973-W1539     2442028.63 1973 Dec 12 0310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1540     2442029.01 1973 Dec 12 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-M41       2442029.03 1973 Dec 12 1247     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7309         -                        -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/NASA/               Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1973-W1541     2442029.15 1973 Dec 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1542     2442029.18 1973 Dec 12 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1543     2442029.22 1973 Dec 12 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1544     2442029.25 1973 Dec 12 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1545     2442029.25 1973 Dec 12 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1546     2442029.34 1973 Dec 12 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1547     2442029.36 1973 Dec 12 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1548     2442029.40 1973 Dec 12 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1549     2442029.53 1973 Dec 13 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1550     2442030.16 1973 Dec 13 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1551     2442030.29 1973 Dec 13 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1552     2442030.31 1973 Dec 13 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1553     2442031.08 1973 Dec 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1554     2442031.12 1973 Dec 14 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1555     2442031.18 1973 Dec 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1556     2442031.18 1973 Dec 14 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1557     2442031.25 1973 Dec 14 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1558     2442031.32 1973 Dec 14 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1559     2442034.08 1973 Dec 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1560     2442034.09 1973 Dec 17 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1561     2442034.12 1973 Dec 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1562     2442034.16 1973 Dec 17 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1563     2442034.22 1973 Dec 17 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1564     2442034.25 1973 Dec 17 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1565     2442034.25 1973 Dec 17 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1566     2442034.32 1973 Dec 17 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1567     2442035.16 1973 Dec 18 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1568     2442035.31 1973 Dec 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1569     2442035.34 1973 Dec 18 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1570     2442035.82 1973 Dec 19 0737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1571     2442036.12 1973 Dec 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1572     2442036.18 1973 Dec 19 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1573     2442036.25 1973 Dec 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1574     2442036.32 1973 Dec 19 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1575     2442036.40 1973 Dec 19 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1576     2442036.53 1973 Dec 20 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1577     2442037.15 1973 Dec 20 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1578     2442037.21 1973 Dec 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1579     2442037.29 1973 Dec 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1580     2442037.93 1973 Dec 21 1024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1581     2442038.18 1973 Dec 21 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1582     2442038.19 1973 Dec 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1583     2442038.28 1973 Dec 21 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1584     2442038.29 1973 Dec 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1585     2442038.32 1973 Dec 21 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1586     2442038.71 1973 Dec 22 0455:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1587     2442040.98 1973 Dec 24 1135:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1588     2442041.02 1973 Dec 24 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1589     2442041.07 1973 Dec 24 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1590     2442041.11 1973 Dec 24 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1591     2442041.15 1973 Dec 24 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1592     2442043.12 1973 Dec 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1593     2442043.40 1973 Dec 26 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1594     2442044.15 1973 Dec 27 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1595     2442044.20 1973 Dec 27 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1596     2442044.30 1973 Dec 27 1918:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1597     2442045.18 1973 Dec 28 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1598     2442045.19 1973 Dec 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1599     2442045.33 1973 Dec 28 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1973-W1600     2442045.40 1973 Dec 28 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W01       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W02       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W03       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W04       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W05       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W06       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W07       2442047.50 1974 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W08       2442050.12 1974 Jan  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W09       2442050.24 1974 Jan  2 1741:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W10       2442050.27 1974 Jan  2 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W11       2442050.32 1974 Jan  2 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W12       2442050.39 1974 Jan  2 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W13       2442051.15 1974 Jan  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W14       2442051.16 1974 Jan  3 1556:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W15       2442051.17 1974 Jan  3 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W16       2442051.33 1974 Jan  3 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W17       2442052.13 1974 Jan  4 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W18       2442052.16 1974 Jan  4 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W19       2442052.25 1974 Jan  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W20       2442052.38 1974 Jan  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W21       2442052.38 1974 Jan  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W22       2442052.45 1974 Jan  4 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W23       2442053.43 1974 Jan  5 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W24       2442055.08 1974 Jan  7 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W25       2442055.08 1974 Jan  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W26       2442055.13 1974 Jan  7 1503:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W27       2442055.21 1974 Jan  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W28       2442055.30 1974 Jan  7 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W29       2442055.33 1974 Jan  7 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W30       2442056.21 1974 Jan  8 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W31       2442056.23 1974 Jan  8 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M07       2442056.50 1974 Jan  9          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-45          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1627     2442056.58 1974 Jan  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R144          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-M30       2442057.01 1974 Jan  9 1215     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7401         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W32       2442057.08 1974 Jan  9 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W33       2442057.18 1974 Jan  9 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W34       2442057.21 1974 Jan  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W35       2442057.21 1974 Jan  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W36       2442057.24 1974 Jan  9 1743:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W37       2442057.29 1974 Jan  9 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W38       2442057.33 1974 Jan  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W39       2442057.53 1974 Jan 10 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W40       2442058.16 1974 Jan 10 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W41       2442058.25 1974 Jan 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W42       2442058.27 1974 Jan 10 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W43       2442058.45 1974 Jan 10 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W44       2442058.50 1974 Jan 11          Arcas                    -      PSU Gerdien          Arcas Starute 10         -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   PSU/Farrokh              Ionos                    WDCRF                AD-A-05589           -
1974-M31       2442058.98 1974 Jan 11 1138     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7402         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W45       2442059.06 1974 Jan 11 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W46       2442059.07 1974 Jan 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W47       2442059.08 1974 Jan 11 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W48       2442059.11 1974 Jan 11 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W49       2442059.15 1974 Jan 11 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W50       2442059.27 1974 Jan 11 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W51       2442059.28 1974 Jan 11 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W52       2442059.32 1974 Jan 11 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W53       2442059.33 1974 Jan 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W54       2442060.46 1974 Jan 12 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M32       2442061.98 1974 Jan 14 1130     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7403         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W55       2442062.08 1974 Jan 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W56       2442062.13 1974 Jan 14 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W57       2442062.18 1974 Jan 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W58       2442062.21 1974 Jan 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W59       2442062.28 1974 Jan 14 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W60       2442062.35 1974 Jan 14 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W61       2442062.81 1974 Jan 15 0722:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W62       2442063.15 1974 Jan 15 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W63       2442063.17 1974 Jan 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M33       2442063.98 1974 Jan 16 1130     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7404         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W64       2442064.06 1974 Jan 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W65       2442064.07 1974 Jan 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W66       2442064.09 1974 Jan 16 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W67       2442064.12 1974 Jan 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W68       2442064.24 1974 Jan 16 1741:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W69       2442064.25 1974 Jan 16 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W70       2442064.29 1974 Jan 16 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W71       2442064.31 1974 Jan 16 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W72       2442064.34 1974 Jan 16 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W73       2442065.16 1974 Jan 17 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W74       2442065.25 1974 Jan 17 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W75       2442065.29 1974 Jan 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W76       2442065.32 1974 Jan 17 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M34       2442066.00 1974 Jan 18 1203     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7405         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W77       2442066.07 1974 Jan 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W78       2442066.09 1974 Jan 18 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W79       2442066.13 1974 Jan 18 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W80       2442066.23 1974 Jan 18 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W81       2442066.31 1974 Jan 18 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W82       2442066.52 1974 Jan 19 0030:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M35       2442067.04 1974 Jan 19 1256     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7406         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W83       2442068.91 1974 Jan 21 0946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M36       2442069.04 1974 Jan 21 1258     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7407         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W84       2442069.08 1974 Jan 21 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W85       2442069.08 1974 Jan 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W86       2442069.11 1974 Jan 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W87       2442069.14 1974 Jan 21 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W88       2442069.17 1974 Jan 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W89       2442069.20 1974 Jan 21 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W90       2442069.23 1974 Jan 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W91       2442069.33 1974 Jan 21 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W92       2442069.54 1974 Jan 22 0054:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W93       2442070.10 1974 Jan 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W94       2442070.25 1974 Jan 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W95       2442070.32 1974 Jan 22 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W96       2442070.33 1974 Jan 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W97       2442070.51 1974 Jan 23 0019:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1628     2442070.58 1974 Jan 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R145          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-M37       2442071.04 1974 Jan 23 1301     Loki Dart                -      INTA HW-7408         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W98       2442071.06 1974 Jan 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W99       2442071.07 1974 Jan 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W100      2442071.09 1974 Jan 23 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W101      2442071.09 1974 Jan 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W102      2442071.21 1974 Jan 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W103      2442071.22 1974 Jan 23 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W104      2442071.27 1974 Jan 23 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W105      2442071.29 1974 Jan 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W106      2442071.30 1974 Jan 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W107      2442071.39 1974 Jan 23 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W108      2442071.54 1974 Jan 24 0101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W109      2442071.88 1974 Jan 24 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W110      2442072.16 1974 Jan 24 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W111      2442072.34 1974 Jan 24 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M38       2442073.04 1974 Jan 25 1259     Loki Dart                -      INTA HD-7401         Prog. Meteo Nacional     -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/                    Meteo                    ElAren               -                    -
1974-W112      2442073.08 1974 Jan 25 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W113      2442073.09 1974 Jan 25 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W114      2442073.17 1974 Jan 25 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W115      2442073.24 1974 Jan 25 1743:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W116      2442073.25 1974 Jan 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W117      2442073.32 1974 Jan 25 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W118      2442073.33 1974 Jan 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W119      2442073.92 1974 Jan 26 1000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W120      2442076.07 1974 Jan 28 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W121      2442076.07 1974 Jan 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W122      2442076.16 1974 Jan 28 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W123      2442076.19 1974 Jan 28 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W124      2442076.23 1974 Jan 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W125      2442076.30 1974 Jan 28 1917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W126      2442076.33 1974 Jan 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1626     2442076.58 1974 Jan 29 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R139          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W127      2442076.88 1974 Jan 29 0904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W128      2442077.03 1974 Jan 29 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W129      2442077.15 1974 Jan 29 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W130      2442077.21 1974 Jan 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W131      2442077.29 1974 Jan 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W132      2442077.30 1974 Jan 29 1917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W133      2442078.05 1974 Jan 30 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W134      2442078.08 1974 Jan 30 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W135      2442078.10 1974 Jan 30 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W136      2442078.15 1974 Jan 30 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W137      2442078.16 1974 Jan 30 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W138      2442078.16 1974 Jan 30 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W139      2442078.19 1974 Jan 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W140      2442078.25 1974 Jan 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W141      2442078.29 1974 Jan 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W142      2442078.33 1974 Jan 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W143      2442078.38 1974 Jan 30 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W144      2442078.50 1974 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W145      2442078.50 1974 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W146      2442078.50 1974 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W147      2442078.50 1974 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W148      2442078.51 1974 Jan 31 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1629     2442078.58 1974 Jan 31 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R146          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W149      2442079.12 1974 Jan 31 1500     Arcas                    -      NASA 15.51UE         -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Krueger             Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W150      2442079.15 1974 Jan 31 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W151      2442079.22 1974 Jan 31 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W152      2442079.29 1974 Jan 31 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W153      2442080.10 1974 Feb  1 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W154      2442080.10 1974 Feb  1 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W155      2442080.12 1974 Feb  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W156      2442080.17 1974 Feb  1 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W157      2442080.21 1974 Feb  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W158      2442080.33 1974 Feb  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W159      2442080.56 1974 Feb  2 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T9            -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1974-M08       2442082.50 1974 Feb  4          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-46          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W160      2442083.10 1974 Feb  4 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W161      2442083.14 1974 Feb  4 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W162      2442083.17 1974 Feb  4 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W163      2442083.17 1974 Feb  4 1604:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W164      2442083.33 1974 Feb  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W165      2442083.38 1974 Feb  4 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W166      2442084.23 1974 Feb  5 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W167      2442084.24 1974 Feb  5 1738:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W168      2442084.30 1974 Feb  5 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1630     2442084.59 1974 Feb  6 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R147          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W169      2442085.03 1974 Feb  6 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W170      2442085.06 1974 Feb  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W171      2442085.09 1974 Feb  6 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W172      2442085.12 1974 Feb  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W173      2442085.17 1974 Feb  6 1609:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W174      2442085.29 1974 Feb  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W175      2442086.07 1974 Feb  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W176      2442086.16 1974 Feb  7 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W177      2442086.17 1974 Feb  7 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W178      2442086.28 1974 Feb  7 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W179      2442086.31 1974 Feb  7 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W180      2442087.07 1974 Feb  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W181      2442087.15 1974 Feb  8 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W182      2442087.29 1974 Feb  8 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W183      2442088.77 1974 Feb 10 0630     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T10           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1974-W184      2442090.16 1974 Feb 11 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W185      2442090.18 1974 Feb 11 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W186      2442090.25 1974 Feb 11 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W187      2442090.55 1974 Feb 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W188      2442091.08 1974 Feb 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W189      2442091.15 1974 Feb 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W190      2442091.16 1974 Feb 12 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W191      2442091.21 1974 Feb 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W192      2442091.24 1974 Feb 12 1743:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W193      2442091.32 1974 Feb 12 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W194      2442091.51 1974 Feb 13 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W195      2442091.81 1974 Feb 13 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W196      2442092.07 1974 Feb 13 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W197      2442092.08 1974 Feb 13 1352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W198      2442092.09 1974 Feb 13 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W199      2442092.12 1974 Feb 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W200      2442092.21 1974 Feb 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M09       2442092.50 1974 Feb 14          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-47          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W201      2442092.54 1974 Feb 14 0059:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W202      2442092.74 1974 Feb 14 0540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W203      2442093.17 1974 Feb 14 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W204      2442093.25 1974 Feb 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W205      2442093.50 1974 Feb 15 0000:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W206      2442094.07 1974 Feb 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W207      2442094.12 1974 Feb 15 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W208      2442094.13 1974 Feb 15 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W209      2442094.17 1974 Feb 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W210      2442094.19 1974 Feb 15 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W211      2442094.30 1974 Feb 15 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W212      2442094.30 1974 Feb 15 1917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W213      2442094.71 1974 Feb 16 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W214      2442094.89 1974 Feb 16 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W215      2442094.95 1974 Feb 16 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W216      2442096.29 1974 Feb 17 1900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS74B   LP1              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W217      2442096.73 1974 Feb 18 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W218      2442097.53 1974 Feb 19 0037:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W219      2442097.78 1974 Feb 19 0645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W220      2442097.85 1974 Feb 19 0827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W221      2442098.10 1974 Feb 19 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W222      2442098.12 1974 Feb 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W223      2442098.13 1974 Feb 19 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W224      2442098.27 1974 Feb 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1631     2442098.58 1974 Feb 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R148          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W225      2442098.77 1974 Feb 20 0626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W226      2442098.80 1974 Feb 20 0704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W227      2442099.07 1974 Feb 20 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W228      2442099.07 1974 Feb 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W229      2442099.10 1974 Feb 20 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W230      2442099.25 1974 Feb 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W231      2442099.28 1974 Feb 20 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W232      2442099.52 1974 Feb 21 0033:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W233      2442099.62 1974 Feb 21 0247:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W234      2442100.14 1974 Feb 21 1521:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-6480             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/?                    Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W235      2442100.25 1974 Feb 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W236      2442100.30 1974 Feb 21 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W237      2442100.33 1974 Feb 21 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W238      2442100.43 1974 Feb 21 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M10       2442100.50 1974 Feb 22          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-43B         EOLE-ISENTROPE No. 2     -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W239      2442101.08 1974 Feb 22 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W240      2442101.15 1974 Feb 22 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W241      2442101.60 1974 Feb 23 0217:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M11       2442103.50 1974 Feb 25          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-44B         -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W242      2442103.75 1974 Feb 25 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W243      2442104.07 1974 Feb 25 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W244      2442104.07 1974 Feb 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W245      2442104.20 1974 Feb 25 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W246      2442104.25 1974 Feb 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W247      2442104.25 1974 Feb 25 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W248      2442104.29 1974 Feb 25 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W249      2442104.53 1974 Feb 26 0049:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W250      2442104.89 1974 Feb 26 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W251      2442105.21 1974 Feb 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W252      2442105.26 1974 Feb 26 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W253      2442105.28 1974 Feb 26 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W254      2442105.29 1974 Feb 26 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M12       2442105.50 1974 Feb 27          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-48          EOLE-ISENTROPE No. 3     -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W255      2442105.54 1974 Feb 27 0057:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1632     2442105.58 1974 Feb 27 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R149          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W256      2442105.66 1974 Feb 27 0356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W257      2442105.71 1974 Feb 27 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W258      2442106.08 1974 Feb 27 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W259      2442106.08 1974 Feb 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W260      2442106.13 1974 Feb 27 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W261      2442106.17 1974 Feb 27 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W262      2442106.27 1974 Feb 27 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W263      2442106.33 1974 Feb 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W264      2442106.40 1974 Feb 27 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W265      2442106.50 1974 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-M44       2442106.50 1974 Mar             Sergeant                 -      -                    MINOTAURUS 74            RakArtLBttr Training     -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1974-W266      2442106.50 1974 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W267      2442106.50 1974 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W268      2442106.50 1974 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W269      2442106.50 1974 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W270      2442106.54 1974 Feb 28 0102:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W271      2442106.78 1974 Feb 28 0645:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W272      2442106.90 1974 Feb 28 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W273      2442107.32 1974 Feb 28 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W274      2442107.55 1974 Mar  1 0108:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W275      2442108.02 1974 Mar  1 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W276      2442108.08 1974 Mar  1 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W277      2442108.09 1974 Mar  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W278      2442108.13 1974 Mar  1 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W279      2442108.38 1974 Mar  1 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W280      2442108.38 1974 Mar  1 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W281      2442108.55 1974 Mar  2 0114:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W282      2442108.98 1974 Mar  2 1134:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W283      2442111.07 1974 Mar  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W284      2442111.09 1974 Mar  4 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W285      2442111.12 1974 Mar  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W286      2442111.15 1974 Mar  4 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W287      2442111.21 1974 Mar  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W288      2442111.28 1974 Mar  4 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W289      2442111.53 1974 Mar  5 0047:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W290      2442112.20 1974 Mar  5 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W291      2442112.24 1974 Mar  5 1746:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W292      2442113.03 1974 Mar  6 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W293      2442113.04 1974 Mar  6 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W294      2442113.09 1974 Mar  6 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W295      2442113.10 1974 Mar  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W296      2442113.15 1974 Mar  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W297      2442113.17 1974 Mar  6 1608:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W298      2442113.26 1974 Mar  6 1820:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W299      2442113.27 1974 Mar  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W300      2442113.33 1974 Mar  6 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W301      2442114.08 1974 Mar  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W302      2442114.16 1974 Mar  7 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W303      2442114.35 1974 Mar  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W304      2442114.89 1974 Mar  8 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W305      2442115.07 1974 Mar  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W306      2442115.12 1974 Mar  8 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W307      2442115.19 1974 Mar  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W308      2442115.21 1974 Mar  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W309      2442115.22 1974 Mar  8 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W310      2442115.24 1974 Mar  8 1743:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W311      2442115.36 1974 Mar  8 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W312      2442115.42 1974 Mar  8 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W313      2442115.58 1974 Mar  9 0201:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W314      2442118.02 1974 Mar 11 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W315      2442118.10 1974 Mar 11 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W316      2442118.16 1974 Mar 11 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W317      2442118.17 1974 Mar 11 1604:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W318      2442118.22 1974 Mar 11 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W319      2442118.25 1974 Mar 11 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W320      2442119.07 1974 Mar 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W321      2442119.16 1974 Mar 12 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W322      2442119.33 1974 Mar 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M13       2442119.50 1974 Mar 13          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-49          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1633     2442119.59 1974 Mar 13 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R150          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W323      2442119.88 1974 Mar 13 0910:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W324      2442120.06 1974 Mar 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W325      2442120.07 1974 Mar 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W326      2442120.15 1974 Mar 13 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W327      2442120.18 1974 Mar 13 1617:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W328      2442120.20 1974 Mar 13 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W329      2442120.21 1974 Mar 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W330      2442120.33 1974 Mar 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W331      2442120.38 1974 Mar 13 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W332      2442120.67 1974 Mar 14 0404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W333      2442121.10 1974 Mar 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W334      2442121.16 1974 Mar 14 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W335      2442121.18 1974 Mar 14 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W336      2442121.34 1974 Mar 14 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W337      2442121.39 1974 Mar 14 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W338      2442121.80 1974 Mar 15 0709:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W339      2442122.04 1974 Mar 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W340      2442122.06 1974 Mar 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W341      2442122.11 1974 Mar 15 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W342      2442122.12 1974 Mar 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W343      2442122.14 1974 Mar 15 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W344      2442122.15 1974 Mar 15 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M40       2442122.30 1974 Mar 15 1917     Super Arcas              -      NASA G1-7207         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W345      2442122.36 1974 Mar 15 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W346      2442122.58 1974 Mar 16 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W347      2442125.21 1974 Mar 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W348      2442125.24 1974 Mar 18 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W349      2442125.38 1974 Mar 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W350      2442125.41 1974 Mar 18 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W351      2442125.51 1974 Mar 19 0017:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W352      2442125.52 1974 Mar 19 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W353      2442126.12 1974 Mar 19 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W355      2442126.12 1974 Mar 19 1500     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W354      2442126.12 1974 Mar 19 1500     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W356      2442126.13 1974 Mar 19 1501     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W357      2442126.15 1974 Mar 19 1540     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W359      2442126.17 1974 Mar 19 1600     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W360      2442126.17 1974 Mar 19 1600     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W358      2442126.17 1974 Mar 19 1600     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W361      2442126.17 1974 Mar 19 1605     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W363      2442126.25 1974 Mar 19 1800     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W362      2442126.25 1974 Mar 19 1800     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W364      2442126.26 1974 Mar 19 1820     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W365      2442126.27 1974 Mar 19 1831     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W367      2442126.29 1974 Mar 19 1900     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W368      2442126.29 1974 Mar 19 1900     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W366      2442126.29 1974 Mar 19 1900     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W369      2442126.32 1974 Mar 19 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W370      2442126.33 1974 Mar 19 1954     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W373      2442126.38 1974 Mar 19 2100     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W371      2442126.38 1974 Mar 19 2100     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W372      2442126.38 1974 Mar 19 2100     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W374      2442126.40 1974 Mar 19 2130     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W375      2442126.42 1974 Mar 19 2200     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W376      2442126.42 1974 Mar 19 2200     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W377      2442126.43 1974 Mar 19 2218     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W378      2442126.43 1974 Mar 19 2220     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W380      2442126.50 1974 Mar 20 0000     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W379      2442126.50 1974 Mar 20 0000     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W381      2442126.50 1974 Mar 20 0005     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W382      2442126.51 1974 Mar 20 0021     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W383      2442126.52 1974 Mar 20 0030     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W384      2442126.53 1974 Mar 20 0047     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W386      2442126.54 1974 Mar 20 0100     Loki Dart                -      PWN-8B               DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W387      2442126.54 1974 Mar 20 0100     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W385      2442126.54 1974 Mar 20 0100     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W388      2442126.55 1974 Mar 20 0108     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W1634     2442126.58 1974 Mar 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R160          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W391      2442126.62 1974 Mar 20 0300     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W389      2442126.62 1974 Mar 20 0300     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W390      2442126.62 1974 Mar 20 0300     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W392      2442126.65 1974 Mar 20 0330     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W393      2442126.67 1974 Mar 20 0400     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W394      2442126.67 1974 Mar 20 0400     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W395      2442126.70 1974 Mar 20 0453     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W397      2442126.75 1974 Mar 20 0600     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W396      2442126.75 1974 Mar 20 0600     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W398      2442126.75 1974 Mar 20 0600     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W399      2442126.77 1974 Mar 20 0630     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W400      2442126.79 1974 Mar 20 0700     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W401      2442126.79 1974 Mar 20 0700     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W402      2442126.80 1974 Mar 20 0706     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W403      2442126.83 1974 Mar 20 0748     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W404      2442126.84 1974 Mar 20 0803:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W405      2442126.88 1974 Mar 20 0900     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W406      2442126.88 1974 Mar 20 0900     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W407      2442126.88 1974 Mar 20 0900     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W408      2442126.90 1974 Mar 20 0931     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CELPA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W410      2442126.92 1974 Mar 20 1000     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W409      2442126.92 1974 Mar 20 1000     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W411      2442126.92 1974 Mar 20 1000     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W412      2442126.93 1974 Mar 20 1015     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W413      2442126.94 1974 Mar 20 1040     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W415      2442127.00 1974 Mar 20 1200     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W414      2442127.00 1974 Mar 20 1200     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W416      2442127.00 1974 Mar 20 1200     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W417      2442127.03 1974 Mar 20 1240     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W418      2442127.04 1974 Mar 20 1303     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W419      2442127.05 1974 Mar 20 1315     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             SP-3095              -
1974-W420      2442127.06 1974 Mar 20 1321     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W421      2442127.07 1974 Mar 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W422      2442127.12 1974 Mar 20 1500     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W423      2442127.12 1974 Mar 20 1500     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W425      2442127.17 1974 Mar 20 1600     Loki Dart                -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-8B           -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W424      2442127.17 1974 Mar 20 1600     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-10A          -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              DSI-5850             -
1974-W426      2442127.19 1974 Mar 20 1639     Super Loki               -      -                    DIURNAL PWN-11A          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    SP-3095              -                    -
1974-W427      2442127.21 1974 Mar 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W428      2442127.35 1974 Mar 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W429      2442127.57 1974 Mar 21 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M06       2442127.91 1974 Mar 21 0951     Super Loki               -      -                    Temp. Profile            -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/MISU/                Aeron                    JGR87.7228           -                    -
1974-W430      2442128.21 1974 Mar 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W431      2442128.25 1974 Mar 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W432      2442128.67 1974 Mar 22 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W433      2442129.08 1974 Mar 22 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W434      2442129.08 1974 Mar 22 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W435      2442129.21 1974 Mar 22 1656     Black Brant VI           -      AAF-VI-02            Dust collector           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   NRCC/Wlochowicz          Aeron                    WDCRF                CASJ20,341           -
1974-W436      2442129.21 1974 Mar 22 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W437      2442129.29 1974 Mar 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W438      2442129.33 1974 Mar 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W439      2442129.70 1974 Mar 23 0446:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W440      2442129.91 1974 Mar 23 0945:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W441      2442130.58 1974 Mar 24 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W442      2442132.06 1974 Mar 25 1327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W443      2442132.06 1974 Mar 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W444      2442132.07 1974 Mar 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W445      2442132.13 1974 Mar 25 1507:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W446      2442132.33 1974 Mar 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W447      2442132.36 1974 Mar 25 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W448      2442132.38 1974 Mar 25 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W449      2442133.11 1974 Mar 26 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M14       2442133.50 1974 Mar 27          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-50          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1635     2442133.58 1974 Mar 27 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R151          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W450      2442134.07 1974 Mar 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W451      2442134.08 1974 Mar 27 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W452      2442134.09 1974 Mar 27 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W453      2442134.09 1974 Mar 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W454      2442134.16 1974 Mar 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W455      2442134.42 1974 Mar 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W456      2442134.50 1974 Mar 28 0000:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W457      2442134.50 1974 Mar 28 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W458      2442135.09 1974 Mar 28 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W459      2442135.21 1974 Mar 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W460      2442135.21 1974 Mar 28 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W461      2442135.54 1974 Mar 29 0054:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W462      2442136.09 1974 Mar 29 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W463      2442136.12 1974 Mar 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W464      2442136.17 1974 Mar 29 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W465      2442136.23 1974 Mar 29 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W466      2442136.41 1974 Mar 29 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W467      2442136.57 1974 Mar 30 0136:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W468      2442139.08 1974 Apr  1 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W469      2442139.08 1974 Apr  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W470      2442139.09 1974 Apr  1 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W471      2442139.23 1974 Apr  1 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W472      2442139.25 1974 Apr  1 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W473      2442139.38 1974 Apr  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W474      2442139.53 1974 Apr  2 0049:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W475      2442140.26 1974 Apr  2 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W476      2442141.09 1974 Apr  3 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W477      2442141.12 1974 Apr  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W478      2442141.21 1974 Apr  3 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W479      2442141.33 1974 Apr  3 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W480      2442141.35 1974 Apr  3 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W481      2442141.40 1974 Apr  3 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W482      2442141.42 1974 Apr  3 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1636     2442141.58 1974 Apr  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R152          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W483      2442142.07 1974 Apr  4 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W484      2442142.28 1974 Apr  4 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W485      2442142.36 1974 Apr  4 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W486      2442142.42 1974 Apr  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W487      2442143.07 1974 Apr  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W488      2442143.19 1974 Apr  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W489      2442143.21 1974 Apr  5 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W490      2442143.29 1974 Apr  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W491      2442143.33 1974 Apr  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W492      2442143.54 1974 Apr  6 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W493      2442143.57 1974 Apr  6 0136:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W494      2442146.11 1974 Apr  8 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W495      2442146.25 1974 Apr  8 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W496      2442146.57 1974 Apr  9 0134:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W497      2442146.77 1974 Apr  9 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W498      2442147.07 1974 Apr  9 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W499      2442147.36 1974 Apr  9 2042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1637     2442147.59 1974 Apr 10 0209     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R153          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W500      2442148.04 1974 Apr 10 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W501      2442148.04 1974 Apr 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W502      2442148.12 1974 Apr 10 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W503      2442148.12 1974 Apr 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W504      2442148.26 1974 Apr 10 1809:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W505      2442148.28 1974 Apr 10 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W506      2442148.75 1974 Apr 11 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W507      2442149.11 1974 Apr 11 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W508      2442149.12 1974 Apr 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W509      2442150.21 1974 Apr 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W510      2442150.25 1974 Apr 12 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W511      2442150.25 1974 Apr 12 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W512      2442150.35 1974 Apr 12 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W513      2442150.54 1974 Apr 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W514      2442150.58 1974 Apr 13 0155:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W515      2442152.90 1974 Apr 15 0940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W516      2442153.09 1974 Apr 15 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W517      2442153.12 1974 Apr 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W518      2442153.19 1974 Apr 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W519      2442153.21 1974 Apr 15 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W520      2442153.27 1974 Apr 15 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W521      2442153.37 1974 Apr 15 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W522      2442153.67 1974 Apr 16 0402:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W523      2442154.09 1974 Apr 16 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W524      2442154.12 1974 Apr 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W525      2442154.16 1974 Apr 16 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W526      2442154.32 1974 Apr 16 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M20       2442154.50 1974 Apr 17          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-51          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1638     2442154.59 1974 Apr 17 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R154          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W527      2442154.78 1974 Apr 17 0649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W528      2442155.08 1974 Apr 17 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W529      2442155.12 1974 Apr 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W530      2442155.13 1974 Apr 17 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W531      2442155.23 1974 Apr 17 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W532      2442155.33 1974 Apr 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W533      2442155.35 1974 Apr 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W534      2442155.40 1974 Apr 17 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W535      2442155.58 1974 Apr 18 0149:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W536      2442156.03 1974 Apr 18 1236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W537      2442156.35 1974 Apr 18 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W538      2442157.04 1974 Apr 19 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W539      2442157.08 1974 Apr 19 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W540      2442157.09 1974 Apr 19 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Arcasonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W541      2442157.19 1974 Apr 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W542      2442157.21 1974 Apr 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W543      2442157.27 1974 Apr 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W544      2442157.27 1974 Apr 19 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W545      2442157.55 1974 Apr 20 0107:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W546      2442160.12 1974 Apr 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W547      2442160.12 1974 Apr 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W548      2442160.15 1974 Apr 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W549      2442160.19 1974 Apr 22 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W550      2442160.19 1974 Apr 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W551      2442160.23 1974 Apr 22 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W552      2442160.25 1974 Apr 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W553      2442160.39 1974 Apr 22 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W554      2442160.53 1974 Apr 23 0041:00  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W555      2442160.69 1974 Apr 23 0431     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-03            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W556      2442160.87 1974 Apr 23 0855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1639     2442161.58 1974 Apr 24 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R155          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W557      2442162.07 1974 Apr 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W558      2442162.09 1974 Apr 24 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W559      2442162.18 1974 Apr 24 1615:59  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W560      2442162.23 1974 Apr 24 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W561      2442162.24 1974 Apr 24 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W562      2442162.28 1974 Apr 24 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W563      2442162.35 1974 Apr 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W564      2442162.38 1974 Apr 24 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W565      2442162.77 1974 Apr 25 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W566      2442162.89 1974 Apr 25 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W567      2442163.21 1974 Apr 25 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W568      2442163.25 1974 Apr 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W569      2442163.68 1974 Apr 26 0420:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W570      2442164.07 1974 Apr 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W571      2442164.09 1974 Apr 26 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W572      2442164.10 1974 Apr 26 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W573      2442164.12 1974 Apr 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W574      2442164.16 1974 Apr 26 1555:00  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W575      2442164.17 1974 Apr 26 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W576      2442164.20 1974 Apr 26 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W577      2442164.32 1974 Apr 26 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W578      2442165.25 1974 Apr 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W579      2442166.00 1974 Apr 28 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W580      2442167.07 1974 Apr 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W581      2442167.08 1974 Apr 29 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W582      2442167.11 1974 Apr 29 1442:00  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W583      2442167.16 1974 Apr 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W584      2442167.25 1974 Apr 29 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W585      2442167.25 1974 Apr 29 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W586      2442167.38 1974 Apr 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W587      2442167.50 1974 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W588      2442167.50 1974 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W589      2442167.50 1974 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W590      2442167.50 1974 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-M01       2442167.50 1974 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1974-M02       2442167.50 1974 May             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 MICOM        MS   -                        OT?                      WSMR                 -                    -
1974-W591      2442167.55 1974 Apr 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W592      2442168.31 1974 Apr 30 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1640     2442168.58 1974 May  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R156          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W593      2442169.00 1974 May  1 1207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W594      2442169.08 1974 May  1 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W595      2442169.10 1974 May  1 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W596      2442169.11 1974 May  1 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W597      2442169.13 1974 May  1 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W598      2442169.14 1974 May  1 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W599      2442169.15 1974 May  1 1530:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W600      2442169.19 1974 May  1 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W601      2442169.32 1974 May  1 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W602      2442169.38 1974 May  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M21       2442169.50 1974 May  2          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-52          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-M43       2442169.50 1974 May  2          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RakSArt Training         -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1974-W603      2442170.19 1974 May  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W604      2442170.25 1974 May  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W605      2442171.00 1974 May  3 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W606      2442171.11 1974 May  3 1445:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W607      2442171.16 1974 May  3 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W608      2442171.21 1974 May  3 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W609      2442171.25 1974 May  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W610      2442171.25 1974 May  3 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W611      2442171.32 1974 May  3 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W612      2442171.77 1974 May  4 0629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W613      2442172.25 1974 May  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W614      2442172.86 1974 May  5 0845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W615      2442172.87 1974 May  5 0857:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W616      2442172.88 1974 May  5 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W617      2442172.92 1974 May  5 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W618      2442173.00 1974 May  5 1157:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W619      2442173.00 1974 May  5 1157:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W620      2442173.00 1974 May  5 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W621      2442173.04 1974 May  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W622      2442173.12 1974 May  5 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W623      2442173.13 1974 May  5 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W624      2442173.17 1974 May  5 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W625      2442173.21 1974 May  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W626      2442173.22 1974 May  5 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W627      2442173.25 1974 May  5 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W628      2442173.28 1974 May  5 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W629      2442173.30 1974 May  5 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W630      2442173.33 1974 May  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W631      2442174.11 1974 May  6 1442:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W632      2442174.12 1974 May  6 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W633      2442174.28 1974 May  6 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W634      2442174.33 1974 May  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W635      2442175.18 1974 May  7 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W636      2442175.19 1974 May  7 1634:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W637      2442175.20 1974 May  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W638      2442175.41 1974 May  7 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1641     2442175.58 1974 May  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R158          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W639      2442176.12 1974 May  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W640      2442176.13 1974 May  8 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W641      2442176.13 1974 May  8 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W642      2442176.20 1974 May  8 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W643      2442176.31 1974 May  8 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W644      2442176.55 1974 May  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W645      2442177.16 1974 May  9 1549:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W646      2442177.19 1974 May  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W647      2442177.19 1974 May  9 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W648      2442177.73 1974 May 10 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W649      2442178.17 1974 May 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W650      2442178.24 1974 May 10 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W651      2442178.29 1974 May 10 1852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W652      2442178.31 1974 May 10 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W653      2442178.33 1974 May 10 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W654      2442178.39 1974 May 10 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W655      2442181.17 1974 May 13 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W656      2442181.17 1974 May 13 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W657      2442181.21 1974 May 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W658      2442181.24 1974 May 13 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W659      2442181.29 1974 May 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W660      2442182.18 1974 May 14 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W661      2442182.19 1974 May 14 1634:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M22       2442182.50 1974 May 15          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-53          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W662      2442183.04 1974 May 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W663      2442183.09 1974 May 15 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W664      2442183.12 1974 May 15 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W665      2442183.12 1974 May 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W666      2442183.14 1974 May 15 1514:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W667      2442183.15 1974 May 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1665     2442183.17 1974 May 15 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W669      2442183.27 1974 May 15 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W670      2442183.40 1974 May 15 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W671      2442183.55 1974 May 16 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1642     2442183.58 1974 May 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R157          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W672      2442184.24 1974 May 16 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W673      2442184.29 1974 May 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W674      2442185.08 1974 May 17 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W675      2442185.08 1974 May 17 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W676      2442185.17 1974 May 17 1609:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W677      2442185.24 1974 May 17 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W678      2442185.25 1974 May 17 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W679      2442185.32 1974 May 17 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W680      2442185.81 1974 May 18 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1691     2442187.50 1974 May 20          Black Brant VI           -      1-74                 Quanah User Program      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W681      2442188.17 1974 May 20 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W682      2442188.25 1974 May 20 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W683      2442188.25 1974 May 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W684      2442188.33 1974 May 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1666     2442188.50 1974 May 21          Black Brant VI           -      2-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W685      2442189.18 1974 May 21 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W686      2442189.21 1974 May 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W687      2442189.25 1974 May 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W688      2442189.41 1974 May 21 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1667     2442189.50 1974 May 22          Black Brant VI           -      3-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1643     2442189.59 1974 May 22 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R159          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W689      2442190.14 1974 May 22 1517:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W690      2442190.14 1974 May 22 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W691      2442190.16 1974 May 22 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W692      2442190.19 1974 May 22 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W693      2442190.26 1974 May 22 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W694      2442190.31 1974 May 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W695      2442190.31 1974 May 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1668     2442190.50 1974 May 23          Black Brant VI           -      4-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1669     2442190.50 1974 May 23          Black Brant VI           -      5-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W696      2442190.58 1974 May 23 0155:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W697      2442190.93 1974 May 23 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W698      2442191.19 1974 May 23 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W699      2442191.33 1974 May 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W700      2442191.82 1974 May 24 0741:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W701      2442192.18 1974 May 24 1614:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W702      2442192.24 1974 May 24 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W703      2442192.39 1974 May 24 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W704      2442195.11 1974 May 27 1438:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W705      2442195.15 1974 May 27 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W706      2442196.19 1974 May 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W707      2442196.23 1974 May 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W708      2442196.33 1974 May 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W709      2442196.39 1974 May 28 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M23       2442196.50 1974 May 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-54          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1670     2442196.50 1974 May 29          Black Brant VI           -      6-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W710      2442196.50 1974 May 29 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W711      2442197.11 1974 May 29 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W712      2442197.14 1974 May 29 1518:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W713      2442197.14 1974 May 29 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W714      2442197.24 1974 May 29 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W715      2442197.29 1974 May 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1671     2442197.50 1974 May 30          Black Brant VI           -      7-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     85      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W716      2442197.55 1974 May 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W717      2442197.93 1974 May 30 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W718      2442198.15 1974 May 30 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W719      2442198.19 1974 May 30 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W720      2442198.33 1974 May 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1672     2442198.50 1974 May 31          Black Brant VI           -      8-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     86      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-M41       2442198.50 1974 Jun             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1974-M42       2442198.50 1974 Jun             DIM                      -      -                    Dardo de Invest. Met.    -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 IIAE         SS   IIAE/                    Meteo                    DeLeon               -                    -
1974-W721      2442198.50 1974 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W722      2442198.50 1974 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W723      2442198.50 1974 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W724      2442198.50 1974 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W725      2442198.82 1974 May 31 0741:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W726      2442199.12 1974 May 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W727      2442199.13 1974 May 31 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W728      2442199.15 1974 May 31 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W729      2442199.18 1974 May 31 1614:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W730      2442199.25 1974 May 31 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W731      2442199.34 1974 May 31 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W732      2442199.39 1974 May 31 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W733      2442202.08 1974 Jun  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W734      2442202.13 1974 Jun  3 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W735      2442202.14 1974 Jun  3 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W736      2442202.17 1974 Jun  3 1559:59  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W737      2442202.17 1974 Jun  3 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W738      2442202.18 1974 Jun  3 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W739      2442203.19 1974 Jun  4 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W740      2442203.25 1974 Jun  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W741      2442203.83 1974 Jun  5 0755:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W742      2442204.07 1974 Jun  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W743      2442204.08 1974 Jun  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W744      2442204.12 1974 Jun  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W745      2442204.14 1974 Jun  5 1522:59  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W746      2442204.17 1974 Jun  5 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W747      2442204.24 1974 Jun  5 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W748      2442204.28 1974 Jun  5 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W749      2442204.33 1974 Jun  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W750      2442204.39 1974 Jun  5 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W751      2442204.50 1974 Jun  6          Meteor-3                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LEBA     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 PIHM         SS   PIHM/                    Aeron                    Alway                -                    -
1974-W752      2442204.60 1974 Jun  6 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W753      2442205.08 1974 Jun  6 1355:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W754      2442205.09 1974 Jun  6 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W755      2442205.13 1974 Jun  6 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W756      2442205.25 1974 Jun  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W757      2442205.33 1974 Jun  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W758      2442206.02 1974 Jun  7 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W759      2442206.12 1974 Jun  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W760      2442206.17 1974 Jun  7 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W761      2442206.18 1974 Jun  7 1619:59  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W762      2442206.25 1974 Jun  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W763      2442206.30 1974 Jun  7 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W764      2442206.33 1974 Jun  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W765      2442206.38 1974 Jun  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W766      2442207.07 1974 Jun  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W767      2442209.04 1974 Jun 10 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W768      2442209.07 1974 Jun 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W769      2442209.08 1974 Jun 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W770      2442209.18 1974 Jun 10 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W771      2442209.19 1974 Jun 10 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W772      2442209.21 1974 Jun 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W773      2442209.24 1974 Jun 10 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W774      2442209.31 1974 Jun 10 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W775      2442209.38 1974 Jun 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W776      2442209.96 1974 Jun 11 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W777      2442210.19 1974 Jun 11 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1673     2442210.50 1974 Jun 12          Black Brant VI           -      9-74                 STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W778      2442211.01 1974 Jun 12 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W779      2442211.07 1974 Jun 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W780      2442211.07 1974 Jun 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W781      2442211.12 1974 Jun 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W782      2442211.14 1974 Jun 12 1519:00  Super Loki               ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W783      2442211.24 1974 Jun 12 1740:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7345             Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    FDC1820-
1974-W784      2442211.24 1974 Jun 12 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W785      2442211.34 1974 Jun 12 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W786      2442211.40 1974 Jun 12 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1674     2442211.50 1974 Jun 13          Black Brant VI           -      10-74                STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1644     2442211.60 1974 Jun 13 0230     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R161          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W787      2442211.65 1974 Jun 13 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W788      2442212.13 1974 Jun 13 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W789      2442212.21 1974 Jun 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W790      2442213.02 1974 Jun 14 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W791      2442213.12 1974 Jun 14 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W792      2442213.12 1974 Jun 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W793      2442213.17 1974 Jun 14 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W794      2442213.18 1974 Jun 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M39       2442213.29 1974 Jun 14 1856     Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7845             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SU   -                        Meteo                    FDC                  -                    -
1974-W795      2442213.33 1974 Jun 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W796      2442216.19 1974 Jun 17 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W797      2442216.23 1974 Jun 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W798      2442216.31 1974 Jun 17 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W799      2442216.38 1974 Jun 17 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1675     2442216.50 1974 Jun 18          Black Brant VI           -      11-74                STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W800      2442217.11 1974 Jun 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W801      2442217.19 1974 Jun 18 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W802      2442217.24 1974 Jun 18 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1676     2442217.50 1974 Jun 19          Black Brant VI           -      12-74                STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W803      2442217.88 1974 Jun 19 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W804      2442218.12 1974 Jun 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W805      2442218.17 1974 Jun 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W806      2442218.17 1974 Jun 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W807      2442218.17 1974 Jun 19 1609:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W808      2442218.24 1974 Jun 19 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W809      2442218.24 1974 Jun 19 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W810      2442218.25 1974 Jun 19 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W811      2442218.36 1974 Jun 19 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W812      2442218.41 1974 Jun 19 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W813      2442218.55 1974 Jun 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W814      2442219.34 1974 Jun 20 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W815      2442220.14 1974 Jun 21 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W816      2442220.14 1974 Jun 21 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W817      2442220.17 1974 Jun 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W818      2442220.33 1974 Jun 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W819      2442220.39 1974 Jun 21 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W820      2442220.39 1974 Jun 21 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W821      2442221.51 1974 Jun 23 0015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W822      2442223.23 1974 Jun 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W823      2442223.34 1974 Jun 24 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W824      2442223.38 1974 Jun 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W825      2442224.20 1974 Jun 25 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1645     2442224.58 1974 Jun 26 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R162          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W826      2442225.12 1974 Jun 26 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W827      2442225.14 1974 Jun 26 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W828      2442225.17 1974 Jun 26 1559:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W829      2442225.18 1974 Jun 26 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W830      2442225.25 1974 Jun 26 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W831      2442225.25 1974 Jun 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W832      2442225.35 1974 Jun 26 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W833      2442225.39 1974 Jun 26 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W834      2442225.55 1974 Jun 27 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W835      2442226.18 1974 Jun 27 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W836      2442226.93 1974 Jun 28 1017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W837      2442227.16 1974 Jun 28 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W838      2442227.18 1974 Jun 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W839      2442227.26 1974 Jun 28 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W840      2442227.27 1974 Jun 28 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W841      2442227.33 1974 Jun 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W842      2442228.21 1974 Jun 29 1700:00  Viper-Dart               ?      Starute,Datasonde    ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W844      2442228.24 1974 Jun 29 1740:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7328             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W843      2442228.26 1974 Jun 29 1820:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7314             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    FDC                  WDCRF (1710Z)        -
1974-W845      2442228.31 1974 Jun 29 1930:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7329             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W846      2442228.35 1974 Jun 29 2025:00  Super Arcas              -      E 1-7323             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WSMR/Randhawa            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W847      2442228.36 1974 Jun 29 2035:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-3330             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W848      2442228.37 1974 Jun 29 2050:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7315             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W849      2442228.40 1974 Jun 29 2140:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7331             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W850      2442228.48 1974 Jun 29 2330:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7332             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W851      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W852      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W853      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W854      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W855      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W856      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W857      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W858      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W859      2442228.50 1974 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W860      2442228.52 1974 Jun 30 0035:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7316             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W861      2442228.58 1974 Jun 30 0200:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7333             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W862      2442228.64 1974 Jun 30 0315     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.126UE        ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   FDC                  SR17,191 (Jul1)      -
1974-W863      2442228.70 1974 Jun 30 0455:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7334             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W864      2442228.76 1974 Jun 30 0620:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7335             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W865      2442228.77 1974 Jun 30 0630:00  Viper-Dart               ?      E 1-7318             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W866      2442228.81 1974 Jun 30 0720:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7336             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W867      2442228.86 1974 Jun 30 0840:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7319             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W868      2442228.88 1974 Jun 30 0910:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7337             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W869      2442228.92 1974 Jun 30 1005:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7320             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W870      2442228.93 1974 Jun 30 1020:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7338             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W871      2442228.97 1974 Jun 30 1110:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7339             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W872      2442229.05 1974 Jun 30 1315:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7321             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W873      2442229.07 1974 Jun 30 1345:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7340             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W874      2442229.08 1974 Jun 30 1352:00  Viper-Dart               ?      Starute,Datasonde    ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   AFCRL/                   Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W875      2442229.10 1974 Jun 30 1430:00  Viper-Dart               -      E 1-7322             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   WFF/AFCRL/               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W876      2442229.21 1974 Jun 30 1700:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7341             ALADDIN 74               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W877      2442230.07 1974 Jul  1 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W878      2442230.14 1974 Jul  1 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W879      2442230.22 1974 Jul  1 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W880      2442230.29 1974 Jul  1 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W881      2442230.33 1974 Jul  1 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W882      2442230.38 1974 Jul  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W883      2442231.07 1974 Jul  2 1346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W884      2442231.10 1974 Jul  2 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W885      2442231.88 1974 Jul  3 0913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W886      2442232.07 1974 Jul  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W887      2442232.07 1974 Jul  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W888      2442232.12 1974 Jul  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W889      2442232.21 1974 Jul  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W890      2442232.21 1974 Jul  3 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W891      2442232.36 1974 Jul  3 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W892      2442232.39 1974 Jul  3 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W893      2442233.90 1974 Jul  5 0938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W894      2442234.07 1974 Jul  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W895      2442234.08 1974 Jul  5 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W896      2442234.12 1974 Jul  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W897      2442236.89 1974 Jul  8 0918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W898      2442237.23 1974 Jul  8 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W899      2442237.28 1974 Jul  8 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W900      2442237.33 1974 Jul  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W901      2442237.38 1974 Jul  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W902      2442238.09 1974 Jul  9 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W903      2442238.09 1974 Jul  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W904      2442238.17 1974 Jul  9 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W905      2442239.06 1974 Jul 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W906      2442239.08 1974 Jul 10 1348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W907      2442239.11 1974 Jul 10 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W908      2442239.12 1974 Jul 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W909      2442239.22 1974 Jul 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W910      2442239.33 1974 Jul 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W911      2442239.38 1974 Jul 10 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W912      2442239.50 1974 Jul 10 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W913      2442240.03 1974 Jul 11 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W914      2442240.11 1974 Jul 11 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W915      2442240.34 1974 Jul 11 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W916      2442241.06 1974 Jul 12 1329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W917      2442241.08 1974 Jul 12 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W918      2442241.08 1974 Jul 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W919      2442241.11 1974 Jul 12 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W920      2442241.14 1974 Jul 12 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W921      2442241.26 1974 Jul 12 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W922      2442241.32 1974 Jul 12 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W923      2442244.13 1974 Jul 15 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W924      2442244.19 1974 Jul 15 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W925      2442244.22 1974 Jul 15 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W926      2442244.23 1974 Jul 15 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W927      2442244.38 1974 Jul 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W928      2442245.03 1974 Jul 16 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W929      2442245.24 1974 Jul 16 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W930      2442245.34 1974 Jul 16 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1646     2442245.59 1974 Jul 17 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R163          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W931      2442246.07 1974 Jul 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W932      2442246.07 1974 Jul 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W933      2442246.08 1974 Jul 17 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W934      2442246.08 1974 Jul 17 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W935      2442246.11 1974 Jul 17 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W936      2442246.12 1974 Jul 17 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W937      2442246.33 1974 Jul 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W938      2442246.35 1974 Jul 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W939      2442247.11 1974 Jul 18 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W940      2442247.19 1974 Jul 18 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W941      2442247.22 1974 Jul 18 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W942      2442248.09 1974 Jul 19 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W943      2442248.10 1974 Jul 19 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W944      2442248.15 1974 Jul 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W945      2442248.29 1974 Jul 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W946      2442248.33 1974 Jul 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W947      2442248.39 1974 Jul 19 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W948      2442251.04 1974 Jul 22 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W949      2442251.08 1974 Jul 22 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W950      2442251.10 1974 Jul 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W951      2442251.21 1974 Jul 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W952      2442251.33 1974 Jul 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W953      2442251.35 1974 Jul 22 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W954      2442251.90 1974 Jul 23 0929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1647     2442252.60 1974 Jul 24 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R164          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W955      2442253.07 1974 Jul 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W956      2442253.12 1974 Jul 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W957      2442253.17 1974 Jul 24 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W958      2442253.25 1974 Jul 24 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W959      2442253.33 1974 Jul 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W960      2442253.40 1974 Jul 24 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W961      2442254.25 1974 Jul 25 1800     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.106UI        -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   HOUS/Sheldon             Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W962      2442255.06 1974 Jul 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W963      2442255.12 1974 Jul 26 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W964      2442255.12 1974 Jul 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W965      2442255.18 1974 Jul 26 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W966      2442255.35 1974 Jul 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W967      2442258.08 1974 Jul 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W968      2442258.13 1974 Jul 29 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W969      2442258.18 1974 Jul 29 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W970      2442258.20 1974 Jul 29 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W971      2442258.34 1974 Jul 29 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W972      2442259.10 1974 Jul 30 1422:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7460             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W973      2442259.14 1974 Jul 30 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W974      2442259.22 1974 Jul 30 1716:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7461             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W975      2442259.29 1974 Jul 30 1900:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7462             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W976      2442259.36 1974 Jul 30 2037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W977      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W978      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W979      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W980      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W981      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W982      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W983      2442259.50 1974 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W984      2442259.88 1974 Jul 31 0911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W985      2442260.07 1974 Jul 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W986      2442260.09 1974 Jul 31 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W987      2442260.15 1974 Jul 31 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W988      2442260.19 1974 Jul 31 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W989      2442260.36 1974 Jul 31 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W990      2442260.38 1974 Jul 31 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W991      2442260.55 1974 Aug  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W992      2442261.09 1974 Aug  1 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W993      2442261.14 1974 Aug  1 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W994      2442261.39 1974 Aug  1 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W995      2442262.07 1974 Aug  2 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W996      2442262.07 1974 Aug  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W997      2442262.11 1974 Aug  2 1441:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W998      2442262.16 1974 Aug  2 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W999      2442262.17 1974 Aug  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1000     2442262.33 1974 Aug  2 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1001     2442262.33 1974 Aug  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1002     2442262.40 1974 Aug  2 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1003     2442263.42 1974 Aug  3 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1004     2442264.93 1974 Aug  5 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1005     2442265.04 1974 Aug  5 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1006     2442265.13 1974 Aug  5 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1007     2442265.16 1974 Aug  5 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1008     2442265.17 1974 Aug  5 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1009     2442265.27 1974 Aug  5 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1010     2442265.41 1974 Aug  5 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1011     2442266.09 1974 Aug  6 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1648     2442266.58 1974 Aug  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R165          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1012     2442266.90 1974 Aug  7 0940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1013     2442266.92 1974 Aug  7 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1014     2442266.96 1974 Aug  7 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1015     2442267.08 1974 Aug  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1016     2442267.14 1974 Aug  7 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1017     2442267.19 1974 Aug  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1018     2442267.21 1974 Aug  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1019     2442267.21 1974 Aug  7 1706:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1020     2442267.31 1974 Aug  7 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1677     2442267.50 1974 Aug  8          Black Brant VI           -      13-74                STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1021     2442267.55 1974 Aug  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1022     2442267.92 1974 Aug  8 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1023     2442267.97 1974 Aug  8 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1024     2442268.17 1974 Aug  8 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1678     2442268.50 1974 Aug  9          Black Brant VI           -      14-74                STS                      -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1025     2442268.92 1974 Aug  9 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1026     2442269.06 1974 Aug  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1027     2442269.08 1974 Aug  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1028     2442269.18 1974 Aug  9 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1029     2442269.20 1974 Aug  9 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1030     2442269.36 1974 Aug  9 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1031     2442271.92 1974 Aug 12 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1032     2442271.96 1974 Aug 12 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1033     2442272.12 1974 Aug 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1034     2442272.13 1974 Aug 12 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1035     2442272.19 1974 Aug 12 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1036     2442272.27 1974 Aug 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1037     2442272.38 1974 Aug 12 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1038     2442273.11 1974 Aug 13 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1039     2442273.91 1974 Aug 14 0949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1040     2442274.06 1974 Aug 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1041     2442274.07 1974 Aug 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1042     2442274.09 1974 Aug 14 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1043     2442274.11 1974 Aug 14 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1044     2442274.23 1974 Aug 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1045     2442274.55 1974 Aug 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1046     2442274.88 1974 Aug 15 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1047     2442275.05 1974 Aug 15 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1048     2442275.17 1974 Aug 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1049     2442275.93 1974 Aug 16 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1050     2442276.09 1974 Aug 16 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1051     2442276.10 1974 Aug 16 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1052     2442276.12 1974 Aug 16 1457:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1053     2442276.14 1974 Aug 16 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1054     2442276.21 1974 Aug 16 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1055     2442276.38 1974 Aug 16 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1056     2442277.25 1974 Aug 17 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1057     2442278.88 1974 Aug 19 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1058     2442279.03 1974 Aug 19 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1059     2442279.12 1974 Aug 19 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1060     2442279.19 1974 Aug 19 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1061     2442279.20 1974 Aug 19 1642:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1062     2442279.22 1974 Aug 19 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1063     2442279.27 1974 Aug 19 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1064     2442279.38 1974 Aug 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1065     2442280.05 1974 Aug 20 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1066     2442280.19 1974 Aug 20 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1067     2442280.23 1974 Aug 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1679     2442280.50 1974 Aug 21          Black Brant VI           -      15-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     81      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1680     2442280.50 1974 Aug 21          Black Brant VI           -      16-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1649     2442280.58 1974 Aug 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R166          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1068     2442280.92 1974 Aug 21 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1069     2442281.07 1974 Aug 21 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1070     2442281.10 1974 Aug 21 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1071     2442281.12 1974 Aug 21 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1072     2442281.14 1974 Aug 21 1522:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1073     2442281.17 1974 Aug 21 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1074     2442281.20 1974 Aug 21 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1075     2442281.24 1974 Aug 21 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1076     2442281.25 1974 Aug 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1077     2442281.27 1974 Aug 21 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1078     2442281.35 1974 Aug 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1079     2442281.55 1974 Aug 22 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1080     2442282.07 1974 Aug 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1081     2442282.88 1974 Aug 23 0901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1082     2442283.07 1974 Aug 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1083     2442283.08 1974 Aug 23 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1084     2442283.09 1974 Aug 23 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1085     2442283.20 1974 Aug 23 1641:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1086     2442283.35 1974 Aug 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1087     2442283.36 1974 Aug 23 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1088     2442285.89 1974 Aug 26 0915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1089     2442286.07 1974 Aug 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1090     2442286.08 1974 Aug 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1091     2442286.20 1974 Aug 26 1646:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1092     2442286.29 1974 Aug 26 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1093     2442286.42 1974 Aug 26 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1094     2442287.37 1974 Aug 27 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1650     2442287.59 1974 Aug 28 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R167          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1095     2442287.88 1974 Aug 28 0901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1096     2442288.17 1974 Aug 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1097     2442288.20 1974 Aug 28 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1098     2442288.20 1974 Aug 28 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1099     2442288.20 1974 Aug 28 1653:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1100     2442288.22 1974 Aug 28 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1101     2442288.26 1974 Aug 28 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1102     2442288.29 1974 Aug 28 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1681     2442288.50 1974 Aug 29          Black Brant VI           -      17-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1103     2442288.55 1974 Aug 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1104     2442288.88 1974 Aug 29 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1105     2442289.10 1974 Aug 29 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1106     2442289.14 1974 Aug 29 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1107     2442289.35 1974 Aug 29 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1108     2442290.07 1974 Aug 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1109     2442290.08 1974 Aug 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1110     2442290.13 1974 Aug 30 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1111     2442290.14 1974 Aug 30 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1112     2442290.17 1974 Aug 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1113     2442290.50 1974 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1114     2442290.50 1974 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1115     2442290.50 1974 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1116     2442290.50 1974 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1117     2442290.50 1974 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1118     2442293.19 1974 Sep  2 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1119     2442293.56 1974 Sep  3 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T11           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1974-W1120     2442293.75 1974 Sep  3 0600     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T12           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1974-W1121     2442294.11 1974 Sep  3 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1122     2442294.23 1974 Sep  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1123     2442294.33 1974 Sep  3 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M15       2442294.50 1974 Sep  4          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-55          EOLE-ISENTROPE No. 4     -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1682     2442294.50 1974 Sep  4          Black Brant VI           -      18-74                Ozone/Starute            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1651     2442294.59 1974 Sep  4 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R169          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1124     2442295.07 1974 Sep  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1125     2442295.07 1974 Sep  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1126     2442295.14 1974 Sep  4 1526:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1127     2442295.21 1974 Sep  4 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1128     2442295.22 1974 Sep  4 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1129     2442295.23 1974 Sep  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1130     2442295.24 1974 Sep  4 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1131     2442295.33 1974 Sep  4 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1132     2442295.39 1974 Sep  4 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1133     2442295.56 1974 Sep  5 0129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1134     2442296.10 1974 Sep  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1135     2442296.21 1974 Sep  5 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1136     2442296.33 1974 Sep  5 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1137     2442296.56 1974 Sep  6 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1138     2442296.91 1974 Sep  6 0952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1139     2442297.11 1974 Sep  6 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1140     2442297.11 1974 Sep  6 1442:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1141     2442297.12 1974 Sep  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1142     2442297.14 1974 Sep  6 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1143     2442297.15 1974 Sep  6 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1144     2442297.15 1974 Sep  6 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1145     2442297.38 1974 Sep  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1146     2442297.71 1974 Sep  7 0501:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1147     2442298.71 1974 Sep  8 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1148     2442300.11 1974 Sep  9 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1149     2442300.15 1974 Sep  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1150     2442300.27 1974 Sep  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1151     2442300.42 1974 Sep  9 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1152     2442300.90 1974 Sep 10 0942:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1153     2442301.06 1974 Sep 10 1323:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1154     2442301.23 1974 Sep 10 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1155     2442301.32 1974 Sep 10 1940:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS74C   LP8              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W1156     2442301.33 1974 Sep 10 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M24       2442301.50 1974 Sep 11          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-56          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1652     2442301.58 1974 Sep 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R170          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1157     2442302.08 1974 Sep 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1158     2442302.10 1974 Sep 11 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1159     2442302.14 1974 Sep 11 1521:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1160     2442302.15 1974 Sep 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1161     2442302.15 1974 Sep 11 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1162     2442302.15 1974 Sep 11 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1163     2442302.19 1974 Sep 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1164     2442302.21 1974 Sep 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1165     2442302.33 1974 Sep 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1166     2442302.38 1974 Sep 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1167     2442302.94 1974 Sep 12 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1168     2442303.25 1974 Sep 12 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1169     2442303.33 1974 Sep 12 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1170     2442303.40 1974 Sep 12 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1171     2442304.08 1974 Sep 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1172     2442304.09 1974 Sep 13 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1173     2442304.10 1974 Sep 13 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1174     2442304.11 1974 Sep 13 1437:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1175     2442304.21 1974 Sep 13 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1176     2442304.21 1974 Sep 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1177     2442304.97 1974 Sep 14 1111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1178     2442306.89 1974 Sep 16 0927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1179     2442307.05 1974 Sep 16 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1180     2442307.07 1974 Sep 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1181     2442307.11 1974 Sep 16 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1182     2442307.14 1974 Sep 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1183     2442307.20 1974 Sep 16 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1184     2442307.20 1974 Sep 16 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1185     2442307.20 1974 Sep 16 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1186     2442307.21 1974 Sep 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1187     2442307.31 1974 Sep 16 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1188     2442307.36 1974 Sep 16 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1189     2442308.14 1974 Sep 17 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1190     2442308.35 1974 Sep 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M25       2442308.50 1974 Sep 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-57          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1653     2442308.60 1974 Sep 18 0230     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R168          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1191     2442309.07 1974 Sep 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1192     2442309.07 1974 Sep 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1193     2442309.08 1974 Sep 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1194     2442309.13 1974 Sep 18 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1195     2442309.13 1974 Sep 18 1506:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1196     2442309.13 1974 Sep 18 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1197     2442309.15 1974 Sep 18 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1198     2442309.21 1974 Sep 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1199     2442309.35 1974 Sep 18 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1200     2442309.36 1974 Sep 18 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1201     2442309.57 1974 Sep 19 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1202     2442310.02 1974 Sep 19 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1203     2442310.09 1974 Sep 19 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1204     2442310.18 1974 Sep 19 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1205     2442310.26 1974 Sep 19 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1206     2442310.26 1974 Sep 19 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1207     2442310.32 1974 Sep 19 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1208     2442311.15 1974 Sep 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1209     2442311.19 1974 Sep 20 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1210     2442311.35 1974 Sep 20 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1211     2442311.35 1974 Sep 20 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1212     2442311.57 1974 Sep 21 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1213     2442314.09 1974 Sep 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1214     2442314.11 1974 Sep 23 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1215     2442314.12 1974 Sep 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1216     2442314.20 1974 Sep 23 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1217     2442314.25 1974 Sep 23 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1218     2442314.36 1974 Sep 23 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1219     2442315.02 1974 Sep 24 1222:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1220     2442315.11 1974 Sep 24 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1221     2442315.21 1974 Sep 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1222     2442315.25 1974 Sep 24 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1223     2442315.53 1974 Sep 25 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1224     2442316.06 1974 Sep 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1225     2442316.07 1974 Sep 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1226     2442316.12 1974 Sep 25 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1227     2442316.12 1974 Sep 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1228     2442316.14 1974 Sep 25 1519:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1229     2442316.27 1974 Sep 25 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1230     2442316.27 1974 Sep 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1231     2442316.53 1974 Sep 26 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1232     2442317.14 1974 Sep 26 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1233     2442317.22 1974 Sep 26 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1234     2442317.26 1974 Sep 26 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1235     2442317.54 1974 Sep 27 0055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1236     2442318.11 1974 Sep 27 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1237     2442318.11 1974 Sep 27 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1238     2442318.15 1974 Sep 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1239     2442318.18 1974 Sep 27 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1240     2442318.98 1974 Sep 28 1137:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M04       2442320.50 1974 Q4              Alfa                     -      002                  [Spurious?]              -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 I            MS   -                        Test                     Serra                -                    -
1974-W1241     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1242     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1243     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1244     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1245     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1246     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1247     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1248     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1249     2442320.50 1974 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1250     2442321.10 1974 Sep 30 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1251     2442321.15 1974 Sep 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1252     2442321.17 1974 Sep 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1253     2442321.17 1974 Sep 30 1611:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1254     2442321.20 1974 Sep 30 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1255     2442321.20 1974 Sep 30 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1256     2442321.24 1974 Sep 30 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1257     2442321.38 1974 Sep 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1258     2442322.09 1974 Oct  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M16       2442322.50 1974 Oct  2          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-58          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1654     2442322.58 1974 Oct  2 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R171          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1259     2442322.90 1974 Oct  2 0934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1260     2442323.06 1974 Oct  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1261     2442323.07 1974 Oct  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1262     2442323.11 1974 Oct  2 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1263     2442323.14 1974 Oct  2 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1264     2442323.18 1974 Oct  2 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1265     2442323.24 1974 Oct  2 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1266     2442323.33 1974 Oct  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1267     2442323.33 1974 Oct  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1268     2442323.36 1974 Oct  2 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1269     2442323.39 1974 Oct  2 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1270     2442323.51 1974 Oct  3 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1271     2442324.13 1974 Oct  3 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1272     2442324.23 1974 Oct  3 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1273     2442324.34 1974 Oct  3 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1274     2442325.07 1974 Oct  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1275     2442325.11 1974 Oct  4 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1276     2442325.11 1974 Oct  4 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1277     2442325.11 1974 Oct  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1278     2442325.14 1974 Oct  4 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1279     2442325.38 1974 Oct  4 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1280     2442327.90 1974 Oct  7 0937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1281     2442328.12 1974 Oct  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1282     2442328.14 1974 Oct  7 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1283     2442328.17 1974 Oct  7 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1284     2442328.23 1974 Oct  7 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1285     2442328.48 1974 Oct  7 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1286     2442329.15 1974 Oct  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1287     2442329.22 1974 Oct  8 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1288     2442329.32 1974 Oct 08 1940:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W1289     2442329.33 1974 Oct  8 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1290     2442329.42 1974 Oct 08 2210:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1974-W1655     2442329.58 1974 Oct  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R172          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1291     2442330.11 1974 Oct  9 1442:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1292     2442330.15 1974 Oct  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1293     2442330.15 1974 Oct  9 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1294     2442330.34 1974 Oct  9 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1295     2442330.35 1974 Oct  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1296     2442330.35 1974 Oct  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1297     2442330.38 1974 Oct  9 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1298     2442330.41 1974 Oct  9 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1299     2442330.57 1974 Oct 10 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1300     2442330.89 1974 Oct 10 0917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1301     2442331.26 1974 Oct 10 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1302     2442331.39 1974 Oct 10 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1303     2442332.09 1974 Oct 11 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1304     2442332.09 1974 Oct 11 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1305     2442332.15 1974 Oct 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1306     2442332.17 1974 Oct 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1307     2442332.28 1974 Oct 11 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1308     2442332.33 1974 Oct 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1309     2442332.56 1974 Oct 12 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1310     2442334.53 1974 Oct 14 0044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1311     2442334.71 1974 Oct 14 0455:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1312     2442335.89 1974 Oct 15 0921:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1313     2442336.05 1974 Oct 15 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1314     2442336.18 1974 Oct 15 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1315     2442336.21 1974 Oct 15 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1316     2442336.24 1974 Oct 15 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1317     2442336.36 1974 Oct 15 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M17       2442336.50 1974 Oct 16          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-59          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1656     2442336.58 1974 Oct 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R173          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1318     2442337.07 1974 Oct 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1319     2442337.11 1974 Oct 16 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1320     2442337.12 1974 Oct 16 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1321     2442337.13 1974 Oct 16 1509:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1322     2442337.15 1974 Oct 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1323     2442337.21 1974 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1324     2442337.35 1974 Oct 16 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1325     2442337.40 1974 Oct 16 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1326     2442337.55 1974 Oct 17 0117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1327     2442338.05 1974 Oct 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1328     2442338.16 1974 Oct 17 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1329     2442339.08 1974 Oct 18 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1330     2442339.11 1974 Oct 18 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1331     2442339.12 1974 Oct 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1332     2442339.15 1974 Oct 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1333     2442339.21 1974 Oct 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1334     2442339.24 1974 Oct 18 1742:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1335     2442339.25 1974 Oct 18 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1336     2442339.33 1974 Oct 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1337     2442339.39 1974 Oct 18 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1683     2442340.50 1974 Oct 20          Black Brant VI           -      19-74                Ozone/Starute            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1338     2442342.11 1974 Oct 21 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1339     2442342.12 1974 Oct 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1340     2442342.15 1974 Oct 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1341     2442342.17 1974 Oct 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1342     2442342.17 1974 Oct 21 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1343     2442342.24 1974 Oct 21 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1344     2442342.25 1974 Oct 21 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1345     2442342.33 1974 Oct 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1346     2442343.09 1974 Oct 22 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1347     2442344.03 1974 Oct 23 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1348     2442344.06 1974 Oct 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1349     2442344.07 1974 Oct 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1350     2442344.08 1974 Oct 23 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1351     2442344.15 1974 Oct 23 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1352     2442344.16 1974 Oct 23 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1353     2442344.23 1974 Oct 23 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1354     2442344.29 1974 Oct 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1355     2442344.34 1974 Oct 23 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1356     2442344.39 1974 Oct 23 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1357     2442345.08 1974 Oct 24 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1358     2442345.35 1974 Oct 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1359     2442345.89 1974 Oct 25 0927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1360     2442346.07 1974 Oct 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1361     2442346.08 1974 Oct 25 1352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1362     2442346.20 1974 Oct 25 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1363     2442346.21 1974 Oct 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1364     2442349.19 1974 Oct 28 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1365     2442349.19 1974 Oct 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1366     2442350.27 1974 Oct 29 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1367     2442350.34 1974 Oct 29 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1368     2442350.35 1974 Oct 29 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1369     2442350.38 1974 Oct 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M18       2442350.50 1974 Oct 30          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-60          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1657     2442350.58 1974 Oct 30 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R174          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1370     2442350.90 1974 Oct 30 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1371     2442351.07 1974 Oct 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1372     2442351.10 1974 Oct 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1373     2442351.13 1974 Oct 30 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1374     2442351.18 1974 Oct 30 1618:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1375     2442351.21 1974 Oct 30 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1376     2442351.29 1974 Oct 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1377     2442351.38 1974 Oct 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1378     2442351.50 1974 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1379     2442351.50 1974 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1380     2442351.50 1974 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1381     2442351.50 1974 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1382     2442351.50 1974 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1383     2442352.09 1974 Oct 31 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1384     2442352.13 1974 Oct 31 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1385     2442352.21 1974 Oct 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1386     2442353.06 1974 Nov  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1387     2442353.16 1974 Nov  1 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1388     2442353.19 1974 Nov  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1389     2442353.36 1974 Nov  1 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1390     2442353.42 1974 Nov  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1391     2442355.50 1974 Nov  4 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1392     2442356.09 1974 Nov  4 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1393     2442356.15 1974 Nov  4 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1394     2442356.27 1974 Nov  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1395     2442356.27 1974 Nov  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1396     2442357.14 1974 Nov  5 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1397     2442357.17 1974 Nov  5 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1398     2442357.18 1974 Nov  5 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1399     2442357.33 1974 Nov  5 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1658     2442357.58 1974 Nov  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R175          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1400     2442358.06 1974 Nov  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1401     2442358.08 1974 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1402     2442358.10 1974 Nov  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1403     2442358.14 1974 Nov  6 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1404     2442358.18 1974 Nov  6 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1405     2442358.25 1974 Nov  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1406     2442358.27 1974 Nov  6 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1407     2442358.38 1974 Nov  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1408     2442358.88 1974 Nov  7 0913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1409     2442359.04 1974 Nov  7 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1410     2442359.16 1974 Nov  7 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1411     2442359.19 1974 Nov  7 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1412     2442360.10 1974 Nov  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1413     2442360.13 1974 Nov  8 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1414     2442360.17 1974 Nov  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1415     2442360.21 1974 Nov  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1416     2442360.24 1974 Nov  8 1740:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M05       2442360.31 1974 Nov  8 1933     Orion                    -      NASA 30.02WT         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   WFF/Flowers              Test                     FDC/Ulrich           WISR                 -
1974-W1417     2442360.35 1974 Nov  8 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1418     2442363.09 1974 Nov 11 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1419     2442363.15 1974 Nov 11 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1420     2442363.17 1974 Nov 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1421     2442363.25 1974 Nov 11 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1422     2442363.38 1974 Nov 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1423     2442364.04 1974 Nov 12 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1424     2442364.15 1974 Nov 12 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M19       2442364.50 1974 Nov 13          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-61          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1659     2442364.58 1974 Nov 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R176          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1425     2442365.06 1974 Nov 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1426     2442365.09 1974 Nov 13 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1427     2442365.12 1974 Nov 13 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1428     2442365.17 1974 Nov 13 1610:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1429     2442365.17 1974 Nov 13 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1430     2442365.19 1974 Nov 13 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1431     2442365.21 1974 Nov 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1432     2442365.25 1974 Nov 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1433     2442365.38 1974 Nov 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1434     2442366.17 1974 Nov 14 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1435     2442366.21 1974 Nov 14 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1436     2442366.29 1974 Nov 14 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1684     2442366.50 1974 Nov 15          Black Brant VI           -      20-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1685     2442366.50 1974 Nov 15          Black Brant VI           -      21-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1437     2442367.03 1974 Nov 15 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1438     2442367.08 1974 Nov 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1439     2442367.15 1974 Nov 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1440     2442367.18 1974 Nov 15 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1441     2442367.19 1974 Nov 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1442     2442367.22 1974 Nov 15 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1443     2442367.24 1974 Nov 15 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1444     2442367.33 1974 Nov 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1445     2442370.09 1974 Nov 18 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1446     2442370.17 1974 Nov 18 1558:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1447     2442370.18 1974 Nov 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1448     2442370.19 1974 Nov 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1449     2442370.19 1974 Nov 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1450     2442370.38 1974 Nov 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1451     2442370.39 1974 Nov 18 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1686     2442370.50 1974 Nov 19          Black Brant VI           -      22-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1452     2442371.15 1974 Nov 19 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1453     2442371.27 1974 Nov 19 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1660     2442371.58 1974 Nov 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R177          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1454     2442372.16 1974 Nov 20 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1455     2442372.18 1974 Nov 20 1622:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1456     2442372.21 1974 Nov 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1457     2442372.21 1974 Nov 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1458     2442372.23 1974 Nov 20 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1459     2442372.25 1974 Nov 20 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1460     2442372.25 1974 Nov 20 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1687     2442372.50 1974 Nov 21          Black Brant VI           -      23-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     82      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1688     2442372.50 1974 Nov 21          Black Brant VI           -      24-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     82      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1461     2442373.16 1974 Nov 21 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1462     2442373.36 1974 Nov 21 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1463     2442374.13 1974 Nov 22 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1464     2442374.15 1974 Nov 22 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1465     2442374.17 1974 Nov 22 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1466     2442374.24 1974 Nov 22 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1467     2442374.38 1974 Nov 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1468     2442374.39 1974 Nov 22 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1469     2442377.05 1974 Nov 25 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1470     2442377.11 1974 Nov 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1471     2442377.14 1974 Nov 25 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1472     2442377.17 1974 Nov 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1473     2442377.19 1974 Nov 25 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1474     2442377.19 1974 Nov 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1475     2442377.34 1974 Nov 25 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1476     2442377.38 1974 Nov 25 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1689     2442377.50 1974 Nov 26          Black Brant VI           -      25-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     84      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1477     2442377.55 1974 Nov 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1478     2442378.15 1974 Nov 26 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1479     2442378.36 1974 Nov 26 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M26       2442378.50 1974 Nov 27          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-62          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1480     2442378.52 1974 Nov 27 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1661     2442378.58 1974 Nov 27 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R178          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1481     2442379.10 1974 Nov 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1482     2442379.12 1974 Nov 27 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1483     2442379.15 1974 Nov 27 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1484     2442379.20 1974 Nov 27 1646:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1485     2442379.20 1974 Nov 27 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1486     2442379.27 1974 Nov 27 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1487     2442379.28 1974 Nov 27 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1488     2442379.42 1974 Nov 27 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1489     2442379.55 1974 Nov 28 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1490     2442380.18 1974 Nov 28 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M27       2442380.50 1974 Nov 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-63          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1491     2442381.16 1974 Nov 29 1551:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1492     2442381.19 1974 Nov 29 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1493     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1494     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1495     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1496     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1497     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1498     2442381.50 1974 Dec             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1499     2442384.10 1974 Dec  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1500     2442384.16 1974 Dec  2 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1501     2442384.21 1974 Dec  2 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1502     2442384.21 1974 Dec  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1503     2442384.23 1974 Dec  2 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1504     2442384.27 1974 Dec  2 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1505     2442384.39 1974 Dec  2 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1506     2442385.17 1974 Dec  3 1610:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1507     2442385.21 1974 Dec  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1508     2442385.38 1974 Dec  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M28       2442385.50 1974 Dec  4          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-64          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1509     2442385.56 1974 Dec  4 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1662     2442385.58 1974 Dec  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R179          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1510     2442386.08 1974 Dec  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1511     2442386.10 1974 Dec  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1512     2442386.12 1974 Dec  4 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1513     2442386.19 1974 Dec  4 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1514     2442386.21 1974 Dec  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1515     2442386.35 1974 Dec  4 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1516     2442386.38 1974 Dec  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1517     2442386.56 1974 Dec  5 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1518     2442387.15 1974 Dec  5 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1519     2442387.21 1974 Dec  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1520     2442387.21 1974 Dec  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1521     2442387.38 1974 Dec  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1522     2442388.05 1974 Dec  6 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1523     2442388.14 1974 Dec  6 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1524     2442388.14 1974 Dec  6 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1525     2442388.19 1974 Dec  6 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1526     2442388.19 1974 Dec  6 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1527     2442388.20 1974 Dec  6 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1528     2442388.24 1974 Dec  6 1741:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1529     2442388.38 1974 Dec  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1530     2442388.42 1974 Dec  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1531     2442390.38 1974 Dec  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1532     2442391.19 1974 Dec  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1533     2442391.21 1974 Dec  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1534     2442391.27 1974 Dec  9 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1535     2442391.27 1974 Dec  9 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1536     2442391.35 1974 Dec  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1690     2442391.50 1974 Dec 10          Black Brant VI           -      26-74                STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1974-W1537     2442391.67 1974 Dec 10 0358:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1538     2442391.89 1974 Dec 10 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1539     2442392.17 1974 Dec 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1540     2442392.21 1974 Dec 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1541     2442392.25 1974 Dec 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1542     2442392.38 1974 Dec 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1543     2442392.43 1974 Dec 10 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1663     2442392.58 1974 Dec 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R180          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1544     2442393.08 1974 Dec 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1545     2442393.10 1974 Dec 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1546     2442393.17 1974 Dec 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1547     2442393.17 1974 Dec 11 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1548     2442393.23 1974 Dec 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1549     2442393.38 1974 Dec 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1550     2442393.39 1974 Dec 11 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1551     2442393.57 1974 Dec 12 0146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1552     2442393.90 1974 Dec 12 0940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1553     2442394.10 1974 Dec 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1554     2442394.16 1974 Dec 12 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1555     2442394.25 1974 Dec 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1556     2442394.42 1974 Dec 12 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1557     2442394.42 1974 Dec 12 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1558     2442394.46 1974 Dec 12 2300:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1559     2442394.71 1974 Dec 13 0501:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1560     2442395.14 1974 Dec 13 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1561     2442395.18 1974 Dec 13 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1562     2442395.34 1974 Dec 13 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1563     2442395.38 1974 Dec 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1564     2442395.38 1974 Dec 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1565     2442395.45 1974 Dec 13 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1566     2442395.47 1974 Dec 13 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1567     2442395.50 1974 Dec 13 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1568     2442398.16 1974 Dec 16 1545:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1569     2442398.23 1974 Dec 16 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1570     2442398.27 1974 Dec 16 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1571     2442398.35 1974 Dec 16 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1572     2442398.36 1974 Dec 16 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1573     2442398.38 1974 Dec 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1574     2442398.38 1974 Dec 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1575     2442398.90 1974 Dec 17 0943:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1576     2442399.10 1974 Dec 17 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1577     2442399.16 1974 Dec 17 1546:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1578     2442399.21 1974 Dec 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1579     2442399.38 1974 Dec 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1580     2442399.48 1974 Dec 17 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-M29       2442399.50 1974 Dec 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-65          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1974-W1581     2442400.01 1974 Dec 18 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1582     2442400.09 1974 Dec 18 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1583     2442400.18 1974 Dec 18 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1584     2442400.21 1974 Dec 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1585     2442400.22 1974 Dec 18 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1586     2442400.33 1974 Dec 18 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1587     2442400.38 1974 Dec 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1588     2442400.56 1974 Dec 19 0122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1589     2442400.95 1974 Dec 19 1052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1590     2442401.16 1974 Dec 19 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1591     2442401.21 1974 Dec 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1592     2442401.38 1974 Dec 19 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1593     2442402.10 1974 Dec 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1594     2442402.17 1974 Dec 20 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1595     2442402.19 1974 Dec 20 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1596     2442402.21 1974 Dec 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1597     2442402.25 1974 Dec 20 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1598     2442402.38 1974 Dec 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,Datasonde       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1599     2442402.38 1974 Dec 20 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1600     2442402.55 1974 Dec 21 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1601     2442405.11 1974 Dec 23 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1602     2442405.12 1974 Dec 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1603     2442405.18 1974 Dec 23 1623:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1604     2442405.21 1974 Dec 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1605     2442405.25 1974 Dec 23 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1606     2442405.38 1974 Dec 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1607     2442405.55 1974 Dec 24 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1608     2442406.08 1974 Dec 24 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1609     2442406.16 1974 Dec 24 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1610     2442406.35 1974 Dec 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1664     2442406.58 1974 Dec 25 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R181          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    RISRJ                -                    -
1974-W1611     2442408.38 1974 Dec 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1612     2442409.12 1974 Dec 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1613     2442409.36 1974 Dec 27 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1614     2442409.38 1974 Dec 27 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1615     2442409.55 1974 Dec 28 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1616     2442412.12 1974 Dec 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1617     2442412.15 1974 Dec 30 1541:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1618     2442412.17 1974 Dec 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1619     2442412.19 1974 Dec 30 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1620     2442412.21 1974 Dec 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1621     2442412.23 1974 Dec 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1622     2442412.27 1974 Dec 30 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W01       2442412.50 1975 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W02       2442412.50 1975 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W03       2442412.50 1975 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W04       2442412.50 1975 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W05       2442412.50 1975 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1974-W1623     2442413.17 1974 Dec 31 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1624     2442413.17 1974 Dec 31 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1974-W1625     2442413.23 1974 Dec 31 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W06       2442415.21 1975 Jan  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W07       2442415.38 1975 Jan  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W08       2442416.14 1975 Jan  3 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W09       2442416.15 1975 Jan  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W10       2442416.16 1975 Jan  3 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W11       2442416.20 1975 Jan  3 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W12       2442416.23 1975 Jan  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W13       2442416.39 1975 Jan  3 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W14       2442416.55 1975 Jan  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W15       2442418.89 1975 Jan  6 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W16       2442419.15 1975 Jan  6 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W17       2442419.33 1975 Jan  6 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W18       2442419.38 1975 Jan  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W19       2442420.16 1975 Jan  7 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W20       2442420.21 1975 Jan  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W21       2442420.27 1975 Jan  7 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W22       2442420.35 1975 Jan  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W23       2442421.10 1975 Jan  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W24       2442421.13 1975 Jan  8 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W25       2442421.16 1975 Jan  8 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W26       2442421.38 1975 Jan  8 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M03       2442421.50 1975 Jan  9          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-66          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W27       2442421.57 1975 Jan  9 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W28       2442422.15 1975 Jan  9 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W29       2442422.23 1975 Jan  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W30       2442422.30 1975 Jan  9 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W31       2442422.89 1975 Jan 10 0917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W32       2442423.10 1975 Jan 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W33       2442423.19 1975 Jan 10 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W34       2442423.21 1975 Jan 10 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W35       2442423.23 1975 Jan 10 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W36       2442423.30 1975 Jan 10 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W37       2442423.55 1975 Jan 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W38       2442426.08 1975 Jan 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W39       2442426.24 1975 Jan 13 1745:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W40       2442426.33 1975 Jan 13 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W41       2442426.36 1975 Jan 13 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W42       2442426.55 1975 Jan 14 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W43       2442427.11 1975 Jan 14 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W44       2442427.18 1975 Jan 14 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W45       2442427.20 1975 Jan 14 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W46       2442427.33 1975 Jan 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W49       2442428.06 1975 Jan 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W50       2442428.11 1975 Jan 15 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W51       2442428.17 1975 Jan 15 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W52       2442428.21 1975 Jan 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W53       2442428.35 1975 Jan 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W54       2442428.39 1975 Jan 15 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W55       2442428.57 1975 Jan 16 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W56       2442429.11 1975 Jan 16 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W57       2442429.18 1975 Jan 16 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W58       2442429.25 1975 Jan 16 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W59       2442429.27 1975 Jan 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W60       2442429.35 1975 Jan 16 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W62       2442430.08 1975 Jan 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W63       2442430.16 1975 Jan 17 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W64       2442430.23 1975 Jan 17 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W65       2442430.26 1975 Jan 17 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W66       2442430.35 1975 Jan 17 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W47       2442430.38 1975 Jan 17 2100     Super Loki               -      -                    ALADDIN 75               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR75-2            SP-4020              -
1975-W67       2442430.41 1975 Jan 17 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W48       2442430.41 1975 Jan 17 2150     Super Loki               -      -                    ALADDIN 75               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR75-2            SP-4020              -
1975-W61       2442430.50 1975 Jan 18 0001     Super Loki               -      -                    ALADDIN 75               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR75-2            SP-4020              -
1975-W68       2442430.51 1975 Jan 18 0012     Super Loki               -      -                    ALADDIN 75               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR75-2            SP-4020              -
1975-W70       2442430.55 1975 Jan 18 0113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W69       2442430.55 1975 Jan 18 0114     Super Loki               -      -                    ALADDIN 75               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WI-PR75-2            SP-4020              -
1975-W71       2442431.84 1975 Jan 19 0812:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W72       2442433.10 1975 Jan 20 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W73       2442433.18 1975 Jan 20 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W74       2442433.21 1975 Jan 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W75       2442433.23 1975 Jan 20 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W76       2442433.41 1975 Jan 20 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W77       2442434.16 1975 Jan 21 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W78       2442434.21 1975 Jan 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W79       2442434.25 1975 Jan 21 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W80       2442434.36 1975 Jan 21 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W81       2442435.07 1975 Jan 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W82       2442435.10 1975 Jan 22 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W83       2442435.13 1975 Jan 22 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W84       2442435.18 1975 Jan 22 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W85       2442435.27 1975 Jan 22 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W86       2442435.37 1975 Jan 22 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W87       2442435.47 1975 Jan 22 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W88       2442435.55 1975 Jan 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W89       2442435.90 1975 Jan 23 0942:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W90       2442436.15 1975 Jan 23 1542:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W91       2442436.31 1975 Jan 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W92       2442436.35 1975 Jan 23 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W93       2442436.78 1975 Jan 24 0638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W94       2442437.10 1975 Jan 24 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W95       2442437.13 1975 Jan 24 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W96       2442437.16 1975 Jan 24 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W97       2442439.90 1975 Jan 27 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W98       2442440.08 1975 Jan 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W99       2442440.20 1975 Jan 27 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W100      2442440.29 1975 Jan 27 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W101      2442440.29 1975 Jan 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W102      2442440.38 1975 Jan 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W103      2442441.15 1975 Jan 28 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W104      2442441.29 1975 Jan 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W105      2442441.34 1975 Jan 28 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W106      2442441.52 1975 Jan 29 0035:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W107      2442441.89 1975 Jan 29 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W108      2442441.98 1975 Jan 29 1130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W109      2442442.10 1975 Jan 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W110      2442442.12 1975 Jan 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M08       2442442.50 1975 Jan 30          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-67          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W111      2442442.56 1975 Jan 30 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T13           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1975-W112      2442442.59 1975 Jan 30 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W113      2442442.69 1975 Jan 30 0438:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W114      2442443.29 1975 Jan 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W115      2442443.50 1975 Feb             Super Loki               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W116      2442443.50 1975 Feb             Super Loki               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W117      2442443.89 1975 Jan 31 0922:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W118      2442444.10 1975 Jan 31 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W119      2442444.15 1975 Jan 31 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W120      2442444.18 1975 Jan 31 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W121      2442444.31 1975 Jan 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W122      2442444.32 1975 Jan 31 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W123      2442444.55 1975 Feb  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W124      2442446.75 1975 Feb  3 0604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W125      2442447.08 1975 Feb  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W126      2442447.10 1975 Feb  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W127      2442447.21 1975 Feb  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W128      2442447.28 1975 Feb  3 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W129      2442447.35 1975 Feb  3 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W130      2442447.40 1975 Feb 03 2140:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W131      2442447.55 1975 Feb  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W132      2442448.19 1975 Feb  4 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W133      2442448.29 1975 Feb  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W134      2442448.42 1975 Feb 04 2200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W1453     2442448.50 1975 Feb  5          Black Brant VI           -      PF-1-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1454     2442448.50 1975 Feb  5          Black Brant VI           -      PF-2-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W135      2442448.68 1975 Feb  5 0423:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W136      2442449.06 1975 Feb  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W137      2442449.23 1975 Feb  5 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W138      2442449.29 1975 Feb  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W139      2442449.37 1975 Feb  5 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1455     2442449.50 1975 Feb  6          Black Brant VI           -      PF-3-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1456     2442449.50 1975 Feb  6          Black Brant VI           -      PF-4-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W140      2442449.55 1975 Feb  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W141      2442450.23 1975 Feb  6 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W142      2442450.28 1975 Feb  6 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W143      2442450.29 1975 Feb  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W144      2442450.38 1975 Feb  6 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1457     2442450.50 1975 Feb  7          Black Brant VI           -      PF-5-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1458     2442450.50 1975 Feb  7          Black Brant VI           -      PF-6-75              Arctic test              -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W145      2442450.53 1975 Feb  7 0046:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W146      2442450.54 1975 Feb  7 0100     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T14           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1975-W147      2442450.98 1975 Feb 07 1130:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W148      2442451.08 1975 Feb  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W149      2442451.10 1975 Feb  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W150      2442451.31 1975 Feb  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W151      2442451.35 1975 Feb  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W152      2442451.55 1975 Feb  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W153      2442453.94 1975 Feb 10 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W154      2442454.08 1975 Feb 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W155      2442454.12 1975 Feb 10 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W156      2442454.14 1975 Feb 10 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W157      2442454.22 1975 Feb 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W158      2442454.38 1975 Feb 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W159      2442454.55 1975 Feb 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W160      2442455.15 1975 Feb 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W161      2442455.29 1975 Feb 11 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W162      2442455.29 1975 Feb 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W163      2442455.36 1975 Feb 11 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W164      2442455.54 1975 Feb 12 0051:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W165      2442456.17 1975 Feb 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W166      2442456.24 1975 Feb 12 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W167      2442456.32 1975 Feb 12 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W168      2442456.33 1975 Feb 12 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W169      2442456.44 1975 Feb 12 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M09       2442456.50 1975 Feb 13          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-69          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W170      2442456.53 1975 Feb 13 0047:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W171      2442456.55 1975 Feb 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W172      2442456.91 1975 Feb 13 0947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W173      2442457.14 1975 Feb 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W174      2442457.23 1975 Feb 13 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W175      2442457.31 1975 Feb 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W176      2442457.38 1975 Feb 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W177      2442458.10 1975 Feb 14 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W178      2442458.11 1975 Feb 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W179      2442458.13 1975 Feb 14 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W180      2442458.21 1975 Feb 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W181      2442458.26 1975 Feb 14 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W182      2442458.38 1975 Feb 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W183      2442458.53 1975 Feb 15 0037:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W184      2442461.11 1975 Feb 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W185      2442461.53 1975 Feb 18 0047:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W186      2442462.15 1975 Feb 18 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W187      2442462.18 1975 Feb 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W188      2442462.25 1975 Feb 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W189      2442462.45 1975 Feb 18 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W190      2442462.53 1975 Feb 19 0047:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W191      2442462.89 1975 Feb 19 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W192      2442463.14 1975 Feb 19 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W193      2442463.19 1975 Feb 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W194      2442463.25 1975 Feb 19 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W195      2442463.29 1975 Feb 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W196      2442463.32 1975 Feb 19 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W197      2442463.43 1975 Feb 19 2222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W198      2442463.55 1975 Feb 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W199      2442464.26 1975 Feb 20 1811:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7753             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W200      2442464.29 1975 Feb 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W201      2442464.31 1975 Feb 20 1927:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7754             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W202      2442464.43 1975 Feb 20 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W203      2442464.43 1975 Feb 20 2220:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W204      2442464.54 1975 Feb 21 0052:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W205      2442464.58 1975 Feb 21 0156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W206      2442465.05 1975 Feb 21 1313:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W207      2442465.17 1975 Feb 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W208      2442465.18 1975 Feb 21 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W209      2442465.21 1975 Feb 21 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W210      2442465.29 1975 Feb 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W211      2442465.30 1975 Feb 21 1910:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7755             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W212      2442465.31 1975 Feb 21 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W213      2442465.38 1975 Feb 21 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W214      2442465.54 1975 Feb 22 0103:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W215      2442468.23 1975 Feb 24 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W216      2442468.25 1975 Feb 24 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W217      2442468.26 1975 Feb 24 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W218      2442468.41 1975 Feb 24 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W219      2442468.53 1975 Feb 25 0046:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W220      2442468.56 1975 Feb 25 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W221      2442469.12 1975 Feb 25 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W222      2442469.22 1975 Feb 25 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W223      2442469.28 1975 Feb 25 1847:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W224      2442469.29 1975 Feb 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W225      2442469.43 1975 Feb 25 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M04       2442469.50 1975 Feb 26          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-70          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W226      2442470.06 1975 Feb 26 1322:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W227      2442470.15 1975 Feb 26 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W228      2442470.20 1975 Feb 26 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W229      2442470.21 1975 Feb 26 1704:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W230      2442470.21 1975 Feb 26 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W231      2442470.36 1975 Feb 26 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W232      2442470.45 1975 Feb 26 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W233      2442470.51 1975 Feb 27 0012:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W234      2442471.04 1975 Feb 27 1303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W235      2442471.13 1975 Feb 27 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W236      2442471.20 1975 Feb 27 1641:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W237      2442471.21 1975 Feb 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W238      2442471.31 1975 Feb 27 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W239      2442471.50 1975 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W240      2442471.50 1975 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W241      2442471.50 1975 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W242      2442471.50 1975 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W243      2442471.50 1975 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W244      2442471.57 1975 Feb 28 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W245      2442472.03 1975 Feb 28 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W246      2442472.16 1975 Feb 28 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W247      2442472.21 1975 Feb 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W248      2442472.25 1975 Feb 28 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W249      2442472.28 1975 Feb 28 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W250      2442472.45 1975 Feb 28 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W251      2442472.50 1975 Mar  1 0000:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W252      2442472.53 1975 Mar  1 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W253      2442475.06 1975 Mar  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W254      2442475.17 1975 Mar  3 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W255      2442475.21 1975 Mar  3 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W256      2442475.27 1975 Mar  3 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W257      2442475.34 1975 Mar  3 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W258      2442475.46 1975 Mar  3 2301:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1459     2442475.50 1975 Mar  4          Black Brant VI           -      1-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1460     2442475.50 1975 Mar  4          Black Brant VI           -      2-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W259      2442476.05 1975 Mar  4 1312:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W260      2442476.17 1975 Mar  4 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W261      2442476.20 1975 Mar  4 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W262      2442476.21 1975 Mar  4 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W263      2442476.25 1975 Mar  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Para,STS-            -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W264      2442476.27 1975 Mar  4 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W265      2442476.55 1975 Mar  5 0112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W266      2442476.61 1975 Mar  5 0236:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W267      2442477.04 1975 Mar  5 1254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W268      2442477.09 1975 Mar  5 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W269      2442477.13 1975 Mar  5 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W270      2442477.16 1975 Mar  5 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W271      2442477.26 1975 Mar  5 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W272      2442477.27 1975 Mar  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W273      2442477.29 1975 Mar  5 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W274      2442477.53 1975 Mar  6 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W275      2442477.54 1975 Mar  6 0058:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W276      2442477.70 1975 Mar  6 0442:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W277      2442478.02 1975 Mar  6 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W278      2442478.23 1975 Mar  6 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W279      2442478.32 1975 Mar  6 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W280      2442478.32 1975 Mar  6 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W281      2442478.52 1975 Mar  7 0025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W282      2442478.54 1975 Mar  7 0102:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W283      2442479.08 1975 Mar  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W284      2442479.20 1975 Mar  7 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W285      2442479.23 1975 Mar  7 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W286      2442479.30 1975 Mar  7 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W287      2442479.31 1975 Mar  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W288      2442479.33 1975 Mar  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W289      2442479.44 1975 Mar  7 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W290      2442479.54 1975 Mar  8 0102:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W291      2442482.04 1975 Mar 10 1302:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W292      2442482.22 1975 Mar 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W293      2442482.25 1975 Mar 10 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W294      2442482.27 1975 Mar 10 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W295      2442482.35 1975 Mar 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W296      2442482.47 1975 Mar 10 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W297      2442482.55 1975 Mar 11 0109:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W298      2442483.03 1975 Mar 11 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W299      2442483.23 1975 Mar 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W300      2442483.38 1975 Mar 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M10       2442483.50 1975 Mar 12          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-71          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W301      2442483.57 1975 Mar 12 0144:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W302      2442484.02 1975 Mar 12 1225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W303      2442484.13 1975 Mar 12 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W304      2442484.23 1975 Mar 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W305      2442484.31 1975 Mar 12 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W306      2442484.32 1975 Mar 12 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W307      2442484.33 1975 Mar 12 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W308      2442484.34 1975 Mar 12 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W309      2442485.02 1975 Mar 13 1229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W310      2442485.18 1975 Mar 13 1615     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.137GM        -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W311      2442485.22 1975 Mar 13 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W312      2442485.23 1975 Mar 13 1726:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W313      2442485.29 1975 Mar 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W314      2442485.99 1975 Mar 14 1152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W315      2442486.18 1975 Mar 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W316      2442486.21 1975 Mar 14 1708:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W317      2442486.23 1975 Mar 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W318      2442486.25 1975 Mar 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W319      2442486.28 1975 Mar 14 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W320      2442486.29 1975 Mar 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W321      2442486.42 1975 Mar 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W322      2442489.12 1975 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W323      2442489.15 1975 Mar 17 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W324      2442489.21 1975 Mar 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W325      2442489.22 1975 Mar 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W326      2442489.23 1975 Mar 17 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W327      2442489.23 1975 Mar 17 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W328      2442489.45 1975 Mar 17 2248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1461     2442489.50 1975 Mar 18          Black Brant VI           -      3-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1462     2442489.50 1975 Mar 18          Black Brant VI           -      4-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W329      2442489.90 1975 Mar 18 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W330      2442490.15 1975 Mar 18 1540:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W331      2442490.19 1975 Mar 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS-             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W332      2442490.20 1975 Mar 18 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W333      2442490.23 1975 Mar 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS-             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W334      2442490.24 1975 Mar 18 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W335      2442490.44 1975 Mar 18 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W336      2442491.07 1975 Mar 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W337      2442491.21 1975 Mar 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W338      2442491.21 1975 Mar 19 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W339      2442491.23 1975 Mar 19 1735:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W340      2442491.29 1975 Mar 19 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1463     2442491.50 1975 Mar 20          Black Brant VI           -      5-75                 12cm Sphere              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W341      2442492.05 1975 Mar 20 1318:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W342      2442492.15 1975 Mar 20 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W343      2442492.17 1975 Mar 20 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W344      2442492.21 1975 Mar 20 1657:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W345      2442493.04 1975 Mar 21 1300:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W346      2442493.07 1975 Mar 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W347      2442493.07 1975 Mar 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W348      2442493.19 1975 Mar 21 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W349      2442493.22 1975 Mar 21 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W350      2442493.26 1975 Mar 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W351      2442493.26 1975 Mar 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W352      2442493.38 1975 Mar 21 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W353      2442493.55 1975 Mar 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W354      2442496.10 1975 Mar 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W355      2442496.21 1975 Mar 24 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W356      2442496.23 1975 Mar 24 1724:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W357      2442496.23 1975 Mar 24 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W358      2442496.25 1975 Mar 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W359      2442496.26 1975 Mar 24 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1464     2442496.50 1975 Mar 25          Black Brant VI           -      6-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     82      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1465     2442496.50 1975 Mar 25          Black Brant VI           -      7-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W360      2442496.55 1975 Mar 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W361      2442497.11 1975 Mar 25 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W362      2442497.21 1975 Mar 25 1706:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W363      2442497.24 1975 Mar 25 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W364      2442497.25 1975 Mar 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS-             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W365      2442497.42 1975 Mar 25 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M11       2442497.50 1975 Mar 26          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-72          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W366      2442498.05 1975 Mar 26 1308:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W367      2442498.08 1975 Mar 26 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W368      2442498.19 1975 Mar 26 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W369      2442498.20 1975 Mar 26 1647:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W370      2442498.22 1975 Mar 26 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W371      2442498.37 1975 Mar 26 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W372      2442498.43 1975 Mar 26 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W373      2442498.55 1975 Mar 27 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W374      2442499.03 1975 Mar 27 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W375      2442499.23 1975 Mar 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W376      2442499.26 1975 Mar 27 1810:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W377      2442499.31 1975 Mar 27 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1466     2442499.50 1975 Mar 28          Black Brant VI           -      8-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W1467     2442499.50 1975 Mar 28          Black Brant VI           -      9-75                 STS/Starute              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W378      2442499.53 1975 Mar 28 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W379      2442500.02 1975 Mar 28 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W380      2442500.22 1975 Mar 28 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W381      2442500.22 1975 Mar 28 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS-             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W382      2442500.30 1975 Mar 28 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W383      2442502.50 1975 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W384      2442502.50 1975 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-M20       2442502.50 1975 Apr             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        30FA B2 Training         -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 30FA2        MS   -                        OT                       Ulrich               -                    -
1975-M21       2442502.50 1975 Apr             Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        30FA B2 Training         -                        -         NAMFI    -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 30FA2        MS   -                        OT                       Ulrich               -                    -
1975-W385      2442502.50 1975 Apr             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W386      2442503.05 1975 Mar 31 1318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W387      2442503.17 1975 Mar 31 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W388      2442503.21 1975 Mar 31 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W389      2442503.23 1975 Mar 31 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W390      2442503.25 1975 Mar 31 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W391      2442503.41 1975 Mar 31 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W392      2442503.56 1975 Apr  1 0129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W393      2442504.04 1975 Apr  1 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W394      2442504.16 1975 Apr  1 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W395      2442504.28 1975 Apr  1 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W396      2442504.47 1975 Apr  1 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W397      2442504.53 1975 Apr  2 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W398      2442505.03 1975 Apr  2 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W399      2442505.24 1975 Apr  2 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W400      2442505.31 1975 Apr  2 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W401      2442505.31 1975 Apr  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W402      2442505.48 1975 Apr  2 2329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W403      2442505.52 1975 Apr  3 0032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W404      2442506.02 1975 Apr  3 1222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W405      2442506.15 1975 Apr  3 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W406      2442506.23 1975 Apr  3 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W407      2442506.32 1975 Apr  3 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W408      2442506.44 1975 Apr  3 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M01       2442506.50 1975 Apr  4          Alfa                     -      003                  [Spurious?]              -                        -                        -         SDQ      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 I            MS   -                        Test                     Serra                -                    -
1975-W409      2442506.95 1975 Apr  4 1049:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W410      2442507.07 1975 Apr  4 1333:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W411      2442507.22 1975 Apr  4 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W412      2442507.32 1975 Apr  4 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W413      2442507.55 1975 Apr  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W414      2442509.87 1975 Apr  7 0857:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W415      2442510.03 1975 Apr  7 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W416      2442510.22 1975 Apr  7 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W417      2442510.23 1975 Apr  7 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W418      2442510.25 1975 Apr  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W419      2442510.29 1975 Apr 07 1851:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7756             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W420      2442510.46 1975 Apr  7 2301:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W421      2442510.55 1975 Apr  8 0107:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W422      2442510.87 1975 Apr  8 0855:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W423      2442511.24 1975 Apr  8 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W424      2442511.24 1975 Apr  8 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W425      2442511.27 1975 Apr  8 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W426      2442511.45 1975 Apr  8 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W427      2442511.87 1975 Apr  9 0847:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W428      2442512.07 1975 Apr  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W429      2442512.09 1975 Apr  9 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W430      2442512.19 1975 Apr  9 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W431      2442512.23 1975 Apr  9 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W432      2442512.33 1975 Apr  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W433      2442512.35 1975 Apr  9 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W434      2442512.53 1975 Apr 10 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W435      2442512.86 1975 Apr 10 0842:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W436      2442512.94 1975 Apr 10 1027:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W437      2442513.02 1975 Apr 10 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W438      2442513.18 1975 Apr 10 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W439      2442513.40 1975 Apr 10 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W440      2442513.88 1975 Apr 11 0911:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W441      2442514.09 1975 Apr 11 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W442      2442514.19 1975 Apr 11 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W443      2442514.31 1975 Apr 11 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W444      2442517.08 1975 Apr 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W445      2442517.15 1975 Apr 14 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W446      2442517.19 1975 Apr 14 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W447      2442517.24 1975 Apr 14 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W448      2442517.30 1975 Apr 14 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W449      2442517.39 1975 Apr 14 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W450      2442518.01 1975 Apr 15 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W451      2442518.25 1975 Apr 15 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M12       2442518.50 1975 Apr 16          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-73          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W452      2442518.91 1975 Apr 16 0946:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W453      2442519.06 1975 Apr 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W454      2442519.12 1975 Apr 16 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W455      2442519.16 1975 Apr 16 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W456      2442519.22 1975 Apr 16 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W457      2442519.31 1975 Apr 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W458      2442520.18 1975 Apr 17 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W459      2442520.23 1975 Apr 17 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W460      2442520.37 1975 Apr 17 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W461      2442520.90 1975 Apr 18 0935:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W462      2442521.06 1975 Apr 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W463      2442521.11 1975 Apr 18 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W464      2442521.19 1975 Apr 18 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W465      2442521.56 1975 Apr 19 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W466      2442524.22 1975 Apr 21 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W467      2442524.22 1975 Apr 21 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W468      2442524.23 1975 Apr 21 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W469      2442524.39 1975 Apr 21 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W470      2442524.50 1975 Apr 22 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W471      2442525.02 1975 Apr 22 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W472      2442525.11 1975 Apr 22 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W473      2442525.23 1975 Apr 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W474      2442526.07 1975 Apr 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W475      2442526.07 1975 Apr 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W476      2442526.10 1975 Apr 23 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W477      2442526.21 1975 Apr 23 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W478      2442526.31 1975 Apr 23 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W479      2442526.33 1975 Apr 23 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W480      2442526.39 1975 Apr 23 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W481      2442526.50 1975 Apr 24 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W482      2442526.62 1975 Apr 24 0254:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W483      2442527.03 1975 Apr 24 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W484      2442527.15 1975 Apr 24 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W485      2442527.22 1975 Apr 24 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W486      2442527.39 1975 Apr 24 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W487      2442528.12 1975 Apr 25 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W488      2442528.13 1975 Apr 25 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W489      2442528.37 1975 Apr 25 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W490      2442528.52 1975 Apr 26 0022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W491      2442531.16 1975 Apr 28 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W492      2442531.17 1975 Apr 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W493      2442531.18 1975 Apr 28 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W494      2442531.23 1975 Apr 28 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W495      2442531.38 1975 Apr 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M13       2442531.50 1975 Apr 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-74          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W496      2442531.52 1975 Apr 29 0033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W497      2442532.02 1975 Apr 29 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W498      2442532.15 1975 Apr 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W499      2442532.20 1975 Apr 29 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W500      2442532.40 1975 Apr 29 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W501      2442532.50 1975 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W502      2442532.50 1975 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W503      2442532.50 1975 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W504      2442532.50 1975 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W505      2442532.50 1975 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W506      2442533.06 1975 Apr 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W507      2442533.15 1975 Apr 30 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W508      2442533.18 1975 Apr 30 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W509      2442533.22 1975 Apr 30 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W510      2442533.28 1975 Apr 30 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W511      2442533.55 1975 May  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W512      2442533.96 1975 May  1 1107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1468     2442534.50 1975 May  2          Black Brant VI           -      10-75                12cm Sphere              -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ASL          SS   ASL/                     Test                     ECOM-5588            -                    -
1975-W513      2442535.19 1975 May  2 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W514      2442535.21 1975 May  2 1658:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W515      2442535.21 1975 May  2 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W516      2442535.25 1975 May  2 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W517      2442535.31 1975 May  2 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W518      2442535.34 1975 May  2 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W519      2442535.55 1975 May  3 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W520      2442537.89 1975 May  5 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W521      2442538.07 1975 May  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W522      2442538.11 1975 May  5 1440:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W523      2442538.12 1975 May  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W524      2442538.19 1975 May  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W525      2442538.23 1975 May  5 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W526      2442538.31 1975 May  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W527      2442538.46 1975 May  5 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W528      2442538.50 1975 May  6 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W529      2442539.37 1975 May  6 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W530      2442540.15 1975 May  7 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W531      2442540.15 1975 May  7 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W532      2442540.19 1975 May  7 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W533      2442540.28 1975 May  7 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W534      2442540.33 1975 May  7 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W535      2442540.39 1975 May  7 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W536      2442540.55 1975 May  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W537      2442541.38 1975 May  8 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W538      2442541.70 1975 May  9 0446:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W539      2442542.07 1975 May  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W540      2442542.11 1975 May  9 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W541      2442542.12 1975 May  9 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W542      2442542.15 1975 May  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W543      2442542.19 1975 May  9 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W544      2442542.22 1975 May  9 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W545      2442542.31 1975 May  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W546      2442542.38 1975 May  9 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W547      2442545.07 1975 May 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W548      2442545.12 1975 May 12 1446:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W549      2442545.17 1975 May 12 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W550      2442545.22 1975 May 12 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W551      2442545.23 1975 May 12 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W552      2442545.55 1975 May 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W553      2442545.85 1975 May 13 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W554      2442545.93 1975 May 13 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W555      2442546.14 1975 May 13 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W556      2442546.19 1975 May 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W557      2442546.43 1975 May 13 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M14       2442546.50 1975 May 14          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-75          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W558      2442547.07 1975 May 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W559      2442547.07 1975 May 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W560      2442547.08 1975 May 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W561      2442547.14 1975 May 14 1520:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W562      2442547.21 1975 May 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W563      2442547.22 1975 May 14 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W564      2442547.31 1975 May 14 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W565      2442547.39 1975 May 14 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W566      2442547.55 1975 May 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W567      2442548.73 1975 May 16 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W568      2442549.07 1975 May 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W569      2442549.08 1975 May 16 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W570      2442549.10 1975 May 16 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W571      2442549.15 1975 May 16 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W572      2442549.21 1975 May 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W573      2442549.23 1975 May 16 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W574      2442549.25 1975 May 16 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W575      2442549.37 1975 May 16 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W576      2442550.36 1975 May 17 2040:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS75E   LP2              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W577      2442552.10 1975 May 19 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W578      2442552.11 1975 May 19 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W579      2442552.17 1975 May 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W580      2442552.30 1975 May 19 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W581      2442552.38 1975 May 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W582      2442552.43 1975 May 19 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W583      2442552.55 1975 May 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W584      2442552.97 1975 May 20 1110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W585      2442553.21 1975 May 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W586      2442554.07 1975 May 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W587      2442554.09 1975 May 21 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W588      2442554.09 1975 May 21 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W589      2442554.11 1975 May 21 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W590      2442554.12 1975 May 21 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W591      2442554.13 1975 May 21 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W592      2442554.14 1975 May 21 1520:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W593      2442554.15 1975 May 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W594      2442554.17 1975 May 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W595      2442554.33 1975 May 21 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W596      2442554.43 1975 May 21 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W597      2442554.56 1975 May 22 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W598      2442555.82 1975 May 23 0745:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W599      2442555.99 1975 May 23 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W600      2442556.07 1975 May 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W601      2442556.11 1975 May 23 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W602      2442556.13 1975 May 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W603      2442556.28 1975 May 23 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W604      2442556.35 1975 May 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W605      2442556.43 1975 May 23 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W606      2442556.58 1975 May 24 0152     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.133GM        Antarqui Ozone           -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W607      2442556.86 1975 May 24 0842     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.135GM        Antarqui Ozone           -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W608      2442557.10 1975 May 24 1424:00  Super Loki               -      GU1-7743             Antarqui SL Ozone 1      -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W609      2442557.29 1975 May 24 1900:00  Super Loki               -      GU1-7742             Antarqui SL Ozone ?      -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W610      2442558.32 1975 May 25 1944:00  Super Loki               -      GU1-7744             Antarqui SL Ozone 2      -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W611      2442559.11 1975 May 26 1441:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W612      2442559.15 1975 May 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W613      2442559.43 1975 May 26 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W614      2442560.07 1975 May 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W615      2442560.31 1975 May 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W616      2442560.37 1975 May 27 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W617      2442560.49 1975 May 27 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M15       2442560.50 1975 May 28          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-77          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W618      2442560.85 1975 May 28 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W619      2442560.89 1975 May 28 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W620      2442560.94 1975 May 28 1026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W621      2442561.14 1975 May 28 1517:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W622      2442561.14 1975 May 28 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W623      2442561.19 1975 May 28 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W624      2442561.24 1975 May 28 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W625      2442561.25 1975 May 28 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W626      2442561.42 1975 May 28 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W627      2442561.43 1975 May 28 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W628      2442561.55 1975 May 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W629      2442562.07 1975 May 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W630      2442562.37 1975 May 29 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W631      2442562.40 1975 May 29 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W632      2442563.07 1975 May 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W633      2442563.10 1975 May 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W634      2442563.11 1975 May 30 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W635      2442563.15 1975 May 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W636      2442563.19 1975 May 30 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W637      2442563.24 1975 May 30 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W638      2442563.33 1975 May 30 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W639      2442563.40 1975 May 30 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W640      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W641      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W642      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W643      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W644      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W645      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W646      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W647      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W648      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W649      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W650      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W651      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W652      2442563.50 1975 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W653      2442566.17 1975 Jun  2 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W654      2442566.19 1975 Jun  2 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W655      2442566.23 1975 Jun  2 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W656      2442566.33 1975 Jun  2 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W657      2442566.55 1975 Jun  3 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W658      2442567.04 1975 Jun  3 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W659      2442567.11 1975 Jun  3 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W660      2442567.21 1975 Jun  3 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W661      2442568.07 1975 Jun  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W662      2442568.11 1975 Jun  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W663      2442568.13 1975 Jun  4 1508:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W664      2442568.13 1975 Jun  4 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W665      2442568.23 1975 Jun  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W666      2442568.24 1975 Jun  4 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W667      2442568.33 1975 Jun  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W668      2442568.54 1975 Jun  5 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W669      2442569.13 1975 Jun  5 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W670      2442569.21 1975 Jun  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    STS-                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W671      2442569.31 1975 Jun  5 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    STS-                     -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W672      2442569.38 1975 Jun  5 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,STS-             -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W673      2442569.42 1975 Jun  5 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W674      2442569.55 1975 Jun  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W675      2442570.07 1975 Jun  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W676      2442570.10 1975 Jun  6 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W677      2442570.19 1975 Jun  6 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W678      2442570.21 1975 Jun  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W679      2442570.38 1975 Jun  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W680      2442570.39 1975 Jun  6 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W681      2442573.14 1975 Jun  9 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W682      2442573.15 1975 Jun  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W683      2442573.21 1975 Jun  9 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W684      2442573.22 1975 Jun  9 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W685      2442573.23 1975 Jun  9 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W686      2442573.33 1975 Jun  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M05       2442574.50 1975 Jun 11          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-78          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W687      2442574.87 1975 Jun 11 0852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W688      2442574.91 1975 Jun 11 0952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W689      2442574.93 1975 Jun 11 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W690      2442575.10 1975 Jun 11 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W691      2442575.10 1975 Jun 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W692      2442575.13 1975 Jun 11 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W693      2442575.14 1975 Jun 11 1518:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W694      2442575.38 1975 Jun 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W695      2442575.57 1975 Jun 12 0147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W696      2442576.12 1975 Jun 12 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS75C   LP9              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W697      2442577.07 1975 Jun 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W698      2442577.08 1975 Jun 13 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W699      2442577.15 1975 Jun 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W700      2442577.32 1975 Jun 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W701      2442577.38 1975 Jun 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W702      2442579.90 1975 Jun 16 0931:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W703      2442581.15 1975 Jun 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W704      2442581.33 1975 Jun 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W705      2442581.41 1975 Jun 17 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M16       2442581.50 1975 Jun 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-79          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W706      2442581.89 1975 Jun 18 0925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W707      2442582.05 1975 Jun 18 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W708      2442582.07 1975 Jun 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W709      2442582.14 1975 Jun 18 1520:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W710      2442582.18 1975 Jun 18 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W711      2442582.29 1975 Jun 18 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W712      2442582.31 1975 Jun 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W713      2442582.35 1975 Jun 18 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W714      2442582.38 1975 Jun 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W715      2442582.55 1975 Jun 19 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W716      2442583.33 1975 Jun 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W717      2442583.89 1975 Jun 20 0921:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W718      2442584.04 1975 Jun 20 1302:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W719      2442584.07 1975 Jun 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W720      2442584.14 1975 Jun 20 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W721      2442584.28 1975 Jun 20 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W722      2442584.38 1975 Jun 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W723      2442584.39 1975 Jun 20 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W724      2442584.56 1975 Jun 21 0123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W725      2442587.07 1975 Jun 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W726      2442587.13 1975 Jun 23 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W727      2442587.15 1975 Jun 23 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W728      2442587.35 1975 Jun 23 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W729      2442587.43 1975 Jun 23 2221:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W730      2442588.11 1975 Jun 24 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W731      2442588.20 1975 Jun 24 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W732      2442588.42 1975 Jun 24 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W733      2442588.85 1975 Jun 25 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W734      2442588.94 1975 Jun 25 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W735      2442589.06 1975 Jun 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W736      2442589.06 1975 Jun 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W737      2442589.12 1975 Jun 25 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W738      2442589.20 1975 Jun 25 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W739      2442589.32 1975 Jun 25 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W740      2442589.36 1975 Jun 25 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W741      2442589.38 1975 Jun 25 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W742      2442589.55 1975 Jun 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W743      2442590.08 1975 Jun 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W744      2442591.07 1975 Jun 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W745      2442591.16 1975 Jun 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W746      2442591.18 1975 Jun 27 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W747      2442591.36 1975 Jun 27 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W748      2442591.55 1975 Jun 28 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W749      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W750      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W751      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W752      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W753      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W754      2442593.50 1975 Jul             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W755      2442594.07 1975 Jun 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W756      2442594.07 1975 Jun 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W757      2442594.23 1975 Jun 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W758      2442594.26 1975 Jun 30 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W759      2442594.55 1975 Jul  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W760      2442595.07 1975 Jul  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W761      2442596.07 1975 Jul  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W762      2442596.13 1975 Jul  2 1511:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W763      2442596.24 1975 Jul  2 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W764      2442596.32 1975 Jul  2 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W765      2442596.32 1975 Jul  2 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W766      2442596.38 1975 Jul  2 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W767      2442596.57 1975 Jul  3 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W768      2442597.33 1975 Jul  3 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W769      2442600.90 1975 Jul  7 0935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W770      2442601.10 1975 Jul  7 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W771      2442601.10 1975 Jul  7 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W772      2442601.38 1975 Jul  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W773      2442601.48 1975 Jul  7 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W774      2442601.53 1975 Jul  8 0038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W775      2442602.15 1975 Jul  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W776      2442602.90 1975 Jul  9 0931:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W777      2442603.05 1975 Jul  9 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W778      2442603.06 1975 Jul  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W779      2442603.19 1975 Jul  9 1629:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W780      2442603.23 1975 Jul  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W781      2442603.29 1975 Jul  9 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W782      2442603.31 1975 Jul  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W783      2442603.58 1975 Jul 10 0157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W784      2442604.33 1975 Jul 10 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W785      2442604.51 1975 Jul 11 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W786      2442605.01 1975 Jul 11 1211:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W787      2442605.10 1975 Jul 11 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W788      2442605.17 1975 Jul 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W789      2442605.29 1975 Jul 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W790      2442605.32 1975 Jul 11 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W791      2442605.40 1975 Jul 11 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W792      2442606.15 1975 Jul 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W793      2442607.04 1975 Jul 13 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W794      2442608.09 1975 Jul 14 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W795      2442608.16 1975 Jul 14 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W796      2442608.31 1975 Jul 14 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W797      2442608.42 1975 Jul 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W798      2442608.47 1975 Jul 14 2311:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W799      2442608.50 1975 Jul 15 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W800      2442608.95 1975 Jul 15 1046:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W801      2442609.12 1975 Jul 15 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M02       2442609.13 1975 Jul 15 1503     Astrobee D               -      NASA 23.02UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W802      2442609.38 1975 Jul 15 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W803      2442609.96 1975 Jul 16 1058:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W804      2442610.10 1975 Jul 16 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W805      2442610.10 1975 Jul 16 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W806      2442610.15 1975 Jul 16 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W807      2442610.26 1975 Jul 16 1815:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W808      2442610.31 1975 Jul 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W809      2442610.48 1975 Jul 16 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W810      2442610.53 1975 Jul 17 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W811      2442611.19 1975 Jul 17 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W812      2442611.55 1975 Jul 18 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W813      2442612.10 1975 Jul 18 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W814      2442612.17 1975 Jul 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W815      2442612.31 1975 Jul 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W816      2442612.36 1975 Jul 18 2042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W817      2442615.07 1975 Jul 21 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W818      2442615.13 1975 Jul 21 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W819      2442615.15 1975 Jul 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W820      2442615.25 1975 Jul 21 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W821      2442615.48 1975 Jul 21 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W822      2442616.39 1975 Jul 22 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W823      2442616.57 1975 Jul 23 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W824      2442617.17 1975 Jul 23 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W825      2442617.23 1975 Jul 23 1730:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W826      2442617.23 1975 Jul 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W827      2442617.24 1975 Jul 23 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W828      2442617.26 1975 Jul 23 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W829      2442617.30 1975 Jul 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W830      2442617.70 1975 Jul 24 0443:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Thermistor Intercomp     -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR19,111             -
1975-W831      2442618.33 1975 Jul 24 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W832      2442618.52 1975 Jul 25 0022:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W833      2442619.01 1975 Jul 25 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W834      2442619.17 1975 Jul 25 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W835      2442619.22 1975 Jul 25 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W836      2442619.42 1975 Jul 25 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W837      2442619.44 1975 Jul 25 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W838      2442621.90 1975 Jul 28 0942:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W839      2442622.15 1975 Jul 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W840      2442622.17 1975 Jul 28 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W841      2442622.18 1975 Jul 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W842      2442622.26 1975 Jul 28 1815:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W843      2442622.49 1975 Jul 28 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W844      2442622.55 1975 Jul 29 0109:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W845      2442623.15 1975 Jul 29 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W846      2442623.22 1975 Jul 29 1717:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-7959             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W847      2442623.25 1975 Jul 29 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W848      2442623.31 1975 Jul 29 1920     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.136GM        Antarqui Ozone           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W849      2442623.31 1975 Jul 29 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W850      2442624.03 1975 Jul 30 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W851      2442624.09 1975 Jul 30 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W852      2442624.12 1975 Jul 30 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W853      2442624.14 1975 Jul 30 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W854      2442624.23 1975 Jul 30 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W855      2442624.23 1975 Jul 30 1734:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W856      2442624.41 1975 Jul 30 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W857      2442624.50 1975 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W858      2442624.50 1975 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W859      2442624.50 1975 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W860      2442624.50 1975 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W861      2442624.57 1975 Jul 31 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W862      2442625.17 1975 Jul 31 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W863      2442625.42 1975 Jul 31 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W864      2442625.90 1975 Aug  1 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W865      2442626.10 1975 Aug  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W866      2442626.11 1975 Aug  1 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W867      2442626.12 1975 Aug  1 1448:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W868      2442626.12 1975 Aug  1 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W869      2442626.15 1975 Aug  1 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W870      2442626.43 1975 Aug  1 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W871      2442626.55 1975 Aug  2 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W872      2442629.06 1975 Aug  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W873      2442629.07 1975 Aug  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W874      2442629.13 1975 Aug  4 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W875      2442629.23 1975 Aug  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W876      2442629.37 1975 Aug  4 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W877      2442629.38 1975 Aug  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W878      2442629.55 1975 Aug  5 0118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W879      2442630.15 1975 Aug  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W880      2442630.21 1975 Aug  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W881      2442630.25 1975 Aug  5 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W882      2442630.32 1975 Aug  5 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W883      2442631.02 1975 Aug  6 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W884      2442631.03 1975 Aug  6 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W885      2442631.13 1975 Aug  6 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W886      2442631.18 1975 Aug  6 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W887      2442631.22 1975 Aug  6 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W888      2442631.24 1975 Aug  6 1742:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W889      2442631.27 1975 Aug  6 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W890      2442631.39 1975 Aug  6 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W891      2442631.47 1975 Aug  6 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W892      2442631.55 1975 Aug  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W893      2442632.15 1975 Aug  7 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W894      2442632.15 1975 Aug  7 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W895      2442632.22 1975 Aug  7 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W896      2442632.51 1975 Aug  8 0012:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W897      2442632.89 1975 Aug  8 0923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W898      2442633.13 1975 Aug  8 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W899      2442633.40 1975 Aug  8 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W900      2442633.55 1975 Aug  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W901      2442636.03 1975 Aug 11 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W902      2442636.15 1975 Aug 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W903      2442636.16 1975 Aug 11 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W904      2442636.20 1975 Aug 11 1651     Super Loki               -      T 1-8409             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W905      2442637.13 1975 Aug 12 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W906      2442637.15 1975 Aug 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W907      2442637.18 1975 Aug 12 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W908      2442637.27 1975 Aug 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W909      2442637.41 1975 Aug 12 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W910      2442637.42 1975 Aug 12 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W911      2442637.46 1975 Aug 12 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W912      2442637.52 1975 Aug 13 0022:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W913      2442637.96 1975 Aug 13 1103:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W914      2442638.08 1975 Aug 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W915      2442638.15 1975 Aug 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W916      2442638.20 1975 Aug 13 1646:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W917      2442638.24 1975 Aug 13 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W918      2442638.24 1975 Aug 13 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W919      2442638.27 1975 Aug 13 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W920      2442638.40 1975 Aug 13 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W921      2442638.45 1975 Aug 13 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W922      2442638.58 1975 Aug 14 0158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W923      2442639.40 1975 Aug 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W924      2442639.67 1975 Aug 15 0409:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W925      2442639.72 1975 Aug 15 0521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W926      2442639.74 1975 Aug 15 0551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W927      2442640.07 1975 Aug 15 1342:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W928      2442640.14 1975 Aug 15 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W929      2442640.15 1975 Aug 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W930      2442640.15 1975 Aug 15 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W931      2442640.19 1975 Aug 15 1631:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W932      2442640.21 1975 Aug 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W933      2442640.36 1975 Aug 15 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W934      2442640.55 1975 Aug 16 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W935      2442642.96 1975 Aug 18 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W936      2442643.13 1975 Aug 18 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W937      2442643.19 1975 Aug 18 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W938      2442643.23 1975 Aug 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W939      2442643.24 1975 Aug 18 1740:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W940      2442643.25 1975 Aug 18 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W941      2442643.43 1975 Aug 18 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W942      2442644.25 1975 Aug 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W943      2442644.51 1975 Aug 20 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W944      2442644.97 1975 Aug 20 1114:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W945      2442645.21 1975 Aug 20 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W946      2442645.24 1975 Aug 20 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W947      2442645.38 1975 Aug 20 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W948      2442645.51 1975 Aug 21 0019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W949      2442646.14 1975 Aug 21 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W950      2442646.57 1975 Aug 22 0133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W951      2442647.08 1975 Aug 22 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W952      2442647.11 1975 Aug 22 1443:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W953      2442647.12 1975 Aug 22 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W954      2442647.14 1975 Aug 22 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W955      2442647.16 1975 Aug 22 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W956      2442647.42 1975 Aug 22 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W957      2442650.02 1975 Aug 25 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W958      2442650.12 1975 Aug 25 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W959      2442650.20 1975 Aug 25 1649:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W960      2442650.24 1975 Aug 25 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W961      2442650.30 1975 Aug 25 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W962      2442650.36 1975 Aug 25 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W963      2442651.12 1975 Aug 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W964      2442652.05 1975 Aug 27 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W965      2442652.16 1975 Aug 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W966      2442652.17 1975 Aug 27 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W967      2442652.18 1975 Aug 27 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W968      2442652.19 1975 Aug 27 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W969      2442652.28 1975 Aug 27 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W970      2442652.30 1975 Aug 27 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W971      2442652.37 1975 Aug 27 2048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W972      2442652.52 1975 Aug 28 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W973      2442652.97 1975 Aug 28 1110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W974      2442653.27 1975 Aug 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W975      2442654.11 1975 Aug 29 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W976      2442654.18 1975 Aug 29 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W977      2442654.23 1975 Aug 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W978      2442654.45 1975 Aug 29 2248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W979      2442655.50 1975 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W980      2442655.50 1975 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W981      2442655.50 1975 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W982      2442655.50 1975 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W983      2442658.04 1975 Sep  2 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W984      2442658.14 1975 Sep  2 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W985      2442658.16 1975 Sep  2 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W986      2442658.25 1975 Sep  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W987      2442658.27 1975 Sep  2 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W988      2442658.52 1975 Sep  3 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W989      2442659.07 1975 Sep  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W990      2442659.14 1975 Sep  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W991      2442659.19 1975 Sep  3 1631:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W992      2442659.21 1975 Sep  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W993      2442659.23 1975 Sep  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W994      2442659.27 1975 Sep  3 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W995      2442659.45 1975 Sep  3 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W996      2442659.48 1975 Sep  3 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W997      2442660.00 1975 Sep  4 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W998      2442660.19 1975 Sep  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W999      2442660.35 1975 Sep  4 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1000     2442661.12 1975 Sep  5 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1001     2442661.19 1975 Sep  5 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1002     2442661.29 1975 Sep  5 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1003     2442661.52 1975 Sep  6 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1004     2442664.02 1975 Sep  8 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1005     2442664.19 1975 Sep  8 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1006     2442664.43 1975 Sep  8 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1007     2442664.47 1975 Sep  8 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M19       2442664.50 1975 Sep  9          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-80          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W1008     2442665.42 1975 Sep  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1009     2442665.56 1975 Sep 10 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T15           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1975-W1010     2442665.61 1975 Sep 10 0243:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1011     2442665.77 1975 Sep 10 0634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1012     2442665.89 1975 Sep 10 0927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1013     2442666.11 1975 Sep 10 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1014     2442666.17 1975 Sep 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1015     2442666.19 1975 Sep 10 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1016     2442666.53 1975 Sep 11 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1017     2442667.96 1975 Sep 12 1106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1018     2442668.14 1975 Sep 12 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1019     2442668.19 1975 Sep 12 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1020     2442668.20 1975 Sep 12 1652:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1021     2442668.25 1975 Sep 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1022     2442668.36 1975 Sep 12 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1023     2442668.42 1975 Sep 12 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1024     2442670.96 1975 Sep 15 1104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1025     2442671.14 1975 Sep 15 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1026     2442671.18 1975 Sep 15 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1027     2442671.18 1975 Sep 15 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1028     2442671.18 1975 Sep 15 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1029     2442671.44 1975 Sep 15 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1030     2442671.55 1975 Sep 16 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1031     2442672.15 1975 Sep 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1032     2442672.16 1975 Sep 16 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1033     2442672.28 1975 Sep 16 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1034     2442672.42 1975 Sep 16 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M17       2442672.50 1975 Sep 17          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-81          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W1035     2442673.03 1975 Sep 17 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1036     2442673.05 1975 Sep 17 1317:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1037     2442673.10 1975 Sep 17 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1038     2442673.11 1975 Sep 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1039     2442673.11 1975 Sep 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1040     2442673.13 1975 Sep 17 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1041     2442673.19 1975 Sep 17 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1042     2442673.21 1975 Sep 17 1656:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1043     2442674.08 1975 Sep 18 1355:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1044     2442674.25 1975 Sep 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1045     2442675.18 1975 Sep 19 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1046     2442675.19 1975 Sep 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1047     2442675.25 1975 Sep 19 1757:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1048     2442675.41 1975 Sep 19 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1049     2442676.28 1975 Sep 20 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1050     2442677.25 1975 Sep 21 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1051     2442677.96 1975 Sep 22 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1052     2442678.13 1975 Sep 22 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1053     2442678.15 1975 Sep 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1054     2442678.15 1975 Sep 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1055     2442678.19 1975 Sep 22 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1056     2442678.26 1975 Sep 22 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1057     2442679.00 1975 Sep 23 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1058     2442679.29 1975 Sep 23 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1059     2442679.52 1975 Sep 24 0033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1060     2442680.00 1975 Sep 24 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1061     2442680.04 1975 Sep 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1062     2442680.10 1975 Sep 24 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1063     2442680.16 1975 Sep 24 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1064     2442680.19 1975 Sep 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1065     2442680.24 1975 Sep 24 1741:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1066     2442680.26 1975 Sep 24 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1067     2442680.31 1975 Sep 24 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1068     2442680.45 1975 Sep 24 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1069     2442680.55 1975 Sep 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1070     2442680.55 1975 Sep 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1071     2442680.96 1975 Sep 25 1055:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1072     2442681.22 1975 Sep 25 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1073     2442681.26 1975 Sep 25 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1074     2442681.27 1975 Sep 25 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1075     2442681.40 1975 Sep 25 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1076     2442681.46 1975 Sep 25 2301:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1077     2442681.98 1975 Sep 26 1125:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1078     2442682.04 1975 Sep 26 1259:59  Arcas                    ?      Gerdien              Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   UTEP/WSMR/Mitchell       Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR17,199             -
1975-W1079     2442682.08 1975 Sep 26 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1080     2442682.11 1975 Sep 26 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1081     2442682.16 1975 Sep 26 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1082     2442682.20 1975 Sep 26 1645:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1083     2442682.21 1975 Sep 26 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M06       2442684.50 1975 Sep 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-82          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W1084     2442685.04 1975 Sep 29 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1085     2442685.20 1975 Sep 29 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1086     2442685.20 1975 Sep 29 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1087     2442685.24 1975 Sep 29 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1088     2442685.30 1975 Sep 29 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1089     2442685.42 1975 Sep 29 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1095     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1096     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1097     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1090     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1091     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1092     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1093     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1094     2442685.50 1975 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1975-W1098     2442685.54 1975 Sep 30 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1099     2442687.13 1975 Oct  1 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1100     2442687.17 1975 Oct  1 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1101     2442687.22 1975 Oct  1 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1102     2442687.24 1975 Oct  1 1745:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1103     2442687.38 1975 Oct  1 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1104     2442687.55 1975 Oct  2 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1105     2442688.20 1975 Oct  2 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1106     2442688.35 1975 Oct  2 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1107     2442689.07 1975 Oct  3 1341:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1108     2442689.10 1975 Oct  3 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1109     2442689.11 1975 Oct  3 1438:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1110     2442689.14 1975 Oct  3 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1111     2442689.15 1975 Oct  3 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1112     2442689.21 1975 Oct  3 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1113     2442689.30 1975 Oct  3 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1114     2442689.46 1975 Oct  3 2257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1115     2442689.55 1975 Oct  4 0118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1116     2442690.29 1975 Oct  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1117     2442690.32 1975 Oct  4 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1118     2442691.25 1975 Oct  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1119     2442692.15 1975 Oct  6 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1120     2442692.19 1975 Oct  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1121     2442692.25 1975 Oct  6 1804:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1122     2442692.26 1975 Oct  6 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1123     2442692.85 1975 Oct  7 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1124     2442692.90 1975 Oct  7 0937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1125     2442692.93 1975 Oct  7 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1126     2442693.19 1975 Oct  7 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1127     2442694.06 1975 Oct  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1128     2442694.10 1975 Oct  8 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1129     2442694.18 1975 Oct  8 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1130     2442694.19 1975 Oct  8 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1131     2442694.23 1975 Oct  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1132     2442694.25 1975 Oct  8 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1133     2442694.32 1975 Oct  8 1945:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1134     2442695.17 1975 Oct  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1135     2442695.26 1975 Oct  9 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1136     2442695.42 1975 Oct  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1137     2442696.08 1975 Oct 10 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1138     2442696.14 1975 Oct 10 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1139     2442696.16 1975 Oct 10 1552:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1140     2442696.18 1975 Oct 10 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1141     2442696.31 1975 Oct 10 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1142     2442696.46 1975 Oct 10 2257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1143     2442698.89 1975 Oct 13 0923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1144     2442699.08 1975 Oct 13 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1145     2442699.15 1975 Oct 13 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1146     2442699.83 1975 Oct 14 0800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1147     2442700.17 1975 Oct 14 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1148     2442700.25 1975 Oct 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1149     2442700.33 1975 Oct 14 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1150     2442701.07 1975 Oct 15 1335:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1151     2442701.07 1975 Oct 15 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1152     2442701.08 1975 Oct 15 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1153     2442701.17 1975 Oct 15 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1154     2442701.19 1975 Oct 15 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1155     2442701.23 1975 Oct 15 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1156     2442701.31 1975 Oct 15 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1157     2442702.02 1975 Oct 16 1222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1158     2442702.18 1975 Oct 16 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1159     2442702.26 1975 Oct 16 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1160     2442702.26 1975 Oct 16 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1161     2442702.43 1975 Oct 16 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1162     2442703.08 1975 Oct 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1163     2442703.15 1975 Oct 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1164     2442703.15 1975 Oct 17 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1165     2442703.27 1975 Oct 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1166     2442703.48 1975 Oct 17 2327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1167     2442706.08 1975 Oct 20 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1168     2442706.15 1975 Oct 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1169     2442706.20 1975 Oct 20 1651:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1170     2442706.22 1975 Oct 20 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1171     2442706.23 1975 Oct 20 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1172     2442706.26 1975 Oct 20 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1173     2442706.29 1975 Oct 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1174     2442706.52 1975 Oct 21 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1175     2442706.93 1975 Oct 21 1024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1176     2442707.15 1975 Oct 21 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1177     2442707.24 1975 Oct 21 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1178     2442707.43 1975 Oct 21 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1179     2442708.06 1975 Oct 22 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1180     2442708.08 1975 Oct 22 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1181     2442708.09 1975 Oct 22 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1182     2442708.12 1975 Oct 22 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1183     2442708.13 1975 Oct 22 1512:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1184     2442708.15 1975 Oct 22 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1185     2442708.27 1975 Oct 22 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1186     2442708.33 1975 Oct 22 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1187     2442708.48 1975 Oct 22 2332:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1188     2442708.48 1975 Oct 22 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1189     2442708.50 1975 Oct 23 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1190     2442709.22 1975 Oct 23 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1191     2442709.40 1975 Oct 23 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1192     2442709.52 1975 Oct 24 0033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1193     2442710.03 1975 Oct 24 1240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1194     2442710.14 1975 Oct 24 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1195     2442710.18 1975 Oct 24 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1196     2442710.19 1975 Oct 24 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1197     2442710.22 1975 Oct 24 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1198     2442710.24 1975 Oct 24 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1199     2442710.27 1975 Oct 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1200     2442710.41 1975 Oct 24 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1201     2442713.15 1975 Oct 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1202     2442713.19 1975 Oct 27 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1203     2442713.91 1975 Oct 28 0944:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1204     2442714.23 1975 Oct 28 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1205     2442714.24 1975 Oct 28 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M18       2442714.50 1975 Oct 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-83          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W1206     2442715.03 1975 Oct 29 1236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1207     2442715.11 1975 Oct 29 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1208     2442715.19 1975 Oct 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1209     2442715.21 1975 Oct 29 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1210     2442715.22 1975 Oct 29 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1211     2442715.23 1975 Oct 29 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1212     2442715.26 1975 Oct 29 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1213     2442715.41 1975 Oct 29 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1214     2442715.48 1975 Oct 29 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1215     2442716.19 1975 Oct 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1216     2442716.20 1975 Oct 30 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1217     2442716.42 1975 Oct 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1218     2442716.52 1975 Oct 31 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1219     2442716.80 1975 Oct 31 0712     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-07            [Not in FC]              -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W1220     2442717.13 1975 Oct 31 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1221     2442717.16 1975 Oct 31 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1222     2442717.23 1975 Oct 31 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1223     2442717.26 1975 Oct 31 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1224     2442717.41 1975 Oct 31 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1225     2442720.02 1975 Nov  3 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1226     2442720.19 1975 Nov  3 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1227     2442720.19 1975 Nov  3 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1228     2442720.19 1975 Nov  3 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1229     2442720.32 1975 Nov  3 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1230     2442720.50 1975 Nov  4 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1231     2442721.14 1975 Nov  4 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1232     2442721.17 1975 Nov  4 1559:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1233     2442721.22 1975 Nov  4 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1234     2442721.33 1975 Nov  4 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1235     2442721.33 1975 Nov  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1236     2442722.04 1975 Nov  5 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1237     2442722.16 1975 Nov  5 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1238     2442722.20 1975 Nov  5 1646:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1239     2442722.21 1975 Nov  5 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1240     2442722.22 1975 Nov  5 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1241     2442722.30 1975 Nov  5 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1242     2442722.40 1975 Nov  5 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1243     2442723.02 1975 Nov  6 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1244     2442723.15 1975 Nov  6 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1245     2442723.18 1975 Nov  6 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1246     2442723.31 1975 Nov  6 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1247     2442723.31 1975 Nov  6 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1248     2442724.11 1975 Nov  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1249     2442724.16 1975 Nov  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1250     2442724.16 1975 Nov  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1251     2442724.19 1975 Nov  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1252     2442724.30 1975 Nov  7 1907:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1253     2442724.35 1975 Nov  7 2022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1254     2442724.43 1975 Nov  7 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1255     2442727.04 1975 Nov 10 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1256     2442727.19 1975 Nov 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1257     2442727.20 1975 Nov 10 1654:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1258     2442727.23 1975 Nov 10 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1259     2442727.29 1975 Nov 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1260     2442727.42 1975 Nov 10 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1261     2442727.63 1975 Nov 11 0311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1262     2442728.16 1975 Nov 11 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1263     2442728.18 1975 Nov 11 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1264     2442729.06 1975 Nov 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1265     2442729.16 1975 Nov 12 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1266     2442729.18 1975 Nov 12 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1267     2442729.20 1975 Nov 12 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1268     2442729.22 1975 Nov 12 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1269     2442729.30 1975 Nov 12 1904:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1270     2442729.33 1975 Nov 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1271     2442729.42 1975 Nov 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1272     2442729.55 1975 Nov 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1273     2442730.15 1975 Nov 13 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1274     2442730.20 1975 Nov 13 1641:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1275     2442730.25 1975 Nov 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1276     2442730.34 1975 Nov 13 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1277     2442731.15 1975 Nov 14 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1278     2442731.15 1975 Nov 14 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1279     2442731.19 1975 Nov 14 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1280     2442731.23 1975 Nov 14 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1281     2442734.19 1975 Nov 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1282     2442734.19 1975 Nov 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1283     2442734.19 1975 Nov 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1284     2442734.39 1975 Nov 17 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1285     2442734.45 1975 Nov 17 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1434     2442734.50 1975 Nov 18          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1435     2442734.50 1975 Nov 18          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1436     2442734.50 1975 Nov 18          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1286     2442735.15 1975 Nov 18 1532:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1287     2442735.18 1975 Nov 18 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1288     2442735.19 1975 Nov 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1437     2442735.50 1975 Nov 19          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1438     2442735.50 1975 Nov 19          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1439     2442735.50 1975 Nov 19          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1289     2442736.11 1975 Nov 19 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1290     2442736.17 1975 Nov 19 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1291     2442736.19 1975 Nov 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1292     2442736.19 1975 Nov 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1293     2442736.22 1975 Nov 19 1716:00  Super Loki               -      G 1-7935             Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W1294     2442736.23 1975 Nov 19 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1295     2442736.25 1975 Nov 19 1800:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1296     2442736.27 1975 Nov 19 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1297     2442736.39 1975 Nov 19 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1298     2442736.54 1975 Nov 20 0100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1299     2442737.03 1975 Nov 20 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1300     2442737.18 1975 Nov 20 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1301     2442737.27 1975 Nov 20 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1440     2442737.50 1975 Nov 21          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1441     2442737.50 1975 Nov 21          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1442     2442737.50 1975 Nov 21          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1443     2442737.50 1975 Nov 21          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1444     2442737.50 1975 Nov 21          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1302     2442737.57 1975 Nov 21 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1303     2442738.17 1975 Nov 21 1606:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1304     2442738.25 1975 Nov 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1305     2442740.90 1975 Nov 24 0934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1306     2442741.16 1975 Nov 24 1549:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1307     2442741.19 1975 Nov 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1308     2442741.23 1975 Nov 24 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1309     2442742.18 1975 Nov 25 1618:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1310     2442742.23 1975 Nov 25 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1311     2442742.26 1975 Nov 25 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1312     2442743.08 1975 Nov 26 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1313     2442743.15 1975 Nov 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1314     2442743.18 1975 Nov 26 1617:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1315     2442743.18 1975 Nov 26 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1316     2442743.19 1975 Nov 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1317     2442743.27 1975 Nov 26 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1318     2442743.33 1975 Nov 26 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1319     2442744.23 1975 Nov 27 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1320     2442744.29 1975 Nov 27 1859:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1321     2442745.19 1975 Nov 28 1640:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1322     2442748.18 1975 Dec  1 1617:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1323     2442748.27 1975 Dec  1 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1324     2442748.29 1975 Dec  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1325     2442748.32 1975 Dec  1 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1326     2442748.33 1975 Dec  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1327     2442748.38 1975 Dec  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1328     2442749.00 1975 Dec  2 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1329     2442749.04 1975 Dec  2 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1330     2442749.07 1975 Dec  2 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1331     2442749.17 1975 Dec  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1332     2442749.21 1975 Dec  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1333     2442749.21 1975 Dec  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1334     2442749.23 1975 Dec  2 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1335     2442749.29 1975 Dec  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1336     2442749.30 1975 Dec  2 1904:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1337     2442749.40 1975 Dec  2 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1338     2442749.42 1975 Dec  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1339     2442749.44 1975 Dec  2 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1445     2442749.50 1975 Dec  3          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1446     2442749.50 1975 Dec  3          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1447     2442749.50 1975 Dec  3          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1340     2442750.10 1975 Dec  3 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1341     2442750.15 1975 Dec  3 1532:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1342     2442750.19 1975 Dec  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1343     2442750.23 1975 Dec  3 1726:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1344     2442750.29 1975 Dec  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1345     2442750.32 1975 Dec  3 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1346     2442750.46 1975 Dec  3 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1448     2442750.50 1975 Dec  4          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1449     2442750.50 1975 Dec  4          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1450     2442750.50 1975 Dec  4          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1451     2442750.50 1975 Dec  4          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1452     2442750.50 1975 Dec  4          Super Loki               -      -                    Nimbus Comparison        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WI-PR75-14           -                    -
1975-W1347     2442750.75 1975 Dec  4 0600:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1348     2442751.29 1975 Dec  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1349     2442751.30 1975 Dec  4 1913:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1350     2442752.15 1975 Dec  5 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1351     2442752.15 1975 Dec  5 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1352     2442752.29 1975 Dec  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1353     2442752.42 1975 Dec  5 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1354     2442755.15 1975 Dec  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1355     2442755.19 1975 Dec  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1356     2442755.23 1975 Dec  8 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1357     2442755.24 1975 Dec  8 1747:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1358     2442755.29 1975 Dec  8 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1359     2442756.18 1975 Dec  9 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1360     2442756.24 1975 Dec  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1361     2442756.25 1975 Dec  9 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1362     2442756.43 1975 Dec  9 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1363     2442757.15 1975 Dec 10 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1364     2442757.15 1975 Dec 10 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1365     2442757.17 1975 Dec 10 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1366     2442757.22 1975 Dec 10 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1367     2442757.23 1975 Dec 10 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1368     2442757.28 1975 Dec 10 1836:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1369     2442757.71 1975 Dec 11 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1370     2442758.15 1975 Dec 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1371     2442758.19 1975 Dec 11 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1372     2442758.23 1975 Dec 11 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1373     2442758.38 1975 Dec 11 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1374     2442758.69 1975 Dec 12 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1375     2442758.74 1975 Dec 12 0542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1376     2442759.14 1975 Dec 12 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1377     2442759.19 1975 Dec 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1378     2442759.29 1975 Dec 12 1857:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1379     2442759.45 1975 Dec 12 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1380     2442759.59 1975 Dec 13 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1381     2442760.60 1975 Dec 14 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1382     2442762.11 1975 Dec 15 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1383     2442762.15 1975 Dec 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1384     2442762.15 1975 Dec 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1385     2442762.20 1975 Dec 15 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1386     2442762.26 1975 Dec 15 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1387     2442762.41 1975 Dec 15 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1388     2442762.58 1975 Dec 16 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1389     2442762.68 1975 Dec 16 0419     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.110GM        -                        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W1390     2442763.31 1975 Dec 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1391     2442763.45 1975 Dec 16 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1392     2442763.68 1975 Dec 17 0414:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1393     2442764.09 1975 Dec 17 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1394     2442764.15 1975 Dec 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1395     2442764.21 1975 Dec 17 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1396     2442764.28 1975 Dec 17 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1397     2442764.29 1975 Dec 17 1856:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1398     2442764.45 1975 Dec 17 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-M07       2442764.50 1975 Dec 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-84          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1975-W1399     2442764.52 1975 Dec 18 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1400     2442764.64 1975 Dec 18 0324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1401     2442765.15 1975 Dec 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1402     2442765.21 1975 Dec 18 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1403     2442765.24 1975 Dec 18 1742:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1404     2442765.48 1975 Dec 18 2333:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1405     2442766.15 1975 Dec 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1406     2442766.15 1975 Dec 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1407     2442766.19 1975 Dec 19 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1408     2442766.21 1975 Dec 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1409     2442766.22 1975 Dec 19 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1410     2442766.31 1975 Dec 19 1919:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1411     2442766.59 1975 Dec 20 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1412     2442767.23 1975 Dec 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1413     2442768.43 1975 Dec 21 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1414     2442768.59 1975 Dec 22 0213     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.146GM        -                        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1975-W1415     2442768.65 1975 Dec 22 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,AN/DMQ-9-        -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1416     2442769.24 1975 Dec 22 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1417     2442769.28 1975 Dec 22 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1418     2442769.29 1975 Dec 22 1856:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1419     2442770.19 1975 Dec 23 1638:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1420     2442770.20 1975 Dec 23 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1421     2442770.21 1975 Dec 23 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1422     2442771.19 1975 Dec 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1423     2442771.21 1975 Dec 24 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1424     2442771.32 1975 Dec 24 1938:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1425     2442771.50 1975 Dec 24 2357:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1426     2442773.45 1975 Dec 26 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1427     2442776.17 1975 Dec 29 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1428     2442776.30 1975 Dec 29 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1429     2442776.39 1975 Dec 29 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1430     2442776.52 1975 Dec 30 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1431     2442777.27 1975 Dec 30 1834:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1432     2442778.21 1975 Dec 31 1656:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1975-W1433     2442778.31 1975 Dec 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W01       2442778.58 1976 Jan  1 0152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1902     2442780.17 1976 Jan  2 1559     Super Loki               -      INTA SLW-7601        Winter Anomaly           -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 INTA         SS   INTA/Cisneros            Meteo                    ElAren               SR19,133             -
1976-W02       2442780.55 1976 Jan  3 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W03       2442783.07 1976 Jan  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W04       2442783.12 1976 Jan 05 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      NER      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W05       2442783.12 1976 Jan  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W06       2442783.12 1976 Jan  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W07       2442783.15 1976 Jan  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W08       2442783.19 1976 Jan  5 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W09       2442783.27 1976 Jan  5 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W10       2442783.27 1976 Jan  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W11       2442783.38 1976 Jan  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W12       2442783.46 1976 Jan  5 2306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W13       2442783.55 1976 Jan  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W14       2442784.07 1976 Jan  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W15       2442784.16 1976 Jan  6 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W16       2442784.25 1976 Jan  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W17       2442784.29 1976 Jan  6 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W18       2442785.07 1976 Jan  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W19       2442785.17 1976 Jan  7 1559:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W20       2442785.26 1976 Jan  7 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W21       2442785.27 1976 Jan  7 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M24       2442785.29 1976 Jan  7 1854     Viper-Dart               -      T1-8059              -                        Instrumented Sphere 2    -                        -         WI       -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UDAYT/Luers              Aeron                    CR-2968              -                    -
1976-W22       2442785.32 1976 Jan  7 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M26       2442785.33 1976 Jan  7 1958     Viper-Dart               -      T1-8060              -                        Instrumented Sphere 3    -                        -         WI       -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UDAYT/Luers              Aeron                    CR-2968              -                    -
1976-W23       2442785.34 1976 Jan  7 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W24       2442785.35 1976 Jan  7 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W25       2442785.42 1976 Jan  7 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W26       2442785.58 1976 Jan  8 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W27       2442786.10 1976 Jan  8 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W28       2442786.12 1976 Jan  8 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W29       2442786.17 1976 Jan  8 1557:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W30       2442786.19 1976 Jan  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W31       2442787.07 1976 Jan  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W32       2442787.25 1976 Jan  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W33       2442787.27 1976 Jan  9 1830:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W34       2442787.40 1976 Jan  9 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W35       2442787.43 1976 Jan  9 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W36       2442787.45 1976 Jan  9 2245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W37       2442790.17 1976 Jan 12 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W38       2442790.22 1976 Jan 12 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W39       2442790.25 1976 Jan 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W40       2442790.25 1976 Jan 12 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W41       2442790.30 1976 Jan 12 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W42       2442790.33 1976 Jan 12 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W43       2442790.41 1976 Jan 12 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W44       2442790.44 1976 Jan 12 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W45       2442791.05 1976 Jan 13 1308:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W46       2442791.07 1976 Jan 13 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W47       2442791.19 1976 Jan 13 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W48       2442791.22 1976 Jan 13 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W49       2442791.23 1976 Jan 13 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W50       2442791.25 1976 Jan 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W51       2442792.03 1976 Jan 14 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W52       2442792.09 1976 Jan 14 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W53       2442792.19 1976 Jan 14 1629:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W54       2442792.19 1976 Jan 14 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W55       2442792.20 1976 Jan 14 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W56       2442792.22 1976 Jan 14 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W57       2442792.30 1976 Jan 14 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W58       2442792.41 1976 Jan 14 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W59       2442792.42 1976 Jan 14 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W60       2442792.43 1976 Jan 14 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W61       2442792.43 1976 Jan 14 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W62       2442792.89 1976 Jan 15 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W63       2442793.10 1976 Jan 15 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W64       2442793.16 1976 Jan 15 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W65       2442793.17 1976 Jan 15 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W66       2442793.20 1976 Jan 15 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W67       2442793.45 1976 Jan 15 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W68       2442794.02 1976 Jan 16 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W69       2442794.08 1976 Jan 16 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W70       2442794.15 1976 Jan 16 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W71       2442794.19 1976 Jan 16 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W72       2442794.21 1976 Jan 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W73       2442794.25 1976 Jan 16 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W74       2442794.29 1976 Jan 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W75       2442794.29 1976 Jan 16 1901:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W76       2442794.40 1976 Jan 16 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W77       2442794.44 1976 Jan 16 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W78       2442796.26 1976 Jan 18 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M01       2442796.31 1976 Jan 18 1928     Astrobee D               -      NASA 23.03UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                SR19,143             -
1976-W79       2442796.35 1976 Jan 18 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W80       2442797.04 1976 Jan 19 1251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W81       2442797.09 1976 Jan 19 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W82       2442797.14 1976 Jan 19 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W83       2442797.23 1976 Jan 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W84       2442797.27 1976 Jan 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W85       2442797.35 1976 Jan 19 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W86       2442797.41 1976 Jan 19 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W87       2442797.43 1976 Jan 19 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W88       2442797.51 1976 Jan 20 0011:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W89       2442797.63 1976 Jan 20 0308:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M02       2442798.07 1976 Jan 20 1340:00  Petrel                   -      INTA MPGAFD-7602     Winter Anomaly           -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 DLR/INTA     SS   MPAE/INTA/Cisneros,Rose  Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-M03       2442798.17 1976 Jan 20 1610:00  Skua 3                   -      INTA MS3CLO-7603     Winter Anomaly           -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 INTA/DLR     SS   MPAE/Rose,Widdel         Aeron/Ionos              ElAren               JATP41,1105          -
1976-W90       2442798.20 1976 Jan 20 1652:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W91       2442798.21 1976 Jan 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W92       2442798.32 1976 Jan 20 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M14       2442798.50 1976 Jan 21          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-85          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W93       2442799.06 1976 Jan 21 1332:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8161             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1976-M04       2442799.07 1976 Jan 21 1340:00  Petrel                   -      INTA MPGAFD-7603     Winter Anomaly           -                        -                        -         ELAR     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 DLR/INTA     SS   MPAE/INTA/Cisneros,Rose  Aeron/Ionos              WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W94       2442799.11 1976 Jan 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W95       2442799.17 1976 Jan 21 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W96       2442799.20 1976 Jan 21 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W97       2442799.20 1976 Jan 21 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W98       2442799.21 1976 Jan 21 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W99       2442799.23 1976 Jan 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W100      2442799.31 1976 Jan 21 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W101      2442799.42 1976 Jan 21 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W102      2442799.54 1976 Jan 22 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W103      2442799.58 1976 Jan 22 0152:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W104      2442800.12 1976 Jan 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W105      2442800.17 1976 Jan 22 1610:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W106      2442800.21 1976 Jan 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W107      2442800.25 1976 Jan 22 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W108      2442800.25 1976 Jan 22 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1900     2442800.27 1976 Jan 22 1835     Rocketsonde              -      -                    Blunt Probe              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR19,143             -                    -
1976-W1899     2442800.27 1976 Jan 22 1835     Super Loki               -      -                    Conductivity             -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR17,191             -                    -
1976-W109      2442800.30 1976 Jan 22 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W110      2442800.31 1976 Jan 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W111      2442800.92 1976 Jan 23 1003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M05       2442800.92 1976 Jan 23 1006:40  Sergeant                 -      WA630.50-1           Optical Track Test       -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 DNA          SS   SDCO/Allen               Test                     WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1976-W112      2442801.07 1976 Jan 23 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W113      2442801.17 1976 Jan 23 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W114      2442801.18 1976 Jan 23 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W115      2442801.19 1976 Jan 23 1626:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W116      2442801.28 1976 Jan 23 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M06       2442801.31 1976 Jan 23 1932     Astrobee D               -      NASA 23.04UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                SR19,143             -
1976-W117      2442801.40 1976 Jan 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W118      2442801.40 1976 Jan 23 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W119      2442801.46 1976 Jan 23 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W120      2442801.53 1976 Jan 24 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W121      2442803.71 1976 Jan 26 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W122      2442804.07 1976 Jan 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W123      2442804.20 1976 Jan 26 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W124      2442804.21 1976 Jan 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W125      2442804.21 1976 Jan 26 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W126      2442804.24 1976 Jan 26 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W127      2442804.31 1976 Jan 26 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W128      2442804.37 1976 Jan 26 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W129      2442804.47 1976 Jan 26 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W130      2442805.21 1976 Jan 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W131      2442805.34 1976 Jan 27 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M15       2442805.50 1976 Jan 28          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-86          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W132      2442805.56 1976 Jan 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W133      2442806.07 1976 Jan 28 1341:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W134      2442806.14 1976 Jan 28 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W135      2442806.19 1976 Jan 28 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W136      2442806.20 1976 Jan 28 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W137      2442806.21 1976 Jan 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W138      2442806.21 1976 Jan 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W139      2442806.35 1976 Jan 28 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W140      2442806.38 1976 Jan 28 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W141      2442806.50 1976 Jan 28 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W142      2442806.58 1976 Jan 29 0151:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W143      2442807.22 1976 Jan 29 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W144      2442807.31 1976 Jan 29 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W145      2442807.51 1976 Jan 30 0013:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W146      2442807.56 1976 Jan 30 0125:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W147      2442807.57 1976 Jan 30 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W148      2442808.19 1976 Jan 30 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W149      2442808.21 1976 Jan 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W150      2442808.23 1976 Jan 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W151      2442808.24 1976 Jan 30 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W152      2442808.30 1976 Jan 30 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1901     2442808.35 1976 Jan 30 2025     Rocketsonde              -      -                    Gerdien Condenser        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    SR19,143             -                    -
1976-W155      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W156      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W157      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W158      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W159      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W160      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W161      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W162      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W153      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W154      2442808.50 1976 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W163      2442808.81 1976 Jan 31 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M07       2442810.59 1976 Feb  2 0208:30  Black Brant VB           -      AAF-VB-35            -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   NRCC/Whalen              Auroral/Ionos            WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W164      2442811.09 1976 Feb  2 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W165      2442811.22 1976 Feb  2 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W166      2442811.29 1976 Feb  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W167      2442811.33 1976 Feb  2 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W168      2442811.34 1976 Feb  2 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W169      2442811.38 1976 Feb  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W170      2442811.47 1976 Feb  2 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W171      2442812.05 1976 Feb  3 1313:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W172      2442812.16 1976 Feb  3 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W173      2442812.20 1976 Feb  3 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W174      2442812.20 1976 Feb 03 1649:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 122           -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W175      2442812.23 1976 Feb  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W176      2442812.24 1976 Feb  3 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W177      2442813.01 1976 Feb  4 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W178      2442813.10 1976 Feb 04 1431:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 123           -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W179      2442813.16 1976 Feb  4 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W180      2442813.16 1976 Feb  4 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W181      2442813.19 1976 Feb  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W182      2442813.25 1976 Feb  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W183      2442813.32 1976 Feb  4 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W184      2442813.32 1976 Feb  4 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W185      2442813.55 1976 Feb  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W186      2442813.57 1976 Feb  5 0136:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W187      2442814.14 1976 Feb  5 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W188      2442814.20 1976 Feb  5 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W189      2442814.29 1976 Feb  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W190      2442814.30 1976 Feb  5 1917:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W191      2442814.31 1976 Feb 05 1928:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 124           -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W192      2442814.88 1976 Feb 06 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W193      2442815.02 1976 Feb  6 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W194      2442815.17 1976 Feb 06 1607:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 125           -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W195      2442815.17 1976 Feb  6 1608:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W196      2442815.21 1976 Feb  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W197      2442815.25 1976 Feb  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W198      2442815.34 1976 Feb  6 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W199      2442815.42 1976 Feb  6 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W200      2442815.81 1976 Feb  7 0732:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W201      2442818.10 1976 Feb  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W202      2442818.18 1976 Feb  9 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W203      2442818.23 1976 Feb  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W204      2442818.27 1976 Feb  9 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W205      2442818.29 1976 Feb  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W206      2442818.38 1976 Feb  9 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W207      2442818.48 1976 Feb  9 2337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W208      2442818.79 1976 Feb 10 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP1              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W209      2442818.99 1976 Feb 10 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W210      2442819.22 1976 Feb 10 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W211      2442819.43 1976 Feb 10 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W212      2442820.02 1976 Feb 11 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W213      2442820.17 1976 Feb 11 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W214      2442820.18 1976 Feb 11 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W215      2442820.22 1976 Feb 11 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W216      2442820.26 1976 Feb 11 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W217      2442820.27 1976 Feb 11 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W218      2442820.29 1976 Feb 11 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W219      2442820.34 1976 Feb 11 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W220      2442820.79 1976 Feb 12 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W221      2442821.14 1976 Feb 12 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W222      2442821.16 1976 Feb 12 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W223      2442821.16 1976 Feb 12 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W224      2442821.29 1976 Feb 12 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W225      2442821.29 1976 Feb 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W226      2442821.40 1976 Feb 12 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W227      2442821.50 1976 Feb 12 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W228      2442821.74 1976 Feb 13 0540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W229      2442821.77 1976 Feb 13 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W230      2442821.88 1976 Feb 13 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W231      2442822.03 1976 Feb 13 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W232      2442822.13 1976 Feb 13 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W233      2442822.18 1976 Feb 13 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W234      2442822.22 1976 Feb 13 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W235      2442822.26 1976 Feb 13 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W236      2442822.42 1976 Feb 13 2207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W237      2442822.53 1976 Feb 14 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W238      2442823.48 1976 Feb 14 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W239      2442824.75 1976 Feb 16 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W240      2442824.79 1976 Feb 16 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP3              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W241      2442825.17 1976 Feb 16 1604:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W242      2442825.23 1976 Feb 16 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W243      2442825.60 1976 Feb 17 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W244      2442825.88 1976 Feb 17 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP4              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W245      2442825.99 1976 Feb 17 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W246      2442826.11 1976 Feb 17 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W247      2442826.21 1976 Feb 17 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W248      2442826.23 1976 Feb 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W249      2442826.50 1976 Feb 17 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M10       2442826.50 1976 Feb 18          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-87          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W250      2442827.02 1976 Feb 18 1226:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W251      2442827.11 1976 Feb 18 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W252      2442827.12 1976 Feb 18 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W253      2442827.13 1976 Feb 18 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W254      2442827.17 1976 Feb 18 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W255      2442827.18 1976 Feb 18 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W256      2442827.19 1976 Feb 18 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W257      2442827.21 1976 Feb 18 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W258      2442827.27 1976 Feb 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W259      2442827.40 1976 Feb 18 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W260      2442827.42 1976 Feb 18 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W261      2442827.54 1976 Feb 19 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W262      2442828.14 1976 Feb 19 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W263      2442828.19 1976 Feb 19 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W264      2442828.19 1976 Feb 19 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W265      2442829.07 1976 Feb 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W266      2442829.19 1976 Feb 20 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W267      2442829.19 1976 Feb 20 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W268      2442829.25 1976 Feb 20 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W269      2442829.26 1976 Feb 20 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W270      2442829.37 1976 Feb 20 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W271      2442829.44 1976 Feb 20 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W272      2442829.52 1976 Feb 21 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W273      2442829.97 1976 Feb 21 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W274      2442830.62 1976 Feb 22 0248:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W275      2442832.18 1976 Feb 23 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W276      2442832.20 1976 Feb 23 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W277      2442832.22 1976 Feb 23 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W278      2442832.41 1976 Feb 23 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W279      2442832.43 1976 Feb 23 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W280      2442832.47 1976 Feb 23 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W281      2442832.56 1976 Feb 24 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W282      2442832.59 1976 Feb 24 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W283      2442833.22 1976 Feb 24 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W284      2442833.23 1976 Feb 24 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W285      2442833.35 1976 Feb 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W286      2442833.52 1976 Feb 25 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W287      2442833.61 1976 Feb 25 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W288      2442833.94 1976 Feb 25 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W289      2442834.04 1976 Feb 25 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W290      2442834.14 1976 Feb 25 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W291      2442834.16 1976 Feb 25 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W292      2442834.19 1976 Feb 25 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W293      2442834.29 1976 Feb 25 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W294      2442834.35 1976 Feb 25 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W295      2442834.37 1976 Feb 25 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W296      2442834.38 1976 Feb 25 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W297      2442834.40 1976 Feb 25 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W298      2442834.59 1976 Feb 26 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W299      2442834.64 1976 Feb 26 0314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W300      2442835.23 1976 Feb 26 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W301      2442835.37 1976 Feb 26 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W302      2442835.61 1976 Feb 27 0240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W303      2442835.79 1976 Feb 27 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP5              -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W304      2442835.95 1976 Feb 27 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W305      2442836.07 1976 Feb 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W306      2442836.13 1976 Feb 27 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W307      2442836.19 1976 Feb 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W308      2442836.25 1976 Feb 27 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W309      2442836.29 1976 Feb 27 1852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W310      2442836.37 1976 Feb 27 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W311      2442836.41 1976 Feb 27 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W312      2442836.42 1976 Feb 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W313      2442836.58 1976 Feb 28 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W314      2442836.82 1976 Feb 28 0740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W318      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W319      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W320      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W321      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W322      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W315      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W316      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W317      2442837.50 1976 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W323      2442837.97 1976 Feb 29 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M08       2442838.04 1976 Feb 29 1304     Centaure 2B              -      ISRO 5.29            ISRO 5.29                -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/Subbaraya            Aeron/Ionos              WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W324      2442838.73 1976 Mar  1 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W325      2442838.97 1976 Mar  1 1117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W326      2442839.01 1976 Mar  1 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W327      2442839.22 1976 Mar  1 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W328      2442839.24 1976 Mar  1 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W329      2442839.25 1976 Mar  1 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W330      2442839.27 1976 Mar  1 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W331      2442839.40 1976 Mar  1 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W332      2442839.47 1976 Mar  1 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W333      2442839.65 1976 Mar  2 0332:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W334      2442839.73 1976 Mar  2 0535:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W335      2442839.96 1976 Mar  2 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W336      2442840.26 1976 Mar  2 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W337      2442840.41 1976 Mar  2 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W338      2442840.88 1976 Mar 03 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP6              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W339      2442841.02 1976 Mar  3 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W340      2442841.18 1976 Mar  3 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W341      2442841.19 1976 Mar  3 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W342      2442841.20 1976 Mar  3 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W343      2442841.20 1976 Mar  3 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W344      2442841.21 1976 Mar  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W345      2442841.24 1976 Mar  3 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W346      2442841.24 1976 Mar  3 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Met Sphere               -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W347      2442841.26 1976 Mar  3 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W348      2442841.28 1976 Mar  3 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W349      2442841.30 1976 Mar  3 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W350      2442841.40 1976 Mar  3 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W351      2442841.41 1976 Mar  3 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W352      2442841.50 1976 Mar  3 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W353      2442841.59 1976 Mar  4 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W354      2442842.15 1976 Mar  4 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W355      2442842.22 1976 Mar  4 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W356      2442842.40 1976 Mar  4 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W357      2442842.43 1976 Mar  4 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W358      2442842.59 1976 Mar  5 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W359      2442842.92 1976 Mar 05 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP6              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W360      2442842.94 1976 Mar  5 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W361      2442843.07 1976 Mar  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W362      2442843.15 1976 Mar  5 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W363      2442843.19 1976 Mar  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W364      2442843.19 1976 Mar  5 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W365      2442843.29 1976 Mar  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W366      2442843.95 1976 Mar  6 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W367      2442844.83 1976 Mar 07 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP7              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W368      2442845.83 1976 Mar 08 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP8              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W369      2442846.01 1976 Mar  8 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W370      2442846.14 1976 Mar  8 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W371      2442846.17 1976 Mar  8 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W372      2442846.24 1976 Mar  8 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W373      2442846.27 1976 Mar  8 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W374      2442846.29 1976 Mar  8 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W375      2442846.30 1976 Mar  8 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W376      2442846.39 1976 Mar  8 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W377      2442847.04 1976 Mar  9 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W378      2442847.17 1976 Mar  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W379      2442847.20 1976 Mar  9 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W380      2442847.33 1976 Mar  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W381      2442848.03 1976 Mar 10 1236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W382      2442848.14 1976 Mar 10 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W383      2442848.15 1976 Mar 10 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W384      2442848.17 1976 Mar 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W385      2442848.18 1976 Mar 10 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W386      2442848.19 1976 Mar 10 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W387      2442848.25 1976 Mar 10 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W388      2442848.28 1976 Mar 10 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W389      2442848.41 1976 Mar 10 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W390      2442848.44 1976 Mar 10 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W391      2442848.88 1976 Mar 11 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W392      2442848.92 1976 Mar 11 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP1              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W393      2442848.92 1976 Mar 11 1004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W394      2442849.12 1976 Mar 11 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS76C   LP9              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W395      2442849.15 1976 Mar 11 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W396      2442849.19 1976 Mar 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W397      2442849.25 1976 Mar 11 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W398      2442850.14 1976 Mar 12 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W399      2442850.15 1976 Mar 12 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W400      2442850.19 1976 Mar 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W401      2442850.19 1976 Mar 12 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W402      2442850.44 1976 Mar 12 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W403      2442850.49 1976 Mar 12 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W404      2442852.86 1976 Mar 15 0835:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W405      2442852.88 1976 Mar 15 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP9              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W406      2442852.92 1976 Mar 15 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS76B   LP9              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W407      2442853.02 1976 Mar 15 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W408      2442853.12 1976 Mar 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W409      2442853.18 1976 Mar 15 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W410      2442853.19 1976 Mar 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W411      2442853.25 1976 Mar 15 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W412      2442853.27 1976 Mar 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W413      2442853.40 1976 Mar 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W414      2442853.46 1976 Mar 15 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W415      2442854.15 1976 Mar 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W416      2442854.29 1976 Mar 16 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W417      2442854.33 1976 Mar 16 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M16       2442854.50 1976 Mar 17          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-88          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W418      2442855.10 1976 Mar 17 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.241               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W419      2442855.12 1976 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W420      2442855.16 1976 Mar 17 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W421      2442855.19 1976 Mar 17 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W422      2442855.21 1976 Mar 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W424      2442855.23 1976 Mar 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W423      2442855.23 1976 Mar 17 1730:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8198             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W425      2442855.23 1976 Mar 17 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W426      2442855.27 1976 Mar 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W427      2442855.30 1976 Mar 17 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W428      2442855.50 1976 Mar 17 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W429      2442855.71 1976 Mar 18 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W430      2442856.16 1976 Mar 18 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W431      2442856.42 1976 Mar 18 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W432      2442856.84 1976 Mar 19 0815:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W433      2442857.07 1976 Mar 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W434      2442857.10 1976 Mar 19 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W435      2442857.16 1976 Mar 19 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W436      2442857.20 1976 Mar 19 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W437      2442857.21 1976 Mar 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W438      2442857.30 1976 Mar 19 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W439      2442857.32 1976 Mar 19 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W440      2442857.42 1976 Mar 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W441      2442857.43 1976 Mar 19 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W442      2442857.67 1976 Mar 20 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W443      2442860.03 1976 Mar 22 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W444      2442860.12 1976 Mar 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W445      2442860.19 1976 Mar 22 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W446      2442860.24 1976 Mar 22 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W447      2442860.24 1976 Mar 22 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W448      2442860.26 1976 Mar 22 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W449      2442860.29 1976 Mar 22 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W450      2442860.29 1976 Mar 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W451      2442860.38 1976 Mar 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W452      2442860.55 1976 Mar 23 0112:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W453      2442860.72 1976 Mar 23 0520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W454      2442861.72 1976 Mar 24 0515:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W455      2442862.07 1976 Mar 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W456      2442862.11 1976 Mar 24 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W457      2442862.14 1976 Mar 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W458      2442862.16 1976 Mar 24 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W459      2442862.17 1976 Mar 24 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W460      2442862.19 1976 Mar 24 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W461      2442862.22 1976 Mar 24 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W462      2442862.27 1976 Mar 24 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W463      2442862.29 1976 Mar 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W464      2442862.39 1976 Mar 24 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W465      2442862.55 1976 Mar 25 0113:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W466      2442863.02 1976 Mar 25 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W467      2442863.16 1976 Mar 25 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W468      2442863.21 1976 Mar 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W469      2442863.38 1976 Mar 25 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W470      2442863.55 1976 Mar 26 0114:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W471      2442863.74 1976 Mar 26 0545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W472      2442864.14 1976 Mar 26 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W473      2442864.15 1976 Mar 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W474      2442864.15 1976 Mar 26 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W475      2442864.19 1976 Mar 26 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W476      2442864.20 1976 Mar 26 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W477      2442864.34 1976 Mar 26 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W478      2442864.40 1976 Mar 26 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W479      2442864.41 1976 Mar 26 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W480      2442864.56 1976 Mar 27 0126:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W481      2442867.02 1976 Mar 29 1231:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W482      2442867.19 1976 Mar 29 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W483      2442867.23 1976 Mar 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W484      2442867.24 1976 Mar 29 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W485      2442867.25 1976 Mar 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W486      2442867.25 1976 Mar 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W487      2442867.29 1976 Mar 29 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W488      2442867.30 1976 Mar 29 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W489      2442867.35 1976 Mar 29 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W490      2442867.76 1976 Mar 30 0617:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W491      2442868.19 1976 Mar 30 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W492      2442868.56 1976 Mar 31 0125:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W493      2442868.78 1976 Mar 31 0638     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.128UE        -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UTD/HOUS/Schm,Shel.      Plasma                   FC                   SP-4021              -
1976-W494      2442868.81 1976 Mar 31 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W495      2442869.07 1976 Mar 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W496      2442869.17 1976 Mar 31 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W497      2442869.19 1976 Mar 31 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W498      2442869.19 1976 Mar 31 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W499      2442869.23 1976 Mar 31 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W500      2442869.25 1976 Mar 31 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W501      2442869.45 1976 Mar 31 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M17       2442869.50 1976 Apr  1          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-89          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W502      2442870.23 1976 Apr  1 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W503      2442870.42 1976 Apr  1 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W504      2442871.07 1976 Apr  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W505      2442871.07 1976 Apr  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W506      2442871.10 1976 Apr  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W507      2442871.14 1976 Apr  2 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W508      2442871.19 1976 Apr  2 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W509      2442871.19 1976 Apr  2 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W510      2442871.29 1976 Apr  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W511      2442871.39 1976 Apr  2 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W512      2442871.39 1976 Apr  2 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W513      2442871.42 1976 Apr  2 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W514      2442874.02 1976 Apr  5 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W515      2442874.24 1976 Apr  5 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W516      2442874.26 1976 Apr  5 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W517      2442874.29 1976 Apr  5 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W518      2442874.33 1976 Apr  5 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W519      2442874.48 1976 Apr  5 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W520      2442875.20 1976 Apr  6 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W521      2442875.42 1976 Apr  6 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W522      2442876.07 1976 Apr  7 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W523      2442876.07 1976 Apr  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W524      2442876.18 1976 Apr  7 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W525      2442876.19 1976 Apr  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W526      2442876.20 1976 Apr  7 1645:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W527      2442876.21 1976 Apr  7 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W528      2442876.22 1976 Apr  7 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W529      2442876.23 1976 Apr  7 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W530      2442876.38 1976 Apr  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W531      2442876.44 1976 Apr  7 2229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W532      2442876.56 1976 Apr  8 0125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W533      2442878.03 1976 Apr  9 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W534      2442878.15 1976 Apr  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W535      2442878.17 1976 Apr  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W536      2442878.19 1976 Apr  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W537      2442878.20 1976 Apr  9 1641:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W538      2442878.20 1976 Apr  9 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W539      2442878.25 1976 Apr  9 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W540      2442878.26 1976 Apr  9 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W541      2442878.34 1976 Apr  9 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W542      2442878.40 1976 Apr  9 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W543      2442881.12 1976 Apr 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W544      2442881.16 1976 Apr 12 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W545      2442881.16 1976 Apr 12 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W546      2442881.19 1976 Apr 12 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W547      2442881.22 1976 Apr 12 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W548      2442881.26 1976 Apr 12 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W549      2442881.29 1976 Apr 12 1852:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W550      2442881.33 1976 Apr 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W551      2442881.40 1976 Apr 12 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W552      2442881.50 1976 Apr 13 0006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W553      2442881.99 1976 Apr 13 1144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W554      2442882.14 1976 Apr 13 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W555      2442882.48 1976 Apr 13 2330:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-M11       2442882.50 1976 Apr 14          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-90          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W556      2442883.03 1976 Apr 14 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W557      2442883.06 1976 Apr 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W558      2442883.14 1976 Apr 14 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W559      2442883.16 1976 Apr 14 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W560      2442883.19 1976 Apr 14 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W561      2442883.19 1976 Apr 14 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W562      2442883.20 1976 Apr 14 1643:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8199             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W563      2442883.20 1976 Apr 14 1646:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W564      2442883.22 1976 Apr 14 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W565      2442883.27 1976 Apr 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W566      2442883.35 1976 Apr 14 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W567      2442883.38 1976 Apr 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W568      2442883.40 1976 Apr 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W569      2442883.58 1976 Apr 15 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W570      2442884.01 1976 Apr 15 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W571      2442884.19 1976 Apr 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W572      2442884.21 1976 Apr 15 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W573      2442885.11 1976 Apr 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W574      2442885.15 1976 Apr 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W575      2442885.16 1976 Apr 16 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W576      2442885.19 1976 Apr 16 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W577      2442885.28 1976 Apr 16 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W578      2442885.41 1976 Apr 16 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W579      2442888.04 1976 Apr 19 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W580      2442888.18 1976 Apr 19 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W581      2442888.19 1976 Apr 19 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W582      2442888.26 1976 Apr 19 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W583      2442888.28 1976 Apr 19 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W584      2442888.35 1976 Apr 19 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W585      2442888.41 1976 Apr 19 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W586      2442888.54 1976 Apr 20 0055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W587      2442888.58 1976 Apr 20 0149:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W588      2442889.20 1976 Apr 20 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W589      2442889.62 1976 Apr 21 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP1              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W590      2442890.06 1976 Apr 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W591      2442890.16 1976 Apr 21 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W592      2442890.20 1976 Apr 21 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W593      2442890.21 1976 Apr 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W594      2442890.22 1976 Apr 21 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W595      2442890.23 1976 Apr 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M12       2442890.27 1976 Apr 21 1833     Viper-Dart               -      T1-8278              -                        Instrumented Sphere 4    -                        -         WI       -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   UDAYT/Luers              Aeron                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W596      2442890.30 1976 Apr 21 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W597      2442890.38 1976 Apr 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W598      2442890.38 1976 Apr 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W599      2442890.43 1976 Apr 21 2220:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W600      2442890.55 1976 Apr 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W601      2442891.02 1976 Apr 22 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M27       2442891.15 1976 Apr 22 1530     Viper-Dart               -      T1-8279              -                        Instrumented Sphere 5    -                        -         WI       -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   UDAYT/Luers              Aeron                    CR-2968              -                    -
1976-W602      2442891.17 1976 Apr 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W603      2442891.25 1976 Apr 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W604      2442891.38 1976 Apr 22 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W605      2442891.39 1976 Apr 22 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W606      2442892.12 1976 Apr 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W607      2442892.13 1976 Apr 23 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W608      2442892.16 1976 Apr 23 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W609      2442892.21 1976 Apr 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W610      2442892.22 1976 Apr 23 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W611      2442892.61 1976 Apr 24 0234:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W612      2442895.12 1976 Apr 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W613      2442895.12 1976 Apr 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W614      2442895.15 1976 Apr 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W615      2442895.19 1976 Apr 26 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W616      2442895.24 1976 Apr 26 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W617      2442895.32 1976 Apr 26 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W618      2442895.38 1976 Apr 26 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W619      2442895.41 1976 Apr 26 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W620      2442895.60 1976 Apr 27 0226:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W621      2442896.23 1976 Apr 27 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W622      2442896.58 1976 Apr 28 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP2              -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W623      2442897.07 1976 Apr 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W624      2442897.07 1976 Apr 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W625      2442897.11 1976 Apr 28 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W626      2442897.15 1976 Apr 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W627      2442897.16 1976 Apr 28 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W628      2442897.19 1976 Apr 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W629      2442897.19 1976 Apr 28 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W630      2442897.31 1976 Apr 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W631      2442897.39 1976 Apr 28 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W632      2442897.42 1976 Apr 28 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M18       2442897.50 1976 Apr 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-91          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W633      2442897.51 1976 Apr 29 0011:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W634      2442897.61 1976 Apr 29 0237:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W635      2442898.03 1976 Apr 29 1237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W636      2442898.16 1976 Apr 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W637      2442898.20 1976 Apr 29 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W638      2442898.26 1976 Apr 29 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W639      2442898.38 1976 Apr 29 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W644      2442898.50 1976 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W645      2442898.50 1976 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W646      2442898.50 1976 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W647      2442898.50 1976 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W640      2442898.50 1976 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W641      2442898.50 1976 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W642      2442898.50 1976 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W643      2442898.50 1976 May             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W648      2442899.12 1976 Apr 30 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W649      2442899.14 1976 Apr 30 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W650      2442899.15 1976 Apr 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W651      2442899.15 1976 Apr 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W652      2442899.18 1976 Apr 30 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W653      2442899.23 1976 Apr 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W654      2442899.23 1976 Apr 30 1735:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W655      2442899.29 1976 Apr 30 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W656      2442899.55 1976 May  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W657      2442900.17 1976 May  1 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W658      2442901.58 1976 May 03 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W659      2442902.13 1976 May  3 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W660      2442902.17 1976 May  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W661      2442902.19 1976 May  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W662      2442902.19 1976 May  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W663      2442902.19 1976 May  3 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W664      2442902.20 1976 May  3 1642:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W665      2442902.23 1976 May  3 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W666      2442902.23 1976 May  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W667      2442902.34 1976 May  3 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W668      2442902.41 1976 May  3 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W669      2442902.99 1976 May  4 1144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W670      2442903.05 1976 May  4 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W671      2442903.12 1976 May  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W672      2442903.25 1976 May  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W673      2442904.08 1976 May  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W674      2442904.08 1976 May  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W675      2442904.09 1976 May  5 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W676      2442904.10 1976 May  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W677      2442904.15 1976 May  5 1533:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W678      2442904.15 1976 May  5 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W679      2442904.18 1976 May  5 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W680      2442904.20 1976 May  5 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W681      2442904.20 1976 May  5 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W682      2442904.24 1976 May  5 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W683      2442904.26 1976 May  5 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W684      2442904.28 1976 May  5 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W685      2442904.43 1976 May  5 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W686      2442904.50 1976 May  6 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W687      2442905.17 1976 May  6 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W688      2442905.21 1976 May  6 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W689      2442906.05 1976 May  7 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W690      2442906.05 1976 May  7 1311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W691      2442906.16 1976 May  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W692      2442906.18 1976 May  7 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W693      2442906.19 1976 May  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W694      2442906.19 1976 May  7 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W695      2442906.23 1976 May  7 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W696      2442906.32 1976 May  7 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W697      2442906.42 1976 May  7 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W698      2442906.51 1976 May  8 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W699      2442907.19 1976 May  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W700      2442908.19 1976 May  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W701      2442909.07 1976 May 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W702      2442909.09 1976 May 10 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W703      2442909.10 1976 May 10 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W704      2442909.18 1976 May 10 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W705      2442909.18 1976 May 10 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W706      2442909.19 1976 May 10 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W707      2442909.23 1976 May 10 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W708      2442909.25 1976 May 10 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W709      2442909.43 1976 May 10 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W710      2442909.44 1976 May 10 2235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W711      2442910.16 1976 May 11 1549     Black Brant VI           -      AAF-VI-10            Sep system tes           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   NRCC/Roberts             Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W712      2442910.22 1976 May 11 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M19       2442910.50 1976 May 12          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-92          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W713      2442910.62 1976 May 12 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W714      2442911.03 1976 May 12 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W715      2442911.08 1976 May 12 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W716      2442911.10 1976 May 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W717      2442911.12 1976 May 12 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W718      2442911.14 1976 May 12 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W719      2442911.18 1976 May 12 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W720      2442911.21 1976 May 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W721      2442911.21 1976 May 12 1703:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W722      2442911.22 1976 May 12 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W723      2442911.35 1976 May 12 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W724      2442911.40 1976 May 12 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W725      2442911.55 1976 May 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W726      2442912.02 1976 May 13 1222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W727      2442912.25 1976 May 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W728      2442912.38 1976 May 13 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W729      2442913.11 1976 May 14 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W730      2442913.12 1976 May 14 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W731      2442913.16 1976 May 14 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W732      2442913.20 1976 May 14 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W733      2442913.21 1976 May 14 1707:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W734      2442913.30 1976 May 14 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W735      2442913.54 1976 May 15 0051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W736      2442916.04 1976 May 17 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W737      2442916.09 1976 May 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W738      2442916.15 1976 May 17 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W739      2442916.17 1976 May 17 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W740      2442916.19 1976 May 17 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W741      2442916.21 1976 May 17 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W742      2442916.23 1976 May 17 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W743      2442916.23 1976 May 17 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W744      2442916.27 1976 May 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W745      2442916.35 1976 May 17 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W746      2442916.41 1976 May 17 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W747      2442916.86 1976 May 18 0840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W748      2442916.92 1976 May 18 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W749      2442917.38 1976 May 18 2106:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W750      2442917.40 1976 May 18 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W751      2442917.58 1976 May 19 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W752      2442918.07 1976 May 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W753      2442918.10 1976 May 19 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.250               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W754      2442918.11 1976 May 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W755      2442918.15 1976 May 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W756      2442918.18 1976 May 19 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W757      2442918.20 1976 May 19 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W758      2442918.23 1976 May 19 1734:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8286             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W759      2442918.24 1976 May 19 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W760      2442918.25 1976 May 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W761      2442918.28 1976 May 19 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W762      2442918.32 1976 May 19 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W763      2442918.32 1976 May 19 1937:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8288             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W764      2442918.42 1976 May 19 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W765      2442918.54 1976 May 20 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W766      2442918.55 1976 May 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W767      2442919.02 1976 May 20 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W768      2442919.21 1976 May 20 1702:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8287             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W769      2442919.26 1976 May 20 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W770      2442919.40 1976 May 20 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W771      2442920.12 1976 May 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W772      2442920.17 1976 May 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W773      2442920.18 1976 May 21 1613:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W774      2442920.18 1976 May 21 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W775      2442920.19 1976 May 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W776      2442920.31 1976 May 21 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W777      2442920.52 1976 May 22 0035:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W778      2442921.83 1976 May 23 0800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W779      2442922.00 1976 May 23 1204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W780      2442923.09 1976 May 24 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W781      2442923.17 1976 May 24 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W782      2442923.17 1976 May 24 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W783      2442923.18 1976 May 24 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W784      2442923.21 1976 May 24 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W785      2442923.23 1976 May 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W786      2442923.37 1976 May 24 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W787      2442923.62 1976 May 25 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W788      2442924.15 1976 May 25 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W789      2442924.49 1976 May 25 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W790      2442925.07 1976 May 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W791      2442925.07 1976 May 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W792      2442925.11 1976 May 26 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W793      2442925.12 1976 May 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W794      2442925.14 1976 May 26 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W795      2442925.15 1976 May 26 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W796      2442925.18 1976 May 26 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W797      2442925.24 1976 May 26 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W798      2442925.26 1976 May 26 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W799      2442925.28 1976 May 26 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W800      2442925.62 1976 May 27 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W801      2442926.02 1976 May 27 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W802      2442926.23 1976 May 27 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W803      2442926.40 1976 May 27 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W804      2442927.04 1976 May 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W805      2442927.10 1976 May 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W806      2442927.14 1976 May 28 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W807      2442927.15 1976 May 28 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W808      2442927.18 1976 May 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W809      2442927.33 1976 May 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W810      2442927.40 1976 May 28 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W811      2442927.55 1976 May 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W812      2442929.50 1976 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W813      2442929.50 1976 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W814      2442929.50 1976 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W815      2442929.50 1976 Jun             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W816      2442930.16 1976 May 31 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W817      2442930.17 1976 May 31 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W818      2442931.05 1976 Jun  1 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W819      2442931.11 1976 Jun  1 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W820      2442931.16 1976 Jun  1 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W821      2442931.16 1976 Jun  1 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W822      2442931.19 1976 Jun  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W823      2442931.20 1976 Jun  1 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W824      2442931.33 1976 Jun  1 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M25       2442931.50 1976 Jun  2          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-93          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W825      2442932.05 1976 Jun  2 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W826      2442932.07 1976 Jun  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W827      2442932.09 1976 Jun  2 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W828      2442932.12 1976 Jun  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W829      2442932.14 1976 Jun  2 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W830      2442932.14 1976 Jun  2 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W831      2442932.16 1976 Jun  2 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W832      2442932.16 1976 Jun  2 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W833      2442932.16 1976 Jun  2 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W834      2442932.17 1976 Jun  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W835      2442932.22 1976 Jun  2 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W836      2442932.31 1976 Jun  2 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W837      2442932.44 1976 Jun  2 2235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W838      2442933.14 1976 Jun  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W839      2442933.44 1976 Jun  3 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W840      2442934.03 1976 Jun  4 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W841      2442934.10 1976 Jun  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W842      2442934.17 1976 Jun  4 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W843      2442934.17 1976 Jun  4 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W844      2442934.23 1976 Jun  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W845      2442937.11 1976 Jun  7 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W846      2442937.12 1976 Jun  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W847      2442937.15 1976 Jun  7 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W848      2442937.23 1976 Jun  7 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W849      2442937.48 1976 Jun  7 2337:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W850      2442938.23 1976 Jun  8 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W851      2442938.38 1976 Jun 08 2106:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-M13       2442938.50 1976 Jun  9          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-94          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W852      2442938.62 1976 Jun 09 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP4              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W853      2442939.04 1976 Jun  9 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W854      2442939.06 1976 Jun  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W855      2442939.13 1976 Jun  9 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W856      2442939.19 1976 Jun  9 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W857      2442939.21 1976 Jun  9 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W858      2442939.21 1976 Jun  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W859      2442939.23 1976 Jun  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W860      2442939.29 1976 Jun  9 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W861      2442939.48 1976 Jun  9 2337:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W862      2442939.51 1976 Jun 10 0011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W863      2442941.07 1976 Jun 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W864      2442941.07 1976 Jun 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W865      2442941.11 1976 Jun 11 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W866      2442941.15 1976 Jun 11 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W867      2442941.18 1976 Jun 11 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W868      2442941.19 1976 Jun 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W869      2442941.20 1976 Jun 11 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W870      2442944.04 1976 Jun 14 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W871      2442944.11 1976 Jun 14 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W872      2442944.18 1976 Jun 14 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W873      2442944.21 1976 Jun 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W874      2442944.49 1976 Jun 14 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W875      2442944.71 1976 Jun 15 0500:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP5              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W876      2442945.40 1976 Jun 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W877      2442946.10 1976 Jun 16 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.258               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W878      2442946.12 1976 Jun 16 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W879      2442946.12 1976 Jun 16 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W880      2442946.13 1976 Jun 16 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W881      2442946.15 1976 Jun 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W882      2442946.21 1976 Jun 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W883      2442946.22 1976 Jun 16 1715:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W884      2442946.28 1976 Jun 16 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W885      2442946.42 1976 Jun 16 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W886      2442946.51 1976 Jun 17 0012:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W887      2442946.75 1976 Jun 17 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76D   LP6              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W888      2442947.03 1976 Jun 17 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W889      2442947.18 1976 Jun 17 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W890      2442947.22 1976 Jun 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W891      2442947.39 1976 Jun 17 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W892      2442948.18 1976 Jun 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W893      2442951.08 1976 Jun 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W894      2442951.09 1976 Jun 21 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W895      2442951.16 1976 Jun 21 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W896      2442951.17 1976 Jun 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W897      2442951.21 1976 Jun 21 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W898      2442951.23 1976 Jun 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W899      2442951.47 1976 Jun 21 2317:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W900      2442952.40 1976 Jun 22 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W901      2442953.09 1976 Jun 23 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W902      2442953.11 1976 Jun 23 1435:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.259               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W903      2442953.15 1976 Jun 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W904      2442953.15 1976 Jun 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W905      2442953.16 1976 Jun 23 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W906      2442953.16 1976 Jun 23 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W907      2442953.17 1976 Jun 23 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W908      2442953.21 1976 Jun 23 1701:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8332             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W909      2442953.27 1976 Jun 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W910      2442953.39 1976 Jun 23 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W911      2442953.39 1976 Jun 23 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W912      2442954.07 1976 Jun 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W913      2442954.20 1976 Jun 24 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W914      2442954.31 1976 Jun 24 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W915      2442954.40 1976 Jun 24 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W916      2442955.09 1976 Jun 25 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W917      2442955.10 1976 Jun 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W918      2442955.41 1976 Jun 25 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W919      2442958.19 1976 Jun 28 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W920      2442958.21 1976 Jun 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W921      2442958.38 1976 Jun 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W922      2442958.97 1976 Jun 29 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W923      2442959.10 1976 Jun 29 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W924      2442959.11 1976 Jun 29 1437:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8289             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W925      2442959.13 1976 Jun 29 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Exp. Sonde       -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W926      2442959.18 1976 Jun 29 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W927      2442959.25 1976 Jun 29 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W928      2442960.12 1976 Jun 30 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W929      2442960.19 1976 Jun 30 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W930      2442960.25 1976 Jun 30 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W931      2442960.29 1976 Jun 30 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W932      2442960.30 1976 Jun 30 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W933      2442960.39 1976 Jun 30 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W934      2442961.16 1976 Jul  1 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W935      2442961.21 1976 Jul  1 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W936      2442961.39 1976 Jul  1 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W937      2442962.07 1976 Jul  2 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W938      2442962.08 1976 Jul  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W939      2442962.11 1976 Jul  2 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W940      2442962.13 1976 Jul  2 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W941      2442962.31 1976 Jul  2 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W942      2442965.14 1976 Jul  5 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W943      2442966.16 1976 Jul  6 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W944      2442966.27 1976 Jul  6 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W945      2442966.40 1976 Jul  6 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W946      2442966.59 1976 Jul  7 0203:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W947      2442967.03 1976 Jul  7 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W948      2442967.05 1976 Jul  7 1313:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W949      2442967.06 1976 Jul  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W950      2442967.14 1976 Jul  7 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W951      2442967.20 1976 Jul  7 1651:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W952      2442967.21 1976 Jul  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W953      2442967.27 1976 Jul  7 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W954      2442967.42 1976 Jul  7 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W955      2442967.55 1976 Jul  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W956      2442968.18 1976 Jul  8 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W957      2442968.40 1976 Jul  8 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W958      2442969.07 1976 Jul  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W959      2442969.10 1976 Jul  9 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W960      2442969.10 1976 Jul  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W961      2442969.10 1976 Jul  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W962      2442969.19 1976 Jul  9 1637:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W963      2442969.21 1976 Jul  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W964      2442969.55 1976 Jul 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W965      2442972.04 1976 Jul 12 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W966      2442972.10 1976 Jul 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W967      2442972.12 1976 Jul 12 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W968      2442972.14 1976 Jul 12 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W969      2442972.19 1976 Jul 12 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W970      2442972.20 1976 Jul 12 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W971      2442972.23 1976 Jul 12 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W972      2442972.30 1976 Jul 12 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W973      2442972.42 1976 Jul 12 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W974      2442972.52 1976 Jul 13 0025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W975      2442974.08 1976 Jul 14 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W976      2442974.10 1976 Jul 14 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W977      2442974.17 1976 Jul 14 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W978      2442974.18 1976 Jul 14 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W979      2442974.19 1976 Jul 14 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W980      2442974.21 1976 Jul 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W981      2442974.25 1976 Jul 14 1754:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8333             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W982      2442974.28 1976 Jul 14 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W983      2442974.30 1976 Jul 14 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W984      2442974.38 1976 Jul 14 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W985      2442974.39 1976 Jul 14 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W986      2442975.26 1976 Jul 15 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W987      2442975.37 1976 Jul 15 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W988      2442976.01 1976 Jul 16 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W989      2442976.10 1976 Jul 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W990      2442976.12 1976 Jul 16 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W991      2442979.10 1976 Jul 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W992      2442979.23 1976 Jul 19 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W993      2442979.23 1976 Jul 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W994      2442979.25 1976 Jul 19 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W995      2442979.42 1976 Jul 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W996      2442980.01 1976 Jul 20 1211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W997      2442980.12 1976 Jul 20 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W998      2442980.41 1976 Jul 20 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W999      2442981.07 1976 Jul 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1000     2442981.11 1976 Jul 21 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1001     2442981.11 1976 Jul 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1002     2442981.15 1976 Jul 21 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1003     2442981.21 1976 Jul 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1004     2442981.21 1976 Jul 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1005     2442981.21 1976 Jul 21 1702:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1006     2442981.23 1976 Jul 21 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1007     2442981.24 1976 Jul 21 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1008     2442981.26 1976 Jul 21 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1009     2442981.27 1976 Jul 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1010     2442981.33 1976 Jul 21 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1011     2442981.40 1976 Jul 21 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1012     2442982.17 1976 Jul 22 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1013     2442982.19 1976 Jul 22 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1014     2442982.20 1976 Jul 22 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1015     2442982.49 1976 Jul 22 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1016     2442983.07 1976 Jul 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1017     2442983.10 1976 Jul 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1018     2442983.15 1976 Jul 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1019     2442983.34 1976 Jul 23 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1020     2442986.10 1976 Jul 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1021     2442986.13 1976 Jul 26 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1022     2442986.13 1976 Jul 26 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1023     2442986.26 1976 Jul 26 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1024     2442986.32 1976 Jul 26 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1025     2442986.99 1976 Jul 27 1142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1026     2442987.19 1976 Jul 27 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1027     2442987.20 1976 Jul 27 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1028     2442987.33 1976 Jul 27 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1029     2442987.42 1976 Jul 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1030     2442987.42 1976 Jul 27 2200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1031     2442987.48 1976 Jul 27 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1032     2442988.02 1976 Jul 28 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1033     2442988.04 1976 Jul 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1034     2442988.06 1976 Jul 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1035     2442988.13 1976 Jul 28 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1036     2442988.18 1976 Jul 28 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1037     2442988.19 1976 Jul 28 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1038     2442988.21 1976 Jul 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1039     2442988.23 1976 Jul 28 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1040     2442988.26 1976 Jul 28 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1041     2442988.27 1976 Jul 28 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1042     2442988.39 1976 Jul 28 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1043     2442988.39 1976 Jul 28 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1044     2442988.39 1976 Jul 28 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1045     2442989.10 1976 Jul 29 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1046     2442989.12 1976 Jul 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1047     2442989.19 1976 Jul 29 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1048     2442990.02 1976 Jul 30 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1049     2442990.11 1976 Jul 30 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1050     2442990.14 1976 Jul 30 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1051     2442990.19 1976 Jul 30 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1052     2442990.19 1976 Jul 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1053     2442990.38 1976 Jul 30 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1059     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1060     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1054     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1055     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1056     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1057     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1058     2442990.50 1976 Aug             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1061     2442991.17 1976 Jul 31 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS76E   LP8              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1062     2442991.31 1976 Jul 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1063     2442993.02 1976 Aug  2 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1064     2442993.07 1976 Aug  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1065     2442993.10 1976 Aug  2 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1066     2442993.16 1976 Aug  2 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1067     2442993.22 1976 Aug  2 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1068     2442993.23 1976 Aug  2 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1069     2442993.26 1976 Aug  2 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1070     2442993.33 1976 Aug  2 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1071     2442993.47 1976 Aug  2 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1072     2442994.19 1976 Aug  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1073     2442995.05 1976 Aug  4 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1074     2442995.08 1976 Aug  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1075     2442995.11 1976 Aug  4 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1076     2442995.13 1976 Aug  4 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1077     2442995.19 1976 Aug  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1078     2442995.19 1976 Aug  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1079     2442995.19 1976 Aug  4 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1080     2442995.20 1976 Aug  4 1648:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1081     2442995.22 1976 Aug  4 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1082     2442995.34 1976 Aug  4 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1083     2442995.38 1976 Aug  4 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1084     2442995.41 1976 Aug  4 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1085     2442996.01 1976 Aug  5 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1086     2442996.17 1976 Aug  5 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1087     2442997.11 1976 Aug  6 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1088     2442997.15 1976 Aug  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1089     2442997.19 1976 Aug  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1090     2442997.19 1976 Aug  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1091     2442997.20 1976 Aug  6 1644:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1092     2442997.21 1976 Aug  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1093     2442997.25 1976 Aug  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1094     2442997.36 1976 Aug  6 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1095     2443000.07 1976 Aug  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1096     2443000.07 1976 Aug  9 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1097     2443000.14 1976 Aug  9 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1098     2443000.18 1976 Aug  9 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1099     2443000.19 1976 Aug  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1100     2443000.20 1976 Aug  9 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1101     2443000.21 1976 Aug  9 1658:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1102     2443000.28 1976 Aug  9 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1103     2443000.36 1976 Aug  9 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1104     2443000.41 1976 Aug  9 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1105     2443000.47 1976 Aug  9 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1106     2443002.01 1976 Aug 11 1208:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1107     2443002.08 1976 Aug 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1108     2443002.10 1976 Aug 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1109     2443002.11 1976 Aug 11 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1110     2443002.12 1976 Aug 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1111     2443002.18 1976 Aug 11 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1112     2443002.18 1976 Aug 11 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1113     2443002.20 1976 Aug 11 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1114     2443002.21 1976 Aug 11 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1115     2443002.25 1976 Aug 11 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1116     2443002.40 1976 Aug 11 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1117     2443002.42 1976 Aug 11 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1118     2443002.55 1976 Aug 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1119     2443002.58 1976 Aug 12 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76G   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1120     2443002.64 1976 Aug 12 0322:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1121     2443003.13 1976 Aug 12 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1122     2443003.23 1976 Aug 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1123     2443003.50 1976 Aug 12 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1124     2443004.02 1976 Aug 13 1222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1125     2443004.10 1976 Aug 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1126     2443004.12 1976 Aug 13 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1127     2443004.17 1976 Aug 13 1608:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1128     2443004.19 1976 Aug 13 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1129     2443004.21 1976 Aug 13 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1130     2443004.23 1976 Aug 13 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1131     2443004.35 1976 Aug 13 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1132     2443004.40 1976 Aug 13 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1133     2443007.11 1976 Aug 16 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1134     2443007.12 1976 Aug 16 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1135     2443007.13 1976 Aug 16 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1136     2443007.14 1976 Aug 16 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1137     2443007.23 1976 Aug 16 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1138     2443007.25 1976 Aug 16 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1139     2443007.32 1976 Aug 16 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1140     2443007.41 1976 Aug 16 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1141     2443007.51 1976 Aug 17 0021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1142     2443007.74 1976 Aug 17 0545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1143     2443007.85 1976 Aug 17 0820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1144     2443007.89 1976 Aug 17 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1145     2443008.03 1976 Aug 17 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1146     2443008.12 1976 Aug 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1147     2443008.14 1976 Aug 17 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1148     2443008.23 1976 Aug 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1149     2443009.01 1976 Aug 18 1211:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1150     2443009.10 1976 Aug 18 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1151     2443009.12 1976 Aug 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1152     2443009.13 1976 Aug 18 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1153     2443009.17 1976 Aug 18 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1154     2443009.17 1976 Aug 18 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1155     2443009.21 1976 Aug 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1156     2443009.22 1976 Aug 18 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1157     2443009.25 1976 Aug 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1158     2443009.32 1976 Aug 18 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1159     2443009.39 1976 Aug 18 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1160     2443009.42 1976 Aug 18 2208:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1161     2443010.10 1976 Aug 19 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.271               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   VSSC/                    Aeron                    WDCRF                IJRSP6,274           -
1976-W1162     2443010.11 1976 Aug 19 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1163     2443010.12 1976 Aug 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1164     2443010.13 1976 Aug 19 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1165     2443010.14 1976 Aug 19 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1166     2443010.20 1976 Aug 19 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1167     2443010.20 1976 Aug 19 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1168     2443011.02 1976 Aug 20 1229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1169     2443011.12 1976 Aug 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1170     2443011.14 1976 Aug 20 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1171     2443011.18 1976 Aug 20 1623:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1172     2443011.34 1976 Aug 20 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1173     2443011.55 1976 Aug 21 0104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1174     2443013.12 1976 Aug 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1175     2443014.07 1976 Aug 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1176     2443014.11 1976 Aug 23 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1177     2443014.13 1976 Aug 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1178     2443014.14 1976 Aug 23 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1179     2443014.17 1976 Aug 23 1611:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1180     2443014.18 1976 Aug 23 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff,Arcasonde          -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1181     2443014.32 1976 Aug 23 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1182     2443014.47 1976 Aug 23 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1183     2443015.12 1976 Aug 24 1458:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8439             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1184     2443015.18 1976 Aug 24 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1185     2443015.20 1976 Aug 24 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1186     2443016.02 1976 Aug 25 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1187     2443016.07 1976 Aug 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1188     2443016.10 1976 Aug 25 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1189     2443016.10 1976 Aug 25 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1190     2443016.11 1976 Aug 25 1445:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8440             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1191     2443016.14 1976 Aug 25 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1192     2443016.19 1976 Aug 25 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1193     2443016.21 1976 Aug 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1194     2443016.35 1976 Aug 25 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1195     2443016.35 1976 Aug 25 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1196     2443016.58 1976 Aug 26 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1197     2443017.12 1976 Aug 26 1457:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8437             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1198     2443017.12 1976 Aug 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1199     2443017.14 1976 Aug 26 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1200     2443017.17 1976 Aug 26 1604:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8450             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1201     2443018.03 1976 Aug 27 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1202     2443018.14 1976 Aug 27 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1203     2443018.17 1976 Aug 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1204     2443018.18 1976 Aug 27 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1205     2443018.19 1976 Aug 27 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1206     2443018.19 1976 Aug 27 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1207     2443018.37 1976 Aug 27 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1208     2443018.58 1976 Aug 28 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76G   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1209     2443019.19 1976 Aug 28 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1210     2443020.13 1976 Aug 29 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1211     2443021.03 1976 Aug 30 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1212     2443021.04 1976 Aug 30 1303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1213     2443021.12 1976 Aug 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1214     2443021.23 1976 Aug 30 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1215     2443021.38 1976 Aug 30 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1220     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1221     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1222     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1216     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1217     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1218     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1219     2443021.50 1976 Sep             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1223     2443021.55 1976 Aug 31 0111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1224     2443021.67 1976 Aug 31 0401:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1225     2443021.74 1976 Aug 31 0541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1226     2443022.13 1976 Aug 31 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1227     2443022.20 1976 Aug 31 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1228     2443022.34 1976 Aug 31 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1229     2443022.37 1976 Aug 31 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1230     2443022.38 1976 Aug 31 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1231     2443023.07 1976 Sep  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1232     2443023.09 1976 Sep  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1233     2443023.12 1976 Sep  1 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1234     2443023.13 1976 Sep  1 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1235     2443023.18 1976 Sep  1 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1236     2443023.19 1976 Sep  1 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1237     2443023.20 1976 Sep  1 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1238     2443023.27 1976 Sep  1 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1239     2443023.33 1976 Sep  1 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1240     2443023.40 1976 Sep  1 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1241     2443023.42 1976 Sep  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1242     2443024.12 1976 Sep  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1243     2443024.18 1976 Sep  2 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1244     2443025.02 1976 Sep  3 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1245     2443025.12 1976 Sep  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1246     2443025.14 1976 Sep  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1247     2443025.18 1976 Sep  3 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1248     2443025.46 1976 Sep  3 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1249     2443025.51 1976 Sep  4 0015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1250     2443025.62 1976 Sep 04 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS76G   LP3              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1251     2443026.13 1976 Sep  4 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1252     2443027.12 1976 Sep  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1253     2443028.12 1976 Sep  6 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1254     2443028.14 1976 Sep  6 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1255     2443029.14 1976 Sep  7 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1256     2443029.21 1976 Sep  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1257     2443029.22 1976 Sep  7 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1258     2443029.24 1976 Sep  7 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1259     2443029.25 1976 Sep  7 1800:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1260     2443029.34 1976 Sep  7 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1261     2443029.36 1976 Sep  7 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1262     2443029.37 1976 Sep  7 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1263     2443029.50 1976 Sep  7 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1264     2443029.62 1976 Sep 08 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1265     2443030.05 1976 Sep  8 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1266     2443030.11 1976 Sep  8 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1267     2443030.12 1976 Sep  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1268     2443030.13 1976 Sep  8 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1269     2443030.14 1976 Sep  8 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1270     2443030.17 1976 Sep  8 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1271     2443030.17 1976 Sep  8 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1272     2443030.20 1976 Sep  8 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1273     2443030.22 1976 Sep  8 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1274     2443030.33 1976 Sep  8 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1275     2443030.40 1976 Sep  8 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1276     2443030.44 1976 Sep  8 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1277     2443030.58 1976 Sep 09 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1278     2443031.03 1976 Sep  9 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1279     2443031.09 1976 Sep 09 1416:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8454             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1280     2443031.10 1976 Sep  9 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1281     2443031.11 1976 Sep  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1282     2443031.15 1976 Sep 09 1530:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8455             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   PSU/Hale                 Ionos                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1283     2443031.25 1976 Sep  9 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1284     2443031.31 1976 Sep  9 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1285     2443031.51 1976 Sep 10 0011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1286     2443032.12 1976 Sep 10 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1287     2443032.19 1976 Sep 10 1629:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1288     2443032.29 1976 Sep 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1289     2443032.33 1976 Sep 10 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1290     2443032.41 1976 Sep 10 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1291     2443035.01 1976 Sep 13 1209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1292     2443035.12 1976 Sep 13 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1293     2443035.12 1976 Sep 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1294     2443035.24 1976 Sep 13 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1295     2443035.26 1976 Sep 13 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1296     2443035.33 1976 Sep 13 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1297     2443036.15 1976 Sep 14 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M20       2443036.50 1976 Sep 15          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-95          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W1298     2443036.58 1976 Sep 15 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1299     2443037.06 1976 Sep 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1300     2443037.09 1976 Sep 15 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1301     2443037.14 1976 Sep 15 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1302     2443037.14 1976 Sep 15 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1303     2443037.18 1976 Sep 15 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1304     2443037.19 1976 Sep 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1305     2443037.21 1976 Sep 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1306     2443037.23 1976 Sep 15 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1307     2443037.26 1976 Sep 15 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1308     2443037.34 1976 Sep 15 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1309     2443037.38 1976 Sep 15 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1310     2443038.14 1976 Sep 16 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1311     2443038.21 1976 Sep 16 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1312     2443038.53 1976 Sep 17 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1313     2443039.02 1976 Sep 17 1233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1314     2443039.15 1976 Sep 17 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1315     2443039.17 1976 Sep 17 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1316     2443039.18 1976 Sep 17 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1317     2443039.21 1976 Sep 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1318     2443039.23 1976 Sep 17 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1319     2443039.26 1976 Sep 17 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1320     2443039.42 1976 Sep 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1321     2443040.82 1976 Sep 19 0740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1322     2443041.79 1976 Sep 20 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1323     2443042.01 1976 Sep 20 1211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1324     2443042.11 1976 Sep 20 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1325     2443042.17 1976 Sep 20 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1326     2443042.17 1976 Sep 20 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1327     2443042.20 1976 Sep 20 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1328     2443042.24 1976 Sep 20 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1329     2443042.26 1976 Sep 20 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1330     2443042.58 1976 Sep 21 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1331     2443042.79 1976 Sep 21 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1332     2443043.09 1976 Sep 21 1403:00  Super Arcas              -      TM1-8169             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SU   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1333     2443043.17 1976 Sep 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1334     2443043.21 1976 Sep 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1335     2443043.80 1976 Sep 22 0714:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1336     2443044.02 1976 Sep 22 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1337     2443044.08 1976 Sep 22 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1338     2443044.14 1976 Sep 22 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1339     2443044.17 1976 Sep 22 1600:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8401             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1340     2443044.17 1976 Sep 22 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1341     2443044.20 1976 Sep 22 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1342     2443044.21 1976 Sep 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1343     2443044.25 1976 Sep 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1344     2443044.26 1976 Sep 22 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1345     2443044.34 1976 Sep 22 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1346     2443044.56 1976 Sep 23 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T16           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1976-W1347     2443044.57 1976 Sep 23 0141:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1348     2443045.09 1976 Sep 23 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1349     2443045.12 1976 Sep 23 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1350     2443045.15 1976 Sep 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1351     2443045.17 1976 Sep 23 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1352     2443045.52 1976 Sep 24 0033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1353     2443045.79 1976 Sep 24 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1354     2443046.07 1976 Sep 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1355     2443046.14 1976 Sep 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1356     2443046.17 1976 Sep 24 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1357     2443046.17 1976 Sep 24 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1358     2443046.19 1976 Sep 24 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1359     2443046.22 1976 Sep 24 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1360     2443046.23 1976 Sep 24 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1361     2443046.27 1976 Sep 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1362     2443046.56 1976 Sep 25 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T17           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1976-W1363     2443046.79 1976 Sep 25 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1364     2443047.17 1976 Sep 25 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1365     2443047.79 1976 Sep 26 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1366     2443048.10 1976 Sep 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1367     2443048.80 1976 Sep 27 0704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1368     2443049.02 1976 Sep 27 1229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1369     2443049.09 1976 Sep 27 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1370     2443049.11 1976 Sep 27 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1371     2443049.17 1976 Sep 27 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1372     2443049.17 1976 Sep 27 1610:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1373     2443049.19 1976 Sep 27 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1374     2443049.27 1976 Sep 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1375     2443049.41 1976 Sep 27 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1376     2443049.44 1976 Sep 27 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1377     2443049.79 1976 Sep 28 0702:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1378     2443050.15 1976 Sep 28 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1379     2443050.32 1976 Sep 28 1947:00  Super Loki               -      TM1-8521             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1380     2443050.34 1976 Sep 28 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1381     2443050.45 1976 Sep 28 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M21       2443050.50 1976 Sep 29          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-96          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W1382     2443050.53 1976 Sep 29 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1383     2443050.62 1976 Sep 29 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1384     2443050.82 1976 Sep 29 0734:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1385     2443051.02 1976 Sep 29 1231:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1386     2443051.08 1976 Sep 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1387     2443051.09 1976 Sep 29 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1388     2443051.15 1976 Sep 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1389     2443051.17 1976 Sep 29 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1390     2443051.20 1976 Sep 29 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1391     2443051.21 1976 Sep 29 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1392     2443051.22 1976 Sep 29 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1398     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1399     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1400     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1393     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1394     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1395     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1396     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1397     2443051.50 1976 Oct             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1401     2443051.55 1976 Sep 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1402     2443051.79 1976 Sep 30 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M09       2443052.04 1976 Sep 30 1253:25  Nike Tomahawk            -      NASA 18.180GE        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1403     2443052.14 1976 Sep 30 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1404     2443052.16 1976 Sep 30 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1405     2443052.23 1976 Sep 30 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1406     2443052.43 1976 Sep 30 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1407     2443052.79 1976 Oct  1 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1408     2443053.07 1976 Oct  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1409     2443053.15 1976 Oct  1 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1410     2443053.18 1976 Oct  1 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1411     2443053.19 1976 Oct  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1412     2443053.19 1976 Oct  1 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1413     2443053.30 1976 Oct 01 1915:00  Super Loki               -      TM1-8522             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1414     2443053.34 1976 Oct  1 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1415     2443053.44 1976 Oct  1 2232:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1416     2443053.79 1976 Oct  2 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1417     2443056.01 1976 Oct  4 1219:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1418     2443056.10 1976 Oct  4 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1419     2443056.11 1976 Oct  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1420     2443056.17 1976 Oct  4 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1421     2443056.18 1976 Oct  4 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1422     2443056.20 1976 Oct  4 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1423     2443056.29 1976 Oct  4 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1424     2443056.36 1976 Oct  4 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1425     2443056.47 1976 Oct  4 2314:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1426     2443056.58 1976 Oct  5 0200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS          SS   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1427     2443057.14 1976 Oct  5 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1428     2443058.07 1976 Oct  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1429     2443058.09 1976 Oct  6 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1430     2443058.10 1976 Oct 06 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    ISRO-8.284               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1431     2443058.12 1976 Oct 06 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1432     2443058.13 1976 Oct  6 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1433     2443058.14 1976 Oct  6 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1434     2443058.17 1976 Oct  6 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1435     2443058.18 1976 Oct  6 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1436     2443058.19 1976 Oct  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1437     2443058.28 1976 Oct  6 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1438     2443058.28 1976 Oct  6 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1439     2443058.33 1976 Oct  6 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1440     2443058.55 1976 Oct  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1441     2443059.04 1976 Oct  7 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1442     2443059.13 1976 Oct  7 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1443     2443059.25 1976 Oct  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1444     2443059.33 1976 Oct  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1445     2443059.39 1976 Oct  7 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1446     2443060.06 1976 Oct  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1447     2443060.11 1976 Oct  8 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1448     2443060.17 1976 Oct  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1449     2443060.19 1976 Oct  8 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1450     2443060.19 1976 Oct  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1451     2443063.13 1976 Oct 11 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1452     2443063.15 1976 Oct 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1453     2443064.16 1976 Oct 12 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1454     2443064.23 1976 Oct 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1455     2443064.33 1976 Oct 12 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1456     2443064.42 1976 Oct 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M22       2443064.50 1976 Oct 13          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-97          -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W1457     2443064.58 1976 Oct 13 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1458     2443065.07 1976 Oct 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1459     2443065.09 1976 Oct 13 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1460     2443065.13 1976 Oct 13 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1461     2443065.17 1976 Oct 13 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1462     2443065.19 1976 Oct 13 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1463     2443065.20 1976 Oct 13 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1464     2443065.21 1976 Oct 13 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1465     2443065.22 1976 Oct 13 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1466     2443065.26 1976 Oct 13 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1467     2443065.26 1976 Oct 13 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1468     2443065.34 1976 Oct 13 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1469     2443065.38 1976 Oct 13 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1470     2443065.40 1976 Oct 13 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1471     2443065.40 1976 Oct 13 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1472     2443066.05 1976 Oct 14 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1473     2443067.03 1976 Oct 15 1236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1474     2443067.10 1976 Oct 15 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1475     2443067.10 1976 Oct 15 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1476     2443067.10 1976 Oct 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1477     2443067.18 1976 Oct 15 1623:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1478     2443067.19 1976 Oct 15 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1479     2443067.32 1976 Oct 15 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1480     2443067.36 1976 Oct 15 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1481     2443067.37 1976 Oct 15 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1482     2443067.49 1976 Oct 15 2344:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1483     2443067.83 1976 Oct 16 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP1              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1484     2443070.09 1976 Oct 18 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1485     2443070.11 1976 Oct 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1486     2443070.16 1976 Oct 18 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1487     2443070.19 1976 Oct 18 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1488     2443070.23 1976 Oct 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1489     2443070.53 1976 Oct 19 0043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1490     2443070.92 1976 Oct 19 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP2              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1491     2443071.25 1976 Oct 19 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1492     2443071.96 1976 Oct 20 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS76J   LP1              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1493     2443072.07 1976 Oct 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1494     2443072.10 1976 Oct 20 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1495     2443072.12 1976 Oct 20 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1496     2443072.12 1976 Oct 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1497     2443072.15 1976 Oct 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1498     2443072.17 1976 Oct 20 1610:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1499     2443072.18 1976 Oct 20 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1500     2443072.23 1976 Oct 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1501     2443072.33 1976 Oct 20 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1502     2443072.43 1976 Oct 20 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1503     2443072.50 1976 Oct 21 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1504     2443072.58 1976 Oct 21 0156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1505     2443073.21 1976 Oct 21 1700:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8402             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1506     2443073.25 1976 Oct 21 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1507     2443074.07 1976 Oct 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1508     2443074.11 1976 Oct 22 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1509     2443074.12 1976 Oct 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1510     2443074.13 1976 Oct 22 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1511     2443074.17 1976 Oct 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1512     2443074.26 1976 Oct 22 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1513     2443074.42 1976 Oct 22 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1514     2443074.49 1976 Oct 22 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1515     2443075.35 1976 Oct 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1516     2443076.04 1976 Oct 24 1300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS76J   LP3              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1517     2443077.15 1976 Oct 25 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1518     2443077.19 1976 Oct 25 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1519     2443078.08 1976 Oct 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1520     2443078.25 1976 Oct 26 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1521     2443078.33 1976 Oct 26 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1522     2443078.36 1976 Oct 26 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1523     2443078.40 1976 Oct 26 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1524     2443078.43 1976 Oct 26 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1525     2443078.44 1976 Oct 26 2232:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1526     2443079.06 1976 Oct 27 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1527     2443079.07 1976 Oct 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1528     2443079.09 1976 Oct 27 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1529     2443079.11 1976 Oct 27 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1530     2443079.13 1976 Oct 27 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1531     2443079.14 1976 Oct 27 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1532     2443079.19 1976 Oct 27 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1533     2443079.20 1976 Oct 27 1644:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1534     2443079.26 1976 Oct 27 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1535     2443079.35 1976 Oct 27 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1536     2443079.41 1976 Oct 27 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1537     2443079.55 1976 Oct 28 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1538     2443080.00 1976 Oct 28 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS76J   LP6              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1539     2443080.02 1976 Oct 28 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1540     2443080.49 1976 Oct 28 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1541     2443081.11 1976 Oct 29 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1542     2443081.12 1976 Oct 29 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1543     2443081.14 1976 Oct 29 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1544     2443081.15 1976 Oct 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1545     2443081.16 1976 Oct 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1546     2443081.18 1976 Oct 29 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1547     2443081.22 1976 Oct 29 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1548     2443081.32 1976 Oct 29 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1549     2443081.38 1976 Oct 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1550     2443081.38 1976 Oct 29 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1551     2443081.42 1976 Oct 29 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1552     2443081.52 1976 Oct 30 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1557     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1558     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1559     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1560     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1561     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1562     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1563     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1564     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1565     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1566     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1553     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1554     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1555     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1556     2443082.50 1976 Nov             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1567     2443084.02 1976 Nov  1 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1568     2443084.10 1976 Nov  1 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1569     2443084.16 1976 Nov  1 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1570     2443084.19 1976 Nov  1 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1571     2443084.20 1976 Nov  1 1647:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1572     2443084.24 1976 Nov  1 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1573     2443084.28 1976 Nov  1 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1574     2443084.29 1976 Nov  1 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1575     2443084.35 1976 Nov  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1576     2443084.46 1976 Nov  1 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1577     2443084.47 1976 Nov  1 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1578     2443085.13 1976 Nov  2 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1579     2443086.07 1976 Nov  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1580     2443086.09 1976 Nov  3 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1581     2443086.14 1976 Nov  3 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1582     2443086.20 1976 Nov  3 1642:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1583     2443086.22 1976 Nov  3 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1584     2443086.23 1976 Nov  3 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1585     2443086.31 1976 Nov  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1586     2443086.32 1976 Nov  3 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1587     2443086.40 1976 Nov  3 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1588     2443086.42 1976 Nov  3 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1589     2443087.02 1976 Nov  4 1229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1590     2443087.15 1976 Nov  4 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1591     2443087.15 1976 Nov  4 1543:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1592     2443088.12 1976 Nov  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1593     2443088.16 1976 Nov  5 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1594     2443088.21 1976 Nov  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1595     2443088.23 1976 Nov  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1596     2443088.29 1976 Nov  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1597     2443088.34 1976 Nov  5 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1598     2443088.38 1976 Nov  5 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1599     2443088.50 1976 Nov  5 2357:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1600     2443091.07 1976 Nov  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1601     2443091.12 1976 Nov  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1602     2443091.16 1976 Nov  8 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1603     2443091.18 1976 Nov  8 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1604     2443091.18 1976 Nov  8 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1605     2443091.18 1976 Nov  8 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1606     2443091.27 1976 Nov  8 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1607     2443091.35 1976 Nov  8 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1608     2443091.39 1976 Nov  8 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1609     2443091.47 1976 Nov  8 2312:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1610     2443092.20 1976 Nov  9 1654:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1611     2443093.01 1976 Nov 10 1215:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8404             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1612     2443093.07 1976 Nov 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1613     2443093.09 1976 Nov 10 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1614     2443093.11 1976 Nov 10 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1615     2443093.11 1976 Nov 10 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1616     2443093.15 1976 Nov 10 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1617     2443093.19 1976 Nov 10 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1618     2443093.19 1976 Nov 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1619     2443093.22 1976 Nov 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1620     2443093.31 1976 Nov 10 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1621     2443093.33 1976 Nov 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1622     2443093.38 1976 Nov 10 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1623     2443093.40 1976 Nov 10 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1624     2443093.54 1976 Nov 11 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1625     2443093.55 1976 Nov 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1626     2443094.01 1976 Nov 11 1216:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8407             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1627     2443094.04 1976 Nov 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1628     2443094.08 1976 Nov 11 1400:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8403             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Test                     WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1629     2443094.21 1976 Nov 11 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1630     2443095.03 1976 Nov 12 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1631     2443095.11 1976 Nov 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1632     2443095.13 1976 Nov 12 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1633     2443095.14 1976 Nov 12 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1634     2443095.19 1976 Nov 12 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1635     2443095.20 1976 Nov 12 1641:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1636     2443095.31 1976 Nov 12 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1637     2443095.41 1976 Nov 12 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1638     2443095.50 1976 Nov 12 2357:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1639     2443095.54 1976 Nov 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1640     2443095.77 1976 Nov 13 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1641     2443096.92 1976 Nov 14 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1642     2443098.07 1976 Nov 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1643     2443098.10 1976 Nov 15 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1644     2443098.15 1976 Nov 15 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1645     2443098.18 1976 Nov 15 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1646     2443098.18 1976 Nov 15 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1647     2443098.28 1976 Nov 15 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1648     2443098.47 1976 Nov 15 2312:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1649     2443098.54 1976 Nov 16 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1650     2443098.73 1976 Nov 16 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1651     2443100.03 1976 Nov 17 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1652     2443100.05 1976 Nov 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1653     2443100.12 1976 Nov 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1654     2443100.14 1976 Nov 17 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1655     2443100.15 1976 Nov 17 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1656     2443100.18 1976 Nov 17 1621:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8405             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1657     2443100.19 1976 Nov 17 1633:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8406             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1658     2443100.19 1976 Nov 17 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1659     2443100.22 1976 Nov 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1660     2443100.23 1976 Nov 17 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1661     2443100.30 1976 Nov 17 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1662     2443100.39 1976 Nov 17 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1663     2443100.41 1976 Nov 17 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1664     2443100.69 1976 Nov 18 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1665     2443100.79 1976 Nov 18 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP4              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1666     2443101.01 1976 Nov 18 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1667     2443101.17 1976 Nov 18 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1668     2443102.13 1976 Nov 19 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1669     2443102.13 1976 Nov 19 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1670     2443102.19 1976 Nov 19 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1671     2443102.20 1976 Nov 19 1643:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1672     2443102.20 1976 Nov 19 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1673     2443102.20 1976 Nov 19 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1674     2443102.29 1976 Nov 19 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1675     2443102.40 1976 Nov 19 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1676     2443103.75 1976 Nov 21 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1677     2443105.03 1976 Nov 22 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1678     2443105.14 1976 Nov 22 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1679     2443105.19 1976 Nov 22 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1680     2443105.20 1976 Nov 22 1641:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1681     2443105.20 1976 Nov 22 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1682     2443105.28 1976 Nov 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1683     2443105.30 1976 Nov 22 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1684     2443105.45 1976 Nov 22 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1685     2443105.47 1976 Nov 22 2311:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1686     2443105.73 1976 Nov 23 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1687     2443106.17 1976 Nov 23 1600:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1688     2443106.20 1976 Nov 23 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1689     2443106.75 1976 Nov 24 0601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1690     2443107.05 1976 Nov 24 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1691     2443107.07 1976 Nov 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1692     2443107.12 1976 Nov 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1693     2443107.13 1976 Nov 24 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1694     2443107.16 1976 Nov 24 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1695     2443107.20 1976 Nov 24 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1696     2443107.22 1976 Nov 24 1719:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1697     2443107.24 1976 Nov 24 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1698     2443107.25 1976 Nov 24 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1699     2443107.32 1976 Nov 24 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1700     2443107.38 1976 Nov 24 2100:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1701     2443107.49 1976 Nov 24 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1702     2443107.96 1976 Nov 25 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      OJP      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1703     2443108.12 1976 Nov 25 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1704     2443108.17 1976 Nov 25 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1705     2443108.44 1976 Nov 25 2231:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1706     2443108.88 1976 Nov 26 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1707     2443109.12 1976 Nov 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1708     2443109.15 1976 Nov 26 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1709     2443109.15 1976 Nov 26 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1710     2443109.18 1976 Nov 26 1612:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1711     2443109.20 1976 Nov 26 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1712     2443109.21 1976 Nov 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1713     2443109.55 1976 Nov 27 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1714     2443111.73 1976 Nov 29 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1715     2443112.10 1976 Nov 29 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1716     2443112.19 1976 Nov 29 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1717     2443112.19 1976 Nov 29 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1718     2443112.21 1976 Nov 29 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1719     2443112.22 1976 Nov 29 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1720     2443112.28 1976 Nov 29 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1721     2443112.42 1976 Nov 29 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1722     2443112.47 1976 Nov 29 2311:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1723     2443113.02 1976 Nov 30 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1724     2443113.35 1976 Nov 30 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-M23       2443113.50 1976 Dec  1          Super Arcas              -      -                    EXAMETNET 35-100         -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 CNES         SS   CNES/?                   Meteo                    FDC/Ulrich           -                    -
1976-W1725     2443113.72 1976 Dec  1 0515:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1726     2443114.07 1976 Dec  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1727     2443114.10 1976 Dec  1 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1728     2443114.12 1976 Dec  1 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1729     2443114.13 1976 Dec  1 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1730     2443114.14 1976 Dec  1 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1731     2443114.15 1976 Dec  1 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1732     2443114.17 1976 Dec  1 1609:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1733     2443114.19 1976 Dec  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1734     2443114.20 1976 Dec  1 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1735     2443114.22 1976 Dec 01 1710:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1736     2443114.26 1976 Dec  1 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1737     2443114.50 1976 Dec  1 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1738     2443115.16 1976 Dec  2 1544:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1739     2443115.21 1976 Dec 02 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS76K   LP2              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1740     2443115.25 1976 Dec  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1741     2443115.30 1976 Dec  2 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1742     2443115.41 1976 Dec  2 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1743     2443116.09 1976 Dec  3 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1744     2443116.10 1976 Dec  3 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1745     2443116.12 1976 Dec  3 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1746     2443116.15 1976 Dec  3 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1747     2443116.16 1976 Dec  3 1551:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1748     2443116.25 1976 Dec  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1749     2443116.33 1976 Dec  3 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1750     2443116.40 1976 Dec  3 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1751     2443117.04 1976 Dec 04 1253:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT-141           AE-5 Cal                 Ozone                    -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                WDCRR                -
1976-W1752     2443117.09 1976 Dec  4 1404:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1753     2443119.09 1976 Dec 06 1410:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT-142           Nimbus 4 Cal             Ozone                    -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                WDCRR                -
1976-W1754     2443119.11 1976 Dec  6 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1755     2443119.15 1976 Dec  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1756     2443119.19 1976 Dec  6 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1757     2443119.22 1976 Dec  6 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1758     2443119.25 1976 Dec  6 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1759     2443119.26 1976 Dec  6 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1760     2443119.28 1976 Dec  6 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1761     2443119.29 1976 Dec  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1762     2443119.36 1976 Dec  6 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1763     2443119.47 1976 Dec  6 2311:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1764     2443120.00 1976 Dec  7 1204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1765     2443120.19 1976 Dec  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1766     2443120.23 1976 Dec  7 1733:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1767     2443120.34 1976 Dec  7 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1768     2443121.01 1976 Dec  8 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1769     2443121.13 1976 Dec  8 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1770     2443121.13 1976 Dec  8 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1771     2443121.15 1976 Dec  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1772     2443121.21 1976 Dec  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1773     2443121.23 1976 Dec  8 1737:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1774     2443121.27 1976 Dec  8 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1775     2443121.27 1976 Dec  8 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1776     2443121.31 1976 Dec  8 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1777     2443121.35 1976 Dec  8 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1778     2443121.52 1976 Dec  9 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1779     2443122.01 1976 Dec  9 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1780     2443122.09 1976 Dec  9 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CELAT    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1781     2443122.11 1976 Dec  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1782     2443122.13 1976 Dec  9 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1783     2443122.14 1976 Dec  9 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1784     2443122.15 1976 Dec  9 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1785     2443122.15 1976 Dec  9 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1786     2443122.17 1976 Dec  9 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1787     2443122.25 1976 Dec  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1788     2443122.25 1976 Dec  9 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1789     2443123.13 1976 Dec 10 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1790     2443123.15 1976 Dec 10 1534:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1791     2443123.15 1976 Dec 10 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1792     2443123.26 1976 Dec 10 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1793     2443123.29 1976 Dec 10 1859:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1794     2443123.34 1976 Dec 10 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1795     2443123.38 1976 Dec 10 2100:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1796     2443123.42 1976 Dec 10 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1797     2443124.17 1976 Dec 11 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1798     2443125.15 1976 Dec 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1799     2443126.10 1976 Dec 13 1430:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1800     2443126.11 1976 Dec 13 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1801     2443126.13 1976 Dec 13 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1802     2443126.15 1976 Dec 13 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1803     2443126.17 1976 Dec 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1804     2443126.19 1976 Dec 13 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1805     2443126.21 1976 Dec 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1806     2443126.27 1976 Dec 13 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1807     2443126.30 1976 Dec 13 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1808     2443126.33 1976 Dec 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1809     2443126.43 1976 Dec 13 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1810     2443127.01 1976 Dec 14 1208:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1811     2443127.15 1976 Dec 14 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1812     2443127.15 1976 Dec 14 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1813     2443127.20 1976 Dec 14 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1814     2443127.23 1976 Dec 14 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1815     2443127.35 1976 Dec 14 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1816     2443127.37 1976 Dec 14 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1817     2443128.07 1976 Dec 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1818     2443128.09 1976 Dec 15 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1819     2443128.10 1976 Dec 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1820     2443128.11 1976 Dec 15 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1821     2443128.12 1976 Dec 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1822     2443128.15 1976 Dec 15 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1823     2443128.18 1976 Dec 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1824     2443128.22 1976 Dec 15 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1825     2443128.35 1976 Dec 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1826     2443128.51 1976 Dec 16 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1827     2443129.02 1976 Dec 16 1223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1828     2443129.04 1976 Dec 16 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1829     2443129.08 1976 Dec 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1830     2443129.22 1976 Dec 16 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1831     2443129.22 1976 Dec 16 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1832     2443129.35 1976 Dec 16 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1833     2443129.39 1976 Dec 16 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1834     2443129.55 1976 Dec 17 0106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1835     2443130.11 1976 Dec 17 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1836     2443130.12 1976 Dec 17 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1837     2443130.15 1976 Dec 17 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1838     2443130.15 1976 Dec 17 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1839     2443130.19 1976 Dec 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1840     2443130.20 1976 Dec 17 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1841     2443130.54 1976 Dec 18 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1842     2443133.04 1976 Dec 20 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1843     2443133.09 1976 Dec 20 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1844     2443133.10 1976 Dec 20 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1845     2443133.10 1976 Dec 20 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1846     2443133.15 1976 Dec 20 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1847     2443133.19 1976 Dec 20 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1848     2443133.19 1976 Dec 20 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1849     2443133.27 1976 Dec 20 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1850     2443133.27 1976 Dec 20 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1851     2443133.38 1976 Dec 20 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1852     2443133.42 1976 Dec 20 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1853     2443133.48 1976 Dec 20 2327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1854     2443133.88 1976 Dec 21 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP5              -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1855     2443134.21 1976 Dec 21 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1856     2443134.36 1976 Dec 21 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1857     2443135.07 1976 Dec 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1858     2443135.09 1976 Dec 22 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1859     2443135.13 1976 Dec 22 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1860     2443135.14 1976 Dec 22 1514:59  Super Loki               -      T1-8599              Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1861     2443135.14 1976 Dec 22 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1862     2443135.17 1976 Dec 22 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1863     2443135.17 1976 Dec 22 1604:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8408             Ozone Flight 143         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1864     2443135.19 1976 Dec 22 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1865     2443135.19 1976 Dec 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1866     2443135.22 1976 Dec 22 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1867     2443135.24 1976 Dec 22 1743:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1868     2443135.39 1976 Dec 22 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1869     2443135.44 1976 Dec 22 2229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1870     2443136.15 1976 Dec 23 1536:59  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1871     2443136.30 1976 Dec 23 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1872     2443136.50 1976 Dec 24 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1873     2443137.11 1976 Dec 24 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1874     2443137.15 1976 Dec 24 1540:00  Loki Dart                ?      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1875     2443137.24 1976 Dec 24 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1876     2443140.21 1976 Dec 27 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1877     2443140.25 1976 Dec 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1878     2443140.50 1976 Dec 27 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1879     2443141.13 1976 Dec 28 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1880     2443141.15 1976 Dec 28 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1881     2443141.88 1976 Dec 29 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1882     2443142.10 1976 Dec 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1883     2443142.11 1976 Dec 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1884     2443142.14 1976 Dec 29 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1885     2443142.14 1976 Dec 29 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1886     2443142.15 1976 Dec 29 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1887     2443142.18 1976 Dec 29 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1888     2443142.21 1976 Dec 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1889     2443142.26 1976 Dec 29 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1890     2443142.39 1976 Dec 29 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1891     2443142.54 1976 Dec 30 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1892     2443143.02 1976 Dec 30 1231:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1893     2443143.10 1976 Dec 30 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1894     2443143.19 1976 Dec 30 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1976-W1895     2443143.40 1976 Dec 30 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W05       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W06       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W07       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W08       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W09       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W10       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W11       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W01       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W02       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W03       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W04       2443143.50 1977 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1976-W1896     2443143.88 1976 Dec 31 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP6              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1897     2443143.92 1976 Dec 31 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP7              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1976-W1898     2443144.16 1976 Dec 31 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W12       2443146.96 1977 Jan 03 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP8              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W13       2443147.16 1977 Jan  3 1545:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W14       2443147.22 1977 Jan  3 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W15       2443147.27 1977 Jan  3 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W16       2443147.35 1977 Jan  3 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W17       2443147.51 1977 Jan  4 0009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W18       2443148.02 1977 Jan  4 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W19       2443148.18 1977 Jan  4 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W20       2443148.19 1977 Jan  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W21       2443148.20 1977 Jan  4 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W22       2443148.23 1977 Jan  4 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W23       2443148.35 1977 Jan  4 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W24       2443148.40 1977 Jan  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W25       2443148.40 1977 Jan  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W26       2443148.92 1977 Jan 05 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS76H   LP9              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W27       2443148.94 1977 Jan 05 1030:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W28       2443148.99 1977 Jan 05 1140:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W29       2443149.07 1977 Jan  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W30       2443149.09 1977 Jan  5 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W31       2443149.10 1977 Jan  5 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W32       2443149.10 1977 Jan  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W33       2443149.12 1977 Jan  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W34       2443149.15 1977 Jan  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W35       2443149.17 1977 Jan  5 1609:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W36       2443149.22 1977 Jan  5 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W37       2443149.22 1977 Jan  5 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W38       2443149.31 1977 Jan  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W39       2443149.33 1977 Jan  5 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W40       2443149.39 1977 Jan  5 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W41       2443149.58 1977 Jan  6 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W42       2443150.10 1977 Jan  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W43       2443150.14 1977 Jan  6 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W44       2443150.16 1977 Jan  6 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W45       2443150.29 1977 Jan  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W46       2443150.86 1977 Jan 07 0840:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77A   LP3              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W47       2443151.15 1977 Jan  7 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W48       2443151.21 1977 Jan  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W49       2443151.28 1977 Jan  7 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W50       2443151.36 1977 Jan  7 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W51       2443151.38 1977 Jan  7 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W52       2443151.39 1977 Jan  7 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W53       2443152.21 1977 Jan  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W54       2443152.25 1977 Jan  8 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W55       2443152.40 1977 Jan  8 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W56       2443152.40 1977 Jan  8 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W57       2443154.02 1977 Jan 10 1229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W58       2443154.11 1977 Jan 10 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W59       2443154.19 1977 Jan 10 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W60       2443154.21 1977 Jan 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W61       2443154.22 1977 Jan 10 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W62       2443154.29 1977 Jan 10 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W63       2443154.35 1977 Jan 10 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W64       2443154.51 1977 Jan 11 0008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W65       2443155.15 1977 Jan 11 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W66       2443155.19 1977 Jan 11 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W67       2443155.22 1977 Jan 11 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W68       2443155.37 1977 Jan 11 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W69       2443155.38 1977 Jan 11 2106:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W70       2443155.68 1977 Jan 12 0425:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W71       2443155.86 1977 Jan 12 0840:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77A   LP4              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W72       2443156.04 1977 Jan 12 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W73       2443156.14 1977 Jan 12 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W74       2443156.14 1977 Jan 12 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W75       2443156.17 1977 Jan 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W76       2443156.19 1977 Jan 12 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W77       2443156.21 1977 Jan 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W78       2443156.24 1977 Jan 12 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W79       2443156.30 1977 Jan 12 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W80       2443156.34 1977 Jan 12 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W81       2443156.53 1977 Jan 13 0049:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W82       2443156.54 1977 Jan 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W83       2443156.55 1977 Jan 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W84       2443157.12 1977 Jan 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W85       2443157.20 1977 Jan 13 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W86       2443157.40 1977 Jan 13 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W87       2443158.07 1977 Jan 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W88       2443158.14 1977 Jan 14 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W89       2443158.17 1977 Jan 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W90       2443158.19 1977 Jan 14 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W91       2443158.19 1977 Jan 14 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W92       2443158.21 1977 Jan 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W93       2443158.23 1977 Jan 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W94       2443158.35 1977 Jan 14 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W95       2443158.39 1977 Jan 14 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W96       2443159.06 1977 Jan 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W97       2443161.10 1977 Jan 17 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W98       2443161.17 1977 Jan 17 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR19,141             -
1977-W99       2443161.19 1977 Jan 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W100      2443161.20 1977 Jan 17 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W101      2443161.20 1977 Jan 17 1652:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W102      2443161.21 1977 Jan 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W103      2443161.31 1977 Jan 17 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W104      2443161.34 1977 Jan 17 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W105      2443161.36 1977 Jan 17 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W106      2443161.48 1977 Jan 17 2334:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W107      2443162.02 1977 Jan 18 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W108      2443162.17 1977 Jan 18 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W109      2443162.20 1977 Jan 18 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W110      2443162.20 1977 Jan 18 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W111      2443162.22 1977 Jan 18 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W112      2443162.26 1977 Jan 18 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W113      2443162.31 1977 Jan 18 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W114      2443162.33 1977 Jan 18 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W115      2443162.44 1977 Jan 18 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W116      2443163.07 1977 Jan 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W117      2443163.14 1977 Jan 19 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W118      2443163.15 1977 Jan 19 1535:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W119      2443163.19 1977 Jan 19 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W120      2443163.19 1977 Jan 19 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W121      2443163.21 1977 Jan 19 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W122      2443163.22 1977 Jan 19 1715:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W124      2443163.23 1977 Jan 19 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W123      2443163.23 1977 Jan 19 1730:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8414             Ozone Flight 144         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W125      2443163.26 1977 Jan 19 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W126      2443163.34 1977 Jan 19 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W127      2443163.38 1977 Jan 19 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W128      2443163.40 1977 Jan 19 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W129      2443163.40 1977 Jan 19 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W130      2443163.41 1977 Jan 19 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W131      2443163.54 1977 Jan 20 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W132      2443164.03 1977 Jan 20 1237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W133      2443164.12 1977 Jan 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W134      2443164.14 1977 Jan 20 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W135      2443164.17 1977 Jan 20 1610:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W136      2443164.23 1977 Jan 20 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W137      2443164.31 1977 Jan 20 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W138      2443164.47 1977 Jan 20 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W139      2443164.88 1977 Jan 21 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77A   LP6              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W140      2443165.09 1977 Jan 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W141      2443165.14 1977 Jan 21 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W142      2443165.16 1977 Jan 21 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W143      2443165.16 1977 Jan 21 1553:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W144      2443165.17 1977 Jan 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W145      2443165.17 1977 Jan 21 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W146      2443165.21 1977 Jan 21 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W147      2443165.31 1977 Jan 21 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W148      2443165.36 1977 Jan 21 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W149      2443165.46 1977 Jan 21 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W150      2443165.55 1977 Jan 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W151      2443166.15 1977 Jan 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W152      2443166.20 1977 Jan 22 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W153      2443166.21 1977 Jan 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W154      2443166.42 1977 Jan 22 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W155      2443166.47 1977 Jan 22 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W156      2443166.47 1977 Jan 22 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W157      2443166.94 1977 Jan 23 1036:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77A   LP7              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W158      2443167.16 1977 Jan 23 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W159      2443167.21 1977 Jan 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W160      2443167.25 1977 Jan 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W161      2443167.42 1977 Jan 23 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W162      2443167.47 1977 Jan 23 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W163      2443167.50 1977 Jan 24 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W164      2443168.10 1977 Jan 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W165      2443168.11 1977 Jan 24 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W166      2443168.15 1977 Jan 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W167      2443168.15 1977 Jan 24 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W168      2443168.17 1977 Jan 24 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W169      2443168.19 1977 Jan 24 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W170      2443168.21 1977 Jan 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W171      2443168.25 1977 Jan 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W172      2443168.46 1977 Jan 24 2256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W173      2443168.46 1977 Jan 24 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W174      2443168.50 1977 Jan 25 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W175      2443169.02 1977 Jan 25 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W176      2443169.14 1977 Jan 25 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W177      2443169.21 1977 Jan 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W178      2443169.35 1977 Jan 25 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W179      2443169.47 1977 Jan 25 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W180      2443170.07 1977 Jan 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W181      2443170.10 1977 Jan 26 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W182      2443170.15 1977 Jan 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W183      2443170.15 1977 Jan 26 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W184      2443170.17 1977 Jan 26 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W185      2443170.21 1977 Jan 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W186      2443170.32 1977 Jan 26 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W187      2443170.37 1977 Jan 26 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W188      2443170.40 1977 Jan 26 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W189      2443170.41 1977 Jan 26 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W190      2443170.58 1977 Jan 27 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W191      2443171.14 1977 Jan 27 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W192      2443171.14 1977 Jan 27 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W193      2443171.17 1977 Jan 27 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W194      2443171.19 1977 Jan 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W195      2443171.25 1977 Jan 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W196      2443171.32 1977 Jan 27 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W197      2443171.36 1977 Jan 27 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W198      2443171.40 1977 Jan 27 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W199      2443171.58 1977 Jan 28 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W200      2443172.07 1977 Jan 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W201      2443172.12 1977 Jan 28 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W202      2443172.12 1977 Jan 28 1450:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77A   LP10             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W203      2443172.17 1977 Jan 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W204      2443172.17 1977 Jan 28 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W205      2443172.18 1977 Jan 28 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W206      2443172.19 1977 Jan 28 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W207      2443172.25 1977 Jan 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W208      2443172.32 1977 Jan 28 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W209      2443172.36 1977 Jan 28 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W210      2443172.38 1977 Jan 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W211      2443172.42 1977 Jan 28 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W212      2443172.48 1977 Jan 28 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W213      2443172.50 1977 Jan 29 0001:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W214      2443173.16 1977 Jan 29 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W215      2443173.21 1977 Jan 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W216      2443173.25 1977 Jan 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W217      2443173.42 1977 Jan 29 2207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W218      2443173.47 1977 Jan 29 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W219      2443173.48 1977 Jan 29 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W220      2443174.15 1977 Jan 30 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W221      2443174.21 1977 Jan 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W222      2443174.25 1977 Jan 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W223      2443174.42 1977 Jan 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W224      2443174.47 1977 Jan 30 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W227      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W228      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W229      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W230      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W231      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W232      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W233      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W234      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W225      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W226      2443174.50 1977 Feb             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W235      2443175.08 1977 Jan 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W236      2443175.11 1977 Jan 31 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W237      2443175.18 1977 Jan 31 1618:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W238      2443175.19 1977 Jan 31 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W239      2443175.19 1977 Jan 31 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W240      2443175.21 1977 Jan 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W241      2443175.23 1977 Jan 31 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W242      2443175.27 1977 Jan 31 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W243      2443175.32 1977 Jan 31 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W244      2443175.46 1977 Jan 31 2303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W245      2443176.19 1977 Feb  1 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W246      2443176.21 1977 Feb  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W247      2443176.29 1977 Feb  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W248      2443176.37 1977 Feb  1 2048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W249      2443176.40 1977 Feb  1 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W250      2443176.42 1977 Feb  1 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W251      2443176.94 1977 Feb 02 1030:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W252      2443177.02 1977 Feb  2 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W253      2443177.07 1977 Feb  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W254      2443177.10 1977 Feb  2 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W255      2443177.17 1977 Feb  2 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W256      2443177.19 1977 Feb  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W257      2443177.21 1977 Feb  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W258      2443177.21 1977 Feb  2 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W259      2443177.44 1977 Feb  2 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W260      2443177.49 1977 Feb  2 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W261      2443177.54 1977 Feb  3 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W262      2443177.67 1977 Feb  3 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W263      2443178.14 1977 Feb  3 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W264      2443178.19 1977 Feb  3 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W265      2443178.21 1977 Feb  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W266      2443178.21 1977 Feb  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W267      2443178.31 1977 Feb  3 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W268      2443178.40 1977 Feb  3 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W269      2443178.52 1977 Feb  4 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W270      2443178.58 1977 Feb  4 0148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W271      2443179.02 1977 Feb  4 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W272      2443179.11 1977 Feb  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W273      2443179.16 1977 Feb  4 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W274      2443179.19 1977 Feb  4 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W275      2443179.19 1977 Feb  4 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W276      2443179.20 1977 Feb  4 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W277      2443179.27 1977 Feb  4 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W278      2443179.30 1977 Feb  4 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W279      2443179.37 1977 Feb  4 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W280      2443179.39 1977 Feb  4 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W281      2443179.39 1977 Feb  4 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W282      2443179.40 1977 Feb  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W283      2443179.49 1977 Feb  4 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W284      2443179.53 1977 Feb  5 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W285      2443180.49 1977 Feb  5 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W286      2443180.58 1977 Feb 06 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77B   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W287      2443181.49 1977 Feb  6 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W288      2443182.02 1977 Feb  7 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W289      2443182.14 1977 Feb  7 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W290      2443182.15 1977 Feb  7 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W291      2443182.17 1977 Feb  7 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W292      2443182.21 1977 Feb  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W293      2443182.21 1977 Feb  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W294      2443182.26 1977 Feb  7 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W295      2443182.30 1977 Feb  7 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W296      2443182.38 1977 Feb  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W297      2443182.40 1977 Feb  7 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W298      2443182.48 1977 Feb  7 2337:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W299      2443183.11 1977 Feb  8 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W300      2443183.13 1977 Feb  8 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W301      2443183.15 1977 Feb  8 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W302      2443183.17 1977 Feb  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W303      2443183.19 1977 Feb  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W304      2443183.21 1977 Feb  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W305      2443183.26 1977 Feb  8 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W306      2443183.29 1977 Feb  8 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W307      2443183.42 1977 Feb  8 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W308      2443183.49 1977 Feb  8 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W309      2443183.49 1977 Feb  8 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W310      2443184.09 1977 Feb  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W311      2443184.14 1977 Feb  9 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W312      2443184.17 1977 Feb  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W313      2443184.17 1977 Feb 09 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W314      2443184.19 1977 Feb  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W315      2443184.21 1977 Feb  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W316      2443184.21 1977 Feb  9 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W317      2443184.28 1977 Feb  9 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W318      2443184.30 1977 Feb  9 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W319      2443184.32 1977 Feb  9 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W320      2443184.40 1977 Feb  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W321      2443184.40 1977 Feb  9 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W322      2443184.43 1977 Feb  9 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W323      2443185.17 1977 Feb 10 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W324      2443185.19 1977 Feb 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W325      2443185.21 1977 Feb 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W326      2443185.28 1977 Feb 10 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W327      2443185.29 1977 Feb 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W328      2443185.40 1977 Feb 10 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W329      2443185.56 1977 Feb 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W330      2443186.00 1977 Feb 11 1207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W331      2443186.10 1977 Feb 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W332      2443186.15 1977 Feb 11 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR19,141             -
1977-W333      2443186.16 1977 Feb 11 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W334      2443186.21 1977 Feb 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W335      2443186.29 1977 Feb 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      Winter Strato        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             SR19,141             -
1977-W336      2443186.32 1977 Feb 11 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W337      2443186.37 1977 Feb 11 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W338      2443186.42 1977 Feb 11 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W339      2443186.50 1977 Feb 12 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W340      2443187.49 1977 Feb 12 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W341      2443187.62 1977 Feb 13 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77B   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W342      2443188.49 1977 Feb 13 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W343      2443189.07 1977 Feb 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W344      2443189.17 1977 Feb 14 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W345      2443189.19 1977 Feb 14 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W346      2443189.19 1977 Feb 14 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W347      2443189.25 1977 Feb 14 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W348      2443189.27 1977 Feb 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W349      2443189.27 1977 Feb 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W350      2443189.35 1977 Feb 14 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W351      2443189.41 1977 Feb 14 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W352      2443189.55 1977 Feb 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W353      2443190.29 1977 Feb 15 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W354      2443190.29 1977 Feb 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W355      2443190.52 1977 Feb 16 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W356      2443191.07 1977 Feb 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W357      2443191.12 1977 Feb 16 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W358      2443191.14 1977 Feb 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W359      2443191.16 1977 Feb 16 1545:59  Super Loki               -      T 1-8691             Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W360      2443191.19 1977 Feb 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W361      2443191.23 1977 Feb 16 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W362      2443191.23 1977 Feb 16 1732:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8415             Ozone Flight 145         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W363      2443191.25 1977 Feb 16 1807:00  Super Loki               -      TH1-8708             Ozone Flight 146         -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W364      2443191.26 1977 Feb 16 1812:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8418             Ozone Flight 147         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W365      2443191.27 1977 Feb 16 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W366      2443191.32 1977 Feb 16 1944:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W367      2443191.39 1977 Feb 16 2120:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W368      2443191.40 1977 Feb 16 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W369      2443191.50 1977 Feb 17 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W370      2443192.26 1977 Feb 17 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W371      2443192.33 1977 Feb 17 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W372      2443192.40 1977 Feb 17 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W373      2443192.41 1977 Feb 17 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W374      2443192.50 1977 Feb 17 2353:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W375      2443193.14 1977 Feb 18 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W376      2443193.15 1977 Feb 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W377      2443193.19 1977 Feb 18 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W378      2443193.27 1977 Feb 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W379      2443193.31 1977 Feb 18 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W380      2443196.11 1977 Feb 21 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W381      2443196.20 1977 Feb 21 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W382      2443197.03 1977 Feb 22 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W383      2443197.17 1977 Feb 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W384      2443197.18 1977 Feb 22 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W385      2443197.26 1977 Feb 22 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W386      2443197.31 1977 Feb 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W387      2443197.38 1977 Feb 22 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W388      2443197.40 1977 Feb 22 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W389      2443198.07 1977 Feb 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W390      2443198.11 1977 Feb 23 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W391      2443198.12 1977 Feb 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W392      2443198.15 1977 Feb 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W394      2443198.21 1977 Feb 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W393      2443198.21 1977 Feb 23 1700:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 148     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W395      2443198.24 1977 Feb 23 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W396      2443198.27 1977 Feb 23 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W397      2443198.33 1977 Feb 23 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W398      2443198.40 1977 Feb 23 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W399      2443198.43 1977 Feb 23 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W400      2443198.56 1977 Feb 24 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T18           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1977-W401      2443198.59 1977 Feb 24 0206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W402      2443198.63 1977 Feb 24 0307:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W403      2443199.18 1977 Feb 24 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W404      2443199.20 1977 Feb 24 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W405      2443199.35 1977 Feb 24 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W406      2443199.42 1977 Feb 24 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W407      2443200.01 1977 Feb 25 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W408      2443200.07 1977 Feb 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W409      2443200.14 1977 Feb 25 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W410      2443200.27 1977 Feb 25 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W411      2443200.27 1977 Feb 25 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W412      2443200.28 1977 Feb 25 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W413      2443200.35 1977 Feb 25 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W414      2443201.58 1977 Feb 27 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77B   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W419      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W420      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W421      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W422      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W423      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W424      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W415      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W416      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W417      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W418      2443202.50 1977 Mar             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W425      2443203.10 1977 Feb 28 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W426      2443203.11 1977 Feb 28 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W427      2443203.19 1977 Feb 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W428      2443203.21 1977 Feb 28 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W429      2443203.27 1977 Feb 28 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W430      2443203.28 1977 Feb 28 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W431      2443203.47 1977 Feb 28 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W432      2443203.48 1977 Feb 28 2337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W433      2443204.19 1977 Mar  1 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W434      2443204.58 1977 Mar 02 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W435      2443204.64 1977 Mar  2 0326:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W436      2443205.01 1977 Mar  2 1215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W437      2443205.07 1977 Mar  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W438      2443205.08 1977 Mar  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W439      2443205.11 1977 Mar  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W440      2443205.14 1977 Mar  2 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W441      2443205.19 1977 Mar  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W442      2443205.26 1977 Mar  2 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W443      2443205.27 1977 Mar  2 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W444      2443205.30 1977 Mar  2 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W445      2443205.34 1977 Mar  2 2011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W446      2443205.36 1977 Mar  2 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W447      2443205.39 1977 Mar  2 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W448      2443205.41 1977 Mar  2 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W449      2443205.44 1977 Mar  2 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W450      2443205.47 1977 Mar  2 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W451      2443206.15 1977 Mar  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W452      2443206.50 1977 Mar  3 2357:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W453      2443206.58 1977 Mar 04 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W454      2443206.60 1977 Mar  4 0226:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W455      2443207.02 1977 Mar  4 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W456      2443207.10 1977 Mar  4 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W457      2443207.18 1977 Mar  4 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W458      2443207.19 1977 Mar  4 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W459      2443207.23 1977 Mar  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W460      2443207.28 1977 Mar  4 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W461      2443207.32 1977 Mar  4 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W462      2443207.70 1977 Mar  5 0447     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-09            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W463      2443210.02 1977 Mar  7 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W464      2443210.09 1977 Mar  7 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W465      2443210.09 1977 Mar  7 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W466      2443210.18 1977 Mar  7 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W467      2443210.19 1977 Mar  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W468      2443210.25 1977 Mar  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W469      2443210.31 1977 Mar  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W470      2443210.32 1977 Mar  7 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W471      2443210.50 1977 Mar  8 0003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W472      2443210.67 1977 Mar  8 0406     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-08            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W473      2443211.16 1977 Mar  8 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W474      2443211.25 1977 Mar  8 1804:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W475      2443211.62 1977 Mar 09 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W476      2443211.94 1977 Mar 09 1032:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W477      2443212.02 1977 Mar  9 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W478      2443212.05 1977 Mar  9 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W479      2443212.16 1977 Mar  9 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W480      2443212.19 1977 Mar  9 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W481      2443212.22 1977 Mar  9 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W482      2443212.22 1977 Mar  9 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W483      2443212.26 1977 Mar  9 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W484      2443212.31 1977 Mar  9 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W485      2443212.32 1977 Mar  9 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W486      2443212.55 1977 Mar 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W487      2443212.75 1977 Mar 10 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W488      2443213.50 1977 Mar 10 2354:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W489      2443213.58 1977 Mar 11 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W490      2443214.01 1977 Mar 11 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W491      2443214.13 1977 Mar 11 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W492      2443214.17 1977 Mar 11 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W493      2443214.18 1977 Mar 11 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W494      2443214.18 1977 Mar 11 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W495      2443214.19 1977 Mar 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W496      2443214.20 1977 Mar 11 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W497      2443214.21 1977 Mar 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W498      2443214.25 1977 Mar 11 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W499      2443214.36 1977 Mar 11 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W500      2443214.71 1977 Mar 12 0500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77C   LP1              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W501      2443217.07 1977 Mar 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W502      2443217.13 1977 Mar 14 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W503      2443217.14 1977 Mar 14 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W504      2443217.20 1977 Mar 14 1643:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W505      2443217.20 1977 Mar 14 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W506      2443217.27 1977 Mar 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W507      2443217.30 1977 Mar 14 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W508      2443217.35 1977 Mar 14 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W509      2443218.21 1977 Mar 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W510      2443218.24 1977 Mar 15 1746:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W511      2443218.50 1977 Mar 16 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W512      2443219.00 1977 Mar 16 1207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W513      2443219.11 1977 Mar 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W514      2443219.12 1977 Mar 16 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W515      2443219.12 1977 Mar 16 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W516      2443219.14 1977 Mar 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W517      2443219.15 1977 Mar 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W518      2443219.18 1977 Mar 16 1612:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W519      2443219.19 1977 Mar 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W521      2443219.21 1977 Mar 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W520      2443219.21 1977 Mar 16 1700:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8416             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W522      2443219.26 1977 Mar 16 1819:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 150     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W523      2443219.28 1977 Mar 16 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W524      2443219.47 1977 Mar 16 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W525      2443219.62 1977 Mar 17 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W526      2443219.92 1977 Mar 17 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W527      2443220.14 1977 Mar 17 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W528      2443220.26 1977 Mar 17 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W529      2443220.50 1977 Mar 17 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W530      2443220.61 1977 Mar 18 0240:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W531      2443220.88 1977 Mar 18 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W532      2443221.02 1977 Mar 18 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W533      2443221.11 1977 Mar 18 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W534      2443221.14 1977 Mar 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W535      2443221.16 1977 Mar 18 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W536      2443221.17 1977 Mar 18 1608:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W537      2443221.19 1977 Mar 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W538      2443221.30 1977 Mar 18 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W539      2443221.36 1977 Mar 18 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W540      2443221.62 1977 Mar 19 0248:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W541      2443224.09 1977 Mar 21 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W542      2443224.12 1977 Mar 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W543      2443224.19 1977 Mar 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W544      2443224.31 1977 Mar 21 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W545      2443225.03 1977 Mar 22 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W546      2443225.19 1977 Mar 22 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W547      2443225.19 1977 Mar 22 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W548      2443225.30 1977 Mar 22 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W549      2443225.51 1977 Mar 23 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W550      2443225.67 1977 Mar 23 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W551      2443225.96 1977 Mar 23 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP3              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W552      2443226.01 1977 Mar 23 1211:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W553      2443226.12 1977 Mar 23 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W554      2443226.13 1977 Mar 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W555      2443226.15 1977 Mar 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W556      2443226.15 1977 Mar 23 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W557      2443226.19 1977 Mar 23 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W558      2443226.19 1977 Mar 23 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W559      2443226.25 1977 Mar 23 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W560      2443226.32 1977 Mar 23 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W561      2443226.32 1977 Mar 23 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W562      2443226.38 1977 Mar 23 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W563      2443227.13 1977 Mar 24 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W564      2443227.20 1977 Mar 24 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W565      2443227.58 1977 Mar 25 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W566      2443227.58 1977 Mar 25 0200:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W567      2443227.62 1977 Mar 25 0300:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W568      2443227.92 1977 Mar 25 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP4              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W569      2443228.02 1977 Mar 25 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W570      2443228.10 1977 Mar 25 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W571      2443228.14 1977 Mar 25 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W572      2443228.17 1977 Mar 25 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W573      2443228.18 1977 Mar 25 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W574      2443228.25 1977 Mar 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W575      2443228.48 1977 Mar 25 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W576      2443228.55 1977 Mar 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W577      2443231.05 1977 Mar 28 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W578      2443231.10 1977 Mar 28 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W579      2443231.10 1977 Mar 28 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W580      2443231.17 1977 Mar 28 1557:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W581      2443231.17 1977 Mar 28 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W582      2443231.22 1977 Mar 28 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W583      2443231.23 1977 Mar 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W584      2443231.25 1977 Mar 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W585      2443231.29 1977 Mar 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W586      2443231.31 1977 Mar 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W587      2443232.14 1977 Mar 29 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W588      2443232.19 1977 Mar 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W589      2443232.21 1977 Mar 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W590      2443232.50 1977 Mar 29 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W591      2443232.92 1977 Mar 30 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP5              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W592      2443233.02 1977 Mar 30 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W593      2443233.09 1977 Mar 30 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W594      2443233.11 1977 Mar 30 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W595      2443233.15 1977 Mar 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W596      2443233.18 1977 Mar 30 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W597      2443233.21 1977 Mar 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W598      2443233.26 1977 Mar 30 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W599      2443233.28 1977 Mar 30 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W600      2443233.33 1977 Mar 30 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W601      2443233.35 1977 Mar 30 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W602      2443233.67 1977 Mar 31 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W603      2443233.75 1977 Mar 31 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W604      2443234.20 1977 Mar 31 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W605      2443234.23 1977 Mar 31 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W606      2443235.07 1977 Apr  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W607      2443235.11 1977 Apr 01 1440:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-8722             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W608      2443235.12 1977 Apr  1 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W609      2443235.15 1977 Apr  1 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W610      2443235.16 1977 Apr  1 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W611      2443235.17 1977 Apr  1 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W612      2443235.19 1977 Apr  1 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W613      2443235.25 1977 Apr  1 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W614      2443235.30 1977 Apr  1 1917:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W615      2443235.35 1977 Apr  1 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W616      2443235.42 1977 Apr  1 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W617      2443235.55 1977 Apr  2 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W618      2443236.62 1977 Apr 03 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77B   LP4              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W619      2443237.67 1977 Apr 04 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77B   LP5              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W620      2443238.01 1977 Apr  4 1220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W621      2443238.10 1977 Apr  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W622      2443238.11 1977 Apr  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W623      2443238.12 1977 Apr  4 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W624      2443238.19 1977 Apr  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W625      2443238.21 1977 Apr  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W626      2443238.25 1977 Apr  4 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W627      2443238.29 1977 Apr  4 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W628      2443238.33 1977 Apr  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W629      2443239.49 1977 Apr  5 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W630      2443240.01 1977 Apr  6 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W631      2443240.12 1977 Apr  6 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W632      2443240.12 1977 Apr  6 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W633      2443240.18 1977 Apr  6 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W634      2443240.18 1977 Apr  6 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W635      2443240.19 1977 Apr  6 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W636      2443240.23 1977 Apr  6 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W637      2443240.23 1977 Apr  6 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W638      2443240.35 1977 Apr  6 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W639      2443240.39 1977 Apr  6 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W640      2443240.42 1977 Apr  6 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W641      2443241.21 1977 Apr  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W642      2443241.40 1977 Apr  7 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W643      2443242.09 1977 Apr  8 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W644      2443242.11 1977 Apr  8 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W645      2443242.14 1977 Apr  8 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W646      2443242.18 1977 Apr  8 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W647      2443242.26 1977 Apr  8 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W648      2443242.39 1977 Apr  8 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W649      2443245.00 1977 Apr 11 1204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W650      2443245.11 1977 Apr 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W651      2443245.17 1977 Apr 11 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W652      2443245.20 1977 Apr 11 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W653      2443245.26 1977 Apr 11 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W654      2443245.28 1977 Apr 11 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W655      2443246.23 1977 Apr 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W656      2443246.50 1977 Apr 12 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W657      2443246.62 1977 Apr 13 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77E   LP1              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W658      2443247.02 1977 Apr 13 1227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W659      2443247.12 1977 Apr 13 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W660      2443247.15 1977 Apr 13 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W661      2443247.17 1977 Apr 13 1606:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W662      2443247.17 1977 Apr 13 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W663      2443247.19 1977 Apr 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W664      2443247.21 1977 Apr 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W665      2443247.23 1977 Apr 13 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W666      2443247.25 1977 Apr 13 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W667      2443247.33 1977 Apr 13 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W668      2443247.34 1977 Apr 13 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W669      2443247.36 1977 Apr 13 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W670      2443247.52 1977 Apr 14 0032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W671      2443247.71 1977 Apr 14 0500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W672      2443247.92 1977 Apr 14 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP6              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W673      2443248.03 1977 Apr 14 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W674      2443248.14 1977 Apr 14 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W675      2443249.12 1977 Apr 15 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W676      2443249.17 1977 Apr 15 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W677      2443249.18 1977 Apr 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W678      2443249.18 1977 Apr 15 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W679      2443249.19 1977 Apr 15 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W680      2443249.19 1977 Apr 15 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W681      2443249.38 1977 Apr 15 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W682      2443249.40 1977 Apr 15 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W683      2443252.00 1977 Apr 18 1206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W684      2443252.12 1977 Apr 18 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W685      2443252.18 1977 Apr 18 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W686      2443252.21 1977 Apr 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W687      2443252.23 1977 Apr 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W688      2443252.25 1977 Apr 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W689      2443252.32 1977 Apr 18 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W690      2443252.46 1977 Apr 18 2308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W691      2443252.92 1977 Apr 19 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP7              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W692      2443253.42 1977 Apr 19 2158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W693      2443253.88 1977 Apr 20 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP8              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W694      2443254.02 1977 Apr 20 1225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W695      2443254.07 1977 Apr 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W696      2443254.08 1977 Apr 20 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W697      2443254.15 1977 Apr 20 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W698      2443254.16 1977 Apr 20 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W699      2443254.18 1977 Apr 20 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W700      2443254.21 1977 Apr 20 1704:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W701      2443254.23 1977 Apr 20 1730:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W702      2443254.25 1977 Apr 20 1800:00  Super Loki               -      TH1-8710             -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W703      2443254.25 1977 Apr 20 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W704      2443254.27 1977 Apr 20 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W705      2443254.32 1977 Apr 20 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W706      2443254.33 1977 Apr 20 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W707      2443254.56 1977 Apr 21 0123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W708      2443254.88 1977 Apr 21 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP8              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W709      2443255.15 1977 Apr 21 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W710      2443256.02 1977 Apr 22 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W711      2443256.08 1977 Apr 22 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W712      2443256.12 1977 Apr 22 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W713      2443256.14 1977 Apr 22 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W714      2443256.18 1977 Apr 22 1612:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W715      2443256.18 1977 Apr 22 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W716      2443256.19 1977 Apr 22 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W717      2443256.26 1977 Apr 22 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W718      2443256.40 1977 Apr 22 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W719      2443256.55 1977 Apr 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W720      2443256.88 1977 Apr 23 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP9              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W721      2443259.01 1977 Apr 25 1211:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W722      2443259.13 1977 Apr 25 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W723      2443259.17 1977 Apr 25 1606:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W724      2443259.25 1977 Apr 25 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W725      2443259.26 1977 Apr 25 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W726      2443259.27 1977 Apr 25 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W727      2443259.34 1977 Apr 25 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W728      2443259.88 1977 Apr 26 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP10             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W729      2443260.15 1977 Apr 26 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W730      2443260.19 1977 Apr 26 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W731      2443260.21 1977 Apr 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W732      2443260.38 1977 Apr 26 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M26       2443260.50 1977 Apr 27          Sergeant                 -      -                    -                        RB350 Training           -                        -         NAMFI?   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 BWEHR        MS   -                        OT                      -                    -
1977-W733      2443261.02 1977 Apr 27 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W734      2443261.10 1977 Apr 27 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W735      2443261.14 1977 Apr 27 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W736      2443261.16 1977 Apr 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W737      2443261.19 1977 Apr 27 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W738      2443261.19 1977 Apr 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W739      2443261.21 1977 Apr 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W740      2443261.26 1977 Apr 27 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W741      2443261.36 1977 Apr 27 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W742      2443261.40 1977 Apr 27 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W743      2443261.47 1977 Apr 27 2312:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W744      2443262.40 1977 Apr 28 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W745      2443262.71 1977 Apr 29 0500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77E   LP2              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W746      2443263.07 1977 Apr 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W747      2443263.12 1977 Apr 29 1447:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W748      2443263.12 1977 Apr 29 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W749      2443263.16 1977 Apr 29 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W750      2443263.16 1977 Apr 29 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W751      2443263.19 1977 Apr 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W752      2443263.25 1977 Apr 29 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W753      2443263.33 1977 Apr 29 1958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W754      2443263.33 1977 Apr 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W755      2443263.44 1977 Apr 29 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W756      2443263.50 1977 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W758      2443263.96 1977 Apr 30 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP1              -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W759      2443266.08 1977 May  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W760      2443266.15 1977 May  2 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W761      2443266.18 1977 May  2 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W762      2443266.18 1977 May  2 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W763      2443266.18 1977 May  2 1623:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W764      2443266.21 1977 May  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W765      2443266.25 1977 May  2 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W766      2443266.27 1977 May  2 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W767      2443266.33 1977 May  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W768      2443266.38 1977 May  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W769      2443266.58 1977 May  3 0201:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W770      2443266.96 1977 May 03 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS77D   LP11             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W771      2443267.05 1977 May  3 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W772      2443267.27 1977 May  3 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W773      2443267.58 1977 May 04 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W774      2443268.08 1977 May  4 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W775      2443268.11 1977 May  4 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W776      2443268.12 1977 May  4 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W777      2443268.15 1977 May  4 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W778      2443268.17 1977 May  4 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W779      2443268.19 1977 May  4 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W780      2443268.19 1977 May  4 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W781      2443268.22 1977 May  4 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W782      2443268.29 1977 May  4 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W783      2443268.37 1977 May  4 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W784      2443268.50 1977 May  5 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W785      2443268.56 1977 May  5 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W786      2443269.14 1977 May  5 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W787      2443269.25 1977 May  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W788      2443269.71 1977 May 06 0500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W789      2443270.07 1977 May  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W790      2443270.12 1977 May  6 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W791      2443270.12 1977 May  6 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W792      2443270.14 1977 May  6 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W793      2443270.17 1977 May  6 1559:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W794      2443270.18 1977 May  6 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W795      2443270.19 1977 May  6 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W796      2443270.19 1977 May  6 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W797      2443270.30 1977 May  6 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W798      2443270.35 1977 May  6 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W799      2443270.38 1977 May  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W800      2443270.38 1977 May  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W801      2443270.55 1977 May  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W802      2443273.12 1977 May  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W803      2443273.14 1977 May  9 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W804      2443273.19 1977 May  9 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W805      2443273.20 1977 May  9 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W806      2443273.22 1977 May  9 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W807      2443273.28 1977 May  9 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W808      2443273.33 1977 May  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W809      2443273.38 1977 May  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W810      2443274.25 1977 May 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W811      2443274.44 1977 May 10 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W812      2443274.58 1977 May 11 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W813      2443275.10 1977 May 11 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W814      2443275.11 1977 May 11 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W815      2443275.13 1977 May 11 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W816      2443275.14 1977 May 11 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W817      2443275.18 1977 May 11 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W818      2443275.18 1977 May 11 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W819      2443275.20 1977 May 11 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W820      2443275.20 1977 May 11 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W821      2443275.27 1977 May 11 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W822      2443275.36 1977 May 11 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W823      2443276.19 1977 May 12 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W824      2443277.11 1977 May 13 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W825      2443277.13 1977 May 13 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W826      2443277.14 1977 May 13 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W827      2443277.18 1977 May 13 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W828      2443277.18 1977 May 13 1625:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W829      2443277.19 1977 May 13 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W830      2443277.29 1977 May 13 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W831      2443277.34 1977 May 13 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W832      2443277.49 1977 May 13 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W833      2443280.16 1977 May 16 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W834      2443280.17 1977 May 16 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W835      2443280.18 1977 May 16 1618:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W836      2443280.23 1977 May 16 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W837      2443280.24 1977 May 16 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W838      2443280.27 1977 May 16 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W839      2443280.38 1977 May 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W840      2443280.39 1977 May 16 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W841      2443280.49 1977 May 16 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W842      2443281.05 1977 May 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W843      2443281.18 1977 May 17 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W844      2443281.19 1977 May 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W845      2443281.29 1977 May 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W846      2443281.58 1977 May 18 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W847      2443281.79 1977 May 18 0655:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W848      2443282.07 1977 May 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W849      2443282.07 1977 May 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W850      2443282.08 1977 May 18 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W851      2443282.15 1977 May 18 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W852      2443282.17 1977 May 18 1600:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W853      2443282.18 1977 May 18 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W854      2443282.18 1977 May 18 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W855      2443282.19 1977 May 18 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W856      2443282.19 1977 May 18 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W857      2443282.19 1977 May 18 1638:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 154     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W858      2443282.21 1977 May 18 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W859      2443282.26 1977 May 18 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W860      2443282.26 1977 May 18 1813:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 155     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W861      2443282.29 1977 May 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W862      2443282.31 1977 May 18 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W863      2443282.38 1977 May 18 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W864      2443284.10 1977 May 20 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W865      2443284.11 1977 May 20 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W866      2443284.11 1977 May 20 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W867      2443284.13 1977 May 20 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W868      2443284.18 1977 May 20 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W869      2443284.19 1977 May 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W870      2443284.25 1977 May 20 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W871      2443284.26 1977 May 20 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W872      2443284.38 1977 May 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W873      2443284.39 1977 May 20 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W874      2443284.53 1977 May 21 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W875      2443284.54 1977 May 21 0058:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W876      2443287.02 1977 May 23 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W877      2443287.23 1977 May 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W878      2443287.25 1977 May 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W879      2443287.30 1977 May 23 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W880      2443287.35 1977 May 23 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W881      2443287.46 1977 May 23 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W882      2443288.13 1977 May 24 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W883      2443288.64 1977 May 25 0320:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W884      2443289.03 1977 May 25 1241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W885      2443289.07 1977 May 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W886      2443289.10 1977 May 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W887      2443289.12 1977 May 25 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W888      2443289.12 1977 May 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W889      2443289.18 1977 May 25 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W890      2443289.19 1977 May 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W891      2443289.29 1977 May 25 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W892      2443289.34 1977 May 25 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W893      2443289.40 1977 May 25 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W894      2443289.51 1977 May 26 0018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W895      2443290.14 1977 May 26 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W896      2443290.38 1977 May 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W897      2443291.07 1977 May 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W898      2443291.11 1977 May 27 1434:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 1A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W899      2443291.11 1977 May 27 1440:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 1B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W900      2443291.12 1977 May 27 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W901      2443291.12 1977 May 27 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W902      2443291.12 1977 May 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W903      2443291.16 1977 May 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W904      2443291.19 1977 May 27 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W905      2443291.20 1977 May 27 1648:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W906      2443291.24 1977 May 27 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W907      2443291.28 1977 May 27 1838:59  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 2A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W908      2443291.28 1977 May 27 1845:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 2B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W909      2443291.29 1977 May 27 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W910      2443291.35 1977 May 27 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W911      2443291.38 1977 May 27 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W912      2443291.46 1977 May 27 2256:59  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 3A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W913      2443291.46 1977 May 27 2303:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 3B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W914      2443291.49 1977 May 27 2347:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W915      2443291.53 1977 May 28 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M21       2443291.60 1977 May 28 0230:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 4A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W916      2443291.61 1977 May 28 0240:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 4B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W917      2443291.77 1977 May 28 0630:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 5A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M22       2443291.78 1977 May 28 0647:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 5B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W918      2443291.95 1977 May 28 1041:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M24       2443291.95 1977 May 28 1042:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 6A    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W919      2443291.95 1977 May 28 1046:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M25       2443291.95 1977 May 28 1047:00  Super Loki               -      Intercomp prep 6B    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W920      2443294.13 1977 May 30 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W921      2443294.19 1977 May 30 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1922     2443294.50 1977 Jun             M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        [Dubious]                -                        KORO      GMS77H   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    SR19,127             -                    -
1977-W1923     2443294.50 1977 Jun             M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        [Dubious]                -                        KORO      GMS77H   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    SR19,127             -                    -
1977-W922      2443294.50 1977 May 31 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W923      2443295.13 1977 May 31 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W924      2443295.16 1977 May 31 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W925      2443295.22 1977 May 31 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W926      2443295.40 1977 May 31 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W927      2443295.42 1977 May 31 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W928      2443295.58 1977 Jun 01 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77E   LP3              -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W929      2443296.07 1977 Jun  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W930      2443296.10 1977 Jun  1 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W931      2443296.13 1977 Jun  1 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W932      2443296.14 1977 Jun  1 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W933      2443296.15 1977 Jun  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W934      2443296.19 1977 Jun  1 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W935      2443296.22 1977 Jun  1 1712:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W936      2443296.25 1977 Jun  1 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W937      2443296.26 1977 Jun  1 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W938      2443296.35 1977 Jun  1 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W939      2443296.44 1977 Jun  1 2235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W940      2443296.50 1977 Jun  2 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W941      2443296.56 1977 Jun  2 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W942      2443296.58 1977 Jun 02 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP1              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W943      2443297.19 1977 Jun  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W944      2443297.38 1977 Jun  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W945      2443297.67 1977 Jun 03 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77E   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W946      2443298.10 1977 Jun  3 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W947      2443298.12 1977 Jun  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W948      2443298.21 1977 Jun  3 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W949      2443298.25 1977 Jun  3 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W950      2443298.34 1977 Jun  3 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W951      2443298.38 1977 Jun  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W952      2443298.55 1977 Jun  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W953      2443298.67 1977 Jun 04 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77E   LP5              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W954      2443301.04 1977 Jun  6 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W955      2443301.18 1977 Jun  6 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W956      2443301.19 1977 Jun  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W957      2443301.34 1977 Jun  6 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W958      2443301.36 1977 Jun  6 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W959      2443301.55 1977 Jun  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W960      2443302.02 1977 Jun  7 1234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W961      2443302.58 1977 Jun 08 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W962      2443302.62 1977 Jun 08 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP2              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W963      2443303.07 1977 Jun  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W964      2443303.08 1977 Jun 08 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W965      2443303.11 1977 Jun  8 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W966      2443303.17 1977 Jun  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W967      2443303.17 1977 Jun  8 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W968      2443303.19 1977 Jun  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W969      2443303.21 1977 Jun  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W970      2443303.21 1977 Jun  8 1701:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W971      2443303.26 1977 Jun  8 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W972      2443303.27 1977 Jun  8 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W973      2443303.36 1977 Jun  8 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W974      2443303.50 1977 Jun  9 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W975      2443303.55 1977 Jun  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W976      2443304.00 1977 Jun  9 1202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W977      2443304.19 1977 Jun  9 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W978      2443304.27 1977 Jun  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W979      2443305.10 1977 Jun 10 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W980      2443305.12 1977 Jun 10 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W981      2443305.35 1977 Jun 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W982      2443305.55 1977 Jun 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W983      2443306.47 1977 Jun 11 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W984      2443307.48 1977 Jun 12 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W985      2443308.07 1977 Jun 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W986      2443308.08 1977 Jun 13 1352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W987      2443308.13 1977 Jun 13 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W988      2443308.15 1977 Jun 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W989      2443308.15 1977 Jun 13 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W990      2443308.17 1977 Jun 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W991      2443308.25 1977 Jun 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W992      2443308.48 1977 Jun 13 2324:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W993      2443309.05 1977 Jun 14 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W994      2443309.11 1977 Jun 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W995      2443309.13 1977 Jun 14 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W996      2443309.16 1977 Jun 14 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W997      2443309.27 1977 Jun 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W998      2443309.47 1977 Jun 14 2321:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W999      2443309.62 1977 Jun 15 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP3              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1000     2443309.67 1977 Jun 15 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP3              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1001     2443310.07 1977 Jun 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1002     2443310.07 1977 Jun 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1003     2443310.11 1977 Jun 15 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1004     2443310.11 1977 Jun 15 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1005     2443310.14 1977 Jun 15 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1006     2443310.15 1977 Jun 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1007     2443310.15 1977 Jun 15 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1008     2443310.18 1977 Jun 15 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1009     2443310.19 1977 Jun 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1010     2443310.19 1977 Jun 15 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1011     2443310.19 1977 Jun 15 1636:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 156     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1012     2443310.22 1977 Jun 15 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1013     2443310.25 1977 Jun 15 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1014     2443310.32 1977 Jun 15 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1015     2443310.39 1977 Jun 15 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1016     2443310.47 1977 Jun 15 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1017     2443311.04 1977 Jun 16 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1018     2443311.09 1977 Jun 16 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1019     2443311.14 1977 Jun 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1020     2443311.21 1977 Jun 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1021     2443311.38 1977 Jun 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1022     2443311.47 1977 Jun 16 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1023     2443311.50 1977 Jun 17 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1024     2443311.58 1977 Jun 17 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP4              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1025     2443312.03 1977 Jun 17 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1026     2443312.07 1977 Jun 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1027     2443312.12 1977 Jun 17 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1028     2443312.15 1977 Jun 17 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1029     2443312.26 1977 Jun 17 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1030     2443312.26 1977 Jun 17 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1031     2443312.27 1977 Jun 17 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1032     2443312.47 1977 Jun 17 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1033     2443312.52 1977 Jun 18 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1034     2443313.47 1977 Jun 18 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1035     2443314.47 1977 Jun 19 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1036     2443315.07 1977 Jun 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1037     2443315.09 1977 Jun 20 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1038     2443315.16 1977 Jun 20 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1039     2443315.18 1977 Jun 20 1623:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1040     2443315.23 1977 Jun 20 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1041     2443315.48 1977 Jun 20 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1042     2443315.50 1977 Jun 21 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1043     2443315.58 1977 Jun 21 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP5              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1044     2443315.99 1977 Jun 21 1141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1045     2443316.20 1977 Jun 21 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1046     2443316.47 1977 Jun 21 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1047     2443317.06 1977 Jun 22 1329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1048     2443317.08 1977 Jun 22 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP6              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1049     2443317.12 1977 Jun 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1050     2443317.15 1977 Jun 22 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1051     2443317.17 1977 Jun 22 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1052     2443317.18 1977 Jun 22 1625:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1053     2443317.19 1977 Jun 22 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1054     2443317.19 1977 Jun 22 1640:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP6              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1055     2443317.25 1977 Jun 22 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 157     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1056     2443317.26 1977 Jun 22 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1057     2443317.30 1977 Jun 22 1911:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 158     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1058     2443317.35 1977 Jun 22 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1059     2443317.41 1977 Jun 22 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1060     2443317.42 1977 Jun 22 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1061     2443317.47 1977 Jun 22 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1062     2443318.01 1977 Jun 23 1209:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1063     2443318.13 1977 Jun 23 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1064     2443318.40 1977 Jun 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1065     2443318.47 1977 Jun 23 2323:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1066     2443319.10 1977 Jun 24 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1067     2443319.13 1977 Jun 24 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1068     2443319.14 1977 Jun 24 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1069     2443319.17 1977 Jun 24 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1070     2443319.26 1977 Jun 24 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1071     2443319.34 1977 Jun 24 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1072     2443319.48 1977 Jun 24 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1073     2443320.47 1977 Jun 25 2319:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1074     2443320.58 1977 Jun 26 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP7              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1075     2443321.47 1977 Jun 26 2322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1076     2443322.03 1977 Jun 27 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1077     2443322.03 1977 Jun 27 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1078     2443322.09 1977 Jun 27 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1079     2443322.13 1977 Jun 27 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1080     2443322.14 1977 Jun 27 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1081     2443322.27 1977 Jun 27 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1082     2443322.27 1977 Jun 27 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1083     2443322.35 1977 Jun 27 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1084     2443322.49 1977 Jun 27 2344:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1085     2443322.52 1977 Jun 28 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1086     2443323.12 1977 Jun 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1087     2443323.50 1977 Jun 28 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1088     2443323.50 1977 Jun 29 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1089     2443323.62 1977 Jun 29 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP8              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1090     2443323.67 1977 Jun 29 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS77J   LP8              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1091     2443324.07 1977 Jun 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1092     2443324.10 1977 Jun 29 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1093     2443324.11 1977 Jun 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1094     2443324.12 1977 Jun 29 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1095     2443324.12 1977 Jun 29 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1096     2443324.14 1977 Jun 29 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1097     2443324.16 1977 Jun 29 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1098     2443324.17 1977 Jun 29 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1099     2443324.21 1977 Jun 29 1707:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1100     2443324.31 1977 Jun 29 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1101     2443324.50 1977 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1102     2443324.50 1977 Jul             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1103     2443324.50 1977 Jun 30 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1104     2443325.01 1977 Jun 30 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1105     2443325.17 1977 Jun 30 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1106     2443325.26 1977 Jun 30 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1107     2443325.35 1977 Jun 30 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1108     2443325.47 1977 Jun 30 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1109     2443326.21 1977 Jul  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1110     2443326.23 1977 Jul  1 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1111     2443326.25 1977 Jul  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1112     2443326.47 1977 Jul  1 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1113     2443327.47 1977 Jul  2 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1114     2443328.47 1977 Jul  3 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1115     2443329.13 1977 Jul  4 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1116     2443329.49 1977 Jul  4 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1117     2443330.21 1977 Jul  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1118     2443330.25 1977 Jul  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1119     2443330.25 1977 Jul  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1120     2443330.39 1977 Jul  5 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1121     2443330.48 1977 Jul  5 2329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1122     2443330.50 1977 Jul  6 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1123     2443331.11 1977 Jul  6 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1124     2443331.11 1977 Jul  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1125     2443331.12 1977 Jul  6 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1126     2443331.12 1977 Jul 06 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1127     2443331.13 1977 Jul  6 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1128     2443331.15 1977 Jul  6 1538:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1129     2443331.26 1977 Jul  6 1810:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1130     2443331.33 1977 Jul  6 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1131     2443331.40 1977 Jul  6 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1132     2443331.50 1977 Jul  7 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1133     2443332.36 1977 Jul  7 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1134     2443332.47 1977 Jul  7 2318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1135     2443332.50 1977 Jul  8 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1136     2443333.08 1977 Jul  8 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1137     2443333.14 1977 Jul  8 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1138     2443333.24 1977 Jul  8 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1139     2443333.49 1977 Jul  8 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1140     2443333.50 1977 Jul  9 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1141     2443334.47 1977 Jul  9 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1142     2443335.47 1977 Jul 10 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1143     2443336.11 1977 Jul 11 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1144     2443336.16 1977 Jul 11 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1145     2443336.25 1977 Jul 11 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1146     2443336.29 1977 Jul 11 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1147     2443336.47 1977 Jul 11 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1148     2443337.10 1977 Jul 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1149     2443337.23 1977 Jul 12 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1150     2443337.38 1977 Jul 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1151     2443337.47 1977 Jul 12 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1152     2443338.11 1977 Jul 13 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1153     2443338.13 1977 Jul 13 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1154     2443338.26 1977 Jul 13 1810:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1155     2443338.33 1977 Jul 13 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1156     2443338.36 1977 Jul 13 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1157     2443338.37 1977 Jul 13 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1158     2443338.38 1977 Jul 13 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1159     2443338.47 1977 Jul 13 2321:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M01       2443339.02 1977 Jul 14 1230     Orion                    -      NASA 12.27GT         Parachute Test           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Maksimovic          Test                     WDCRF                SRctCon6             -
1977-W1160     2443339.12 1977 Jul 14 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1161     2443339.15 1977 Jul 14 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1162     2443339.38 1977 Jul 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1163     2443339.50 1977 Jul 15 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1164     2443340.10 1977 Jul 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1165     2443340.14 1977 Jul 15 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1166     2443340.25 1977 Jul 15 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1167     2443340.27 1977 Jul 15 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1168     2443340.40 1977 Jul 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1169     2443340.45 1977 Jul 15 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1170     2443340.47 1977 Jul 15 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1171     2443341.10 1977 Jul 16 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1172     2443341.27 1977 Jul 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1173     2443341.38 1977 Jul 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1174     2443342.11 1977 Jul 17 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1175     2443342.29 1977 Jul 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1176     2443342.38 1977 Jul 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1177     2443342.47 1977 Jul 17 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1912     2443342.77 1977 Jul 18 0631     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP01             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1913     2443342.83 1977 Jul 18 0751     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP02             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1178     2443343.11 1977 Jul 18 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1179     2443343.12 1977 Jul 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1180     2443343.27 1977 Jul 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1181     2443343.29 1977 Jul 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1182     2443343.30 1977 Jul 18 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1183     2443343.30 1977 Jul 18 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1184     2443343.38 1977 Jul 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1185     2443343.38 1977 Jul 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1186     2443343.48 1977 Jul 18 2327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1187     2443344.14 1977 Jul 19 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1188     2443344.15 1977 Jul 19 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1189     2443344.21 1977 Jul 19 1703:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 159     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1190     2443344.27 1977 Jul 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1191     2443344.29 1977 Jul 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1192     2443344.42 1977 Jul 19 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1193     2443344.48 1977 Jul 19 2324:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1194     2443345.14 1977 Jul 20 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1195     2443345.20 1977 Jul 20 1641:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1196     2443345.21 1977 Jul 20 1706:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 160     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1197     2443345.23 1977 Jul 20 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1198     2443345.25 1977 Jul 20 1800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1199     2443345.25 1977 Jul 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1200     2443345.25 1977 Jul 20 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1201     2443345.26 1977 Jul 20 1820:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 161     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1202     2443345.27 1977 Jul 20 1830:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1203     2443345.28 1977 Jul 20 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1204     2443345.33 1977 Jul 20 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1205     2443345.38 1977 Jul 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1206     2443345.43 1977 Jul 20 2213:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 162     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1207     2443345.48 1977 Jul 20 2329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1208     2443345.50 1977 Jul 21 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1209     2443346.00 1977 Jul 21 1154:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 163     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1210     2443346.05 1977 Jul 21 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1211     2443346.10 1977 Jul 21 1428:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 164     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1212     2443346.21 1977 Jul 21 1703:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 165     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1213     2443346.25 1977 Jul 21 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1214     2443346.25 1977 Jul 21 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1215     2443346.26 1977 Jul 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1216     2443346.32 1977 Jul 21 1938:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 166     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1914     2443346.35 1977 Jul 21 2030     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP03             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1217     2443346.38 1977 Jul 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1915     2443346.42 1977 Jul 21 2200     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP04             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1218     2443346.43 1977 Jul 21 2213:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 167     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1219     2443346.47 1977 Jul 21 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1916     2443346.48 1977 Jul 21 2330     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP05             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1220     2443347.01 1977 Jul 22 1210:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 168     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1221     2443347.15 1977 Jul 22 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1222     2443347.18 1977 Jul 22 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1223     2443347.22 1977 Jul 22 1722:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 169     /T 1- ASRP Ozone               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1224     2443347.25 1977 Jul 22 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1225     2443347.29 1977 Jul 22 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1226     2443347.29 1977 Jul 22 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1227     2443347.38 1977 Jul 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1228     2443347.41 1977 Jul 22 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1229     2443347.48 1977 Jul 22 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1230     2443347.50 1977 Jul 23 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1233     2443348.10 1977 Jul 23 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1234     2443348.29 1977 Jul 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1235     2443348.40 1977 Jul 23 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1236     2443348.50 1977 Jul 23 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1231     2443348.67 1977 Jul 24 0402:00  Super Arcas              -      T 1-9103             Ozone Flight 31          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1232     2443348.68 1977 Jul 24 0415:00  Super Arcas              -      T 1-9104             Ozone Flight 32          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1237     2443349.09 1977 Jul 24 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1238     2443349.34 1977 Jul 24 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1239     2443349.42 1977 Jul 24 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1917     2443349.71 1977 Jul 25 0509     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP06             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1918     2443349.78 1977 Jul 25 0640     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP07             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1919     2443349.84 1977 Jul 25 0810     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP08             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1240     2443350.11 1977 Jul 25 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1241     2443350.11 1977 Jul 25 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1242     2443350.25 1977 Jul 25 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1243     2443350.27 1977 Jul 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1244     2443350.38 1977 Jul 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1245     2443351.10 1977 Jul 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1246     2443351.24 1977 Jul 26 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1247     2443351.27 1977 Jul 26 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1248     2443351.27 1977 Jul 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1249     2443351.38 1977 Jul 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1250     2443351.50 1977 Jul 27 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1920     2443351.63 1977 Jul 27 0304     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP09             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1251     2443351.67 1977 Jul 27 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77K   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1921     2443351.69 1977 Jul 27 0435     M-100B                   -      Intercomp prep       -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77H   LP10             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    RP-1053              SR19,127             -
1977-W1252     2443352.10 1977 Jul 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1253     2443352.10 1977 Jul 27 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1254     2443352.22 1977 Jul 27 1710:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1255     2443352.27 1977 Jul 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1256     2443352.27 1977 Jul 27 1830:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1257     2443352.29 1977 Jul 27 1900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1258     2443352.35 1977 Jul 27 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1259     2443352.38 1977 Jul 27 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1260     2443352.38 1977 Jul 27 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1261     2443352.39 1977 Jul 27 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1262     2443352.41 1977 Jul 27 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1263     2443352.50 1977 Jul 28 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1264     2443353.10 1977 Jul 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1265     2443353.26 1977 Jul 28 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1266     2443353.31 1977 Jul 28 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1267     2443353.38 1977 Jul 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1268     2443353.43 1977 Jul 28 2217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1269     2443353.88 1977 Jul 29 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1270     2443354.10 1977 Jul 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1271     2443354.13 1977 Jul 29 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1272     2443354.29 1977 Jul 29 1900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1273     2443354.31 1977 Jul 29 1932:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1274     2443354.33 1977 Jul 29 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1275     2443354.38 1977 Jul 29 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1276     2443354.41 1977 Jul 29 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1277     2443354.47 1977 Jul 29 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1278     2443354.50 1977 Jul 30 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1279     2443355.09 1977 Jul 30 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1280     2443355.26 1977 Jul 30 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1281     2443355.42 1977 Jul 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1282     2443355.47 1977 Jul 30 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1283     2443355.50 1977 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1284     2443355.50 1977 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1285     2443355.50 1977 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1286     2443355.50 1977 Aug             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1287     2443356.11 1977 Jul 31 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1288     2443356.29 1977 Jul 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1289     2443356.39 1977 Jul 31 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1290     2443356.47 1977 Jul 31 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1291     2443357.11 1977 Aug  1 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1292     2443357.12 1977 Aug  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1293     2443357.24 1977 Aug  1 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1294     2443357.25 1977 Aug  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1295     2443357.27 1977 Aug  1 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1296     2443357.40 1977 Aug  1 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1297     2443357.42 1977 Aug  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1298     2443358.11 1977 Aug  2 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1299     2443358.21 1977 Aug  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1300     2443358.25 1977 Aug  2 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1301     2443358.38 1977 Aug  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1302     2443358.48 1977 Aug  2 2337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1303     2443358.50 1977 Aug  3 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1304     2443359.12 1977 Aug  3 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1305     2443359.19 1977 Aug  3 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1306     2443359.23 1977 Aug  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1307     2443359.24 1977 Aug  3 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1308     2443359.29 1977 Aug  3 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1309     2443359.42 1977 Aug 03 2200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1310     2443359.43 1977 Aug  3 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1311     2443359.52 1977 Aug  4 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1312     2443360.11 1977 Aug  4 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1313     2443360.23 1977 Aug  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1314     2443360.34 1977 Aug  4 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1315     2443360.50 1977 Aug  5 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1316     2443361.10 1977 Aug  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1317     2443361.11 1977 Aug  5 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1318     2443361.18 1977 Aug  5 1617:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1319     2443361.21 1977 Aug  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1320     2443361.25 1977 Aug  5 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1321     2443361.25 1977 Aug  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1322     2443361.38 1977 Aug 05 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1323     2443361.41 1977 Aug  5 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1324     2443361.48 1977 Aug  5 2326:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1325     2443362.10 1977 Aug  6 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1326     2443362.21 1977 Aug  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1327     2443362.47 1977 Aug  6 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1328     2443363.28 1977 Aug  7 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1329     2443363.47 1977 Aug  7 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1330     2443364.10 1977 Aug  8 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1331     2443364.10 1977 Aug  8 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1332     2443364.12 1977 Aug  8 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1333     2443364.17 1977 Aug  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1334     2443364.21 1977 Aug  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1335     2443364.27 1977 Aug  8 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1336     2443364.47 1977 Aug  8 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1337     2443365.11 1977 Aug  9 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1338     2443365.24 1977 Aug  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1339     2443365.27 1977 Aug  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1340     2443365.48 1977 Aug  9 2326:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1341     2443365.79 1977 Aug 10 0700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-M23       2443366.08 1977 Aug 10 1400:00  Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 1  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    RP-1053              DSI-5850             -
1977-W1343     2443366.10 1977 Aug 10 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1344     2443366.21 1977 Aug 10 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1345     2443366.22 1977 Aug 10 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1346     2443366.25 1977 Aug 10 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1347     2443366.38 1977 Aug 10 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1348     2443366.47 1977 Aug 10 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1349     2443367.39 1977 Aug 11 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M02       2443367.68 1977 Aug 12 0419     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 2  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M03       2443367.79 1977 Aug 12 0659     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 3  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M04       2443367.96 1977 Aug 12 1100     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 4  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1350     2443368.20 1977 Aug 12 1641:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1351     2443368.21 1977 Aug 12 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1352     2443368.24 1977 Aug 12 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1353     2443368.27 1977 Aug 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1354     2443368.31 1977 Aug 12 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1355     2443368.38 1977 Aug 12 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1356     2443368.39 1977 Aug 12 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1357     2443371.15 1977 Aug 15 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1358     2443371.18 1977 Aug 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1359     2443371.18 1977 Aug 15 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1360     2443371.21 1977 Aug 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M05       2443371.24 1977 Aug 15 1744     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 5  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M06       2443371.31 1977 Aug 15 1930     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 6  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M07       2443371.32 1977 Aug 15 1942     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 6  Sphere            -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                    113      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1361     2443371.34 1977 Aug 15 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1362     2443371.37 1977 Aug 15 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M15       2443371.55 1977 Aug 16 0105     M-100B                   -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 7                    -                        -                        KORO      WI       LP2              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovskiy           Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M08       2443371.55 1977 Aug 16 0113     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 7  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1364     2443372.27 1977 Aug 16 1835     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 8  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              DSI-5850             -
1977-M10       2443372.33 1977 Aug 16 2000     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 9  Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1363     2443373.08 1977 Aug 17 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1365     2443373.15 1977 Aug 17 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1366     2443373.16 1977 Aug 17 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1367     2443373.19 1977 Aug 17 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1369     2443373.21 1977 Aug 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1368     2443373.21 1977 Aug 17 1700:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 170     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1370     2443373.22 1977 Aug 17 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1371     2443373.25 1977 Aug 17 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 171     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1372     2443373.26 1977 Aug 17 1821:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M11       2443373.35 1977 Aug 17 2025     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 10 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1373     2443373.37 1977 Aug 17 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1374     2443373.38 1977 Aug 17 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1375     2443373.39 1977 Aug 17 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1376     2443374.21 1977 Aug 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M12       2443374.55 1977 Aug 19 0116     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 11 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M13       2443374.62 1977 Aug 19 0300     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 12 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M14       2443374.73 1977 Aug 19 0537     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 13 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1377     2443375.10 1977 Aug 19 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1378     2443375.20 1977 Aug 19 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1379     2443375.21 1977 Aug 19 1709:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M16       2443375.33 1977 Aug 19 2000     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 14 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1380     2443375.38 1977 Aug 19 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1381     2443375.38 1977 Aug 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1382     2443375.38 1977 Aug 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M17       2443375.54 1977 Aug 20 0100     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 16 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1383     2443378.09 1977 Aug 22 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1384     2443378.20 1977 Aug 22 1654:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1385     2443378.22 1977 Aug 22 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1386     2443378.25 1977 Aug 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1387     2443378.28 1977 Aug 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1388     2443378.36 1977 Aug 22 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1389     2443378.38 1977 Aug 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M09       2443378.46 1977 Aug 22 2308     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 17 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M18       2443378.54 1977 Aug 23 0100     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 18 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1390     2443378.56 1977 Aug 23 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T19           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1977-M19       2443378.65 1977 Aug 23 0339     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 19 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-M20       2443379.56 1977 Aug 24 0128     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 20 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    RP-1053              -                    -
1977-W1910     2443379.62 1977 Aug 24 0300     Super Loki               -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 21 Datasonde         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Meteo                    SR19,127             -                    -
1977-W1911     2443379.63 1977 Aug 24 0308     M-100B                   -      US-USSR Intercomp    No. 21                   -                        -                        KORO      WI       LP2              -        -                     84      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   GMS/Ivanovksy            Meteo                    SR19,127             -                    -
1977-W1391     2443380.10 1977 Aug 24 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1392     2443380.11 1977 Aug 24 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1393     2443380.15 1977 Aug 24 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1394     2443380.16 1977 Aug 24 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1395     2443380.22 1977 Aug 24 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1396     2443380.28 1977 Aug 24 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1397     2443380.31 1977 Aug 24 1929:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1398     2443380.40 1977 Aug 24 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1399     2443380.47 1977 Aug 24 2318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1400     2443381.17 1977 Aug 25 1610:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1401     2443381.40 1977 Aug 25 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1402     2443381.56 1977 Aug 26 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T20           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1977-W1403     2443382.14 1977 Aug 26 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1404     2443382.15 1977 Aug 26 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1405     2443382.18 1977 Aug 26 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1406     2443382.27 1977 Aug 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1407     2443382.28 1977 Aug 26 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1408     2443382.38 1977 Aug 26 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1409     2443382.45 1977 Aug 26 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1410     2443385.10 1977 Aug 29 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1411     2443385.13 1977 Aug 29 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1412     2443385.15 1977 Aug 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1413     2443385.24 1977 Aug 29 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1414     2443385.24 1977 Aug 29 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1415     2443385.25 1977 Aug 29 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1416     2443385.31 1977 Aug 29 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1417     2443385.38 1977 Aug 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1418     2443385.38 1977 Aug 29 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1419     2443385.40 1977 Aug 29 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1420     2443386.50 1977 Sep             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1421     2443387.11 1977 Aug 31 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1422     2443387.12 1977 Aug 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1423     2443387.14 1977 Aug 31 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1424     2443387.17 1977 Aug 31 1607:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1425     2443387.21 1977 Aug 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1426     2443387.26 1977 Aug 31 1810:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1427     2443387.42 1977 Aug 31 2200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1428     2443388.35 1977 Sep  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1429     2443388.41 1977 Sep  1 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1430     2443389.14 1977 Sep  2 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1431     2443389.18 1977 Sep  2 1622:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1432     2443389.21 1977 Sep  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1433     2443389.25 1977 Sep  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1434     2443389.77 1977 Sep  3 0633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1435     2443390.09 1977 Sep  3 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1436     2443393.20 1977 Sep  6 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1437     2443393.28 1977 Sep  6 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1438     2443393.33 1977 Sep  6 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1439     2443393.38 1977 Sep  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1440     2443393.42 1977 Sep  6 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1441     2443393.58 1977 Sep 07 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS77K   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1442     2443394.11 1977 Sep  7 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1443     2443394.20 1977 Sep  7 1647:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1444     2443394.21 1977 Sep  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1445     2443394.26 1977 Sep  7 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1446     2443394.26 1977 Sep  7 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1447     2443394.55 1977 Sep  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1448     2443395.25 1977 Sep  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1449     2443396.11 1977 Sep  9 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1450     2443396.20 1977 Sep  9 1643:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1451     2443396.21 1977 Sep  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1452     2443396.25 1977 Sep  9 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1453     2443396.39 1977 Sep  9 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1454     2443396.40 1977 Sep  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1455     2443396.41 1977 Sep  9 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1456     2443399.17 1977 Sep 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1457     2443399.21 1977 Sep 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1458     2443399.37 1977 Sep 12 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1459     2443399.55 1977 Sep 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1460     2443400.17 1977 Sep 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1461     2443400.40 1977 Sep 13 2130:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1462     2443401.08 1977 Sep 14 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1463     2443401.08 1977 Sep 14 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1464     2443401.15 1977 Sep 14 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1465     2443401.15 1977 Sep 14 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1466     2443401.25 1977 Sep 14 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1467     2443401.25 1977 Sep 14 1802:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 172     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1468     2443401.27 1977 Sep 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1469     2443401.35 1977 Sep 14 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1470     2443401.40 1977 Sep 14 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1471     2443401.41 1977 Sep 14 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1472     2443403.10 1977 Sep 16 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1473     2443403.12 1977 Sep 16 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1474     2443403.14 1977 Sep 16 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1475     2443403.17 1977 Sep 16 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1476     2443403.25 1977 Sep 16 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1477     2443403.33 1977 Sep 16 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1478     2443403.39 1977 Sep 16 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1479     2443406.10 1977 Sep 19 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1480     2443406.11 1977 Sep 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1481     2443406.16 1977 Sep 19 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1482     2443406.19 1977 Sep 19 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1483     2443406.20 1977 Sep 19 1652:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1484     2443406.28 1977 Sep 19 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1485     2443406.33 1977 Sep 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1486     2443406.34 1977 Sep 19 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1487     2443407.25 1977 Sep 20 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1488     2443408.10 1977 Sep 21 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1489     2443408.11 1977 Sep 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1490     2443408.15 1977 Sep 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1491     2443408.19 1977 Sep 21 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1492     2443408.21 1977 Sep 21 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1493     2443408.21 1977 Sep 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1495     2443408.26 1977 Sep 21 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1494     2443408.26 1977 Sep 21 1810:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 173     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1496     2443408.39 1977 Sep 21 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1497     2443408.39 1977 Sep 21 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1498     2443408.55 1977 Sep 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1499     2443409.08 1977 Sep 22 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1500     2443409.26 1977 Sep 22 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1501     2443409.40 1977 Sep 22 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1502     2443409.42 1977 Sep 22 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1503     2443410.08 1977 Sep 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1504     2443410.09 1977 Sep 23 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1505     2443410.10 1977 Sep 23 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1506     2443410.12 1977 Sep 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1507     2443410.15 1977 Sep 23 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1508     2443410.21 1977 Sep 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1509     2443410.25 1977 Sep 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1510     2443411.21 1977 Sep 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1511     2443412.21 1977 Sep 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1512     2443413.09 1977 Sep 26 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1513     2443413.16 1977 Sep 26 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1514     2443413.17 1977 Sep 26 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1515     2443413.19 1977 Sep 26 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1516     2443413.20 1977 Sep 26 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1517     2443413.21 1977 Sep 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1518     2443413.37 1977 Sep 26 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1519     2443414.25 1977 Sep 27 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1520     2443414.33 1977 Sep 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1521     2443414.43 1977 Sep 27 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1522     2443415.08 1977 Sep 28 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1523     2443415.08 1977 Sep 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1524     2443415.10 1977 Sep 28 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1525     2443415.16 1977 Sep 28 1545:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1526     2443415.20 1977 Sep 28 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1527     2443415.21 1977 Sep 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1528     2443415.23 1977 Sep 28 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1529     2443415.28 1977 Sep 28 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1530     2443415.35 1977 Sep 28 2026:59  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1531     2443415.37 1977 Sep 28 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1532     2443416.25 1977 Sep 29 1807:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1533     2443416.31 1977 Sep 29 1930:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1534     2443416.43 1977 Sep 29 2219:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-M27       2443416.50 1977 Oct?            Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL Test                 -                        -                        -         TTR      5IN              -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/                     Test                     SandiaNews7712       -                    -
1977-M28       2443416.50 1977 Oct?            Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    BRL Test                 -                        -                        -         TTR      5IN              -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 BRL          SS   BRL/                     Test                     SandiaNews7712       -                    -
1977-W1535     2443416.50 1977 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1536     2443416.50 1977 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1537     2443416.59 1977 Sep 30 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1538     2443417.04 1977 Sep 30 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1539     2443417.11 1977 Sep 30 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1540     2443417.15 1977 Sep 30 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1541     2443417.18 1977 Sep 30 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1542     2443417.20 1977 Sep 30 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1543     2443417.24 1977 Sep 30 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1544     2443417.25 1977 Sep 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1545     2443417.33 1977 Sep 30 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1546     2443417.33 1977 Sep 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1547     2443420.12 1977 Oct  3 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1548     2443420.13 1977 Oct  3 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1549     2443420.22 1977 Oct  3 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1550     2443420.28 1977 Oct  3 1846:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1551     2443420.38 1977 Oct  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1552     2443420.52 1977 Oct  4 0032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1553     2443421.25 1977 Oct  4 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1554     2443422.12 1977 Oct  5 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1555     2443422.14 1977 Oct  5 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1556     2443422.15 1977 Oct  5 1530:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1557     2443422.16 1977 Oct  5 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1558     2443422.18 1977 Oct  5 1623:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1559     2443422.21 1977 Oct  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1560     2443422.35 1977 Oct  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1561     2443422.41 1977 Oct  5 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1562     2443424.14 1977 Oct  7 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1563     2443424.17 1977 Oct  7 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1564     2443424.17 1977 Oct  7 1608:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1565     2443424.21 1977 Oct  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1566     2443424.38 1977 Oct  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1567     2443424.38 1977 Oct  7 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1568     2443424.57 1977 Oct  8 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1569     2443424.58 1977 Oct 08 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1570     2443424.67 1977 Oct 08 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1571     2443427.17 1977 Oct 10 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1572     2443428.21 1977 Oct 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1573     2443428.33 1977 Oct 11 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1574     2443428.38 1977 Oct 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1575     2443428.38 1977 Oct 11 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1576     2443428.56 1977 Oct 12 0127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1577     2443429.15 1977 Oct 12 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1578     2443429.16 1977 Oct 12 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1579     2443429.21 1977 Oct 12 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1581     2443429.21 1977 Oct 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1580     2443429.21 1977 Oct 12 1700:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 175     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1582     2443429.23 1977 Oct 12 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1583     2443429.41 1977 Oct 12 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1584     2443429.56 1977 Oct 13 0121:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1585     2443429.58 1977 Oct 13 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1586     2443430.18 1977 Oct 13 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1587     2443430.33 1977 Oct 13 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1588     2443430.41 1977 Oct 13 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1589     2443431.14 1977 Oct 14 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1590     2443431.21 1977 Oct 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1591     2443431.36 1977 Oct 14 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1592     2443431.58 1977 Oct 15 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1593     2443431.67 1977 Oct 15 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1594     2443434.16 1977 Oct 17 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1595     2443434.19 1977 Oct 17 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1596     2443434.21 1977 Oct 17 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1597     2443434.28 1977 Oct 17 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1598     2443434.42 1977 Oct 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1599     2443434.42 1977 Oct 17 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1600     2443434.56 1977 Oct 18 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1601     2443436.10 1977 Oct 19 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1602     2443436.10 1977 Oct 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1603     2443436.12 1977 Oct 19 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1604     2443436.20 1977 Oct 19 1645:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1605     2443436.21 1977 Oct 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1606     2443436.24 1977 Oct 19 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1607     2443436.25 1977 Oct 19 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1608     2443436.26 1977 Oct 19 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1609     2443436.39 1977 Oct 19 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1610     2443436.39 1977 Oct 19 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1611     2443436.54 1977 Oct 20 0100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1612     2443436.55 1977 Oct 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1613     2443436.62 1977 Oct 20 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1614     2443437.12 1977 Oct 20 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1615     2443437.25 1977 Oct 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1616     2443438.10 1977 Oct 21 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1617     2443438.15 1977 Oct 21 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1618     2443438.15 1977 Oct 21 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1619     2443438.21 1977 Oct 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1620     2443438.23 1977 Oct 21 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1621     2443438.25 1977 Oct 21 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 176     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1622     2443438.31 1977 Oct 21 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1623     2443438.33 1977 Oct 21 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1624     2443438.62 1977 Oct 22 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1625     2443441.10 1977 Oct 24 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1626     2443441.11 1977 Oct 24 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1627     2443442.14 1977 Oct 25 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1628     2443442.21 1977 Oct 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1629     2443442.27 1977 Oct 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1630     2443442.35 1977 Oct 25 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1631     2443442.59 1977 Oct 26 0212:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1632     2443443.09 1977 Oct 26 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1633     2443443.13 1977 Oct 26 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1634     2443443.14 1977 Oct 26 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1635     2443443.17 1977 Oct 26 1600:00  M-100                    -      ISRO 8.350?          -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1636     2443443.24 1977 Oct 26 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1637     2443443.31 1977 Oct 26 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1638     2443443.32 1977 Oct 26 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1639     2443443.39 1977 Oct 26 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1640     2443443.58 1977 Oct 27 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1641     2443444.14 1977 Oct 27 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1642     2443445.15 1977 Oct 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1643     2443445.17 1977 Oct 28 1601:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1644     2443445.18 1977 Oct 28 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1645     2443445.18 1977 Oct 28 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1646     2443445.19 1977 Oct 28 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1647     2443445.21 1977 Oct 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1648     2443445.56 1977 Oct 29 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1649     2443447.50 1977 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1650     2443447.50 1977 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1651     2443447.50 1977 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1652     2443447.50 1977 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1653     2443447.50 1977 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1654     2443448.13 1977 Oct 31 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1655     2443448.17 1977 Oct 31 1600:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1656     2443448.19 1977 Oct 31 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1657     2443448.21 1977 Oct 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1658     2443448.21 1977 Oct 31 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1659     2443448.25 1977 Oct 31 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1660     2443448.35 1977 Oct 31 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1661     2443449.34 1977 Nov  1 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1662     2443449.42 1977 Nov  1 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1663     2443450.12 1977 Nov  2 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1664     2443450.15 1977 Nov  2 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1665     2443450.15 1977 Nov 02 1540:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1666     2443450.18 1977 Nov  2 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1667     2443450.20 1977 Nov  2 1647:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1668     2443450.21 1977 Nov  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1669     2443450.35 1977 Nov  2 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1670     2443450.38 1977 Nov  2 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1671     2443450.57 1977 Nov  3 0146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1672     2443451.39 1977 Nov  3 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1673     2443451.44 1977 Nov  3 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1674     2443452.19 1977 Nov  4 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1675     2443452.20 1977 Nov  4 1649:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1676     2443452.41 1977 Nov  4 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1677     2443452.50 1977 Nov  5 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1678     2443452.54 1977 Nov  5 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1679     2443452.55 1977 Nov  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1680     2443453.01 1977 Nov  5 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1681     2443453.05 1977 Nov  5 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1682     2443455.16 1977 Nov  7 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1683     2443455.19 1977 Nov  7 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1684     2443455.21 1977 Nov  7 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1685     2443455.22 1977 Nov  7 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1686     2443455.22 1977 Nov  7 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1687     2443455.26 1977 Nov  7 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1688     2443455.35 1977 Nov  7 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1689     2443455.41 1977 Nov  7 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1690     2443455.55 1977 Nov  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1691     2443456.15 1977 Nov  8 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1692     2443456.21 1977 Nov 08 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77L   LP3              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1693     2443457.14 1977 Nov  9 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1694     2443457.15 1977 Nov  9 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1695     2443457.15 1977 Nov 09 1540:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1696     2443457.19 1977 Nov  9 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1697     2443457.20 1977 Nov  9 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1698     2443457.20 1977 Nov  9 1654:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1699     2443457.20 1977 Nov  9 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1700     2443457.22 1977 Nov  9 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1701     2443457.22 1977 Nov  9 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1702     2443457.39 1977 Nov  9 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1703     2443457.67 1977 Nov 10 0404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1704     2443458.15 1977 Nov 10 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1705     2443458.19 1977 Nov 10 1626:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1706     2443458.29 1977 Nov 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1707     2443459.09 1977 Nov 11 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1708     2443459.12 1977 Nov 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1709     2443459.31 1977 Nov 11 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1710     2443459.33 1977 Nov 11 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1711     2443459.79 1977 Nov 12 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1712     2443460.73 1977 Nov 13 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1713     2443460.93 1977 Nov 13 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1714     2443461.03 1977 Nov 13 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1715     2443462.19 1977 Nov 14 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1716     2443462.20 1977 Nov 14 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1717     2443462.21 1977 Nov 14 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1718     2443462.23 1977 Nov 14 1726:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1719     2443462.25 1977 Nov 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1720     2443462.33 1977 Nov 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1721     2443462.43 1977 Nov 14 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1722     2443462.90 1977 Nov 15 0940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1723     2443463.12 1977 Nov 15 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77L   LP6              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1724     2443463.17 1977 Nov 15 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1725     2443463.19 1977 Nov 15 1632:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1726     2443464.09 1977 Nov 16 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1727     2443464.13 1977 Nov 16 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1728     2443464.15 1977 Nov 16 1530:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1729     2443464.16 1977 Nov 16 1556:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1730     2443464.17 1977 Nov 16 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1731     2443464.18 1977 Nov 16 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1732     2443464.21 1977 Nov 16 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77L   LP7              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1733     2443464.23 1977 Nov 16 1737:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 177     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1734     2443464.25 1977 Nov 16 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 178     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1735     2443464.30 1977 Nov 16 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1736     2443464.39 1977 Nov 16 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1737     2443464.50 1977 Nov 16 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1738     2443464.57 1977 Nov 17 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1739     2443464.94 1977 Nov 17 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1740     2443465.19 1977 Nov 17 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1741     2443465.21 1977 Nov 17 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1742     2443465.25 1977 Nov 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1743     2443465.41 1977 Nov 17 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1744     2443466.07 1977 Nov 18 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1745     2443466.16 1977 Nov 18 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1746     2443466.18 1977 Nov 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1747     2443466.21 1977 Nov 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1748     2443466.30 1977 Nov 18 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1749     2443466.93 1977 Nov 19 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1750     2443469.13 1977 Nov 21 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1751     2443469.19 1977 Nov 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1752     2443469.20 1977 Nov 21 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1753     2443469.21 1977 Nov 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1754     2443469.34 1977 Nov 21 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1755     2443470.20 1977 Nov 22 1644:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1756     2443470.37 1977 Nov 22 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1757     2443470.42 1977 Nov 22 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1758     2443470.43 1977 Nov 22 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1759     2443471.16 1977 Nov 23 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1760     2443471.20 1977 Nov 23 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1761     2443471.20 1977 Nov 23 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1762     2443471.20 1977 Nov 23 1654:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1763     2443471.23 1977 Nov 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1764     2443471.26 1977 Nov 23 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1765     2443471.35 1977 Nov 23 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1766     2443471.57 1977 Nov 24 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1767     2443471.59 1977 Nov 24 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1768     2443473.12 1977 Nov 25 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1769     2443473.18 1977 Nov 25 1625:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1770     2443473.25 1977 Nov 25 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1771     2443473.56 1977 Nov 26 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1772     2443473.92 1977 Nov 26 1000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      ANTIM    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1773     2443474.21 1977 Nov 26 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      IOLZ     IOSWR            -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1774     2443476.11 1977 Nov 28 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1775     2443476.20 1977 Nov 28 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1776     2443476.20 1977 Nov 28 1648:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1777     2443476.21 1977 Nov 28 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      IOLZ     IO6540           -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1778     2443476.21 1977 Nov 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1779     2443476.25 1977 Nov 28 1800:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77L   LP11             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1780     2443476.38 1977 Nov 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1781     2443476.38 1977 Nov 28 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1782     2443476.57 1977 Nov 29 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1783     2443477.15 1977 Nov 29 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1784     2443477.21 1977 Nov 29 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS77L   LP12             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1785     2443477.21 1977 Nov 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1786     2443477.50 1977 Nov 29 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1787     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1788     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1789     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1790     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1791     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1792     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1793     2443477.50 1977 Dec             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1977-W1794     2443478.08 1977 Nov 30 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1795     2443478.14 1977 Nov 30 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1796     2443478.19 1977 Nov 30 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1797     2443478.19 1977 Nov 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1798     2443478.20 1977 Nov 30 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1799     2443478.21 1977 Nov 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1800     2443478.32 1977 Nov 30 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1801     2443478.37 1977 Nov 30 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1802     2443478.39 1977 Nov 30 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1803     2443479.27 1977 Dec  1 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1804     2443479.29 1977 Dec  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1805     2443479.35 1977 Dec  1 2022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1806     2443479.58 1977 Dec 02 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1807     2443480.15 1977 Dec  2 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1808     2443480.19 1977 Dec  2 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1809     2443480.22 1977 Dec  2 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1810     2443480.33 1977 Dec  2 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1811     2443480.36 1977 Dec  2 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1812     2443480.41 1977 Dec  2 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1813     2443480.57 1977 Dec  3 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1814     2443480.61 1977 Dec  3 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1815     2443483.11 1977 Dec  5 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1816     2443483.19 1977 Dec  5 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1817     2443483.19 1977 Dec  5 1633:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1818     2443483.21 1977 Dec  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1819     2443483.22 1977 Dec  5 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1820     2443483.26 1977 Dec  5 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1821     2443483.40 1977 Dec  5 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1822     2443484.19 1977 Dec  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1823     2443484.20 1977 Dec  6 1645:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1824     2443484.33 1977 Dec  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1825     2443484.58 1977 Dec 07 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1826     2443485.14 1977 Dec 07 1520:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1827     2443485.14 1977 Dec  7 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1828     2443485.17 1977 Dec  7 1602:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1829     2443485.19 1977 Dec  7 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1830     2443485.19 1977 Dec  7 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1831     2443485.20 1977 Dec  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1832     2443485.20 1977 Dec  7 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1833     2443485.29 1977 Dec  7 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1834     2443485.33 1977 Dec  7 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1835     2443486.07 1977 Dec  8 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1836     2443486.25 1977 Dec  8 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1837     2443486.41 1977 Dec  8 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1838     2443487.15 1977 Dec  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1839     2443487.19 1977 Dec  9 1630:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1840     2443487.21 1977 Dec  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1841     2443487.29 1977 Dec  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1842     2443487.33 1977 Dec  9 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1843     2443490.16 1977 Dec 12 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1844     2443490.17 1977 Dec 12 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1845     2443490.18 1977 Dec 12 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1846     2443490.20 1977 Dec 12 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1847     2443490.22 1977 Dec 12 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1848     2443490.22 1977 Dec 12 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1849     2443490.36 1977 Dec 12 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1850     2443491.18 1977 Dec 13 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1851     2443491.29 1977 Dec 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1852     2443491.33 1977 Dec 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1853     2443491.34 1977 Dec 13 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1854     2443491.43 1977 Dec 13 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1855     2443491.58 1977 Dec 14 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1856     2443491.88 1977 Dec 14 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1857     2443492.13 1977 Dec 14 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1858     2443492.18 1977 Dec 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1859     2443492.18 1977 Dec 14 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1860     2443492.20 1977 Dec 14 1643:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1861     2443492.21 1977 Dec 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1862     2443492.22 1977 Dec 14 1712:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 179     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1863     2443492.25 1977 Dec 14 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1864     2443492.30 1977 Dec 14 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1865     2443492.36 1977 Dec 14 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1866     2443492.59 1977 Dec 15 0206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1867     2443493.15 1977 Dec 15 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1868     2443493.17 1977 Dec 15 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1869     2443493.21 1977 Dec 15 1656:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 180     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1870     2443493.26 1977 Dec 15 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1871     2443493.42 1977 Dec 15 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1872     2443493.49 1977 Dec 15 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1873     2443494.19 1977 Dec 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1874     2443494.21 1977 Dec 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1875     2443494.21 1977 Dec 16 1703:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1876     2443494.25 1977 Dec 16 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 181     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1877     2443494.29 1977 Dec 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1878     2443494.33 1977 Dec 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1879     2443497.21 1977 Dec 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1880     2443497.22 1977 Dec 19 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1881     2443497.26 1977 Dec 19 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1882     2443497.55 1977 Dec 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1883     2443498.10 1977 Dec 20 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1884     2443498.18 1977 Dec 20 1612:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1885     2443498.58 1977 Dec 21 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1886     2443499.08 1977 Dec 21 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1887     2443499.13 1977 Dec 21 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1888     2443499.13 1977 Dec 21 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1889     2443499.21 1977 Dec 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1890     2443499.24 1977 Dec 21 1748:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1891     2443499.25 1977 Dec 21 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1892     2443499.26 1977 Dec 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1893     2443499.39 1977 Dec 21 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1894     2443499.46 1977 Dec 21 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1895     2443500.18 1977 Dec 22 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1896     2443500.20 1977 Dec 22 1641:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1897     2443501.10 1977 Dec 23 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1898     2443501.11 1977 Dec 23 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1899     2443501.19 1977 Dec 23 1629:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1900     2443501.21 1977 Dec 23 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1901     2443501.26 1977 Dec 23 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1902     2443501.55 1977 Dec 24 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1903     2443505.57 1977 Dec 28 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1904     2443505.62 1977 Dec 28 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1977-W1905     2443507.15 1977 Dec 29 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1906     2443507.40 1977 Dec 29 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1907     2443508.10 1977 Dec 30 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1908     2443508.17 1977 Dec 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1977-W1909     2443508.19 1977 Dec 30 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W01       2443512.15 1978 Jan  3 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W02       2443512.21 1978 Jan  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W03       2443512.29 1978 Jan  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W04       2443512.38 1978 Jan  3 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W05       2443512.41 1978 Jan  3 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W06       2443513.08 1978 Jan 04 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W07       2443513.12 1978 Jan  4 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W08       2443513.15 1978 Jan  4 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W09       2443513.20 1978 Jan  4 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W10       2443513.22 1978 Jan  4 1720:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W11       2443513.23 1978 Jan  4 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W12       2443513.24 1978 Jan  4 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W13       2443513.39 1978 Jan  4 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W14       2443513.40 1978 Jan  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W15       2443514.17 1978 Jan  5 1611:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W16       2443514.25 1978 Jan  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W17       2443515.11 1978 Jan  6 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W18       2443515.15 1978 Jan  6 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W19       2443515.15 1978 Jan  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W20       2443515.21 1978 Jan  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W21       2443515.27 1978 Jan  6 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W22       2443515.29 1978 Jan  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W23       2443515.44 1978 Jan  6 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W24       2443515.46 1978 Jan  6 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W25       2443518.15 1978 Jan  9 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W26       2443518.20 1978 Jan  9 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W27       2443518.25 1978 Jan  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W28       2443518.42 1978 Jan  9 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W29       2443518.45 1978 Jan  9 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W30       2443518.50 1978 Jan  9 2359:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W31       2443519.17 1978 Jan 10 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W32       2443519.25 1978 Jan 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W33       2443520.13 1978 Jan 11 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W34       2443520.16 1978 Jan 11 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W35       2443520.20 1978 Jan 11 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W36       2443520.21 1978 Jan 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W37       2443520.34 1978 Jan 11 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W38       2443520.42 1978 Jan 11 2211:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W39       2443520.46 1978 Jan 11 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W40       2443520.50 1978 Jan 11 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W41       2443521.27 1978 Jan 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W42       2443521.30 1978 Jan 12 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W43       2443521.41 1978 Jan 12 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W44       2443522.21 1978 Jan 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W45       2443522.22 1978 Jan 13 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W46       2443522.34 1978 Jan 13 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W47       2443522.36 1978 Jan 13 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W48       2443522.41 1978 Jan 13 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W49       2443522.56 1978 Jan 14 0122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W50       2443525.09 1978 Jan 16 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W51       2443525.19 1978 Jan 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W52       2443525.33 1978 Jan 16 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W53       2443525.42 1978 Jan 16 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W54       2443525.56 1978 Jan 17 0129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W55       2443526.08 1978 Jan 17 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W56       2443526.19 1978 Jan 17 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W57       2443526.27 1978 Jan 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W58       2443527.16 1978 Jan 18 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W59       2443527.18 1978 Jan 18 1618:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W60       2443527.20 1978 Jan 18 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W61       2443527.21 1978 Jan 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W62       2443527.21 1978 Jan 18 1708:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 182     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W63       2443527.22 1978 Jan 18 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W64       2443527.25 1978 Jan 18 1804:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 183     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W65       2443527.30 1978 Jan 18 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W66       2443527.38 1978 Jan 18 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W67       2443527.58 1978 Jan 19 0152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W68       2443528.15 1978 Jan 19 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W69       2443528.31 1978 Jan 19 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W70       2443529.11 1978 Jan 20 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W71       2443529.19 1978 Jan 20 1637:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W72       2443529.21 1978 Jan 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W73       2443529.21 1978 Jan 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W74       2443529.26 1978 Jan 20 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W75       2443529.35 1978 Jan 20 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W76       2443529.40 1978 Jan 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W77       2443531.07 1978 Jan 22 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W78       2443532.12 1978 Jan 23 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W79       2443532.18 1978 Jan 23 1621:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W80       2443532.21 1978 Jan 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W81       2443532.24 1978 Jan 23 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W82       2443532.29 1978 Jan 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W83       2443532.35 1978 Jan 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W84       2443532.37 1978 Jan 23 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W85       2443533.16 1978 Jan 24 1546:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W86       2443533.34 1978 Jan 24 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W87       2443533.35 1978 Jan 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W88       2443533.50 1978 Jan 24 2357:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W89       2443534.08 1978 Jan 25 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W90       2443534.13 1978 Jan 25 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W91       2443534.15 1978 Jan 25 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W92       2443534.19 1978 Jan 25 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W93       2443534.19 1978 Jan 25 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W94       2443534.20 1978 Jan 25 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W95       2443534.21 1978 Jan 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W96       2443534.27 1978 Jan 25 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W97       2443534.38 1978 Jan 25 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W98       2443534.42 1978 Jan 25 2207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W99       2443534.55 1978 Jan 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W100      2443535.18 1978 Jan 26 1614:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W101      2443535.18 1978 Jan 26 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W102      2443536.13 1978 Jan 27 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W103      2443536.20 1978 Jan 27 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W104      2443536.21 1978 Jan 27 1658:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W105      2443536.29 1978 Jan 27 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W106      2443536.38 1978 Jan 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W107      2443539.10 1978 Jan 30 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W108      2443539.17 1978 Jan 30 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W109      2443539.19 1978 Jan 30 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W110      2443539.20 1978 Jan 30 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W111      2443539.20 1978 Jan 30 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W112      2443539.21 1978 Jan 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W113      2443539.43 1978 Jan 30 2222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W114      2443539.62 1978 Jan 31 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W115      2443540.07 1978 Jan 31 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W116      2443540.15 1978 Jan 31 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W117      2443540.29 1978 Jan 31 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W118      2443540.58 1978 Feb 01 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W119      2443541.15 1978 Feb  1 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W120      2443541.20 1978 Feb  1 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W121      2443541.21 1978 Feb  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W122      2443541.21 1978 Feb  1 1703:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W123      2443541.29 1978 Feb  1 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W124      2443541.31 1978 Feb  1 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W125      2443541.35 1978 Feb  1 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-M01       2443541.97 1978 Feb  2 1110:00  Orion                    -      DLR A-O-89           A-OR-90 Orion 1          -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   DFVLR/                   Range Test               Moraba               ESA-SP135/AND        -
1978-W126      2443542.18 1978 Feb  2 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W127      2443542.25 1978 Feb  2 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W128      2443542.62 1978 Feb 03 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W129      2443543.13 1978 Feb  3 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W130      2443543.15 1978 Feb  3 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W131      2443543.19 1978 Feb  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W132      2443543.21 1978 Feb  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W133      2443543.37 1978 Feb  3 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W134      2443543.55 1978 Feb  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W135      2443546.12 1978 Feb  6 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W136      2443546.15 1978 Feb  6 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W137      2443546.16 1978 Feb  6 1556:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W138      2443546.17 1978 Feb  6 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W139      2443546.20 1978 Feb  6 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W140      2443546.20 1978 Feb  6 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W141      2443546.30 1978 Feb  6 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W142      2443546.37 1978 Feb  6 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W143      2443547.25 1978 Feb  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W144      2443547.29 1978 Feb  7 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W145      2443547.54 1978 Feb  8 0053:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W146      2443547.62 1978 Feb 08 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W147      2443548.13 1978 Feb  8 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W148      2443548.15 1978 Feb  8 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W149      2443548.18 1978 Feb  8 1624:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W150      2443548.20 1978 Feb  8 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W151      2443548.20 1978 Feb  8 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W152      2443548.21 1978 Feb  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W153      2443548.21 1978 Feb  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W154      2443548.40 1978 Feb  8 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W155      2443549.20 1978 Feb  9 1648:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W156      2443549.29 1978 Feb  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W157      2443549.41 1978 Feb  9 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W158      2443549.42 1978 Feb  9 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W159      2443549.58 1978 Feb 10 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W160      2443550.14 1978 Feb 10 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W161      2443550.15 1978 Feb 10 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W162      2443550.20 1978 Feb 10 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W163      2443550.21 1978 Feb 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W164      2443550.29 1978 Feb 10 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W165      2443553.13 1978 Feb 13 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W166      2443553.20 1978 Feb 13 1644:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W167      2443553.21 1978 Feb 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W168      2443553.33 1978 Feb 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W169      2443553.38 1978 Feb 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W170      2443553.55 1978 Feb 14 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W171      2443554.17 1978 Feb 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W172      2443554.20 1978 Feb 14 1652:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W173      2443554.25 1978 Feb 14 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W174      2443554.42 1978 Feb 14 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W175      2443554.67 1978 Feb 15 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W176      2443554.97 1978 Feb 15 1110:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W177      2443555.13 1978 Feb 15 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W178      2443555.15 1978 Feb 15 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W179      2443555.17 1978 Feb 15 1611:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W180      2443555.19 1978 Feb 15 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W181      2443555.21 1978 Feb 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W182      2443555.21 1978 Feb 15 1703:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 184     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W183      2443555.23 1978 Feb 15 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W184      2443555.25 1978 Feb 15 1803:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 185     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W185      2443555.30 1978 Feb 15 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W186      2443555.57 1978 Feb 16 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W187      2443556.15 1978 Feb 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W188      2443556.17 1978 Feb 16 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W189      2443556.18 1978 Feb 16 1622:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W190      2443556.19 1978 Feb 16 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W191      2443556.50 1978 Feb 17 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W192      2443556.56 1978 Feb 17 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T21           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1978-W193      2443556.62 1978 Feb 17 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W194      2443557.14 1978 Feb 17 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W195      2443557.14 1978 Feb 17 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W196      2443557.19 1978 Feb 17 1633:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W197      2443557.20 1978 Feb 17 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W198      2443557.21 1978 Feb 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W199      2443558.15 1978 Feb 18 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W200      2443558.50 1978 Feb 19 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W201      2443559.14 1978 Feb 19 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W202      2443559.50 1978 Feb 20 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W203      2443560.11 1978 Feb 20 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W204      2443560.16 1978 Feb 20 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W205      2443560.20 1978 Feb 20 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W206      2443561.07 1978 Feb 21 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W207      2443561.17 1978 Feb 21 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W208      2443561.19 1978 Feb 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W209      2443561.19 1978 Feb 21 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W210      2443561.21 1978 Feb 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W211      2443561.23 1978 Feb 21 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W212      2443561.29 1978 Feb 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W213      2443561.37 1978 Feb 21 2048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W214      2443561.58 1978 Feb 22 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W215      2443561.95 1978 Feb 22 1050:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W216      2443562.13 1978 Feb 22 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W217      2443562.15 1978 Feb 22 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W218      2443562.18 1978 Feb 22 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W219      2443562.19 1978 Feb 22 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W220      2443562.20 1978 Feb 22 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W221      2443562.21 1978 Feb 22 1656:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W222      2443562.21 1978 Feb 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W223      2443562.24 1978 Feb 22 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W224      2443562.50 1978 Feb 23 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W225      2443563.15 1978 Feb 23 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W226      2443563.21 1978 Feb 23 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W227      2443563.25 1978 Feb 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W228      2443563.38 1978 Feb 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W229      2443563.42 1978 Feb 23 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W230      2443563.50 1978 Feb 24 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W231      2443563.61 1978 Feb 24 0242:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W232      2443563.65 1978 Feb 24 0335:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W233      2443564.15 1978 Feb 24 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W234      2443564.18 1978 Feb 24 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W235      2443564.19 1978 Feb 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W236      2443564.20 1978 Feb 24 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W237      2443564.21 1978 Feb 24 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W238      2443565.15 1978 Feb 25 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W239      2443565.56 1978 Feb 26 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W240      2443566.15 1978 Feb 26 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W241      2443566.73 1978 Feb 27 0532     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-14            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W242      2443567.18 1978 Feb 27 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W243      2443567.21 1978 Feb 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W244      2443567.27 1978 Feb 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W245      2443567.31 1978 Feb 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W246      2443567.42 1978 Feb 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W247      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W248      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W249      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W250      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W251      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W252      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W253      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W254      2443567.50 1978 Mar             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W255      2443567.50 1978 Feb 28 0000:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W256      2443567.63 1978 Feb 28 0309     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-15            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W257      2443568.15 1978 Feb 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W258      2443568.29 1978 Feb 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W259      2443568.31 1978 Feb 28 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W260      2443569.12 1978 Mar 01 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W261      2443569.13 1978 Mar  1 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W262      2443569.15 1978 Mar  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W263      2443569.20 1978 Mar  1 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W264      2443569.21 1978 Mar  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W265      2443569.30 1978 Mar  1 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W266      2443569.56 1978 Mar  2 0130:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W267      2443569.58 1978 Mar  2 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W268      2443571.11 1978 Mar  3 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W269      2443571.19 1978 Mar  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W270      2443571.21 1978 Mar  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W271      2443571.29 1978 Mar  3 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W272      2443571.37 1978 Mar  3 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W273      2443571.55 1978 Mar  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W274      2443574.14 1978 Mar  6 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W275      2443574.19 1978 Mar  6 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W276      2443574.21 1978 Mar  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W277      2443574.31 1978 Mar  6 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W278      2443575.54 1978 Mar  8 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W279      2443575.59 1978 Mar  8 0204:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W280      2443576.12 1978 Mar  8 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W281      2443576.15 1978 Mar  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W282      2443576.21 1978 Mar  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W283      2443576.21 1978 Mar  8 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W284      2443576.23 1978 Mar  8 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W285      2443576.24 1978 Mar  8 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W286      2443576.27 1978 Mar  8 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W287      2443576.29 1978 Mar  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W288      2443576.31 1978 Mar  8 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W289      2443576.37 1978 Mar  8 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W290      2443576.40 1978 Mar  8 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W291      2443576.42 1978 Mar  8 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W292      2443576.53 1978 Mar  9 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W293      2443576.57 1978 Mar  9 0141:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W294      2443577.38 1978 Mar  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W295      2443577.58 1978 Mar 10 0149:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W296      2443578.08 1978 Mar 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W297      2443578.09 1978 Mar 10 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W298      2443578.15 1978 Mar 10 1540:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W299      2443578.20 1978 Mar 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W300      2443578.21 1978 Mar 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W301      2443578.31 1978 Mar 10 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W302      2443578.33 1978 Mar 10 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W303      2443578.34 1978 Mar 10 2007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W304      2443578.55 1978 Mar 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W305      2443581.09 1978 Mar 13 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W306      2443581.10 1978 Mar 13 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W307      2443581.25 1978 Mar 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W308      2443581.29 1978 Mar 13 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W309      2443581.42 1978 Mar 13 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W310      2443582.56 1978 Mar 15 0121:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W311      2443583.10 1978 Mar 15 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W312      2443583.10 1978 Mar 15 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W313      2443583.15 1978 Mar 15 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W314      2443583.19 1978 Mar 15 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W315      2443583.20 1978 Mar 15 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W316      2443583.22 1978 Mar 15 1714:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 187     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W317      2443583.27 1978 Mar 15 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W318      2443583.40 1978 Mar 15 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W319      2443583.56 1978 Mar 16 0129:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W320      2443583.58 1978 Mar 16 0152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W321      2443584.79 1978 Mar 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W322      2443584.83 1978 Mar 17 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W323      2443585.09 1978 Mar 17 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W324      2443585.21 1978 Mar 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W325      2443585.21 1978 Mar 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W326      2443585.25 1978 Mar 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W327      2443585.56 1978 Mar 18 0119:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W328      2443586.88 1978 Mar 19 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS78B   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W329      2443588.10 1978 Mar 20 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W330      2443588.21 1978 Mar 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W331      2443588.21 1978 Mar 20 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W332      2443588.23 1978 Mar 20 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W333      2443588.38 1978 Mar 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W334      2443588.38 1978 Mar 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W335      2443588.50 1978 Mar 21          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.165GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W336      2443588.79 1978 Mar 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS78B   LP2              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W337      2443589.15 1978 Mar 21 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W338      2443589.40 1978 Mar 21 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W339      2443590.08 1978 Mar 22 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W340      2443590.10 1978 Mar 22 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W341      2443590.16 1978 Mar 22 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W342      2443590.19 1978 Mar 22 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W343      2443590.21 1978 Mar 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W344      2443590.21 1978 Mar 22 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W345      2443590.25 1978 Mar 22 1801:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 186     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W346      2443590.26 1978 Mar 22 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W347      2443590.27 1978 Mar 22 1835:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 188     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W348      2443590.36 1978 Mar 22 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W349      2443590.38 1978 Mar 22 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W350      2443590.40 1978 Mar 22 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W351      2443590.55 1978 Mar 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W352      2443591.37 1978 Mar 23 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W353      2443591.83 1978 Mar 24 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS78B   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W354      2443591.85 1978 Mar 24 0819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W355      2443592.11 1978 Mar 24 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W356      2443592.23 1978 Mar 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W357      2443592.42 1978 Mar 24 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W358      2443592.55 1978 Mar 25 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W359      2443593.79 1978 Mar 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS78B   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W360      2443594.50 1978 Mar 27          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.167GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W361      2443594.50 1978 Mar 27          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.169GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W362      2443594.50 1978 Mar 27          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.170UE        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W363      2443595.18 1978 Mar 27 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W364      2443595.21 1978 Mar 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W365      2443595.23 1978 Mar 27 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W366      2443596.50 1978 Mar 29          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.164GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W367      2443596.50 1978 Mar 29          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.166GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W368      2443596.50 1978 Mar 29          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.168GA        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Aeronomy                 WISR                 SP-4023              -
1978-W369      2443596.79 1978 Mar 29 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W370      2443596.83 1978 Mar 29 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W371      2443597.10 1978 Mar 29 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W372      2443597.15 1978 Mar 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W373      2443597.18 1978 Mar 29 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W374      2443597.24 1978 Mar 29 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W375      2443597.31 1978 Mar 29 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W376      2443597.50 1978 Mar 30          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.171UE        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WISR                 -                    -
1978-W377      2443597.58 1978 Mar 30 0153:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W378      2443598.03 1978 Mar 30 1240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W379      2443598.19 1978 Mar 30 1636:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W380      2443598.38 1978 Mar 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W381      2443598.50 1978 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W382      2443598.50 1978 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W383      2443598.50 1978 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W384      2443598.83 1978 Mar 31 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W385      2443599.12 1978 Mar 31 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W386      2443599.16 1978 Mar 31 1554:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W387      2443599.18 1978 Mar 31 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W388      2443599.22 1978 Mar 31 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W389      2443599.35 1978 Mar 31 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W390      2443600.17 1978 Apr 01 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS78D   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W391      2443600.21 1978 Apr 01 1700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS78D   LP1              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W392      2443602.10 1978 Apr  3 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W393      2443602.19 1978 Apr  3 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W394      2443602.30 1978 Apr  3 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W395      2443604.18 1978 Apr  5 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W396      2443604.18 1978 Apr  5 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W397      2443604.24 1978 Apr  5 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W398      2443604.33 1978 Apr  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W399      2443604.37 1978 Apr  5 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W400      2443604.64 1978 Apr  6 0322:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W401      2443605.45 1978 Apr  6 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W402      2443606.17 1978 Apr  7 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W403      2443606.20 1978 Apr  7 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W404      2443606.21 1978 Apr  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W405      2443606.25 1978 Apr  7 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W406      2443606.38 1978 Apr  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W407      2443606.53 1978 Apr  8 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W408      2443606.59 1978 Apr  8 0214:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W409      2443607.79 1978 Apr 09 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS78F   LP1              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W410      2443609.19 1978 Apr 10 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W411      2443609.21 1978 Apr 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W412      2443609.21 1978 Apr 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W413      2443609.38 1978 Apr 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W414      2443609.40 1978 Apr 10 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W415      2443609.50 1978 Apr 11 0000:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W416      2443610.08 1978 Apr 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W417      2443610.79 1978 Apr 12 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS78F   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W418      2443610.83 1978 Apr 12 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS78F   LP2              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W419      2443611.15 1978 Apr 12 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W420      2443611.17 1978 Apr 12 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W421      2443611.20 1978 Apr 12 1647:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W423      2443611.21 1978 Apr 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W424      2443611.21 1978 Apr 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W422      2443611.21 1978 Apr 12 1700:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 189     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W425      2443611.26 1978 Apr 12 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W426      2443611.28 1978 Apr 12 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W427      2443611.32 1978 Apr 12 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W428      2443611.39 1978 Apr 12 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W429      2443611.54 1978 Apr 13 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W430      2443612.21 1978 Apr 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W431      2443613.13 1978 Apr 14 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W432      2443613.19 1978 Apr 14 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W433      2443613.21 1978 Apr 14 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W434      2443613.21 1978 Apr 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W435      2443613.23 1978 Apr 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W436      2443613.34 1978 Apr 14 2009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W437      2443613.83 1978 Apr 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS78F   LP3              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W438      2443616.11 1978 Apr 17 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W439      2443616.21 1978 Apr 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W440      2443616.25 1978 Apr 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W441      2443616.29 1978 Apr 17 1859:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W442      2443616.31 1978 Apr 17 1926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W443      2443617.21 1978 Apr 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W444      2443617.30 1978 Apr 18 1918     Black Brant VI           -      AAF-VI-13            Dust collector           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   NRCC/Wlochowicz          Meteorites               WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W445      2443618.08 1978 Apr 19 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W446      2443618.11 1978 Apr 19 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W447      2443618.15 1978 Apr 19 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W448      2443618.17 1978 Apr 19 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W449      2443618.28 1978 Apr 19 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W450      2443618.35 1978 Apr 19 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W451      2443619.21 1978 Apr 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W452      2443620.10 1978 Apr 21 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W453      2443620.15 1978 Apr 21 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W454      2443620.17 1978 Apr 21 1600:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W455      2443620.55 1978 Apr 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W456      2443623.09 1978 Apr 24 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W457      2443623.21 1978 Apr 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W458      2443623.37 1978 Apr 24 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W459      2443623.55 1978 Apr 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W460      2443625.15 1978 Apr 26 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W461      2443625.18 1978 Apr 26 1613:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W462      2443625.20 1978 Apr 26 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W463      2443625.21 1978 Apr 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W464      2443626.25 1978 Apr 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W465      2443626.40 1978 Apr 27 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W466      2443627.14 1978 Apr 28 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W467      2443627.21 1978 Apr 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W468      2443627.24 1978 Apr 28 1740:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W469      2443627.29 1978 Apr 28 1900:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 190     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W470      2443627.37 1978 Apr 28 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W471      2443628.50 1978 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W472      2443628.50 1978 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W473      2443628.50 1978 May             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W474      2443630.12 1978 May  1 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W475      2443630.19 1978 May  1 1627:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W476      2443630.21 1978 May  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W477      2443630.24 1978 May  1 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W478      2443630.38 1978 May  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W479      2443631.21 1978 May  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W480      2443631.41 1978 May  2 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W481      2443631.67 1978 May 03 0400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W482      2443632.11 1978 May  3 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W483      2443632.12 1978 May  3 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W484      2443632.19 1978 May  3 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W485      2443632.25 1978 May  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W486      2443632.26 1978 May  3 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W487      2443632.56 1978 May  4 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W488      2443633.18 1978 May  4 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W489      2443634.11 1978 May  5 1433:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W490      2443634.11 1978 May  5 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W491      2443634.13 1978 May  5 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W492      2443634.16 1978 May  5 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W493      2443634.21 1978 May  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W494      2443634.41 1978 May  5 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W495      2443637.10 1978 May  8 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W496      2443637.10 1978 May  8 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W497      2443637.11 1978 May  8 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W498      2443637.23 1978 May  8 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W499      2443637.25 1978 May  8 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W500      2443637.33 1978 May  8 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W501      2443637.55 1978 May  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W502      2443638.21 1978 May  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W503      2443638.33 1978 May  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W504      2443638.67 1978 May 10 0400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W505      2443638.73 1978 May 10 0530:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W506      2443639.11 1978 May 10 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W507      2443639.18 1978 May 10 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W508      2443639.25 1978 May 10 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W509      2443639.33 1978 May 10 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W510      2443639.33 1978 May 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W511      2443639.36 1978 May 10 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W512      2443639.41 1978 May 10 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W513      2443640.29 1978 May 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W514      2443641.11 1978 May 12 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W515      2443641.17 1978 May 12 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W516      2443641.17 1978 May 12 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W517      2443641.19 1978 May 12 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W518      2443641.24 1978 May 12 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W519      2443641.38 1978 May 12 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W520      2443641.55 1978 May 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W521      2443644.08 1978 May 15 1400:00  M-100                    -      ISRO 8.371?          -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W522      2443644.21 1978 May 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W523      2443644.21 1978 May 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W524      2443644.27 1978 May 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W525      2443644.34 1978 May 15 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W526      2443644.38 1978 May 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W527      2443644.57 1978 May 16 0140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W528      2443645.27 1978 May 16 1833:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W529      2443646.08 1978 May 17 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W530      2443646.12 1978 May 17 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W531      2443646.13 1978 May 17 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W532      2443646.13 1978 May 17 1503:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9409             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W533      2443646.14 1978 May 17 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W534      2443646.14 1978 May 17 1515:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9410             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W535      2443646.18 1978 May 17 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W536      2443646.19 1978 May 17 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W537      2443646.21 1978 May 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W539      2443646.21 1978 May 17 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W538      2443646.21 1978 May 17 1702:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 191     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W540      2443646.22 1978 May 17 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W542      2443646.28 1978 May 17 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W541      2443646.28 1978 May 17 1843:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9411             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W543      2443646.30 1978 May 17 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W544      2443646.30 1978 May 17 1905:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9412             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W545      2443646.32 1978 May 17 1947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W546      2443646.33 1978 May 17 1948:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9413             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W548      2443646.33 1978 May 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W547      2443646.33 1978 May 17 2000:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9414             -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W549      2443646.55 1978 May 18 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W550      2443646.99 1978 May 18 1140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W551      2443647.10 1978 May 18 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W552      2443647.14 1978 May 18 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W553      2443647.15 1978 May 18 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W554      2443647.25 1978 May 18 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W555      2443647.25 1978 May 18 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W556      2443647.33 1978 May 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W557      2443647.43 1978 May 18 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W558      2443648.13 1978 May 19 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W559      2443648.15 1978 May 19 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W560      2443648.20 1978 May 19 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W561      2443648.23 1978 May 19 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W562      2443648.24 1978 May 19 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W563      2443648.38 1978 May 19 2106:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-M02       2443648.90 1978 May 20 0929     Nike Nike                -      GL A45.710-1         SMOKE                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFCRL/Quesada            Aeron                    WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1978-M03       2443650.89 1978 May 22 0927     Nike Nike                -      GL A45.710-2         SMOKE                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFCRL/Quesada            Aeron                    WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1978-W564      2443651.09 1978 May 22 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W565      2443651.09 1978 May 22 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W566      2443651.13 1978 May 22 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W567      2443651.13 1978 May 22 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W568      2443651.17 1978 May 22 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W569      2443651.22 1978 May 22 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W570      2443651.30 1978 May 22 1906:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W571      2443651.55 1978 May 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W572      2443652.11 1978 May 23 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W573      2443652.11 1978 May 23 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W574      2443652.17 1978 May 23 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W575      2443652.35 1978 May 23 2018:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W576      2443652.72 1978 May 24 0510:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W577      2443653.08 1978 May 24 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W578      2443653.12 1978 May 24 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W579      2443653.13 1978 May 24 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W580      2443653.14 1978 May 24 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W581      2443653.21 1978 May 24 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W582      2443653.22 1978 May 24 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W583      2443653.25 1978 May 24 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 192     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W584      2443653.28 1978 May 24 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W585      2443653.30 1978 May 24 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W586      2443654.09 1978 May 25 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W587      2443654.09 1978 May 25 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W588      2443654.19 1978 May 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W589      2443655.09 1978 May 26 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W590      2443655.10 1978 May 26 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W591      2443655.10 1978 May 26 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W592      2443655.11 1978 May 26 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W593      2443655.21 1978 May 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W594      2443655.26 1978 May 26 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W595      2443655.28 1978 May 26 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W596      2443655.40 1978 May 26 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W597      2443658.10 1978 May 29 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W598      2443658.10 1978 May 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W599      2443659.21 1978 May 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W600      2443659.25 1978 May 30 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W601      2443659.25 1978 May 30 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W602      2443660.08 1978 May 31 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W603      2443660.09 1978 May 31 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W604      2443660.11 1978 May 31 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W605      2443660.11 1978 May 31 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W606      2443660.11 1978 May 31 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W607      2443660.16 1978 May 31 1554:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W608      2443660.26 1978 May 31 1819:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W609      2443660.27 1978 May 31 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W610      2443660.35 1978 May 31 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W611      2443661.25 1978 Jun  1 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W612      2443662.10 1978 Jun  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W613      2443662.12 1978 Jun  2 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W614      2443662.12 1978 Jun  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W615      2443662.25 1978 Jun  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W616      2443662.25 1978 Jun  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W617      2443662.55 1978 Jun  3 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W618      2443665.10 1978 Jun  5 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W619      2443665.16 1978 Jun  5 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W620      2443665.17 1978 Jun  5 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W621      2443665.26 1978 Jun  5 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W622      2443665.37 1978 Jun  5 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W623      2443666.50 1978 Jun 07 0000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                KI18,807             -
1978-W624      2443666.88 1978 Jun 07 0900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W625      2443667.11 1978 Jun  7 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W626      2443667.12 1978 Jun  7 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W627      2443667.20 1978 Jun  7 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W628      2443667.20 1978 Jun  7 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W629      2443667.20 1978 Jun  7 1651:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W630      2443667.21 1978 Jun  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W631      2443667.33 1978 Jun  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-M04       2443668.33 1978 Jun  8 2000     Sergeant                 -      EX830.56-1           Recovery test            -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                    105      -  -               0.000 DNA          SS   SDCO/Allen               Test                     WWW-PFRR             -                    -
1978-W632      2443669.13 1978 Jun  9 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W633      2443669.21 1978 Jun  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W634      2443669.25 1978 Jun  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W635      2443669.25 1978 Jun  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W636      2443669.27 1978 Jun  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W637      2443672.19 1978 Jun 12 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W638      2443672.21 1978 Jun 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W639      2443672.24 1978 Jun 12 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W640      2443672.27 1978 Jun 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W641      2443672.39 1978 Jun 12 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W642      2443673.17 1978 Jun 13 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W643      2443674.08 1978 Jun 14 1400:00  M-100                    -      ISRO 8.379?          -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W644      2443674.11 1978 Jun 14 1433:00  M-100B                   -      ISRO 8.?             -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W645      2443674.13 1978 Jun 14 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W646      2443674.21 1978 Jun 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W648      2443674.22 1978 Jun 14 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W647      2443674.22 1978 Jun 14 1711:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 193     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W649      2443674.22 1978 Jun 14 1717:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W650      2443674.25 1978 Jun 14 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W651      2443674.25 1978 Jun 14 1806:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 194     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W652      2443674.26 1978 Jun 14 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W653      2443674.27 1978 Jun 14 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W654      2443674.27 1978 Jun 14 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W655      2443675.35 1978 Jun 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W656      2443676.08 1978 Jun 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W657      2443676.12 1978 Jun 16 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W658      2443676.16 1978 Jun 16 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W659      2443676.17 1978 Jun 16 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W660      2443676.25 1978 Jun 16 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W661      2443676.50 1978 Jun 17 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W662      2443676.52 1978 Jun 17 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W663      2443679.11 1978 Jun 19 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W664      2443679.21 1978 Jun 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W665      2443679.24 1978 Jun 19 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W666      2443679.27 1978 Jun 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W667      2443679.33 1978 Jun 19 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W668      2443679.35 1978 Jun 19 2018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W669      2443680.21 1978 Jun 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W670      2443680.33 1978 Jun 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W671      2443681.09 1978 Jun 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W672      2443681.13 1978 Jun 21 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W673      2443681.16 1978 Jun 21 1545:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W674      2443681.16 1978 Jun 21 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W675      2443681.19 1978 Jun 21 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W676      2443681.19 1978 Jun 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W677      2443681.25 1978 Jun 21 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W678      2443683.13 1978 Jun 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W679      2443683.15 1978 Jun 23 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W680      2443683.19 1978 Jun 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W681      2443683.21 1978 Jun 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W682      2443683.24 1978 Jun 23 1752:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W683      2443683.37 1978 Jun 23 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W684      2443686.12 1978 Jun 26 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W685      2443686.21 1978 Jun 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W686      2443686.25 1978 Jun 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W687      2443686.26 1978 Jun 26 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W688      2443687.16 1978 Jun 27 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W689      2443687.42 1978 Jun 27 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W690      2443688.08 1978 Jun 28 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W691      2443688.11 1978 Jun 28 1440:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W692      2443688.12 1978 Jun 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W693      2443688.13 1978 Jun 28 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W694      2443688.15 1978 Jun 28 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W695      2443688.16 1978 Jun 28 1545:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W696      2443688.19 1978 Jun 28 1635:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W697      2443688.21 1978 Jun 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W698      2443688.22 1978 Jun 28 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W699      2443688.39 1978 Jun 28 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W700      2443688.39 1978 Jun 28 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W701      2443688.55 1978 Jun 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W702      2443690.11 1978 Jun 30 1445:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W703      2443690.13 1978 Jun 30 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W704      2443690.25 1978 Jun 30 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W705      2443690.25 1978 Jun 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W706      2443690.38 1978 Jun 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W707      2443690.59 1978 Jul  1 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W708      2443693.11 1978 Jul  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W709      2443693.25 1978 Jul  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W710      2443693.55 1978 Jul  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W711      2443693.93 1978 Jul  4 1015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W712      2443695.08 1978 Jul 05 1400:00  M-100                    -      ISRO 8.382?          -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W713      2443695.11 1978 Jul  5 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W714      2443695.15 1978 Jul  5 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W715      2443695.15 1978 Jul  5 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W716      2443695.18 1978 Jul  5 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W717      2443695.19 1978 Jul  5 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W718      2443695.21 1978 Jul  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W719      2443695.22 1978 Jul  5 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W720      2443695.35 1978 Jul  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W721      2443695.39 1978 Jul  5 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W722      2443696.21 1978 Jul  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W723      2443697.09 1978 Jul  7 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W724      2443697.13 1978 Jul  7 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W725      2443697.32 1978 Jul  7 1933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W726      2443697.56 1978 Jul  8 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W727      2443700.08 1978 Jul 10 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W728      2443700.10 1978 Jul 10 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W729      2443700.11 1978 Jul 10 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W730      2443700.25 1978 Jul 10 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W731      2443700.27 1978 Jul 10 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W732      2443700.43 1978 Jul 10 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W733      2443702.11 1978 Jul 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W734      2443702.12 1978 Jul 12 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W735      2443702.15 1978 Jul 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W736      2443702.17 1978 Jul 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W737      2443702.21 1978 Jul 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W738      2443702.21 1978 Jul 12 1704:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 195     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W739      2443702.22 1978 Jul 12 1720:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W740      2443702.27 1978 Jul 12 1836:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 196     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W741      2443702.30 1978 Jul 12 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W742      2443702.55 1978 Jul 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W743      2443704.14 1978 Jul 14 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W744      2443704.19 1978 Jul 14 1630:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W745      2443704.20 1978 Jul 14 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W746      2443704.21 1978 Jul 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W747      2443704.37 1978 Jul 14 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W748      2443707.14 1978 Jul 17 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W749      2443707.19 1978 Jul 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W750      2443707.20 1978 Jul 17 1641:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W751      2443707.21 1978 Jul 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W752      2443707.25 1978 Jul 17 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W753      2443708.46 1978 Jul 18 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W754      2443708.75 1978 Jul 19 0555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W755      2443708.96 1978 Jul 19 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W756      2443709.11 1978 Jul 19 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W757      2443709.12 1978 Jul 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W758      2443709.16 1978 Jul 19 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W759      2443709.17 1978 Jul 19 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W760      2443709.20 1978 Jul 19 1642:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W761      2443709.23 1978 Jul 19 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W762      2443709.26 1978 Jul 19 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W763      2443709.26 1978 Jul 19 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W764      2443709.49 1978 Jul 19 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W765      2443709.75 1978 Jul 20 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W766      2443709.98 1978 Jul 20 1130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W767      2443710.17 1978 Jul 20 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W768      2443710.40 1978 Jul 20 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W769      2443710.58 1978 Jul 21 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W770      2443711.10 1978 Jul 21 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W771      2443711.21 1978 Jul 21 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W772      2443711.42 1978 Jul 21 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W773      2443714.12 1978 Jul 24 1453:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W774      2443714.12 1978 Jul 24 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W775      2443714.21 1978 Jul 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W776      2443714.23 1978 Jul 24 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W777      2443714.55 1978 Jul 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W778      2443715.26 1978 Jul 25 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W779      2443715.62 1978 Jul 26 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W780      2443716.08 1978 Jul 26 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W781      2443716.11 1978 Jul 26 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W782      2443716.13 1978 Jul 26 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W783      2443716.17 1978 Jul 26 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W784      2443716.22 1978 Jul 26 1723:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W785      2443716.37 1978 Jul 26 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W786      2443716.42 1978 Jul 26 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W787      2443718.09 1978 Jul 28 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W788      2443718.12 1978 Jul 28 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS78G   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W789      2443718.17 1978 Jul 28 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS78G   LP1              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W790      2443718.17 1978 Jul 28 1602:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W791      2443718.20 1978 Jul 28 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W792      2443718.25 1978 Jul 28 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W793      2443718.27 1978 Jul 28 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W794      2443718.55 1978 Jul 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W795      2443720.12 1978 Jul 30 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS78G   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W796      2443720.17 1978 Jul 30 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS78G   LP2              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W797      2443721.10 1978 Jul 31 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W798      2443721.15 1978 Jul 31 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W799      2443721.21 1978 Jul 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W800      2443721.21 1978 Jul 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W801      2443721.41 1978 Jul 31 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W802      2443723.11 1978 Aug  2 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W803      2443723.19 1978 Aug  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W804      2443723.20 1978 Aug  2 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W805      2443723.21 1978 Aug  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W806      2443723.25 1978 Aug 02 1800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      GMS78G   LP3              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W807      2443723.43 1978 Aug  2 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W808      2443723.60 1978 Aug  3 0229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W809      2443724.43 1978 Aug  3 2225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W810      2443725.13 1978 Aug  4 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W811      2443725.19 1978 Aug  4 1638:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W812      2443725.21 1978 Aug  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W813      2443725.25 1978 Aug  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W814      2443728.15 1978 Aug  7 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W815      2443728.19 1978 Aug  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W816      2443728.21 1978 Aug  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W817      2443728.25 1978 Aug  7 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W818      2443728.38 1978 Aug  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W819      2443729.36 1978 Aug  8 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W820      2443729.41 1978 Aug  8 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W821      2443730.12 1978 Aug  9 1451:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W822      2443730.12 1978 Aug  9 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W823      2443730.13 1978 Aug  9 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W824      2443730.21 1978 Aug  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W825      2443730.23 1978 Aug  9 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W826      2443730.25 1978 Aug  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W827      2443730.27 1978 Aug  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W828      2443730.55 1978 Aug 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W829      2443731.18 1978 Aug 10 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W830      2443732.10 1978 Aug 11 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W831      2443732.12 1978 Aug 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W832      2443732.21 1978 Aug 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W833      2443732.21 1978 Aug 11 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W834      2443732.34 1978 Aug 11 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W835      2443732.40 1978 Aug 11 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W836      2443735.11 1978 Aug 14 1433:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W837      2443735.12 1978 Aug 14 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W838      2443735.21 1978 Aug 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W839      2443735.27 1978 Aug 14 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W840      2443735.38 1978 Aug 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W841      2443735.50 1978 Aug 15          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.158UU        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron?                   WISR                 -                    -
1978-W842      2443735.55 1978 Aug 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W843      2443736.21 1978 Aug 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W844      2443737.08 1978 Aug 16 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W845      2443737.08 1978 Aug 16 1400:00  M-100                    -      ISRO 8.389?          -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W846      2443737.10 1978 Aug 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W847      2443737.21 1978 Aug 16 1706:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W848      2443737.21 1978 Aug 16 1707:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 197     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W849      2443737.23 1978 Aug 16 1729:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 198     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W850      2443737.26 1978 Aug 16 1816:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 199     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W851      2443737.27 1978 Aug 16 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W852      2443737.27 1978 Aug 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W853      2443737.34 1978 Aug 16 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W854      2443737.35 1978 Aug 16 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W855      2443737.40 1978 Aug 16 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W856      2443739.14 1978 Aug 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W857      2443739.17 1978 Aug 18 1603:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W858      2443739.19 1978 Aug 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W859      2443739.20 1978 Aug 18 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W860      2443739.21 1978 Aug 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W861      2443739.34 1978 Aug 18 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W862      2443739.55 1978 Aug 19 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W863      2443742.09 1978 Aug 21 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W864      2443742.15 1978 Aug 21 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W865      2443742.16 1978 Aug 21 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W866      2443742.17 1978 Aug 21 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W867      2443742.27 1978 Aug 21 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W868      2443742.38 1978 Aug 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W869      2443742.55 1978 Aug 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W870      2443744.08 1978 Aug 23 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W871      2443744.12 1978 Aug 23 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W872      2443744.18 1978 Aug 23 1622:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W873      2443744.20 1978 Aug 23 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W874      2443744.23 1978 Aug 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W875      2443744.23 1978 Aug 23 1734:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 200     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W876      2443744.26 1978 Aug 23 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W877      2443744.28 1978 Aug 23 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W878      2443744.34 1978 Aug 23 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W879      2443744.49 1978 Aug 23 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W880      2443744.57 1978 Aug 24 0145:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W881      2443744.57 1978 Aug 24 0145     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T22           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1978-W882      2443745.22 1978 Aug 24 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W883      2443745.40 1978 Aug 24 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W884      2443746.12 1978 Aug 25 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W885      2443746.20 1978 Aug 25 1652:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W886      2443746.21 1978 Aug 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W887      2443746.21 1978 Aug 25 1703:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 201     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W888      2443746.25 1978 Aug 25 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W889      2443746.56 1978 Aug 26 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T23           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1978-W890      2443748.50 1978 Aug 28          Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.157UU        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron?                   WISR                 -                    -
1978-W891      2443749.17 1978 Aug 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W892      2443749.18 1978 Aug 28 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W893      2443749.19 1978 Aug 28 1629:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W894      2443749.21 1978 Aug 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W895      2443749.25 1978 Aug 28 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W896      2443749.55 1978 Aug 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W897      2443750.32 1978 Aug 29 1937:59  Super Arcas              -      -                    MidAir Recovery Test     -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron/Test               DSI-5850             WI-PR78-13           -
1978-W898      2443751.08 1978 Aug 30 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W899      2443751.10 1978 Aug 30 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W900      2443751.11 1978 Aug 30 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W901      2443751.13 1978 Aug 30 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W902      2443751.21 1978 Aug 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W903      2443751.30 1978 Aug 30 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W904      2443751.32 1978 Aug 30 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W905      2443751.36 1978 Aug 30 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W906      2443751.46 1978 Aug 30 2307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W907      2443752.04 1978 Aug 31 1303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W908      2443752.04 1978 Aug 31 1304:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 202     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W909      2443752.08 1978 Aug 31 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W910      2443752.21 1978 Aug 31 1708:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 203     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W911      2443752.25 1978 Aug 31 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W912      2443752.36 1978 Aug 31 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W913      2443752.58 1978 Sep 01 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W914      2443753.08 1978 Sep  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W915      2443753.10 1978 Sep  1 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W916      2443753.10 1978 Sep  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W917      2443753.16 1978 Sep  1 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W918      2443753.25 1978 Sep  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W919      2443753.26 1978 Sep  1 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W920      2443753.38 1978 Sep  1 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W921      2443753.50 1978 Sep  2 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W922      2443753.56 1978 Sep  2 0125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W923      2443756.13 1978 Sep  4 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W924      2443757.42 1978 Sep  5 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W925      2443757.58 1978 Sep 06 0200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W926      2443758.08 1978 Sep  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W927      2443758.12 1978 Sep  6 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W928      2443758.15 1978 Sep  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W929      2443758.19 1978 Sep  6 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W930      2443758.22 1978 Sep  6 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W931      2443758.41 1978 Sep  6 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W932      2443758.43 1978 Sep  6 2222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W933      2443758.63 1978 Sep  7 0310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W934      2443759.62 1978 Sep 08 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W935      2443760.01 1978 Sep  8 1217:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W936      2443760.12 1978 Sep  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W937      2443760.18 1978 Sep  8 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W938      2443760.27 1978 Sep  8 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W939      2443760.27 1978 Sep  8 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W940      2443760.55 1978 Sep  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W941      2443763.09 1978 Sep 11 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W942      2443763.18 1978 Sep 11 1615:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W943      2443763.26 1978 Sep 11 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W944      2443763.29 1978 Sep 11 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W945      2443763.35 1978 Sep 11 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W946      2443763.65 1978 Sep 12 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W947      2443764.40 1978 Sep 12 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W948      2443764.56 1978 Sep 13 0122:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W949      2443764.83 1978 Sep 13 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W950      2443764.98 1978 Sep 13 1137:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W951      2443765.13 1978 Sep 13 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W952      2443765.15 1978 Sep 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W953      2443765.15 1978 Sep 13 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W954      2443765.21 1978 Sep 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W955      2443765.25 1978 Sep 13 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W956      2443765.42 1978 Sep 13 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W957      2443765.49 1978 Sep 13 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W958      2443766.41 1978 Sep 14 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W959      2443766.83 1978 Sep 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W960      2443767.10 1978 Sep 15 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W961      2443767.16 1978 Sep 15 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W962      2443767.21 1978 Sep 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W963      2443767.28 1978 Sep 15 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W964      2443770.17 1978 Sep 18 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W965      2443770.19 1978 Sep 18 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W966      2443770.20 1978 Sep 18 1642:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W967      2443770.21 1978 Sep 18 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W968      2443770.25 1978 Sep 18 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W969      2443770.56 1978 Sep 19 0125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W970      2443771.17 1978 Sep 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W971      2443771.83 1978 Sep 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W972      2443772.05 1978 Sep 20 1314:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 204     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W973      2443772.10 1978 Sep 20 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W974      2443772.15 1978 Sep 20 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W975      2443772.16 1978 Sep 20 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W976      2443772.21 1978 Sep 20 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W977      2443772.21 1978 Sep 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W978      2443772.23 1978 Sep 20 1732:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 205     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W979      2443772.23 1978 Sep 20 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W980      2443772.25 1978 Sep 20 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 206     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W981      2443772.27 1978 Sep 20 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W982      2443772.29 1978 Sep 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W984      2443772.35 1978 Sep 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W983      2443772.35 1978 Sep 20 2030:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 207     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W985      2443772.39 1978 Sep 20 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W986      2443772.41 1978 Sep 20 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W987      2443773.88 1978 Sep 22 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W988      2443774.08 1978 Sep 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W989      2443774.10 1978 Sep 22 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W990      2443774.12 1978 Sep 22 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W991      2443774.14 1978 Sep 22 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W992      2443774.19 1978 Sep 22 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W993      2443774.35 1978 Sep 22 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W994      2443774.40 1978 Sep 22 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W995      2443777.10 1978 Sep 25 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W996      2443777.11 1978 Sep 25 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W997      2443777.20 1978 Sep 25 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W998      2443777.21 1978 Sep 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W999      2443777.25 1978 Sep 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1000     2443777.27 1978 Sep 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1001     2443777.39 1978 Sep 25 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1002     2443777.42 1978 Sep 25 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1003     2443778.88 1978 Sep 27 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1004     2443779.10 1978 Sep 27 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1005     2443779.16 1978 Sep 27 1551:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1006     2443779.20 1978 Sep 27 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1007     2443779.22 1978 Sep 27 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1008     2443779.22 1978 Sep 27 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1009     2443779.25 1978 Sep 27 1756:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1010     2443779.31 1978 Sep 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1011     2443779.51 1978 Sep 28 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1012     2443780.83 1978 Sep 29 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1013     2443781.12 1978 Sep 29 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1014     2443781.18 1978 Sep 29 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1015     2443781.21 1978 Sep 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1016     2443781.22 1978 Sep 29 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1017     2443781.23 1978 Sep 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1018     2443781.27 1978 Sep 29 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1019     2443781.50 1978 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1020     2443781.50 1978 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1021     2443781.50 1978 Oct             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1022     2443781.55 1978 Sep 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1023     2443784.15 1978 Oct  2 1532:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1024     2443784.16 1978 Oct  2 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1025     2443784.19 1978 Oct  2 1634:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1026     2443784.21 1978 Oct  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1027     2443784.25 1978 Oct  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1028     2443784.26 1978 Oct  2 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1029     2443784.55 1978 Oct  3 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1030     2443786.14 1978 Oct  4 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1031     2443786.18 1978 Oct  4 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1032     2443786.21 1978 Oct  4 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1033     2443786.26 1978 Oct  4 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1034     2443786.31 1978 Oct  4 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1035     2443786.34 1978 Oct  4 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1036     2443786.48 1978 Oct  4 2336:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1037     2443788.10 1978 Oct  6 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1038     2443788.18 1978 Oct  6 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1039     2443788.21 1978 Oct  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1040     2443788.26 1978 Oct  6 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1041     2443788.55 1978 Oct  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1042     2443791.13 1978 Oct  9 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1043     2443792.22 1978 Oct 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1044     2443792.25 1978 Oct 10 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1045     2443792.39 1978 Oct 10 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1046     2443793.10 1978 Oct 11 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1047     2443793.10 1978 Oct 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1048     2443793.12 1978 Oct 11 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1049     2443793.12 1978 Oct 11 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1050     2443793.18 1978 Oct 11 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1051     2443793.19 1978 Oct 11 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1052     2443793.21 1978 Oct 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1053     2443793.30 1978 Oct 11 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1054     2443793.39 1978 Oct 11 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1055     2443793.42 1978 Oct 11 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1056     2443795.09 1978 Oct 13 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1057     2443795.10 1978 Oct 13 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1058     2443795.14 1978 Oct 13 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1059     2443795.18 1978 Oct 13 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1060     2443795.22 1978 Oct 13 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1061     2443795.25 1978 Oct 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1062     2443795.36 1978 Oct 13 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1063     2443795.41 1978 Oct 13 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1064     2443798.08 1978 Oct 16 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1065     2443798.13 1978 Oct 16 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1066     2443798.27 1978 Oct 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1067     2443798.32 1978 Oct 16 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1068     2443798.38 1978 Oct 16 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1069     2443798.40 1978 Oct 16 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1070     2443799.05 1978 Oct 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1071     2443800.10 1978 Oct 18 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1072     2443800.13 1978 Oct 18 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1073     2443800.14 1978 Oct 18 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1074     2443800.21 1978 Oct 18 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1075     2443800.22 1978 Oct 18 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1076     2443800.22 1978 Oct 18 1721:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 208     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1077     2443800.24 1978 Oct 18 1752:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 209     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1078     2443800.25 1978 Oct 18 1805:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 210     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1079     2443800.27 1978 Oct 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1080     2443800.41 1978 Oct 18 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1081     2443801.05 1978 Oct 19 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1082     2443801.39 1978 Oct 19 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1083     2443802.15 1978 Oct 20 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1084     2443802.21 1978 Oct 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1085     2443802.21 1978 Oct 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1086     2443802.29 1978 Oct 20 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1087     2443802.38 1978 Oct 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1088     2443805.13 1978 Oct 23 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1089     2443805.21 1978 Oct 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1090     2443805.24 1978 Oct 23 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1091     2443805.26 1978 Oct 23 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1092     2443806.40 1978 Oct 24 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1093     2443807.14 1978 Oct 25 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1094     2443807.14 1978 Oct 25 1525:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1095     2443807.17 1978 Oct 25 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1096     2443807.21 1978 Oct 25 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1097     2443807.26 1978 Oct 25 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1098     2443807.35 1978 Oct 25 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1099     2443807.42 1978 Oct 25 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1100     2443807.48 1978 Oct 25 2337:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1101     2443808.21 1978 Oct 26 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1102     2443809.10 1978 Oct 27 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1103     2443809.14 1978 Oct 27 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1104     2443809.21 1978 Oct 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1105     2443809.27 1978 Oct 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1106     2443809.28 1978 Oct 27 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1107     2443809.55 1978 Oct 28 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1108     2443812.12 1978 Oct 30 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1109     2443812.21 1978 Oct 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1110     2443812.30 1978 Oct 30 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1111     2443812.31 1978 Oct 30 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1112     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1113     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1114     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1115     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1116     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1117     2443812.50 1978 Nov             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1978-W1118     2443812.55 1978 Oct 31 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1119     2443813.83 1978 Nov 01 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1120     2443814.12 1978 Nov  1 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1121     2443814.18 1978 Nov  1 1622:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1122     2443814.19 1978 Nov  1 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1123     2443814.21 1978 Nov  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1124     2443814.30 1978 Nov  1 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1125     2443814.32 1978 Nov  1 1945:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1126     2443814.54 1978 Nov  2 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1127     2443815.17 1978 Nov  2 1602:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1128     2443815.79 1978 Nov 03 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1129     2443816.11 1978 Nov  3 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1130     2443816.15 1978 Nov  3 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1131     2443816.30 1978 Nov  3 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1132     2443816.31 1978 Nov  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1133     2443819.08 1978 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1134     2443819.09 1978 Nov  6 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1135     2443819.16 1978 Nov  6 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1136     2443819.22 1978 Nov  6 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1137     2443819.29 1978 Nov  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1138     2443819.40 1978 Nov  6 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1139     2443820.15 1978 Nov  7 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1140     2443820.79 1978 Nov 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1141     2443821.12 1978 Nov  8 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1142     2443821.15 1978 Nov  8 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1143     2443821.20 1978 Nov  8 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1144     2443821.20 1978 Nov  8 1652:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1145     2443821.21 1978 Nov  8 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1146     2443821.24 1978 Nov  8 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1147     2443821.41 1978 Nov  8 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1148     2443821.47 1978 Nov  8 2314:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1149     2443822.21 1978 Nov  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1150     2443822.21 1978 Nov  9 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1151     2443822.26 1978 Nov  9 1814:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1152     2443822.83 1978 Nov 10 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1153     2443823.15 1978 Nov 10 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1154     2443823.16 1978 Nov 10 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1155     2443823.20 1978 Nov 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1156     2443826.13 1978 Nov 13 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1157     2443826.18 1978 Nov 13 1619:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1158     2443826.22 1978 Nov 13 1711:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 211     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1159     2443826.22 1978 Nov 13 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1160     2443826.28 1978 Nov 13 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1161     2443827.08 1978 Nov 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1162     2443827.15 1978 Nov 14 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1163     2443827.83 1978 Nov 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1164     2443828.12 1978 Nov 15 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1165     2443828.19 1978 Nov 15 1637:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1166     2443828.21 1978 Nov 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1167     2443828.24 1978 Nov 15 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1168     2443828.28 1978 Nov 15 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1169     2443828.39 1978 Nov 15 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1170     2443828.47 1978 Nov 15 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1171     2443829.17 1978 Nov 16 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1172     2443829.29 1978 Nov 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1173     2443829.56 1978 Nov 17 0124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1174     2443829.79 1978 Nov 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1175     2443830.16 1978 Nov 17 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1176     2443830.19 1978 Nov 17 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1177     2443830.21 1978 Nov 17 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1178     2443830.29 1978 Nov 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1179     2443830.40 1978 Nov 17 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1180     2443830.44 1978 Nov 17 2226:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1181     2443832.13 1978 Nov 19 1508:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 212           -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1182     2443832.17 1978 Nov 19 1559:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1183     2443832.21 1978 Nov 19 1700:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 213     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1184     2443833.09 1978 Nov 20 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1185     2443833.13 1978 Nov 20 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1186     2443833.15 1978 Nov 20 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1187     2443833.18 1978 Nov 20 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1188     2443833.19 1978 Nov 20 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1189     2443833.21 1978 Nov 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1190     2443833.31 1978 Nov 20 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1191     2443833.55 1978 Nov 21 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1192     2443834.18 1978 Nov 21 1620:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1193     2443834.67 1978 Nov 22 0400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1194     2443835.08 1978 Nov 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1195     2443835.09 1978 Nov 22 1408:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 214     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1196     2443835.12 1978 Nov 22 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1197     2443835.15 1978 Nov 22 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1198     2443835.16 1978 Nov 22 1548:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1199     2443835.20 1978 Nov 22 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1200     2443835.22 1978 Nov 22 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1201     2443835.39 1978 Nov 22 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1202     2443835.40 1978 Nov 22 2142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1203     2443836.15 1978 Nov 23 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1204     2443837.13 1978 Nov 24 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1205     2443837.18 1978 Nov 24 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1206     2443837.22 1978 Nov 24 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1207     2443837.56 1978 Nov 25 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1208     2443838.13 1978 Nov 25 1510:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 215           -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1209     2443840.09 1978 Nov 27 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1210     2443840.14 1978 Nov 27 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1211     2443840.16 1978 Nov 27 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1212     2443840.22 1978 Nov 27 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1213     2443840.30 1978 Nov 27 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1214     2443840.34 1978 Nov 27 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1215     2443840.45 1978 Nov 27 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1216     2443840.66 1978 Nov 28 0345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1217     2443841.08 1978 Nov 28 1358:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 216     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1218     2443841.34 1978 Nov 28 2012:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1219     2443842.18 1978 Nov 29 1613:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 217     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright               Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1220     2443842.19 1978 Nov 29 1640:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1221     2443842.23 1978 Nov 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1222     2443842.24 1978 Nov 29 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1223     2443842.31 1978 Nov 29 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1224     2443842.49 1978 Nov 29 2343:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1225     2443843.08 1978 Nov 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1226     2443843.15 1978 Nov 30 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1227     2443843.40 1978 Nov 30 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1228     2443844.14 1978 Dec  1 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1229     2443844.27 1978 Dec  1 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1230     2443844.29 1978 Dec  1 1859:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1231     2443844.33 1978 Dec  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-M05       2443846.50 1978 Dec  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SDSC-SR              -                    -
1978-M06       2443846.50 1978 Dec  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SDSC-SR              -                    -
1978-W1232     2443847.17 1978 Dec  4 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1233     2443847.29 1978 Dec  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1234     2443847.38 1978 Dec  4 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-M07       2443847.50 1978 Dec  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SDSC-SR              -                    -
1978-M08       2443847.50 1978 Dec  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SDSC-SR              -                    -
1978-M09       2443847.50 1978 Dec  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SDSC-SR              -                    -
1978-W1235     2443848.09 1978 Dec  5 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1236     2443848.22 1978 Dec  5 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1237     2443848.29 1978 Dec  5 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1238     2443848.29 1978 Dec  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1239     2443849.14 1978 Dec  6 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1240     2443849.15 1978 Dec  6 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1241     2443849.22 1978 Dec  6 1715:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1242     2443849.26 1978 Dec  6 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1243     2443849.36 1978 Dec  6 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1244     2443849.44 1978 Dec  6 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1245     2443850.28 1978 Dec  7 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1246     2443850.29 1978 Dec  7 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1247     2443850.32 1978 Dec  7 1940:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1248     2443850.41 1978 Dec  7 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1249     2443851.18 1978 Dec  8 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1250     2443851.34 1978 Dec  8 2011:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1251     2443851.34 1978 Dec  8 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1252     2443851.40 1978 Dec  8 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1253     2443851.41 1978 Dec  8 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1254     2443851.46 1978 Dec  8 2303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1255     2443854.13 1978 Dec 11 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1256     2443854.15 1978 Dec 11 1537:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1257     2443854.33 1978 Dec 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1258     2443854.41 1978 Dec 11 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1259     2443855.16 1978 Dec 12 1556:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1260     2443855.33 1978 Dec 12 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1261     2443855.38 1978 Dec 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1262     2443856.15 1978 Dec 13 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1263     2443856.17 1978 Dec 13 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1264     2443856.31 1978 Dec 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1265     2443856.32 1978 Dec 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1266     2443856.33 1978 Dec 13 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1267     2443856.43 1978 Dec 13 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1268     2443856.46 1978 Dec 13 2308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1269     2443857.29 1978 Dec 14 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1270     2443857.38 1978 Dec 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1271     2443857.70 1978 Dec 15 0441:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1272     2443857.74 1978 Dec 15 0541     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.149GM        -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1273     2443858.12 1978 Dec 15 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1274     2443858.29 1978 Dec 15 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1275     2443858.31 1978 Dec 15 1926:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1276     2443858.38 1978 Dec 15 2109:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1277     2443861.15 1978 Dec 18 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1278     2443861.16 1978 Dec 18 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1279     2443861.22 1978 Dec 18 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1280     2443861.36 1978 Dec 18 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1281     2443862.27 1978 Dec 19 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1282     2443862.32 1978 Dec 19 1941:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1283     2443863.11 1978 Dec 20 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1284     2443863.15 1978 Dec 20 1542:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 218     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright.D             Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1285     2443863.18 1978 Dec 20 1618:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1286     2443863.19 1978 Dec 20 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1287     2443863.20 1978 Dec 20 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1288     2443863.22 1978 Dec 20 1713:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 219     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Wright.D             Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1978-W1289     2443863.29 1978 Dec 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1290     2443863.30 1978 Dec 20 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1291     2443863.47 1978 Dec 20 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1292     2443864.15 1978 Dec 21 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1293     2443864.29 1978 Dec 21 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1294     2443865.27 1978 Dec 22 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1295     2443865.31 1978 Dec 22 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1296     2443870.27 1978 Dec 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1297     2443870.40 1978 Dec 27 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1978-W1298     2443872.28 1978 Dec 29 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W01       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W02       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W03       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W04       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W05       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W06       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W07       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W08       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W09       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W10       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W11       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W12       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W13       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W14       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W15       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W16       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W17       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W18       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W19       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W20       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W21       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W22       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W23       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W24       2443873.50 1979 Jan             Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W25       2443876.32 1979 Jan  2 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W26       2443876.88 1979 Jan 03 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W27       2443877.06 1979 Jan  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W28       2443877.06 1979 Jan  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W29       2443877.12 1979 Jan  3 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W30       2443877.18 1979 Jan  3 1612:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W31       2443877.31 1979 Jan  3 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W32       2443877.33 1979 Jan  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W33       2443878.41 1979 Jan  4 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M148      2443878.50 1979 Jan  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     RH               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-M167      2443878.50 1979 Jan  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W34       2443879.05 1979 Jan  5 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W35       2443879.07 1979 Jan  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W36       2443879.12 1979 Jan  5 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W37       2443879.19 1979 Jan  5 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W38       2443879.29 1979 Jan  5 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W39       2443879.32 1979 Jan  5 1941:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M05       2443879.50 1979 Jan  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W40       2443881.19 1979 Jan  7 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W41       2443881.23 1979 Jan  7 1727     Super Loki               -      F-220/T 1-9631       -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W42       2443881.24 1979 Jan  7 1749     Super Loki               -      F-221/T 1-9645       -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W43       2443882.09 1979 Jan  8 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W44       2443882.11 1979 Jan  8 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W45       2443882.12 1979 Jan  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W46       2443882.20 1979 Jan  8 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W47       2443882.21 1979 Jan  8 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W48       2443882.33 1979 Jan  8 1955:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W49       2443882.35 1979 Jan  8 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W50       2443882.55 1979 Jan  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W51       2443882.75 1979 Jan  9 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W52       2443883.15 1979 Jan  9 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W53       2443883.16 1979 Jan  9 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W54       2443883.19 1979 Jan  9 1628:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 222     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W55       2443883.29 1979 Jan  9 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W56       2443883.33 1979 Jan  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M06       2443883.50 1979 Jan 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1465     2443883.58 1979 Jan 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R336          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W57       2443884.11 1979 Jan 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W58       2443884.12 1979 Jan 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W59       2443884.15 1979 Jan 10 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W60       2443884.16 1979 Jan 10 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W61       2443884.20 1979 Jan 10 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W62       2443884.22 1979 Jan 10 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W63       2443884.28 1979 Jan 10 1840:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W64       2443884.30 1979 Jan 10 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W65       2443884.38 1979 Jan 10 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W66       2443884.39 1979 Jan 10 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W67       2443884.46 1979 Jan 10 2303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W68       2443885.18 1979 Jan 11 1618:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W69       2443885.22 1979 Jan 11 1714:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 223     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W70       2443885.30 1979 Jan 11 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W71       2443885.32 1979 Jan 11 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M07       2443885.50 1979 Jan 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W72       2443885.57 1979 Jan 12 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W73       2443886.06 1979 Jan 12 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W74       2443886.07 1979 Jan 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W75       2443886.15 1979 Jan 12 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W76       2443886.23 1979 Jan 12 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W77       2443886.29 1979 Jan 12 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W78       2443886.29 1979 Jan 12 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W79       2443886.30 1979 Jan 12 1917:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M08       2443886.50 1979 Jan 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W80       2443889.06 1979 Jan 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W81       2443889.10 1979 Jan 15 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W82       2443889.11 1979 Jan 15 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W83       2443889.20 1979 Jan 15 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W84       2443889.37 1979 Jan 15 2049:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W85       2443889.40 1979 Jan 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W86       2443890.31 1979 Jan 16 1929:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W87       2443890.38 1979 Jan 16 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W88       2443890.41 1979 Jan 16 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M09       2443890.50 1979 Jan 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1466     2443890.59 1979 Jan 17 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R337          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W89       2443891.04 1979 Jan 17 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W90       2443891.07 1979 Jan 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W91       2443891.10 1979 Jan 17 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W92       2443891.11 1979 Jan 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W93       2443891.17 1979 Jan 17 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W94       2443891.20 1979 Jan 17 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W95       2443891.20 1979 Jan 17 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W96       2443891.27 1979 Jan 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W97       2443891.31 1979 Jan 17 1932:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W98       2443891.32 1979 Jan 17 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W99       2443891.34 1979 Jan 17 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W100      2443891.40 1979 Jan 17 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W101      2443891.57 1979 Jan 18 0142:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W102      2443892.22 1979 Jan 18 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W103      2443892.32 1979 Jan 18 1937:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M10       2443892.50 1979 Jan 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W104      2443892.75 1979 Jan 19 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W105      2443893.11 1979 Jan 19 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W106      2443893.11 1979 Jan 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W107      2443893.12 1979 Jan 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W108      2443893.15 1979 Jan 19 1533:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W109      2443893.20 1979 Jan 19 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W110      2443893.31 1979 Jan 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W111      2443893.37 1979 Jan 19 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W112      2443893.41 1979 Jan 19 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W113      2443893.67 1979 Jan 20 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W114      2443893.71 1979 Jan 20 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W115      2443893.75 1979 Jan 20 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W116      2443893.79 1979 Jan 20 0702:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W117      2443893.90 1979 Jan 20 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W118      2443896.12 1979 Jan 22 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W119      2443896.12 1979 Jan 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W120      2443896.19 1979 Jan 22 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W121      2443896.20 1979 Jan 22 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W122      2443896.23 1979 Jan 22 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W123      2443896.56 1979 Jan 23 0124:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W124      2443897.20 1979 Jan 23 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W125      2443897.22 1979 Jan 23 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W126      2443897.26 1979 Jan 23 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W127      2443897.27 1979 Jan 23 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W128      2443897.28 1979 Jan 23 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M15       2443897.50 1979 Jan 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M11       2443897.50 1979 Jan 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1467     2443897.59 1979 Jan 24 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R338          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W129      2443897.72 1979 Jan 24 0520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W130      2443897.75 1979 Jan 24 0556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W131      2443897.88 1979 Jan 24 0902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W132      2443898.06 1979 Jan 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W133      2443898.08 1979 Jan 24 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W134      2443898.09 1979 Jan 24 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W135      2443898.11 1979 Jan 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W136      2443898.20 1979 Jan 24 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W137      2443898.30 1979 Jan 24 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W138      2443898.31 1979 Jan 24 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W139      2443898.46 1979 Jan 24 2303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W140      2443899.13 1979 Jan 25 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W141      2443899.18 1979 Jan 25 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W142      2443899.27 1979 Jan 25 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W143      2443899.38 1979 Jan 25 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M12       2443899.50 1979 Jan 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M16       2443899.50 1979 Jan 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W144      2443899.83 1979 Jan 26 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W145      2443900.06 1979 Jan 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W146      2443900.07 1979 Jan 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W147      2443900.11 1979 Jan 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W148      2443900.11 1979 Jan 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W149      2443900.23 1979 Jan 26 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W150      2443900.25 1979 Jan 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W151      2443900.39 1979 Jan 26 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W152      2443900.58 1979 Jan 27 0202:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W153      2443901.34 1979 Jan 27 2005     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.150GM        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W154      2443901.86 1979 Jan 28 0833     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.151GM        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M13       2443902.50 1979 Jan 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W155      2443903.08 1979 Jan 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W156      2443903.10 1979 Jan 29 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W157      2443903.15 1979 Jan 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W158      2443903.21 1979 Jan 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W159      2443903.21 1979 Jan 29 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W160      2443903.30 1979 Jan 29 1908:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W161      2443903.39 1979 Jan 29 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W162      2443903.55 1979 Jan 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W163      2443904.29 1979 Jan 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W164      2443904.50 1979 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W165      2443904.50 1979 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W166      2443904.50 1979 Feb             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-M14       2443904.50 1979 Jan 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M17       2443904.50 1979 Jan 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1468     2443904.59 1979 Jan 31 0207     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R339          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W167      2443904.83 1979 Jan 31 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W168      2443905.08 1979 Jan 31 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W169      2443905.11 1979 Jan 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W170      2443905.12 1979 Jan 31 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W171      2443905.15 1979 Jan 31 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W172      2443905.15 1979 Jan 31 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W173      2443905.17 1979 Jan 31 1601:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W174      2443905.20 1979 Jan 31 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W175      2443905.21 1979 Jan 31 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W176      2443905.22 1979 Jan 31 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W177      2443905.28 1979 Jan 31 1843:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W178      2443905.39 1979 Jan 31 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W179      2443905.49 1979 Jan 31 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W180      2443906.17 1979 Feb  1 1557:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W181      2443906.29 1979 Feb  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W182      2443906.42 1979 Feb  1 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M166      2443906.50 1979 Feb  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-M26       2443906.50 1979 Feb  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M168      2443906.50 1979 Feb  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-W183      2443906.83 1979 Feb 02 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W184      2443907.05 1979 Feb  2 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W185      2443907.08 1979 Feb  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W186      2443907.12 1979 Feb  2 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W187      2443907.20 1979 Feb  2 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W188      2443907.27 1979 Feb  2 1835:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W189      2443907.36 1979 Feb  2 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M18       2443907.50 1979 Feb  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W190      2443910.06 1979 Feb  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W191      2443910.08 1979 Feb  5 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W192      2443910.11 1979 Feb  5 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W193      2443910.21 1979 Feb  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W194      2443910.21 1979 Feb  5 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W195      2443910.25 1979 Feb  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W196      2443910.39 1979 Feb  5 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W197      2443910.55 1979 Feb  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W198      2443911.29 1979 Feb  6 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W199      2443911.29 1979 Feb  6 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W200      2443911.33 1979 Feb  6 2001:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M19       2443911.50 1979 Feb  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M27       2443911.50 1979 Feb  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W201      2443911.56 1979 Feb  7 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T24           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1979-W1469     2443911.58 1979 Feb  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R340          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W202      2443911.79 1979 Feb 07 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W203      2443912.06 1979 Feb  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W204      2443912.11 1979 Feb  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W205      2443912.12 1979 Feb  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W206      2443912.13 1979 Feb  7 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W207      2443912.15 1979 Feb  7 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W208      2443912.21 1979 Feb  7 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W209      2443912.25 1979 Feb  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W210      2443912.28 1979 Feb 07 1850:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      NER      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W211      2443912.31 1979 Feb  7 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W212      2443912.31 1979 Feb  7 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W213      2443912.42 1979 Feb  7 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W214      2443912.45 1979 Feb  7 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W215      2443912.47 1979 Feb  7 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W216      2443913.28 1979 Feb  8 1844:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W217      2443913.29 1979 Feb  8 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M20       2443913.50 1979 Feb  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M28       2443913.50 1979 Feb  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W218      2443913.56 1979 Feb  9 0130:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W219      2443913.79 1979 Feb 09 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W220      2443914.06 1979 Feb  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W221      2443914.16 1979 Feb  9 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W222      2443914.21 1979 Feb  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W223      2443914.21 1979 Feb  9 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W224      2443914.24 1979 Feb  9 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W225      2443914.29 1979 Feb  9 1857:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W226      2443914.45 1979 Feb  9 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W227      2443914.66 1979 Feb 10 0345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W228      2443917.07 1979 Feb 12 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W229      2443917.20 1979 Feb 12 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W230      2443917.22 1979 Feb 12 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W231      2443917.25 1979 Feb 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W232      2443917.26 1979 Feb 12 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W233      2443917.37 1979 Feb 12 2048:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W234      2443917.44 1979 Feb 12 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W235      2443917.55 1979 Feb 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W236      2443918.36 1979 Feb 13 2033:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M21       2443918.50 1979 Feb 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M29       2443918.50 1979 Feb 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1470     2443918.58 1979 Feb 14 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R341          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W237      2443918.79 1979 Feb 14 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W238      2443919.09 1979 Feb 14 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W239      2443919.12 1979 Feb 14 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W240      2443919.15 1979 Feb 14 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W241      2443919.19 1979 Feb 14 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W242      2443919.30 1979 Feb 14 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W243      2443919.32 1979 Feb 14 1935:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W244      2443919.32 1979 Feb 14 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W245      2443919.34 1979 Feb 14 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W246      2443919.39 1979 Feb 14 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W247      2443919.46 1979 Feb 14 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W248      2443919.56 1979 Feb 15 0125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W249      2443920.13 1979 Feb 15 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W250      2443920.24 1979 Feb 15 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W251      2443920.32 1979 Feb 15 1935:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W252      2443920.39 1979 Feb 15 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M30       2443920.50 1979 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M22       2443920.50 1979 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W253      2443920.57 1979 Feb 16 0145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W254      2443921.07 1979 Feb 16 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W255      2443921.07 1979 Feb 16 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W256      2443921.11 1979 Feb 16 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W257      2443921.11 1979 Feb 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W258      2443921.21 1979 Feb 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W259      2443921.33 1979 Feb 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W260      2443921.35 1979 Feb 16 2030:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W261      2443921.46 1979 Feb 16 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W262      2443924.05 1979 Feb 19 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W263      2443924.07 1979 Feb 19 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W264      2443924.12 1979 Feb 19 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W265      2443924.20 1979 Feb 19 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W266      2443924.27 1979 Feb 19 1831:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W267      2443924.66 1979 Feb 20 0344:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W268      2443925.21 1979 Feb 20 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W269      2443925.28 1979 Feb 20 1848:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W270      2443925.32 1979 Feb 20 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W271      2443925.45 1979 Feb 20 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M23       2443925.50 1979 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M31       2443925.50 1979 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1471     2443925.58 1979 Feb 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R342          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W272      2443925.62 1979 Feb 21 0246:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W273      2443926.06 1979 Feb 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W274      2443926.08 1979 Feb 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W275      2443926.13 1979 Feb 21 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M147      2443926.13 1979 Feb 21 1505     Centaure 2B              -      ISRO                 -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   NPL/Goroshev             Ionos                    KI20,776             -                    -
1979-W276      2443926.18 1979 Feb 21 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W277      2443926.20 1979 Feb 21 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W278      2443926.23 1979 Feb 21 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W279      2443926.26 1979 Feb 21 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W280      2443926.30 1979 Feb 21 1907:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W281      2443926.45 1979 Feb 21 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W282      2443926.45 1979 Feb 21 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W283      2443927.18 1979 Feb 22 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W284      2443927.28 1979 Feb 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W285      2443927.36 1979 Feb 22 2038:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M32       2443927.50 1979 Feb 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M24       2443927.50 1979 Feb 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M149      2443927.50 1979 Feb 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W286      2443928.06 1979 Feb 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W287      2443928.09 1979 Feb 23 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W288      2443928.12 1979 Feb 23 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W289      2443928.21 1979 Feb 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W290      2443928.23 1979 Feb 23 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W291      2443928.34 1979 Feb 23 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W292      2443928.35 1979 Feb 23 2029:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W293      2443928.37 1979 Feb 23 2048:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W294      2443928.37 1979 Feb 23 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W295      2443928.50 1979 Feb 23 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W296      2443928.55 1979 Feb 24 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W297      2443931.03 1979 Feb 26 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W298      2443931.06 1979 Feb 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W299      2443931.11 1979 Feb 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W300      2443931.20 1979 Feb 26 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W301      2443931.21 1979 Feb 26 1700:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W302      2443931.21 1979 Feb 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W303      2443931.24 1979 Feb 26 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W304      2443931.27 1979 Feb 26 1823:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W305      2443931.37 1979 Feb 26 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W306      2443931.40 1979 Feb 26 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W307      2443931.46 1979 Feb 26 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W308      2443931.57 1979 Feb 27 0135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W309      2443931.69 1979 Feb 27 0430     Super Loki               -      CMSL-09              Eclipse Blunt probe      -                        -                        -         RLAKE    CHK              -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   MRN/                     Aeron                    WI-PR-79-6           JATP45-515           -
1979-W310      2443932.07 1979 Feb 27 1340:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W311      2443932.11 1979 Feb 27 1440     Super Loki               -      CMSL-10              Eclipse Blunt Probe      -                        -                        -         RLAKE    CHK              -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   MRN/                     Aeron                    JATP45-515           -                    -
1979-W312      2443932.15 1979 Feb 27 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W313      2443932.15 1979 Feb 27 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W314      2443932.26 1979 Feb 27 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W315      2443932.28 1979 Feb 27 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M25       2443932.50 1979 Feb 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M33       2443932.50 1979 Feb 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W319      2443932.79 1979 Feb 28 0700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W316      2443932.79 1979 Feb 28 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W317      2443933.06 1979 Feb 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W318      2443933.08 1979 Feb 28 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W320      2443933.10 1979 Feb 28 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W321      2443933.11 1979 Feb 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W322      2443933.15 1979 Feb 28 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W323      2443933.15 1979 Feb 28 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W324      2443933.20 1979 Feb 28 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W325      2443933.21 1979 Feb 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W326      2443933.24 1979 Feb 28 1750:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 224     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W327      2443933.25 1979 Feb 28 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W328      2443933.44 1979 Feb 28 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W329      2443933.45 1979 Feb 28 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W330      2443934.15 1979 Mar  1 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W331      2443934.24 1979 Mar  1 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W332      2443934.32 1979 Mar  1 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M34       2443934.50 1979 Mar  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M39       2443934.50 1979 Mar  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W333      2443935.15 1979 Mar  2 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W334      2443935.26 1979 Mar  2 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W335      2443935.29 1979 Mar  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W336      2443935.37 1979 Mar  2 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W337      2443935.41 1979 Mar  2 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W338      2443935.44 1979 Mar  2 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W339      2443938.11 1979 Mar  5 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W340      2443938.21 1979 Mar  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W341      2443938.31 1979 Mar  5 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W342      2443938.33 1979 Mar  5 1952:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W343      2443938.42 1979 Mar  5 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W344      2443938.49 1979 Mar  5 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W345      2443938.57 1979 Mar  6 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M35       2443939.50 1979 Mar  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M40       2443939.50 1979 Mar  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1472     2443939.58 1979 Mar  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R343          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W346      2443940.08 1979 Mar 07 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W347      2443940.12 1979 Mar  7 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W348      2443940.16 1979 Mar  7 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W349      2443940.25 1979 Mar  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W350      2443940.31 1979 Mar  7 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W351      2443940.32 1979 Mar  7 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W352      2443940.34 1979 Mar  7 2004:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W353      2443940.45 1979 Mar  7 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W354      2443940.48 1979 Mar  7 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W355      2443941.33 1979 Mar  8 1954:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W356      2443941.33 1979 Mar  8 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W357      2443942.11 1979 Mar  9 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W358      2443942.24 1979 Mar  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W359      2443942.28 1979 Mar  9 1847:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W360      2443942.38 1979 Mar  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W361      2443942.39 1979 Mar  9 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W362      2443942.47 1979 Mar  9 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W363      2443942.56 1979 Mar 10 0129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W364      2443945.13 1979 Mar 12 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W365      2443945.24 1979 Mar 12 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W366      2443945.25 1979 Mar 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W367      2443945.31 1979 Mar 12 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W368      2443945.42 1979 Mar 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W369      2443945.55 1979 Mar 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W370      2443946.36 1979 Mar 13 2045:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M36       2443946.50 1979 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M170      2443946.50 1979 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-M41       2443946.50 1979 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1473     2443946.58 1979 Mar 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R344          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W371      2443946.88 1979 Mar 14 0908:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W372      2443947.15 1979 Mar 14 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W373      2443947.30 1979 Mar 14 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W374      2443947.33 1979 Mar 14 1952:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W375      2443947.35 1979 Mar 14 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W376      2443947.42 1979 Mar 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W377      2443947.47 1979 Mar 14 2323:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W378      2443947.48 1979 Mar 14 2329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W379      2443948.17 1979 Mar 15 1607:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W380      2443948.21 1979 Mar 15 1708:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 225     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W381      2443948.38 1979 Mar 15 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W382      2443948.40 1979 Mar 15 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W383      2443948.69 1979 Mar 16 0430:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W384      2443949.21 1979 Mar 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W385      2443949.38 1979 Mar 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W386      2443949.39 1979 Mar 16 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W387      2443949.41 1979 Mar 16 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W388      2443952.13 1979 Mar 19 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W389      2443952.14 1979 Mar 19 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W390      2443952.16 1979 Mar 19 1549:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W391      2443952.17 1979 Mar 19 1612:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 226     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W392      2443952.29 1979 Mar 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W393      2443952.37 1979 Mar 19 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W394      2443952.38 1979 Mar 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W395      2443952.55 1979 Mar 20 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W396      2443952.75 1979 Mar 20 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W397      2443953.15 1979 Mar 20 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M37       2443953.50 1979 Mar 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M42       2443953.50 1979 Mar 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W398      2443954.12 1979 Mar 21 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W399      2443954.21 1979 Mar 21 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W400      2443954.24 1979 Mar 21 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W401      2443954.29 1979 Mar 21 1858:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W402      2443954.31 1979 Mar 21 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W403      2443954.33 1979 Mar 21 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W404      2443954.33 1979 Mar 21 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W405      2443954.42 1979 Mar 21 2210:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W406      2443955.15 1979 Mar 22 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W407      2443956.11 1979 Mar 23 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W408      2443956.27 1979 Mar 23 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W409      2443956.29 1979 Mar 23 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W410      2443956.31 1979 Mar 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W411      2443956.36 1979 Mar 23 2043:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W412      2443956.37 1979 Mar 23 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W413      2443956.55 1979 Mar 24 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W414      2443956.71 1979 Mar 24 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W415      2443957.10 1979 Mar 24 1423:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 227     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W416      2443959.13 1979 Mar 26 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W417      2443959.23 1979 Mar 26 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W418      2443959.33 1979 Mar 26 1949:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W419      2443959.35 1979 Mar 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W420      2443959.38 1979 Mar 26 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W421      2443959.59 1979 Mar 27 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W422      2443959.80 1979 Mar 27 0714:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W423      2443960.32 1979 Mar 27 1933:59  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M38       2443960.50 1979 Mar 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M43       2443960.50 1979 Mar 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1474     2443960.58 1979 Mar 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R345          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W424      2443961.11 1979 Mar 28 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W425      2443961.19 1979 Mar 28 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W426      2443961.21 1979 Mar 28 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W427      2443961.22 1979 Mar 28 1722:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 228     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W428      2443961.28 1979 Mar 28 1840:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-9640             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   SDCO/Bollerman           Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W429      2443961.33 1979 Mar 28 1951:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W430      2443961.33 1979 Mar 28 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W431      2443961.38 1979 Mar 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W432      2443961.45 1979 Mar 28 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W433      2443961.81 1979 Mar 29 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W434      2443962.38 1979 Mar 29 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W435      2443963.11 1979 Mar 30 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W436      2443963.16 1979 Mar 30 1555:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W437      2443963.25 1979 Mar 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W438      2443963.29 1979 Mar 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W439      2443963.38 1979 Mar 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W440      2443963.50 1979 Apr             Loki Dart                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   USAF/6WW                 Meteo                    FC                   -                    -
1979-W441      2443963.81 1979 Mar 31 0719:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W442      2443965.67 1979 Apr 02 0400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W443      2443966.05 1979 Apr  2 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W444      2443966.06 1979 Apr  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W445      2443966.15 1979 Apr  2 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W446      2443966.29 1979 Apr  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W447      2443966.37 1979 Apr  2 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W448      2443966.44 1979 Apr  2 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M44       2443967.50 1979 Apr  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M48       2443967.50 1979 Apr  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W449      2443968.06 1979 Apr  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W450      2443968.06 1979 Apr  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W451      2443968.15 1979 Apr  4 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W452      2443968.16 1979 Apr  4 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W453      2443968.18 1979 Apr  4 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W454      2443968.30 1979 Apr  4 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W455      2443968.35 1979 Apr  4 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W456      2443968.38 1979 Apr  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W457      2443968.40 1979 Apr  4 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W458      2443968.45 1979 Apr  4 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W459      2443968.49 1979 Apr  4 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W460      2443968.55 1979 Apr  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W461      2443968.57 1979 Apr  5 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W462      2443969.22 1979 Apr  5 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W463      2443969.28 1979 Apr 05 1838:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 229     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W464      2443969.38 1979 Apr  5 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W465      2443969.41 1979 Apr 05 2154:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 230     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W466      2443969.43 1979 Apr 05 2213:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 231     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W467      2443969.44 1979 Apr  5 2233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W468      2443970.05 1979 Apr  6 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W469      2443970.11 1979 Apr  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W470      2443970.16 1979 Apr  6 1552:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W471      2443970.16 1979 Apr  6 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W472      2443970.24 1979 Apr  6 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W473      2443970.32 1979 Apr  6 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W474      2443970.37 1979 Apr  6 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W475      2443970.55 1979 Apr  7 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W476      2443973.04 1979 Apr  9 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W477      2443973.13 1979 Apr  9 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W478      2443973.37 1979 Apr  9 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W479      2443973.41 1979 Apr  9 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W480      2443973.42 1979 Apr  9 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W481      2443973.55 1979 Apr 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M45       2443974.50 1979 Apr 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M49       2443974.50 1979 Apr 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1475     2443974.59 1979 Apr 11 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R346          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W482      2443975.06 1979 Apr 11 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W483      2443975.07 1979 Apr 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W484      2443975.12 1979 Apr 11 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W485      2443975.15 1979 Apr 11 1530:00  Loki Dart                -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   MRN/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W486      2443975.15 1979 Apr 11 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W487      2443975.24 1979 Apr 11 1752:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 232     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W488      2443975.28 1979 Apr 11 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W489      2443975.32 1979 Apr 11 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W490      2443975.42 1979 Apr 11 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W491      2443975.45 1979 Apr 11 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W492      2443976.31 1979 Apr 12 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W493      2443977.06 1979 Apr 13 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W494      2443977.06 1979 Apr 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W495      2443977.13 1979 Apr 13 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W496      2443977.26 1979 Apr 13 1810:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 233     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W497      2443977.27 1979 Apr 13 1822:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W498      2443977.47 1979 Apr 13 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W499      2443980.06 1979 Apr 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W500      2443980.12 1979 Apr 16 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W501      2443980.20 1979 Apr 16 1652:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W502      2443980.29 1979 Apr 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W503      2443980.42 1979 Apr 16 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W504      2443980.55 1979 Apr 17 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W505      2443980.77 1979 Apr 17 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M46       2443981.50 1979 Apr 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M50       2443981.50 1979 Apr 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1476     2443981.59 1979 Apr 18 0211     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R347          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W506      2443982.06 1979 Apr 18 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W507      2443982.06 1979 Apr 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W508      2443982.10 1979 Apr 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W509      2443982.11 1979 Apr 18 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W510      2443982.16 1979 Apr 18 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W511      2443982.21 1979 Apr 18 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W512      2443982.31 1979 Apr 18 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W513      2443982.37 1979 Apr 18 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W514      2443982.55 1979 Apr 19 0109:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W515      2443983.42 1979 Apr 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W516      2443983.42 1979 Apr 19 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W517      2443984.08 1979 Apr 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W518      2443984.09 1979 Apr 20 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W519      2443984.11 1979 Apr 20 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W520      2443984.21 1979 Apr 20 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W521      2443984.31 1979 Apr 20 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W522      2443984.37 1979 Apr 20 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W523      2443984.46 1979 Apr 20 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W524      2443984.55 1979 Apr 21 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W525      2443984.56 1979 Apr 21 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W526      2443985.00 1979 Apr 21 1202:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS79B   LP1              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W527      2443985.08 1979 Apr 21 1358:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 234     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W528      2443985.38 1979 Apr 21 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS79C   LP1              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W529      2443987.07 1979 Apr 23 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W530      2443987.11 1979 Apr 23 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W531      2443987.21 1979 Apr 23 1700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W532      2443987.21 1979 Apr 23 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W533      2443987.33 1979 Apr 23 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W534      2443987.42 1979 Apr 23 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W535      2443987.49 1979 Apr 23 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M47       2443988.50 1979 Apr 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M51       2443988.50 1979 Apr 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1477     2443988.58 1979 Apr 25 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R348          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W536      2443988.83 1979 Apr 25 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W537      2443989.09 1979 Apr 25 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W538      2443989.11 1979 Apr 25 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W539      2443989.18 1979 Apr 25 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W540      2443989.20 1979 Apr 25 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W541      2443989.23 1979 Apr 25 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W542      2443989.23 1979 Apr 25 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W543      2443989.40 1979 Apr 25 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W544      2443989.45 1979 Apr 25 2248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W545      2443989.47 1979 Apr 25 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W546      2443990.39 1979 Apr 26 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W547      2443990.76 1979 Apr 27 0609     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-16            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  FC                   -                    -
1979-W548      2443990.83 1979 Apr 27 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W549      2443991.06 1979 Apr 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W550      2443991.10 1979 Apr 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W551      2443991.10 1979 Apr 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W552      2443991.31 1979 Apr 27 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W553      2443991.33 1979 Apr 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W554      2443991.47 1979 Apr 27 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W555      2443991.55 1979 Apr 28 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W556      2443991.78 1979 Apr 28 0644     Black Brant VI           -      AKF-VI-17            Auroral X-rays           -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NRCC         SS   CALG/Venkatesan          Auroral                  FC                   -                    -
1979-W557      2443994.11 1979 Apr 30 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W558      2443994.16 1979 Apr 30 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W559      2443994.24 1979 Apr 30 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W560      2443994.25 1979 Apr 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W561      2443994.37 1979 Apr 30 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W562      2443994.38 1979 Apr 30 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W563      2443994.44 1979 Apr 30 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M52       2443995.50 1979 May  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M59       2443995.50 1979 May  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W564      2443996.06 1979 May  2 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W565      2443996.06 1979 May  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W566      2443996.11 1979 May  2 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W567      2443996.13 1979 May  2 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W568      2443996.16 1979 May  2 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W569      2443996.25 1979 May  2 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W570      2443996.32 1979 May  2 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W571      2443996.33 1979 May  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W572      2443996.45 1979 May  2 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W573      2443996.50 1979 May  2 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W574      2443997.15 1979 May  3 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W575      2443997.19 1979 May  3 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W576      2443997.19 1979 May 03 1636:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 235     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W577      2443997.25 1979 May 03 1805:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 236     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W578      2443997.31 1979 May  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W579      2443997.45 1979 May  3 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W580      2443998.05 1979 May  4 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W581      2443998.06 1979 May  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W582      2443998.10 1979 May  4 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W583      2443998.11 1979 May  4 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W584      2443998.14 1979 May  4 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W585      2443998.21 1979 May  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W586      2443998.25 1979 May  4 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W587      2443998.30 1979 May  4 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W588      2443998.33 1979 May  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W589      2443998.45 1979 May  4 2245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W590      2443998.50 1979 May  5 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W591      2444001.05 1979 May  7 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W592      2444001.10 1979 May  7 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W593      2444001.16 1979 May  7 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W594      2444001.21 1979 May  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W595      2444001.26 1979 May  7 1813:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W596      2444001.33 1979 May  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W597      2444002.33 1979 May  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M53       2444002.50 1979 May  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M60       2444002.50 1979 May  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1478     2444002.58 1979 May  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R349          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W598      2444002.61 1979 May  9 0240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W599      2444003.10 1979 May  9 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W600      2444003.21 1979 May  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W601      2444003.23 1979 May  9 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W602      2444003.24 1979 May  9 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W603      2444003.26 1979 May  9 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W604      2444003.27 1979 May  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W605      2444003.30 1979 May  9 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W606      2444003.31 1979 May  9 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W607      2444003.33 1979 May  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W608      2444003.44 1979 May  9 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W609      2444003.45 1979 May  9 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M150      2444004.50 1979 May 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W610      2444004.57 1979 May 11 0141:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W611      2444005.04 1979 May 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W612      2444005.06 1979 May 11 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W613      2444005.10 1979 May 11 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W614      2444005.12 1979 May 11 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W615      2444005.15 1979 May 11 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W616      2444005.29 1979 May 11 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W617      2444005.31 1979 May 11 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W618      2444005.47 1979 May 11 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W619      2444006.18 1979 May 12 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W620      2444006.24 1979 May 12 1746:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 237           -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W621      2444008.06 1979 May 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W622      2444008.09 1979 May 14 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W623      2444008.12 1979 May 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W624      2444008.15 1979 May 14 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W625      2444008.25 1979 May 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W626      2444008.27 1979 May 14 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W627      2444008.37 1979 May 14 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W628      2444008.48 1979 May 14 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W629      2444008.58 1979 May 15 0149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W630      2444009.33 1979 May 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M61       2444009.50 1979 May 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M54       2444009.50 1979 May 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    Or May 10?
1979-W1479     2444009.59 1979 May 16 0215     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R350          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W631      2444009.60 1979 May 16 0220:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W632      2444010.06 1979 May 16 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W633      2444010.12 1979 May 16 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W634      2444010.17 1979 May 16 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W635      2444010.21 1979 May 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W636      2444010.26 1979 May 16 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W637      2444010.32 1979 May 16 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W638      2444010.33 1979 May 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W639      2444010.38 1979 May 16 2100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W640      2444010.47 1979 May 16 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W641      2444010.57 1979 May 17 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W642      2444011.33 1979 May 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M55       2444011.50 1979 May 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M62       2444011.50 1979 May 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W643      2444011.62 1979 May 18 0247:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W644      2444012.10 1979 May 18 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W645      2444012.11 1979 May 18 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W646      2444012.23 1979 May 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W647      2444012.24 1979 May 18 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W648      2444012.25 1979 May 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W649      2444012.28 1979 May 18 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W650      2444012.33 1979 May 18 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W651      2444012.33 1979 May 18 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W652      2444012.61 1979 May 19 0237:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W653      2444015.07 1979 May 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W654      2444015.09 1979 May 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W655      2444015.14 1979 May 21 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W656      2444015.20 1979 May 21 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W657      2444015.25 1979 May 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W658      2444015.31 1979 May 21 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W659      2444015.33 1979 May 21 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W660      2444015.33 1979 May 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W661      2444015.38 1979 May 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W662      2444015.56 1979 May 22 0127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M56       2444016.50 1979 May 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M63       2444016.50 1979 May 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W663      2444016.58 1979 May 23 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1480     2444016.58 1979 May 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R351          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W664      2444017.04 1979 May 23 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W665      2444017.10 1979 May 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W666      2444017.11 1979 May 23 1432:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS79B   LP7              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W667      2444017.11 1979 May 23 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W668      2444017.11 1979 May 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W669      2444017.16 1979 May 23 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W670      2444017.21 1979 May 23 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W671      2444017.22 1979 May 23 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W672      2444017.30 1979 May 23 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W673      2444017.33 1979 May 23 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP3              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W674      2444017.45 1979 May 23 2253:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W675      2444017.45 1979 May 23 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W676      2444017.53 1979 May 24 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W677      2444018.33 1979 May 24 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M57       2444018.50 1979 May 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W678      2444019.07 1979 May 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W679      2444019.07 1979 May 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W680      2444019.10 1979 May 25 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W681      2444019.11 1979 May 25 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W682      2444019.19 1979 May 25 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W683      2444019.25 1979 May 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W684      2444019.25 1979 May 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W685      2444019.26 1979 May 25 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W686      2444019.33 1979 May 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W687      2444019.41 1979 May 25 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W688      2444019.47 1979 May 25 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W689      2444019.62 1979 May 26 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W690      2444020.64 1979 May 27 0315:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS79B   LP7              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W691      2444020.83 1979 May 27 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS79E   LP1              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W692      2444021.33 1979 May 27 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W693      2444021.40 1979 May 27 2130:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      IOLZ     IOCHR            -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W694      2444021.64 1979 May 28 0316:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS79B   LP7              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W695      2444022.12 1979 May 28 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W696      2444022.33 1979 May 28 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W697      2444023.06 1979 May 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W698      2444023.11 1979 May 29 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W699      2444023.23 1979 May 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W700      2444023.33 1979 May 29 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W701      2444023.40 1979 May 29 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W702      2444023.41 1979 May 29 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M58       2444023.50 1979 May 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1481     2444023.58 1979 May 30 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R352          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W703      2444024.06 1979 May 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W704      2444024.06 1979 May 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W705      2444024.11 1979 May 30 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W706      2444024.13 1979 May 30 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W707      2444024.26 1979 May 30 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W708      2444024.29 1979 May 30 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W709      2444024.31 1979 May 30 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W710      2444024.33 1979 May 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W711      2444024.40 1979 May 30 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W712      2444024.45 1979 May 30 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W713      2444025.33 1979 May 31 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M64       2444025.50 1979 Jun  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M72       2444025.50 1979 Jun  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W714      2444025.83 1979 Jun 01 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W715      2444026.06 1979 Jun  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W716      2444026.10 1979 Jun  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W717      2444026.21 1979 Jun  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W718      2444026.22 1979 Jun  1 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W719      2444026.38 1979 Jun  1 2100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W720      2444026.41 1979 Jun  1 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W721      2444026.56 1979 Jun  2 0125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W722      2444029.06 1979 Jun  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W723      2444029.07 1979 Jun  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W724      2444029.10 1979 Jun  4 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W725      2444029.21 1979 Jun  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W726      2444029.25 1979 Jun  4 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W727      2444029.27 1979 Jun  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W728      2444029.30 1979 Jun  4 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W729      2444029.55 1979 Jun  5 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M65       2444030.50 1979 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M73       2444030.50 1979 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1482     2444030.58 1979 Jun  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R353          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W730      2444030.83 1979 Jun 06 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W731      2444031.05 1979 Jun  6 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W732      2444031.06 1979 Jun  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W733      2444031.07 1979 Jun  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W734      2444031.10 1979 Jun  6 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W735      2444031.10 1979 Jun  6 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W736      2444031.10 1979 Jun  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W737      2444031.19 1979 Jun  6 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W738      2444031.21 1979 Jun  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W739      2444031.23 1979 Jun  6 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W740      2444031.26 1979 Jun  6 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W741      2444031.44 1979 Jun  6 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M74       2444032.50 1979 Jun  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M66       2444032.50 1979 Jun  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W742      2444032.57 1979 Jun  8 0134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W743      2444032.79 1979 Jun 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W744      2444033.06 1979 Jun  8 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W745      2444033.11 1979 Jun  8 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W746      2444033.25 1979 Jun  8 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W747      2444033.31 1979 Jun  8 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W748      2444035.07 1979 Jun 10 1340:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS79F   LP1              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W749      2444036.09 1979 Jun 11 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W750      2444036.10 1979 Jun 11 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W751      2444036.14 1979 Jun 11 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W752      2444036.17 1979 Jun 11 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W753      2444036.26 1979 Jun 11 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W754      2444036.29 1979 Jun 11 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W755      2444036.56 1979 Jun 12 0120:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M67       2444037.50 1979 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M75       2444037.50 1979 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W756      2444037.83 1979 Jun 13 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W757      2444038.06 1979 Jun 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W758      2444038.07 1979 Jun 13 1340:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS79F   LP2              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W759      2444038.07 1979 Jun 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W760      2444038.10 1979 Jun 13 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W761      2444038.15 1979 Jun 13 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W762      2444038.17 1979 Jun 13 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W763      2444038.21 1979 Jun 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W764      2444038.26 1979 Jun 13 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W765      2444038.28 1979 Jun 13 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W766      2444038.62 1979 Jun 14 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M76       2444039.50 1979 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M68       2444039.50 1979 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M151      2444039.50 1979 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W767      2444039.62 1979 Jun 15 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W768      2444039.79 1979 Jun 15 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W769      2444040.06 1979 Jun 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W770      2444040.06 1979 Jun 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W771      2444040.07 1979 Jun 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W772      2444040.16 1979 Jun 15 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W773      2444040.21 1979 Jun 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W774      2444040.24 1979 Jun 15 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W775      2444040.33 1979 Jun 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W776      2444040.38 1979 Jun 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W777      2444043.06 1979 Jun 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W778      2444043.11 1979 Jun 18 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W779      2444043.12 1979 Jun 18 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W780      2444043.12 1979 Jun 18 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W781      2444043.18 1979 Jun 18 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W782      2444043.31 1979 Jun 18 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W783      2444043.39 1979 Jun 18 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W784      2444043.43 1979 Jun 18 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M69       2444044.50 1979 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M77       2444044.50 1979 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W785      2444044.55 1979 Jun 20 0109:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1483     2444044.58 1979 Jun 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R354          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W786      2444044.83 1979 Jun 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W787      2444045.08 1979 Jun 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W788      2444045.10 1979 Jun 20 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W789      2444045.11 1979 Jun 20 1444:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W790      2444045.12 1979 Jun 20 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W791      2444045.21 1979 Jun 20 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W792      2444045.27 1979 Jun 20 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W793      2444045.48 1979 Jun 20 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M152      2444046.50 1979 Jun 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M70       2444046.50 1979 Jun 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W794      2444046.79 1979 Jun 22 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W795      2444047.07 1979 Jun 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W796      2444047.13 1979 Jun 22 1502:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W797      2444047.26 1979 Jun 22 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W798      2444047.27 1979 Jun 22 1823:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W799      2444047.31 1979 Jun 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W800      2444047.37 1979 Jun 22 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W801      2444047.47 1979 Jun 22 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W802      2444047.55 1979 Jun 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W803      2444049.62 1979 Jun 25 0251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W804      2444050.06 1979 Jun 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W805      2444050.07 1979 Jun 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W806      2444050.12 1979 Jun 25 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W807      2444050.12 1979 Jun 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W808      2444050.21 1979 Jun 25 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W809      2444050.24 1979 Jun 25 1749:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W810      2444050.25 1979 Jun 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W811      2444050.37 1979 Jun 25 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W812      2444050.45 1979 Jun 25 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W813      2444050.55 1979 Jun 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M71       2444051.50 1979 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M78       2444051.50 1979 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W814      2444051.79 1979 Jun 27 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W815      2444052.05 1979 Jun 27 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W816      2444052.08 1979 Jun 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W817      2444052.09 1979 Jun 27 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W818      2444052.10 1979 Jun 27 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W819      2444052.16 1979 Jun 27 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W820      2444052.18 1979 Jun 27 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W821      2444052.25 1979 Jun 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W822      2444052.31 1979 Jun 27 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W823      2444052.34 1979 Jun 27 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W824      2444052.38 1979 Jun 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W825      2444052.38 1979 Jun 27 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M153      2444053.50 1979 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M79       2444053.50 1979 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M169      2444053.50 1979 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-W826      2444054.07 1979 Jun 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W827      2444054.11 1979 Jun 29 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W828      2444054.15 1979 Jun 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W829      2444054.19 1979 Jun 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W830      2444054.23 1979 Jun 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W831      2444054.24 1979 Jun 29 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W832      2444054.37 1979 Jun 29 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W833      2444054.44 1979 Jun 29 2230:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W834      2444054.55 1979 Jun 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W835      2444057.06 1979 Jul  2 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W836      2444057.14 1979 Jul  2 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W837      2444057.21 1979 Jul  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W838      2444057.30 1979 Jul  2 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W839      2444057.37 1979 Jul  2 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W840      2444057.47 1979 Jul  2 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W841      2444057.53 1979 Jul  3 0037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W842      2444058.11 1979 Jul  3 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M80       2444058.50 1979 Jul  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M86       2444058.50 1979 Jul  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W843      2444058.58 1979 Jul  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R355          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  DSI-5850             -
1979-W844      2444058.62 1979 Jul  4 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W845      2444058.83 1979 Jul 04 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W846      2444059.26 1979 Jul  4 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W847      2444059.62 1979 Jul  5 0259:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M87       2444060.50 1979 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M81       2444060.50 1979 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M154      2444060.50 1979 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W848      2444060.62 1979 Jul  6 0258:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W849      2444061.10 1979 Jul  6 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W850      2444061.22 1979 Jul  6 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W851      2444061.26 1979 Jul  6 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W852      2444061.27 1979 Jul  6 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W853      2444061.29 1979 Jul  6 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W854      2444061.37 1979 Jul  6 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W855      2444061.57 1979 Jul  7 0135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W856      2444064.06 1979 Jul  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W857      2444064.07 1979 Jul  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W858      2444064.09 1979 Jul  9 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W859      2444064.21 1979 Jul  9 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W860      2444064.25 1979 Jul  9 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W861      2444064.27 1979 Jul  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W862      2444064.49 1979 Jul  9 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W863      2444064.55 1979 Jul 10 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W864      2444065.08 1979 Jul 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M88       2444065.50 1979 Jul 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W865      2444065.83 1979 Jul 11 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M04       2444066.05 1979 Jul 11 1318     RH-200                   -      MONEX-79             Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP13,48           -                    -
1979-W866      2444066.06 1979 Jul 11 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W867      2444066.07 1979 Jul 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W868      2444066.09 1979 Jul 11 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W869      2444066.09 1979 Jul 11 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W870      2444066.17 1979 Jul 11 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W871      2444066.21 1979 Jul 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W872      2444066.22 1979 Jul 11 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W873      2444066.27 1979 Jul 11 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W874      2444066.47 1979 Jul 11 2315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W875      2444066.62 1979 Jul 12 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W876      2444067.08 1979 Jul 12 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP4              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W877      2444067.12 1979 Jul 12 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP4              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W878      2444067.17 1979 Jul 12 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS79D   LP4              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W879      2444067.39 1979 Jul 12 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M89       2444067.50 1979 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M155      2444067.50 1979 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M82       2444067.50 1979 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W880      2444067.62 1979 Jul 13 0255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W881      2444068.07 1979 Jul 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W882      2444068.14 1979 Jul 13 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W883      2444068.21 1979 Jul 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W884      2444068.25 1979 Jul 13 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W885      2444068.32 1979 Jul 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W886      2444068.37 1979 Jul 13 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W887      2444068.38 1979 Jul 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W888      2444069.39 1979 Jul 14 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M171      2444070.50 1979 Jul 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-W889      2444071.06 1979 Jul 16 1320     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.196GM        -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W890      2444071.06 1979 Jul 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W891      2444071.07 1979 Jul 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W892      2444071.10 1979 Jul 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W893      2444071.14 1979 Jul 16 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W894      2444071.19 1979 Jul 16 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W895      2444071.21 1979 Jul 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W896      2444071.27 1979 Jul 16 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W897      2444071.31 1979 Jul 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W898      2444071.55 1979 Jul 17 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W899      2444071.95 1979 Jul 17 1052:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W900      2444072.27 1979 Jul 17 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W901      2444072.53 1979 Jul 18 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W902      2444072.58 1979 Jul 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R356          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  DSI-5850             -
1979-W903      2444072.83 1979 Jul 18 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W904      2444073.06 1979 Jul 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W905      2444073.09 1979 Jul 18 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W906      2444073.10 1979 Jul 18 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W907      2444073.11 1979 Jul 18 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W908      2444073.15 1979 Jul 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W909      2444073.26 1979 Jul 18 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W910      2444073.27 1979 Jul 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W911      2444073.29 1979 Jul 18 1856:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W912      2444073.91 1979 Jul 19 0951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M83       2444074.50 1979 Jul 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M90       2444074.50 1979 Jul 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W913      2444075.06 1979 Jul 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W914      2444075.06 1979 Jul 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W915      2444075.10 1979 Jul 20 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W916      2444075.55 1979 Jul 21 0118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W917      2444077.38 1979 Jul 22 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W918      2444078.07 1979 Jul 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W919      2444078.09 1979 Jul 23 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W920      2444078.25 1979 Jul 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W921      2444078.25 1979 Jul 23 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W922      2444078.27 1979 Jul 23 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W923      2444078.37 1979 Jul 23 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M164      2444079.14 1979 Jul 24 1525     Super Arcas              -      -                    VLF Probe 1              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   PSRC/AFGL/Field,Kossey   Ionos                    RadioSci21,141       -                    -
1979-M165      2444079.16 1979 Jul 24 1555     Super Arcas              -      -                    VLF Probe 2              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   PSRC/AFGL/Field,Kossey   Ionos                    RadioSci21,141       -                    -
1979-M91       2444079.50 1979 Jul 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W924      2444079.52 1979 Jul 25 0035:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W925      2444080.06 1979 Jul 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W926      2444080.06 1979 Jul 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W927      2444080.10 1979 Jul 25 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W928      2444080.10 1979 Jul 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W929      2444080.11 1979 Jul 25 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W930      2444080.11 1979 Jul 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W931      2444080.26 1979 Jul 25 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W932      2444080.33 1979 Jul 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W933      2444080.33 1979 Jul 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W934      2444080.38 1979 Jul 25 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W935      2444080.39 1979 Jul 25 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M84       2444080.50 1979 Jul 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W936      2444081.35 1979 Jul 26 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M85       2444081.50 1979 Jul 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M92       2444081.50 1979 Jul 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W937      2444082.06 1979 Jul 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W938      2444082.07 1979 Jul 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W939      2444082.08 1979 Jul 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W940      2444082.11 1979 Jul 27 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W941      2444082.21 1979 Jul 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W942      2444082.37 1979 Jul 27 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W943      2444082.55 1979 Jul 28 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W944      2444085.07 1979 Jul 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W945      2444085.13 1979 Jul 30 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W946      2444085.15 1979 Jul 30 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W947      2444085.16 1979 Jul 30 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W948      2444085.21 1979 Jul 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHER     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W949      2444085.25 1979 Jul 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W950      2444085.44 1979 Jul 30 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Starute,Datasonde        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W951      2444085.71 1979 Jul 31 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M93       2444086.50 1979 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M102      2444086.50 1979 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W952      2444086.58 1979 Aug  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R357          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  DSI-5850             -
1979-W953      2444087.06 1979 Aug  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W954      2444087.07 1979 Aug  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W955      2444087.08 1979 Aug  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W956      2444087.10 1979 Aug  1 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W957      2444087.10 1979 Aug  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W958      2444087.11 1979 Aug  1 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W959      2444087.11 1979 Aug  1 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W960      2444087.21 1979 Aug  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W961      2444087.26 1979 Aug  1 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W962      2444087.39 1979 Aug  1 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W963      2444088.06 1979 Aug  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W964      2444088.10 1979 Aug  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M103      2444088.50 1979 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M94       2444088.50 1979 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W965      2444088.69 1979 Aug  3 0440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W966      2444088.81 1979 Aug  3 0719:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W967      2444088.87 1979 Aug  3 0849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W968      2444089.06 1979 Aug  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W969      2444089.06 1979 Aug  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W970      2444089.14 1979 Aug  3 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W971      2444089.38 1979 Aug  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W972      2444089.55 1979 Aug  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W973      2444092.07 1979 Aug  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W974      2444092.07 1979 Aug  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W975      2444092.10 1979 Aug  6 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W976      2444092.34 1979 Aug  6 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W977      2444092.41 1979 Aug  6 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W978      2444092.61 1979 Aug  7 0241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W979      2444093.18 1979 Aug  7 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M95       2444093.50 1979 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M104      2444093.50 1979 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W980      2444094.06 1979 Aug  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W981      2444094.06 1979 Aug  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W982      2444094.06 1979 Aug  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W983      2444094.10 1979 Aug  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W984      2444094.17 1979 Aug  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W985      2444094.55 1979 Aug  9 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W986      2444095.34 1979 Aug  9 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M105      2444095.50 1979 Aug 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W987      2444096.17 1979 Aug 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W988      2444096.28 1979 Aug 10 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W989      2444096.55 1979 Aug 11 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W990      2444099.06 1979 Aug 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W991      2444099.07 1979 Aug 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W992      2444099.08 1979 Aug 13 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS79F   LP4              -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W993      2444099.14 1979 Aug 13 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W994      2444099.18 1979 Aug 13 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W995      2444099.55 1979 Aug 14 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W996      2444100.30 1979 Aug 14 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M106      2444100.50 1979 Aug 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W997      2444100.58 1979 Aug 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R358          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  DSI-5850             -
1979-W998      2444101.06 1979 Aug 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W999      2444101.07 1979 Aug 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1000     2444101.08 1979 Aug 15 1355:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1001     2444101.11 1979 Aug 15 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1002     2444101.26 1979 Aug 15 1812:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1003     2444101.26 1979 Aug 15 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M96       2444101.50 1979 Aug 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1004     2444101.53 1979 Aug 16 0049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1005     2444102.39 1979 Aug 16 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M97       2444102.50 1979 Aug 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M107      2444102.50 1979 Aug 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1006     2444103.04 1979 Aug 17 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1007     2444103.06 1979 Aug 17 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1008     2444103.13 1979 Aug 17 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1009     2444103.25 1979 Aug 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1010     2444103.28 1979 Aug 17 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1011     2444103.55 1979 Aug 18 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1012     2444104.67 1979 Aug 19 0403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1013     2444106.05 1979 Aug 20 1310:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1014     2444106.06 1979 Aug 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1015     2444106.10 1979 Aug 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1016     2444106.15 1979 Aug 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1017     2444106.68 1979 Aug 21 0419:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M98       2444107.50 1979 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M108      2444107.50 1979 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1018     2444108.06 1979 Aug 22 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1019     2444108.07 1979 Aug 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1020     2444108.10 1979 Aug 22 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1021     2444108.10 1979 Aug 22 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1022     2444108.20 1979 Aug 22 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1023     2444108.42 1979 Aug 22 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1024     2444108.49 1979 Aug 22 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1025     2444109.33 1979 Aug 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M109      2444109.50 1979 Aug 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M99       2444109.50 1979 Aug 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1026     2444110.06 1979 Aug 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1027     2444110.07 1979 Aug 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1028     2444110.07 1979 Aug 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1029     2444110.15 1979 Aug 24 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1030     2444110.22 1979 Aug 24 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1031     2444110.55 1979 Aug 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1032     2444112.56 1979 Aug 27 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T25           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1979-W1033     2444112.75 1979 Aug 27 0600     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T26           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1979-W1034     2444113.06 1979 Aug 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1035     2444113.08 1979 Aug 27 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1036     2444113.17 1979 Aug 27 1610:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 244     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1037     2444113.23 1979 Aug 27 1724:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1038     2444113.27 1979 Aug 27 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1039     2444113.67 1979 Aug 28 0407:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1040     2444114.27 1979 Aug 28 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1041     2444114.36 1979 Aug 28 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M100      2444114.50 1979 Aug 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M110      2444114.50 1979 Aug 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1042     2444114.61 1979 Aug 29 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1043     2444114.66 1979 Aug 29 0345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1044     2444114.67 1979 Aug 29 0357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1045     2444115.10 1979 Aug 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1046     2444115.11 1979 Aug 29 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1047     2444115.33 1979 Aug 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1048     2444115.45 1979 Aug 29 2248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1049     2444115.66 1979 Aug 30 0346:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1050     2444116.00 1979 Aug 30 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS79F   LP15             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1051     2444116.15 1979 Aug 30 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M101      2444116.50 1979 Aug 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M111      2444116.50 1979 Aug 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1052     2444116.51 1979 Aug 31 0009:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1053     2444117.06 1979 Aug 31 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1054     2444117.10 1979 Aug 31 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1055     2444117.19 1979 Aug 31 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1056     2444117.23 1979 Aug 31 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1057     2444117.26 1979 Aug 31 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1058     2444117.41 1979 Aug 31 2154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1059     2444117.55 1979 Sep  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1060     2444117.75 1979 Sep  1 0606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1061     2444120.33 1979 Sep  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1062     2444121.37 1979 Sep  4 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M115      2444121.50 1979 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M112      2444121.50 1979 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1063     2444122.03 1979 Sep  5 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1064     2444122.06 1979 Sep  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1065     2444122.08 1979 Sep  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1066     2444122.10 1979 Sep  5 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1067     2444122.12 1979 Sep  5 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1068     2444122.21 1979 Sep  5 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1069     2444122.27 1979 Sep  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1070     2444122.46 1979 Sep  5 2301:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1484     2444122.58 1979 Sep  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R359          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1979-W1071     2444123.53 1979 Sep  7 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1072     2444124.06 1979 Sep  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1073     2444124.06 1979 Sep  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1074     2444124.10 1979 Sep  7 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1075     2444124.11 1979 Sep  7 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1076     2444124.17 1979 Sep  7 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1077     2444124.37 1979 Sep  7 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1078     2444124.62 1979 Sep  8 0253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1079     2444127.06 1979 Sep 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1080     2444127.07 1979 Sep 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1081     2444127.10 1979 Sep 10 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1082     2444127.18 1979 Sep 10 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1083     2444127.19 1979 Sep 10 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1084     2444127.27 1979 Sep 10 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1085     2444127.62 1979 Sep 11 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M116      2444128.50 1979 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M172      2444128.50 1979 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-M173      2444128.50 1979 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-W1086     2444128.59 1979 Sep 12 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R360          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  DSI-5850             -
1979-W1087     2444129.05 1979 Sep 12 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1088     2444129.06 1979 Sep 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1089     2444129.06 1979 Sep 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1090     2444129.11 1979 Sep 12 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1091     2444129.12 1979 Sep 12 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1092     2444129.26 1979 Sep 12 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1093     2444129.33 1979 Sep 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1094     2444129.36 1979 Sep 12 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1095     2444129.39 1979 Sep 12 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1096     2444129.46 1979 Sep 12 2258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1097     2444129.83 1979 Sep 13 0800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1098     2444129.89 1979 Sep 13 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1099     2444129.93 1979 Sep 13 1017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1100     2444130.00 1979 Sep 13 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1101     2444130.08 1979 Sep 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1102     2444130.18 1979 Sep 13 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1103     2444130.18 1979 Sep 13 1615:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 245     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1104     2444131.07 1979 Sep 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1105     2444131.08 1979 Sep 14 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1106     2444131.10 1979 Sep 14 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1107     2444131.12 1979 Sep 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1108     2444131.29 1979 Sep 14 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1109     2444131.53 1979 Sep 15 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1110     2444131.55 1979 Sep 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1111     2444134.05 1979 Sep 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1112     2444134.08 1979 Sep 17 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1113     2444134.12 1979 Sep 17 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1114     2444134.26 1979 Sep 17 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1115     2444134.59 1979 Sep 18 0212:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1116     2444135.19 1979 Sep 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1117     2444135.25 1979 Sep 18 1755:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 246     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1118     2444135.27 1979 Sep 18 1830:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 247     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M113      2444135.50 1979 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M117      2444135.50 1979 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1119     2444136.04 1979 Sep 19 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1120     2444136.10 1979 Sep 19 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1121     2444136.11 1979 Sep 19 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1122     2444136.16 1979 Sep 19 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1123     2444136.27 1979 Sep 19 1824:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1124     2444136.27 1979 Sep 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1125     2444136.45 1979 Sep 19 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1126     2444136.45 1979 Sep 19 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1127     2444137.24 1979 Sep 20 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1128     2444138.06 1979 Sep 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1129     2444138.06 1979 Sep 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1130     2444138.11 1979 Sep 21 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1131     2444138.16 1979 Sep 21 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1132     2444138.33 1979 Sep 21 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1133     2444138.55 1979 Sep 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1134     2444138.74 1979 Sep 22 0540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1135     2444138.90 1979 Sep 22 0940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1136     2444140.84 1979 Sep 24 0815:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1137     2444141.03 1979 Sep 24 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1138     2444141.04 1979 Sep 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1139     2444141.07 1979 Sep 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1140     2444141.11 1979 Sep 24 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1141     2444141.16 1979 Sep 24 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1142     2444141.62 1979 Sep 25 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M114      2444142.50 1979 Sep 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M118      2444142.50 1979 Sep 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1143     2444142.58 1979 Sep 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R361          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1144     2444143.05 1979 Sep 26 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1145     2444143.06 1979 Sep 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1146     2444143.08 1979 Sep 26 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1147     2444143.11 1979 Sep 26 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1148     2444143.12 1979 Sep 26 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1149     2444143.15 1979 Sep 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1150     2444143.16 1979 Sep 26 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1151     2444143.28 1979 Sep 26 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M156      2444143.50 1979 Sep 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W1152     2444143.62 1979 Sep 27 0251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1153     2444144.52 1979 Sep 28 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1154     2444144.64 1979 Sep 28 0314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1155     2444145.05 1979 Sep 28 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1156     2444145.06 1979 Sep 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1157     2444145.11 1979 Sep 28 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1158     2444145.17 1979 Sep 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1159     2444145.26 1979 Sep 28 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1160     2444145.43 1979 Sep 28 2221:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1161     2444145.64 1979 Sep 29 0314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1162     2444148.05 1979 Oct  1 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1163     2444148.10 1979 Oct  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1164     2444148.11 1979 Oct  1 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1165     2444148.12 1979 Oct  1 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1166     2444148.22 1979 Oct  1 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1167     2444148.23 1979 Oct  1 1737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1168     2444148.35 1979 Oct  1 2018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1169     2444148.35 1979 Oct  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1170     2444148.57 1979 Oct  2 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1171     2444149.27 1979 Oct  2 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M157      2444149.50 1979 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M119      2444149.50 1979 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M123      2444149.50 1979 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1172     2444149.58 1979 Oct  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R362          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1173     2444150.05 1979 Oct  3 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1174     2444150.06 1979 Oct  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1175     2444150.11 1979 Oct  3 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1176     2444150.16 1979 Oct  3 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1177     2444150.17 1979 Oct  3 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1178     2444150.18 1979 Oct  3 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1179     2444150.23 1979 Oct  3 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1180     2444150.27 1979 Oct  3 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1181     2444150.57 1979 Oct  4 0145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1182     2444151.16 1979 Oct  4 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1183     2444151.34 1979 Oct  4 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1184     2444151.67 1979 Oct  5 0410:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1185     2444152.03 1979 Oct  5 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1186     2444152.07 1979 Oct  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1187     2444152.14 1979 Oct  5 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1188     2444152.38 1979 Oct  5 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1189     2444152.68 1979 Oct  6 0423:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1190     2444155.06 1979 Oct  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1191     2444155.10 1979 Oct  8 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1192     2444155.12 1979 Oct  8 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1193     2444155.18 1979 Oct  8 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1194     2444156.17 1979 Oct  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1195     2444156.37 1979 Oct  9 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M120      2444156.50 1979 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M124      2444156.50 1979 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1196     2444156.52 1979 Oct 10 0033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1197     2444156.92 1979 Oct 10 1010:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 248     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1198     2444157.06 1979 Oct 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1199     2444157.06 1979 Oct 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1200     2444157.08 1979 Oct 10 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1201     2444157.11 1979 Oct 10 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1202     2444157.14 1979 Oct 10 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1203     2444157.39 1979 Oct 10 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1204     2444157.44 1979 Oct 10 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1205     2444159.06 1979 Oct 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1206     2444159.19 1979 Oct 12 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1207     2444159.24 1979 Oct 12 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1208     2444159.27 1979 Oct 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1209     2444159.55 1979 Oct 13 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M125      2444161.50 1979 Oct 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1210     2444162.04 1979 Oct 15 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1211     2444162.07 1979 Oct 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1212     2444162.12 1979 Oct 15 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1213     2444162.17 1979 Oct 15 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1214     2444162.20 1979 Oct 15 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1215     2444162.35 1979 Oct 15 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1216     2444162.70 1979 Oct 16 0443:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M158      2444163.50 1979 Oct 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M121      2444163.50 1979 Oct 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1217     2444163.58 1979 Oct 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R363          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1218     2444163.66 1979 Oct 17 0344:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1219     2444164.05 1979 Oct 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1220     2444164.06 1979 Oct 17 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1221     2444164.07 1979 Oct 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1222     2444164.11 1979 Oct 17 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1223     2444164.15 1979 Oct 17 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1224     2444164.45 1979 Oct 17 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1225     2444166.05 1979 Oct 19 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1226     2444166.11 1979 Oct 19 1441:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1227     2444166.12 1979 Oct 19 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1228     2444166.21 1979 Oct 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1229     2444166.27 1979 Oct 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1230     2444166.27 1979 Oct 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1231     2444166.33 1979 Oct 19 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1232     2444166.41 1979 Oct 19 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1233     2444166.52 1979 Oct 20 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1234     2444166.55 1979 Oct 20 0118:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1235     2444168.10 1979 Oct 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1236     2444168.15 1979 Oct 21 1537     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.203GM        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1237     2444168.16 1979 Oct 21 1548:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 249     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1238     2444168.19 1979 Oct 21 1635:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 250     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1239     2444168.22 1979 Oct 21 1715     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.205GM        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1240     2444168.23 1979 Oct 21 1732:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 251     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1241     2444169.06 1979 Oct 22 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1242     2444169.07 1979 Oct 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1243     2444169.11 1979 Oct 22 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1244     2444169.16 1979 Oct 22 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1245     2444169.23 1979 Oct 22 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1246     2444169.28 1979 Oct 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1247     2444169.51 1979 Oct 23 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1248     2444170.34 1979 Oct 23 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M01       2444170.46 1979 Oct 23 2304     Nike Nike                -      GL A45.803-1         SMOKE                    -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFCRL/Quesada            Aeron release            WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1979-M159      2444170.50 1979 Oct 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M122      2444170.50 1979 Oct 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1249     2444170.58 1979 Oct 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R364          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1250     2444170.69 1979 Oct 24 0426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1251     2444171.00 1979 Oct 24 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1252     2444171.06 1979 Oct 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1253     2444171.06 1979 Oct 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1254     2444171.10 1979 Oct 24 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1255     2444171.29 1979 Oct 24 1856:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1256     2444171.33 1979 Oct 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M02       2444171.48 1979 Oct 24 2324     Nike Nike                -      GL A45.803-2         SMOKE                    -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFCRL/Quesada            Aeron release            WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1979-W1257     2444171.67 1979 Oct 25 0401:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1258     2444172.11 1979 Oct 25 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M126      2444172.50 1979 Oct 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1259     2444172.69 1979 Oct 26 0433:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1260     2444173.06 1979 Oct 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1261     2444173.08 1979 Oct 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1262     2444173.09 1979 Oct 26 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1263     2444173.12 1979 Oct 26 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1264     2444173.27 1979 Oct 26 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1265     2444173.27 1979 Oct 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1266     2444173.29 1979 Oct 26 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1267     2444173.38 1979 Oct 26 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1268     2444176.07 1979 Oct 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1269     2444176.11 1979 Oct 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1270     2444176.14 1979 Oct 29 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1271     2444176.15 1979 Oct 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1272     2444176.21 1979 Oct 29 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M03       2444176.46 1979 Oct 29 2304     Nike Nike                -      GL A45.803-3         SMOKE                    -                        -                        -         CHI      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFCRL/Quesada            Aeron release            WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1979-W1273     2444176.55 1979 Oct 30 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M160      2444177.50 1979 Oct 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M127      2444177.50 1979 Oct 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M174      2444177.50 1979 Oct 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1979-W1274     2444178.05 1979 Oct 31 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1275     2444178.05 1979 Oct 31 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1276     2444178.13 1979 Oct 31 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1277     2444178.15 1979 Oct 31 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1278     2444178.30 1979 Oct 31 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1279     2444178.31 1979 Oct 31 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1280     2444178.48 1979 Oct 31 2334:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1281     2444179.00 1979 Nov  1 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1282     2444179.05 1979 Nov  1 1315:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1283     2444179.05 1979 Nov 01 1316:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 252     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1284     2444179.08 1979 Nov 01 1355:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 253     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1285     2444179.13 1979 Nov 01 1505:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 254     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1286     2444179.14 1979 Nov  1 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1287     2444179.24 1979 Nov 01 1751:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 255     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1288     2444179.32 1979 Nov  1 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1289     2444179.35 1979 Nov 01 2030:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 256     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1290     2444179.37 1979 Nov 01 2049:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 257     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1291     2444179.40 1979 Nov 01 2140:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   GMS79G   LP1              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1292     2444179.42 1979 Nov  1 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1293     2444180.06 1979 Nov  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1294     2444180.07 1979 Nov  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1295     2444180.10 1979 Nov  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1296     2444180.12 1979 Nov  2 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1297     2444180.21 1979 Nov  2 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1298     2444180.58 1979 Nov  3 0202:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1299     2444181.82 1979 Nov  4 0735:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1300     2444181.87 1979 Nov  4 0850     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.209GM        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeronomy                 WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1301     2444181.94 1979 Nov  4 1040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1302     2444181.95 1979 Nov  4 1053:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1303     2444183.07 1979 Nov  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1304     2444183.08 1979 Nov  5 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1305     2444183.11 1979 Nov  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1306     2444183.20 1979 Nov  5 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1307     2444183.21 1979 Nov  5 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1308     2444183.37 1979 Nov  5 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1309     2444183.55 1979 Nov  6 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M134      2444184.50 1979 Nov  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1310     2444184.59 1979 Nov  7 0214:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R365          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1311     2444184.83 1979 Nov 07 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1312     2444184.88 1979 Nov 07 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M128      2444184.96 1979 Nov  7 1100     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M129      2444185.01 1979 Nov  7 1211     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1313     2444185.03 1979 Nov  7 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1314     2444185.05 1979 Nov  7 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M130      2444185.05 1979 Nov  7 1318     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M131      2444185.08 1979 Nov  7 1357     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1315     2444185.11 1979 Nov  7 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1316     2444185.13 1979 Nov  7 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1317     2444185.15 1979 Nov  7 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1318     2444185.18 1979 Nov  7 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1319     2444185.37 1979 Nov  7 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1320     2444185.49 1979 Nov  7 2346:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1321     2444186.50 1979 Nov  9 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1322     2444187.08 1979 Nov  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1323     2444187.11 1979 Nov  9 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1324     2444187.15 1979 Nov  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1325     2444187.20 1979 Nov  9 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1326     2444187.24 1979 Nov  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1327     2444187.38 1979 Nov  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1328     2444190.10 1979 Nov 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1329     2444190.25 1979 Nov 12 1800:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      NER      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1330     2444191.20 1979 Nov 13 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1331     2444191.37 1979 Nov 13 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M135      2444191.50 1979 Nov 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M161      2444191.50 1979 Nov 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-W1332     2444191.58 1979 Nov 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R366          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1333     2444191.65 1979 Nov 14 0336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1334     2444192.05 1979 Nov 14 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1335     2444192.08 1979 Nov 14 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      NER      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1336     2444192.10 1979 Nov 14 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1337     2444192.20 1979 Nov 14 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1338     2444192.23 1979 Nov 14 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1339     2444192.25 1979 Nov 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1340     2444192.38 1979 Nov 14 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      NER      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1341     2444192.45 1979 Nov 14 2251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M132      2444192.50 1979 Nov 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1342     2444193.33 1979 Nov 15 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      NER      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1343     2444194.06 1979 Nov 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1344     2444194.10 1979 Nov 16 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1345     2444194.13 1979 Nov 16 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1346     2444194.16 1979 Nov 16 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1347     2444194.19 1979 Nov 16 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1348     2444194.32 1979 Nov 16 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1349     2444194.52 1979 Nov 17 0026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1350     2444197.06 1979 Nov 19 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1351     2444197.10 1979 Nov 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1352     2444197.11 1979 Nov 19 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M162      2444198.50 1979 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1979-M133      2444198.50 1979 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1353     2444198.65 1979 Nov 21 0340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1354     2444198.82 1979 Nov 21 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1355     2444199.06 1979 Nov 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1356     2444199.10 1979 Nov 21 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1357     2444199.20 1979 Nov 21 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1358     2444199.22 1979 Nov 21 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1359     2444199.31 1979 Nov 21 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1360     2444199.31 1979 Nov 21 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1361     2444199.39 1979 Nov 21 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1362     2444199.63 1979 Nov 22 0301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M136      2444200.50 1979 Nov 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1363     2444201.20 1979 Nov 23 1647:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1364     2444201.51 1979 Nov 24 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1365     2444204.06 1979 Nov 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1366     2444204.07 1979 Nov 26 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1367     2444204.11 1979 Nov 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1368     2444204.12 1979 Nov 26 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1369     2444204.34 1979 Nov 26 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M163      2444205.50 1979 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M137      2444205.50 1979 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1485     2444205.58 1979 Nov 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R367          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1370     2444206.06 1979 Nov 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1371     2444206.10 1979 Nov 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1372     2444206.12 1979 Nov 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1373     2444206.19 1979 Nov 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1374     2444206.22 1979 Nov 28 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1375     2444206.41 1979 Nov 28 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1376     2444206.45 1979 Nov 28 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1377     2444207.18 1979 Nov 29 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M138      2444207.50 1979 Nov 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1378     2444207.67 1979 Nov 30 0404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1379     2444207.81 1979 Nov 30 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1380     2444208.06 1979 Nov 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1381     2444208.10 1979 Nov 30 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1382     2444211.06 1979 Dec  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1383     2444211.10 1979 Dec  3 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1384     2444211.30 1979 Dec  3 1912:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1385     2444212.09 1979 Dec  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1386     2444212.17 1979 Dec  4 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1387     2444212.25 1979 Dec 04 1753:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 258     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1388     2444212.28 1979 Dec  4 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M143      2444212.50 1979 Dec  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1389     2444212.58 1979 Dec  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R369          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1390     2444213.04 1979 Dec  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1391     2444213.10 1979 Dec  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1392     2444213.11 1979 Dec  5 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1393     2444213.21 1979 Dec  5 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1394     2444213.22 1979 Dec  5 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1395     2444213.37 1979 Dec  5 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1396     2444213.45 1979 Dec  5 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M139      2444213.50 1979 Dec  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1397     2444215.07 1979 Dec  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1398     2444215.11 1979 Dec  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1399     2444215.25 1979 Dec  7 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1400     2444218.13 1979 Dec 10 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1401     2444218.27 1979 Dec 10 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1402     2444218.31 1979 Dec 10 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M140      2444219.50 1979 Dec 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M144      2444219.50 1979 Dec 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1403     2444219.54 1979 Dec 12 0059:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1404     2444219.58 1979 Dec 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R368          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1405     2444219.81 1979 Dec 12 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1406     2444220.09 1979 Dec 12 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1407     2444220.11 1979 Dec 12 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1408     2444220.19 1979 Dec 12 1630:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS79J   LP5              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1409     2444220.24 1979 Dec 12 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1410     2444220.35 1979 Dec 12 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1411     2444220.39 1979 Dec 12 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1412     2444220.45 1979 Dec 12 2245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1413     2444221.35 1979 Dec 13 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1414     2444222.11 1979 Dec 14 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1415     2444222.22 1979 Dec 14 1714:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1416     2444222.25 1979 Dec 14 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1417     2444222.40 1979 Dec 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1418     2444225.07 1979 Dec 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1419     2444225.10 1979 Dec 17 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1420     2444225.11 1979 Dec 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1421     2444225.20 1979 Dec 17 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1422     2444225.30 1979 Dec 17 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1423     2444225.60 1979 Dec 18 0225:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1424     2444225.74 1979 Dec 18 0548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1425     2444226.23 1979 Dec 18 1729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1426     2444226.35 1979 Dec 18 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-M141      2444226.50 1979 Dec 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M145      2444226.50 1979 Dec 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1427     2444226.58 1979 Dec 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R370          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1428     2444226.63 1979 Dec 19 0308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1429     2444226.74 1979 Dec 19 0548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1430     2444226.83 1979 Dec 19 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1431     2444227.06 1979 Dec 19 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1432     2444227.10 1979 Dec 19 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1433     2444227.11 1979 Dec 19 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1434     2444227.30 1979 Dec 19 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1435     2444227.31 1979 Dec 19 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1436     2444227.39 1979 Dec 19 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1437     2444227.62 1979 Dec 20 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1438     2444227.74 1979 Dec 20 0549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1439     2444227.89 1979 Dec 20 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1440     2444228.13 1979 Dec 20 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1441     2444228.17 1979 Dec 20 1601:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 259     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1442     2444228.62 1979 Dec 21 0247:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1443     2444229.04 1979 Dec 21 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1444     2444229.10 1979 Dec 21 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1445     2444229.11 1979 Dec 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1446     2444229.28 1979 Dec 21 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1447     2444231.81 1979 Dec 24 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1448     2444231.92 1979 Dec 24 1000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      OJP      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1449     2444231.92 1979 Dec 24 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS79K   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1450     2444232.12 1979 Dec 24 1456:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1451     2444232.16 1979 Dec 24 1545:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS79K   LP1              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-M142      2444233.50 1979 Dec 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-M146      2444233.50 1979 Dec 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1979-W1452     2444233.58 1979 Dec 26 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R371          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1453     2444233.80 1979 Dec 26 0715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1979-W1454     2444234.11 1979 Dec 26 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1455     2444234.14 1979 Dec 26 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1456     2444234.49 1979 Dec 26 2347:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1457     2444236.06 1979 Dec 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1458     2444236.07 1979 Dec 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1459     2444236.11 1979 Dec 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1460     2444236.18 1979 Dec 28 1624:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1461     2444236.65 1979 Dec 29 0338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1462     2444239.05 1979 Dec 31 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1463     2444239.07 1979 Dec 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1979-W1464     2444239.11 1979 Dec 31 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M13       2444240.50 1980 Jan  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W01       2444241.06 1980 Jan  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W02       2444241.07 1980 Jan  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W03       2444241.10 1980 Jan  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W04       2444241.13 1980 Jan  2 1512:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W05       2444241.25 1980 Jan  2 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W06       2444241.51 1980 Jan  3 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W07       2444241.56 1980 Jan  3 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W08       2444242.20 1980 Jan  3 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M14       2444242.50 1980 Jan  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M07       2444242.50 1980 Jan  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W09       2444243.06 1980 Jan  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W10       2444243.08 1980 Jan  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W11       2444243.11 1980 Jan  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W12       2444243.16 1980 Jan  4 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W13       2444243.20 1980 Jan  4 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W14       2444243.30 1980 Jan  4 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W15       2444243.55 1980 Jan  5 0109:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W16       2444243.96 1980 Jan 05 1100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHOK      GMS79H   LP5              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W17       2444246.11 1980 Jan  7 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W18       2444246.11 1980 Jan  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W19       2444246.14 1980 Jan  7 1525:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W20       2444246.23 1980 Jan  7 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W21       2444246.25 1980 Jan  7 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W22       2444246.27 1980 Jan  7 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W23       2444246.32 1980 Jan  7 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W24       2444246.32 1980 Jan 07 1938:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 260     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W25       2444246.38 1980 Jan  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W26       2444246.39 1980 Jan  7 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W27       2444246.55 1980 Jan  8 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M08       2444247.50 1980 Jan  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M15       2444247.50 1980 Jan  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W28       2444247.58 1980 Jan  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R372          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W29       2444248.06 1980 Jan  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W30       2444248.07 1980 Jan  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W31       2444248.10 1980 Jan  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W32       2444248.29 1980 Jan  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W33       2444248.45 1980 Jan  9 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W34       2444248.56 1980 Jan 10 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M16       2444249.50 1980 Jan 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M09       2444249.50 1980 Jan 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W35       2444250.10 1980 Jan 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W36       2444250.10 1980 Jan 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W37       2444250.11 1980 Jan 11 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W38       2444250.13 1980 Jan 11 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W39       2444250.17 1980 Jan 11 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W40       2444250.18 1980 Jan 11 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W41       2444250.23 1980 Jan 11 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W42       2444250.55 1980 Jan 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W43       2444252.94 1980 Jan 14 1030:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W44       2444253.00 1980 Jan 14 1200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W45       2444253.06 1980 Jan 14 1330:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W46       2444253.07 1980 Jan 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W47       2444253.10 1980 Jan 14 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W48       2444253.11 1980 Jan 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W49       2444253.55 1980 Jan 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W50       2444254.30 1980 Jan 15 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W51       2444254.40 1980 Jan 15 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M17       2444254.50 1980 Jan 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W52       2444254.58 1980 Jan 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R373          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W53       2444255.00 1980 Jan 16 1200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W54       2444255.06 1980 Jan 16 1330:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W55       2444255.07 1980 Jan 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W56       2444255.10 1980 Jan 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W57       2444255.12 1980 Jan 16 1459:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W58       2444255.17 1980 Jan 16 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W59       2444255.30 1980 Jan 16 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W60       2444255.30 1980 Jan 16 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W61       2444255.39 1980 Jan 16 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W62       2444255.48 1980 Jan 16 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M18       2444256.50 1980 Jan 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W63       2444257.05 1980 Jan 18 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W64       2444257.10 1980 Jan 18 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W65       2444257.11 1980 Jan 18 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W66       2444257.12 1980 Jan 18 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W67       2444257.17 1980 Jan 18 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W68       2444257.39 1980 Jan 18 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W69       2444259.72 1980 Jan 21 0515:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W70       2444260.05 1980 Jan 21 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W71       2444260.07 1980 Jan 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W72       2444260.20 1980 Jan 21 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W73       2444260.28 1980 Jan 21 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W74       2444260.55 1980 Jan 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M19       2444261.50 1980 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M10       2444261.50 1980 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W75       2444261.58 1980 Jan 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R374          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W76       2444261.62 1980 Jan 23 0250:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W77       2444262.06 1980 Jan 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W78       2444262.08 1980 Jan 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W79       2444262.11 1980 Jan 23 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W80       2444262.22 1980 Jan 23 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W81       2444262.22 1980 Jan 23 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W82       2444262.45 1980 Jan 23 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W83       2444262.58 1980 Jan 24 0158:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W84       2444263.21 1980 Jan 24 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M11       2444263.50 1980 Jan 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M20       2444263.50 1980 Jan 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W85       2444264.03 1980 Jan 25 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W86       2444264.07 1980 Jan 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W87       2444264.10 1980 Jan 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W88       2444264.14 1980 Jan 25 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W89       2444264.21 1980 Jan 25 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W90       2444264.38 1980 Jan 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W91       2444264.55 1980 Jan 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W92       2444267.06 1980 Jan 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W93       2444267.07 1980 Jan 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W94       2444267.10 1980 Jan 28 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W95       2444267.11 1980 Jan 28 1436:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W96       2444267.31 1980 Jan 28 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W97       2444267.31 1980 Jan 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W98       2444267.56 1980 Jan 29 0122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M12       2444268.50 1980 Jan 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W99       2444269.06 1980 Jan 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W100      2444269.07 1980 Jan 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W101      2444269.31 1980 Jan 30 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W102      2444269.45 1980 Jan 30 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W103      2444269.97 1980 Jan 31 1110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W104      2444270.11 1980 Jan 31 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W105      2444270.12 1980 Jan 31 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W106      2444270.39 1980 Jan 31 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W107      2444270.50 1980 Feb  1 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W108      2444270.51 1980 Feb  1 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W109      2444270.51 1980 Feb  1 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W110      2444271.09 1980 Feb  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W111      2444271.20 1980 Feb  1 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W112      2444271.35 1980 Feb  1 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W113      2444274.07 1980 Feb  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W114      2444274.10 1980 Feb  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W115      2444274.11 1980 Feb  4 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W116      2444274.24 1980 Feb  4 1748:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W117      2444274.38 1980 Feb  4 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W118      2444274.40 1980 Feb  4 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M24       2444275.50 1980 Feb  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W119      2444275.79 1980 Feb 06 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS80A   LP1              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W120      2444276.06 1980 Feb  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W121      2444276.10 1980 Feb  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W122      2444276.10 1980 Feb  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W123      2444276.45 1980 Feb  6 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W124      2444278.07 1980 Feb  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W125      2444278.11 1980 Feb  8 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W126      2444278.17 1980 Feb 08 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS79K   LP2              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W127      2444278.40 1980 Feb  8 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W128      2444279.15 1980 Feb 09 1540:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS79K   LP2              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W129      2444281.07 1980 Feb 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W130      2444281.11 1980 Feb 11 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W131      2444281.11 1980 Feb 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W132      2444281.23 1980 Feb 11 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W133      2444281.29 1980 Feb 11 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W134      2444281.39 1980 Feb 11 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W135      2444281.56 1980 Feb 12 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W136      2444282.24 1980 Feb 12 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M21       2444282.50 1980 Feb 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M25       2444282.50 1980 Feb 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W137      2444282.58 1980 Feb 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R375          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W138      2444283.06 1980 Feb 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W139      2444283.12 1980 Feb 13 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W140      2444283.12 1980 Feb 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W141      2444283.21 1980 Feb 13 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W142      2444283.38 1980 Feb 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W143      2444283.46 1980 Feb 13 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W144      2444284.17 1980 Feb 14 1612:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 261     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W145      2444284.20 1980 Feb 14 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W146      2444284.50 1980 Feb 14 2353:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W147      2444284.50 1980 Feb 14 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W148      2444284.50 1980 Feb 15 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W149      2444284.85 1980 Feb 15 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS80A   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W150      2444285.06 1980 Feb 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W151      2444285.07 1980 Feb 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W152      2444285.10 1980 Feb 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W153      2444285.12 1980 Feb 15 1458:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W154      2444285.15 1980 Feb 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W155      2444285.19 1980 Feb 15 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M26       2444285.50 1980 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M22       2444285.50 1980 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W156      2444285.56 1980 Feb 16 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M01       2444285.85 1980 Feb 16 0825     Astrobee D               -      NASA 23.17UE         -                        -                        -                        -         SMLC     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W157      2444285.88 1980 Feb 16 0910     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.202UE        -                        -                        -                        -         SMLC     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M02       2444285.94 1980 Feb 16 1030?    RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse                  -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SF   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ProcInNSA48,A3,494   -                    -
1980-M03       2444286.35 1980 Feb 16 2030     Astrobee D               -      NASA 23.18UE         -                        -                        -                        -         SMLC     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M04       2444286.94 1980 Feb 17 1030?    RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse control          -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ProcInNSA48,A3,494   -                    -
1980-W158      2444288.12 1980 Feb 18 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W159      2444288.20 1980 Feb 18 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W160      2444288.30 1980 Feb 18 1906:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 262     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W161      2444288.38 1980 Feb 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W162      2444289.13 1980 Feb 19 1510:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 263     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W163      2444289.42 1980 Feb 19 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M23       2444289.50 1980 Feb 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W164      2444289.58 1980 Feb 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R376          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W165      2444289.83 1980 Feb 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS80A   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W166      2444290.06 1980 Feb 20 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W167      2444290.10 1980 Feb 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W168      2444290.13 1980 Feb 20 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W169      2444290.13 1980 Feb 20 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W170      2444290.32 1980 Feb 20 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M27       2444290.50 1980 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W171      2444290.50 1980 Feb 21 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W172      2444292.07 1980 Feb 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W173      2444292.10 1980 Feb 22 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W174      2444292.31 1980 Feb 22 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W175      2444292.55 1980 Feb 23 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W176      2444292.58 1980 Feb 23 0155     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T27           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     55?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron-                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1980-W177      2444294.13 1980 Feb 24 1510:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 264     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W178      2444295.05 1980 Feb 25 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W179      2444295.06 1980 Feb 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W180      2444295.08 1980 Feb 25 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W181      2444295.10 1980 Feb 25 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W182      2444295.12 1980 Feb 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W183      2444295.19 1980 Feb 25 1630:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W184      2444295.27 1980 Feb 25 1830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W185      2444295.55 1980 Feb 26 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W186      2444296.10 1980 Feb 26 1430:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W187      2444296.28 1980 Feb 26 1840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M155      2444296.50 1980 Feb 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M151      2444296.50 1980 Feb 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-W1149     2444296.58 1980 Feb 27 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R377          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1980-W188      2444296.83 1980 Feb 27 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS80A   LP1              -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W189      2444297.06 1980 Feb 27 1320:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W190      2444297.11 1980 Feb 27 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W191      2444297.22 1980 Feb 27 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W192      2444297.23 1980 Feb 27 1730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W193      2444297.45 1980 Feb 27 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W194      2444298.06 1980 Feb 28 1320:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W195      2444298.10 1980 Feb 28 1420:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W196      2444298.15 1980 Feb 28 1530:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W197      2444298.21 1980 Feb 28 1700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W198      2444298.25 1980 Feb 28 1800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W199      2444298.32 1980 Feb 28 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W200      2444298.46 1980 Feb 28 2308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W201      2444298.49 1980 Feb 28 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W202      2444298.50 1980 Feb 28 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W203      2444298.58 1980 Feb 29 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W204      2444298.81 1980 Feb 29 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W205      2444298.88 1980 Feb 29 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W206      2444299.01 1980 Feb 29 1220:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     OJP      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W207      2444299.05 1980 Feb 29 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W208      2444299.07 1980 Feb 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W209      2444299.10 1980 Feb 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W210      2444299.14 1980 Feb 29 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W211      2444299.31 1980 Feb 29 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W212      2444299.40 1980 Feb 29 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W213      2444299.55 1980 Mar  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W214      2444300.05 1980 Mar 01 1310:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 265     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W215      2444301.67 1980 Mar 03 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS80A   LP1              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W216      2444302.08 1980 Mar  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W217      2444302.09 1980 Mar  3 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W218      2444302.12 1980 Mar  3 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W219      2444302.13 1980 Mar  3 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W220      2444302.39 1980 Mar  3 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W221      2444302.55 1980 Mar  4 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W222      2444303.12 1980 Mar  4 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M28       2444303.50 1980 Mar  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W223      2444303.58 1980 Mar  5 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R378          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W224      2444303.88 1980 Mar 05 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W225      2444304.12 1980 Mar  5 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W226      2444304.38 1980 Mar  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W227      2444304.39 1980 Mar  5 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W228      2444304.45 1980 Mar  5 2252:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W229      2444305.30 1980 Mar  6 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W230      2444305.38 1980 Mar  6 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W231      2444305.53 1980 Mar  7 0047:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W232      2444306.08 1980 Mar  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W233      2444306.14 1980 Mar  7 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W234      2444306.20 1980 Mar  7 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W235      2444306.37 1980 Mar  7 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W236      2444306.38 1980 Mar  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W237      2444309.06 1980 Mar 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W238      2444309.07 1980 Mar 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W239      2444309.12 1980 Mar 10 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W240      2444309.20 1980 Mar 10 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W241      2444309.28 1980 Mar 10 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W242      2444309.29 1980 Mar 10 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W243      2444309.41 1980 Mar 10 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W244      2444309.66 1980 Mar 11 0352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W245      2444310.30 1980 Mar 11 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W246      2444310.52 1980 Mar 12 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W247      2444310.83 1980 Mar 12 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W248      2444311.05 1980 Mar 12 1311:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 266     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W249      2444311.06 1980 Mar 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W250      2444311.08 1980 Mar 12 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W251      2444311.11 1980 Mar 12 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W252      2444311.12 1980 Mar 12 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W253      2444311.25 1980 Mar 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W254      2444311.30 1980 Mar 12 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W255      2444311.50 1980 Mar 13 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W256      2444311.51 1980 Mar 13 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W257      2444311.51 1980 Mar 13 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1150     2444311.60 1980 Mar 13 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R379          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1980-W258      2444311.61 1980 Mar 13 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W259      2444312.20 1980 Mar 13 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W260      2444312.83 1980 Mar 14 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W261      2444313.06 1980 Mar 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W262      2444313.11 1980 Mar 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W263      2444313.55 1980 Mar 15 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W264      2444313.75 1980 Mar 15 0604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W265      2444316.11 1980 Mar 17 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W266      2444316.11 1980 Mar 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W267      2444316.18 1980 Mar 17 1615:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W268      2444316.19 1980 Mar 17 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W269      2444316.24 1980 Mar 17 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W270      2444316.29 1980 Mar 17 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W271      2444316.39 1980 Mar 17 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W272      2444316.50 1980 Mar 17 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W273      2444316.50 1980 Mar 18 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W274      2444316.68 1980 Mar 18 0414:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W275      2444317.34 1980 Mar 18 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W276      2444317.38 1980 Mar 18 2105:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 267     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M29       2444317.50 1980 Mar 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M156      2444317.50 1980 Mar 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W277      2444317.58 1980 Mar 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R380          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W278      2444317.67 1980 Mar 19 0404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W279      2444317.79 1980 Mar 19 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W280      2444318.11 1980 Mar 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W281      2444318.15 1980 Mar 19 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W282      2444318.21 1980 Mar 19 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W283      2444318.25 1980 Mar 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W284      2444318.29 1980 Mar 19 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W285      2444318.34 1980 Mar 19 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W286      2444318.39 1980 Mar 19 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W287      2444318.66 1980 Mar 20 0352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W288      2444319.79 1980 Mar 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W289      2444320.06 1980 Mar 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W290      2444320.07 1980 Mar 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W291      2444320.22 1980 Mar 21 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W292      2444320.38 1980 Mar 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W293      2444320.40 1980 Mar 21 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W294      2444320.54 1980 Mar 22 0102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W295      2444320.55 1980 Mar 22 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W296      2444320.81 1980 Mar 22 0730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W297      2444323.07 1980 Mar 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W298      2444323.11 1980 Mar 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W299      2444323.12 1980 Mar 24 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W300      2444323.15 1980 Mar 24 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W301      2444323.25 1980 Mar 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W302      2444323.31 1980 Mar 24 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W303      2444323.38 1980 Mar 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W304      2444323.55 1980 Mar 25 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M157      2444324.50 1980 Mar 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M30       2444324.50 1980 Mar 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W305      2444324.58 1980 Mar 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R381          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W306      2444324.83 1980 Mar 26 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W307      2444325.12 1980 Mar 26 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W308      2444325.12 1980 Mar 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W309      2444325.14 1980 Mar 26 1520:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS80B   LP2              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W310      2444325.29 1980 Mar 26 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    STS                      -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W311      2444325.30 1980 Mar 26 1918:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W312      2444325.38 1980 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W313      2444325.68 1980 Mar 27 0413:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W314      2444326.67 1980 Mar 28 0402:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W315      2444326.83 1980 Mar 28 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W316      2444327.05 1980 Mar 28 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W317      2444327.10 1980 Mar 28 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W318      2444327.10 1980 Mar 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W319      2444327.19 1980 Mar 28 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W320      2444327.30 1980 Mar 28 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W321      2444327.53 1980 Mar 29 0037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W322      2444330.05 1980 Mar 31 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W323      2444330.11 1980 Mar 31 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W324      2444330.19 1980 Mar 31 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W325      2444330.20 1980 Mar 31 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W326      2444330.50 1980 Mar 31 2356:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W327      2444330.50 1980 Apr  1 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W328      2444330.55 1980 Apr  1 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M31       2444331.50 1980 Apr  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M34       2444331.50 1980 Apr  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W329      2444332.15 1980 Apr  2 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W330      2444332.15 1980 Apr  2 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W331      2444332.15 1980 Apr  2 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W332      2444332.19 1980 Apr  2 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W333      2444332.52 1980 Apr  3 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W334      2444333.15 1980 Apr  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W335      2444333.19 1980 Apr  3 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W336      2444333.38 1980 Apr  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W337      2444334.13 1980 Apr  4 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W338      2444334.14 1980 Apr  4 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W339      2444334.41 1980 Apr  4 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W340      2444334.64 1980 Apr  5 0322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W341      2444337.06 1980 Apr  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W342      2444337.14 1980 Apr  7 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W343      2444337.26 1980 Apr  7 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W344      2444337.71 1980 Apr  8 0506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M35       2444338.50 1980 Apr  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W345      2444338.56 1980 Apr  9 0127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W346      2444338.59 1980 Apr  9 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R382          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W347      2444339.06 1980 Apr  9 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W348      2444339.09 1980 Apr  9 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W349      2444339.10 1980 Apr  9 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W350      2444339.10 1980 Apr  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W351      2444339.13 1980 Apr  9 1513:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W352      2444339.17 1980 Apr 09 1609:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 268     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W353      2444339.38 1980 Apr  9 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W354      2444339.45 1980 Apr  9 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W355      2444339.50 1980 Apr  9 2354:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W356      2444339.50 1980 Apr 10 0003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W357      2444340.32 1980 Apr 10 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W358      2444340.58 1980 Apr 11 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W359      2444340.60 1980 Apr 11 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W360      2444340.71 1980 Apr 11 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W361      2444340.75 1980 Apr 11 0600:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W362      2444340.79 1980 Apr 11 0659:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W363      2444340.85 1980 Apr 11 0820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W364      2444341.11 1980 Apr 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W365      2444341.15 1980 Apr 11 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W366      2444341.19 1980 Apr 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W367      2444341.30 1980 Apr 11 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W368      2444341.55 1980 Apr 12 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W369      2444344.06 1980 Apr 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W370      2444344.11 1980 Apr 14 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W371      2444344.17 1980 Apr 14 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W372      2444344.38 1980 Apr 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W373      2444344.66 1980 Apr 15 0355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W374      2444345.19 1980 Apr 15 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M158      2444345.50 1980 Apr 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M32       2444345.50 1980 Apr 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W375      2444345.59 1980 Apr 16 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R383          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W376      2444345.62 1980 Apr 16 0254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W377      2444346.11 1980 Apr 16 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W378      2444346.11 1980 Apr 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W379      2444346.12 1980 Apr 16 1453:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W380      2444346.19 1980 Apr 16 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W381      2444346.28 1980 Apr 16 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W382      2444346.40 1980 Apr 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W383      2444346.55 1980 Apr 17 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W384      2444347.11 1980 Apr 17 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W385      2444348.06 1980 Apr 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W386      2444348.11 1980 Apr 18 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W387      2444348.19 1980 Apr 18 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W388      2444348.38 1980 Apr 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W389      2444348.55 1980 Apr 19 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W390      2444348.88 1980 Apr 19 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP1              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W391      2444351.11 1980 Apr 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W392      2444351.14 1980 Apr 21 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W393      2444351.17 1980 Apr 21 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W394      2444351.19 1980 Apr 21 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W395      2444351.38 1980 Apr 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W396      2444352.39 1980 Apr 22 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W397      2444352.47 1980 Apr 22 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W398      2444352.51 1980 Apr 23 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W399      2444352.51 1980 Apr 23 0020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W400      2444352.52 1980 Apr 23 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W401      2444352.68 1980 Apr 23 0417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W402      2444352.88 1980 Apr 23 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W403      2444353.07 1980 Apr 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W404      2444353.09 1980 Apr 23 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W405      2444353.11 1980 Apr 23 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W406      2444353.20 1980 Apr 23 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W407      2444353.22 1980 Apr 23 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W408      2444353.38 1980 Apr 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M33       2444353.50 1980 Apr 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W409      2444353.63 1980 Apr 24 0303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W410      2444354.08 1980 Apr 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W411      2444354.38 1980 Apr 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W412      2444354.55 1980 Apr 25 0117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W413      2444354.88 1980 Apr 25 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP3              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W414      2444355.06 1980 Apr 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W415      2444355.10 1980 Apr 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W416      2444355.32 1980 Apr 25 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W417      2444355.38 1980 Apr 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W418      2444358.06 1980 Apr 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W419      2444358.07 1980 Apr 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W420      2444358.15 1980 Apr 28 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W421      2444358.35 1980 Apr 28 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W422      2444358.55 1980 Apr 29 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W423      2444359.36 1980 Apr 29 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W424      2444359.59 1980 Apr 30 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R384          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W425      2444360.06 1980 Apr 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W426      2444360.14 1980 Apr 30 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W427      2444360.16 1980 Apr 30 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M36       2444360.50 1980 May  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W428      2444360.51 1980 May  1 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W429      2444360.64 1980 May  1 0325:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W430      2444361.34 1980 May  1 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W431      2444361.51 1980 May  2 0018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W432      2444361.52 1980 May  2 0022:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W433      2444361.52 1980 May  2 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W434      2444362.04 1980 May  2 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W435      2444362.07 1980 May  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W436      2444362.08 1980 May  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W437      2444362.28 1980 May  2 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W438      2444362.39 1980 May  2 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W439      2444362.62 1980 May  3 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W440      2444365.06 1980 May  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W441      2444365.10 1980 May  5 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W442      2444365.12 1980 May  5 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W443      2444365.15 1980 May  5 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W444      2444365.15 1980 May  5 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W445      2444365.34 1980 May  5 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W446      2444365.37 1980 May  5 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W447      2444367.03 1980 May  7 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W448      2444367.06 1980 May  7 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W449      2444367.13 1980 May  7 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W450      2444367.16 1980 May  7 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W451      2444367.21 1980 May  7 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W452      2444367.33 1980 May  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W453      2444367.39 1980 May  7 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W454      2444367.58 1980 May  8 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R385          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W455      2444368.33 1980 May  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W456      2444369.06 1980 May  9 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W457      2444369.10 1980 May  9 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W458      2444369.15 1980 May  9 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W459      2444369.18 1980 May  9 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W460      2444369.35 1980 May  9 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W461      2444369.40 1980 May  9 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W462      2444372.06 1980 May 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W463      2444372.07 1980 May 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W464      2444372.12 1980 May 12 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W465      2444372.19 1980 May 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W466      2444372.25 1980 May 12 1800:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 269     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W467      2444372.26 1980 May 12 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W468      2444372.33 1980 May 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W469      2444372.37 1980 May 12 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W470      2444372.63 1980 May 13 0308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W471      2444373.33 1980 May 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M37       2444373.50 1980 May 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W472      2444373.58 1980 May 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R386          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W473      2444374.07 1980 May 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W474      2444374.11 1980 May 14 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W475      2444374.17 1980 May 14 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W476      2444374.21 1980 May 14 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W477      2444374.31 1980 May 14 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W478      2444374.46 1980 May 14 2256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W479      2444375.21 1980 May 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W480      2444375.50 1980 May 16 0007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W481      2444375.51 1980 May 16 0017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W482      2444376.06 1980 May 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W483      2444376.10 1980 May 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W484      2444376.11 1980 May 16 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W485      2444376.17 1980 May 16 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W486      2444376.37 1980 May 16 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W487      2444376.96 1980 May 17 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP4              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W488      2444379.10 1980 May 19 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W489      2444379.14 1980 May 19 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W490      2444379.18 1980 May 19 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W491      2444379.21 1980 May 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W492      2444379.27 1980 May 19 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W493      2444379.37 1980 May 19 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W494      2444379.59 1980 May 20 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W495      2444379.61 1980 May 20 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W496      2444380.09 1980 May 20 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M38       2444380.50 1980 May 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W497      2444380.58 1980 May 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R387          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W498      2444380.63 1980 May 21 0303:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W499      2444381.07 1980 May 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W500      2444381.10 1980 May 21 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W501      2444381.12 1980 May 21 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W502      2444381.26 1980 May 21 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W503      2444381.27 1980 May 21 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W504      2444381.41 1980 May 21 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W505      2444382.00 1980 May 22 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W506      2444382.41 1980 May 22 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M39       2444382.50 1980 May 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M40       2444382.50 1980 May 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W507      2444383.06 1980 May 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W508      2444383.07 1980 May 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W509      2444383.08 1980 May 23 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W510      2444383.08 1980 May 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W511      2444383.11 1980 May 23 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W512      2444383.39 1980 May 23 2120:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS80F   LP11             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W513      2444386.28 1980 May 26 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W514      2444386.38 1980 May 26 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W515      2444386.42 1980 May 26 2200:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 270     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W516      2444387.10 1980 May 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W517      2444387.31 1980 May 27 1920:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS80F   LP15             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W518      2444387.38 1980 May 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M41       2444387.50 1980 May 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W519      2444387.59 1980 May 28 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R388          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W520      2444387.61 1980 May 28 0240:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W521      2444387.62 1980 May 28 0247:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W522      2444388.06 1980 May 28 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W523      2444388.07 1980 May 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W524      2444388.10 1980 May 28 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W525      2444388.10 1980 May 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W526      2444388.11 1980 May 28 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W527      2444388.16 1980 May 28 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W528      2444388.19 1980 May 28 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W529      2444388.92 1980 May 29 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP5              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W530      2444389.15 1980 May 29 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M145      2444389.50 1980 May 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-M42       2444389.50 1980 May 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W531      2444389.61 1980 May 30 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W532      2444390.06 1980 May 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W533      2444390.11 1980 May 30 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W534      2444390.26 1980 May 30 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W535      2444390.88 1980 May 31 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP6              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W536      2444390.92 1980 May 31 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP6              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W537      2444392.93 1980 Jun  2 1018:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W538      2444392.96 1980 Jun 02 1100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS80D   LP5              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W539      2444393.07 1980 Jun  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W540      2444393.10 1980 Jun  2 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W541      2444393.16 1980 Jun  2 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W542      2444393.17 1980 Jun  2 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W543      2444393.52 1980 Jun  3 0033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W544      2444394.35 1980 Jun  3 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M43       2444394.50 1980 Jun  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M50       2444394.50 1980 Jun  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W545      2444394.58 1980 Jun  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R389          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W546      2444395.04 1980 Jun  4 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W547      2444395.08 1980 Jun  4 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W548      2444395.17 1980 Jun  4 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W549      2444395.19 1980 Jun  4 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W550      2444395.27 1980 Jun  4 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W551      2444396.21 1980 Jun  5 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W552      2444396.28 1980 Jun  5 1847:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W553      2444396.33 1980 Jun  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W554      2444396.40 1980 Jun  5 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W555      2444396.40 1980 Jun  5 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M51       2444396.50 1980 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M44       2444396.50 1980 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M146      2444396.50 1980 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-W556      2444396.94 1980 Jun  6 1031:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W557      2444397.06 1980 Jun  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W558      2444397.08 1980 Jun  6 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W559      2444397.14 1980 Jun  6 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W560      2444397.33 1980 Jun  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W561      2444397.39 1980 Jun  6 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W562      2444397.40 1980 Jun  6 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W563      2444397.63 1980 Jun  7 0307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W564      2444400.03 1980 Jun  9 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W565      2444400.07 1980 Jun  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W566      2444400.13 1980 Jun  9 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W567      2444400.14 1980 Jun  9 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W569      2444400.18 1980 Jun  9 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W568      2444400.18 1980 Jun 09 1617:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 271     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W570      2444400.19 1980 Jun  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W571      2444400.23 1980 Jun  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W572      2444400.25 1980 Jun 09 1804:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 272     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W573      2444400.26 1980 Jun  9 1811:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M45       2444401.50 1980 Jun 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M52       2444401.50 1980 Jun 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W574      2444401.58 1980 Jun 11 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R390          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W575      2444401.94 1980 Jun 11 1027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W576      2444402.07 1980 Jun 11 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W577      2444402.07 1980 Jun 11 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W578      2444402.10 1980 Jun 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W579      2444402.11 1980 Jun 11 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W580      2444402.15 1980 Jun 11 1536:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W581      2444402.33 1980 Jun 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W582      2444402.41 1980 Jun 11 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W583      2444402.45 1980 Jun 11 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W584      2444403.12 1980 Jun 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M53       2444403.50 1980 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M46       2444403.50 1980 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W585      2444404.07 1980 Jun 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W586      2444404.13 1980 Jun 13 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W587      2444404.14 1980 Jun 13 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W588      2444404.15 1980 Jun 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W589      2444404.29 1980 Jun 13 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W590      2444404.38 1980 Jun 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W591      2444404.52 1980 Jun 14 0032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W592      2444404.71 1980 Jun 14 0500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W593      2444407.06 1980 Jun 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W594      2444407.07 1980 Jun 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W595      2444407.11 1980 Jun 16 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W596      2444407.19 1980 Jun 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W597      2444407.22 1980 Jun 16 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W598      2444407.38 1980 Jun 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W599      2444407.58 1980 Jun 17 0201:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W600      2444408.20 1980 Jun 17 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M54       2444408.50 1980 Jun 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M47       2444408.50 1980 Jun 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W601      2444409.06 1980 Jun 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W602      2444409.07 1980 Jun 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W603      2444409.10 1980 Jun 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W604      2444409.11 1980 Jun 18 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W605      2444409.19 1980 Jun 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W606      2444409.27 1980 Jun 18 1830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W607      2444409.33 1980 Jun 18 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W608      2444409.36 1980 Jun 18 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M48       2444410.50 1980 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W609      2444410.53 1980 Jun 20 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W610      2444410.93 1980 Jun 20 1025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W611      2444411.07 1980 Jun 20 1341:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W612      2444411.07 1980 Jun 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W613      2444411.09 1980 Jun 20 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W614      2444411.10 1980 Jun 20 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W615      2444411.25 1980 Jun 20 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W616      2444414.07 1980 Jun 23 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W617      2444414.13 1980 Jun 23 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W618      2444414.14 1980 Jun 23 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W619      2444414.35 1980 Jun 23 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W620      2444414.41 1980 Jun 23 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W621      2444414.60 1980 Jun 24 0222:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W622      2444415.12 1980 Jun 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W623      2444415.52 1980 Jun 25 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W624      2444415.59 1980 Jun 25 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R391          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W625      2444415.93 1980 Jun 25 1015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W626      2444416.09 1980 Jun 25 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W627      2444416.10 1980 Jun 25 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W628      2444416.18 1980 Jun 25 1617:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W629      2444416.35 1980 Jun 25 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W630      2444416.62 1980 Jun 26 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W631      2444417.13 1980 Jun 26 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M49       2444417.50 1980 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M55       2444417.50 1980 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W632      2444417.54 1980 Jun 27 0100:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W633      2444417.87 1980 Jun 27 0849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W634      2444418.08 1980 Jun 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W635      2444418.13 1980 Jun 27 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W636      2444418.24 1980 Jun 27 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W637      2444418.34 1980 Jun 27 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W638      2444418.50 1980 Jun 28 0000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W639      2444421.08 1980 Jun 30 1348:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W640      2444421.10 1980 Jun 30 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W641      2444421.16 1980 Jun 30 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W642      2444421.19 1980 Jun 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W643      2444421.33 1980 Jun 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W644      2444421.53 1980 Jul  1 0045:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W645      2444422.34 1980 Jul  1 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M56       2444422.50 1980 Jul  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M62       2444422.50 1980 Jul  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W646      2444423.06 1980 Jul  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W647      2444423.10 1980 Jul  2 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W648      2444423.13 1980 Jul  2 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W649      2444423.14 1980 Jul  2 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W650      2444423.24 1980 Jul  2 1743:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W651      2444423.42 1980 Jul  2 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W652      2444423.50 1980 Jul  3 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W653      2444424.39 1980 Jul  3 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M63       2444424.50 1980 Jul  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M57       2444424.50 1980 Jul  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W654      2444425.35 1980 Jul  4 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W655      2444426.27 1980 Jul  5 1830:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 273           -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W656      2444427.09 1980 Jul  6 1403:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 274           -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W657      2444428.04 1980 Jul  7 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W658      2444428.06 1980 Jul  7 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W659      2444428.07 1980 Jul  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W660      2444428.10 1980 Jul  7 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W661      2444428.12 1980 Jul  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W662      2444428.25 1980 Jul  7 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W663      2444428.38 1980 Jul  7 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W664      2444428.40 1980 Jul  7 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M64       2444429.50 1980 Jul  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1151     2444429.60 1980 Jul  9 0228     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R392          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1980-W665      2444430.07 1980 Jul  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W666      2444430.07 1980 Jul  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W667      2444430.12 1980 Jul  9 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W668      2444430.16 1980 Jul  9 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W669      2444430.18 1980 Jul  9 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M58       2444430.50 1980 Jul 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W670      2444431.33 1980 Jul 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M65       2444431.50 1980 Jul 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W671      2444432.06 1980 Jul 11 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W672      2444432.10 1980 Jul 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W673      2444432.14 1980 Jul 11 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W674      2444432.18 1980 Jul 11 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W675      2444432.25 1980 Jul 11 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W676      2444432.55 1980 Jul 12 0115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W677      2444435.07 1980 Jul 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W678      2444435.07 1980 Jul 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W679      2444435.10 1980 Jul 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W680      2444435.13 1980 Jul 14 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W681      2444435.17 1980 Jul 14 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W682      2444435.24 1980 Jul 14 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M05       2444435.30 1980 Jul 14 1911     Orion                    -      NASA 30.03UU         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W683      2444436.33 1980 Jul 15 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M66       2444436.50 1980 Jul 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W684      2444437.06 1980 Jul 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W685      2444437.08 1980 Jul 16 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W686      2444437.10 1980 Jul 16 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W687      2444437.14 1980 Jul 16 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W688      2444437.17 1980 Jul 16 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W689      2444437.36 1980 Jul 16 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W690      2444437.52 1980 Jul 17 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W691      2444438.07 1980 Jul 17 1347:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 275     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W692      2444438.17 1980 Jul 17 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W693      2444438.33 1980 Jul 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M67       2444438.50 1980 Jul 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W694      2444439.10 1980 Jul 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W695      2444439.16 1980 Jul 18 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W696      2444439.30 1980 Jul 18 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W697      2444439.33 1980 Jul 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W698      2444442.06 1980 Jul 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W699      2444442.14 1980 Jul 21 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W700      2444442.43 1980 Jul 21 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M68       2444443.50 1980 Jul 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M59       2444443.50 1980 Jul 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W701      2444443.58 1980 Jul 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R393          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W702      2444444.06 1980 Jul 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W703      2444444.06 1980 Jul 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W704      2444444.12 1980 Jul 23 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W705      2444444.14 1980 Jul 23 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W706      2444444.18 1980 Jul 23 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W707      2444444.18 1980 Jul 23 1615:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 276     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W708      2444444.25 1980 Jul 23 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W709      2444444.32 1980 Jul 23 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W710      2444444.33 1980 Jul 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W711      2444444.64 1980 Jul 24 0320:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 277     /TM1- -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W712      2444445.34 1980 Jul 24 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W713      2444445.44 1980 Jul 24 2235:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 278     /TM1- -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M60       2444445.50 1980 Jul 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M159      2444445.50 1980 Jul 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W714      2444445.65 1980 Jul 25 0341:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 279     /TM1- -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W715      2444446.06 1980 Jul 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W716      2444446.09 1980 Jul 25 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W717      2444446.11 1980 Jul 25 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W718      2444446.21 1980 Jul 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W719      2444446.33 1980 Jul 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W720      2444449.08 1980 Jul 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W721      2444449.09 1980 Jul 28 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W722      2444449.15 1980 Jul 28 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W723      2444449.32 1980 Jul 28 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M61       2444450.50 1980 Jul 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M160      2444450.50 1980 Jul 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W724      2444450.58 1980 Jul 30 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W725      2444451.13 1980 Jul 30 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W726      2444451.21 1980 Jul 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W727      2444451.38 1980 Jul 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W728      2444451.40 1980 Jul 30 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W729      2444452.02 1980 Jul 31 1232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M69       2444452.50 1980 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M77       2444452.50 1980 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W730      2444453.06 1980 Aug  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W731      2444453.07 1980 Aug  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W732      2444453.11 1980 Aug  1 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W733      2444453.22 1980 Aug  1 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W734      2444453.25 1980 Aug  1 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W735      2444453.34 1980 Aug  1 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W736      2444456.04 1980 Aug  4 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W737      2444456.07 1980 Aug  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W738      2444456.11 1980 Aug  4 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W739      2444456.33 1980 Aug  4 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W740      2444456.38 1980 Aug  4 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W741      2444457.07 1980 Aug  5 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W742      2444457.33 1980 Aug  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M78       2444457.50 1980 Aug  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M70       2444457.50 1980 Aug  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W743      2444457.56 1980 Aug 06 0130:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W744      2444457.58 1980 Aug  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R394          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W745      2444458.06 1980 Aug  6 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W746      2444458.10 1980 Aug  6 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W747      2444458.14 1980 Aug  6 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W748      2444458.33 1980 Aug  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W749      2444459.14 1980 Aug  7 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W750      2444459.33 1980 Aug  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W751      2444459.41 1980 Aug  7 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M71       2444459.50 1980 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M79       2444459.50 1980 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M147      2444459.50 1980 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-W752      2444460.13 1980 Aug  8 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W753      2444460.25 1980 Aug  8 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W754      2444460.33 1980 Aug  8 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W755      2444460.69 1980 Aug  9 0430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W756      2444463.07 1980 Aug 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W757      2444463.07 1980 Aug 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W758      2444463.10 1980 Aug 11 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W759      2444463.18 1980 Aug 11 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W760      2444463.21 1980 Aug 11 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W761      2444463.33 1980 Aug 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W762      2444464.33 1980 Aug 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M80       2444464.50 1980 Aug 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W763      2444465.11 1980 Aug 13 1442:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W764      2444465.14 1980 Aug 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W765      2444465.18 1980 Aug 13 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W766      2444465.27 1980 Aug 13 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W767      2444465.41 1980 Aug 13 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M72       2444465.50 1980 Aug 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W768      2444465.50 1980 Aug 14 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W769      2444465.51 1980 Aug 14 0019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W770      2444465.65 1980 Aug 14 0342:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W771      2444465.98 1980 Aug 14 1137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W772      2444466.33 1980 Aug 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M81       2444466.50 1980 Aug 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W773      2444467.07 1980 Aug 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W774      2444467.09 1980 Aug 15 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W775      2444467.10 1980 Aug 15 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W776      2444467.18 1980 Aug 15 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W777      2444467.19 1980 Aug 15 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W778      2444467.41 1980 Aug 15 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M73       2444467.50 1980 Aug 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M148      2444467.50 1980 Aug 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-W779      2444470.05 1980 Aug 18 1313:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W780      2444470.10 1980 Aug 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W781      2444470.12 1980 Aug 18 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W782      2444470.28 1980 Aug 18 1845:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W783      2444470.40 1980 Aug 18 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W784      2444471.33 1980 Aug 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M74       2444471.50 1980 Aug 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M82       2444471.50 1980 Aug 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W785      2444471.53 1980 Aug 20 0042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W786      2444471.58 1980 Aug 20 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R395          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W787      2444472.10 1980 Aug 20 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W788      2444472.12 1980 Aug 20 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W789      2444472.14 1980 Aug 20 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W790      2444472.18 1980 Aug 20 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W791      2444472.18 1980 Aug 20 1615:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 280     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W792      2444472.19 1980 Aug 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W793      2444472.23 1980 Aug 20 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W794      2444472.24 1980 Aug 20 1750:00  Loki Dart                -      FLIGHT 281     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W795      2444473.40 1980 Aug 21 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M83       2444473.50 1980 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M149      2444473.50 1980 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-M75       2444473.50 1980 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W796      2444474.06 1980 Aug 22 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W797      2444474.07 1980 Aug 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W798      2444474.10 1980 Aug 22 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W799      2444474.11 1980 Aug 22 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W800      2444474.33 1980 Aug 22 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W801      2444474.40 1980 Aug 22 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M84       2444476.50 1980 Aug 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W802      2444477.07 1980 Aug 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W803      2444477.25 1980 Aug 25 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W804      2444477.34 1980 Aug 25 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W805      2444477.39 1980 Aug 25 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W806      2444477.59 1980 Aug 26 0208:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W807      2444478.35 1980 Aug 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W808      2444478.46 1980 Aug 26 2300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M153      2444478.50 1980 Aug 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M76       2444478.50 1980 Aug 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W809      2444478.70 1980 Aug 27 0449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W810      2444479.06 1980 Aug 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W811      2444479.25 1980 Aug 27 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W812      2444479.33 1980 Aug 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W813      2444480.18 1980 Aug 28 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M152      2444480.50 1980 Aug 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-M164      2444480.50 1980 Aug 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W814      2444481.06 1980 Aug 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W815      2444481.10 1980 Aug 29 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W816      2444481.16 1980 Aug 29 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W817      2444481.33 1980 Aug 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M150      2444481.50 1980 Aug 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1980-M94       2444483.50 1980 Sep  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W818      2444484.12 1980 Sep  1 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W819      2444485.14 1980 Sep  2 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W820      2444485.32 1980 Sep  2 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M95       2444485.50 1980 Sep  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M85       2444485.50 1980 Sep  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W821      2444485.58 1980 Sep  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R396          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W822      2444485.64 1980 Sep  3 0323:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W823      2444485.93 1980 Sep  3 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W824      2444486.06 1980 Sep  3 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W825      2444486.10 1980 Sep 03 1430:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W826      2444486.11 1980 Sep  3 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W827      2444486.18 1980 Sep  3 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W828      2444486.28 1980 Sep  3 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W829      2444486.29 1980 Sep 03 1900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W830      2444486.35 1980 Sep  3 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W831      2444486.63 1980 Sep  4 0312:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M86       2444487.50 1980 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M96       2444487.50 1980 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W832      2444487.52 1980 Sep  5 0031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W833      2444487.85 1980 Sep 05 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W834      2444487.89 1980 Sep  5 0921:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W835      2444488.05 1980 Sep  5 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W836      2444488.10 1980 Sep  5 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W837      2444488.27 1980 Sep  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W838      2444488.33 1980 Sep  5 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W839      2444488.35 1980 Sep  5 2018:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W840      2444488.35 1980 Sep  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W841      2444491.04 1980 Sep  8 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W842      2444491.07 1980 Sep  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W843      2444491.14 1980 Sep  8 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W844      2444491.26 1980 Sep  8 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W845      2444491.40 1980 Sep  8 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W846      2444492.19 1980 Sep 09 1630:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W847      2444492.25 1980 Sep 09 1800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W848      2444492.27 1980 Sep  9 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W849      2444492.42 1980 Sep  9 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M87       2444492.50 1980 Sep 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M97       2444492.50 1980 Sep 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W850      2444492.82 1980 Sep 10 0735:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W851      2444493.05 1980 Sep 10 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W852      2444493.05 1980 Sep 10 1310:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W853      2444493.07 1980 Sep 10 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W854      2444493.19 1980 Sep 10 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W855      2444493.28 1980 Sep 10 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W856      2444494.41 1980 Sep 11 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M98       2444494.50 1980 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M88       2444494.50 1980 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W857      2444494.67 1980 Sep 12 0406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W858      2444494.82 1980 Sep 12 0735:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W859      2444495.07 1980 Sep 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W860      2444495.14 1980 Sep 12 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W861      2444495.28 1980 Sep 12 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W862      2444495.56 1980 Sep 13 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T28           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1980-W863      2444497.56 1980 Sep 15 0119:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W864      2444497.56 1980 Sep 15 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T29           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1980-W865      2444498.06 1980 Sep 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W866      2444498.07 1980 Sep 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W867      2444498.09 1980 Sep 15 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W868      2444498.13 1980 Sep 15 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W869      2444498.15 1980 Sep 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W870      2444498.18 1980 Sep 15 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W871      2444498.30 1980 Sep 15 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W872      2444498.34 1980 Sep 15 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W873      2444498.67 1980 Sep 16 0411:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M99       2444499.50 1980 Sep 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M89       2444499.50 1980 Sep 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W874      2444499.58 1980 Sep 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R397          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W875      2444500.02 1980 Sep 17 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W876      2444500.11 1980 Sep 17 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W877      2444500.19 1980 Sep 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W878      2444500.25 1980 Sep 17 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W879      2444500.40 1980 Sep 17 2140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W880      2444501.12 1980 Sep 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W881      2444501.39 1980 Sep 18 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M90       2444501.50 1980 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M100      2444501.50 1980 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W882      2444501.81 1980 Sep 19 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W883      2444502.05 1980 Sep 19 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W884      2444502.07 1980 Sep 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W885      2444502.12 1980 Sep 19 1447:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W886      2444502.15 1980 Sep 19 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W887      2444502.16 1980 Sep 19 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W888      2444502.19 1980 Sep 19 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W889      2444502.21 1980 Sep 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W890      2444502.33 1980 Sep 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W891      2444502.61 1980 Sep 20 0232:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M101      2444504.50 1980 Sep 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M91       2444504.50 1980 Sep 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W892      2444505.11 1980 Sep 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W893      2444505.20 1980 Sep 22 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W894      2444505.43 1980 Sep 22 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W895      2444506.18 1980 Sep 23 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M92       2444506.50 1980 Sep 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M102      2444506.50 1980 Sep 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W896      2444506.79 1980 Sep 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W897      2444507.05 1980 Sep 24 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W898      2444507.08 1980 Sep 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W899      2444507.11 1980 Sep 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W900      2444507.13 1980 Sep 24 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W901      2444507.27 1980 Sep 24 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W902      2444507.33 1980 Sep 24 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W903      2444508.28 1980 Sep 25 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W904      2444508.33 1980 Sep 25 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M93       2444508.50 1980 Sep 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M165      2444508.50 1980 Sep 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W905      2444509.00 1980 Sep 26 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W906      2444509.04 1980 Sep 26 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W907      2444509.12 1980 Sep 26 1451:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W908      2444509.16 1980 Sep 26 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W909      2444509.21 1980 Sep 26 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W910      2444509.34 1980 Sep 26 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W911      2444512.06 1980 Sep 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W912      2444512.10 1980 Sep 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W913      2444512.12 1980 Sep 29 1448:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         THU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W914      2444512.25 1980 Sep 29 1757:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W915      2444512.26 1980 Sep 29 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W916      2444512.27 1980 Sep 29 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W917      2444512.38 1980 Sep 29 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W918      2444512.60 1980 Sep 30 0218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W919      2444513.33 1980 Sep 30 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M103      2444513.50 1980 Oct  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M112      2444513.50 1980 Oct  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W920      2444513.59 1980 Oct  1 0213:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R398          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W921      2444513.79 1980 Oct 01 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W922      2444513.88 1980 Oct 01 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W923      2444514.08 1980 Oct 01 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W924      2444514.20 1980 Oct  1 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W925      2444514.31 1980 Oct  1 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W926      2444514.43 1980 Oct  1 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W927      2444514.44 1980 Oct  1 2226:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W928      2444515.10 1980 Oct  2 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W929      2444515.26 1980 Oct  2 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W930      2444515.33 1980 Oct  2 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M113      2444515.50 1980 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M104      2444515.50 1980 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W931      2444515.79 1980 Oct 03 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W932      2444516.04 1980 Oct  3 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W933      2444516.26 1980 Oct  3 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M105      2444518.50 1980 Oct  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M114      2444518.50 1980 Oct  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W934      2444519.10 1980 Oct  6 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W935      2444519.15 1980 Oct  6 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W936      2444519.36 1980 Oct  6 2034:00  Super Loki               -      TY1-6190             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Test                     AND                  -                    -
1980-W937      2444519.39 1980 Oct  6 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W938      2444519.69 1980 Oct 07 0428:57  Super Loki               -      TY1-6878             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Ionos                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W939      2444520.12 1980 Oct  7 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W940      2444520.14 1980 Oct  7 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W941      2444520.27 1980 Oct  7 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M106      2444520.50 1980 Oct  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W942      2444520.52 1980 Oct  8 0026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W943      2444520.59 1980 Oct  8 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R399          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W944      2444520.74 1980 Oct  8 0538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W945      2444520.79 1980 Oct 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W946      2444520.90 1980 Oct  8 0938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W947      2444521.13 1980 Oct 08 1503:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 282     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W948      2444521.15 1980 Oct  8 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W949      2444522.03 1980 Oct  9 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W950      2444522.15 1980 Oct  9 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M107      2444522.50 1980 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W951      2444523.40 1980 Oct 10 2129:12  Super Loki               -      TY1-6195             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     67?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W952      2444523.43 1980 Oct 10 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W953      2444524.36 1980 Oct 11 2033:20  Super Loki               -      TY1-6196             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     69?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W954      2444524.48 1980 Oct 11 2328:30  Super Loki               -      TY1-7128             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Ionos                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W955      2444527.07 1980 Oct 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W956      2444527.15 1980 Oct 14 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W957      2444527.16 1980 Oct 14 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M108      2444527.50 1980 Oct 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M115      2444527.50 1980 Oct 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W958      2444527.83 1980 Oct 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W959      2444528.04 1980 Oct 15 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W960      2444528.05 1980 Oct 15 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W961      2444528.10 1980 Oct 15 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W962      2444528.12 1980 Oct 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W963      2444528.15 1980 Oct 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W964      2444528.29 1980 Oct 15 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W965      2444528.37 1980 Oct 15 2053:00  Super Loki               -      TY1-6424             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     67?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W966      2444528.39 1980 Oct 15 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W967      2444528.85 1980 Oct 16 0818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W968      2444529.14 1980 Oct 16 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W969      2444529.20 1980 Oct 16 1645:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 284     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W970      2444529.26 1980 Oct 16 1820:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 285     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M06       2444529.29 1980 Oct 16 1854     Orion                    -      NASA 30.04UU         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W971      2444529.31 1980 Oct 16 1921:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M109      2444529.50 1980 Oct 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M116      2444529.50 1980 Oct 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W972      2444529.79 1980 Oct 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W973      2444530.06 1980 Oct 17 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W974      2444530.07 1980 Oct 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W975      2444530.28 1980 Oct 17 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W976      2444530.59 1980 Oct 18 0207:14  Super Loki               -      TY1-7129             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Ionos                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W977      2444530.59 1980 Oct 18 0213:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W978      2444530.66 1980 Oct 18 0352:00  Super Loki               -      TY1-7130             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Ionos                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W979      2444530.69 1980 Oct 18 0435:02  Super Loki               -      TY1-6875             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                AND                  -
1980-W980      2444533.03 1980 Oct 20 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W981      2444533.07 1980 Oct 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W982      2444533.15 1980 Oct 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M117      2444534.50 1980 Oct 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M110      2444534.50 1980 Oct 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W983      2444534.59 1980 Oct 22 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R400          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W984      2444534.83 1980 Oct 22 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W985      2444535.08 1980 Oct 22 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W986      2444535.17 1980 Oct 22 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W987      2444535.20 1980 Oct 22 1650:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W988      2444535.28 1980 Oct 22 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W989      2444535.34 1980 Oct 22 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W990      2444536.18 1980 Oct 23 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W991      2444536.41 1980 Oct 23 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M111      2444536.50 1980 Oct 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M118      2444536.50 1980 Oct 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W992      2444536.83 1980 Oct 24 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W993      2444537.11 1980 Oct 24 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W994      2444537.12 1980 Oct 24 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W995      2444537.15 1980 Oct 24 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W996      2444537.32 1980 Oct 24 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W997      2444537.40 1980 Oct 24 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W998      2444537.40 1980 Oct 24 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W999      2444540.05 1980 Oct 27 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1000     2444540.11 1980 Oct 27 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1001     2444540.32 1980 Oct 27 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1002     2444540.36 1980 Oct 27 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1003     2444541.21 1980 Oct 28 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1004     2444541.31 1980 Oct 28 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1005     2444541.38 1980 Oct 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M154      2444541.50 1980 Oct 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M161      2444541.50 1980 Oct 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1006     2444541.58 1980 Oct 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R401          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1007     2444541.88 1980 Oct 29 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1008     2444542.06 1980 Oct 29 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M166      2444542.13 1980 Oct 29 1510     Super Arcas              -      -                    VLF Probe 3              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   PSRC/AFGL/Field,Kossey   Ionos                    RadioSci21,141       -                    -
1980-M167      2444542.15 1980 Oct 29 1540     Super Arcas              -      -                    VLF Probe 4              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   PSRC/AFGL/Field,Kossey   Ionos                    RadioSci21,141       -                    -
1980-W1009     2444542.19 1980 Oct 29 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1010     2444542.29 1980 Oct 29 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1011     2444542.30 1980 Oct 29 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1012     2444542.32 1980 Oct 29 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1013     2444543.42 1980 Oct 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M162      2444543.50 1980 Oct 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M163      2444543.50 1980 Oct 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1014     2444544.03 1980 Oct 31 1246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1015     2444544.19 1980 Oct 31 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1016     2444546.89 1980 Nov  3 0918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1017     2444547.19 1980 Nov  3 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1018     2444547.60 1980 Nov  4 0220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1019     2444548.11 1980 Nov  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M119      2444548.50 1980 Nov  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M128      2444548.50 1980 Nov  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1020     2444549.22 1980 Nov  5 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1021     2444549.34 1980 Nov  5 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1022     2444549.40 1980 Nov  5 2131:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1023     2444550.04 1980 Nov  6 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1024     2444551.10 1980 Nov  7 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1025     2444551.19 1980 Nov  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1026     2444551.33 1980 Nov  7 1951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M129      2444553.50 1980 Nov 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M120      2444553.50 1980 Nov 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1027     2444554.11 1980 Nov 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1028     2444554.15 1980 Nov 10 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1029     2444554.21 1980 Nov 10 1703:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1030     2444554.33 1980 Nov 10 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1031     2444554.41 1980 Nov 10 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1032     2444554.90 1980 Nov 11 0941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1033     2444555.04 1980 Nov 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M130      2444555.50 1980 Nov 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1034     2444555.58 1980 Nov 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R402          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1035     2444555.89 1980 Nov 12 0919:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1036     2444556.08 1980 Nov 12 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1037     2444556.09 1980 Nov 12 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1038     2444556.22 1980 Nov 12 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1039     2444556.42 1980 Nov 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M131      2444557.50 1980 Nov 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M121      2444557.50 1980 Nov 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1040     2444557.81 1980 Nov 14 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1041     2444557.89 1980 Nov 14 0920:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1042     2444558.01 1980 Nov 14 1220:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1043     2444558.40 1980 Nov 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1044     2444558.40 1980 Nov 14 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1045     2444558.41 1980 Nov 14 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M122      2444560.50 1980 Nov 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1046     2444561.04 1980 Nov 17 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1047     2444561.10 1980 Nov 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1048     2444561.33 1980 Nov 17 1949:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1049     2444561.42 1980 Nov 17 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1050     2444561.93 1980 Nov 18 1020:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1051     2444561.98 1980 Nov 18 1130:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1052     2444562.23 1980 Nov 18 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1053     2444562.26 1980 Nov 18 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1054     2444562.27 1980 Nov 18 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1055     2444562.31 1980 Nov 18 1929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M123      2444562.50 1980 Nov 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M132      2444562.50 1980 Nov 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1152     2444562.58 1980 Nov 19 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R403          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1980-W1056     2444563.15 1980 Nov 19 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1057     2444563.20 1980 Nov 19 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1058     2444563.43 1980 Nov 19 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1059     2444563.43 1980 Nov 19 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1060     2444564.40 1980 Nov 20 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M133      2444564.50 1980 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M124      2444564.50 1980 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1061     2444564.89 1980 Nov 21 0920:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1062     2444565.09 1980 Nov 21 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1063     2444565.29 1980 Nov 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1064     2444565.38 1980 Nov 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M125      2444567.50 1980 Nov 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M134      2444567.50 1980 Nov 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1065     2444568.04 1980 Nov 24 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1066     2444568.15 1980 Nov 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1067     2444568.40 1980 Nov 24 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1068     2444568.41 1980 Nov 24 2154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M135      2444569.50 1980 Nov 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M126      2444569.50 1980 Nov 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1069     2444569.58 1980 Nov 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R404          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1070     2444570.17 1980 Nov 26 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1071     2444570.21 1980 Nov 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1072     2444570.39 1980 Nov 26 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1073     2444570.45 1980 Nov 26 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1074     2444570.52 1980 Nov 27 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M127      2444571.50 1980 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M136      2444571.50 1980 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1075     2444572.15 1980 Nov 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1076     2444572.19 1980 Nov 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1077     2444572.41 1980 Nov 28 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1078     2444575.07 1980 Dec  1 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1079     2444575.08 1980 Dec  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1080     2444575.14 1980 Dec  1 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1081     2444575.19 1980 Dec  1 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1082     2444575.28 1980 Dec  1 1838:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1083     2444575.38 1980 Dec  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1084     2444576.25 1980 Dec  2 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M141      2444576.50 1980 Dec  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1085     2444576.58 1980 Dec  3 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R405          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1086     2444577.26 1980 Dec 03 1812:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 286     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1087     2444577.27 1980 Dec  3 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1088     2444577.34 1980 Dec  3 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1089     2444577.40 1980 Dec  3 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1090     2444578.27 1980 Dec  4 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1091     2444578.30 1980 Dec  4 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1092     2444578.31 1980 Dec  4 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1093     2444579.06 1980 Dec  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1094     2444579.26 1980 Dec  5 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1095     2444581.90 1980 Dec  8 0941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1096     2444582.08 1980 Dec  8 1356:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1097     2444582.11 1980 Dec  8 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1098     2444582.22 1980 Dec  8 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1099     2444582.38 1980 Dec  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1100     2444582.39 1980 Dec  8 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1101     2444582.42 1980 Dec  8 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1102     2444583.03 1980 Dec  9 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1103     2444583.38 1980 Dec 09 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS          SS   GMS/Danilov              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-M137      2444583.50 1980 Dec 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M142      2444583.50 1980 Dec 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1104     2444583.58 1980 Dec 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R406          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1105     2444584.16 1980 Dec 10 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1106     2444584.19 1980 Dec 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1107     2444585.19 1980 Dec 11 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1108     2444585.23 1980 Dec 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1109     2444585.60 1980 Dec 12 0230:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS          SS   GMS/Danilov              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1110     2444585.76 1980 Dec 12 0620:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS          SS   GMS/Danilov              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1111     2444586.07 1980 Dec 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1112     2444586.34 1980 Dec 12 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1113     2444586.40 1980 Dec 12 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1114     2444589.04 1980 Dec 15 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1115     2444589.21 1980 Dec 15 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1116     2444589.74 1980 Dec 16 0548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1117     2444589.91 1980 Dec 16 0944:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1118     2444590.08 1980 Dec 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1119     2444590.41 1980 Dec 16 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1120     2444590.41 1980 Dec 16 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M143      2444590.50 1980 Dec 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M138      2444590.50 1980 Dec 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1121     2444590.59 1980 Dec 17 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R407          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1122     2444590.69 1980 Dec 17 0430:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1123     2444590.92 1980 Dec 17 1000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1124     2444590.93 1980 Dec 17 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1125     2444591.04 1980 Dec 17 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1126     2444591.39 1980 Dec 17 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1127     2444591.39 1980 Dec 17 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1128     2444591.44 1980 Dec 17 2230:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1129     2444591.89 1980 Dec 18 0919:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1130     2444592.48 1980 Dec 18 2330:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS          SS   GMS/Danilov              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1980-W1132     2444593.21 1980 Dec 19 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1133     2444595.90 1980 Dec 22 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1134     2444596.04 1980 Dec 22 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1135     2444596.27 1980 Dec 22 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1136     2444596.41 1980 Dec 22 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1137     2444597.19 1980 Dec 23 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M139      2444597.50 1980 Dec 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M144      2444597.50 1980 Dec 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-M168      2444597.50 1980 Dec 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1980-W1138     2444598.06 1980 Dec 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1139     2444598.10 1980 Dec 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1140     2444598.26 1980 Dec 24 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1141     2444598.42 1980 Dec 24 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1143     2444600.04 1980 Dec 26 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1144     2444603.06 1980 Dec 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1145     2444604.40 1980 Dec 30 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1146     2444604.41 1980 Dec 30 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-M140      2444604.50 1980 Dec 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1980-W1147     2444605.03 1980 Dec 31 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1980-W1148     2444605.14 1980 Dec 31 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M19       2444606.50 1981 Jan  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M27       2444606.50 1981 Jan  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W01       2444607.05 1981 Jan  2 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W02       2444607.16 1981 Jan  2 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W03       2444610.11 1981 Jan  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M20       2444611.50 1981 Jan  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M28       2444611.50 1981 Jan  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W04       2444611.59 1981 Jan  7 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R408          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W05       2444612.06 1981 Jan  7 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W06       2444613.04 1981 Jan  8 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M29       2444613.50 1981 Jan  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M21       2444613.50 1981 Jan  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W07       2444614.10 1981 Jan  9 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W08       2444617.05 1981 Jan 12 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W09       2444617.11 1981 Jan 12 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W10       2444617.28 1981 Jan 12 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M30       2444618.50 1981 Jan 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W11       2444618.58 1981 Jan 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R409          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W12       2444618.69 1981 Jan 14 0440:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W13       2444619.04 1981 Jan 14 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP1              -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W14       2444619.06 1981 Jan 14 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W15       2444619.12 1981 Jan 14 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP1              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W16       2444620.04 1981 Jan 15 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-M31       2444620.50 1981 Jan 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M22       2444620.50 1981 Jan 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W17       2444621.11 1981 Jan 16 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W18       2444621.12 1981 Jan 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W19       2444622.08 1981 Jan 17 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W20       2444624.06 1981 Jan 19 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W21       2444624.17 1981 Jan 19 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W22       2444624.50 1981 Jan 19 2358:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W23       2444625.04 1981 Jan 20 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP3              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W24       2444625.04 1981 Jan 20 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP3              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-M23       2444625.50 1981 Jan 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M32       2444625.50 1981 Jan 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W25       2444625.69 1981 Jan 21 0440:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W26       2444626.06 1981 Jan 21 1330:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W27       2444626.06 1981 Jan 21 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W28       2444626.07 1981 Jan 21 1340:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W29       2444626.12 1981 Jan 21 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W30       2444626.28 1981 Jan 21 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W31       2444626.58 1981 Jan 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R410          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W32       2444627.13 1981 Jan 22 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W33       2444627.18 1981 Jan 22 1617:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 289     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-M33       2444627.50 1981 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M24       2444627.50 1981 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W34       2444628.04 1981 Jan 23 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W35       2444628.12 1981 Jan 23 1500:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W36       2444628.12 1981 Jan 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W37       2444631.04 1981 Jan 26 1300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS81C   LP2              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W38       2444631.15 1981 Jan 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W39       2444631.15 1981 Jan 26 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M25       2444632.50 1981 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M34       2444632.50 1981 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W40       2444632.60 1981 Jan 28 0229:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R411          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W41       2444633.03 1981 Jan 28 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W42       2444633.23 1981 Jan 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W43       2444633.50 1981 Jan 28 2353:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M26       2444634.50 1981 Jan 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M35       2444634.50 1981 Jan 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W44       2444635.06 1981 Jan 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W45       2444635.15 1981 Jan 30 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W46       2444638.11 1981 Feb  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W47       2444638.26 1981 Feb 02 1808:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 290     /TH1- -                        -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W48       2444638.33 1981 Feb  2 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W49       2444639.04 1981 Feb  3 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M72       2444639.50 1981 Feb  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M40       2444639.50 1981 Feb  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W50       2444639.59 1981 Feb  4 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R412          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W51       2444639.79 1981 Feb 04 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W52       2444640.17 1981 Feb 04 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W53       2444640.20 1981 Feb  4 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W54       2444640.21 1981 Feb  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W55       2444640.26 1981 Feb  4 1811:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W56       2444640.38 1981 Feb  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W57       2444640.42 1981 Feb  4 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W58       2444640.44 1981 Feb  4 2231:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M36       2444640.50 1981 Feb  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W59       2444640.92 1981 Feb  5 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W60       2444641.09 1981 Feb  5 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W61       2444641.19 1981 Feb  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W62       2444641.79 1981 Feb 06 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W63       2444641.86 1981 Feb 06 0845:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W64       2444642.15 1981 Feb  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W65       2444642.37 1981 Feb  6 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W66       2444642.38 1981 Feb  6 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W67       2444642.43 1981 Feb  6 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W68       2444644.94 1981 Feb  9 1032:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W69       2444645.24 1981 Feb  9 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W70       2444645.40 1981 Feb  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W71       2444645.43 1981 Feb  9 2221:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W72       2444646.08 1981 Feb 10 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W73       2444646.09 1981 Feb 10 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W74       2444646.49 1981 Feb 10 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M37       2444646.50 1981 Feb 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M41       2444646.50 1981 Feb 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W75       2444647.06 1981 Feb 11 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W76       2444647.23 1981 Feb 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W77       2444647.33 1981 Feb 11 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W78       2444647.33 1981 Feb 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W79       2444647.56 1981 Feb 12 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T30           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1981-W80       2444648.12 1981 Feb 12 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W81       2444648.41 1981 Feb 12 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M42       2444648.50 1981 Feb 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W82       2444648.85 1981 Feb 13 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W83       2444648.95 1981 Feb 13 1043:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W84       2444649.21 1981 Feb 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W85       2444649.41 1981 Feb 13 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W86       2444649.43 1981 Feb 13 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W87       2444653.12 1981 Feb 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W88       2444653.33 1981 Feb 17 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W89       2444653.35 1981 Feb 17 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M84       2444653.50 1981 Feb 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M38       2444653.50 1981 Feb 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W90       2444653.58 1981 Feb 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R413          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W91       2444653.81 1981 Feb 18 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W92       2444653.86 1981 Feb 18 0840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W93       2444653.94 1981 Feb 18 1031:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W94       2444654.19 1981 Feb 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W95       2444654.38 1981 Feb 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W96       2444654.38 1981 Feb 18 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W97       2444654.59 1981 Feb 19 0215:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M73       2444654.67 1981 Feb 19 0412     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M74       2444654.71 1981 Feb 19 0502     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M75       2444654.74 1981 Feb 19 0550     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M76       2444654.78 1981 Feb 19 0637     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M77       2444654.80 1981 Feb 19 0719     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-W98       2444655.19 1981 Feb 19 1635:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M78       2444655.71 1981 Feb 20 0500     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M79       2444655.74 1981 Feb 20 0545     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M80       2444655.77 1981 Feb 20 0634     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-M81       2444655.82 1981 Feb 20 0734     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-W99       2444656.05 1981 Feb 20 1318:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W100      2444656.12 1981 Feb 20 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      FLIGHT 296           -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP5              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W101      2444656.21 1981 Feb 20 1700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W102      2444656.25 1981 Feb 20 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W103      2444656.40 1981 Feb 20 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W104      2444656.40 1981 Feb 20 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M82       2444656.50 1981 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-W105      2444658.06 1981 Feb 22 1320:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP5              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W106      2444658.93 1981 Feb 23 1019:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W107      2444659.12 1981 Feb 23 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP6              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W108      2444659.16 1981 Feb 23 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W109      2444659.20 1981 Feb 23 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W110      2444659.37 1981 Feb 23 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W111      2444659.38 1981 Feb 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W112      2444659.52 1981 Feb 24 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W113      2444660.07 1981 Feb 24 1340:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP7              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W114      2444660.25 1981 Feb 24 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M88       2444660.50 1981 Feb 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1981-W115      2444660.50 1981 Feb 25 0001:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W116      2444661.02 1981 Feb 25 1230:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP6              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W117      2444661.04 1981 Feb 25 1254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W118      2444661.20 1981 Feb 25 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M39       2444661.50 1981 Feb 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W119      2444661.57 1981 Feb 26 0144:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W120      2444661.58 1981 Feb 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R414          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W121      2444662.14 1981 Feb 26 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W122      2444662.19 1981 Feb 26 1628:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 291     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W123      2444662.32 1981 Feb 26 1936:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W124      2444662.33 1981 Feb 26 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W125      2444662.36 1981 Feb 26 2045:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 292     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Krueger              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W126      2444662.44 1981 Feb 26 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W127      2444662.94 1981 Feb 27 1030:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W128      2444663.10 1981 Feb 27 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W129      2444663.22 1981 Feb 27 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M01       2444663.27 1981 Feb 27 1827     Orion                    -      NASA 30.07GU         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UMI/Horvath              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W130      2444663.41 1981 Feb 27 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W131      2444663.42 1981 Feb 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W132      2444665.73 1981 Mar 02 0530:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W133      2444666.15 1981 Mar  2 1543:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W134      2444666.21 1981 Mar  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W135      2444666.38 1981 Mar  2 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W136      2444666.38 1981 Mar  2 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W137      2444666.41 1981 Mar  2 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W138      2444667.04 1981 Mar  3 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W139      2444667.24 1981 Mar 03 1740:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS81C   LP12             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W140      2444668.14 1981 Mar  4 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W141      2444668.21 1981 Mar  4 1709:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W142      2444668.38 1981 Mar  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M43       2444668.50 1981 Mar  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W143      2444669.38 1981 Mar  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W144      2444670.05 1981 Mar  6 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W145      2444670.10 1981 Mar  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W146      2444670.15 1981 Mar  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W147      2444670.23 1981 Mar  6 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W148      2444670.28 1981 Mar  6 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W149      2444670.39 1981 Mar  6 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W150      2444670.52 1981 Mar  7 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W151      2444671.21 1981 Mar 07 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS81C   LP14             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W152      2444673.11 1981 Mar  9 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W153      2444673.16 1981 Mar  9 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W154      2444673.20 1981 Mar  9 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W155      2444673.37 1981 Mar  9 2059:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W156      2444673.38 1981 Mar  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W157      2444673.51 1981 Mar 10 0008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W158      2444674.25 1981 Mar 10 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M44       2444674.50 1981 Mar 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W159      2444674.58 1981 Mar 11 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R415          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W160      2444675.16 1981 Mar 11 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W161      2444675.21 1981 Mar 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W162      2444675.38 1981 Mar 11 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W163      2444675.41 1981 Mar 11 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W164      2444676.29 1981 Mar 12 1855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W165      2444676.39 1981 Mar 12 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W166      2444677.06 1981 Mar 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W167      2444677.10 1981 Mar 13 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W168      2444678.76 1981 Mar 15 0609:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W169      2444678.89 1981 Mar 15 0921:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W170      2444679.13 1981 Mar 15 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W171      2444680.06 1981 Mar 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W172      2444680.40 1981 Mar 16 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W173      2444681.10 1981 Mar 17 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W174      2444681.35 1981 Mar 17 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M45       2444681.50 1981 Mar 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W175      2444681.59 1981 Mar 18 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R416          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W176      2444682.08 1981 Mar 18 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W177      2444682.16 1981 Mar 18 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W178      2444682.22 1981 Mar 18 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W179      2444682.36 1981 Mar 18 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W180      2444682.39 1981 Mar 18 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W181      2444683.33 1981 Mar 19 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W182      2444683.35 1981 Mar 19 2019:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M46       2444683.50 1981 Mar 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W183      2444684.31 1981 Mar 20 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W184      2444684.38 1981 Mar 20 2103:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W185      2444684.39 1981 Mar 20 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W186      2444684.41 1981 Mar 20 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W187      2444687.11 1981 Mar 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W188      2444687.12 1981 Mar 23 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP7              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W189      2444687.38 1981 Mar 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W190      2444688.37 1981 Mar 24 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W191      2444688.41 1981 Mar 24 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M47       2444688.50 1981 Mar 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W192      2444689.04 1981 Mar 25 1256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W193      2444689.07 1981 Mar 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W194      2444689.19 1981 Mar 25 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W195      2444689.27 1981 Mar 25 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W196      2444689.40 1981 Mar 25 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W197      2444689.43 1981 Mar 25 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W198      2444689.59 1981 Mar 26 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R417          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W199      2444690.12 1981 Mar 26 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP8              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W200      2444690.13 1981 Mar 26 1503:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W201      2444690.17 1981 Mar 26 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOLNA     GMS81A   LP8              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W202      2444690.37 1981 Mar 26 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W203      2444690.38 1981 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W204      2444690.46 1981 Mar 26 2300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W205      2444691.12 1981 Mar 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W206      2444691.16 1981 Mar 27 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W207      2444691.20 1981 Mar 27 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W208      2444691.38 1981 Mar 27 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W209      2444694.19 1981 Mar 30 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W210      2444694.30 1981 Mar 30 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W211      2444694.38 1981 Mar 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W212      2444694.43 1981 Mar 30 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W213      2444695.32 1981 Mar 31 1941:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M48       2444695.50 1981 Apr  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M54       2444695.50 1981 Apr  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W214      2444695.51 1981 Apr  1 0015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W215      2444695.99 1981 Apr  1 1140:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W216      2444696.26 1981 Apr  1 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W217      2444696.46 1981 Apr  1 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M49       2444696.50 1981 Apr  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W218      2444697.11 1981 Apr  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W219      2444697.12 1981 Apr 02 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP9              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W220      2444698.16 1981 Apr  3 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W221      2444698.20 1981 Apr  3 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W222      2444698.30 1981 Apr  3 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W223      2444698.35 1981 Apr  3 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W224      2444698.37 1981 Apr  3 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W225      2444700.17 1981 Apr 05 1600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS81B   LP9              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W226      2444701.07 1981 Apr  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W227      2444701.11 1981 Apr  6 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W228      2444701.33 1981 Apr  6 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W229      2444702.15 1981 Apr  7 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W230      2444702.35 1981 Apr  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W231      2444702.38 1981 Apr  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M50       2444702.50 1981 Apr  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M55       2444702.50 1981 Apr  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W232      2444702.58 1981 Apr  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R418          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W233      2444703.08 1981 Apr 08 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W234      2444703.10 1981 Apr  8 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W235      2444703.19 1981 Apr 08 1630:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W236      2444703.26 1981 Apr  8 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W237      2444703.35 1981 Apr  8 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W238      2444704.15 1981 Apr  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W239      2444704.19 1981 Apr  9 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W240      2444704.71 1981 Apr 10 0506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W241      2444705.04 1981 Apr 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W242      2444705.19 1981 Apr 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W243      2444705.32 1981 Apr 10 1946:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W244      2444705.33 1981 Apr 10 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W245      2444705.39 1981 Apr 10 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W246      2444706.75 1981 Apr 12 0556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W247      2444707.03 1981 Apr 12 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W248      2444707.10 1981 Apr 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W249      2444707.16 1981 Apr 12 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W250      2444707.21 1981 Apr 12 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W251      2444707.21 1981 Apr 12 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W252      2444707.38 1981 Apr 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W253      2444707.42 1981 Apr 12 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W254      2444707.50 1981 Apr 13 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W255      2444707.97 1981 Apr 13 1115:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W256      2444708.00 1981 Apr 13 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W257      2444708.12 1981 Apr 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W258      2444708.14 1981 Apr 13 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W259      2444708.17 1981 Apr 13 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W260      2444708.21 1981 Apr 13 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W261      2444708.37 1981 Apr 13 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W262      2444708.38 1981 Apr 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W263      2444708.54 1981 Apr 14 0052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W264      2444708.89 1981 Apr 14 0925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W265      2444709.00 1981 Apr 14 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W266      2444709.08 1981 Apr 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W267      2444709.12 1981 Apr 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W268      2444709.18 1981 Apr 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W269      2444709.23 1981 Apr 14 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W270      2444709.23 1981 Apr 14 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W271      2444709.23 1981 Apr 14 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W272      2444709.30 1981 Apr 14 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W273      2444709.31 1981 Apr 14 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W274      2444709.33 1981 Apr 14 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W275      2444709.38 1981 Apr 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M56       2444709.50 1981 Apr 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M89       2444709.50 1981 Apr 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1981-W276      2444709.50 1981 Apr 15 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W277      2444709.58 1981 Apr 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R419          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W278      2444710.06 1981 Apr 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W279      2444710.27 1981 Apr 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W280      2444710.37 1981 Apr 15 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M51       2444710.50 1981 Apr 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W281      2444712.06 1981 Apr 17 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W282      2444712.35 1981 Apr 17 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W283      2444712.38 1981 Apr 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W284      2444715.37 1981 Apr 20 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W285      2444715.38 1981 Apr 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W286      2444716.11 1981 Apr 21 1434:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W287      2444716.35 1981 Apr 21 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M52       2444716.50 1981 Apr 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W288      2444716.59 1981 Apr 22 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R420          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W289      2444716.62 1981 Apr 22 0300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W290      2444716.67 1981 Apr 22 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W291      2444717.19 1981 Apr 22 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W292      2444717.20 1981 Apr 22 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W293      2444717.39 1981 Apr 22 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W294      2444718.12 1981 Apr 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M57       2444718.50 1981 Apr 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W295      2444719.07 1981 Apr 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W296      2444719.11 1981 Apr 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W297      2444719.21 1981 Apr 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W298      2444719.38 1981 Apr 24 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W299      2444721.38 1981 Apr 26 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W300      2444722.04 1981 Apr 27 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W301      2444722.06 1981 Apr 27 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W302      2444722.07 1981 Apr 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W303      2444722.10 1981 Apr 27 1420:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W304      2444722.16 1981 Apr 27 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W305      2444722.19 1981 Apr 27 1635:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W306      2444722.23 1981 Apr 27 1730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W307      2444722.34 1981 Apr 27 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M53       2444723.50 1981 Apr 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W308      2444723.58 1981 Apr 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R421          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W309      2444724.08 1981 Apr 29 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W310      2444724.16 1981 Apr 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W311      2444724.18 1981 Apr 29 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W312      2444724.25 1981 Apr 29 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W313      2444724.33 1981 Apr 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W314      2444724.37 1981 Apr 29 2046:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W315      2444725.37 1981 Apr 30 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W316      2444725.83 1981 May 01 0750:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W317      2444726.53 1981 May  2 0038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W318      2444729.16 1981 May  4 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W319      2444729.29 1981 May  4 1854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W320      2444729.43 1981 May  4 2219:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W321      2444729.93 1981 May  5 1023:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W322      2444730.10 1981 May  5 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M58       2444730.50 1981 May  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M62       2444730.50 1981 May  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W323      2444730.85 1981 May 06 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W324      2444731.16 1981 May  6 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W325      2444732.19 1981 May  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M63       2444732.50 1981 May  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W326      2444732.53 1981 May  8 0042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W327      2444732.79 1981 May 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W328      2444733.07 1981 May  8 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W329      2444733.15 1981 May  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W330      2444733.35 1981 May  8 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W331      2444733.37 1981 May  8 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W332      2444736.07 1981 May 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W333      2444736.07 1981 May 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W334      2444736.17 1981 May 11 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W335      2444736.19 1981 May 11 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W336      2444737.26 1981 May 12 1810:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS81E   LP4              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-M59       2444737.50 1981 May 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M64       2444737.50 1981 May 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W337      2444737.59 1981 May 13 0215:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R422          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W338      2444737.95 1981 May 13 1043:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W339      2444738.06 1981 May 13 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W340      2444738.14 1981 May 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W341      2444738.16 1981 May 13 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W342      2444738.29 1981 May 13 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W343      2444739.04 1981 May 14 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W344      2444739.30 1981 May 14 1911:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W345      2444739.33 1981 May 14 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M65       2444739.50 1981 May 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W346      2444739.83 1981 May 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W347      2444740.34 1981 May 15 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W348      2444740.39 1981 May 15 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W349      2444742.94 1981 May 18 1030:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W350      2444743.05 1981 May 18 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W351      2444743.21 1981 May 18 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS81E   LP9              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W352      2444744.21 1981 May 19 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS81E   LP10             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W353      2444744.21 1981 May 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M66       2444744.50 1981 May 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W354      2444744.58 1981 May 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R423          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W355      2444744.83 1981 May 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W356      2444745.07 1981 May 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W357      2444745.08 1981 May 20 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W358      2444745.15 1981 May 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W359      2444745.23 1981 May 20 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W360      2444745.33 1981 May 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W361      2444746.41 1981 May 21 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M67       2444746.50 1981 May 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W362      2444746.83 1981 May 22 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W363      2444747.17 1981 May 22 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W364      2444747.39 1981 May 22 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W365      2444747.39 1981 May 22 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W366      2444748.85 1981 May 24 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W367      2444750.15 1981 May 25 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W368      2444750.34 1981 May 25 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W369      2444751.33 1981 May 26 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W370      2444751.35 1981 May 26 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W371      2444751.40 1981 May 26 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M60       2444751.50 1981 May 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M85       2444751.50 1981 May 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W372      2444751.59 1981 May 27 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R424          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W373      2444751.81 1981 May 27 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W374      2444751.94 1981 May 27 1027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W375      2444752.08 1981 May 27 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W376      2444752.10 1981 May 27 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W377      2444752.14 1981 May 27 1515:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KER      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W378      2444752.17 1981 May 27 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W379      2444752.27 1981 May 27 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W380      2444752.37 1981 May 27 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W381      2444752.54 1981 May 28 0055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W382      2444753.12 1981 May 28 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M61       2444753.50 1981 May 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M90       2444753.50 1981 May 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1981-M86       2444753.50 1981 May 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W383      2444753.86 1981 May 29 0840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W384      2444754.04 1981 May 29 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W385      2444754.07 1981 May 29 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W386      2444754.14 1981 May 29 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W387      2444754.15 1981 May 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W388      2444754.53 1981 May 30 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W389      2444754.53 1981 May 30 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W390      2444757.06 1981 Jun  1 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W391      2444757.07 1981 Jun  1 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W392      2444757.17 1981 Jun  1 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W393      2444757.33 1981 Jun  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W394      2444757.37 1981 Jun  1 2057:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W395      2444758.16 1981 Jun  2 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M68       2444758.50 1981 Jun  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W396      2444758.81 1981 Jun 03 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W397      2444759.21 1981 Jun  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W398      2444759.31 1981 Jun  3 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W399      2444759.41 1981 Jun  3 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W400      2444759.42 1981 Jun  3 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W401      2444759.90 1981 Jun  4 0943:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W402      2444760.10 1981 Jun  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M69       2444760.50 1981 Jun  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W403      2444760.79 1981 Jun 05 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W404      2444761.03 1981 Jun  5 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W405      2444761.09 1981 Jun  5 1414:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W406      2444761.33 1981 Jun  5 1954:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W407      2444761.33 1981 Jun  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M02       2444762.50 1981 Jun  7          OTRAG                    -      4                    4x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                     bernd-leitenberger.d -                    -
1981-W408      2444764.40 1981 Jun  8 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W409      2444764.90 1981 Jun  9 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W410      2444765.10 1981 Jun  9 1423:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W411      2444765.23 1981 Jun  9 1726:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M70       2444765.50 1981 Jun 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W412      2444765.58 1981 Jun 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R425          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W413      2444765.79 1981 Jun 10 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W414      2444766.06 1981 Jun 10 1331:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W415      2444766.22 1981 Jun 10 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W416      2444766.33 1981 Jun 10 1953:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W417      2444767.04 1981 Jun 11 1256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W418      2444767.37 1981 Jun 11 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W419      2444767.79 1981 Jun 12 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W420      2444768.40 1981 Jun 12 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W421      2444771.53 1981 Jun 16 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W422      2444772.03 1981 Jun 16 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M71       2444772.50 1981 Jun 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-M87       2444772.50 1981 Jun 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1981-W423      2444772.79 1981 Jun 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GOIG         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W424      2444773.08 1981 Jun 17 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W425      2444773.35 1981 Jun 17 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W426      2444773.40 1981 Jun 17 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W427      2444773.89 1981 Jun 18 0925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W428      2444774.34 1981 Jun 18 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W429      2444774.79 1981 Jun 19 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W430      2444775.07 1981 Jun 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W431      2444777.67 1981 Jun 22 0400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W432      2444777.75 1981 Jun 22 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W433      2444777.83 1981 Jun 22 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W434      2444777.92 1981 Jun 22 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W435      2444778.04 1981 Jun 22 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W436      2444778.10 1981 Jun 22 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W437      2444778.33 1981 Jun 22 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W438      2444778.39 1981 Jun 22 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W439      2444778.71 1981 Jun 23 0500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W440      2444778.75 1981 Jun 23 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W441      2444779.38 1981 Jun 23 2100:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS81E   LP20             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W442      2444779.58 1981 Jun 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R426          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W443      2444779.83 1981 Jun 24 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W444      2444780.09 1981 Jun 24 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W445      2444780.10 1981 Jun 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W446      2444780.17 1981 Jun 24 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W447      2444780.19 1981 Jun 24 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W448      2444780.22 1981 Jun 24 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W449      2444780.23 1981 Jun 24 1735:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W450      2444781.33 1981 Jun 25 1952:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W451      2444781.79 1981 Jun 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W452      2444781.91 1981 Jun 26 0944:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W453      2444782.10 1981 Jun 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W454      2444782.19 1981 Jun 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W455      2444783.79 1981 Jun 28 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W456      2444785.06 1981 Jun 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W457      2444785.42 1981 Jun 29 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W458      2444786.19 1981 Jun 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W459      2444786.40 1981 Jun 30 2141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W460      2444786.89 1981 Jul  1 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W461      2444787.41 1981 Jul  1 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W462      2444787.42 1981 Jul  1 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W463      2444787.52 1981 Jul  2 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W464      2444787.58 1981 Jul 02 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W465      2444788.08 1981 Jul  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W466      2444788.19 1981 Jul  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W467      2444789.04 1981 Jul  3 1251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W468      2444792.07 1981 Jul  6 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W469      2444792.09 1981 Jul  6 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W470      2444792.19 1981 Jul  6 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W471      2444792.37 1981 Jul  6 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W472      2444793.52 1981 Jul  8 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W473      2444793.58 1981 Jul 08 0200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W474      2444793.58 1981 Jul  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R427          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W475      2444794.19 1981 Jul  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W476      2444794.22 1981 Jul  8 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W477      2444794.25 1981 Jul  8 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W478      2444794.40 1981 Jul  8 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W479      2444795.04 1981 Jul  9 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W480      2444795.06 1981 Jul  9 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W481      2444795.11 1981 Jul  9 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W482      2444795.40 1981 Jul  9 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W483      2444796.06 1981 Jul 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W484      2444796.21 1981 Jul 10 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W485      2444800.10 1981 Jul 14 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W486      2444800.19 1981 Jul 14 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W487      2444801.06 1981 Jul 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W488      2444801.07 1981 Jul 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W489      2444802.29 1981 Jul 16 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W490      2444802.43 1981 Jul 16 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W491      2444803.07 1981 Jul 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W492      2444803.08 1981 Jul 17 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W493      2444803.37 1981 Jul 17 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W494      2444803.39 1981 Jul 17 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W495      2444803.41 1981 Jul 17 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W496      2444806.04 1981 Jul 20 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W497      2444806.07 1981 Jul 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W498      2444806.37 1981 Jul 20 2056:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W499      2444807.91 1981 Jul 22 0947:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W500      2444808.08 1981 Jul 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W501      2444808.19 1981 Jul 22 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W502      2444808.40 1981 Jul 22 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W503      2444808.58 1981 Jul 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R428          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W504      2444809.30 1981 Jul 23 1918:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Ozone                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             WI-PR81-10           -
1981-W505      2444809.33 1981 Jul 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W506      2444809.35 1981 Jul 23 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W507      2444810.07 1981 Jul 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W508      2444810.07 1981 Jul 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W509      2444810.08 1981 Jul 24 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W510      2444810.42 1981 Jul 24 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W511      2444810.53 1981 Jul 25 0040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W512      2444812.90 1981 Jul 27 0933:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W513      2444813.33 1981 Jul 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W514      2444813.35 1981 Jul 27 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W515      2444813.39 1981 Jul 27 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W516      2444815.08 1981 Jul 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W517      2444815.19 1981 Jul 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W518      2444815.27 1981 Jul 29 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W519      2444815.55 1981 Jul 30 0104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W520      2444816.44 1981 Jul 30 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W521      2444817.04 1981 Jul 31 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W522      2444817.08 1981 Jul 31 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W523      2444817.08 1981 Jul 31 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W524      2444817.11 1981 Jul 31 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W525      2444817.35 1981 Jul 31 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W526      2444817.39 1981 Jul 31 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W527      2444820.07 1981 Aug  3 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W528      2444821.22 1981 Aug  4 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W529      2444821.36 1981 Aug  4 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W530      2444821.90 1981 Aug  5 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W531      2444822.03 1981 Aug  5 1246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W532      2444822.06 1981 Aug  5 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W533      2444822.23 1981 Aug  5 1726:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W534      2444822.59 1981 Aug  6 0207:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R429          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W535      2444823.33 1981 Aug  6 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W536      2444824.07 1981 Aug  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W537      2444824.19 1981 Aug  7 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W538      2444824.35 1981 Aug  7 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W539      2444824.42 1981 Aug  7 2208:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W540      2444825.59 1981 Aug  9 0206     Super Arcas              -      NASA 15.211UE        E field/conduct.         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W541      2444827.05 1981 Aug 10 1311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W542      2444827.19 1981 Aug 10 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W543      2444827.38 1981 Aug 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W544      2444828.20 1981 Aug 11 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W545      2444829.70 1981 Aug 13 0444:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W546      2444830.26 1981 Aug 13 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W547      2444830.40 1981 Aug 13 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W548      2444830.91 1981 Aug 14 0945:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W549      2444831.06 1981 Aug 14 1320:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W550      2444831.20 1981 Aug 14 1649:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W551      2444834.04 1981 Aug 17 1256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W552      2444834.19 1981 Aug 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W553      2444834.38 1981 Aug 17 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W554      2444834.90 1981 Aug 18 0943:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W555      2444835.19 1981 Aug 18 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W556      2444835.35 1981 Aug 18 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W557      2444836.26 1981 Aug 19 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W558      2444836.58 1981 Aug 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R430          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W559      2444838.07 1981 Aug 21 1342:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W560      2444838.19 1981 Aug 21 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W561      2444838.37 1981 Aug 21 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W562      2444838.53 1981 Aug 22 0042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W563      2444841.07 1981 Aug 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W564      2444841.07 1981 Aug 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W565      2444841.21 1981 Aug 24 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W566      2444841.43 1981 Aug 24 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W567      2444843.35 1981 Aug 26 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W568      2444843.36 1981 Aug 26 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W569      2444843.39 1981 Aug 26 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W570      2444844.59 1981 Aug 28 0204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W571      2444845.07 1981 Aug 28 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W572      2444847.91 1981 Aug 31 0955:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W573      2444848.07 1981 Aug 31 1345:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W574      2444848.22 1981 Aug 31 1721:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W575      2444848.35 1981 Aug 31 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W576      2444848.36 1981 Aug 31 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W577      2444849.35 1981 Sep  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W578      2444849.56 1981 Sep  2 0132:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W579      2444849.60 1981 Sep  2 0220:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R431          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W580      2444850.07 1981 Sep  2 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W581      2444850.10 1981 Sep 02 1430:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W582      2444850.17 1981 Sep 02 1600:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W583      2444850.27 1981 Sep  2 1826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W584      2444851.88 1981 Sep 04 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W585      2444852.06 1981 Sep  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W586      2444852.11 1981 Sep  4 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W587      2444852.12 1981 Sep  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W588      2444852.23 1981 Sep  4 1732:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W589      2444852.42 1981 Sep  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W590      2444852.42 1981 Sep  4 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W591      2444856.04 1981 Sep  8 1302:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W592      2444856.35 1981 Sep  8 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W593      2444856.37 1981 Sep  8 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W594      2444856.43 1981 Sep  8 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W595      2444856.88 1981 Sep 09 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W596      2444856.90 1981 Sep  9 0934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W597      2444857.08 1981 Sep 09 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W598      2444857.25 1981 Sep  9 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W599      2444858.30 1981 Sep 10 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W600      2444858.43 1981 Sep 10 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W601      2444858.82 1981 Sep 11 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W602      2444859.07 1981 Sep 11 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W603      2444859.17 1981 Sep 11 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W604      2444859.32 1981 Sep 11 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W605      2444859.74 1981 Sep 12 0544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W606      2444859.87 1981 Sep 12 0854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W607      2444861.17 1981 Sep 13 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W608      2444861.17 1981 Sep 13 1605     Super Loki               -      F-293/T 1-6617       -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W609      2444862.04 1981 Sep 14 1258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W610      2444862.07 1981 Sep 14 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W611      2444862.35 1981 Sep 14 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W612      2444863.12 1981 Sep 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W613      2444863.14 1981 Sep 15 1523:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W614      2444863.42 1981 Sep 15 2207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W615      2444863.88 1981 Sep 16 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W616      2444864.07 1981 Sep 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W617      2444864.22 1981 Sep 16 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M03       2444864.50 1981 Sep 17          OTRAG                    -      5                    1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1981-W828      2444864.58 1981 Sep 17 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R432          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1981-W618      2444865.25 1981 Sep 17 1803:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W619      2444865.40 1981 Sep 17 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W620      2444869.14 1981 Sep 21 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W621      2444869.43 1981 Sep 21 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W622      2444869.44 1981 Sep 21 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W623      2444869.90 1981 Sep 22 0938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W624      2444870.06 1981 Sep 22 1331:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W625      2444870.12 1981 Sep 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W626      2444870.33 1981 Sep 22 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W627      2444870.39 1981 Sep 22 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W628      2444870.39 1981 Sep 22 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W629      2444871.05 1981 Sep 23 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W630      2444871.29 1981 Sep 23 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W631      2444871.50 1981 Sep 24 0001:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M15       2444872.08 1981 Sep 24 1350     Orion                    -      NASA 30.13UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Hale                 Plasma                   WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W632      2444872.83 1981 Sep 25 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W633      2444873.05 1981 Sep 25 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W634      2444876.05 1981 Sep 28 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W635      2444876.08 1981 Sep 28 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W636      2444876.12 1981 Sep 28 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W637      2444876.29 1981 Sep 28 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W638      2444876.33 1981 Sep 28 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W639      2444877.08 1981 Sep 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W640      2444877.54 1981 Sep 30 0051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W641      2444877.58 1981 Sep 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R433          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W642      2444877.83 1981 Sep 30 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W643      2444878.08 1981 Sep 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W644      2444878.15 1981 Sep 30 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W645      2444878.42 1981 Sep 30 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M04       2444878.50 1981 Oct  1          OTRAG                    -      6                    1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1981-W646      2444879.16 1981 Oct  1 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W647      2444879.33 1981 Oct  1 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W648      2444879.39 1981 Oct  1 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W649      2444879.83 1981 Oct 02 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W650      2444880.06 1981 Oct  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W651      2444880.06 1981 Oct  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W652      2444880.12 1981 Oct  2 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W653      2444880.36 1981 Oct  2 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W654      2444881.73 1981 Oct  4 0535:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W655      2444881.89 1981 Oct  4 0922:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W656      2444882.90 1981 Oct  5 0941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W657      2444883.10 1981 Oct  5 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W658      2444883.17 1981 Oct 05 1610:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 294     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W659      2444883.19 1981 Oct  5 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W660      2444883.35 1981 Oct  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W661      2444884.04 1981 Oct  6 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W662      2444884.38 1981 Oct  6 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W663      2444884.58 1981 Oct  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R434          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W664      2444884.83 1981 Oct 07 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W665      2444885.31 1981 Oct  7 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W666      2444885.33 1981 Oct  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W667      2444887.07 1981 Oct  9 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W668      2444887.15 1981 Oct  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W669      2444887.33 1981 Oct  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W670      2444890.04 1981 Oct 12 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W671      2444891.07 1981 Oct 13 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W672      2444891.14 1981 Oct 13 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W673      2444891.15 1981 Oct 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W674      2444891.40 1981 Oct 13 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W675      2444891.90 1981 Oct 14 0935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W676      2444892.01 1981 Oct 14 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W677      2444892.45 1981 Oct 14 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W678      2444892.48 1981 Oct 14 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W679      2444894.06 1981 Oct 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W680      2444894.37 1981 Oct 16 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W681      2444897.22 1981 Oct 19 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W682      2444898.09 1981 Oct 20 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W683      2444898.28 1981 Oct 20 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W829      2444898.58 1981 Oct 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R435          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1981-W684      2444898.79 1981 Oct 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W685      2444899.05 1981 Oct 21 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W686      2444899.12 1981 Oct 21 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W687      2444899.12 1981 Oct 21 1500:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W688      2444899.15 1981 Oct 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W689      2444900.21 1981 Oct 22 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W690      2444901.04 1981 Oct 23 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W691      2444901.10 1981 Oct 23 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M05       2444901.50 1981 Oct 24          OTRAG                    -      7                    1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1981-W692      2444904.27 1981 Oct 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W693      2444904.41 1981 Oct 26 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W694      2444905.11 1981 Oct 27 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W695      2444905.46 1981 Oct 27 2300:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W696      2444905.58 1981 Oct 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R436          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W697      2444905.83 1981 Oct 28 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W698      2444905.92 1981 Oct 28 1004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W699      2444906.09 1981 Oct 28 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W700      2444906.26 1981 Oct 28 1818:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W701      2444906.27 1981 Oct 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W702      2444906.48 1981 Oct 28 2326:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W703      2444908.06 1981 Oct 30 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W704      2444908.11 1981 Oct 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W705      2444908.22 1981 Oct 30 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W706      2444908.39 1981 Oct 30 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W707      2444911.26 1981 Nov  2 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W708      2444911.34 1981 Nov  2 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W709      2444911.43 1981 Nov  2 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W710      2444912.04 1981 Nov  3 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W711      2444913.07 1981 Nov  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W712      2444913.10 1981 Nov  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W713      2444913.19 1981 Nov  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W714      2444913.44 1981 Nov  4 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W715      2444913.89 1981 Nov  5 0926:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W716      2444914.79 1981 Nov 06 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W717      2444915.08 1981 Nov  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W718      2444915.18 1981 Nov  6 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W719      2444915.40 1981 Nov  6 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W720      2444918.04 1981 Nov  9 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W721      2444918.08 1981 Nov  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W722      2444919.26 1981 Nov 10 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W723      2444919.58 1981 Nov 11 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R437          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W724      2444919.82 1981 Nov 11 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W725      2444921.10 1981 Nov 12 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W726      2444921.19 1981 Nov 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W727      2444921.27 1981 Nov 12 1829:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 295     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W728      2444921.27 1981 Nov 12 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W729      2444921.27 1981 Nov 12 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W730      2444921.30 1981 Nov 12 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W731      2444921.33 1981 Nov 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W732      2444922.18 1981 Nov 13 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W733      2444922.27 1981 Nov 13 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W734      2444922.35 1981 Nov 13 2026:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W735      2444922.40 1981 Nov 13 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M16       2444922.89 1981 Nov 14 0915     Orion                    -      DLR K-O-111          DFVLR Strafam 1/1        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPIK/Arnold              Aeron                    ESA81                ESA-SP183            -
1981-W736      2444923.17 1981 Nov 14 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W737      2444923.28 1981 Nov 14 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W738      2444923.35 1981 Nov 14 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W739      2444923.36 1981 Nov 14 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W740      2444923.37 1981 Nov 14 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W741      2444923.38 1981 Nov 14 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W742      2444923.40 1981 Nov 14 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W743      2444923.40 1981 Nov 14 2137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W744      2444923.41 1981 Nov 14 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W745      2444923.42 1981 Nov 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W746      2444923.47 1981 Nov 14 2312:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W747      2444925.18 1981 Nov 16 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W748      2444925.38 1981 Nov 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W749      2444926.19 1981 Nov 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W750      2444926.79 1981 Nov 18 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W751      2444926.89 1981 Nov 18 0927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W752      2444927.09 1981 Nov 18 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W753      2444927.14 1981 Nov 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W754      2444927.29 1981 Nov 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W755      2444927.44 1981 Nov 18 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M06       2444927.50 1981 Nov 19          OTRAG                    -      8                    1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1981-W756      2444927.58 1981 Nov 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R438          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W757      2444929.04 1981 Nov 20 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W758      2444929.11 1981 Nov 20 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W759      2444929.19 1981 Nov 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W760      2444929.38 1981 Nov 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W761      2444932.06 1981 Nov 23 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W762      2444932.11 1981 Nov 23 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W763      2444932.19 1981 Nov 23 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W764      2444932.34 1981 Nov 23 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W765      2444932.39 1981 Nov 23 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W766      2444933.59 1981 Nov 25 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R439          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W767      2444933.79 1981 Nov 25 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W768      2444934.06 1981 Nov 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W769      2444934.11 1981 Nov 25 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W770      2444934.25 1981 Nov 25 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W771      2444934.58 1981 Nov 26 0154:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W772      2444936.19 1981 Nov 27 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W773      2444939.11 1981 Nov 30 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W774      2444939.19 1981 Nov 30 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W775      2444939.36 1981 Nov 30 2037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W776      2444939.38 1981 Nov 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W777      2444940.04 1981 Dec  1 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W778      2444941.06 1981 Dec  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W779      2444941.27 1981 Dec  2 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W780      2444941.38 1981 Dec  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W781      2444941.45 1981 Dec  2 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W782      2444941.58 1981 Dec  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R440          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W783      2444942.27 1981 Dec  3 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W784      2444942.30 1981 Dec  3 1918:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W785      2444942.33 1981 Dec 03 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W786      2444943.19 1981 Dec  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W787      2444943.28 1981 Dec  4 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W788      2444943.40 1981 Dec  4 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W789      2444943.40 1981 Dec  4 2138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W790      2444946.04 1981 Dec  7 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W791      2444946.11 1981 Dec  7 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W792      2444946.19 1981 Dec  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W793      2444947.19 1981 Dec  8 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W794      2444947.59 1981 Dec  9 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R441          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W795      2444948.08 1981 Dec 09 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W796      2444948.25 1981 Dec  9 1806:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W797      2444948.28 1981 Dec  9 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W798      2444948.30 1981 Dec  9 1915:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W799      2444948.89 1981 Dec 10 0921:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W800      2444949.09 1981 Dec 10 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W801      2444949.33 1981 Dec 10 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W802      2444950.21 1981 Dec 11 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W803      2444950.40 1981 Dec 11 2135:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M07       2444950.50 1981 Dec 12          OTRAG                    -      9                    1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1981-M17       2444952.40 1981 Dec 13 2131:38  Black Brant IVB          -      AAF-4B-39            CENTAUR                  -                        -                        -         CP       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 NRCC         SF   NRCC/Creutzberg          Auroral                  FC                   WDCRF                -
1981-W804      2444953.08 1981 Dec 14 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W805      2444953.16 1981 Dec 14 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W806      2444953.38 1981 Dec 14 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W807      2444954.19 1981 Dec 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W808      2444954.58 1981 Dec 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R442          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W809      2444955.08 1981 Dec 16 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1981-W810      2444955.14 1981 Dec 16 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W811      2444955.36 1981 Dec 16 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W812      2444955.39 1981 Dec 16 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W813      2444955.44 1981 Dec 16 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W814      2444956.22 1981 Dec 17 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W815      2444956.36 1981 Dec 17 2043:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W816      2444960.11 1981 Dec 21 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W817      2444960.16 1981 Dec 21 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W818      2444960.19 1981 Dec 21 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W819      2444960.42 1981 Dec 21 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W820      2444961.23 1981 Dec 22 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W821      2444961.58 1981 Dec 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R443          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W822      2444962.15 1981 Dec 23 1541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W823      2444962.45 1981 Dec 23 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W824      2444963.15 1981 Dec 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W825      2444968.04 1981 Dec 29 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-W826      2444969.44 1981 Dec 30 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1981-M83       2444969.50 1981 Dec 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1981-W827      2444970.16 1981 Dec 31 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W01       2444970.83 1982 Jan 01 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W02       2444974.04 1982 Jan  4 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W03       2444974.30 1982 Jan  4 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W04       2444974.42 1982 Jan  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W05       2444974.89 1982 Jan  5 0919:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W06       2444975.58 1982 Jan  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R444          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W07       2444975.81 1982 Jan 06 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W08       2444976.38 1982 Jan  6 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W09       2444976.44 1982 Jan  6 2235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W10       2444976.47 1982 Jan  6 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W11       2444977.34 1982 Jan 07 2005:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W12       2444977.83 1982 Jan 08 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W13       2444978.12 1982 Jan  8 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W14       2444981.04 1982 Jan 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W15       2444981.11 1982 Jan 11 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W16       2444981.31 1982 Jan 11 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W17       2444981.38 1982 Jan 11 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W18       2444981.38 1982 Jan 11 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W19       2444982.21 1982 Jan 12 1656:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W20       2444982.58 1982 Jan 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R445          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W21       2444982.79 1982 Jan 13 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W22       2444982.90 1982 Jan 13 0933:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W23       2444983.19 1982 Jan 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W24       2444983.33 1982 Jan 13 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W25       2444983.36 1982 Jan 13 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W26       2444983.38 1982 Jan 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W27       2444983.38 1982 Jan 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W28       2444983.44 1982 Jan 13 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W29       2444984.83 1982 Jan 15 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W30       2444985.97 1982 Jan 16 1119:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0224             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W31       2444985.99 1982 Jan 16 1144:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0225             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W32       2444986.99 1982 Jan 17 1140:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0226             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W33       2444987.19 1982 Jan 17 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W34       2444987.98 1982 Jan 18 1127:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0227             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W35       2444988.10 1982 Jan 18 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W36       2444988.15 1982 Jan 18 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W37       2444988.29 1982 Jan 18 1853:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W38       2444988.38 1982 Jan 18 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W39       2444989.14 1982 Jan 19 1526:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W40       2444989.56 1982 Jan 20 0127:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0228             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W41       2444989.73 1982 Jan 20 0530:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0229             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W42       2444990.10 1982 Jan 20 1420:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W43       2444990.17 1982 Jan 20 1609:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 296     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W44       2444990.19 1982 Jan 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W45       2444990.33 1982 Jan 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W46       2444990.49 1982 Jan 20 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W47       2444990.58 1982 Jan 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R446          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W48       2444991.39 1982 Jan 21 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M40       2444991.74 1982 Jan 22 0540     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-M41       2444991.77 1982 Jan 22 0630     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-W49       2444991.81 1982 Jan 22 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W50       2444991.90 1982 Jan 22 0929:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W51       2444992.11 1982 Jan 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W52       2444993.08 1982 Jan 23 1348:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0231             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W53       2444994.05 1982 Jan 24 1305:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0232             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W54       2444994.11 1982 Jan 24 1432:00  Loki Dart                -      TM1-0233             -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W55       2444995.17 1982 Jan 25 1600:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 297     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W56       2444995.19 1982 Jan 25 1640:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 298     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W57       2444995.25 1982 Jan 25 1755:00  Super Arcas              -      TN1-0145             -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W58       2444995.27 1982 Jan 25 1830:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 299     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W59       2444995.30 1982 Jan 25 1913:00  Super Arcas              -      TN1-0146             -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W60       2444995.31 1982 Jan 25 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W61       2444995.39 1982 Jan 25 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W62       2444996.12 1982 Jan 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W63       2444996.16 1982 Jan 26 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M42       2444996.50 1982 Jan 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-W64       2444996.58 1982 Jan 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R447          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W65       2444996.83 1982 Jan 27 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W66       2444997.00 1982 Jan 27 1200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W67       2444997.10 1982 Jan 27 1420:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W68       2444997.15 1982 Jan 27 1533:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W69       2444997.19 1982 Jan 27 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W70       2444997.47 1982 Jan 27 2322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W71       2444998.24 1982 Jan 28 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W72       2444998.34 1982 Jan 28 2005:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W73       2444998.79 1982 Jan 29 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W74       2444999.06 1982 Jan 29 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W75       2444999.27 1982 Jan 29 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W76       2444999.36 1982 Jan 29 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W77       2444999.42 1982 Jan 29 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W78       2445000.28 1982 Jan 30 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W79       2445000.31 1982 Jan 30 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M01       2445000.50 1982 Feb             RH-200                   -      -                    Thermistor test          -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    AdvSpRes4-111        -                    -
1982-W80       2445001.09 1982 Jan 31 1416:00  Super Arcas              -      TN1-0137             -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W81       2445001.12 1982 Jan 31 1446:00  Super Arcas              -      TN1-0138             -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Hilsenrath          Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W82       2445001.14 1982 Jan 31 1523:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 300     /TN1- -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W83       2445002.04 1982 Feb  1 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W84       2445002.34 1982 Feb  1 2003:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W85       2445002.38 1982 Feb  1 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W86       2445002.56 1982 Feb  2 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T31           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1982-W87       2445003.34 1982 Feb  2 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W88       2445003.56 1982 Feb  3 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T32           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1982-W89       2445003.59 1982 Feb  3 0215:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R448          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W90       2445004.16 1982 Feb  3 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W91       2445004.27 1982 Feb  3 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W92       2445004.30 1982 Feb  3 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W93       2445004.38 1982 Feb  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W94       2445004.41 1982 Feb  3 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W95       2445004.45 1982 Feb  3 2241:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W96       2445005.09 1982 Feb  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W97       2445005.19 1982 Feb  4 1636:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W98       2445005.30 1982 Feb  4 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W99       2445006.14 1982 Feb  5 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W100      2445006.22 1982 Feb  5 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W101      2445008.89 1982 Feb  8 0927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W102      2445009.35 1982 Feb  8 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W103      2445011.00 1982 Feb 10 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS82B   LP2              -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W104      2445011.06 1982 Feb 10 1325:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W105      2445011.11 1982 Feb 10 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W106      2445011.35 1982 Feb 10 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W107      2445011.45 1982 Feb 10 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W108      2445012.37 1982 Feb 11 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W109      2445012.81 1982 Feb 12 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W110      2445013.07 1982 Feb 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W111      2445013.10 1982 Feb 12 1427:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W112      2445013.38 1982 Feb 12 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W113      2445015.90 1982 Feb 15 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W114      2445016.21 1982 Feb 15 1708:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 301     /TZ1- -                        -                        -                        -         VCM      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF/CNIE     SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W115      2445016.30 1982 Feb 15 1915:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 302     /TZ1- -                        -                        -                        -         VCM      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 WFF/CNIE     SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W116      2445016.42 1982 Feb 15 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W117      2445017.12 1982 Feb 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W118      2445017.35 1982 Feb 16 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W119      2445017.36 1982 Feb 16 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W120      2445017.38 1982 Feb 16 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W121      2445017.58 1982 Feb 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R449          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W122      2445017.79 1982 Feb 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W123      2445017.89 1982 Feb 17 0919:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W124      2445018.30 1982 Feb 17 1907:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 304     /TZ1- -                        -                        -                        -         VCM      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF/CNIE     SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W125      2445018.38 1982 Feb 17 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W126      2445018.44 1982 Feb 17 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W127      2445019.04 1982 Feb 18 1300:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W128      2445019.27 1982 Feb 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W129      2445019.88 1982 Feb 19 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W130      2445020.08 1982 Feb 19 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W131      2445020.13 1982 Feb 19 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W132      2445020.25 1982 Feb 19 1802:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W133      2445020.30 1982 Feb 19 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W134      2445021.79 1982 Feb 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W135      2445022.20 1982 Feb 21 1653:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 305     /TZ1- -                        -                        -                        -         VCM      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF/CNIE     SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W136      2445022.79 1982 Feb 22 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W137      2445023.11 1982 Feb 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W138      2445023.38 1982 Feb 22 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W139      2445024.06 1982 Feb 23 1319:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W140      2445024.30 1982 Feb 23 1911:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0105             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W141      2445024.79 1982 Feb 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W142      2445025.18 1982 Feb 24 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W143      2445025.45 1982 Feb 24 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W144      2445025.90 1982 Feb 25 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W145      2445026.21 1982 Feb 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W146      2445026.29 1982 Feb 25 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0107             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W147      2445026.34 1982 Feb 25 2005:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W148      2445026.38 1982 Feb 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W149      2445026.79 1982 Feb 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      MMR-06               -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W150      2445027.20 1982 Feb 26 1651:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 306     /TZ1- -                        -                        -                        -         VCM      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF/CNIE     SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W151      2445028.29 1982 Feb 27 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0109             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M02       2445028.50 1982 Mar?            RH-200                   -      -                    Thermistor test          -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    AdvSpRes4-111        -                    -
1982-M03       2445028.50 1982 Mar?            RH-200                   -      -                    Thermistor test          -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    AdvSpRes4-111        -                    -
1982-W152      2445028.87 1982 Feb 28 0850:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS          SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W153      2445029.32 1982 Feb 28 1946:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0112             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W154      2445030.33 1982 Mar  1 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W155      2445030.35 1982 Mar  1 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M07       2445031.50 1982 Mar  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M43       2445032.08 1982 Mar  3 1352     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-M44       2445032.18 1982 Mar  3 1616     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-W156      2445032.38 1982 Mar  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W157      2445033.19 1982 Mar  4 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W158      2445033.29 1982 Mar 04 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0118             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M10       2445033.50 1982 Mar  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W159      2445034.18 1982 Mar  5 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W160      2445034.29 1982 Mar  5 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W161      2445034.39 1982 Mar  5 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W163      2445035.29 1982 Mar 06 1902:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0120             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W164      2445036.14 1982 Mar 07 1520:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS82B   LP5              -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W165      2445036.29 1982 Mar 07 1901:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0121             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W166      2445037.30 1982 Mar  8 1908:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W167      2445038.21 1982 Mar  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W168      2445038.29 1982 Mar 09 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0123             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W169      2445038.37 1982 Mar  9 2048:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M11       2445038.50 1982 Mar 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M08       2445038.50 1982 Mar 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W170      2445039.20 1982 Mar 10 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W171      2445039.29 1982 Mar 10 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0124             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W172      2445039.42 1982 Mar 10 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W173      2445040.29 1982 Mar 11 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0125             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W174      2445041.21 1982 Mar 12 1700:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS82B   LP7              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W175      2445041.29 1982 Mar 12 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0126             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W177      2445042.29 1982 Mar 13 1903:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0127             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                DSI-5850             -
1982-W178      2445043.29 1982 Mar 14 1901:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0128             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W179      2445044.29 1982 Mar 15 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0129             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W180      2445044.37 1982 Mar 15 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W181      2445044.60 1982 Mar 16 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W182      2445045.29 1982 Mar 16 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0130             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M12       2445045.50 1982 Mar 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W183      2445046.27 1982 Mar 17 1832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W184      2445046.31 1982 Mar 17 1923:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0131             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W185      2445046.38 1982 Mar 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M09       2445046.50 1982 Mar 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W186      2445047.29 1982 Mar 18 1901:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0132             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W187      2445048.29 1982 Mar 19 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0133             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W188      2445049.29 1982 Mar 20 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0134             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W189      2445049.29 1982 Mar 20 1900:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS82B   LP15             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W190      2445050.31 1982 Mar 21 1920:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0288             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W191      2445051.20 1982 Mar 22 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W192      2445051.25 1982 Mar 22 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W193      2445051.30 1982 Mar 22 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W194      2445051.31 1982 Mar 22 1924:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0290             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W195      2445051.34 1982 Mar 22 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W196      2445052.23 1982 Mar 23 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W197      2445052.29 1982 Mar 23 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0291             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W198      2445052.32 1982 Mar 23 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W199      2445052.35 1982 Mar 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M46       2445052.50 1982 Mar 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-W200      2445052.58 1982 Mar 24 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R453          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W201      2445053.10 1982 Mar 24 1420:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W202      2445053.21 1982 Mar 24 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W203      2445053.23 1982 Mar 24 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W204      2445053.29 1982 Mar 24 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W205      2445053.29 1982 Mar 24 1901:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0292             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W206      2445053.33 1982 Mar 24 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W207      2445054.22 1982 Mar 25 1717:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W208      2445054.32 1982 Mar 25 1935:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M13       2445054.50 1982 Mar 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W209      2445055.23 1982 Mar 26 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W210      2445055.35 1982 Mar 26 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W211      2445056.21 1982 Mar 27 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W212      2445056.24 1982 Mar 27 1751:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W213      2445056.31 1982 Mar 27 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W214      2445057.23 1982 Mar 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W215      2445057.34 1982 Mar 28 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W216      2445058.01 1982 Mar 29 1210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W217      2445058.08 1982 Mar 29 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W218      2445058.09 1982 Mar 29 1405:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0283             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W219      2445058.12 1982 Mar 29 1457:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0293             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W220      2445058.14 1982 Mar 29 1518:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W221      2445058.34 1982 Mar 29 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W222      2445058.34 1982 Mar 29 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W223      2445058.92 1982 Mar 30 1006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W224      2445059.09 1982 Mar 30 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W225      2445059.10 1982 Mar 30 1420:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0297             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W226      2445059.14 1982 Mar 30 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W227      2445059.17 1982 Mar 30 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W228      2445059.17 1982 Mar 30 1611:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W229      2445059.22 1982 Mar 30 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M14       2445059.50 1982 Mar 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M04       2445059.50 1982 Apr             RH-200                   -      -                    Thermistor test          -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    AdvSpRes4-111        -                    -
1982-W230      2445059.67 1982 Mar 31 0400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W231      2445060.36 1982 Mar 31 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W232      2445060.42 1982 Mar 31 2200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M15       2445060.50 1982 Apr  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M50       2445062.15 1982 Apr  2 1532     Super Arcas              -      -                    VLF Probe 5              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   PSRC/AFGL/Field,Kossey   Ionos                    RadioSci21,141       -                    -
1982-W233      2445062.42 1982 Apr  2 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W234      2445065.35 1982 Apr  5 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M45       2445065.50 1982 Apr  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1982-W235      2445066.42 1982 Apr  6 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M18       2445066.50 1982 Apr  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M16       2445066.50 1982 Apr  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W236      2445066.58 1982 Apr  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R454          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W237      2445066.79 1982 Apr 07 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W238      2445067.17 1982 Apr  7 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W239      2445067.38 1982 Apr  7 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W240      2445068.83 1982 Apr 09 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W241      2445069.17 1982 Apr  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W242      2445070.81 1982 Apr 11 0730:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M19       2445073.50 1982 Apr 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W243      2445073.58 1982 Apr 14 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R455          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W244      2445074.18 1982 Apr 14 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W245      2445074.31 1982 Apr 14 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W246      2445074.44 1982 Apr 14 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W247      2445075.39 1982 Apr 15 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W248      2445075.60 1982 Apr 16 0221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W249      2445075.79 1982 Apr 16 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W250      2445079.38 1982 Apr 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W251      2445079.39 1982 Apr 19 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W252      2445080.12 1982 Apr 20 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W253      2445080.17 1982 Apr 20 1559:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 307     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W254      2445080.20 1982 Apr 20 1641:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 308     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W255      2445080.20 1982 Apr 20 1646:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 309     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W256      2445080.22 1982 Apr 20 1717:00  Super Loki               -      FLIGHT 310     /T 1- -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Reed                 Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W257      2445080.23 1982 Apr 20 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M17       2445080.50 1982 Apr 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M20       2445080.50 1982 Apr 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W258      2445080.58 1982 Apr 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R456          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W259      2445080.79 1982 Apr 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W260      2445081.26 1982 Apr 21 1808:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W261      2445081.27 1982 Apr 21 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W262      2445082.37 1982 Apr 22 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W263      2445082.61 1982 Apr 23 0243:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W264      2445082.79 1982 Apr 23 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W265      2445083.38 1982 Apr 23 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W266      2445086.33 1982 Apr 26 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M47       2445087.50 1982 Apr 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M21       2445087.50 1982 Apr 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W515      2445087.58 1982 Apr 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R457          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1982-W267      2445088.23 1982 Apr 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W268      2445088.27 1982 Apr 28 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W269      2445088.34 1982 Apr 28 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W270      2445089.22 1982 Apr 29 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W271      2445089.79 1982 Apr 30 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W272      2445090.37 1982 Apr 30 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W273      2445090.38 1982 Apr 30 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W274      2445092.75 1982 May 03 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W275      2445092.79 1982 May 03 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    GMS82C   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W276      2445093.33 1982 May  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M37       2445094.50 1982 May  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-M38       2445094.50 1982 May  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W277      2445094.75 1982 May 05 0600:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W278      2445095.33 1982 May  5 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W279      2445095.44 1982 May  5 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W280      2445096.79 1982 May 07 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W281      2445097.33 1982 May  7 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W282      2445099.79 1982 May 10 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W283      2445100.38 1982 May 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W284      2445100.60 1982 May 11 0226:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M39       2445101.50 1982 May 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W285      2445101.58 1982 May 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R458          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W286      2445101.79 1982 May 12 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W287      2445102.31 1982 May 12 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W288      2445103.34 1982 May 13 2015:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W289      2445103.79 1982 May 14 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W290      2445104.33 1982 May 14 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W291      2445106.79 1982 May 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W292      2445107.33 1982 May 17 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W293      2445108.12 1982 May 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W294      2445108.15 1982 May 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W295      2445108.25 1982 May 18 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M35       2445108.50 1982 May 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W296      2445109.18 1982 May 19 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W297      2445110.79 1982 May 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W298      2445111.35 1982 May 21 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W299      2445113.79 1982 May 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W300      2445114.21 1982 May 24 1700:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0298             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W301      2445115.40 1982 May 25 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M48       2445115.50 1982 May 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W302      2445115.58 1982 May 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R460          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W303      2445115.79 1982 May 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W304      2445116.21 1982 May 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W305      2445116.25 1982 May 26 1755:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W306      2445116.39 1982 May 26 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W307      2445116.46 1982 May 26 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W308      2445117.11 1982 May 27 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W309      2445117.39 1982 May 27 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W310      2445118.19 1982 May 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W311      2445118.38 1982 May 28 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W312      2445120.31 1982 May 30 1930:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      NER      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M53       2445122.50 1982 Jun  2          OTRAG                    -      10                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-M36       2445122.50 1982 Jun  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W313      2445122.58 1982 Jun  2 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R461          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W314      2445123.13 1982 Jun  2 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W315      2445123.47 1982 Jun  2 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W316      2445124.38 1982 Jun  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W317      2445125.31 1982 Jun  4 1920:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W318      2445128.36 1982 Jun  7 2037:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W319      2445128.39 1982 Jun  7 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W320      2445129.11 1982 Jun 08 1437:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0301             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W321      2445129.38 1982 Jun  8 2101:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M52       2445129.50 1982 Jun  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1982-M49       2445129.50 1982 Jun  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W322      2445129.58 1982 Jun  9 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R462          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W323      2445130.38 1982 Jun  9 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W324      2445130.46 1982 Jun  9 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W325      2445135.38 1982 Jun 14 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W326      2445137.21 1982 Jun 16 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W327      2445138.43 1982 Jun 17 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W328      2445139.40 1982 Jun 18 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W329      2445142.38 1982 Jun 21 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W330      2445143.15 1982 Jun 22 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W331      2445143.58 1982 Jun 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R463          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M05       2445144.15 1982 Jun 23 1540     Nike Orion               -      NASA 31.30GE         VLF SEEP 1               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     85      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Plasma                   WI-PR82-3            -                    -
1982-W332      2445144.39 1982 Jun 23 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W333      2445144.45 1982 Jun 23 2243:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M54       2445144.50 1982 Jun 24          OTRAG                    -      11                   1x15m RSO test           -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     10?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-W334      2445145.39 1982 Jun 24 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W335      2445148.10 1982 Jun 27 1421:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W336      2445148.21 1982 Jun 27 1655:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W337      2445149.15 1982 Jun 28 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W338      2445150.12 1982 Jun 29 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W339      2445150.18 1982 Jun 29 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W340      2445151.44 1982 Jun 30 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W341      2445151.45 1982 Jun 30 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W342      2445152.08 1982 Jul  1 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W343      2445152.20 1982 Jul  1 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W344      2445154.18 1982 Jul  3 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W345      2445154.19 1982 Jul  3 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W346      2445154.93 1982 Jul  4 1014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W347      2445154.97 1982 Jul 04 1120:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0308             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W348      2445155.07 1982 Jul  4 1342:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W349      2445155.09 1982 Jul  4 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W350      2445155.10 1982 Jul  4 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W351      2445155.13 1982 Jul  4 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W352      2445155.18 1982 Jul  4 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W353      2445155.19 1982 Jul  4 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W354      2445155.22 1982 Jul  4 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W355      2445157.58 1982 Jul  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R464          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M06       2445157.88 1982 Jul  7 0901     Nike Orion               -      NASA 31.31GE         VLF SEEP 2               -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg            Plasma                   WI-PR82-4            -                    -
1982-W356      2445158.23 1982 Jul  7 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W357      2445158.38 1982 Jul  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W358      2445158.44 1982 Jul  7 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W359      2445160.39 1982 Jul  9 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W360      2445160.41 1982 Jul  9 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W361      2445165.41 1982 Jul 14 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W362      2445165.44 1982 Jul 14 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W363      2445166.38 1982 Jul 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W364      2445167.35 1982 Jul 16 2026:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W365      2445167.40 1982 Jul 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W366      2445167.42 1982 Jul 16 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W367      2445170.18 1982 Jul 19 1620:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W368      2445170.42 1982 Jul 19 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W369      2445170.44 1982 Jul 19 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W370      2445171.36 1982 Jul 20 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W371      2445171.60 1982 Jul 21 0225:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R465          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W372      2445172.40 1982 Jul 21 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W373      2445172.46 1982 Jul 21 2258:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W374      2445177.39 1982 Jul 26 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W375      2445179.23 1982 Jul 28 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W376      2445179.44 1982 Jul 28 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W377      2445180.38 1982 Jul 29 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W516      2445185.52 1982 Aug  4 0031:30  Super Loki               -      SuLo 11/1            CAMP Datasonde           -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     84      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFGL/Philbrick           Aeron                    ASR4,4,153           ASR4,4,145           -
1982-W378      2445186.58 1982 Aug  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R466          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W379      2445187.40 1982 Aug  5 2129:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W380      2445188.36 1982 Aug  6 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W381      2445191.31 1982 Aug  9 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W382      2445191.41 1982 Aug  9 2148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W383      2445193.23 1982 Aug 11 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W517      2445193.53 1982 Aug 12 0044:00  Super Loki               -      SuLo 11/2            CAMP Datasonde           -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     84      -  -               0.000 AFGL         SS   AFGL/Philbrick           Aeron                         ASR4,4,145           -
1982-W384      2445199.59 1982 Aug 18 0212:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R467          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W385      2445200.23 1982 Aug 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W386      2445200.29 1982 Aug 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W387      2445200.45 1982 Aug 18 2244:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W388      2445201.46 1982 Aug 19 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W389      2445202.17 1982 Aug 20 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W390      2445206.27 1982 Aug 24 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W391      2445207.38 1982 Aug 25 2104:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W392      2445209.23 1982 Aug 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W393      2445209.37 1982 Aug 27 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W394      2445209.42 1982 Aug 27 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W395      2445212.41 1982 Aug 30 2156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W396      2445213.58 1982 Sep  1 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R468          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W397      2445214.14 1982 Sep  1 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W398      2445214.22 1982 Sep  1 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W399      2445214.47 1982 Sep  1 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M55       2445214.50 1982 Sep  2          OTRAG                    -      12                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-W400      2445216.28 1982 Sep 03 1845:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0309             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W401      2445217.56 1982 Sep  5 0130     MT-135P                  -      MT135P T33           -                        -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Aeron?                   NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1982-W402      2445220.39 1982 Sep  7 2117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W403      2445220.58 1982 Sep  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R469          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W404      2445222.23 1982 Sep  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W405      2445223.13 1982 Sep 10 1505:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0311             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M56       2445223.50 1982 Sep 11          OTRAG                    -      13                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-W406      2445227.58 1982 Sep 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R470          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W407      2445228.50 1982 Sep 16 0006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W408      2445229.08 1982 Sep 16 1400:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0312             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W409      2445229.24 1982 Sep 16 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W410      2445229.30 1982 Sep 16 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W411      2445233.60 1982 Sep 21 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W412      2445234.42 1982 Sep 21 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W413      2445235.50 1982 Sep 23 0004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W414      2445237.06 1982 Sep 24 1321:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W415      2445240.10 1982 Sep 27 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W416      2445240.33 1982 Sep 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W417      2445240.41 1982 Sep 27 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W418      2445241.58 1982 Sep 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R471          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W419      2445242.29 1982 Sep 29 1900:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0310             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W420      2445242.45 1982 Sep 29 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W421      2445244.10 1982 Oct  1 1426:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W422      2445244.60 1982 Oct  2 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W423      2445247.40 1982 Oct  4 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W424      2445247.65 1982 Oct  5 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W425      2445248.23 1982 Oct  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W426      2445249.21 1982 Oct  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W427      2445249.58 1982 Oct  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R472          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W428      2445250.95 1982 Oct  8 1054:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M22       2445255.50 1982 Oct 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W429      2445256.21 1982 Oct 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W430      2445256.23 1982 Oct 13 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W431      2445258.39 1982 Oct 15 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W432      2445263.21 1982 Oct 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W433      2445263.24 1982 Oct 20 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W434      2445263.41 1982 Oct 20 2147:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W435      2445263.58 1982 Oct 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R473          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W436      2445264.52 1982 Oct 22 0034:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W437      2445264.85 1982 Oct 22 0822:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0442             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M23       2445269.50 1982 Oct 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W438      2445269.58 1982 Oct 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R474          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W439      2445269.64 1982 Oct 27 0326:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W440      2445270.23 1982 Oct 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W441      2445270.46 1982 Oct 27 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M51       2445272.50 1982 Oct 30          Hyunmoo-1                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANHU     -                -        -                     50?   180? -               0.000 ADD          MS   -                        Test                     An2015               -                    -
1982-W442      2445274.81 1982 Nov 01 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W443      2445275.33 1982 Nov  1 1955:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W444      2445275.35 1982 Nov  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M24       2445276.50 1982 Nov  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W445      2445276.80 1982 Nov 03 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W446      2445277.00 1982 Nov 03 1200:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W447      2445278.16 1982 Nov  4 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W448      2445278.79 1982 Nov 05 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M57       2445283.50 1982 Nov 10          OTRAG                    -      14                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-M25       2445283.50 1982 Nov 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W449      2445283.58 1982 Nov 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R475          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W450      2445283.79 1982 Nov 10 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W451      2445284.08 1982 Nov 10 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W452      2445284.38 1982 Nov 10 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W453      2445284.44 1982 Nov 10 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W454      2445285.07 1982 Nov 11 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W455      2445285.12 1982 Nov 11 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M26       2445285.50 1982 Nov 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W456      2445285.79 1982 Nov 12 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W457      2445286.38 1982 Nov 12 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W458      2445287.09 1982 Nov 13 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W459      2445287.15 1982 Nov 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W460      2445288.80 1982 Nov 15 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W461      2445289.10 1982 Nov 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W462      2445289.12 1982 Nov 15 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M58       2445289.50 1982 Nov 16          OTRAG                    -      15                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-W463      2445289.85 1982 Nov 16 0824:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0443             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W464      2445289.87 1982 Nov 16 0855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W465      2445289.91 1982 Nov 16 0946:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0448             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W466      2445290.00 1982 Nov 16 1204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W467      2445290.02 1982 Nov 16 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W468      2445290.02 1982 Nov 16 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W469      2445290.08 1982 Nov 16 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W470      2445290.12 1982 Nov 16 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W471      2445290.36 1982 Nov 16 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M27       2445290.50 1982 Nov 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W472      2445291.48 1982 Nov 17 2327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W473      2445291.58 1982 Nov 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R476          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M28       2445292.50 1982 Nov 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W474      2445292.79 1982 Nov 19 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W475      2445293.17 1982 Nov 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W476      2445295.79 1982 Nov 22 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M29       2445297.50 1982 Nov 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W477      2445297.79 1982 Nov 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W478      2445297.86 1982 Nov 24 0833:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0444             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W479      2445298.21 1982 Nov 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W480      2445298.57 1982 Nov 25 0141:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M30       2445299.50 1982 Nov 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W481      2445299.79 1982 Nov 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W482      2445300.65 1982 Nov 27 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W483      2445302.79 1982 Nov 29 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W484      2445303.38 1982 Nov 29 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M31       2445304.50 1982 Dec  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W485      2445304.83 1982 Dec 01 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W486      2445305.16 1982 Dec  1 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W487      2445305.44 1982 Dec  1 2240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W488      2445305.58 1982 Dec  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R477          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W489      2445305.85 1982 Dec 02 0827:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0450             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W490      2445306.83 1982 Dec 03 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W491      2445306.84 1982 Dec 03 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0451             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W492      2445309.85 1982 Dec 06 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W493      2445311.36 1982 Dec  7 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M32       2445311.50 1982 Dec  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W494      2445311.58 1982 Dec  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R478          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W495      2445311.86 1982 Dec 08 0840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W496      2445312.11 1982 Dec 08 1441:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W497      2445312.25 1982 Dec  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W498      2445312.35 1982 Dec  8 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M59       2445312.50 1982 Dec  9          OTRAG                    -      16                   1x15m                    -                        -                        -         SEBA     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 OTR          SS   OTR/                     Test                 -                    -
1982-W499      2445317.38 1982 Dec 13 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-M33       2445318.50 1982 Dec 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W500      2445318.58 1982 Dec 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R479          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W501      2445319.10 1982 Dec 15 1420:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W502      2445319.27 1982 Dec 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W503      2445319.38 1982 Dec 15 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W504      2445320.35 1982 Dec 16 2029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W505      2445320.81 1982 Dec 17 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W506      2445323.84 1982 Dec 20 0810:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0452             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W507      2445324.36 1982 Dec 20 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W508      2445325.37 1982 Dec 21 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W509      2445325.83 1982 Dec 22 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-M34       2445332.50 1982 Dec 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1982-W510      2445332.58 1982 Dec 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R480          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W511      2445332.81 1982 Dec 29 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W512      2445332.86 1982 Dec 29 0845:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA?   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1982-W513      2445334.53 1982 Dec 31 0044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1982-W514      2445335.40 1982 Dec 31 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M04       2445339.50 1983 Jan  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W01       2445339.85 1983 Jan 05 0827:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0470             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W02       2445340.27 1983 Jan  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W03       2445340.33 1983 Jan 05 2000:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      GMS82E   LP12             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W04       2445340.38 1983 Jan  5 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W05       2445340.39 1983 Jan  5 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W06       2445340.52 1983 Jan  6 0035:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M05       2445346.50 1983 Jan 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W07       2445346.58 1983 Jan 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R481          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W08       2445347.25 1983 Jan 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W09       2445348.29 1983 Jan 13 1902:59  Super Loki               -      Orion support        Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W10       2445348.85 1983 Jan 14 0822:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0471             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W11       2445349.64 1983 Jan 15 0314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W12       2445352.33 1983 Jan 17 1948:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W13       2445352.60 1983 Jan 18 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M06       2445353.50 1983 Jan 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W14       2445353.58 1983 Jan 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R482          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W15       2445354.30 1983 Jan 19 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W16       2445354.47 1983 Jan 19 2323:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W17       2445355.85 1983 Jan 21 0825:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0472             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W18       2445356.19 1983 Jan 21 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W19       2445359.62 1983 Jan 25 0257:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W20       2445360.27 1983 Jan 25 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W21       2445360.60 1983 Jan 26 0218:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R483          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W22       2445361.11 1983 Jan 26 1440:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W23       2445361.19 1983 Jan 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W24       2445361.21 1983 Jan 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M07       2445362.50 1983 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M08       2445367.50 1983 Feb  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W25       2445368.49 1983 Feb  2 2338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W26       2445368.58 1983 Feb  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R484          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W27       2445372.85 1983 Feb 07 0817:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0482             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M09       2445374.50 1983 Feb  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W28       2445374.80 1983 Feb 09 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W29       2445375.19 1983 Feb  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W30       2445375.45 1983 Feb  9 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W31       2445376.28 1983 Feb 10 1837:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W32       2445378.79 1983 Feb 13 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W33       2445379.79 1983 Feb 14 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W34       2445380.39 1983 Feb 14 2115:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W35       2445380.85 1983 Feb 15 0822:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0484             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M10       2445381.50 1983 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W36       2445381.58 1983 Feb 16 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R485          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W37       2445381.79 1983 Feb 16 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W38       2445382.34 1983 Feb 16 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W39       2445383.54 1983 Feb 18 0056:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W40       2445383.79 1983 Feb 18 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W41       2445384.29 1983 Feb 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W42       2445386.79 1983 Feb 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W43       2445388.28 1983 Feb 22 1845:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      NER      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W44       2445388.52 1983 Feb 23 0027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W45       2445388.58 1983 Feb 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R486          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W46       2445388.83 1983 Feb 23 0750:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W47       2445388.85 1983 Feb 23 0822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W48       2445388.87 1983 Feb 23 0848:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0517             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W49       2445389.19 1983 Feb 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M11       2445390.50 1983 Feb 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W50       2445391.62 1983 Feb 26 0248:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W51       2445392.12 1983 Feb 26 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W52       2445392.79 1983 Feb 27 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W53       2445394.38 1983 Feb 28 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W54       2445394.54 1983 Mar  1 0054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M12       2445395.50 1983 Mar  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W55       2445395.87 1983 Mar 02 0855:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W56       2445396.08 1983 Mar 02 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W57       2445396.19 1983 Mar  2 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W58       2445396.35 1983 Mar  2 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W59       2445397.38 1983 Mar  3 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W60       2445397.84 1983 Mar 04 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0492             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W61       2445397.86 1983 Mar 04 0840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W62       2445400.84 1983 Mar 07 0815:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W63       2445401.38 1983 Mar  7 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W64       2445402.30 1983 Mar 08 1917:00  Super Loki               -      TU1-0388 PWN-11A     CONDOR Datasonde         -                        -                        -         CHI      PLOB             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                ESA-SP270-169        -
1983-M13       2445402.50 1983 Mar  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W65       2445402.58 1983 Mar  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R487          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W66       2445402.73 1983 Mar 09 0532:00  Super Loki               -      TU1-0359 PWN-11A     CONDOR Sphere            -                        -                        -         CHI      PLOB             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W67       2445402.85 1983 Mar 09 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W68       2445404.26 1983 Mar 10 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W69       2445404.36 1983 Mar 10 2038:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W70       2445404.85 1983 Mar 11 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W71       2445404.86 1983 Mar 11 0835:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0494             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W72       2445405.39 1983 Mar 11 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W73       2445406.28 1983 Mar 12 1840:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      NER      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W74       2445407.12 1983 Mar 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W75       2445407.82 1983 Mar 14 0735:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W76       2445408.31 1983 Mar 14 1920:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0496             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W77       2445408.39 1983 Mar 14 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W78       2445409.19 1983 Mar 15 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W79       2445409.35 1983 Mar 15 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W80       2445409.58 1983 Mar 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R488          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W81       2445409.86 1983 Mar 16 0840:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W82       2445410.08 1983 Mar 16 1350:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W83       2445410.29 1983 Mar 16 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W84       2445411.82 1983 Mar 18 0745:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W85       2445412.39 1983 Mar 18 2119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W86       2445415.38 1983 Mar 21 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W87       2445416.19 1983 Mar 22 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W88       2445416.31 1983 Mar 22 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W89       2445416.31 1983 Mar 22 1925:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0500             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M14       2445416.50 1983 Mar 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W90       2445416.58 1983 Mar 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R489          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W91       2445416.82 1983 Mar 23 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W92       2445417.27 1983 Mar 23 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W93       2445417.29 1983 Mar 23 1852:00  Super Loki               -      TU1-0391             CONDOR                   -                        -                        -         CHI      PLOB             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W94       2445417.38 1983 Mar 23 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W95       2445417.53 1983 Mar 24 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W96       2445421.82 1983 Mar 28 0735:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GOIG?        SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W97       2445421.85 1983 Mar 28 0830:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0502             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W98       2445422.28 1983 Mar 28 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W99       2445422.52 1983 Mar 29 0029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W100      2445423.19 1983 Mar 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M15       2445423.50 1983 Mar 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W101      2445424.31 1983 Mar 30 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W102      2445424.31 1983 Mar 30 1925:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0506             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W103      2445425.36 1983 Mar 31 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W104      2445429.21 1983 Apr  4 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W105      2445429.27 1983 Apr  4 1822:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M16       2445430.50 1983 Apr  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W106      2445430.58 1983 Apr  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R490          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W107      2445430.85 1983 Apr 06 0820:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0490             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W108      2445430.86 1983 Apr 06 0841:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0529             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W109      2445431.25 1983 Apr  6 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W110      2445433.22 1983 Apr  8 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W111      2445433.24 1983 Apr  8 1746:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W112      2445433.29 1983 Apr  8 1851:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W113      2445434.04 1983 Apr  9 1302:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W114      2445434.16 1983 Apr  9 1548:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W115      2445434.20 1983 Apr  9 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W116      2445434.20 1983 Apr  9 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W117      2445434.25 1983 Apr  9 1759:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W118      2445434.26 1983 Apr  9 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W119      2445434.28 1983 Apr  9 1848:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W120      2445437.58 1983 Apr 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R491          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W121      2445438.19 1983 Apr 13 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W122      2445438.31 1983 Apr 13 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M17       2445439.50 1983 Apr 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W123      2445440.32 1983 Apr 15 1935:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0166             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W124      2445443.12 1983 Apr 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W125      2445444.58 1983 Apr 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R492          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W126      2445445.19 1983 Apr 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W127      2445445.41 1983 Apr 20 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W128      2445445.42 1983 Apr 20 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W129      2445449.07 1983 Apr 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W130      2445450.36 1983 Apr 25 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W131      2445451.58 1983 Apr 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R493          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W132      2445453.14 1983 Apr 28 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W133      2445457.32 1983 May 02 1935:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0498             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M18       2445458.50 1983 May  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W134      2445458.80 1983 May 04 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W135      2445459.17 1983 May  4 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W136      2445459.18 1983 May 04 1625:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W137      2445459.37 1983 May  4 2052:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W138      2445460.01 1983 May  5 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W139      2445460.24 1983 May  5 1747:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W140      2445460.41 1983 May  5 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W141      2445460.81 1983 May 06 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W142      2445461.20 1983 May  6 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W143      2445464.35 1983 May  9 2017:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W144      2445465.01 1983 May 10 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W145      2445465.31 1983 May 10 1930:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0525             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M19       2445465.50 1983 May 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W146      2445465.58 1983 May 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R494          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W147      2445465.79 1983 May 11 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W148      2445466.08 1983 May 11 1400:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W149      2445466.10 1983 May 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W150      2445466.13 1983 May 11 1514:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W151      2445466.35 1983 May 11 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W152      2445467.52 1983 May 13 0025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W153      2445467.79 1983 May 13 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W154      2445468.35 1983 May 13 2022:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W155      2445468.35 1983 May 13 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W156      2445470.84 1983 May 16 0810:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W157      2445471.38 1983 May 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W158      2445471.85 1983 May 17 0820:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0527             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M20       2445472.50 1983 May 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W159      2445472.58 1983 May 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R495          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W160      2445472.79 1983 May 18 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W161      2445473.10 1983 May 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W162      2445474.82 1983 May 20 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W163      2445475.25 1983 May 20 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W164      2445479.10 1983 May 24 1430:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0541             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M21       2445479.50 1983 May 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W165      2445479.74 1983 May 25 0540:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W166      2445479.81 1983 May 25 0730:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W167      2445479.81 1983 May 25 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W168      2445480.10 1983 May 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W169      2445480.37 1983 May 25 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W170      2445480.38 1983 May 25 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W171      2445480.58 1983 May 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R496          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W172      2445481.34 1983 May 26 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W173      2445481.81 1983 May 27 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M22       2445486.50 1983 Jun  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W174      2445486.59 1983 Jun  1 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R497          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W175      2445487.15 1983 Jun  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W176      2445487.32 1983 Jun  1 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W177      2445487.85 1983 Jun 02 0825:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0530             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M71       2445488.50 1983 Jun  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M72       2445489.50 1983 Jun  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W178      2445493.39 1983 Jun  7 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M23       2445493.50 1983 Jun  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W179      2445494.22 1983 Jun 08 1715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W180      2445494.26 1983 Jun  8 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W181      2445494.27 1983 Jun 08 1830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W182      2445494.33 1983 Jun 08 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W183      2445495.15 1983 Jun  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W184      2445495.84 1983 Jun 10 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0532             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W185      2445499.30 1983 Jun 13 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W186      2445499.30 1983 Jun 13 1915:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0550             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M24       2445500.50 1983 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W187      2445500.59 1983 Jun 15 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R498          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W188      2445501.15 1983 Jun 15 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W189      2445503.09 1983 Jun 17 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W190      2445503.10 1983 Jun 17 1420:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W191      2445505.07 1983 Jun 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W192      2445506.31 1983 Jun 20 1920:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0534             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M25       2445507.50 1983 Jun 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W193      2445507.52 1983 Jun 22 0033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W194      2445508.15 1983 Jun 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W195      2445509.83 1983 Jun 24 0752:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W196      2445509.89 1983 Jun 24 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W197      2445510.10 1983 Jun 24 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W198      2445510.11 1983 Jun 24 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W199      2445510.11 1983 Jun 24 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W200      2445510.14 1983 Jun 24 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W201      2445512.84 1983 Jun 27 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0536             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W202      2445514.32 1983 Jun 28 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W203      2445514.32 1983 Jun 28 1938:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0538             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M26       2445514.50 1983 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W204      2445514.59 1983 Jun 29 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R499          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W205      2445515.15 1983 Jun 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W206      2445516.19 1983 Jun 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W207      2445516.50 1983 Jul 01 0001:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0642             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W208      2445521.24 1983 Jul  5 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W209      2445521.41 1983 Jul  5 2154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M73       2445521.50 1983 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M27       2445521.50 1983 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W210      2445523.29 1983 Jul 07 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0644             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M28       2445528.50 1983 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M74       2445528.50 1983 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W211      2445528.84 1983 Jul 13 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0646             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W212      2445529.20 1983 Jul 13 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W213      2445529.58 1983 Jul 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R500          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W214      2445531.32 1983 Jul 15 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W215      2445531.32 1983 Jul 15 1938:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0648             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W216      2445532.07 1983 Jul 16 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W217      2445534.39 1983 Jul 18 2122:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W218      2445535.37 1983 Jul 19 2051:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M29       2445535.50 1983 Jul 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M75       2445535.50 1983 Jul 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W219      2445536.85 1983 Jul 21 0829:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0661             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W220      2445541.21 1983 Jul 25 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W221      2445541.25 1983 Jul 25 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M76       2445542.50 1983 Jul 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M30       2445542.50 1983 Jul 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W222      2445542.58 1983 Jul 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R501          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W223      2445543.31 1983 Jul 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W224      2445544.84 1983 Jul 29 0815:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0654             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W225      2445545.03 1983 Jul 29 1250:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0656             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W226      2445549.32 1983 Aug  2 1941:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M77       2445549.50 1983 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M31       2445549.50 1983 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W227      2445549.83 1983 Aug 03 0750:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W228      2445550.25 1983 Aug  3 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W229      2445551.40 1983 Aug  4 2136:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W230      2445551.82 1983 Aug 05 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W231      2445555.27 1983 Aug 08 1825:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS83A   LP14             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M32       2445556.50 1983 Aug 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M78       2445556.50 1983 Aug 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W232      2445556.58 1983 Aug 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R502          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W233      2445556.81 1983 Aug 10 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W234      2445557.02 1983 Aug 10 1230:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0658             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W235      2445558.53 1983 Aug 12 0041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W236      2445558.82 1983 Aug 12 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W237      2445559.15 1983 Aug 12 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W238      2445563.21 1983 Aug 16 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M79       2445563.50 1983 Aug 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M33       2445563.50 1983 Aug 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W239      2445564.84 1983 Aug 18 0803:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M34       2445565.50 1983 Aug 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W240      2445569.52 1983 Aug 23 0029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M58       2445570.18 1983 Aug 23 1625     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 316              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1983-M59       2445570.21 1983 Aug 23 1700?    Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1983-M35       2445570.50 1983 Aug 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M80       2445570.50 1983 Aug 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W241      2445570.80 1983 Aug 24 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W242      2445571.17 1983 Aug 24 1600:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W243      2445571.60 1983 Aug 25 0230:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R503          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M36       2445572.50 1983 Aug 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W244      2445572.81 1983 Aug 26 0723:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W245      2445575.79 1983 Aug 29 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W246      2445576.95 1983 Aug 30 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W247      2445577.15 1983 Aug 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M81       2445577.50 1983 Aug 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M37       2445577.50 1983 Aug 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W248      2445578.90 1983 Sep  1 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W249      2445579.03 1983 Sep 01 1245:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0666             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M38       2445579.50 1983 Sep  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W250      2445580.26 1983 Sep  2 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W251      2445580.66 1983 Sep  3 0345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W252      2445580.89 1983 Sep  3 0924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W253      2445581.37 1983 Sep 03 2050:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        VOKV      GMS83C   LP2              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W254      2445582.78 1983 Sep  5 0641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W255      2445582.83 1983 Sep 05 0757:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0664             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W256      2445582.85 1983 Sep  5 0826:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W257      2445582.87 1983 Sep  5 0855:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W258      2445582.89 1983 Sep  5 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W259      2445584.16 1983 Sep  6 1553:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W260      2445584.41 1983 Sep  6 2146:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M82       2445584.50 1983 Sep  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W261      2445584.59 1983 Sep  7 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R504          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W262      2445585.27 1983 Sep  7 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W263      2445585.49 1983 Sep  7 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M39       2445586.50 1983 Sep  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W264      2445590.31 1983 Sep 12 1922:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W265      2445590.42 1983 Sep 12 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M40       2445591.50 1983 Sep 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W266      2445591.58 1983 Sep 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R505          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W267      2445592.15 1983 Sep 14 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W268      2445592.23 1983 Sep 14 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W269      2445592.48 1983 Sep 14 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M83       2445592.50 1983 Sep 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W270      2445593.03 1983 Sep 15 1245:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0668             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W271      2445594.37 1983 Sep 16 2049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W272      2445596.07 1983 Sep 18 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M01       2445596.75 1983 Sep 19 0559     OTRAG                    -      DLR K-OL-120         1-3-B 4x9m               -                        -                        -         ESR      MAN              -        -                      4      -  -               0.000 OTR/DLR      SF   DLR/                     Test                     AASH25-201           Moraba               -
1983-W273      2445597.30 1983 Sep 19 1913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W274      2445597.30 1983 Sep 19 1914:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0670             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W275      2445598.03 1983 Sep 20 1245:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0672             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W276      2445598.39 1983 Sep 20 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M41       2445598.50 1983 Sep 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W277      2445598.51 1983 Sep 21 0015:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0674             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W278      2445599.12 1983 Sep 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W279      2445599.15 1983 Sep 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W280      2445600.36 1983 Sep 22 2041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M42       2445600.50 1983 Sep 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W281      2445604.14 1983 Sep 26 1520:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   GSFC/                    Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M60       2445604.23 1983 Sep 26 1732     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 317              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron                    JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M61       2445604.24 1983 Sep 26 1739     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 318              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M62       2445604.26 1983 Sep 26 1817     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 319              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M63       2445604.28 1983 Sep 26 1845     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 320              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-W282      2445605.34 1983 Sep 27 2005:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M84       2445605.50 1983 Sep 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M43       2445605.50 1983 Sep 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W384      2445605.58 1983 Sep 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R506          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1983-W283      2445606.06 1983 Sep 28 1330:00  M-100                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W284      2445606.19 1983 Sep 28 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W285      2445607.15 1983 Sep 29 1538:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M44       2445607.50 1983 Sep 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W286      2445612.50 1983 Oct 04 2355:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0712             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M45       2445612.50 1983 Oct  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W287      2445613.15 1983 Oct  5 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W288      2445613.24 1983 Oct  5 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W289      2445613.58 1983 Oct  6 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M46       2445614.50 1983 Oct  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W290      2445619.58 1983 Oct 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R507          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W291      2445620.25 1983 Oct 12 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W292      2445621.50 1983 Oct 14 0000:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0714             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W293      2445625.41 1983 Oct 17 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M85       2445626.50 1983 Oct 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W294      2445626.58 1983 Oct 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R508          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W295      2445627.25 1983 Oct 19 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W296      2445628.23 1983 Oct 20 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W297      2445629.27 1983 Oct 21 1833:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W298      2445633.35 1983 Oct 25 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W299      2445633.58 1983 Oct 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R509          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W300      2445634.23 1983 Oct 26 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W301      2445635.14 1983 Oct 27 1525:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M64       2445635.18 1983 Oct 27 1624     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 321              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M65       2445635.19 1983 Oct 27 1631     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 322              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M66       2445635.22 1983 Oct 27 1720     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 323              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M67       2445635.25 1983 Oct 27 1754     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 324              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1983-M86       2445635.50 1983 Oct 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W302      2445635.51 1983 Oct 28 0012:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0791             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W303      2445636.32 1983 Oct 28 1937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W304      2445639.04 1983 Oct 31 1258:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0718             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W305      2445640.38 1983 Nov  1 2112:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M47       2445640.50 1983 Nov  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W306      2445640.58 1983 Nov  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R510          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W307      2445641.29 1983 Nov  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M48       2445642.50 1983 Nov  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W308      2445643.19 1983 Nov  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W309      2445646.31 1983 Nov  7 1923:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W310      2445647.21 1983 Nov  8 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W311      2445647.26 1983 Nov  8 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M49       2445647.50 1983 Nov  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W312      2445648.25 1983 Nov  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W313      2445648.36 1983 Nov  9 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W314      2445648.37 1983 Nov  9 2058:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W315      2445649.49 1983 Nov 10 2350:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0779             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M50       2445649.50 1983 Nov 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-M02       2445652.93 1983 Nov 14 1020     Sonda 3                  -      XV-18                GL A20.327-02  (IMS)     -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     15      -  -               0.000 IAE          SF   AFCRL/Weber              Ionos                    WDCRF                AFCRL                -
1983-W316      2445653.03 1983 Nov 14 1245:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0781             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M51       2445654.50 1983 Nov 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W317      2445654.58 1983 Nov 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R511          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W318      2445655.18 1983 Nov 16 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W319      2445655.26 1983 Nov 16 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W320      2445656.36 1983 Nov 17 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W321      2445657.14 1983 Nov 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M87       2445659.50 1983 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W322      2445660.31 1983 Nov 21 1931:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M88       2445660.50 1983 Nov 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W323      2445660.53 1983 Nov 22 0042:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W324      2445661.15 1983 Nov 22 1530:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0771             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Holland              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M68       2445661.19 1983 Nov 22 1630     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 325              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1983-M52       2445661.50 1983 Nov 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W325      2445662.03 1983 Nov 23 1250:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0783             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W326      2445662.27 1983 Nov 23 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W327      2445662.31 1983 Nov 23 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M89       2445663.50 1983 Nov 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W328      2445667.17 1983 Nov 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W329      2445667.21 1983 Nov 28 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M90       2445668.50 1983 Nov 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M53       2445668.50 1983 Nov 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W330      2445668.58 1983 Nov 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R512          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W331      2445669.15 1983 Nov 30 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W332      2445669.19 1983 Nov 30 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W333      2445669.39 1983 Nov 30 2120     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 01L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                ESA-SP183            -
1983-W334      2445669.46 1983 Nov 30 2308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M91       2445669.50 1983 Dec  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-M92       2445670.50 1983 Dec  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    RC97                 -                    -
1983-W335      2445671.18 1983 Dec  2 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W336      2445671.25 1983 Dec  2 1801:00  Viper 3A                 -      MAP/WINE             M-F 1                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W337      2445672.43 1983 Dec  3 2225     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 02L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                ESA-SP183            -
1983-W338      2445673.15 1983 Dec  4 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W339      2445674.92 1983 Dec  6 1007:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-C 1                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPAE/Widdel              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W340      2445674.95 1983 Dec  6 1049:30  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-C 2                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPAE/Widdel              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W341      2445675.16 1983 Dec  6 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W342      2445675.38 1983 Dec  6 2113:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M54       2445675.50 1983 Dec  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W343      2445675.58 1983 Dec  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R513          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W344      2445676.04 1983 Dec 07 1255:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0787             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W345      2445676.19 1983 Dec  7 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W346      2445676.22 1983 Dec  7 1712:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-C 3                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPAE/Widdel              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M03       2445676.27 1983 Dec  7 1823:00  Nike Orion               -      DLR A-NO-121         Ferdinand 71 M-T 1       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 NTNF/DLR     SS   NDRE/BONN/Thrane,von Z.  Ionos                    Moraba               AND                  -
1983-W347      2445676.28 1983 Dec  7 1849:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-C 4                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPAE/Widdel              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W348      2445676.35 1983 Dec  7 2027     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 03L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W349      2445676.47 1983 Dec  7 2323:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W350      2445676.95 1983 Dec  8 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W351      2445677.21 1983 Dec  8 1707:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W352      2445677.28 1983 Dec 08 1845:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0798             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W353      2445677.43 1983 Dec  8 2218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W354      2445677.47 1983 Dec  8 2322:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W355      2445677.49 1983 Dec  8 2344:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W356      2445677.50 1983 Dec  9 0000:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W357      2445677.50 1983 Dec  9 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W358      2445677.50 1983 Dec  9 0007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W359      2445677.52 1983 Dec  9 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W360      2445677.52 1983 Dec  9 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W361      2445678.16 1983 Dec 09 1550:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0767             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Holland              Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-M69       2445678.20 1983 Dec  9 1650     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 326              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1983-W362      2445679.34 1983 Dec 10 2010     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 04L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W363      2445682.19 1983 Dec 13 1626:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M55       2445682.50 1983 Dec 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W364      2445682.59 1983 Dec 14 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R514          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W365      2445683.55 1983 Dec 15 0117:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W366      2445684.17 1983 Dec 15 1558:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M70       2445684.20 1983 Dec 15 1650     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 327              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1983-W367      2445684.38 1983 Dec 15 2100     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 05L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W368      2445686.16 1983 Dec 17 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W369      2445686.28 1983 Dec 17 1841:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W370      2445688.26 1983 Dec 19 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W371      2445688.52 1983 Dec 20 0029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M56       2445689.50 1983 Dec 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W372      2445689.59 1983 Dec 21 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R515          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W373      2445690.04 1983 Dec 21 1255:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0789             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W374      2445690.31 1983 Dec 21 1928     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 06L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W375      2445690.39 1983 Dec 21 2122     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 07L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W376      2445690.49 1983 Dec 21 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W377      2445691.17 1983 Dec 22 1558:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W378      2445691.27 1983 Dec 22 1835:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Arcasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-M57       2445696.50 1983 Dec 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1983-W379      2445696.58 1983 Dec 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R516          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1983-W380      2445696.86 1983 Dec 28 0832:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 08A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W381      2445696.93 1983 Dec 28 1019:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 09A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W382      2445698.33 1983 Dec 29 1950     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 08L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1983-W383      2445700.21 1983 Dec 31 1700:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 11A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W01       2445703.14 1984 Jan  3 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M95       2445703.50 1984 Jan  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W02       2445704.33 1984 Jan  4 2000:00  Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 12A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W03       2445704.37 1984 Jan  4 2058     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 09L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W04       2445704.42 1984 Jan  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W05       2445704.47 1984 Jan  4 2321:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W06       2445706.45 1984 Jan  6 2244     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 13A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W07       2445707.33 1984 Jan  7 2000     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 10L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W08       2445709.41 1984 Jan  9 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W09       2445709.50 1984 Jan 09 2359:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0800             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W10       2445710.10 1984 Jan 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M96       2445710.50 1984 Jan 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W11       2445710.59 1984 Jan 11 0203:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R517          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W12       2445711.13 1984 Jan 11 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W13       2445711.33 1984 Jan 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W14       2445712.24 1984 Jan 12 1749     Viper 3A                 -      MAP/WINE             M-F 18                   -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W15       2445712.35 1984 Jan 12 2019     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 16A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W16       2445712.42 1984 Jan 12 2206     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 11L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W17       2445713.47 1984 Jan 13 2316     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 17A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W18       2445715.35 1984 Jan 15 2020     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE M-M         M-D 12L                  -                        -                        -         MRL      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W19       2445716.39 1984 Jan 16 2120:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W20       2445716.40 1984 Jan 16 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M01       2445716.50 1984 Jan 17          ST-735                   1      ST-735-1             SRB Sep test             -                        -                        -         KASC     K?               -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Test                     ISASRpt635           -                    -
1984-W21       2445717.28 1984 Jan 17 1836:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M97       2445717.50 1984 Jan 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W22       2445718.01 1984 Jan 18 1215     Super Loki               -      -                    T 1-0851                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W23       2445718.09 1984 Jan 18 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W24       2445718.14 1984 Jan 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W25       2445718.33 1984 Jan 18 2000     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 18A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W26       2445718.58 1984 Jan 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R518          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W27       2445720.35 1984 Jan 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W28       2445721.11 1984 Jan 21 1444     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 19A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W29       2445721.19 1984 Jan 21 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W30       2445721.26 1984 Jan 21 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W31       2445721.33 1984 Jan 21 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W32       2445723.12 1984 Jan 23 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W33       2445723.35 1984 Jan 23 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W34       2445724.31 1984 Jan 24 1931     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 20A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W35       2445724.58 1984 Jan 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R519          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W36       2445725.14 1984 Jan 25 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W37       2445725.28 1984 Jan 25 1845     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 21A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W38       2445726.35 1984 Jan 26 2024:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W39       2445726.35 1984 Jan 26 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M98       2445726.50 1984 Jan 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W40       2445727.15 1984 Jan 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W41       2445727.40 1984 Jan 27 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W42       2445728.23 1984 Jan 28 1730     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 22A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W43       2445731.18 1984 Jan 31 1622     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 23A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-M03       2445731.38 1984 Jan 31 2105:36  Orion                    -      DLR K-O-129 DROPMAS  DFVLR Strafam 1/4        -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   MPIK/Pfeilsticker        Aeron                    Moraba               PlanSpaceSci3,315    -
1984-M40       2445731.50 1984 Feb  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W44       2445732.35 1984 Feb  1 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W45       2445732.51 1984 Feb  2 0010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W46       2445734.05 1984 Feb  3 1306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W47       2445734.12 1984 Feb  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W48       2445734.19 1984 Feb  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W49       2445734.39 1984 Feb  3 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W50       2445736.03 1984 Feb  5 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W51       2445737.33 1984 Feb  6 2000     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 25A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W52       2445737.35 1984 Feb  6 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W53       2445738.03 1984 Feb  7 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M41       2445738.50 1984 Feb  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W54       2445738.58 1984 Feb  8 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R520          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W55       2445739.46 1984 Feb  8 2308:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W56       2445739.54 1984 Feb  9 0052     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 26A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W57       2445740.05 1984 Feb  9 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W58       2445740.21 1984 Feb  9 1703:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M78       2445740.23 1984 Feb  9 1730?    Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 328              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1984-M79       2445740.23 1984 Feb  9 1730?    Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 329              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1984-W59       2445740.31 1984 Feb  9 1922:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W60       2445740.41 1984 Feb  9 2144:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W61       2445740.55 1984 Feb 10 0107     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 27A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W62       2445741.04 1984 Feb 10 1252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W63       2445741.20 1984 Feb 10 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W64       2445741.79 1984 Feb 11 0703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W65       2445742.02 1984 Feb 11 1222:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W66       2445742.02 1984 Feb 11 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W67       2445742.02 1984 Feb 11 1224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W68       2445742.02 1984 Feb 11 1230:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0785             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W69       2445742.10 1984 Feb 11 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W70       2445742.20 1984 Feb 11 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W71       2445742.33 1984 Feb 11 2000     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 28A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W72       2445744.13 1984 Feb 13 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W73       2445744.33 1984 Feb 13 2000     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 29A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W74       2445744.36 1984 Feb 13 2036:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M42       2445745.50 1984 Feb 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W75       2445745.58 1984 Feb 15 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R521          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W76       2445746.48 1984 Feb 15 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W77       2445746.60 1984 Feb 16 0228     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 30A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W78       2445747.19 1984 Feb 16 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W79       2445748.36 1984 Feb 17 2035:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W80       2445748.58 1984 Feb 18 0149     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 31A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W81       2445749.93 1984 Feb 19 1026     Super Loki               -      MAP/WINE             M-D 32A                  -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SS   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W82       2445749.99 1984 Feb 19 1152:00  Super Loki               -      M-D 033A             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SU   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W83       2445751.35 1984 Feb 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W84       2445752.04 1984 Feb 21 1255:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W85       2445752.34 1984 Feb 21 2005:00  Super Loki               -      M-D 034A             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 DFVLR        SU   BONN/von Zahn            Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W86       2445752.38 1984 Feb 21 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M43       2445752.50 1984 Feb 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W87       2445752.58 1984 Feb 22 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R522          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W88       2445753.27 1984 Feb 22 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W89       2445753.50 1984 Feb 23 0002:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M77       2445754.00 1984 Feb 23 1200     Viper-Dart               -      -                    E field                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   GSFC/Maynard             Ionos/Aeron              WIPR84-1             -                    -
1984-W90       2445754.14 1984 Feb 23 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W91       2445754.35 1984 Feb 23 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W92       2445755.21 1984 Feb 24 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W93       2445758.12 1984 Feb 27 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W94       2445758.15 1984 Feb 27 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CC       LC43             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M02       2445758.17 1984 Feb 27 1600:01  Nike Orion               -      NASA 31.43UU         CWAS 8                   -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PITT/Zipf                Aeronomy                 WISR                 -                    -
1984-M44       2445759.50 1984 Feb 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W95       2445760.14 1984 Feb 29 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W96       2445760.20 1984 Feb 29 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W97       2445760.35 1984 Feb 29 2027:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W98       2445760.35 1984 Feb 29 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W99       2445760.50 1984 Feb 29 2359:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0863             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W100      2445762.38 1984 Mar  2 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M45       2445766.50 1984 Mar  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W101      2445766.58 1984 Mar  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R523          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W102      2445768.19 1984 Mar  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W103      2445772.15 1984 Mar 12 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W104      2445772.40 1984 Mar 12 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M46       2445773.50 1984 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W105      2445773.58 1984 Mar 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R524          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W106      2445774.04 1984 Mar 14 1251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W107      2445774.28 1984 Mar 14 1842:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W108      2445774.51 1984 Mar 15 0014     Loki Dart                -      -                    T 1-0881                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W109      2445775.39 1984 Mar 15 2118:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W110      2445780.35 1984 Mar 20 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M47       2445780.50 1984 Mar 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W111      2445781.04 1984 Mar 21 1256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W112      2445781.19 1984 Mar 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W113      2445781.26 1984 Mar 21 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W114      2445781.29 1984 Mar 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W115      2445781.35 1984 Mar 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W116      2445782.15 1984 Mar 22 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W117      2445783.10 1984 Mar 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W118      2445786.03 1984 Mar 26 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W119      2445786.40 1984 Mar 26 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M48       2445787.50 1984 Mar 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W120      2445787.58 1984 Mar 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R525          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W121      2445788.17 1984 Mar 28 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W122      2445788.52 1984 Mar 29 0026:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0867             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W123      2445789.15 1984 Mar 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W124      2445790.15 1984 Mar 30 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W125      2445790.32 1984 Mar 30 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W126      2445793.33 1984 Apr  2 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W127      2445794.33 1984 Apr  3 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M49       2445794.50 1984 Apr  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W128      2445795.19 1984 Apr  4 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W129      2445797.08 1984 Apr  6 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W130      2445797.09 1984 Apr  6 1409:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W131      2445797.10 1984 Apr  6 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W132      2445797.17 1984 Apr  6 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W133      2445797.23 1984 Apr  6 1727:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W134      2445797.40 1984 Apr  6 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W135      2445799.09 1984 Apr  8 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W136      2445799.10 1984 Apr  8 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W137      2445799.10 1984 Apr  8 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W138      2445800.36 1984 Apr  9 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W139      2445801.05 1984 Apr 10 1311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W140      2445801.07 1984 Apr 10 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W141      2445801.09 1984 Apr 10 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M50       2445801.50 1984 Apr 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W142      2445801.58 1984 Apr 11 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R526          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W143      2445803.00 1984 Apr 12 1207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W144      2445803.04 1984 Apr 12 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W145      2445803.05 1984 Apr 12 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W146      2445803.78 1984 Apr 13 0638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W147      2445804.05 1984 Apr 13 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W148      2445804.07 1984 Apr 13 1347:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W149      2445804.08 1984 Apr 13 1348:00  Super Loki               -      T 1-0884             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W150      2445804.08 1984 Apr 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W151      2445804.08 1984 Apr 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W152      2445804.09 1984 Apr 13 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W153      2445804.12 1984 Apr 13 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W154      2445807.35 1984 Apr 16 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W155      2445809.03 1984 Apr 18 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W156      2445809.27 1984 Apr 18 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W157      2445809.33 1984 Apr 18 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M51       2445809.50 1984 Apr 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W158      2445811.38 1984 Apr 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W159      2445811.38 1984 Apr 20 2107:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W160      2445814.33 1984 Apr 23 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W161      2445815.15 1984 Apr 24 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M52       2445815.50 1984 Apr 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W162      2445815.58 1984 Apr 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R528          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W163      2445816.07 1984 Apr 25 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W164      2445816.27 1984 Apr 25 1831:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W165      2445816.35 1984 Apr 25 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W166      2445816.49 1984 Apr 25 2345     Loki Dart                -      -                    T 1-0859                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W167      2445817.27 1984 Apr 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W168      2445818.29 1984 Apr 27 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W169      2445818.33 1984 Apr 27 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W170      2445822.08 1984 May  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W171      2445822.39 1984 May  1 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M99       2445822.50 1984 May  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W172      2445823.16 1984 May  2 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W173      2445823.32 1984 May  2 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W174      2445828.39 1984 May  7 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W175      2445828.99 1984 May 08 1145:00  Loki Dart                -      T 1-0857             -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 WFC          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W176      2445829.03 1984 May  8 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M100      2445829.50 1984 May  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W177      2445829.58 1984 May  9 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R529          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W178      2445830.08 1984 May  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W179      2445830.90 1984 May 10 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W180      2445832.33 1984 May 11 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M101      2445836.50 1984 May 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W181      2445836.58 1984 May 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R530          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W182      2445837.03 1984 May 16 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W183      2445837.15 1984 May 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W184      2445837.58 1984 May 17 0200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W185      2445842.35 1984 May 21 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W186      2445843.58 1984 May 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R531          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M04       2445844.03 1984 May 23 1245     RH-200                   -      RH-200-243           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M06       2445844.03 1984 May 23 1248     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M05       2445844.03 1984 May 23 1250     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M07       2445844.08 1984 May 23 1354     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W187      2445844.33 1984 May 23 1956:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M08       2445846.02 1984 May 25 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M09       2445846.07 1984 May 25 1335     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M10       2445846.07 1984 May 25 1336     RH-200                   -      RH-200-244           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W188      2445846.09 1984 May 25 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W189      2445846.36 1984 May 25 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M11       2445848.02 1984 May 27 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-245           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M12       2445848.02 1984 May 27 1234     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M13       2445848.03 1984 May 27 1245     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M14       2445848.06 1984 May 27 1330     RH-200                   -      RH-200-246           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M15       2445850.02 1984 May 29 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-248           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M16       2445850.03 1984 May 29 1237     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M17       2445850.03 1984 May 29 1246     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W190      2445850.59 1984 May 30 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R532          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W191      2445851.07 1984 May 30 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W192      2445851.09 1984 May 30 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W193      2445851.35 1984 May 30 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M18       2445852.02 1984 May 31 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M19       2445852.02 1984 May 31 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-249           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M20       2445852.02 1984 May 31 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W194      2445853.09 1984 Jun  1 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M21       2445854.02 1984 Jun  2 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-250           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M22       2445854.03 1984 Jun  2 1240     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M23       2445854.08 1984 Jun  2 1357     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M24       2445856.02 1984 Jun  4 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M25       2445856.03 1984 Jun  4 1240     RH-200                   -      RH-200-252           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M26       2445856.07 1984 Jun  4 1339     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M27       2445856.10 1984 Jun  4 1420     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M28       2445858.02 1984 Jun  6 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-253           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M29       2445858.03 1984 Jun  6 1250     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W195      2445858.11 1984 Jun  6 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W196      2445858.26 1984 Jun  6 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W197      2445858.51 1984 Jun 07 0016:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W198      2445859.61 1984 Jun  8 0235:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M30       2445860.02 1984 Jun  8 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M31       2445860.02 1984 Jun  8 1233     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M32       2445860.04 1984 Jun  8 1301     RH-200                   -      RH-200-254           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M33       2445862.03 1984 Jun 10 1240     RH-200                   -      RH-200-255           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M34       2445862.03 1984 Jun 10 1245     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M35       2445862.04 1984 Jun 10 1301     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M36       2445864.02 1984 Jun 12 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M37       2445864.02 1984 Jun 12 1230     RH-200                   -      RH-200-251           Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M38       2445864.02 1984 Jun 12 1230     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/KrishnaMurthy       Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-M39       2445864.08 1984 Jun 12 1350     RH-200                   -      -                    Eq. Wave Campaign I      Meteo Chaff              -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJRSP15,125          CurrSci89,475        -
1984-W199      2445864.36 1984 Jun 12 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W200      2445864.58 1984 Jun 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R533          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W201      2445865.15 1984 Jun 13 1535:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W202      2445867.10 1984 Jun 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W203      2445867.25 1984 Jun 15 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W204      2445867.26 1984 Jun 15 1820:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W205      2445870.10 1984 Jun 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W206      2445871.50 1984 Jun 19 2359:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-M102      2445871.50 1984 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W207      2445871.58 1984 Jun 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R534          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W208      2445872.10 1984 Jun 20 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W209      2445872.16 1984 Jun 20 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W210      2445874.11 1984 Jun 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W211      2445877.05 1984 Jun 25 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W212      2445877.31 1984 Jun 25 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W213      2445878.05 1984 Jun 26 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M103      2445878.50 1984 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W214      2445879.10 1984 Jun 27 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W215      2445879.47 1984 Jun 27 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W216      2445880.16 1984 Jun 28 1552:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W217      2445881.32 1984 Jun 29 1934:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W218      2445884.10 1984 Jul  2 1429:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W219      2445884.22 1984 Jul  2 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W220      2445885.31 1984 Jul  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W221      2445885.58 1984 Jul  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R535          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M53       2445886.50 1984 Jul  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W222      2445887.10 1984 Jul  5 1425:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W223      2445887.34 1984 Jul  5 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W224      2445888.03 1984 Jul  6 1243:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W225      2445888.10 1984 Jul  6 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W226      2445888.35 1984 Jul  6 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W227      2445891.39 1984 Jul  9 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M54       2445892.50 1984 Jul 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W228      2445893.03 1984 Jul 11 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W229      2445893.06 1984 Jul 11 1325:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W230      2445893.45 1984 Jul 11 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W231      2445898.03 1984 Jul 16 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W232      2445898.09 1984 Jul 16 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M55       2445899.50 1984 Jul 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W233      2445899.58 1984 Jul 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R536          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W234      2445900.10 1984 Jul 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W235      2445902.09 1984 Jul 20 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W236      2445902.31 1984 Jul 20 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W237      2445905.39 1984 Jul 23 2126:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W238      2445906.37 1984 Jul 24 2055:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M104      2445906.50 1984 Jul 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W239      2445907.04 1984 Jul 25 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W240      2445907.10 1984 Jul 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W241      2445909.32 1984 Jul 27 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M56       2445913.50 1984 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W242      2445913.58 1984 Aug  1 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R537          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W243      2445914.10 1984 Aug  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W244      2445914.15 1984 Aug  1 1533:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W245      2445914.24 1984 Aug  1 1742:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W246      2445916.28 1984 Aug  3 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W247      2445920.04 1984 Aug  7 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W248      2445920.14 1984 Aug  7 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M57       2445920.50 1984 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W249      2445921.40 1984 Aug  8 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W250      2445921.48 1984 Aug  8 2332:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W251      2445926.11 1984 Aug 13 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W252      2445926.52 1984 Aug 14 0024:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W447      2445927.60 1984 Aug 15 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R538          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1984-W253      2445927.88 1984 Aug 15 0904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W254      2445928.03 1984 Aug 15 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W255      2445928.13 1984 Aug 15 1511:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M80       2445928.17 1984 Aug 15 1611     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 330              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1984-W256      2445928.46 1984 Aug 15 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M58       2445928.50 1984 Aug 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W257      2445930.10 1984 Aug 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W258      2445930.35 1984 Aug 17 2020:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W259      2445934.15 1984 Aug 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W260      2445934.35 1984 Aug 21 2031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M59       2445934.50 1984 Aug 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W261      2445935.20 1984 Aug 22 1651:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W262      2445935.89 1984 Aug 23 0926:59  Super Loki               -      VLF-TE support       Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Goldberg?           Meteo                    DSI-5850             SFLT26,445           -
1984-W263      2445936.10 1984 Aug 23 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W264      2445937.22 1984 Aug 24 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W265      2445937.29 1984 Aug 24 1901:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W266      2445939.11 1984 Aug 26 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W267      2445940.11 1984 Aug 27 1435:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W268      2445941.58 1984 Aug 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R539          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W269      2445942.32 1984 Aug 29 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W270      2445942.48 1984 Aug 29 2326:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M88       2445942.50 1984 Aug 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W271      2445943.07 1984 Aug 30 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W272      2445943.09 1984 Aug 30 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W273      2445943.10 1984 Aug 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W274      2445943.12 1984 Aug 30 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W275      2445943.32 1984 Aug 30 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W276      2445943.52 1984 Aug 31 0029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W277      2445944.12 1984 Aug 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W278      2445944.20 1984 Aug 31 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W279      2445945.10 1984 Sep  1 1424:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W280      2445945.10 1984 Sep  1 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W281      2445945.11 1984 Sep  1 1438:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W282      2445947.09 1984 Sep  3 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W283      2445947.11 1984 Sep  3 1433:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M89       2445948.50 1984 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W284      2445948.85 1984 Sep  5 0826:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W285      2445949.06 1984 Sep  5 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W286      2445949.07 1984 Sep  5 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W287      2445949.07 1984 Sep  5 1338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W288      2445949.08 1984 Sep 05 1352:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              PWN-11D/TI-904           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W289      2445949.09 1984 Sep  5 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W290      2445949.10 1984 Sep  5 1422:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W291      2445949.11 1984 Sep  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W292      2445949.13 1984 Sep  5 1508:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W293      2445949.58 1984 Sep  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R540          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W294      2445954.03 1984 Sep 10 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W295      2445954.17 1984 Sep 10 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W296      2445954.31 1984 Sep 10 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W297      2445954.34 1984 Sep 10 2010     Super Loki               -      -                    PWN-11D/TI-889           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-M90       2445955.50 1984 Sep 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W298      2445955.53 1984 Sep 12 0036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W299      2445956.07 1984 Sep 12 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W300      2445957.32 1984 Sep 13 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W301      2445958.40 1984 Sep 14 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W302      2445962.03 1984 Sep 18 1246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W303      2445962.08 1984 Sep 18 1400:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M81       2445962.12 1984 Sep 18 1458     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 331              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1984-M82       2445962.13 1984 Sep 18 1505     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 332              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1984-M83       2445962.18 1984 Sep 18 1621     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 333              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1984-M84       2445962.19 1984 Sep 18 1628     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 334              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR91,D13,14521      -                    -
1984-M91       2445962.50 1984 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W304      2445962.58 1984 Sep 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R541          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W305      2445963.07 1984 Sep 19 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W306      2445964.15 1984 Sep 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W307      2445964.41 1984 Sep 20 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W308      2445969.31 1984 Sep 25 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M92       2445969.50 1984 Sep 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W309      2445970.16 1984 Sep 26 1545:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W310      2445970.36 1984 Sep 26 2037:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              PWN-11D                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W311      2445970.41 1984 Sep 26 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W312      2445970.48 1984 Sep 26 2335:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W313      2445971.32 1984 Sep 27 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W314      2445972.52 1984 Sep 29 0035:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M93       2445976.50 1984 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W315      2445977.14 1984 Oct  3 1522:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W316      2445977.21 1984 Oct  3 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W317      2445978.07 1984 Oct  4 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W318      2445978.98 1984 Oct  5 1127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W319      2445979.01 1984 Oct  5 1215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W320      2445979.09 1984 Oct  5 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W321      2445979.31 1984 Oct  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W322      2445981.18 1984 Oct  7 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W323      2445981.18 1984 Oct  7 1618:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W324      2445981.18 1984 Oct  7 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W325      2445983.15 1984 Oct  9 1542:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W326      2445983.18 1984 Oct  9 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W327      2445983.22 1984 Oct  9 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W328      2445983.33 1984 Oct  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M94       2445983.50 1984 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W329      2445983.58 1984 Oct 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R542          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W330      2445985.18 1984 Oct 11 1618:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W331      2445985.18 1984 Oct 11 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W332      2445985.18 1984 Oct 11 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W333      2445985.21 1984 Oct 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W334      2445986.95 1984 Oct 13 1054:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W335      2445987.18 1984 Oct 13 1621:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W336      2445987.21 1984 Oct 13 1658:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W337      2445987.21 1984 Oct 13 1659     Super Loki               -      -                    PWN-11D/TI-964           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W338      2445987.21 1984 Oct 13 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W339      2445987.22 1984 Oct 13 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W340      2445987.23 1984 Oct 13 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W341      2445989.38 1984 Oct 15 2111:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M67       2445990.50 1984 Oct 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W342      2445991.07 1984 Oct 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W343      2445991.08 1984 Oct 17 1349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W344      2445991.08 1984 Oct 17 1351:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W345      2445991.20 1984 Oct 17 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W346      2445991.20 1984 Oct 17 1653:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W347      2445991.58 1984 Oct 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R543          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W348      2445992.00 1984 Oct 18 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W349      2445996.03 1984 Oct 22 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W350      2445996.15 1984 Oct 22 1530:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M85       2445996.19 1984 Oct 22 1630     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 335              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1984-W351      2445997.58 1984 Oct 24 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R544          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W352      2445998.07 1984 Oct 24 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W353      2445998.27 1984 Oct 24 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W354      2445998.41 1984 Oct 24 2156:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M68       2445998.50 1984 Oct 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W355      2445999.89 1984 Oct 26 0915     Super Loki               -      -                    PWN-11D                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1984-W356      2446000.16 1984 Oct 26 1551:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W357      2446000.17 1984 Oct 26 1604:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W358      2446000.52 1984 Oct 27 0029:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W359      2446003.39 1984 Oct 29 2127:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W360      2446004.58 1984 Oct 31 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R545          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W361      2446005.07 1984 Oct 31 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W362      2446005.08 1984 Oct 31 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W363      2446005.11 1984 Oct 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W364      2446005.19 1984 Oct 31 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W365      2446005.29 1984 Oct 31 1857:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W366      2446005.46 1984 Oct 31 2309:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W367      2446010.35 1984 Nov  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W368      2446011.16 1984 Nov  6 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M69       2446011.50 1984 Nov  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W369      2446011.58 1984 Nov  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R546          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W370      2446012.38 1984 Nov  7 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W371      2446013.03 1984 Nov  8 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W372      2446013.03 1984 Nov  8 1240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W373      2446013.06 1984 Nov  8 1327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W374      2446013.08 1984 Nov  8 1355:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W375      2446014.33 1984 Nov  9 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W376      2446015.00 1984 Nov 10 1154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W377      2446015.01 1984 Nov 10 1219:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W378      2446015.01 1984 Nov 10 1221:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W379      2446015.04 1984 Nov 10 1254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W380      2446017.00 1984 Nov 12 1154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W381      2446017.02 1984 Nov 12 1225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W382      2446018.14 1984 Nov 13 1517:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M86       2446018.18 1984 Nov 13 1615     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 336              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1984-W383      2446018.20 1984 Nov 13 1648:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W384      2446018.32 1984 Nov 13 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W385      2446018.41 1984 Nov 13 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M70       2446018.50 1984 Nov 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W386      2446018.58 1984 Nov 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R547          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W387      2446019.00 1984 Nov 14 1154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W388      2446019.00 1984 Nov 14 1157:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W389      2446019.01 1984 Nov 14 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W390      2446019.04 1984 Nov 14 1251:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W391      2446019.04 1984 Nov 14 1254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W392      2446019.36 1984 Nov 14 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W393      2446020.77 1984 Nov 16 0633:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W394      2446020.99 1984 Nov 16 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W395      2446021.00 1984 Nov 16 1157:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W396      2446021.01 1984 Nov 16 1215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W397      2446021.01 1984 Nov 16 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W398      2446021.02 1984 Nov 16 1222:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W399      2446021.02 1984 Nov 16 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W400      2446021.03 1984 Nov 16 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W401      2446021.06 1984 Nov 16 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W402      2446024.13 1984 Nov 19 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W403      2446025.04 1984 Nov 20 1256:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W404      2446025.29 1984 Nov 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W405      2446025.33 1984 Nov 20 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M71       2446025.50 1984 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W406      2446025.59 1984 Nov 21 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R548          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W407      2446026.07 1984 Nov 21 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W408      2446026.20 1984 Nov 21 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W409      2446026.46 1984 Nov 21 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W410      2446031.33 1984 Nov 26 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M72       2446032.50 1984 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W411      2446033.11 1984 Nov 28 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W412      2446033.39 1984 Nov 28 2121:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W413      2446033.45 1984 Nov 28 2247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W414      2446034.15 1984 Nov 29 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W415      2446034.19 1984 Nov 29 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W416      2446035.25 1984 Nov 30 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W417      2446039.31 1984 Dec  4 1927:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W418      2446039.38 1984 Dec  4 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W419      2446039.43 1984 Dec  4 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M73       2446039.50 1984 Dec  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W420      2446039.59 1984 Dec  5 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R549          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W421      2446040.04 1984 Dec  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W422      2446040.12 1984 Dec  5 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W423      2446040.42 1984 Dec  5 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W424      2446045.13 1984 Dec 10 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W425      2446045.20 1984 Dec 10 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W426      2446045.35 1984 Dec 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W427      2446046.10 1984 Dec 11 1417:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M74       2446046.50 1984 Dec 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W428      2446046.60 1984 Dec 12 0220:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R550          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W429      2446047.14 1984 Dec 12 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W430      2446047.19 1984 Dec 12 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W431      2446047.49 1984 Dec 12 2348:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W432      2446049.40 1984 Dec 14 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W433      2446049.40 1984 Dec 14 2143:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W434      2446050.49 1984 Dec 15 2345:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W435      2446052.29 1984 Dec 17 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W436      2446053.03 1984 Dec 18 1249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W437      2446053.36 1984 Dec 18 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M75       2446053.50 1984 Dec 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W438      2446053.58 1984 Dec 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R551          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W439      2446054.05 1984 Dec 19 1306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W440      2446054.10 1984 Dec 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W441      2446054.40 1984 Dec 19 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W442      2446054.45 1984 Dec 19 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W443      2446059.04 1984 Dec 24 1256:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W444      2446059.04 1984 Dec 24 1257:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-W445      2446059.35 1984 Dec 24 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1984-M76       2446060.50 1984 Dec 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1984-W446      2446066.35 1984 Dec 31 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M02       2446067.50 1985 Jan  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W01       2446068.06 1985 Jan  2 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W02       2446068.07 1985 Jan  2 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W03       2446068.23 1985 Jan  2 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W04       2446069.15 1985 Jan  3 1531:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W05       2446074.06 1985 Jan  8 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M03       2446074.50 1985 Jan  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W06       2446074.59 1985 Jan  9 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R552          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W07       2446075.19 1985 Jan  9 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W08       2446076.10 1985 Jan 10 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W09       2446076.16 1985 Jan 10 1556:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W10       2446076.35 1985 Jan 10 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W11       2446081.03 1985 Jan 15 1243:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M51       2446081.12 1985 Jan 15 1500?    Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron                    JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W12       2446081.15 1985 Jan 15 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M52       2446081.20 1985 Jan 15 1649     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 337              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-M04       2446081.50 1985 Jan 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W13       2446081.58 1985 Jan 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R553          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W14       2446082.25 1985 Jan 16 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W15       2446082.35 1985 Jan 16 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W16       2446082.49 1985 Jan 16 2349:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W17       2446083.07 1985 Jan 17 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W18       2446084.20 1985 Jan 18 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W19       2446084.39 1985 Jan 18 2124:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W20       2446087.03 1985 Jan 21 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W21       2446087.35 1985 Jan 21 2021:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W22       2446087.35 1985 Jan 21 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W23       2446088.58 1985 Jan 23 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R554          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M05       2446089.04 1985 Jan 23 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-M06       2446089.08 1985 Jan 23 1400     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W24       2446089.19 1985 Jan 23 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W25       2446090.08 1985 Jan 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W26       2446090.10 1985 Jan 24 1426:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W27       2446092.08 1985 Jan 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W28       2446092.08 1985 Jan 26 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W29       2446092.09 1985 Jan 26 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W30       2446093.19 1985 Jan 27 1631:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W31       2446093.35 1985 Jan 27 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W32       2446093.39 1985 Jan 27 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W34       2446093.40 1985 Jan 27 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W33       2446093.40 1985 Jan 27 2130:00  Super Loki               -      DATASONDE            PWN-11A                  -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W35       2446093.41 1985 Jan 27 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W36       2446093.43 1985 Jan 27 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W37       2446093.44 1985 Jan 27 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W38       2446095.33 1985 Jan 29 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W39       2446096.04 1985 Jan 30 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W354      2446096.08 1985 Jan 30 1400     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-1            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 NIPR         SU   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W40       2446096.31 1985 Jan 30 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M34       2446096.50 1985 Jan 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W41       2446102.10 1985 Feb  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M07       2446102.50 1985 Feb  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W42       2446102.52 1985 Feb  6 0025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W43       2446102.58 1985 Feb  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R555          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W44       2446103.14 1985 Feb  6 1518:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M53       2446103.17 1985 Feb  6 1612     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 338              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W45       2446104.03 1985 Feb  7 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W46       2446104.07 1985 Feb  7 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W47       2446104.78 1985 Feb  8 0640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W48       2446104.82 1985 Feb  8 0744:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W49       2446104.87 1985 Feb  8 0849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W50       2446105.36 1985 Feb  8 2033:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W51       2446105.39 1985 Feb  8 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W52       2446105.41 1985 Feb  8 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W53       2446108.52 1985 Feb 12 0032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M08       2446109.50 1985 Feb 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W54       2446109.58 1985 Feb 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R556          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W55       2446110.04 1985 Feb 13 1254:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W56       2446110.08 1985 Feb 13 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W57       2446110.36 1985 Feb 13 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W58       2446111.34 1985 Feb 14 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W59       2446111.37 1985 Feb 14 2054:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W60       2446112.35 1985 Feb 15 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W61       2446115.03 1985 Feb 18 1242:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W62       2446115.35 1985 Feb 18 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W63       2446116.05 1985 Feb 19 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W64       2446116.38 1985 Feb 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M09       2446116.50 1985 Feb 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W65       2446117.42 1985 Feb 20 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W66       2446117.58 1985 Feb 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R557          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W67       2446119.12 1985 Feb 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W68       2446122.36 1985 Feb 25 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M10       2446123.50 1985 Feb 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W69       2446123.58 1985 Feb 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R558          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W70       2446124.07 1985 Feb 27 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W71       2446124.15 1985 Feb 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W72       2446124.19 1985 Feb 27 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W73       2446125.38 1985 Feb 28 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W349      2446130.59 1985 Mar  6 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R559          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-M11       2446131.50 1985 Mar  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W74       2446132.38 1985 Mar  7 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W75       2446133.35 1985 Mar  8 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W76       2446136.21 1985 Mar 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W77       2446136.27 1985 Mar 11 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W78       2446137.35 1985 Mar 12 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M12       2446137.50 1985 Mar 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W79       2446138.15 1985 Mar 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W80       2446138.58 1985 Mar 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R560          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M01       2446140.23 1985 Mar 15 1737:59  Nike Orion               -      NASA 31.50UU         CWAS 9                   -                        -                        -         FC       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PITT/Zipf                Aeronomy                 WISR                 -                    -
1985-W81       2446140.36 1985 Mar 15 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W82       2446144.33 1985 Mar 19 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M13       2446144.50 1985 Mar 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W83       2446145.15 1985 Mar 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W84       2446145.19 1985 Mar 20 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W85       2446146.36 1985 Mar 21 2044:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M60       2446150.23 1985 Mar 25 1735     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 339              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-W355      2446151.10 1985 Mar 26 1430     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-2            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W86       2446151.19 1985 Mar 26 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W87       2446151.36 1985 Mar 26 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W88       2446151.38 1985 Mar 26 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M14       2446151.50 1985 Mar 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W89       2446151.58 1985 Mar 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R561          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M61       2446152.23 1985 Mar 27 1735     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 340              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-W90       2446153.15 1985 Mar 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W91       2446153.53 1985 Mar 29 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W92       2446154.27 1985 Mar 29 1829:00  Super Loki               -      DATASONDE            PWN-11D                  -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W93       2446157.22 1985 Apr 01 1717:00  Super Loki               -      DATASONDE            PWN-11D                  -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W94       2446157.31 1985 Apr 01 1928:00  Super Loki               -      DATASONDE            PWN-11D                  -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W95       2446159.15 1985 Apr  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W96       2446159.19 1985 Apr  3 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M15       2446159.50 1985 Apr  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-M87       2446160.14 1985 Apr  4 1523     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 341              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-M63       2446160.94 1985 Apr  5 1036     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 342              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-M64       2446161.94 1985 Apr  6 1031     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 343              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-W97       2446164.36 1985 Apr  8 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W98       2446165.23 1985 Apr  9 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W350      2446165.58 1985 Apr 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R562          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-M16       2446166.06 1985 Apr 10 1330     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W99       2446166.06 1985 Apr 10 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M17       2446166.09 1985 Apr 10 1415     RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W100      2446166.15 1985 Apr 10 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W101      2446168.12 1985 Apr 12 1454:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W102      2446168.14 1985 Apr 12 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W103      2446168.17 1985 Apr 12 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M65       2446169.25 1985 Apr 13 1755     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 344              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-W104      2446170.08 1985 Apr 14 1358:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W105      2446170.09 1985 Apr 14 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W106      2446170.09 1985 Apr 14 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M66       2446171.14 1985 Apr 15 1519     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 345              -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/INPE/Barnes,Kirch.   Aeron Ozone              JGR92,D5,5573        WIPR85-17            -
1985-W107      2446172.00 1985 Apr 16 1207:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W108      2446172.01 1985 Apr 16 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W109      2446172.09 1985 Apr 16 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M18       2446172.50 1985 Apr 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W110      2446172.58 1985 Apr 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R563          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W111      2446173.38 1985 Apr 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W112      2446174.01 1985 Apr 18 1212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W113      2446174.01 1985 Apr 18 1219:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W114      2446174.03 1985 Apr 18 1246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W115      2446174.78 1985 Apr 19 0645:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W116      2446175.08 1985 Apr 19 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W117      2446175.08 1985 Apr 19 1353:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W118      2446175.08 1985 Apr 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W119      2446175.08 1985 Apr 19 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W120      2446175.09 1985 Apr 19 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W121      2446175.09 1985 Apr 19 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W122      2446175.12 1985 Apr 19 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W123      2446175.17 1985 Apr 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W124      2446178.35 1985 Apr 22 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M35       2446179.50 1985 Apr 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W125      2446179.58 1985 Apr 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R564          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W126      2446180.19 1985 Apr 24 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W127      2446181.28 1985 Apr 25 1845:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M54       2446181.32 1985 Apr 25 1945     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 346              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W128      2446183.16 1985 Apr 27 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W129      2446185.20 1985 Apr 29 1652:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W130      2446185.23 1985 Apr 29 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W131      2446185.24 1985 Apr 29 1738:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W132      2446185.31 1985 Apr 29 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W133      2446185.34 1985 Apr 29 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M19       2446186.50 1985 May  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W134      2446187.17 1985 May  1 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W135      2446187.17 1985 May  1 1607:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W136      2446189.16 1985 May  3 1556:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W137      2446189.17 1985 May  3 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W138      2446189.17 1985 May  3 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W139      2446189.19 1985 May  3 1629:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W140      2446189.31 1985 May  3 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W141      2446191.17 1985 May  5 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W142      2446191.17 1985 May  5 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W143      2446191.17 1985 May  5 1606:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W144      2446191.95 1985 May  6 1042:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W145      2446192.12 1985 May  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W146      2446192.17 1985 May  6 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W147      2446192.19 1985 May  6 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W148      2446192.22 1985 May  6 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W149      2446192.22 1985 May  6 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W150      2446192.24 1985 May  6 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M20       2446193.50 1985 May  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W151      2446193.58 1985 May  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R565          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W152      2446195.21 1985 May  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M21       2446200.50 1985 May 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W153      2446200.58 1985 May 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R566          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W154      2446201.07 1985 May 15 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W155      2446201.16 1985 May 15 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W156      2446201.31 1985 May 15 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W157      2446202.21 1985 May 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W158      2446202.36 1985 May 16 2032:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W159      2446204.64 1985 May 19 0324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W160      2446205.90 1985 May 20 0930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W161      2446206.03 1985 May 20 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M55       2446206.22 1985 May 20 1715     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 347              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W162      2446206.27 1985 May 20 1822:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M22       2446207.50 1985 May 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W163      2446207.58 1985 May 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R567          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W164      2446208.22 1985 May 22 1719:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W165      2446208.31 1985 May 22 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W166      2446210.52 1985 May 25 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W167      2446214.16 1985 May 28 1544:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M23       2446214.50 1985 May 29          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W168      2446215.11 1985 May 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W169      2446215.21 1985 May 29 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W170      2446215.58 1985 May 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R568          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W171      2446216.14 1985 May 30 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W172      2446221.10 1985 Jun  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M24       2446221.50 1985 Jun  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W173      2446222.30 1985 Jun  5 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W174      2446222.31 1985 Jun  5 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W175      2446226.93 1985 Jun 10 1025:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W176      2446226.94 1985 Jun 10 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W177      2446228.21 1985 Jun 11 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W178      2446228.59 1985 Jun 12 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R569          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W179      2446229.33 1985 Jun 12 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M25       2446229.50 1985 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W180      2446234.02 1985 Jun 17 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W181      2446234.03 1985 Jun 17 1242:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W182      2446234.03 1985 Jun 17 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W183      2446234.06 1985 Jun 17 1332:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W184      2446234.10 1985 Jun 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W185      2446234.77 1985 Jun 18 0630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M26       2446235.50 1985 Jun 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W186      2446235.62 1985 Jun 19 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W187      2446236.21 1985 Jun 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W188      2446236.27 1985 Jun 19 1826:59  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M56       2446236.31 1985 Jun 19 1925     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 348              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W189      2446236.31 1985 Jun 19 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W190      2446236.58 1985 Jun 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R570          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W191      2446241.05 1985 Jun 24 1307:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W192      2446241.05 1985 Jun 24 1308:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W193      2446241.07 1985 Jun 24 1335:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W194      2446241.09 1985 Jun 24 1406:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W195      2446241.09 1985 Jun 24 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W196      2446241.11 1985 Jun 24 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W197      2446241.17 1985 Jun 24 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M27       2446242.50 1985 Jun 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W356      2446245.07 1985 Jun 28 1335     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-3            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W357      2446245.18 1985 Jun 28 1616     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-5            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W358      2446245.26 1985 Jun 28 1810     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-6            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W359      2446245.33 1985 Jun 28 2002     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-7            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W360      2446245.42 1985 Jun 28 2158     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-4            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-M28       2446249.50 1985 Jul  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W198      2446249.58 1985 Jul  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R571          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W199      2446250.15 1985 Jul  3 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W200      2446251.22 1985 Jul 04 1710:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W201      2446251.29 1985 Jul 04 1900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W202      2446255.19 1985 Jul  8 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M29       2446256.50 1985 Jul 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W203      2446256.62 1985 Jul 10 0258:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W204      2446257.27 1985 Jul 10 1827:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W205      2446257.34 1985 Jul 10 2003:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W206      2446257.34 1985 Jul 10 2007:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W207      2446258.10 1985 Jul 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W208      2446263.31 1985 Jul 16 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M30       2446263.50 1985 Jul 17          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W209      2446263.58 1985 Jul 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R572          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M31       2446270.50 1985 Jul 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W210      2446271.31 1985 Jul 24 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W211      2446273.10 1985 Jul 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W212      2446276.39 1985 Jul 29 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W213      2446276.39 1985 Jul 29 2123:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W214      2446276.41 1985 Jul 29 2152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W215      2446276.50 1985 Jul 30 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M57       2446277.04 1985 Jul 30 1300     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 349              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W216      2446277.09 1985 Jul 30 1410:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W217      2446277.21 1985 Jul 30 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W218      2446277.34 1985 Jul 30 2005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M32       2446277.50 1985 Jul 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W219      2446277.58 1985 Jul 31 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R573          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W220      2446285.12 1985 Aug 07 1500:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W351      2446291.59 1985 Aug 14 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R574          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W221      2446291.85 1985 Aug 14 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M58       2446292.30 1985 Aug 14 1915     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 350              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W222      2446293.81 1985 Aug 16 0720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M33       2446298.50 1985 Aug 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W352      2446298.58 1985 Aug 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R575          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W223      2446298.82 1985 Aug 21 0745:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W224      2446300.80 1985 Aug 23 0713:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W353      2446305.58 1985 Aug 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R576          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W225      2446305.79 1985 Aug 28 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W226      2446307.79 1985 Aug 30 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W227      2446308.12 1985 Aug 30 1500:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W228      2446312.06 1985 Sep  3 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W229      2446312.07 1985 Sep  3 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W230      2446312.08 1985 Sep  3 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W231      2446312.10 1985 Sep  3 1418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W232      2446312.34 1985 Sep 03 2005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M37       2446312.50 1985 Sep  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W233      2446313.08 1985 Sep  4 1354:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W234      2446313.09 1985 Sep 04 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W235      2446313.31 1985 Sep  4 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W236      2446314.04 1985 Sep 05 1300:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W238      2446318.57 1985 Sep 10 0139:00  Super Loki               -      -                    PWN-11D Datasonde        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M38       2446319.50 1985 Sep 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W239      2446319.58 1985 Sep 11 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R577          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W365      2446319.60 1985 Sep 11 0225     MT-135                   -      MT-135-44            SONDE                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W240      2446320.29 1985 Sep 11 1855:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W241      2446321.00 1985 Sep 12 1155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W242      2446322.00 1985 Sep 13 1206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W243      2446322.21 1985 Sep 13 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W244      2446322.33 1985 Sep 13 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W245      2446322.44 1985 Sep 13 2238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W246      2446324.79 1985 Sep 16 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M59       2446327.31 1985 Sep 18 1930     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 351              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   GSFC/Parsons,Barnes      Aeron Ozone              JGR94,D2,2239        -                    -
1985-W247      2446327.35 1985 Sep 18 2030:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M39       2446327.50 1985 Sep 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W248      2446327.58 1985 Sep 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R578          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W249      2446328.56 1985 Sep 20 0130:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W250      2446329.55 1985 Sep 21 0119:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI DATASONDE       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W251      2446329.60 1985 Sep 21 0219     Loki Dart                -      -                    PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W252      2446329.64 1985 Sep 21 0319     Loki Dart                -      -                    PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W253      2446332.34 1985 Sep 23 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M40       2446333.50 1985 Sep 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W361      2446334.08 1985 Sep 25 1400     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-9            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W362      2446334.17 1985 Sep 25 1600     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-8            -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W254      2446334.21 1985 Sep 25 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W363      2446334.25 1985 Sep 25 1800     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-11           -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W364      2446334.33 1985 Sep 25 2000     MT-135JA                 -      MT135JA-10           -                        -                        -                        -         SYW      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 NIPR         SS   NIPR/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1985-W255      2446334.35 1985 Sep 25 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W256      2446340.21 1985 Oct  1 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W257      2446340.58 1985 Oct  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R579          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W258      2446340.81 1985 Oct 02 0730:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W259      2446340.92 1985 Oct 02 1000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M41       2446341.50 1985 Oct  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W260      2446342.22 1985 Oct  3 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M42       2446347.50 1985 Oct  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W261      2446347.69 1985 Oct  9 0435:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W262      2446348.21 1985 Oct  9 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W263      2446348.26 1985 Oct 09 1813:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W264      2446350.38 1985 Oct 11 2108:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W265      2446354.58 1985 Oct 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R580          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W266      2446355.07 1985 Oct 16 1335:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W267      2446355.21 1985 Oct 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W268      2446355.32 1985 Oct 16 1947:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W269      2446362.09 1985 Oct 23 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M43       2446362.50 1985 Oct 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W270      2446363.03 1985 Oct 24 1239:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W271      2446364.38 1985 Oct 25 2111:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W272      2446366.82 1985 Oct 28 0741:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W273      2446367.15 1985 Oct 28 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W274      2446367.28 1985 Oct 28 1845:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W275      2446368.15 1985 Oct 29 1530:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W276      2446368.81 1985 Oct 30 0721:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W277      2446369.04 1985 Oct 30 1301:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W278      2446369.20 1985 Oct 30 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W279      2446369.21 1985 Oct 30 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W280      2446369.22 1985 Oct 30 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W281      2446369.32 1985 Oct 30 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W282      2446369.58 1985 Oct 31 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R581          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W283      2446369.67 1985 Oct 31 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W284      2446370.81 1985 Nov 01 0729:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W285      2446375.11 1985 Nov 05 1433:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M44       2446375.50 1985 Nov  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W286      2446375.79 1985 Nov 06 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W287      2446375.80 1985 Nov 06 0709:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W288      2446376.24 1985 Nov  6 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W289      2446376.24 1985 Nov  6 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W290      2446376.24 1985 Nov  6 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W291      2446376.25 1985 Nov  6 1754:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W292      2446376.26 1985 Nov  6 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W293      2446376.28 1985 Nov  6 1840:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W294      2446376.28 1985 Nov 06 1850:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M45       2446382.50 1985 Nov 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W295      2446382.58 1985 Nov 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R583          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W296      2446382.81 1985 Nov 13 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W297      2446386.01 1985 Nov 16 1217:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W298      2446389.58 1985 Nov 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R584          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W299      2446389.83 1985 Nov 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W300      2446390.29 1985 Nov 20 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M46       2446390.50 1985 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W301      2446391.81 1985 Nov 22 0730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W302      2446395.12 1985 Nov 25 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W303      2446396.52 1985 Nov 27 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W304      2446396.57 1985 Nov 27 0137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W305      2446396.59 1985 Nov 27 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W306      2446397.09 1985 Nov 27 1408:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W307      2446397.35 1985 Nov 27 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M36       2446397.50 1985 Nov 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W308      2446398.03 1985 Nov 28 1240:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W309      2446398.81 1985 Nov 29 0730:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W310      2446400.98 1985 Dec 01 1129:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W311      2446403.15 1985 Dec 03 1530:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W312      2446403.40 1985 Dec  3 2132:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W313      2446403.40 1985 Dec  3 2133:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W314      2446403.40 1985 Dec  3 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W315      2446403.40 1985 Dec  3 2133:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W316      2446403.40 1985 Dec  3 2134:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W317      2446403.41 1985 Dec  3 2155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W318      2446403.44 1985 Dec  3 2233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W319      2446403.48 1985 Dec  3 2334:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M47       2446403.50 1985 Dec  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W320      2446404.29 1985 Dec  4 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W321      2446404.58 1985 Dec  5 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R585          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W322      2446405.29 1985 Dec 05 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W323      2446406.15 1985 Dec  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W324      2446407.64 1985 Dec  8 0315     Loki Dart                -      -                    PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W325      2446409.15 1985 Dec  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W326      2446409.50 1985 Dec 10 0000:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W327      2446409.53 1985 Dec 10 0050:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-M48       2446410.50 1985 Dec 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W328      2446410.50 1985 Dec 11 0000:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W329      2446410.54 1985 Dec 11 0100:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W330      2446410.59 1985 Dec 11 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R586          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W331      2446411.38 1985 Dec 11 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W332      2446411.48 1985 Dec 11 2330:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W333      2446413.15 1985 Dec 13 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W334      2446416.09 1985 Dec 16 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W335      2446416.15 1985 Dec 16 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W336      2446416.25 1985 Dec 16 1800:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI                 PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W337      2446416.46 1985 Dec 16 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W338      2446416.50 1985 Dec 17 0000:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W339      2446416.56 1985 Dec 17 0130:00  Super Loki               -      PWN-11D              -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W340      2446417.49 1985 Dec 17 2352:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M49       2446417.50 1985 Dec 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W341      2446417.59 1985 Dec 18 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R587          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W342      2446417.61 1985 Dec 18 0236:00  Loki Dart                -      PWN-8B               PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W343      2446418.35 1985 Dec 18 2025:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W344      2446423.29 1985 Dec 23 1900:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI    PWN-8B       PWN-8B                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W345      2446423.30 1985 Dec 23 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-W346      2446424.40 1985 Dec 24 2140:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1985-W347      2446424.58 1985 Dec 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R588          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1985-M50       2446425.50 1985 Dec 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1985-W348      2446430.12 1985 Dec 30 1500:00  Loki Dart                -      LOKI    PWN-8B       Final US MET Loki        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 WFF          SU   WFF/                     Test/Aeron               WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M100      2446430.50 1986                 Hyunmoo-1                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ANHU     -                -        -                     50?   180? -               0.000 ADD          MS   -                        Test                     An2015               -                    -
1986-M46       2446431.50 1986 Jan  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W01       2446434.19 1986 Jan  3 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W02       2446435.20 1986 Jan 04 1655:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS85C   ULP1             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W03       2446436.38 1986 Jan 05 2105:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W04       2446437.15 1986 Jan  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M47       2446438.50 1986 Jan  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W05       2446438.58 1986 Jan  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R589          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W06       2446440.12 1986 Jan  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W07       2446440.13 1986 Jan  9 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W08       2446443.02 1986 Jan 12 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W09       2446443.03 1986 Jan 12 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W10       2446443.06 1986 Jan 12 1324:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W11       2446445.47 1986 Jan 14 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M48       2446445.50 1986 Jan 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-M01       2446445.50 1986 Jan 15          RH-200                   -      RH-200-256           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W12       2446446.02 1986 Jan 15 1235:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M02       2446446.50 1986 Jan 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200-257           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W13       2446446.58 1986 Jan 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R590          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M03       2446447.50 1986 Jan 17          RH-200                   -      RH-200-258           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M04       2446448.50 1986 Jan 18          RH-200                   -      RH-200-259           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W14       2446449.08 1986 Jan 18 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W15       2446449.08 1986 Jan 18 1357:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W16       2446449.08 1986 Jan 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M05       2446449.50 1986 Jan 19          RH-200                   -      RH-200-260           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M06       2446450.50 1986 Jan 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200-261           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M07       2446451.50 1986 Jan 21          RH-200                   -      RH-200-262           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M08       2446452.50 1986 Jan 22          RH-200                   -      RH-200-263           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M49       2446452.50 1986 Jan 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W17       2446452.58 1986 Jan 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R591          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W18       2446453.07 1986 Jan 22 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M09       2446453.50 1986 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      RH-200-264           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M101      2446453.50 1986 Jan 23          RH-200                   -      RH-200-265           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M102      2446454.50 1986 Jan 24          RH-200                   -      RH-200-266           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M10       2446454.50 1986 Jan 24          RH-200                   -      RH-200-267           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W19       2446455.17 1986 Jan 24 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M11       2446455.50 1986 Jan 25          RH-200                   -      RH-200-268           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M103      2446455.50 1986 Jan 25          RH-200                   -      RH-200-269           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M104      2446456.50 1986 Jan 26          RH-200                   -      RH-200-271           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M12       2446456.50 1986 Jan 26          RH-200                   -      RH-200-272           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M13       2446457.50 1986 Jan 27          RH-200                   -      RH-200-273           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W20       2446458.30 1986 Jan 27 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M14       2446458.50 1986 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      RH-200-274           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M105      2446458.50 1986 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      RH-200-276           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-W21       2446459.19 1986 Jan 28 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M15       2446459.50 1986 Jan 29          RH-200                   -      RH-200-277           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W22       2446460.30 1986 Jan 29 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M16       2446460.50 1986 Jan 30          RH-200                   -      RH-200-278           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M50       2446460.50 1986 Jan 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W23       2446461.38 1986 Jan 30 2105:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M17       2446461.50 1986 Jan 31          RH-200                   -      RH-200-279           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M18       2446462.50 1986 Feb  1          RH-200                   -      RH-200-280           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M19       2446463.50 1986 Feb  2          RH-200                   -      RH-200-281           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M20       2446464.50 1986 Feb  3          RH-200                   -      RH-200-275           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M21       2446465.50 1986 Feb  4          RH-200                   -      RH-200-282           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W24       2446466.46 1986 Feb  4 2304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M22       2446466.50 1986 Feb  5          RH-200                   -      RH-200-283           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M51       2446466.50 1986 Feb  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W25       2446466.58 1986 Feb  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R592          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M23       2446467.50 1986 Feb  6          RH-200                   -      RH-200-284           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M24       2446468.50 1986 Feb  7          RH-200                   -      RH-200-285           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W26       2446469.08 1986 Feb 07 1350:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W27       2446469.23 1986 Feb 07 1730:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W28       2446469.30 1986 Feb  7 1910:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W29       2446469.31 1986 Feb  7 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M25       2446469.50 1986 Feb  8          RH-200                   -      RH-200-286           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M26       2446470.50 1986 Feb  9          RH-200                   -      RH-200-287           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M106      2446470.50 1986 Feb  9          RH-200                   -      RH-200-288           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M27       2446471.50 1986 Feb 10          RH-200                   -      RH-200-289           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M28       2446472.50 1986 Feb 11          RH-200                   -      RH-200-290           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M29       2446473.50 1986 Feb 12          RH-200                   -      RH-200-291           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M107      2446473.50 1986 Feb 12          RH-200                   -      RH-200-292           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M52       2446473.50 1986 Feb 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W30       2446473.58 1986 Feb 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R593          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W31       2446473.81 1986 Feb 12 0723:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W32       2446474.38 1986 Feb 12 2110:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W33       2446474.47 1986 Feb 12 2310:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M30       2446474.50 1986 Feb 13          RH-200                   -      RH-200-293           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M31       2446475.50 1986 Feb 14          RH-200                   -      RH-200-295           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W34       2446475.86 1986 Feb 14 0842:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M32       2446476.50 1986 Feb 15          RH-200                   -      RH-200-296           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M33       2446477.50 1986 Feb 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200-297           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M34       2446478.50 1986 Feb 17          RH-200                   -      RH-200-298           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W35       2446478.79 1986 Feb 17 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M35       2446479.50 1986 Feb 18          RH-200                   -      RH-200-299           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W36       2446480.38 1986 Feb 18 2105:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W37       2446480.42 1986 Feb 18 2205:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M53       2446480.50 1986 Feb 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-M36       2446480.50 1986 Feb 19          RH-200                   -      RH-200-300           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W38       2446480.79 1986 Feb 19 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M37       2446481.50 1986 Feb 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200-301           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W230      2446481.58 1986 Feb 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R594          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1986-W39       2446482.07 1986 Feb 20 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W40       2446482.14 1986 Feb 20 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M38       2446482.50 1986 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      RH-200-303           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W41       2446482.60 1986 Feb 21 0220:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W42       2446482.79 1986 Feb 21 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W43       2446483.18 1986 Feb 21 1614:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M39       2446483.50 1986 Feb 22          RH-200                   -      RH-200-304           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M40       2446484.50 1986 Feb 23          RH-200                   -      RH-200-270           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M41       2446485.50 1986 Feb 24          RH-200                   -      RH-200-294           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M108      2446485.50 1986 Feb 24          RH-200                   -      RH-200-302           -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M42       2446486.50 1986 Feb 25          RH-200                   -      RH-200-307           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M43       2446487.50 1986 Feb 26          RH-200                   -      RH-200-305           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W44       2446487.79 1986 Feb 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W45       2446488.30 1986 Feb 26 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M44       2446488.50 1986 Feb 27          RH-200                   -      RH-200-306           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-M87       2446488.50 1986 Feb 27          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-M45       2446489.50 1986 Feb 28          RH-200                   -      RH-200-308           Eq. Wave Campaign II     Meteo Chaff              -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1986-W46       2446489.80 1986 Feb 28 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W47       2446492.79 1986 Mar 03 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W48       2446493.08 1986 Mar 03 1400:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M88       2446494.50 1986 Mar  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W49       2446494.58 1986 Mar  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R595          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W50       2446494.79 1986 Mar 05 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W51       2446494.98 1986 Mar 05 1137:00  M-100B                   -      STRATWARM            ISRO 8.862               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   IITM/VSSC/Mukherjee      Aeron                    IJRSP19,29           -                    -
1986-W52       2446495.35 1986 Mar  5 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         SHEM     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W53       2446496.80 1986 Mar 07 0718:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W54       2446497.44 1986 Mar  7 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W55       2446500.56 1986 Mar 11 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M89       2446501.50 1986 Mar 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W56       2446501.58 1986 Mar 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R596          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W57       2446503.47 1986 Mar 13 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W58       2446503.82 1986 Mar 14 0739:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W59       2446506.81 1986 Mar 17 0733:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W60       2446507.83 1986 Mar 18 0758:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W61       2446507.88 1986 Mar 18 0911:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W62       2446507.92 1986 Mar 18 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M90       2446508.50 1986 Mar 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W63       2446508.79 1986 Mar 19 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W64       2446509.09 1986 Mar 19 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W65       2446510.80 1986 Mar 21 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M91       2446515.50 1986 Mar 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W66       2446515.58 1986 Mar 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R597          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W67       2446515.79 1986 Mar 26 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W68       2446516.10 1986 Mar 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W69       2446516.10 1986 Mar 26 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W70       2446516.15 1986 Mar 26 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W71       2446517.80 1986 Mar 28 0713:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W72       2446522.34 1986 Apr 01 2005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M92       2446522.50 1986 Apr  2          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W73       2446522.80 1986 Apr 02 0712:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M93       2446529.50 1986 Apr  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W74       2446529.79 1986 Apr 09 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W231      2446530.58 1986 Apr 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R598          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1986-W75       2446531.81 1986 Apr 11 0726:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M94       2446536.50 1986 Apr 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W76       2446537.59 1986 Apr 17 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R599          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W77       2446542.10 1986 Apr 21 1423:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W78       2446542.19 1986 Apr 21 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M95       2446543.50 1986 Apr 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W79       2446544.12 1986 Apr 23 1446:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W80       2446544.58 1986 Apr 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R600          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W81       2446545.16 1986 Apr 24 1555:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W82       2446545.52 1986 Apr 25 0023:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W83       2446547.88 1986 Apr 27 0900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS86A   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W84       2446548.90 1986 Apr 28 0937:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W85       2446548.97 1986 Apr 28 1119:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W86       2446548.98 1986 Apr 28 1135:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M96       2446550.50 1986 Apr 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W87       2446550.63 1986 Apr 30 0306:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W88       2446551.10 1986 Apr 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W89       2446553.29 1986 May  2 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M54       2446557.50 1986 May  7          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W90       2446557.98 1986 May 07 1136:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W91       2446558.12 1986 May 07 1456:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W92       2446558.17 1986 May 07 1607:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W93       2446558.58 1986 May  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R601          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W94       2446560.30 1986 May  9 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W95       2446564.09 1986 May 13 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W96       2446564.29 1986 May 13 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M55       2446564.50 1986 May 14          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W97       2446564.58 1986 May 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R602          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M97       2446571.50 1986 May 21          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W98       2446571.58 1986 May 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R603          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W99       2446572.10 1986 May 21 1431:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W100      2446572.17 1986 May 21 1600:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W101      2446572.29 1986 May 21 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W102      2446573.38 1986 May 22 2102:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M98       2446578.50 1986 May 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W103      2446578.58 1986 May 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R604          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W104      2446579.25 1986 May 28 1802:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W105      2446580.29 1986 May 29 1902:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M56       2446585.50 1986 Jun  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-M57       2446592.50 1986 Jun 11          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W106      2446592.58 1986 Jun 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R605          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W107      2446598.38 1986 Jun 16 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W108      2446599.38 1986 Jun 17 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W109      2446599.41 1986 Jun 17 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W110      2446600.31 1986 Jun 18 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M58       2446600.50 1986 Jun 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W111      2446602.38 1986 Jun 20 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W112      2446605.08 1986 Jun 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W113      2446606.24 1986 Jun 24 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M59       2446606.50 1986 Jun 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W114      2446606.58 1986 Jun 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R606          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W115      2446608.25 1986 Jun 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W116      2446609.21 1986 Jun 27 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W117      2446609.23 1986 Jun 27 1730:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W118      2446613.58 1986 Jul  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R607          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W119      2446614.15 1986 Jul 02 1529:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W120      2446614.21 1986 Jul 02 1700:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M60       2446614.50 1986 Jul  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-M61       2446620.50 1986 Jul  9          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W121      2446622.43 1986 Jul 10 2215:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W122      2446623.43 1986 Jul 11 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W123      2446623.45 1986 Jul 11 2241:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M62       2446627.50 1986 Jul 16          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W124      2446627.58 1986 Jul 16 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R608          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W125      2446629.46 1986 Jul 17 2302:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W126      2446634.41 1986 Jul 22 2151:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M63       2446634.50 1986 Jul 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W127      2446635.58 1986 Jul 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R609          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W128      2446636.30 1986 Jul 24 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W129      2446637.67 1986 Jul 26 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W130      2446637.70 1986 Jul 26 0442:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W131      2446640.43 1986 Jul 28 2212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W132      2446640.45 1986 Jul 28 2242:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M64       2446641.50 1986 Jul 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W133      2446644.65 1986 Aug  2 0330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W134      2446644.67 1986 Aug  2 0359:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W135      2446648.44 1986 Aug  5 2227:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M65       2446648.50 1986 Aug  6          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W136      2446648.58 1986 Aug  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R610          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M66       2446655.50 1986 Aug 13          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W137      2446656.09 1986 Aug 13 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W138      2446656.23 1986 Aug 13 1734:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W139      2446658.30 1986 Aug 15 1909:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M67       2446662.50 1986 Aug 20          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W140      2446662.58 1986 Aug 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R611          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W228      2446662.60 1986 Aug 20 0220     MT-135                   -      MT-135-45            SONDE                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1986-W229      2446662.67 1986 Aug 20 0400     MT-135                   -      MT-135-46            SONDE                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SU   ISAS/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1986-W141      2446664.25 1986 Aug 21 1801:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W142      2446664.95 1986 Aug 22 1044:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W143      2446665.06 1986 Aug 22 1327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W144      2446665.17 1986 Aug 22 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W145      2446666.27 1986 Aug 23 1825:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W146      2446666.34 1986 Aug 23 2011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W147      2446668.42 1986 Aug 25 2206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W148      2446669.58 1986 Aug 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R612          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M99       2446670.50 1986 Aug 28          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W149      2446671.09 1986 Aug 28 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W150      2446674.30 1986 Aug 31 1914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W151      2446674.39 1986 Aug 31 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M109      2446677.50 1986 Sep  4          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-M68       2446677.50 1986 Sep  4          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W152      2446678.21 1986 Sep  4 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M110      2446678.50 1986 Sep  5          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1986-W153      2446680.83 1986 Sep 07 0748:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M69       2446683.50 1986 Sep 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W154      2446683.58 1986 Sep 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R613          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W155      2446686.22 1986 Sep 12 1710:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W156      2446686.44 1986 Sep 12 2230:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W157      2446690.34 1986 Sep 16 2005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M70       2446691.50 1986 Sep 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W158      2446692.08 1986 Sep 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W159      2446692.83 1986 Sep 19 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W160      2446693.87 1986 Sep 20 0854:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W161      2446693.95 1986 Sep 20 1043:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W162      2446694.84 1986 Sep 21 0804:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W163      2446695.85 1986 Sep 22 0817:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W164      2446696.43 1986 Sep 22 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W165      2446696.44 1986 Sep 22 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W166      2446697.58 1986 Sep 24 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R614          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W167      2446697.83 1986 Sep 24 0759:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W168      2446697.86 1986 Sep 24 0845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W169      2446698.06 1986 Sep 24 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W170      2446698.10 1986 Sep 24 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-M71       2446698.50 1986 Sep 25          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W171      2446699.09 1986 Sep 25 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W172      2446701.82 1986 Sep 28 0742:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1986-W173      2446703.81 1986 Sep 30 0729:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W174      2446703.91 1986 Sep 30 0951:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W175      2446703.96 1986 Sep 30 1057:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W176      2446704.02 1986 Sep 30 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W177      2446704.27 1986 Sep 30 1833:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M72       2446704.50 1986 Oct  1          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W178      2446705.29 1986 Oct  1 1858:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W179      2446707.20 1986 Oct  3 1641:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M73       2446711.50 1986 Oct  8          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W232      2446711.58 1986 Oct  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R615          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1986-W180      2446712.03 1986 Oct  8 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W181      2446713.15 1986 Oct  9 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W182      2446713.43 1986 Oct  9 2213:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W183      2446714.25 1986 Oct 10 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W184      2446718.20 1986 Oct 14 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W185      2446718.42 1986 Oct 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M74       2446718.50 1986 Oct 15          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W186      2446718.58 1986 Oct 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R616          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W187      2446720.14 1986 Oct 16 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W188      2446721.12 1986 Oct 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W189      2446725.19 1986 Oct 21 1640:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W190      2446725.42 1986 Oct 21 2207:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M75       2446725.50 1986 Oct 22          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W191      2446726.11 1986 Oct 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W192      2446726.29 1986 Oct 22 1900:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M76       2446726.50 1986 Oct 23          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W193      2446726.58 1986 Oct 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R617          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W194      2446732.34 1986 Oct 28 2004:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W195      2446732.59 1986 Oct 29 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R618          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W196      2446733.12 1986 Oct 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M77       2446733.50 1986 Oct 30          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W197      2446734.05 1986 Oct 30 1306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M78       2446739.50 1986 Nov  5          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W198      2446740.04 1986 Nov  5 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W199      2446740.11 1986 Nov  5 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W200      2446741.19 1986 Nov  6 1637:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W201      2446742.29 1986 Nov  7 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M79       2446746.50 1986 Nov 12          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W202      2446746.58 1986 Nov 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R619          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W203      2446747.07 1986 Nov 12 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W204      2446747.20 1986 Nov 12 1645:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W205      2446748.10 1986 Nov 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M80       2446753.50 1986 Nov 19          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W206      2446753.58 1986 Nov 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R620          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W207      2446754.10 1986 Nov 19 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W208      2446755.92 1986 Nov 21 1007:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M81       2446760.50 1986 Nov 26          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W209      2446761.14 1986 Nov 26 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W210      2446763.05 1986 Nov 28 1317:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W211      2446766.12 1986 Dec  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W212      2446766.30 1986 Dec  1 1904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M82       2446767.50 1986 Dec  3          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W213      2446767.58 1986 Dec  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R621          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W214      2446768.12 1986 Dec  3 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W215      2446768.12 1986 Dec  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W216      2446770.45 1986 Dec  5 2254:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W217      2446774.41 1986 Dec  9 2153:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M83       2446774.50 1986 Dec 10          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W218      2446774.58 1986 Dec 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R622          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W219      2446777.31 1986 Dec 12 1924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W220      2446780.05 1986 Dec 15 1307:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W221      2446781.20 1986 Dec 16 1641:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W222      2446781.58 1986 Dec 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R623          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M84       2446782.50 1986 Dec 18          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W223      2446787.31 1986 Dec 22 1930:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W224      2446788.15 1986 Dec 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M85       2446788.50 1986 Dec 24          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1986-W225      2446788.58 1986 Dec 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R624          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W226      2446789.03 1986 Dec 24 1247:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-W227      2446794.03 1986 Dec 29 1240:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1986-M86       2446795.50 1986 Dec 31          RH-200                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-M41       2446795.50 1987                 RX-250-LPN               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Test                     Alway                -                    -
1987-W01       2446798.01 1987 Jan 02 1220:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W02       2446798.11 1987 Jan 02 1444:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W03       2446799.12 1987 Jan 03 1500:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      NER      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W04       2446801.18 1987 Jan 05 1624:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W05       2446801.24 1987 Jan 05 1741:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W06       2446802.09 1987 Jan 06 1406:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W07       2446802.14 1987 Jan 06 1525:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M01       2446802.50 1987 Jan  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W314      2446802.58 1987 Jan  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R625          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-W08       2446802.81 1987 Jan 07 0731:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W09       2446802.99 1987 Jan 07 1139:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W10       2446803.03 1987 Jan  7 1248:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W11       2446803.18 1987 Jan 07 1625:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W12       2446803.25 1987 Jan  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W13       2446803.27 1987 Jan  7 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W14       2446803.96 1987 Jan 08 1105:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W15       2446804.16 1987 Jan  8 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W16       2446804.42 1987 Jan  8 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W17       2446804.84 1987 Jan 09 0803:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W18       2446804.92 1987 Jan 09 1001:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W19       2446807.03 1987 Jan 11 1237:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W20       2446807.07 1987 Jan 11 1347:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87A   ULP1             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W21       2446808.26 1987 Jan 12 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M02       2446809.50 1987 Jan 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W22       2446809.58 1987 Jan 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R626          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W23       2446809.82 1987 Jan 14 0741:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W24       2446810.06 1987 Jan 14 1330:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W25       2446810.14 1987 Jan 14 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W26       2446810.25 1987 Jan 14 1804:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W27       2446811.20 1987 Jan 15 1654:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W28       2446811.27 1987 Jan 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W29       2446811.82 1987 Jan 16 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M03       2446816.50 1987 Jan 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W30       2446816.58 1987 Jan 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R627          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W31       2446816.84 1987 Jan 21 0810:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W32       2446817.04 1987 Jan 21 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W33       2446818.19 1987 Jan 22 1630:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W34       2446819.05 1987 Jan 23 1312:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M04       2446823.50 1987 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W35       2446823.88 1987 Jan 28 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W36       2446823.88 1987 Jan 28 0904:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W37       2446825.02 1987 Jan 29 1235:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W38       2446826.16 1987 Jan 30 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W39       2446830.26 1987 Feb 03 1817:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS87C   ULP1             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M05       2446830.50 1987 Feb  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W40       2446831.04 1987 Feb  4 1253:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W41       2446831.09 1987 Feb 04 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W42       2446831.58 1987 Feb  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R628          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W43       2446832.16 1987 Feb  5 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M06       2446837.50 1987 Feb 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W44       2446838.02 1987 Feb 11 1230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W45       2446838.16 1987 Feb 11 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W46       2446840.26 1987 Feb 13 1810:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M07       2446844.50 1987 Feb 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W47       2446844.58 1987 Feb 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R629          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W48       2446845.04 1987 Feb 18 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W49       2446845.23 1987 Feb 18 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W50       2446850.15 1987 Feb 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M08       2446851.50 1987 Feb 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W51       2446851.58 1987 Feb 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R630          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W52       2446852.09 1987 Feb 25 1404:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W53       2446854.06 1987 Feb 27 1321:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W54       2446854.44 1987 Feb 27 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W55       2446856.82 1987 Mar 02 0745:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W56       2446857.34 1987 Mar  2 2011:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M09       2446858.50 1987 Mar  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W57       2446858.85 1987 Mar 04 0819:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W58       2446859.06 1987 Mar 04 1330:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W59       2446859.09 1987 Mar 04 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W60       2446859.15 1987 Mar  4 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W61       2446860.07 1987 Mar  5 1337:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W62       2446860.79 1987 Mar 06 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W63       2446862.98 1987 Mar 08 1124:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS87C   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W64       2446864.09 1987 Mar 09 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M10       2446865.50 1987 Mar 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W65       2446865.58 1987 Mar 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R631          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W66       2446866.14 1987 Mar 11 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W67       2446872.30 1987 Mar 17 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M11       2446872.50 1987 Mar 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W68       2446872.58 1987 Mar 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R632          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W69       2446872.79 1987 Mar 18 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W70       2446873.38 1987 Mar 18 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W71       2446874.15 1987 Mar 19 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W72       2446874.81 1987 Mar 20 0723:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W73       2446876.14 1987 Mar 21 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W74       2446878.16 1987 Mar 23 1549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W75       2446879.08 1987 Mar 24 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W76       2446879.23 1987 Mar 24 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M12       2446879.50 1987 Mar 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W77       2446879.58 1987 Mar 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R633          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W78       2446879.80 1987 Mar 25 0717:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W79       2446880.12 1987 Mar 25 1500:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W80       2446880.17 1987 Mar 25 1607:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W81       2446881.80 1987 Mar 27 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M13       2446886.50 1987 Apr  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W82       2446886.85 1987 Apr 01 0822:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W83       2446887.09 1987 Apr 01 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W84       2446887.94 1987 Apr  2 1036:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W85       2446887.97 1987 Apr  2 1123:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W86       2446888.03 1987 Apr  2 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W87       2446888.15 1987 Apr  2 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W88       2446888.83 1987 Apr 03 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W89       2446892.26 1987 Apr  6 1809:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M14       2446893.50 1987 Apr  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W90       2446893.58 1987 Apr  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R634          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W91       2446893.84 1987 Apr 08 0811:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W92       2446894.10 1987 Apr  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W93       2446895.10 1987 Apr  9 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W94       2446895.15 1987 Apr  9 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W95       2446895.85 1987 Apr 10 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W96       2446896.11 1987 Apr 10 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M15       2446900.50 1987 Apr 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W97       2446900.83 1987 Apr 15 0758:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W98       2446902.00 1987 Apr 16 1155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W99       2446902.08 1987 Apr 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W100      2446902.42 1987 Apr 16 2202:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W101      2446903.31 1987 Apr 17 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W102      2446903.69 1987 Apr 18 0435:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W103      2446903.73 1987 Apr 18 0530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W104      2446905.83 1987 Apr 20 0750:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M16       2446907.50 1987 Apr 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W105      2446907.81 1987 Apr 22 0732:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W106      2446908.09 1987 Apr 22 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W107      2446908.26 1987 Apr 22 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W108      2446908.27 1987 Apr 22 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W109      2446908.58 1987 Apr 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R635          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W110      2446909.24 1987 Apr 23 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W111      2446909.25 1987 Apr 23 1800:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W112      2446909.84 1987 Apr 24 0807:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W113      2446910.09 1987 Apr 24 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W114      2446910.10 1987 Apr 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W115      2446912.83 1987 Apr 27 0753:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W116      2446914.08 1987 Apr 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M17       2446914.50 1987 Apr 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W117      2446914.58 1987 Apr 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R636          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W118      2446915.10 1987 Apr 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W119      2446916.42 1987 Apr 30 2157:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W120      2446916.47 1987 Apr 30 2315:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W121      2446920.42 1987 May  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W122      2446921.34 1987 May 05 2005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M18       2446921.50 1987 May  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W123      2446922.04 1987 May  6 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W124      2446924.24 1987 May  8 1748:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W125      2446926.00 1987 May 10 1154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W126      2446926.04 1987 May 10 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W127      2446926.07 1987 May 10 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W128      2446928.00 1987 May 12 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W129      2446928.58 1987 May 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R637          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W130      2446929.11 1987 May 13 1435:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W131      2446929.21 1987 May 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M19       2446929.50 1987 May 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W132      2446931.30 1987 May 15 1907:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W133      2446935.12 1987 May 19 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W134      2446935.13 1987 May 19 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M20       2446935.50 1987 May 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W135      2446935.58 1987 May 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R638          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W136      2446936.09 1987 May 20 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W137      2446936.29 1987 May 20 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W138      2446936.74 1987 May 21 0541:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W139      2446937.29 1987 May 21 1903:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M21       2446942.50 1987 May 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W140      2446942.59 1987 May 27 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R639          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W141      2446943.09 1987 May 27 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W142      2446945.04 1987 May 29 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W143      2446949.38 1987 Jun 02 2105:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M22       2446949.50 1987 Jun  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W144      2446950.01 1987 Jun  3 1214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W145      2446950.08 1987 Jun  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W146      2446950.09 1987 Jun 03 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W147      2446950.22 1987 Jun  3 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W148      2446950.23 1987 Jun  3 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W149      2446951.80 1987 Jun 05 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W150      2446956.03 1987 Jun  9 1238:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M23       2446956.50 1987 Jun 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W151      2446956.60 1987 Jun 10 0230:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R640          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W152      2446956.79 1987 Jun 10 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W153      2446957.14 1987 Jun 10 1526:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W154      2446957.25 1987 Jun 10 1807:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W155      2446958.08 1987 Jun 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W156      2446958.79 1987 Jun 12 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W157      2446959.51 1987 Jun 13 0014:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W158      2446961.80 1987 Jun 15 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W159      2446962.06 1987 Jun 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W160      2446962.10 1987 Jun 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M24       2446963.50 1987 Jun 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W161      2446963.58 1987 Jun 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R641          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W162      2446963.79 1987 Jun 17 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W163      2446964.00 1987 Jun 17 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W164      2446964.09 1987 Jun 17 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W165      2446965.79 1987 Jun 19 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W166      2446966.62 1987 Jun 20 0257:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W167      2446969.46 1987 Jun 22 2306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W168      2446970.06 1987 Jun 23 1326:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M25       2446970.50 1987 Jun 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W169      2446970.58 1987 Jun 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R642          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W170      2446970.79 1987 Jun 24 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W171      2446971.09 1987 Jun 24 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W172      2446971.17 1987 Jun 24 1557:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W173      2446972.10 1987 Jun 25 1419:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W174      2446972.79 1987 Jun 26 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M26       2446977.50 1987 Jul  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W175      2446977.80 1987 Jul 01 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W176      2446978.09 1987 Jul 01 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W177      2446978.48 1987 Jul 01 2334:00  Super Loki               -      LIGHT CHAFF          MAC-SINE S-C15/L         -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     96      -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/VonZahn             Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M27       2446984.50 1987 Jul  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W178      2446984.58 1987 Jul  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R643          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W179      2446984.70 1987 Jul  8 0454:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W180      2446984.87 1987 Jul 08 0847:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W181      2446985.15 1987 Jul 08 1534:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W182      2446986.40 1987 Jul  9 2130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W183      2446986.84 1987 Jul 10 0806:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W184      2446988.82 1987 Jul 12 0741:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M28       2446991.50 1987 Jul 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W185      2446991.60 1987 Jul 15 0223:00  Super Loki               -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W186      2446992.06 1987 Jul 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W187      2446992.13 1987 Jul 15 1507:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W188      2446992.42 1987 Jul 15 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W189      2446993.80 1987 Jul 17 0715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W190      2446994.10 1987 Jul 17 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W191      2446995.81 1987 Jul 19 0723:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W192      2446997.43 1987 Jul 20 2224:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M29       2446998.50 1987 Jul 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W193      2446998.82 1987 Jul 22 0736:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W194      2446999.58 1987 Jul 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R644          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W195      2447000.82 1987 Jul 24 0747:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W196      2447001.11 1987 Jul 24 1437:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W197      2447002.81 1987 Jul 26 0727:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W198      2447003.79 1987 Jul 27 0652:00  Super Loki               -      -                    WIPP/Datasonde           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   WFF/Schmidlin?           Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M30       2447005.50 1987 Jul 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W199      2447005.80 1987 Jul 29 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W200      2447006.09 1987 Jul 29 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W201      2447007.20 1987 Jul 30 1645:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W202      2447012.09 1987 Aug  4 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M31       2447012.50 1987 Aug  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W203      2447013.58 1987 Aug  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R645          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W204      2447014.41 1987 Aug  6 2149:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W205      2447018.32 1987 Aug 10 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W206      2447019.03 1987 Aug 11 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M32       2447019.50 1987 Aug 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W207      2447020.19 1987 Aug 12 1630:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W208      2447020.41 1987 Aug 12 2154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W209      2447020.43 1987 Aug 12 2223:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W210      2447021.10 1987 Aug 13 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W211      2447025.21 1987 Aug 17 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M33       2447026.50 1987 Aug 19          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W212      2447026.58 1987 Aug 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R646          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W213      2447027.11 1987 Aug 19 1437:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W214      2447028.12 1987 Aug 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W215      2447029.31 1987 Aug 21 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W216      2447031.74 1987 Aug 24 0546:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M34       2447033.50 1987 Aug 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W217      2447035.09 1987 Aug 27 1415:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M35       2447040.50 1987 Sep  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W218      2447040.58 1987 Sep  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R647          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W219      2447041.22 1987 Sep  2 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W220      2447043.33 1987 Sep 04 2000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W221      2447046.09 1987 Sep 07 1410:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W222      2447047.45 1987 Sep  8 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W223      2447047.49 1987 Sep  8 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M36       2447047.50 1987 Sep  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W224      2447047.53 1987 Sep  9 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W312      2447047.58 1987 Sep  9 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-47            SONDE                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-W225      2447047.59 1987 Sep  9 0212:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R648          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W313      2447047.67 1987 Sep  9 0400     MT-135                   -      MT-135-48            SONDE                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-W226      2447050.30 1987 Sep 11 1916:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W227      2447054.21 1987 Sep 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M37       2447054.50 1987 Sep 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W228      2447055.08 1987 Sep 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W229      2447055.30 1987 Sep 16 1918:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W230      2447055.33 1987 Sep 16 2000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W231      2447057.30 1987 Sep 18 1917:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W232      2447059.88 1987 Sep 21 0913:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W233      2447060.01 1987 Sep 21 1218:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W234      2447061.09 1987 Sep 22 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W235      2447061.11 1987 Sep 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W236      2447061.42 1987 Sep 22 2201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M38       2447061.50 1987 Sep 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W315      2447061.58 1987 Sep 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R649          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-W237      2447062.07 1987 Sep 23 1334:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W238      2447062.30 1987 Sep 23 1915:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W239      2447064.30 1987 Sep 25 1905:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W240      2447068.08 1987 Sep 29 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W241      2447068.24 1987 Sep 29 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M39       2447068.50 1987 Sep 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W316      2447068.58 1987 Sep 30 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R650          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-W242      2447069.30 1987 Sep 30 1916:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W243      2447071.21 1987 Oct  2 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W244      2447071.30 1987 Oct 02 1919:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W245      2447072.95 1987 Oct  4 1049:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W246      2447074.27 1987 Oct  5 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W247      2447075.22 1987 Oct  6 1718:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M40       2447075.50 1987 Oct  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo             -                    -
1987-W248      2447075.58 1987 Oct  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R651          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W249      2447076.09 1987 Oct  7 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W250      2447077.97 1987 Oct  9 1113:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W251      2447082.11 1987 Oct 13 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M42       2447082.50 1987 Oct 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W252      2447083.15 1987 Oct 14 1530:00  M-100B                   -      M-100B               -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W253      2447083.98 1987 Oct 15 1133:00  Super Loki               -      Chaff                MAC/EPSILON E-C2/H       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     96      -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   MPAE/BONN/Widdel,VonZahn Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W254      2447084.10 1987 Oct 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W255      2447085.06 1987 Oct 16 1320:00  M-100B                   -      M-100B               -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M43       2447089.50 1987 Oct 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W256      2447089.60 1987 Oct 21 0217:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R652          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W257      2447090.13 1987 Oct 21 1507:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W258      2447091.00 1987 Oct 22 1200:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W259      2447091.07 1987 Oct 22 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W260      2447091.11 1987 Oct 22 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W261      2447092.00 1987 Oct 23 1200:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W262      2447095.45 1987 Oct 26 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M53       2447096.50 1987 Oct 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W263      2447096.58 1987 Oct 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R653          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W264      2447096.99 1987 Oct 28 1144:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W265      2447097.20 1987 Oct 28 1653:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W266      2447098.10 1987 Oct 29 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W267      2447102.86 1987 Nov  3 0837:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M44       2447103.50 1987 Nov  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W268      2447104.45 1987 Nov  4 2246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W269      2447105.10 1987 Nov  5 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W270      2447105.12 1987 Nov  5 1448:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W271      2447108.99 1987 Nov 09 1152:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M45       2447110.50 1987 Nov 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W272      2447110.58 1987 Nov 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R654          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W273      2447111.09 1987 Nov 11 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W274      2447111.12 1987 Nov 11 1448:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W275      2447112.80 1987 Nov 13 0718:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W276      2447114.02 1987 Nov 14 1234:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W277      2447116.08 1987 Nov 16 1400:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M46       2447117.50 1987 Nov 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W278      2447117.58 1987 Nov 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R655          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W279      2447117.87 1987 Nov 18 0856:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W280      2447118.30 1987 Nov 18 1905:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W281      2447118.77 1987 Nov 19 0634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W282      2447120.15 1987 Nov 20 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W283      2447120.97 1987 Nov 21 1122:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W284      2447124.12 1987 Nov 24 1500:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M47       2447124.50 1987 Nov 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W285      2447125.58 1987 Nov 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R656          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W286      2447126.81 1987 Nov 27 0722:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W287      2447127.15 1987 Nov 27 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W288      2447128.68 1987 Nov 29 0418:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W289      2447128.91 1987 Nov 29 0951:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP1              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W290      2447130.88 1987 Dec 01 0906:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W291      2447131.33 1987 Dec  1 2001:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W292      2447131.47 1987 Dec  1 2321:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M48       2447131.50 1987 Dec  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W293      2447131.80 1987 Dec 02 0717:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W294      2447131.88 1987 Dec 02 0911:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W295      2447131.98 1987 Dec 02 1130:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W296      2447132.92 1987 Dec 03 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W297      2447133.19 1987 Dec  3 1627:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W298      2447133.82 1987 Dec 04 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W299      2447135.18 1987 Dec 05 1615:00  M-100B                   -      -                    Ozone Diurnal            -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SS   PRL/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W300      2447136.92 1987 Dec 07 1005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W301      2447137.09 1987 Dec 07 1405:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP4              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M49       2447138.50 1987 Dec  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W302      2447138.58 1987 Dec  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R657          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W303      2447138.79 1987 Dec 09 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W304      2447138.93 1987 Dec 09 1017:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS87F   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W305      2447139.25 1987 Dec  9 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W306      2447140.79 1987 Dec 11 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-W307      2447141.07 1987 Dec 11 1335:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W308      2447141.08 1987 Dec 11 1355:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W309      2447141.12 1987 Dec 11 1457:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-M50       2447145.50 1987 Dec 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W310      2447145.59 1987 Dec 16 0213:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R658          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1987-W311      2447145.97 1987 Dec 16 1120:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1987-M51       2447152.50 1987 Dec 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1987-W317      2447152.58 1987 Dec 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R659          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1987-M52       2447159.50 1987 Dec 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-M54       2447166.50 1988 Jan  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W01       2447166.60 1988 Jan  6 0224:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R660          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W02       2447173.19 1988 Jan 12 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M55       2447173.50 1988 Jan 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W233      2447173.58 1988 Jan 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R661          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W03       2447174.22 1988 Jan 13 1720:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W04       2447179.42 1988 Jan 18 2205:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W05       2447179.67 1988 Jan 19 0405:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W06       2447179.92 1988 Jan 19 1005:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W07       2447180.05 1988 Jan 19 1305:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W08       2447180.17 1988 Jan 19 1605:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M56       2447180.50 1988 Jan 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W09       2447180.58 1988 Jan 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R662          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W10       2447181.13 1988 Jan 20 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W11       2447181.67 1988 Jan 21 0405:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W12       2447181.80 1988 Jan 21 0705:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M01       2447181.92 1988 Jan 21 1008     Trident D-5              -      D5X-9                R&D Mk 5                 -                        -                        -         CCA      LC46             -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 USNSSP       MF   -                        Test                     CCMOPS               -                    -
1988-W13       2447181.98 1988 Jan 21 1137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W14       2447182.03 1988 Jan 21 1245:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W15       2447182.05 1988 Jan 21 1305:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W16       2447182.17 1988 Jan 21 1605:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W17       2447183.49 1988 Jan 22 2341:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W18       2447186.04 1988 Jan 25 1300:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W19       2447188.06 1988 Jan 27 1330:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W20       2447188.09 1988 Jan 27 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M57       2447188.50 1988 Jan 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W21       2447189.10 1988 Jan 28 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W22       2447193.01 1988 Feb 01 1220:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W23       2447194.08 1988 Feb  2 1402:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W24       2447194.30 1988 Feb 02 1905:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M58       2447194.50 1988 Feb  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W25       2447198.36 1988 Feb  6 2040:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W26       2447200.44 1988 Feb  8 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W27       2447200.46 1988 Feb  8 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M59       2447201.50 1988 Feb 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W28       2447201.58 1988 Feb 10 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R663          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W29       2447204.10 1988 Feb 12 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W30       2447206.80 1988 Feb 15 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W31       2447207.21 1988 Feb 15 1701:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M60       2447208.50 1988 Feb 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W32       2447208.58 1988 Feb 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R664          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W33       2447208.79 1988 Feb 17 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W34       2447210.79 1988 Feb 19 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W35       2447214.93 1988 Feb 23 1018:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP5              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M61       2447215.50 1988 Feb 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W36       2447215.58 1988 Feb 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R665          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W37       2447215.79 1988 Feb 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W38       2447215.96 1988 Feb 24 1105:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP6              -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W39       2447216.21 1988 Feb 24 1706:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W40       2447216.32 1988 Feb 24 1945:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W41       2447217.02 1988 Feb 25 1231:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP7              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W42       2447217.16 1988 Feb 25 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W43       2447217.79 1988 Feb 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W44       2447217.96 1988 Feb 26 1108:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP8              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W45       2447218.96 1988 Feb 27 1105:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP9              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W46       2447219.24 1988 Feb 27 1740:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W47       2447219.97 1988 Feb 28 1113:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS87G   LP10             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W48       2447220.79 1988 Feb 29 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M62       2447222.50 1988 Mar  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W49       2447222.79 1988 Mar 02 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W50       2447223.30 1988 Mar 02 1905:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W234      2447223.58 1988 Mar  3 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R666          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W51       2447224.79 1988 Mar 04 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W52       2447229.10 1988 Mar  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M63       2447229.50 1988 Mar  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W235      2447229.59 1988 Mar  9 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R667          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W53       2447229.79 1988 Mar 09 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W54       2447230.07 1988 Mar 09 1340:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W55       2447231.11 1988 Mar 10 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W56       2447231.79 1988 Mar 11 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M64       2447236.50 1988 Mar 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W57       2447237.12 1988 Mar 16 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W58       2447237.58 1988 Mar 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R668          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W59       2447237.98 1988 Mar 17 1137:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W60       2447238.82 1988 Mar 18 0742:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W61       2447239.10 1988 Mar 18 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W62       2447241.18 1988 Mar 20 1624:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W63       2447242.25 1988 Mar 21 1753:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M65       2447243.50 1988 Mar 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W64       2447243.79 1988 Mar 23 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W65       2447245.80 1988 Mar 25 0716:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W66       2447246.10 1988 Mar 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M66       2447250.50 1988 Mar 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W67       2447250.58 1988 Mar 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R669          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W68       2447250.76 1988 Mar 30 0609:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W69       2447251.05 1988 Mar 30 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W70       2447252.78 1988 Apr 01 0648:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W71       2447255.75 1988 Apr 04 0603:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M67       2447257.50 1988 Apr  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W72       2447257.75 1988 Apr 06 0605:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W73       2447257.96 1988 Apr 06 1100:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W74       2447259.01 1988 Apr 07 1210:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W75       2447259.17 1988 Apr 07 1604:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W76       2447260.05 1988 Apr  8 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W77       2447261.92 1988 Apr 10 1006:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP2              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W78       2447262.11 1988 Apr 10 1445:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP3              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W79       2447263.16 1988 Apr 11 1554:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W80       2447263.36 1988 Apr 11 2037:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M68       2447264.50 1988 Apr 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W81       2447264.79 1988 Apr 13 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W82       2447264.98 1988 Apr 13 1135:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W83       2447265.04 1988 Apr 13 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W84       2447265.10 1988 Apr 13 1427:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W85       2447265.54 1988 Apr 14 0100:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W86       2447265.58 1988 Apr 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R670          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W87       2447266.13 1988 Apr 14 1501:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W88       2447267.27 1988 Apr 15 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W89       2447267.36 1988 Apr 15 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W90       2447267.92 1988 Apr 16 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP4              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W91       2447268.93 1988 Apr 17 1025:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP5              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W92       2447269.93 1988 Apr 18 1025:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP6              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W93       2447270.05 1988 Apr 18 1312:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88B   LP7              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M69       2447271.50 1988 Apr 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W94       2447271.58 1988 Apr 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R671          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W95       2447272.17 1988 Apr 20 1607:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W96       2447278.34 1988 Apr 26 2015:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M70       2447278.50 1988 Apr 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W97       2447278.58 1988 Apr 27 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R672          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W98       2447279.07 1988 Apr 27 1341:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W99       2447279.08 1988 Apr 27 1400:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W100      2447279.17 1988 Apr 27 1609:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W101      2447284.10 1988 May 02 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W102      2447285.08 1988 May 03 1358:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W103      2447286.08 1988 May 04 1400:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS88A   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W104      2447288.05 1988 May  6 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M71       2447292.50 1988 May 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W105      2447292.59 1988 May 11 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R673          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W106      2447293.04 1988 May 11 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W107      2447299.86 1988 May 18 0836:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W108      2447300.15 1988 May 18 1540:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W109      2447306.05 1988 May 24 1309:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W110      2447306.07 1988 May 24 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M72       2447306.50 1988 May 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W111      2447306.58 1988 May 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R674          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W112      2447306.79 1988 May 25 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W113      2447308.79 1988 May 27 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W114      2447310.79 1988 May 29 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M07       2447312.50 1988 May 31          RH-200                   -      Daily to Jul 12      Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M73       2447313.50 1988 Jun  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-M08       2447313.50 1988 Jun  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W115      2447313.58 1988 Jun  1 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R675          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W116      2447313.79 1988 Jun 01 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M09       2447314.50 1988 Jun  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M10       2447315.50 1988 Jun  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W117      2447315.79 1988 Jun 03 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W118      2447316.16 1988 Jun  3 1546:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M11       2447316.50 1988 Jun  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M12       2447317.50 1988 Jun  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M13       2447318.50 1988 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W119      2447319.08 1988 Jun  6 1352:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M14       2447319.50 1988 Jun  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W120      2447320.41 1988 Jun  7 2145:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M15       2447320.50 1988 Jun  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M74       2447320.50 1988 Jun  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W121      2447320.58 1988 Jun  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R676          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W122      2447320.79 1988 Jun 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M16       2447321.50 1988 Jun  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M17       2447322.50 1988 Jun 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W123      2447322.79 1988 Jun 10 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M18       2447323.50 1988 Jun 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M19       2447324.50 1988 Jun 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M20       2447325.50 1988 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M21       2447326.50 1988 Jun 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M22       2447327.50 1988 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M75       2447327.50 1988 Jun 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W236      2447327.58 1988 Jun 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R677          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W124      2447328.33 1988 Jun 15 2002:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M23       2447328.50 1988 Jun 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W125      2447329.42 1988 Jun 16 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M24       2447329.50 1988 Jun 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W126      2447329.79 1988 Jun 17 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W127      2447330.14 1988 Jun 17 1517:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M25       2447330.50 1988 Jun 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M26       2447331.50 1988 Jun 19          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M27       2447332.50 1988 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M28       2447333.50 1988 Jun 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M29       2447334.50 1988 Jun 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M76       2447334.50 1988 Jun 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W128      2447334.79 1988 Jun 22 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W129      2447335.05 1988 Jun 22 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M30       2447335.50 1988 Jun 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M31       2447336.50 1988 Jun 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W130      2447336.79 1988 Jun 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M32       2447337.50 1988 Jun 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M33       2447338.50 1988 Jun 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M34       2447339.50 1988 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W131      2447340.09 1988 Jun 27 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M35       2447340.50 1988 Jun 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M36       2447341.50 1988 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M77       2447341.50 1988 Jun 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W132      2447341.58 1988 Jun 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R678          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W133      2447342.24 1988 Jun 29 1744:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M37       2447342.50 1988 Jun 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W134      2447343.26 1988 Jun 30 1821:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M38       2447343.50 1988 Jul  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M39       2447344.50 1988 Jul  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M40       2447345.50 1988 Jul  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M41       2447346.50 1988 Jul  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M42       2447347.50 1988 Jul  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M43       2447348.50 1988 Jul  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M44       2447349.50 1988 Jul  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M78       2447349.50 1988 Jul  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-M45       2447350.50 1988 Jul  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M46       2447351.50 1988 Jul  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M47       2447352.50 1988 Jul 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M48       2447353.50 1988 Jul 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-M49       2447354.50 1988 Jul 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    CurrSci89,475        -                    -
1988-W135      2447355.06 1988 Jul 12 1320:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M79       2447355.50 1988 Jul 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W136      2447355.59 1988 Jul 13 0214:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R679          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W137      2447357.42 1988 Jul 14 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M80       2447362.50 1988 Jul 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-M81       2447369.50 1988 Jul 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W138      2447369.58 1988 Jul 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R680          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W139      2447375.09 1988 Aug 01 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M82       2447376.50 1988 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W140      2447377.33 1988 Aug 03 2000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W141      2447377.58 1988 Aug  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R681          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M83       2447383.50 1988 Aug 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W142      2447385.23 1988 Aug 11 1737:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W143      2447389.10 1988 Aug 15 1420:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M84       2447390.50 1988 Aug 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W144      2447391.04 1988 Aug 17 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W145      2447391.29 1988 Aug 17 1900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W146      2447391.58 1988 Aug 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R682          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W147      2447398.01 1988 Aug 24 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W148      2447398.09 1988 Aug 24 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W149      2447398.37 1988 Aug 24 2053:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W150      2447399.19 1988 Aug 25 1630:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M85       2447399.50 1988 Aug 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W151      2447401.75 1988 Aug 28 0606:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M86       2447404.50 1988 Aug 31          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W152      2447404.58 1988 Aug 31 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R683          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W153      2447404.79 1988 Aug 31 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W154      2447405.01 1988 Aug 31 1217:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W155      2447406.79 1988 Sep 02 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W156      2447407.42 1988 Sep  2 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M02       2447410.46 1988 Sep  5 2300     TR-1                     -      TR-1-1               H-II 1/4 Scale           -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     85      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Test                     NASDA-WWW            SFLT30-421           -
1988-M87       2447411.50 1988 Sep  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W157      2447413.79 1988 Sep 09 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W232      2447415.60 1988 Sep 11 0225     MT-135                   -      MT-135-49            NNP                      -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W158      2447415.79 1988 Sep 11 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M88       2447418.50 1988 Sep 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W237      2447418.58 1988 Sep 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R684          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W159      2447418.79 1988 Sep 14 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W160      2447419.08 1988 Sep 14 1355:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W161      2447419.20 1988 Sep 14 1642:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W162      2447420.44 1988 Sep 15 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W163      2447420.80 1988 Sep 16 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M89       2447425.50 1988 Sep 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W164      2447425.80 1988 Sep 21 0707:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W165      2447426.05 1988 Sep 21 1311:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W166      2447426.10 1988 Sep 21 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W167      2447427.44 1988 Sep 22 2229:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W168      2447427.80 1988 Sep 23 0707:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA    -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W169      2447428.92 1988 Sep 24 1009:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M90       2447432.50 1988 Sep 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W170      2447433.09 1988 Sep 28 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W171      2447433.31 1988 Sep 28 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W172      2447433.58 1988 Sep 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R685          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W173      2447434.03 1988 Sep 29 1245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W174      2447434.06 1988 Sep 29 1329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W175      2447434.07 1988 Sep 29 1333:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W176      2447434.11 1988 Sep 29 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W177      2447434.14 1988 Sep 29 1527:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W178      2447436.12 1988 Oct  1 1452:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W179      2447438.06 1988 Oct  3 1329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W180      2447438.21 1988 Oct  3 1708:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M91       2447439.50 1988 Oct  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W181      2447440.04 1988 Oct  5 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M92       2447446.50 1988 Oct 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W182      2447446.58 1988 Oct 12 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R686          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W183      2447454.91 1988 Oct 20 0956:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M93       2447460.50 1988 Oct 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W184      2447460.58 1988 Oct 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R687          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W185      2447461.19 1988 Oct 26 1630:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W186      2447463.44 1988 Oct 28 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M50       2447466.35 1988 Oct 31 2017     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 352 PreSTOIC     -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1988-W187      2447467.04 1988 Nov  1 1301     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   LINAO/                   Aeron            -                    -
1988-M51       2447467.35 1988 Nov  1 2025     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 353 PreSTOIC     -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1988-M94       2447467.50 1988 Nov  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W188      2447467.80 1988 Nov 02 0707:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W189      2447467.97 1988 Nov 02 1110:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M52       2447468.42 1988 Nov  2 2211     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 354 PreSTOIC     -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1988-M53       2447471.44 1988 Nov  5 2237     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 355 PreSTOIC     -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1988-W190      2447474.05 1988 Nov  8 1311     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   LINAO/                   Aeron            -                    -
1988-W191      2447474.58 1988 Nov  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R688          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W192      2447474.80 1988 Nov 09 0707:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W193      2447474.88 1988 Nov 09 0900:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M95       2447475.50 1988 Nov 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W194      2447476.79 1988 Nov 11 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W195      2447479.79 1988 Nov 14 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W196      2447480.67 1988 Nov 15 0410:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M96       2447481.50 1988 Nov 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W197      2447481.58 1988 Nov 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R689          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W198      2447481.79 1988 Nov 16 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W199      2447483.79 1988 Nov 18 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W200      2447488.06 1988 Nov 22 1320     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   LINAO/                   Aeron            -                    -
1988-W238      2447488.58 1988 Nov 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R690          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1988-W201      2447488.80 1988 Nov 23 0716:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W202      2447488.96 1988 Nov 23 1100:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W203      2447489.04 1988 Nov 23 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   LINAO/                   Aeron            -                    -
1988-M97       2447489.50 1988 Nov 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W204      2447493.80 1988 Nov 28 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W205      2447495.43 1988 Nov 29 2218:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M98       2447495.50 1988 Nov 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W206      2447495.58 1988 Nov 30 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R691          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W207      2447498.18 1988 Dec  2 1613:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W208      2447498.21 1988 Dec  2 1657:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W209      2447500.22 1988 Dec  4 1715:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W210      2447500.27 1988 Dec  4 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W211      2447502.13 1988 Dec  6 1511:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W212      2447502.18 1988 Dec  6 1622:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-M99       2447502.50 1988 Dec  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W213      2447502.52 1988 Dec  7 0031:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W214      2447502.58 1988 Dec  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R692          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W215      2447502.97 1988 Dec 07 1115:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M100      2447509.50 1988 Dec 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W216      2447509.58 1988 Dec 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R693          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W217      2447510.09 1988 Dec 14 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W218      2447510.33 1988 Dec 14 1957:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W219      2447510.98 1988 Dec 15 1130:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W220      2447513.83 1988 Dec 18 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP1              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M03       2447514.50 1988 Dec 19          Zhinui                   -      ZN-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         HAI      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 CSSAR        SS   CSSAR/                   Test                     Harvey               -                    -
1988-M04       2447515.50 1988 Dec 20?         Zhinui                   -      ZN-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         HAI      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 CSSAR        SS   CSSAR/                   Test                     Harvey               -                    -
1988-W221      2447515.83 1988 Dec 20 0800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP2              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M101      2447516.50 1988 Dec 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1988-W222      2447516.58 1988 Dec 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R694          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W223      2447516.92 1988 Dec 21 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP3              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M05       2447517.50 1988 Dec 22?         Zhinui                   -      ZN-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         HAI      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 CSSAR        SS   CSSAR/                   Test                     Harvey               -                    -
1988-W224      2447517.92 1988 Dec 22 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP4              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W225      2447520.96 1988 Dec 25 1059:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP5              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W226      2447523.06 1988 Dec 27 1332:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W227      2447523.12 1988 Dec 27 1500:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M06       2447523.50 1988 Dec 28          Zhinui                   -      ZN-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         HAI      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 CSSAR        SS   CSSAR/                   Test                     Harvey               -                    -
1988-W228      2447523.59 1988 Dec 28 0212:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R695          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1988-W229      2447523.96 1988 Dec 28 1109:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP6              -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W230      2447524.13 1988 Dec 28 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-W231      2447524.13 1988 Dec 28 1510:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1988-M102      2447524.50 1988 Dec 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W01       2447528.22 1989 Jan 01 1711:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP7              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W02       2447528.89 1989 Jan 02 0924:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP8              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W03       2447529.97 1989 Jan 03 1114:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP9              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M13       2447530.50 1989 Jan  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W04       2447530.84 1989 Jan 04 0810:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W05       2447530.94 1989 Jan 04 1030:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W06       2447531.12 1989 Jan  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W07       2447531.13 1989 Jan 04 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W08       2447531.14 1989 Jan  4 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W09       2447531.95 1989 Jan 05 1046:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP10             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W10       2447532.79 1989 Jan 06 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W11       2447532.95 1989 Jan 06 1049:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP11             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W12       2447533.93 1989 Jan 07 1013:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP12             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W13       2447534.04 1989 Jan 07 1251:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP13             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W14       2447535.12 1989 Jan  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W15       2447535.80 1989 Jan 09 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W16       2447535.99 1989 Jan  9 1142:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W17       2447536.03 1989 Jan  9 1246:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W18       2447536.04 1989 Jan 09 1252:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP14             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W19       2447537.58 1989 Jan 11 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R696          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W20       2447537.85 1989 Jan 11 0830:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W21       2447537.97 1989 Jan 11 1116:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W22       2447538.11 1989 Jan 11 1444:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP15             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W23       2447538.13 1989 Jan 11 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W24       2447538.94 1989 Jan 12 1030:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W25       2447539.87 1989 Jan 13 0857:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W26       2447539.99 1989 Jan 13 1151:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP16             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W27       2447541.79 1989 Jan 15 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M14       2447544.50 1989 Jan 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W307      2447544.58 1989 Jan 18 0150     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R697          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W28       2447544.79 1989 Jan 18 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W29       2447545.12 1989 Jan 18 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W30       2447546.15 1989 Jan 19 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W31       2447546.79 1989 Jan 20 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W32       2447550.06 1989 Jan 23 1332:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W33       2447550.92 1989 Jan 24 1000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M15       2447551.50 1989 Jan 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W308      2447551.58 1989 Jan 25 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R698          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W34       2447551.81 1989 Jan 25 0721:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W35       2447552.04 1989 Jan 25 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W36       2447552.10 1989 Jan 25 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W37       2447552.10 1989 Jan 25 1431:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W38       2447552.13 1989 Jan 25 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W39       2447552.92 1989 Jan 26 0958:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W40       2447552.96 1989 Jan 26 1100:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W41       2447553.22 1989 Jan 26 1720:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M01       2447553.46 1989 Jan 26 2300     TR-1                     -      TR-1-2               H-II 1/4 Scale           -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     80      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Test                     NASDA-WWW            -                    -
1989-W42       2447553.51 1989 Jan 27 0011:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W43       2447553.86 1989 Jan 27 0839:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W44       2447557.04 1989 Jan 30 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M12       2447557.50 1989 Feb             Hatf I                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 SUPA         MS   SUPA/                    Test                     EatingGrass          -                    -
1989-M16       2447558.50 1989 Feb  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W309      2447558.58 1989 Feb  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R699          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W45       2447558.81 1989 Feb 01 0722:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W46       2447559.32 1989 Feb  1 1942:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W47       2447560.80 1989 Feb 03 0709:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W48       2447561.12 1989 Feb 03 1500:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W49       2447562.80 1989 Feb 05 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M17       2447565.50 1989 Feb  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W50       2447565.79 1989 Feb 08 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W51       2447566.02 1989 Feb 08 1234:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W52       2447566.86 1989 Feb 09 0840:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W53       2447567.17 1989 Feb  9 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W54       2447568.13 1989 Feb 10 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W55       2447568.34 1989 Feb 10 2012:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W56       2447569.10 1989 Feb 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W57       2447569.79 1989 Feb 12 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M18       2447572.50 1989 Feb 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W310      2447572.58 1989 Feb 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R700          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W58       2447573.13 1989 Feb 15 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W59       2447574.79 1989 Feb 17 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M59       2447577.50 1989 Feb 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-M19       2447579.50 1989 Feb 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W311      2447579.59 1989 Feb 22 0206     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R701          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W60       2447579.79 1989 Feb 22 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W61       2447580.03 1989 Feb 22 1244:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W62       2447580.08 1989 Feb 22 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W63       2447580.12 1989 Feb 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W64       2447580.14 1989 Feb 22 1525:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W65       2447581.15 1989 Feb 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W66       2447582.08 1989 Feb 24 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W67       2447582.13 1989 Feb 24 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W68       2447583.99 1989 Feb 26 1146:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W69       2447585.15 1989 Feb 27 1529:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M20       2447586.50 1989 Mar  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W70       2447587.12 1989 Mar  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W71       2447587.15 1989 Mar  1 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W72       2447587.26 1989 Mar 01 1820:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W312      2447587.58 1989 Mar  2 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R702          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-M21       2447593.50 1989 Mar  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W313      2447593.58 1989 Mar  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R703          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W73       2447594.11 1989 Mar  8 1443:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W74       2447594.15 1989 Mar  8 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W75       2447596.13 1989 Mar 10 1514:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W76       2447598.12 1989 Mar 12 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W77       2447599.02 1989 Mar 13 1225:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W78       2447599.06 1989 Mar 13 1329:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W79       2447599.17 1989 Mar 13 1605:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W80       2447600.15 1989 Mar 14 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M22       2447600.50 1989 Mar 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W314      2447600.58 1989 Mar 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R704          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W81       2447600.94 1989 Mar 15 1033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W82       2447600.96 1989 Mar 15 1102:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W83       2447601.00 1989 Mar 15 1201:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W84       2447601.05 1989 Mar 15 1306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W85       2447601.09 1989 Mar 15 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W86       2447601.12 1989 Mar 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W87       2447601.16 1989 Mar 15 1545:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KORO      GMS89A   ULP1             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W88       2447602.03 1989 Mar 16 1247:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP17             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W89       2447602.21 1989 Mar 16 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W90       2447603.00 1989 Mar 17 1155:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP18             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W91       2447603.00 1989 Mar 17 1157:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W92       2447603.11 1989 Mar 17 1432:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W93       2447603.95 1989 Mar 18 1045:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W94       2447603.98 1989 Mar 18 1130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W95       2447603.99 1989 Mar 18 1148:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W96       2447604.13 1989 Mar 18 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W97       2447604.14 1989 Mar 18 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W98       2447604.94 1989 Mar 19 1030:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS88D   LP19             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W99       2447606.12 1989 Mar 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M23       2447607.50 1989 Mar 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W100      2447608.14 1989 Mar 22 1522:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W101      2447609.15 1989 Mar 23 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M24       2447614.50 1989 Mar 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W315      2447614.58 1989 Mar 29 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R705          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W102      2447615.13 1989 Mar 29 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W103      2447620.06 1989 Apr 03 1330:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W104      2447621.32 1989 Apr  4 1940:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M25       2447621.50 1989 Apr  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W105      2447622.13 1989 Apr 05 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W106      2447624.04 1989 Apr  7 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W107      2447628.09 1989 Apr 11 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W108      2447628.13 1989 Apr 11 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W109      2447629.04 1989 Apr 12 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-M26       2447629.50 1989 Apr 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W316      2447629.58 1989 Apr 13 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R706          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-M27       2447635.50 1989 Apr 19          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W317      2447635.58 1989 Apr 19 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R707          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W110      2447635.88 1989 Apr 19 0914:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W111      2447635.92 1989 Apr 19 0959:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W112      2447636.00 1989 Apr 19 1200:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W113      2447636.04 1989 Apr 19 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W114      2447636.08 1989 Apr 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W115      2447636.09 1989 Apr 19 1404:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M28       2447642.50 1989 Apr 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W318      2447642.59 1989 Apr 26 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R708          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W116      2447643.03 1989 Apr 26 1240     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W117      2447643.22 1989 Apr 26 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W118      2447644.27 1989 Apr 27 1834:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W119      2447645.19 1989 Apr 28 1638:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W120      2447649.39 1989 May  2 2125:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M29       2447649.50 1989 May  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W121      2447649.80 1989 May 03 0715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W122      2447650.05 1989 May  3 1310:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W123      2447650.22 1989 May  3 1713:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W124      2447650.98 1989 May 04 1133:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W125      2447651.34 1989 May  4 2013:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W126      2447651.42 1989 May  4 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W127      2447652.17 1989 May  5 1610:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W128      2447652.22 1989 May  5 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W129      2447655.12 1989 May  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W130      2447655.17 1989 May  8 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W131      2447655.19 1989 May  8 1633:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W132      2447655.32 1989 May  8 1943:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W133      2447655.34 1989 May  8 2014:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W134      2447655.38 1989 May  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W319      2447656.58 1989 May 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R709          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W135      2447656.80 1989 May 10 0711:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W136      2447657.01 1989 May 10 1210     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W137      2447657.09 1989 May 10 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W138      2447658.07 1989 May 11 1340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M02       2447658.25 1989 May 11 1800     SICBM                    -      FTM-1                -                        -                        -                        -         V        TP-01            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 AFSC         MF   -                        Test                     AWST890522-25        -                    -
1989-W139      2447658.79 1989 May 12 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W140      2447662.21 1989 May 15 1703:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M30       2447663.50 1989 May 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W320      2447663.58 1989 May 17 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R710          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W141      2447663.79 1989 May 17 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M03       2447664.50 1989 May 18?         VLS-R2                   -      VLS-R2               -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 IAE          SS   INPE/                    Test                     JCM                  JSD94-196            -
1989-W142      2447665.08 1989 May 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W143      2447665.14 1989 May 18 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W144      2447665.79 1989 May 19 0701:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W145      2447666.08 1989 May 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W146      2447669.08 1989 May 22 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W147      2447670.80 1989 May 24 0715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W148      2447670.91 1989 May 24 0954:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W149      2447671.01 1989 May 24 1210     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W150      2447671.09 1989 May 24 1413:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W151      2447671.13 1989 May 24 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M31       2447671.50 1989 May 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W152      2447672.79 1989 May 26 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M32       2447677.50 1989 May 31          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W321      2447677.59 1989 May 31 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R711          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W153      2447678.18 1989 May 31 1621:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W154      2447679.05 1989 Jun 01 1306:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W155      2447679.79 1989 Jun 02 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W156      2447681.79 1989 Jun 04 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W157      2447684.12 1989 Jun  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M33       2447684.50 1989 Jun  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W158      2447684.80 1989 Jun 07 0708:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W159      2447684.98 1989 Jun 07 1130:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W160      2447686.12 1989 Jun  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W161      2447686.80 1989 Jun 09 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W162      2447691.21 1989 Jun 13 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M34       2447691.50 1989 Jun 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W322      2447691.58 1989 Jun 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R712          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W163      2447691.97 1989 Jun 14 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W164      2447692.09 1989 Jun 14 1411:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W165      2447692.13 1989 Jun 14 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W166      2447692.19 1989 Jun 14 1630:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W167      2447693.79 1989 Jun 16 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W168      2447694.09 1989 Jun 16 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W169      2447697.21 1989 Jun 19 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W170      2447698.21 1989 Jun 20 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M35       2447698.50 1989 Jun 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W323      2447698.58 1989 Jun 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R713          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W171      2447698.79 1989 Jun 21 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W172      2447698.92 1989 Jun 21 1008:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W173      2447698.97 1989 Jun 21 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W174      2447699.02 1989 Jun 21 1230     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W175      2447699.28 1989 Jun 21 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W176      2447700.45 1989 Jun 22 2252:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W177      2447700.80 1989 Jun 23 0717:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W178      2447704.21 1989 Jun 26 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M36       2447705.50 1989 Jun 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W324      2447705.58 1989 Jun 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R714          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W179      2447705.80 1989 Jun 28 0714:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        MUSSON    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W180      2447705.97 1989 Jun 28 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W181      2447706.08 1989 Jun 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W182      2447706.19 1989 Jun 28 1633:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M37       2447712.50 1989 Jul  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W183      2447720.14 1989 Jul 12 1515:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W184      2447720.19 1989 Jul 12 1628:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W325      2447720.58 1989 Jul 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R715          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-M38       2447726.50 1989 Jul 19          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-M06       2447728.32 1989 Jul 20 1939     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 356 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-M07       2447732.31 1989 Jul 24 1922     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 357 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-W185      2447734.19 1989 Jul 26 1628:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M08       2447734.37 1989 Jul 26 2053     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 358 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-M09       2447735.28 1989 Jul 27 1849     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 359 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-M10       2447736.27 1989 Jul 28 1827     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 360 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-M39       2447740.50 1989 Aug  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W326      2447740.58 1989 Aug  2 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R716          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W186      2447740.97 1989 Aug 02 1122:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W187      2447741.17 1989 Aug  2 1609:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M11       2447741.23 1989 Aug  2 1738     Super Loki               -      -                    ROCOZ-A 361 STOIC        -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Barnes,Parsons       Aeron                    JGR100,D5,9209       -                    -
1989-M60       2447741.50 1989 Aug  3          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-W188      2447741.91 1989 Aug 03 0949:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M61       2447742.50 1989 Aug  4          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-W189      2447746.08 1989 Aug  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W190      2447747.09 1989 Aug  8 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W191      2447747.12 1989 Aug  8 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W192      2447748.12 1989 Aug  9 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W193      2447748.13 1989 Aug 09 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W194      2447748.26 1989 Aug  9 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W195      2447749.02 1989 Aug 10 1233:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W196      2447749.06 1989 Aug 10 1322:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W197      2447750.10 1989 Aug 11 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W198      2447751.96 1989 Aug 13 1057:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W199      2447751.96 1989 Aug 13 1100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W200      2447752.00 1989 Aug 13 1154:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W201      2447752.00 1989 Aug 13 1155:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W202      2447752.07 1989 Aug 13 1336:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W203      2447752.09 1989 Aug 13 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W204      2447752.14 1989 Aug 13 1515:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M40       2447754.50 1989 Aug 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W327      2447754.58 1989 Aug 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R717          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W205      2447755.10 1989 Aug 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W206      2447755.13 1989 Aug 16 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M04       2447758.46 1989 Aug 19 2300     TR-1                     -      TR-1-3               H-II 1/4 Scale           -                        -                        -         TNSC     T                -        -                     85      -  -               0.000 NASDA        SS   NASDA/                   Test                     NASDA-WWW            AWST890828-11        -
1989-W207      2447760.09 1989 Aug 21 1405:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M41       2447761.50 1989 Aug 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W208      2447763.20 1989 Aug 24 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W209      2447764.06 1989 Aug 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W210      2447767.09 1989 Aug 28 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W211      2447768.19 1989 Aug 29 1635:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M42       2447768.50 1989 Aug 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W328      2447768.58 1989 Aug 30 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R718          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W212      2447769.09 1989 Aug 30 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W213      2447771.08 1989 Sep  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W214      2447771.09 1989 Sep 01 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W215      2447771.21 1989 Sep 01 1707:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W216      2447771.25 1989 Sep 01 1800:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W217      2447775.29 1989 Sep 05 1851:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M43       2447775.50 1989 Sep  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W218      2447775.58 1989 Sep  6 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-50            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W219      2447775.97 1989 Sep 06 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W220      2447776.03 1989 Sep  6 1238     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W221      2447778.08 1989 Sep 08 1400:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W222      2447781.34 1989 Sep 11 2015:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M44       2447782.50 1989 Sep 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W329      2447782.58 1989 Sep 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R719          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W223      2447782.99 1989 Sep 13 1145:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W224      2447785.21 1989 Sep 15 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M45       2447789.50 1989 Sep 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W330      2447789.58 1989 Sep 20 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R720          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W225      2447792.21 1989 Sep 22 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W226      2447796.23 1989 Sep 26 1725:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M46       2447796.50 1989 Sep 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W227      2447798.19 1989 Sep 28 1634:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M47       2447803.50 1989 Oct  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W331      2447803.58 1989 Oct  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R721          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W228      2447803.97 1989 Oct 04 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W229      2447804.10 1989 Oct  4 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W230      2447809.20 1989 Oct 09 1655:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W231      2447809.20 1989 Oct 09 1655:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W232      2447810.05 1989 Oct 10 1310     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-M48       2447810.50 1989 Oct 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W233      2447810.79 1989 Oct 11 0700:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W234      2447810.97 1989 Oct 11 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W235      2447811.18 1989 Oct 11 1625:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W236      2447815.20 1989 Oct 15 1655:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W237      2447815.80 1989 Oct 16 0717:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    [M-100B in R.File]       -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   GMS/                     Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W238      2447816.10 1989 Oct 16 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W239      2447817.09 1989 Oct 17 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M49       2447817.50 1989 Oct 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W332      2447817.59 1989 Oct 18 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R722          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W240      2447817.85 1989 Oct 18 0820:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W241      2447818.03 1989 Oct 18 1237:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W242      2447818.04 1989 Oct 18 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W243      2447818.29 1989 Oct 18 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W244      2447818.39 1989 Oct 18 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W245      2447819.10 1989 Oct 19 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W246      2447820.08 1989 Oct 20 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W247      2447821.79 1989 Oct 22 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W248      2447821.84 1989 Oct 22 0809:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W249      2447822.79 1989 Oct 23 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W250      2447822.86 1989 Oct 23 0832:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W251      2447823.22 1989 Oct 23 1712:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W252      2447823.26 1989 Oct 23 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W253      2447823.33 1989 Oct 23 1948:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M50       2447824.50 1989 Oct 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W254      2447824.80 1989 Oct 25 0715:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W255      2447825.06 1989 Oct 25 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W256      2447825.09 1989 Oct 25 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W257      2447826.25 1989 Oct 26 1800:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS89C   ULP1             -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W258      2447830.04 1989 Oct 30 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W259      2447831.23 1989 Oct 31 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M51       2447831.50 1989 Nov  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W333      2447831.58 1989 Nov  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R723          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W260      2447832.09 1989 Nov  1 1403:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W261      2447833.24 1989 Nov  2 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W262      2447834.79 1989 Nov 04 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M62       2447837.50 1989 Nov  7          RH-200                   -      RH-200               ABR-V                    -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-M63       2447837.50 1989 Nov  7          RH-200                   -      RH-200               ABR-E                    -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-W263      2447838.23 1989 Nov  7 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W264      2447838.79 1989 Nov 08 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W265      2447838.97 1989 Nov 08 1118:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W266      2447839.05 1989 Nov  8 1310     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W267      2447839.13 1989 Nov  8 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W268      2447840.80 1989 Nov 10 0708:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M52       2447845.50 1989 Nov 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W334      2447845.58 1989 Nov 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R724          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W269      2447845.79 1989 Nov 15 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W270      2447846.44 1989 Nov 15 2236:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W271      2447847.80 1989 Nov 17 0716:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W272      2447852.09 1989 Nov 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W273      2447852.25 1989 Nov 21 1758:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W335      2447852.58 1989 Nov 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R725          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W274      2447852.79 1989 Nov 22 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W275      2447853.04 1989 Nov 22 1300:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W276      2447853.08 1989 Nov 22 1401:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W277      2447853.17 1989 Nov 22 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W278      2447853.34 1989 Nov 22 2006:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M53       2447853.50 1989 Nov 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W279      2447853.60 1989 Nov 23 0230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W280      2447857.09 1989 Nov 26 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W281      2447857.13 1989 Nov 26 1509:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W282      2447857.79 1989 Nov 27 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W283      2447858.52 1989 Nov 28 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W284      2447858.52 1989 Nov 28 0030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W285      2447858.56 1989 Nov 28 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W286      2447858.59 1989 Nov 28 0210:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W287      2447858.61 1989 Nov 28 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M54       2447859.50 1989 Nov 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W288      2447859.87 1989 Nov 29 0855:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W289      2447860.12 1989 Nov 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W290      2447860.13 1989 Nov 29 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-W291      2447860.28 1989 Nov 29 1849:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M05       2447865.50 1989 Dec  5          Al Abid                  -      -                    Stage 1 test             -                        -                        -         ANBAR    -                -        -                      2?     -  -               0.000 IQ           MF   -                        Test                     SN891211-22          -
1989-W336      2447866.58 1989 Dec  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R726          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W292      2447867.12 1989 Dec  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W293      2447867.15 1989 Dec  6 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M55       2447867.50 1989 Dec  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W294      2447869.04 1989 Dec  8 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W337      2447873.58 1989 Dec 13 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R727          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W295      2447874.13 1989 Dec 13 1504:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W296      2447874.18 1989 Dec 13 1619:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W297      2447874.20 1989 Dec 13 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M56       2447874.50 1989 Dec 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W298      2447876.11 1989 Dec 15 1437:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W299      2447876.17 1989 Dec 15 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W300      2447876.22 1989 Dec 15 1715:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W301      2447878.19 1989 Dec 17 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-W302      2447879.43 1989 Dec 18 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M64       2447879.50 1989 Dec 19          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-M65       2447880.50 1989 Dec 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1989-W303      2447881.07 1989 Dec 20 1340     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1989-W304      2447881.12 1989 Dec 20 1500:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1989-M57       2447881.50 1989 Dec 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W338      2447881.59 1989 Dec 21 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R728          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W305      2447887.27 1989 Dec 26 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1989-M58       2447887.50 1989 Dec 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1989-W339      2447888.58 1989 Dec 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R729          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1989-W306      2447889.44 1989 Dec 28 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W01       2447893.04 1990 Jan 01 1300:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP1              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M18       2447894.50 1990 Jan  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W02       2447894.84 1990 Jan 03 0815:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    MINIA    -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W03       2447894.87 1990 Jan 03 0852:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W04       2447894.92 1990 Jan 03 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP2              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W05       2447896.80 1990 Jan 05 0710:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90B   LP2              -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W06       2447896.81 1990 Jan 05 0725:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W07       2447897.10 1990 Jan 05 1430:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W191      2447897.58 1990 Jan  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R730          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W08       2447898.05 1990 Jan 06 1317:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP4              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W09       2447899.81 1990 Jan 08 0729:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90B   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W10       2447901.34 1990 Jan 09 2010:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W11       2447901.35 1990 Jan 09 2030:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W12       2447901.47 1990 Jan 09 2310:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AKHT     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M19       2447901.50 1990 Jan 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W14       2447901.80 1990 Jan 10 0719:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W15       2447902.04 1990 Jan 10 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    DYANA DZD1               -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1990-W16       2447902.09 1990 Jan 10 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W17       2447902.09 1990 Jan 10 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W18       2447902.14 1990 Jan 10 1522:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W19       2447902.83 1990 Jan 11 0800:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W20       2447902.97 1990 Jan 11 1115:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP5              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W21       2447903.80 1990 Jan 12 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W22       2447903.85 1990 Jan 12 0824:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90B   LP4              -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W23       2447904.92 1990 Jan 13 1010:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP5              -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W24       2447908.47 1990 Jan 16 2315:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AKHT     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M20       2447908.50 1990 Jan 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W13       2447908.58 1990 Jan 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R731         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    SRJ/ESA-SP317-381    -                    -
1990-W25       2447908.79 1990 Jan 17 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W26       2447908.88 1990 Jan 17 0908:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP5              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W27       2447908.92 1990 Jan 17 1000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W28       2447909.03 1990 Jan 17 1240:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W29       2447909.09 1990 Jan 17 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W30       2447909.09 1990 Jan 17 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W31       2447909.13 1990 Jan 17 1507:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W32       2447910.75 1990 Jan 19 0557:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W33       2447910.79 1990 Jan 19 0704:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W34       2447910.82 1990 Jan 19 0737:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W35       2447911.04 1990 Jan 19 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            -                    -
1990-W36       2447911.67 1990 Jan 20 0401:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W37       2447911.71 1990 Jan 20 0458:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W190      2447912.01 1990 Jan 20 1210     Super Loki               -      SL-3                 -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    SRJ1990              -                    -
1990-W38       2447912.95 1990 Jan 21 1050:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP6              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W39       2447913.92 1990 Jan 22 1000:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP7              -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W40       2447914.13 1990 Jan 22 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM3               -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W41       2447914.92 1990 Jan 23 1009:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP8              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W42       2447915.47 1990 Jan 23 2310:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AKHT     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M21       2447915.50 1990 Jan 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W43       2447915.58 1990 Jan 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R732         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W44       2447915.79 1990 Jan 24 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W45       2447915.83 1990 Jan 24 0800:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W46       2447915.93 1990 Jan 24 1023:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP9              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W47       2447915.97 1990 Jan 24 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DTM5               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W48       2447916.17 1990 Jan 24 1605:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM4               -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W49       2447916.43 1990 Jan 24 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W50       2447916.95 1990 Jan 25 1044:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP10             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W51       2447917.79 1990 Jan 26 0700:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W52       2447917.97 1990 Jan 26 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DTM6               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W53       2447918.05 1990 Jan 26 1313:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP11             -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W54       2447920.82 1990 Jan 29 0739:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90B   LP5              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M01       2447921.04 1990 Jan 29 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W55       2447922.58 1990 Jan 31 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R733         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W56       2447922.70 1990 Jan 31 0445:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W57       2447922.80 1990 Jan 31 0707:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W58       2447922.80 1990 Jan 31 0708:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90B   LP6              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W59       2447922.80 1990 Jan 31 0711:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        USHAKOV   MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W60       2447922.88 1990 Jan 31 0900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W61       2447922.98 1990 Jan 31 1125:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M02       2447923.05 1990 Jan 31 1310     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W62       2447923.12 1990 Jan 31 1453:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W63       2447923.12 1990 Jan 31 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W64       2447923.13 1990 Jan 31 1510:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W65       2447923.29 1990 Jan 31 1853:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W66       2447923.47 1990 Jan 31 2320:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP1              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M03       2447925.04 1990 Feb  2 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W67       2447925.05 1990 Feb 02 1305:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DTM8               -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M04       2447928.04 1990 Feb  5 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W68       2447928.13 1990 Feb 05 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM7               -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W69       2447929.58 1990 Feb  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R734         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W70       2447929.72 1990 Feb 07 0520:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W71       2447929.88 1990 Feb 07 0900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M05       2447930.06 1990 Feb  7 1320     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W72       2447930.14 1990 Feb  7 1520     M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM8               -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W73       2447930.43 1990 Feb  7 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W74       2447931.80 1990 Feb 09 0709:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M06       2447932.04 1990 Feb  9 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W75       2447934.80 1990 Feb 12 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M07       2447935.05 1990 Feb 12 1307     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W76       2447936.58 1990 Feb 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R735         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W77       2447936.79 1990 Feb 14 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W78       2447936.88 1990 Feb 14 0900:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W79       2447937.01 1990 Feb 14 1212:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W80       2447937.04 1990 Feb 14 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    DYANA DZD2               -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MDD          SS   LINAO/Gernandt           Aeron            ESA-SP317-381        -
1990-M08       2447937.05 1990 Feb 14 1305     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W81       2447937.10 1990 Feb 14 1431:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W82       2447937.12 1990 Feb 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W83       2447938.79 1990 Feb 16 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M09       2447939.06 1990 Feb 16 1323     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-M10       2447942.05 1990 Feb 19 1308     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W84       2447943.47 1990 Feb 20 2310:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AKHT     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W85       2447943.58 1990 Feb 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R736         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W86       2447943.58 1990 Feb 21 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-51            DYANA parachute          -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W87       2447943.62 1990 Feb 21 0254:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W88       2447943.79 1990 Feb 21 0652:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W89       2447943.79 1990 Feb 21 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W90       2447943.95 1990 Feb 21 1053:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W91       2447943.97 1990 Feb 21 1118:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W92       2447944.09 1990 Feb 21 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W93       2447944.12 1990 Feb 21 1457:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W94       2447944.29 1990 Feb 21 1855:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W95       2447944.52 1990 Feb 22 0032:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP2              -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W96       2447945.79 1990 Feb 23 0703:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M11       2447946.08 1990 Feb 23 1350     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W97       2447949.11 1990 Feb 26 1440     M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM13              -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W98       2447950.58 1990 Feb 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R737         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W99       2447950.80 1990 Feb 28 0705:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W100      2447950.89 1990 Feb 28 0925:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M12       2447951.05 1990 Feb 28 1305     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W101      2447951.13 1990 Feb 28 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM14              -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W102      2447951.15 1990 Feb 28 1530:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM14              -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W103      2447952.82 1990 Mar 02 0740:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M13       2447953.05 1990 Mar  2 1305     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W104      2447955.16 1990 Mar  4 1547:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W105      2447955.20 1990 Mar  4 1646:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M14       2447956.05 1990 Mar  5 1305     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W106      2447956.11 1990 Mar 05 1435:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM15              -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W107      2447956.13 1990 Mar 05 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM15              -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W108      2447957.31 1990 Mar 06 1920:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W109      2447957.58 1990 Mar  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R738         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W110      2447957.79 1990 Mar 07 0702:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W111      2447957.97 1990 Mar 07 1110:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DTM21              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M15       2447958.04 1990 Mar  7 1300     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W112      2447958.09 1990 Mar 07 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W113      2447958.11 1990 Mar 07 1437:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM16              -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W114      2447958.44 1990 Mar  7 2237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W115      2447959.83 1990 Mar 09 0754:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        KREN      MINIA?   -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M16       2447960.05 1990 Mar  9 1315     RH-200                   -      -                    DYANA Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   PRL/TSAO/                Meteo                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W116      2447961.63 1990 Mar 11 0303:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W117      2447961.67 1990 Mar 11 0409:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W118      2447961.79 1990 Mar 11 0703:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W119      2447961.95 1990 Mar 11 1055:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W120      2447961.96 1990 Mar 11 1058:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP12             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W121      2447962.12 1990 Mar 11 1455:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W122      2447962.29 1990 Mar 11 1857:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W123      2447962.45 1990 Mar 11 2255:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIR      GMS90C   LP3              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W124      2447963.12 1990 Mar 12 1452:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DVM17              -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W125      2447964.33 1990 Mar 13 2000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M22       2447964.50 1990 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W126      2447964.58 1990 Mar 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT-135P-R739         DYANA                    -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP317-381        -                    -
1990-W127      2447965.04 1990 Mar 14 1256:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PRILIV    GMS90A   LP13             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W128      2447965.13 1990 Mar 14 1505:00  M-100B                   -      -                    DYANA DHM18              -                        -                        -         OK       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-M23       2447971.50 1990 Mar 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W192      2447971.58 1990 Mar 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R740          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W129      2447971.89 1990 Mar 21 0925:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W130      2447972.06 1990 Mar 21 1320     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W131      2447972.09 1990 Mar 21 1407:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         MLD      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W132      2447972.10 1990 Mar 21 1430:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W133      2447972.14 1990 Mar 21 1525:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W193      2447978.58 1990 Mar 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R741          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W134      2447978.93 1990 Mar 28 1025:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SAIN     -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W135      2447979.08 1990 Mar 28 1400     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M24       2447979.50 1990 Mar 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-M25       2447985.50 1990 Apr  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W194      2447992.58 1990 Apr 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R742          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-M26       2447993.50 1990 Apr 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-M27       2447999.50 1990 Apr 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W195      2447999.58 1990 Apr 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R743          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-M28       2448006.50 1990 Apr 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W196      2448006.58 1990 Apr 25 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R744          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W136      2448010.95 1990 Apr 29 1041:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W137      2448010.98 1990 Apr 29 1137:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M29       2448013.50 1990 May  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W138      2448020.38 1990 May  8 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W139      2448020.53 1990 May  9 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W140      2448021.00 1990 May  9 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M30       2448021.50 1990 May 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W197      2448021.58 1990 May 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R745          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W141      2448023.00 1990 May 11 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M44       2448026.50 1990 May 15          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1990-M45       2448027.50 1990 May 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1990-M46       2448027.50 1990 May 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1990-M47       2448027.50 1990 May 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1990-M31       2448027.50 1990 May 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W198      2448027.58 1990 May 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R746          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-M32       2448034.50 1990 May 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W199      2448034.58 1990 May 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R747          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-M33       2448041.50 1990 May 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W142      2448042.00 1990 May 30 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M34       2448048.50 1990 Jun  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W200      2448048.58 1990 Jun  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R748          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W143      2448051.00 1990 Jun  8 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M35       2448055.50 1990 Jun 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W144      2448056.00 1990 Jun 13 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-M36       2448062.50 1990 Jun 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W201      2448062.58 1990 Jun 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R749          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W145      2448063.01 1990 Jun 20 1210     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W146      2448069.06 1990 Jun 26 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M37       2448069.50 1990 Jun 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W202      2448070.58 1990 Jun 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R750          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-M38       2448077.50 1990 Jul  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-M39       2448083.50 1990 Jul 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W203      2448083.58 1990 Jul 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R751          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W147      2448090.15 1990 Jul 17 1537:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M40       2448090.50 1990 Jul 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W148      2448092.08 1990 Jul 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W149      2448096.00 1990 Jul 23 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M41       2448097.50 1990 Jul 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W204      2448097.59 1990 Jul 25 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R752          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W150      2448104.06 1990 Jul 31 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M42       2448104.50 1990 Aug  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W219      2448106.49 1990 Aug  2 2346     Super Loki               -      Robin Dart           SISSI So5?               -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     39      -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   WUPP/Grossmann           Aeron                         -                    -
1990-W151      2448111.08 1990 Aug  7 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M43       2448111.50 1990 Aug  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    IJSRP18,224          -                    -
1990-W205      2448111.58 1990 Aug  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R753          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W152      2448120.08 1990 Aug 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W153      2448125.19 1990 Aug 21 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W206      2448126.58 1990 Aug 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R754          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W154      2448127.08 1990 Aug 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W155      2448130.59 1990 Aug 27 0210:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-52            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1990-W156      2448134.10 1990 Aug 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W207      2448139.58 1990 Sep  5 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R755          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W157      2448147.00 1990 Sep 12 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W158      2448152.05 1990 Sep 17 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W208      2448153.58 1990 Sep 19 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R756          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W159      2448154.11 1990 Sep 19 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W160      2448156.24 1990 Sep 21 1745:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-M17       2448158.50 1990 Sep 24          Iraqi Gun Projectile     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         JHIM     G350             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 IQMIC        SS   SRCI/                    Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1990-W161      2448161.00 1990 Sep 26 1200     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W162      2448161.28 1990 Sep 26 1845:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W163      2448162.08 1990 Sep 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W164      2448166.04 1990 Oct  1 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W209      2448167.58 1990 Oct  3 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R757          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W165      2448170.07 1990 Oct  5 1344:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W166      2448171.08 1990 Oct  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W167      2448174.91 1990 Oct 10 0953:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W168      2448174.94 1990 Oct 10 1033:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W169      2448174.95 1990 Oct 10 1042:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W170      2448174.98 1990 Oct 10 1137:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W171      2448177.04 1990 Oct 12 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W210      2448181.59 1990 Oct 17 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R758          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W172      2448182.04 1990 Oct 17 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W173      2448182.06 1990 Oct 17 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W174      2448182.07 1990 Oct 17 1340     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W175      2448194.12 1990 Oct 29 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1990-W211      2448196.58 1990 Nov  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R759          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W176      2448197.83 1990 Nov 02 0801:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90E   LP1              -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W177      2448198.07 1990 Nov  2 1340     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W178      2448200.84 1990 Nov 05 0814:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90E   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W212      2448202.58 1990 Nov  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R760          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W179      2448202.81 1990 Nov 07 0726:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        PASSAT    GMS90E   -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W213      2448209.58 1990 Nov 14 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R761          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W180      2448217.33 1990 Nov 21 2000:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W181      2448219.04 1990 Nov 23 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W214      2448223.58 1990 Nov 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R762          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W182      2448230.39 1990 Dec 04 2115:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W183      2448230.43 1990 Dec 04 2220:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BALKH    -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W215      2448230.58 1990 Dec  5 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R763          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W184      2448231.06 1990 Dec  5 1330     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W216      2448237.58 1990 Dec 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R764          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W185      2448240.04 1990 Dec 14 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W217      2448244.58 1990 Dec 19 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R765          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1990-W186      2448245.04 1990 Dec 19 1300     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W187      2448245.06 1990 Dec 19 1330     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1990-W188      2448245.88 1990 Dec 20 0905:00  M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1990-W218      2448252.58 1990 Dec 27 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R766          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W01       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W02       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W03       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W04       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W05       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W06       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W07       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W08       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W09       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W10       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W11       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W12       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W13       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W14       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W15       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W16       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W17       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W18       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W19       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W20       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-W21       2448256.50 1991                 M-100B                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 AN           SU   -                        Aeron                    Janes94-95           -                    -
1991-M03       2448256.50 1991                 Iskander                 -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1991-M04       2448256.50 1991                 Iskander                 -      2                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1991-M05       2448256.50 1991                 Iskander                 -      3                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1991-M06       2448256.50 1991                 Iskander                 -      4                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1991-M07       2448256.50 1991                 Iskander                 -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1990-W189      2448256.80 1990 Dec 31 0706:00  MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        BUGAEV    GMS90F   LP1              -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SU   GMS/?                    Aeron                    WDCRF                -                    -
1991-W22       2448263.12 1991 Jan  6 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W132      2448265.59 1991 Jan  9 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R767          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W133      2448272.59 1991 Jan 16 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R768          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W23       2448273.23 1991 Jan 16 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W24       2448274.12 1991 Jan 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W134      2448279.58 1991 Jan 23 0201     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R769          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W25       2448285.91 1991 Jan 29 0945:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9-                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W135      2448286.59 1991 Jan 30 0208     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R770          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W26       2448287.12 1991 Jan 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W27       2448292.89 1991 Feb  5 0914:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W28       2448293.12 1991 Feb  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W136      2448293.60 1991 Feb  6 0225     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R771          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W29       2448296.58 1991 Feb  9 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-53            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1991-W30       2448298.59 1991 Feb 11 0210     MT-135                   -      MT-135-54            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1991-W137      2448300.58 1991 Feb 13 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R772          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W31       2448301.12 1991 Feb 13 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W32       2448301.23 1991 Feb 13 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W33       2448306.88 1991 Feb 19 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W138      2448307.60 1991 Feb 20 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R773          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W139      2448314.59 1991 Feb 27 0204     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R774          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W34       2448315.13 1991 Feb 27 1510:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W35       2448322.23 1991 Mar  6 1736:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W36       2448323.12 1991 Mar  7 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W140      2448328.59 1991 Mar 13 0213     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R775          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W37       2448329.23 1991 Mar 13 1731:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W38       2448329.42 1991 Mar 13 2159:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W141      2448335.58 1991 Mar 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R776          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W39       2448335.86 1991 Mar 20 0832:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W142      2448342.58 1991 Mar 27 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R777          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W40       2448343.23 1991 Mar 27 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W41       2448343.26 1991 Mar 27 1814:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W42       2448348.88 1991 Apr  2 0900:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W43       2448349.11 1991 Apr  2 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W44       2448350.12 1991 Apr  3 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W45       2448350.17 1991 Apr  3 1603:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W46       2448351.12 1991 Apr  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W47       2448352.23 1991 Apr  5 1730:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W170      2448356.23 1991 Apr  9 1738     Super Loki               -      SISSI So5            SISSI So5                -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   WUPP/Grossmann           Aeron                         -                    -
1991-W143      2448356.59 1991 Apr 10 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R778          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W48       2448357.00 1991 Apr 10 1200:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W49       2448357.04 1991 Apr 10 1301:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W50       2448357.06 1991 Apr 10 1326:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W51       2448357.96 1991 Apr 11 1102:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W52       2448358.00 1991 Apr 11 1206:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W53       2448358.01 1991 Apr 11 1211:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W54       2448358.08 1991 Apr 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W55       2448358.49 1991 Apr 11 2340:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W56       2448362.55 1991 Apr 16 0114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W144      2448363.59 1991 Apr 17 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R779          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W57       2448364.08 1991 Apr 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W58       2448369.12 1991 Apr 22 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W145      2448370.58 1991 Apr 24 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R780          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W59       2448373.17 1991 Apr 26 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W60       2448375.05 1991 Apr 28 1304:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W61       2448380.08 1991 May  3 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W62       2448383.08 1991 May  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W63       2448383.13 1991 May  6 1506:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W64       2448383.17 1991 May  6 1602:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W65       2448383.27 1991 May  6 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W66       2448383.35 1991 May  6 2023:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W146      2448384.58 1991 May  8 0202     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R781          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W147      2448391.58 1991 May 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R782          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W67       2448392.19 1991 May 15 1630:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W148      2448398.58 1991 May 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R783          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W68       2448404.19 1991 May 27 1632:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W69       2448405.08 1991 May 28 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W70       2448405.74 1991 May 29 0549:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W71       2448408.07 1991 May 31 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W72       2448412.06 1991 Jun  4 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W149      2448412.60 1991 Jun  5 0225     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R784          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W73       2448413.13 1991 Jun  5 1500:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W74       2448415.07 1991 Jun  7 1333:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W75       2448422.00 1991 Jun 14 1200:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W76       2448422.04 1991 Jun 14 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W77       2448422.05 1991 Jun 14 1318:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W78       2448422.10 1991 Jun 14 1420:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W79       2448425.08 1991 Jun 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W150      2448426.59 1991 Jun 19 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R785          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W151      2448433.58 1991 Jun 26 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R786          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W80       2448434.20 1991 Jun 26 1643:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W81       2448435.57 1991 Jun 28 0138:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W82       2448436.30 1991 Jun 28 1907:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W83       2448439.08 1991 Jul  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W84       2448439.27 1991 Jul  1 1829:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-M01       2448441.85 1991 Jul  4 0822     Prithvi                  -      4                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire   -
1991-W152      2448448.58 1991 Jul 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R787          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W153      2448454.58 1991 Jul 17 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R788          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W85       2448455.08 1991 Jul 17 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W86       2448455.21 1991 Jul 17 1702:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W87       2448461.12 1991 Jul 23 1455:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W88       2448467.43 1991 Jul 29 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W89       2448469.11 1991 Jul 31 1445:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W154      2448469.58 1991 Aug  1 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R789          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W90       2448471.20 1991 Aug  2 1644:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-M02       2448475.73 1991 Aug  7 0528     Prithvi                  -      5                    -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                         Ulrich               -
1991-W91       2448479.85 1991 Aug 11 0830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W92       2448479.90 1991 Aug 11 0933:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W93       2448479.93 1991 Aug 11 1021:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W94       2448479.94 1991 Aug 11 1030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W95       2448479.99 1991 Aug 11 1152:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W96       2448480.03 1991 Aug 11 1237:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W97       2448480.05 1991 Aug 11 1312:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W98       2448480.07 1991 Aug 11 1334:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ANT      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W155      2448482.58 1991 Aug 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R790          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W99       2448485.56 1991 Aug 17 0130:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W100      2448488.08 1991 Aug 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W156      2448496.59 1991 Aug 28 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R791          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W101      2448497.47 1991 Aug 28 2320:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W102      2448499.61 1991 Aug 31 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W103      2448501.08 1991 Sep  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W157      2448503.58 1991 Sep  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R792          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W104      2448510.58 1991 Sep 11 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-55            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1991-W105      2448511.14 1991 Sep 11 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W106      2448511.22 1991 Sep 11 1722:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PRIM     -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W107      2448511.44 1991 Sep 11 2233:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W108      2448511.58 1991 Sep 12 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-56            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/TSUK/               Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1991-W158      2448511.58 1991 Sep 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R793          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W109      2448512.53 1991 Sep 13 0045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W110      2448523.89 1991 Sep 24 0922:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W159      2448524.59 1991 Sep 25 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R794          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W111      2448532.37 1991 Oct  2 2047:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W160      2448532.58 1991 Oct  3 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R795          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W112      2448539.22 1991 Oct  9 1711:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W113      2448539.43 1991 Oct  9 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W114      2448543.12 1991 Oct 13 1449:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W161      2448545.58 1991 Oct 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R796          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W115      2448546.08 1991 Oct 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W116      2448546.51 1991 Oct 17 0008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W162      2448552.59 1991 Oct 23 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R797          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W117      2448553.08 1991 Oct 23 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W118      2448560.12 1991 Oct 30 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W119      2448560.44 1991 Oct 30 2232:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W120      2448565.42 1991 Nov  4 2209:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W163      2448566.59 1991 Nov  6 0214     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R798          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W121      2448567.16 1991 Nov  6 1554:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W122      2448572.05 1991 Nov 11 1313:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W123      2448572.35 1991 Nov 11 2030:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W164      2448573.58 1991 Nov 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R799          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W124      2448574.14 1991 Nov 13 1521:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W125      2448579.15 1991 Nov 18 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W126      2448581.13 1991 Nov 20 1511:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W127      2448583.14 1991 Nov 22 1514:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W165      2448587.58 1991 Nov 27 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R800          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W128      2448588.14 1991 Nov 27 1524:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W166      2448594.58 1991 Dec  4 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R801          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W129      2448596.42 1991 Dec  5 2203:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W130      2448597.28 1991 Dec  6 1844:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W167      2448601.59 1991 Dec 11 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R802          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W168      2448608.58 1991 Dec 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R803          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1991-W131      2448609.44 1991 Dec 18 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1991-W169      2448615.58 1991 Dec 25 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R804          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-M05       2448621.50 1992                 Iskander                 -      II-1                 -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1992-W01       2448624.34 1992 Jan  2 2008:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W115      2448630.58 1992 Jan  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R805          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W02       2448636.58 1992 Jan 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R806          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W03       2448643.12 1992 Jan 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W04       2448643.58 1992 Jan 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R807          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W05       2448644.46 1992 Jan 22 2300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W06       2448657.59 1992 Feb  5 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R808          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W07       2448658.25 1992 Feb  5 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W08       2448660.25 1992 Feb  7 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W09       2448664.32 1992 Feb 11 1938:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W10       2448666.44 1992 Feb 13 2234:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W11       2448666.83 1992 Feb 14 0750     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W12       2448667.26 1992 Feb 14 1817:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-M01       2448667.46 1992 Feb 14 2300     HIMES Rockoon            -      RFT-2                HIMES RFT-2              -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 ISAS         TS   -                        Test                     AIAA-92-5053         -                    -
1992-W13       2448670.12 1992 Feb 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W14       2448671.59 1992 Feb 19 0211:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R809          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W15       2448671.82 1992 Feb 19 0745     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W16       2448673.81 1992 Feb 21 0730     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W17       2448674.12 1992 Feb 21 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W18       2448674.70 1992 Feb 22 0444:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W19       2448678.59 1992 Feb 26 0208:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R810          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W20       2448678.81 1992 Feb 26 0730     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W21       2448678.87 1992 Feb 26 0850     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W22       2448680.81 1992 Feb 28 0731     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W23       2448687.85 1992 Mar  6 0824     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W116      2448692.58 1992 Mar 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R811          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W24       2448692.81 1992 Mar 11 0732     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W25       2448692.85 1992 Mar 11 0827     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W26       2448693.15 1992 Mar 11 1534:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W27       2448693.89 1992 Mar 12 0924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W28       2448699.58 1992 Mar 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R812          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W29       2448700.48 1992 Mar 18 2325:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W30       2448701.87 1992 Mar 20 0858     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W31       2448703.25 1992 Mar 21 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W32       2448706.58 1992 Mar 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R813          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W33       2448706.81 1992 Mar 25 0732     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W34       2448706.85 1992 Mar 25 0825     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     51?     -  -               0.000 GMS?         SF   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W35       2448708.81 1992 Mar 27 0733     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W36       2448713.77 1992 Apr  1 0633     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W37       2448714.44 1992 Apr  1 2230:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W38       2448715.25 1992 Apr  2 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W39       2448715.81 1992 Apr  3 0720     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W40       2448719.09 1992 Apr  6 1407:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W117      2448720.58 1992 Apr  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R814          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W41       2448720.62 1992 Apr  8 0300:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W42       2448721.25 1992 Apr  8 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W43       2448722.77 1992 Apr 10 0630     MMR-06                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ZINGST   -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GMS?         SS   IAP/Glode                Aeron            -                    -
1992-W44       2448727.59 1992 Apr 15 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R815          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W45       2448734.58 1992 Apr 22 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R816          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W46       2448735.50 1992 Apr 23          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1992-W47       2448742.58 1992 Apr 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R817          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W48       2448748.58 1992 May  6 0156:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W49       2448749.21 1992 May  6 1700:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W50       2448755.06 1992 May 12 1327:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W118      2448755.58 1992 May 13 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R818          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W51       2448762.08 1992 May 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W119      2448762.58 1992 May 20 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R819          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W52       2448769.58 1992 May 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R820          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W53       2448771.09 1992 May 28 1408:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W54       2448776.50 1992 Jun  3          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1992-W55       2448779.08 1992 Jun  5 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W56       2448782.08 1992 Jun  8 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W57       2448783.58 1992 Jun 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R821          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W58       2448790.59 1992 Jun 17 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R822          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W59       2448790.90 1992 Jun 17 0932:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W60       2448792.36 1992 Jun 18 2034:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W61       2448793.17 1992 Jun 19 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W62       2448797.04 1992 Jun 23 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W63       2448797.58 1992 Jun 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R823          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W64       2448798.10 1992 Jun 24 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W65       2448800.25 1992 Jun 26 1800:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W66       2448803.09 1992 Jun 29 1403:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W67       2448803.89 1992 Jun 30 0924:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W68       2448805.50 1992 Jul  2 0000:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W69       2448806.08 1992 Jul  2 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W70       2448806.27 1992 Jul  2 1827:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W71       2448810.08 1992 Jul  6 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W72       2448810.23 1992 Jul  6 1733:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         PM       -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W73       2448812.58 1992 Jul  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R824          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W74       2448819.08 1992 Jul 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W75       2448819.12 1992 Jul 15 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W76       2448825.58 1992 Jul 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R825          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W77       2448828.04 1992 Jul 24 1301:20  Viper 3A                 ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   USU/Ulwick               Aeron            -                    -
1992-W78       2448829.03 1992 Jul 25 1246:00  Viper 3A                 ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   USU/Ulwick               Aeron            -                    -
1992-W79       2448832.04 1992 Jul 28 1259:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W80       2448833.42 1992 Jul 29 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W81       2448834.10 1992 Jul 30 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W82       2448839.41 1992 Aug  4 2145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W83       2448839.58 1992 Aug  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R826          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W84       2448842.21 1992 Aug  7 1704:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W85       2448853.60 1992 Aug 19 0230:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R827          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W86       2448854.08 1992 Aug 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W87       2448865.08 1992 Aug 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W120      2448867.58 1992 Sep  2 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R828          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W88       2448869.36 1992 Sep  3 2045:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W89       2448874.10 1992 Sep  8 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W90       2448874.58 1992 Sep  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R829          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W91       2448874.58 1992 Sep  9 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-57            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1992-W92       2448877.08 1992 Sep 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-M02       2448887.27 1992 Sep 21 1832     Orion                    -      NASA 30.40UP         CSOAR                    -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   WFF/Johnson              Aeron/Education          WISR                 SN921005-12          -
1992-W123      2448888.58 1992 Sep 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R830          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W94       2448890.09 1992 Sep 24 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W95       2448902.59 1992 Oct  7 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R831          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W96       2448905.08 1992 Oct  9 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-M03       2448909.50 1992 Oct 14          RH-200                   ?      -                    ABR 200 (I)              -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SN930222-7           -                    -
1992-W97       2448909.50 1992 Oct 14          Super Loki               -      -                    Student Launch Prog      -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 KSC          SS   KSC/                     Education                Cleary95             -                    -
1992-W98       2448910.12 1992 Oct 14 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W99       2448912.07 1992 Oct 16 1342:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-M04       2448914.50 1992 Oct 19          RH-200                   ?      -                    ABR 200 (I)              -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     SN930222-7           -                    -
1992-W100      2448915.38 1992 Oct 19 2100:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W101      2448917.05 1992 Oct 21 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W121      2448917.58 1992 Oct 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R832          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1992-W102      2448923.58 1992 Oct 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R833          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W103      2448931.58 1992 Nov  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R834          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W104      2448932.12 1992 Nov  5 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W105      2448937.32 1992 Nov 10 1944:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W106      2448944.58 1992 Nov 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R835          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W107      2448947.12 1992 Nov 20 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W108      2448951.58 1992 Nov 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R836          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W109      2448958.12 1992 Dec  1 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W110      2448958.60 1992 Dec  2 0220:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R837          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W111      2448972.59 1992 Dec 16 0209:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R838          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W112      2448975.08 1992 Dec 18 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W113      2448978.15 1992 Dec 21 1530:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1992-W122      2448979.58 1992 Dec 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R839          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1993-M01       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1993-M02       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1993-M03       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1993-M04       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1993-M05       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1993-M06       2448987.50 1993                 RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    ISRO93-94            -                    -
1992-W114      2448987.59 1992 Dec 31 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R840          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W01       2448993.59 1993 Jan  6 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R841          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W02       2449000.27 1993 Jan 12 1830:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W03       2449007.58 1993 Jan 20 0201:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R842          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W04       2449014.58 1993 Jan 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R843          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W05       2449020.29 1993 Feb  1 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W06       2449021.58 1993 Feb  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R844          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W07       2449036.58 1993 Feb 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R845          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W62       2449042.58 1993 Feb 24 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R846          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1993-W08       2449049.58 1993 Mar  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R847          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W09       2449063.58 1993 Mar 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R848          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W10       2449064.12 1993 Mar 17 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W11       2449068.09 1993 Mar 21 1415:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W12       2449070.59 1993 Mar 24 0207:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R849          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W13       2449071.14 1993 Mar 24 1519:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W14       2449071.16 1993 Mar 24 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W15       2449073.15 1993 Mar 26 1540:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-M08       2449075.50 1993 Mar 29          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1993-M09       2449075.50 1993 Mar 29          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1993-M10       2449076.50 1993 Mar 30          RH-200                   -      RH-200               SSV                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1993-W16       2449082.12 1993 Apr  4 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    AN/DMQ-9?                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W17       2449084.59 1993 Apr  7 0207:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R850          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W18       2449098.59 1993 Apr 21 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R851          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W19       2449105.58 1993 Apr 28 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R852          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W20       2449114.62 1993 May  7 0249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         KMR      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W21       2449119.58 1993 May 12 0202:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R853          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W22       2449121.10 1993 May 13 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W23       2449126.59 1993 May 19 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R854          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W24       2449129.08 1993 May 21 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W25       2449133.59 1993 May 26 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R855          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W26       2449133.99 1993 May 26 1145:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W27       2449135.08 1993 May 27 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W28       2449147.60 1993 Jun  9 0226:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R856          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W29       2449154.59 1993 Jun 16 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R857          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W30       2449157.11 1993 Jun 18 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W31       2449164.08 1993 Jun 25 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W32       2449168.60 1993 Jun 30 0221:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R858          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W33       2449176.45 1993 Jul  7 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W34       2449181.31 1993 Jul 12 1925:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W35       2449183.58 1993 Jul 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R859          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W36       2449185.08 1993 Jul 16 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     68      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W63       2449189.58 1993 Jul 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R860          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1993-W37       2449192.09 1993 Jul 23 1410:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W38       2449203.59 1993 Aug  4 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R861          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W39       2449211.17 1993 Aug 11 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W40       2449217.58 1993 Aug 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R862          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W41       2449226.31 1993 Aug 26 1919:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W42       2449231.59 1993 Sep  1 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R863          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W43       2449232.10 1993 Sep  1 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W44       2449241.08 1993 Sep 10 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W45       2449245.58 1993 Sep 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R864          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W46       2449252.58 1993 Sep 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R865          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W61       2449253.58 1993 Sep 23 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-58            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1993-W47       2449254.58 1993 Sep 24 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-59            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1993-W64       2449259.58 1993 Sep 29 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R866          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1993-W48       2449274.08 1993 Oct 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W49       2449274.58 1993 Oct 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R867          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W50       2449278.07 1993 Oct 17 1338:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W51       2449280.59 1993 Oct 20 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R868          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W52       2449287.58 1993 Oct 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R869          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W53       2449301.58 1993 Nov 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R870          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W54       2449308.58 1993 Nov 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R871          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W55       2449310.50 1993 Nov 18 2355:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W56       2449321.16 1993 Nov 29 1545:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-M07       2449321.79 1993 Nov 30 0655     Prithvi                  -      12                   250 kg RV                -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire   -
1993-W57       2449323.58 1993 Dec  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R872          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W58       2449329.58 1993 Dec  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R873          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W59       2449336.59 1993 Dec 15 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R874          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1993-W60       2449343.59 1993 Dec 22 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R875          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1994-W01       2449365.58 1994 Jan 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R877          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1994-M02       2449371.50 1994 Jan 19          RH-200                   -      RH-200               BBT                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1994-M03       2449372.50 1994 Jan 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200               BBT                      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1994-W06       2449378.58 1994 Jan 26 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R878          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W07       2449386.58 1994 Feb  3 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R879          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W08       2449399.59 1994 Feb 16 0207     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R880          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W09       2449413.60 1994 Mar  2 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R881          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W10       2449420.58 1994 Mar  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R882          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W11       2449427.58 1994 Mar 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R883          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W12       2449435.59 1994 Mar 24 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R884          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W13       2449441.59 1994 Mar 30 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R885          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W14       2449455.60 1994 Apr 13 0228     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R886          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W15       2449462.59 1994 Apr 20 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R887          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W16       2449469.59 1994 Apr 27 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R888          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W17       2449483.59 1994 May 11 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R889          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W18       2449497.59 1994 May 25 0215     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R890          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W19       2449511.59 1994 Jun  8 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R891          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W20       2449518.60 1994 Jun 15 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R892          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W21       2449532.58 1994 Jun 29 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R893          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W22       2449546.60 1994 Jul 13 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R894          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W23       2449553.59 1994 Jul 20 0208     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R895          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W24       2449567.59 1994 Aug  3 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R896          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W25       2449581.59 1994 Aug 17 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R897          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W26       2449588.59 1994 Aug 24 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R898          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W02       2449601.58 1994 Sep  6 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-60            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1994-W03       2449602.58 1994 Sep  7 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-61            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1994-W27       2449603.59 1994 Sep  8 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R899          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W04       2449610.58 1994 Sep 15 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-62            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1994-W05       2449613.58 1994 Sep 18 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-63            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1994-W28       2449616.58 1994 Sep 21 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R900          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W29       2449623.59 1994 Sep 28 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R901          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W30       2449630.59 1994 Oct  5 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R902          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W31       2449637.58 1994 Oct 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R903          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W32       2449644.59 1994 Oct 19 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R904          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W33       2449651.58 1994 Oct 26 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R905          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W34       2449665.58 1994 Nov  9 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R906          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W35       2449672.59 1994 Nov 16 0215     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R907          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W36       2449679.58 1994 Nov 23 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R908          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-M01       2449691.53 1994 Dec  5 0048     Improved Orion           -      SSC HYGROSOND        SSC Hygrosond            -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 SSC          SS   STO/TSAO/Khaplanov       Aeron                    WWW-SSC              -                    -
1994-W37       2449693.58 1994 Dec  7 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R909          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W38       2449701.58 1994 Dec 15 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R910          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W39       2449708.58 1994 Dec 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R911          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1994-W40       2449714.58 1994 Dec 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R912          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-M01       2449717.50 1995                 RX-250-LPN               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Test                     Alway                -                    -
1995-W01       2449729.59 1995 Jan 12 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R913          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W02       2449735.58 1995 Jan 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R914          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W03       2449742.59 1995 Jan 25 0210     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R915          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W18       2449757.59 1995 Feb  9 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R916          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W19       2449763.59 1995 Feb 15 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R917          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W20       2449770.58 1995 Feb 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R918          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W21       2449784.58 1995 Mar  8 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R919          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W04       2449796.50 1995 Mar 20          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W15       2449798.58 1995 Mar 22 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R920          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W16       2449805.58 1995 Mar 29 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R921          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W05       2449818.50 1995 Apr 11          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W17       2449833.60 1995 Apr 26 0220     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R922          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W06       2449839.50 1995 May  2          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W22       2449847.58 1995 May 10 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R923          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-M02       2449850.38 1995 May 12 2100     Super Loki               -      Dart                 High School Payload      -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/                     Education                NASA-PR95-68         -                    -
1995-W23       2449854.59 1995 May 17 0208     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R924          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W24       2449861.60 1995 May 24 0217     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R925          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W07       2449868.50 1995 May 31          Viper 3A                 ?      Aerosole             -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W25       2449868.59 1995 May 31 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R926          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W26       2449875.59 1995 Jun  7 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R927          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W27       2449889.59 1995 Jun 21 0207     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R928          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W28       2449896.58 1995 Jun 28 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R929          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W29       2449903.58 1995 Jul  5 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R930          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W30       2449910.58 1995 Jul 12 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R931          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W31       2449917.58 1995 Jul 19 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R932          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W08       2449923.95 1995 Jul 25 1041:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   USU/Espy                 Aeron            -                    -
1995-W32       2449931.58 1995 Aug  2 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R933          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W09       2449937.88 1995 Aug  8 0910:00  Super Loki               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   USU/Espy                 Aeron            -                    -
1995-W33       2449938.59 1995 Aug  9 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R934          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W34       2449952.59 1995 Aug 23 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R935          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W35       2449966.58 1995 Sep  6 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R936          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W36       2449980.59 1995 Sep 20 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R937          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W37       2449994.59 1995 Oct  4 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R938          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W38       2450001.58 1995 Oct 11 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R939          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W39       2450008.58 1995 Oct 18 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R940          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W40       2450016.58 1995 Oct 26 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R941          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W41       2450030.59 1995 Nov  9 0215     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R942          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W42       2450037.58 1995 Nov 16 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R943          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W10       2450042.08 1995 Nov 20 1400     Super Loki               -      DLR KO-SL-218        -                        -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W43       2450043.59 1995 Nov 22 0203     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R944          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W11       2450045.08 1995 Nov 23 1400     Super Loki               -      DLR KO-SL-219        -                        -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1995-W44       2450050.59 1995 Nov 29 0205     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R945          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1995-W12       2450065.58 1995 Dec 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R946          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1995-W13       2450071.58 1995 Dec 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R947          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1995-W14       2450078.58 1995 Dec 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R948          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-M04       2450082.50 1996                 Iskander-M               -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1996-W01       2450092.29 1996 Jan  9 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     73      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W02       2450093.59 1996 Jan 11 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R949          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W03       2450099.58 1996 Jan 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R950          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W04       2450101.06 1996 Jan 18 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W05       2450106.58 1996 Jan 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R951          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W06       2450113.29 1996 Jan 30 1859:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     61      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W07       2450113.59 1996 Jan 31 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R952          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W14       2450127.58 1996 Feb 14 0200     MT-135P                  -      MT135P-R953          -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    SRJ                  -                    -
1996-M01       2450133.50 1996 Feb 20?         Arrow 2                  -      F2                   IIT #22                  -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        Test                     AWST960226-67        -                    -
1996-M02       2450315.50 1996 Aug 20          Arrow 2                  -      F3                   AIT #21                  -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        ATBM Test                AWST960826-73        -                    -
1996-M03       2450315.50 1996 Aug 20          Arrow 1                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIP-ISR  PALB     IAFTR            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        Target                   AWST960826-73        -                    -
1996-W08       2450341.60 1996 Sep 15 0230     MT-135                   -      MT-135-64            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1996-M05       2450365.50 1996 Oct  9          RH-200                   -      RH-200               MONEX                    -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1996-M06       2450366.50 1996 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      RH-200               MONEX                    -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1996-M07       2450367.50 1996 Oct 11          RH-200                   -      RH-200               MONEX                    -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
1996-W09       2450421.59 1996 Dec  4 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W10       2450428.58 1996 Dec 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W11       2450435.58 1996 Dec 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W12       2450437.14 1996 Dec 19 1520:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1996-W13       2450442.58 1996 Dec 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-M08       2450448.50 1997                 Iskander                 -      II-10                -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?   400? -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
1997-W01       2450456.59 1997 Jan  8 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W02       2450459.17 1997 Jan 10 1559:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W03       2450461.58 1997 Jan 13 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-65            NNP-O3                   -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1997-W04       2450463.58 1997 Jan 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W05       2450470.58 1997 Jan 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W06       2450477.59 1997 Jan 29 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W07       2450491.58 1997 Feb 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W08       2450498.59 1997 Feb 19 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W09       2450507.12 1997 Feb 27 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W10       2450512.58 1997 Mar  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-M01       2450518.50 1997 Mar 11          Arrow 2                  -      F4                   AIT #22                  -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        ATBM Test                AWST970324-34        -                    -
1997-W11       2450526.58 1997 Mar 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W12       2450533.58 1997 Mar 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W13       2450541.12 1997 Apr  2 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W14       2450547.39 1997 Apr  8 2114:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W15       2450547.58 1997 Apr  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W16       2450550.08 1997 Apr 11 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W17       2450554.58 1997 Apr 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W18       2450561.26 1997 Apr 22 1815:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W19       2450568.58 1997 Apr 30 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-M07       2450580.02 1997 May 11 1225     HALO                     -      SL-1                 Rockoon                  -                        -                        BLN-HAL5  HAMNC    -                -        -                     67?     -  -               0.000 HAL5         SS   HAL5/Allison             Test             -                    -
1997-W20       2450582.08 1997 May 13 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W21       2450590.59 1997 May 22 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W22       2450596.58 1997 May 28 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W23       2450598.11 1997 May 29 1440:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W24       2450610.58 1997 Jun 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W25       2450617.58 1997 Jun 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W26       2450619.08 1997 Jun 19 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W27       2450624.58 1997 Jun 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W28       2450630.08 1997 Jun 30 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W29       2450639.58 1997 Jul 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W30       2450641.24 1997 Jul 11 1744:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W31       2450644.50 1997 Jul 15          Viper 3A                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1997-W32       2450645.06 1997 Jul 15 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W33       2450646.58 1997 Jul 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W34       2450652.58 1997 Jul 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W35       2450661.45 1997 Jul 31 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W36       2450665.45 1997 Aug  4 2255:00  Super Loki               -      Datasonde 11D        CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W37       2450665.48 1997 Aug  4 2328     Viper 3A                 -      Falling Sphere       AND-22 TTS07             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W38       2450666.43 1997 Aug  5 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W39       2450666.50 1997 Aug  6          Super Loki               -      Datasonde 10D        CRISTA GMD-5000          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W40       2450666.50 1997 Aug  6          Super Loki               -      Datasonde 10D        CRISTA GMD-5000          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W41       2450666.50 1997 Aug  6          Super Loki               -      Datasonde 10D        CRISTA GMD-5000          -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W42       2450666.58 1997 Aug  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W43       2450667.05 1997 Aug  6 1314:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W44       2450667.42 1997 Aug  6 2204:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     66      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W45       2450667.45 1997 Aug  6 2249:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W46       2450668.46 1997 Aug  7 2302     Viper 3A                 -      Falling Sphere 6     AND-22 TTS08/TRAMP       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W47       2450669.17 1997 Aug  8 1600?    Super Loki               -      Falling Sphere       METEORS/CRISTA           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/Mlynczak            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W48       2450669.17 1997 Aug  8 1600?    Super Loki               -      Falling Sphere       METEORS/CRISTA           -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 LARCN        SS   LARC/Mlynczak            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W49       2450670.47 1997 Aug  9 2312     Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W50       2450671.39 1997 Aug 10 2121:20  Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W51       2450671.39 1997 Aug 10 2122:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W52       2450671.49 1997 Aug 10 2351     Viper 3A                 -      Falling Sphere 7     AND-22 TTS09/TRAMP       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W53       2450671.51 1997 Aug 11 0016     Viper 3A                 -      Chaff 3              AND-22 TTC10/TRAMP       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W54       2450672.38 1997 Aug 11 2110     Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W55       2450672.39 1997 Aug 11 2119     Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W56       2450673.40 1997 Aug 12 2130     Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     77      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W57       2450673.58 1997 Aug 13 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W58       2450675.33 1997 Aug 14 2000     Viper 3A                 -      Sphere 8             AND-22 CRISTA TTS11      -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W59       2450675.35 1997 Aug 14 2022     Viper 3A                 -      Chaff 4              AND-22 CRISTA TTC12      -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    101?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron                  -                    -
1997-W60       2450675.39 1997 Aug 14 2127:10  Super Loki               -      Datasonde            CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W61       2450675.95 1997 Aug 15 1053     Super Loki               -      -                    CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 WFF          SF   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W62       2450679.31 1997 Aug 18 1930     Super Loki               -      -                    CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     78      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-W63       2450679.32 1997 Aug 18 1940     Super Loki               -      -                    CRISTA                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 WFF          SS   WFF/Schmidlin            Aeron                    crista.uni-wup       -                    -
1997-M02       2450679.85 1997 Aug 19 0820?    Arrow 1                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        SHIP-ISR  PALB     IAFTR            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        Target                   AWST970825-16        -
1997-M03       2450679.85 1997 Aug 19 0829     Arrow 2                  -      F5                   AIT #23                  -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                      1?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MF   -                        ATBM Test                AWST970825-16        -
1997-W64       2450683.34 1997 Aug 22 2010:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W65       2450687.58 1997 Aug 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W66       2450688.31 1997 Aug 27 1930:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W67       2450699.50 1997 Sep  8          Viper 3A                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken?             Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1997-W68       2450699.58 1997 Sep  8 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-66            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1997-W69       2450700.58 1997 Sep  9 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-67            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   TSUK/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1997-W70       2450701.59 1997 Sep 10 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W71       2450704.06 1997 Sep 12 1330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W72       2450709.58 1997 Sep 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W73       2450722.58 1997 Oct  1 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W74       2450729.58 1997 Oct  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W75       2450732.05 1997 Oct 10 1306:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     59      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W76       2450743.58 1997 Oct 22 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-M06       2450745.50 1997 Oct 24          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test 5b                  -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1997-W77       2450752.14 1997 Oct 30 1524:07  Super Loki               -      DLR KO-SL-227        Ariane Met               -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1997-W78       2450752.21 1997 Oct 30 1700     Super Loki               -      DLR KO-SL-228        Ariane Met               -                        -                        -         CSG      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Aeron                    Moraba               -                    -
1997-W79       2450757.58 1997 Nov  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W80       2450764.58 1997 Nov 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-M04       2450770.05 1997 Nov 17 1310     Hera                     -      8                    MTV (Moving Target)      -                        -                        -         FW       LC96             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 USA/COLE     MF   -                        Target                   AlbqTrib971117       AWST980309-19        -
1997-M05       2450773.23 1997 Nov 20 1730     RH-300 Mk II             -      RH-300-Mk2-08?       ISBJORN-1                Ferdinand-110            -                        -         SVAL     -                -        -                     71      -  -               0.000 NDRE         SF   NDRE/Thrane              Ionos                    AND-WWW              SN971215-11          -
1997-W81       2450785.58 1997 Dec  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W82       2450792.58 1997 Dec 10 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W83       2450799.58 1997 Dec 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1997-W84       2450806.58 1997 Dec 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W01       2450821.58 1998 Jan  8 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W02       2450827.58 1998 Jan 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W03       2450834.58 1998 Jan 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W04       2450848.58 1998 Feb  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W05       2450855.48 1998 Feb 10 2330:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W06       2450855.58 1998 Feb 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W07       2450862.58 1998 Feb 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M04       2450865.06 1998 Feb 20 1323     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test 20                  -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1998-W08       2450869.12 1998 Feb 24 1500:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     62      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M01       2450875.04 1998 Mar  2 1301     Hera                     -      9                    MBRV-3                   -                        -                        -         FW       LC96             -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 USA/COLE     MS   -                        Target                   DenverPost           AWST980309-19        -
1998-W09       2450876.58 1998 Mar  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W10       2450890.58 1998 Mar 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W11       2450897.58 1998 Mar 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M05       2450902.50 1998 Mar 30          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test 10                  -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1998-W12       2450911.59 1998 Apr  8 0207:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W13       2450919.08 1998 Apr 15 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     58      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W14       2450919.58 1998 Apr 16 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W15       2450932.58 1998 Apr 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W16       2450940.50 1998 May  7          Super Loki               -      -                    THAAD prep               -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 WSMR         SS   WSMR/                    Aeron              -                    -
1998-W17       2450953.58 1998 May 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W18       2450960.58 1998 May 27 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W19       2450966.08 1998 Jun  1 1400:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W20       2450975.59 1998 Jun 11 0204:59  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W21       2450981.58 1998 Jun 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W22       2450988.58 1998 Jun 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W23       2451003.58 1998 Jul  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W24       2451009.59 1998 Jul 15 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W25       2451023.58 1998 Jul 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W26       2451030.58 1998 Aug  5 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M06       2451036.90 1998 Aug 11 0940     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test 44                  -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1998-W27       2451045.58 1998 Aug 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W28       2451063.58 1998 Sep  7 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-68            Ozone                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1998-W29       2451065.58 1998 Sep  9 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-69            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1998-W30       2451065.58 1998 Sep  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M02       2451071.03 1998 Sep 14 1241     Arrow 2                  -      F6                   AST-3                    -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        ATBM Test                CNN-WWW              -                    -
1998-W31       2451073.58 1998 Sep 17 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W32       2451079.59 1998 Sep 23 0203:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W33       2451093.58 1998 Oct  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W34       2451100.58 1998 Oct 14 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W35       2451102.09 1998 Oct 15 1412:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         CCA      LC47             -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W36       2451107.58 1998 Oct 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W37       2451121.58 1998 Nov  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W38       2451128.58 1998 Nov 11 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W39       2451135.58 1998 Nov 18 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-W40       2451149.58 1998 Dec  2 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1998-M03       2451161.50 1998 Dec 14          Hera                     -      11                   PAC-3 SCF                -                        -                        -         FW       LC96             -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 USA/COLE     MF   -                        Target                   BMDO-WWW             -                    -
1998-W41       2451170.58 1998 Dec 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1999-W01       2451194.10 1999 Jan 15 1430:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1999-W02       2451219.43 1999 Feb  9 2214:59  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1999-W03       2451262.61 1999 Mar 25 0245:00  Rocketsonde              -      -                    Datasonde                -                        -                        -         ASC      -                -        -                     69      -  -               0.000 MRN          SS   -                        Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
1999-M04       2451299.50 1999 May  1          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1999-M01       2451360.50 1999 Jul  1          SM-2                     -      Aegis TMT-3          Slugger                  -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 USNAEG       MS   -                        Test             Wire                 -
1999-W04       2451364.48 1999 Jul  4 2338:00  Super Loki               -      MD-CH-01             MIDAS chaff              -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     90?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W05       2451364.50 1999 Jul  5 0004     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-02             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W06       2451365.47 1999 Jul  5 2313     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-03             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W07       2451365.53 1999 Jul  6 0046     Viper 3A                 -      MD-MD-06             Mini-DUSTY MD-06         -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W08       2451365.55 1999 Jul  6 0111     Viper 3A                 -      MD-MM-07             Mini-Midas               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W09       2451365.56 1999 Jul  6 0128     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-08             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W10       2451365.58 1999 Jul  6 0149     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-09             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W11       2451365.59 1999 Jul  6 0209:30  Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-10             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W12       2451365.60 1999 Jul  6 0229     Super Loki               -      MD-CH-11             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     90?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W13       2451373.60 1999 Jul 14 0226     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-12             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W14       2451373.66 1999 Jul 14 0351     Viper 3A                 -      MD-MD-14             Mini-DUSTY MD-07         -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     90?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W15       2451373.67 1999 Jul 14 0410:30  Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-15             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W16       2451373.69 1999 Jul 14 0438     Viper 3A                 -      MD-CH-16             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W17       2451373.71 1999 Jul 14 0504     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-17             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W18       2451375.88 1999 Jul 16 0904     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-18             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W19       2451375.90 1999 Jul 16 0930     Super Loki               -      MD-CH-19             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     90?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W20       2451375.92 1999 Jul 16 1012     Viper 3A                 -      MD-FS-20             MIDAS/DROPPS             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                    120?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
1999-W21       2451407.03 1999 Aug 16 1245:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-01 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W22       2451407.91 1999 Aug 17 0944:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-02 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W23       2451408.93 1999 Aug 18 1023:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-03 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W24       2451408.94 1999 Aug 18 1039:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-C-04 Chaff        TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W25       2451408.97 1999 Aug 18 1111:25  Viper 3A                 -      TR-C-05 Chaff        TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W26       2451413.94 1999 Aug 23 1030:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-06 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W27       2451416.92 1999 Aug 26 1000:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-07 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W28       2451416.93 1999 Aug 26 1017:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-C-08 Chaff        TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W29       2451420.92 1999 Aug 30 1000:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-09 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-M05       2451421.50 1999 Aug 31          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1999-M06       2451426.68 1999 Sep  5 0415     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1999-W30       2451427.92 1999 Sep  6 1003:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-10 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W31       2451428.58 1999 Sep  7 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-70            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1999-W32       2451430.83 1999 Sep  9 0800:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-11 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W33       2451432.58 1999 Sep 11 0200     MT-135                   -      MT-135-71            -                        -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                    ISASRpt679           -                    -
1999-W34       2451435.92 1999 Sep 14 1000:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-12 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W35       2451435.96 1999 Sep 14 1106:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-13 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W36       2451437.92 1999 Sep 16 1000:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-14 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W37       2451439.92 1999 Sep 18 1000:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-15 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W38       2451441.92 1999 Sep 20 1004:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-16 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-W39       2451443.92 1999 Sep 22 1003:00  Viper 3A                 -      TR-S-17 Sphere       TRAMP-99                 -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   BONN/Lubken              Aeron             -                    -
1999-M02       2451483.90 1999 Nov  1 0942     Arrow 2                  -      F7                   AST-4                    -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        ATBM Test                Wire                 -                    -
1999-M03       2451483.90 1999 Nov  1 0942     Arrow 1                  -      TM-91C               Target                   -                        -                        SHIP-ISR  PALB     IAFTR            -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        Target                   Wire                 -                    -
1999-M07       2451535.50 1999 Dec 23          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
1999-M08       2451541.05 1999 Dec 28 1315     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W01       2451555.58 2000 Jan 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W02       2451562.58 2000 Jan 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W03       2451565.18 2000 Jan 21 1622     Super Loki               -      LiteStar             -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC20             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SPFL         SS   FLASP/                   Education                SPFLA-WWW            -                    -
2000-W04       2451569.58 2000 Jan 26 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M01       2451573.93 2000 Jan 30 1025:01  Orion                    -      NASA 30.044UP        ASRP SRP-3               -                        -                        -         PF       -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UAF/Hawkins              Education                WWW-WFF         -
2000-M53       2451574.50 2000 Feb             Hatf I                   -      Hatf-IA              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PK           MS   -                        Test                     EatingGrass          -                    -
2000-M02       2451580.09 2000 Feb  5 1404     Hera                     -      18                   MBRV-3/PAC-3 DT-5        -                        -                        -         FW       LC96             -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 SSDC/COLE    MS   -                        Target                   Rigg                 SMDC-WWW             -
2000-W05       2451583.58 2000 Feb  9 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M44       2451591.90 2000 Feb 17 0938     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-M03       2451595.50 2000 Feb 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves (1 of 40)      -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M04       2451596.50 2000 Feb 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M05       2451597.50 2000 Feb 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M06       2451598.50 2000 Feb 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-W06       2451598.58 2000 Feb 24 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M07       2451599.50 2000 Feb 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M08       2451600.50 2000 Feb 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M09       2451602.50 2000 Feb 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M10       2451603.50 2000 Feb 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M11       2451604.50 2000 Mar  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M12       2451605.50 2000 Mar  2          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M13       2451606.50 2000 Mar  3          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M14       2451607.50 2000 Mar  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M15       2451608.50 2000 Mar  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M16       2451609.50 2000 Mar  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M17       2451610.50 2000 Mar  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M18       2451611.50 2000 Mar  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M19       2451612.50 2000 Mar  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M20       2451613.50 2000 Mar 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M21       2451614.50 2000 Mar 11          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M22       2451615.50 2000 Mar 12          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M45       2451616.05 2000 Mar 12 1315     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-M23       2451616.50 2000 Mar 13          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M24       2451617.50 2000 Mar 14          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M25       2451618.50 2000 Mar 15          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-W07       2451618.58 2000 Mar 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M26       2451619.50 2000 Mar 16          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M27       2451620.50 2000 Mar 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M28       2451621.50 2000 Mar 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M29       2451622.50 2000 Mar 19          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M30       2451623.50 2000 Mar 20          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M31       2451624.50 2000 Mar 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M32       2451625.50 2000 Mar 22          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M33       2451626.50 2000 Mar 23          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M34       2451627.50 2000 Mar 24          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M35       2451628.50 2000 Mar 25          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M36       2451629.50 2000 Mar 26          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M37       2451630.50 2000 Mar 27          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M38       2451631.50 2000 Mar 28          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M39       2451632.50 2000 Mar 29          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M40       2451633.50 2000 Mar 30          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M41       2451634.50 2000 Mar 31          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-M42       2451635.50 2000 Apr  1          RH-200                   -      -                    Atm Waves                -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron             -                    -
2000-W08       2451646.58 2000 Apr 12 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M54       2451653.50 2000 Apr 19          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-W09       2451653.59 2000 Apr 19 0210:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M55       2451654.50 2000 Apr 20          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-M46       2451660.00 2000 Apr 25 1201     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W10       2451671.18 2000 May  6 1621     Viper 3A                 -      MS-FS-01             MIDAS Sphere             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     90?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              ESASP-471-121        -
2000-W11       2451671.20 2000 May  6 1641     Viper 3A                 -      MS-FS-02             MIDAS Sphere             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     95?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              ESASP-471-121        -
2000-W12       2451679.52 2000 May 15 0032     Viper 3A                 -      MS-FS-04             MIDAS Sphere             -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     92?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              ESASP-471-121        -
2000-W13       2451679.55 2000 May 15 0112     Viper 3A                 -      MS-MM-06             Ferd. 117/Mini-MIDAS     -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              ESASP-471-121        -
2000-M56       2451680.50 2000 May 16          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-M47       2451687.94 2000 May 23 1030     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W14       2451689.58 2000 May 25 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W15       2451695.58 2000 May 31 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M57       2451709.50 2000 Jun 14          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-W16       2451716.58 2000 Jun 21 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M58       2451723.50 2000 Jun 28          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-W17       2451724.58 2000 Jun 29 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W18       2451731.58 2000 Jul  6 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M59       2451737.50 2000 Jul 12          RH-200                   -      RH-200               -                        -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2000-W19       2451744.58 2000 Jul 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W20       2451759.58 2000 Aug  3 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     50      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W21       2451779.58 2000 Aug 23 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W22       2451794.58 2000 Sep  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M43       2451801.88 2000 Sep 14 0905?    Arrow 2                  -      F8                   AST-5 Black Sparrow      -                        -                        -         PALB     ARW              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IAI          MS   -                        ATBM Test                AWST000918-18        -                    -
2000-W23       2451805.58 2000 Sep 18 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-72            Ozone                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                     -                    -
2000-W24       2451806.58 2000 Sep 19 0200:00  MT-135                   -      MT-135-73            Ozone                    -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                     -                    -
2000-W25       2451807.58 2000 Sep 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     54      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W26       2451821.58 2000 Oct  4 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     55      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W27       2451836.58 2000 Oct 19 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W28       2451849.59 2000 Nov  1 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M48       2451861.50 2000 Nov 13          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-M49       2451863.50 2000 Nov 15          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W29       2451863.58 2000 Nov 15 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M52       2451866.50 2000 Nov 18          Al Fatah                 -      F9                   Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-M50       2451869.01 2000 Nov 20 1215     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W30       2451870.59 2000 Nov 22 0215:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-W31       2451885.58 2000 Dec  7 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2000-M51       2451890.85 2000 Dec 12 0830     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2000-W32       2451891.33 2000 Dec 12 2000     Super Loki               -      LiteStar             -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC20             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SPFL         SS   FLASP/                   Test                     SPFLA-WWW            -                    -
2000-W33       2451892.17 2000 Dec 13 1600     Super Loki               -      LiteStar             -                        -                        -                        -         CC       LC20             -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SPFL         SS   FLASP/                   Test                     SPFLA-WWW            -                    -
2000-W34       2451898.58 2000 Dec 20 0200:00  MT-135P                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         RYO      -                -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 JMA          SS   JMA/                     Meteo                    DSI-5850             -                    -
2001-M01       2451909.50 2001                 RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                   -                    -
2001-M02       2451909.50 2001                 RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                   -                    -
2001-M03       2451909.50 2001                 RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                   -                    -
2001-M05       2451918.50 2001 Jan  9          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M06       2451922.83 2001 Jan 13 0802     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M07       2451923.94 2001 Jan 14 1039     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M08       2451956.87 2001 Feb 16 0846     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M16       2451985.50 2001 Mar 17          Al Fatah                 -      F11                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M09       2451988.86 2001 Mar 20 0842     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-W01       2451989.50 2001 Mar 21          MT-135                   -      MT-135 R1119         Last flight              -                        -                        -         KASC     -                -        -                     55?     -  -               0.000 ISAS         SS   ISAS/                    Aeron                  -                    -
2001-M17       2451995.50 2001 Mar 27          Al Fatah                 -      F12                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-W02       2452046.07 2001 May 16 1341:00  Viper 3A                 ?      NASA 12.049UT        -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   USU/Ulwick               Test                     WFF-WWW              -                    -
2001-M10       2452058.50 2001 May 29          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M25       2452060.50 2001 May 31?         Fateh-110                -      -                    R&D                      -                        -                        -         IRAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IR           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2001-W03       2452069.11 2001 Jun  8 1432:00  Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-01             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W04       2452072.55 2001 Jun 12 0110:30  Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-02             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W05       2452074.57 2001 Jun 14 0134:30  Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-03             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W06       2452077.49 2001 Jun 16 2351:00  Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-04             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W07       2452077.52 2001 Jun 17 0036     Viper 3A                 -      SO-CH-06             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W08       2452077.54 2001 Jun 17 0059     Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-07             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W09       2452077.55 2001 Jun 17 0119     Viper 3A                 -      SO-CH-08             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W10       2452081.57 2001 Jun 21 0144     Viper 3A                 -      SO-CH-09             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W11       2452085.38 2001 Jun 24 2104     Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-10             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W12       2452085.41 2001 Jun 24 2151:00  Viper 3A                 -      SO-CH-12             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W13       2452085.43 2001 Jun 24 2220:10  Viper 3A                 -      SO-FS-13             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-W14       2452085.45 2001 Jun 24 2245:15  Viper 3A                 -      SO-CH-14             MIDAS                    -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 NDRE         SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2001-M11       2452101.63 2001 Jul 11 0314     Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M12       2452107.50 2001 Jul 17          Al Samoud                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M18       2452129.50 2001 Aug  8          Al Fatah                 -      F17                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M19       2452158.50 2001 Sep  6          Al Fatah                 -      F20                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M04       2452173.50 2001 Sep 21          Dhanush                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        INS-P51   CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2001-M20       2452235.50 2001 Nov 22          Al Fatah                 -      F23                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M21       2452248.50 2001 Dec  5          Al Fatah                 -      F22                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M22       2452258.50 2001 Dec 15          Al Fatah                 -      F24                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-W15       2452258.93 2001 Dec 15 1020:30  Super Loki               -      Wind                 Hygrosonde II Met        -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SSC          SS   STO/                     Aeron                     -                    -
2001-W16       2452259.63 2001 Dec 16 0311:30  Super Loki               -      -                    Hygrosonde II Met        -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SSC          SS   STO/                     Aeron                     -                    -
2001-W17       2452259.74 2001 Dec 16 0543     Super Loki               -      Falling Sphere       Hygrosonde II Met        -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SSC          SS   STO/                     Aeron                    ESA-SP-530           -                    -
2001-W18       2452259.76 2001 Dec 16 0618     Super Loki               -      Falling Sphere       Hygrosonde II Met        -                        -                        -         ESR      L                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 SSC          SS   STO/                     Aeron                     -                    -
2001-M23       2452261.50 2001 Dec 18          Al Fatah                 -      F25                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2001-M24       2452263.50 2001 Dec 20          Al Fatah                 -      F26                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M04       2452283.50 2002 Jan  9          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR                     -                        -                        -         WI       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2002-M05       2452285.50 2002 Jan 11          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    Barrage Round            -                        -                        -         WI       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2002-M19       2452300.50 2002 Jan 26          Al Fatah                 -      F37                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M20       2452347.50 2002 Mar 14          Al Fatah                 -      F29                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M21       2452386.50 2002 Apr 22          Al Fatah                 -      F46                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-W01       2452404.76 2002 May 10 0614:20  Viper 3A                 -      NASA 37.12UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Croskey              Aeron                    Rigg                 -                    -
2002-W02       2452410.75 2002 May 16 0600:00  Viper 3A                 -      NASA 37.13UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Croskey              Aeron                    Rigg                 -                    -
2002-W03       2452410.79 2002 May 16 0700:00  Viper 3A                 -      NASA 37.14UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   PSU/Croskey              Aeron                    Rigg                 -                    -
2002-M34       2452420.50 2002 May 26          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NESCOMP      MS   -                        Test                     Rigg           -
2002-M35       2452420.50 2002 May 26          Hatf II                  -      Abdali               -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PK           MS   -                        Test                     Rigg                 -                    -
2002-M22       2452434.50 2002 Jun  9          Al Fatah                 -      F59                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M23       2452434.50 2002 Jun  9          Al Fatah                 -      F60                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-W04       2452438.69 2002 Jun 13 0440:00  Viper 3A                 -      NASA 12.51UE         -                        -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UNH/Lynch                Aeron/Test               Rigg                 -                    -
2002-W05       2452454.22 2002 Jun 28 1710:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-SFS-01                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W06       2452457.22 2002 Jul  1 1720:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-02                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W07       2452457.31 2002 Jul  1 1920:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-03                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W08       2452457.35 2002 Jul  1 2020:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-04                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W09       2452457.39 2002 Jul  1 2120:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-05                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W10       2452457.43 2002 Jul  1 2220:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-06                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W11       2452457.47 2002 Jul  1 2320:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-07                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W12       2452457.51 2002 Jul  2 0020:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-09                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W13       2452457.53 2002 Jul  2 0040:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-10                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W14       2452457.56 2002 Jul  2 0120:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-11                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W15       2452457.60 2002 Jul  2 0220:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-13                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W16       2452457.64 2002 Jul  2 0320:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-14                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W17       2452460.30 2002 Jul  4 1918:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-15                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W18       2452460.34 2002 Jul  4 2014:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-16                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W19       2452460.36 2002 Jul  4 2045:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-17                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W20       2452460.40 2002 Jul  4 2130:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-18                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W21       2452460.43 2002 Jul  4 2215:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-19                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W22       2452460.46 2002 Jul  4 2300:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-20                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W23       2452460.47 2002 Jul  4 2320:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-21                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W24       2452460.50 2002 Jul  5 0005:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-22                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W25       2452460.60 2002 Jul  5 0219:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-26                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W26       2452460.62 2002 Jul  5 0300:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-27                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W27       2452460.67 2002 Jul  5 0400:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-28                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W28       2452460.71 2002 Jul  5 0500:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-29                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W29       2452460.75 2002 Jul  5 0600:00  Super Loki               -      -                    MM-LFS-30                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W30       2452460.78 2002 Jul  5 0645:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    MM-VFS-31                -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   NDRE/IAP/                Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-M24       2452477.50 2002 Jul 22          Al Fatah                 -      F67                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M01       2452499.08 2002 Aug 12 1348     RH-200                   -      -                    Middle Atmosphere        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    Wire                 -                    -
2002-W31       2452507.93 2002 Aug 21 1023:00  Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-01 Roma-02       -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-M25       2452508.50 2002 Aug 22          Al Fatah                 -      F76                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M26       2452510.50 2002 Aug 24          Al Fatah                 -      F74                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-W32       2452515.92 2002 Aug 29 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-04               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W33       2452521.92 2002 Sep  4 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-05               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-M36       2452523.50 2002 Sep  6?         Fateh-110                -      -                    R&D                      -                        -                        -         IRAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IR           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2002-W34       2452523.92 2002 Sep  6 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-06               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W35       2452527.92 2002 Sep 10 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-07               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W36       2452530.95 2002 Sep 13 1050     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-08               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W37       2452531.94 2002 Sep 14 1027     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-09               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W38       2452534.92 2002 Sep 17 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-10               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W39       2452537.92 2002 Sep 20 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-11               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W40       2452537.94 2002 Sep 20 1035:30  Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-12               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W41       2452539.92 2002 Sep 22 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-13               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W42       2452543.92 2002 Sep 26 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-14               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W43       2452546.92 2002 Sep 29 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-15               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W44       2452546.93 2002 Sep 29 1019     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-16               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-M27       2452547.50 2002 Sep 30          Al Fatah                 -      F70                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M28       2452547.50 2002 Sep 30          Al Fatah                 -      F79                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M29       2452547.50 2002 Sep 30          Al Fatah                 -      F80                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-W45       2452548.46 2002 Sep 30 2305     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-17               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W46       2452552.42 2002 Oct  4 2200     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-18               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W47       2452554.92 2002 Oct  7 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-19               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W48       2452554.93 2002 Oct  7 1025     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-20               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W49       2452554.95 2002 Oct  7 1048     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-CH-21               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W50       2452557.92 2002 Oct 10 1000     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-22               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-W51       2452557.94 2002 Oct 10 1029     Viper 3A                 -      -                    RO-A-FS-23               -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   IAP/Lubken               Aeron                    AND-WWW              -                    -
2002-M30       2452575.50 2002 Oct 28          Al Fatah                 -      F84                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M31       2452575.50 2002 Oct 28          Al Fatah                 -      F78                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M02       2452599.50 2002 Nov 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Middle Atmosphere        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                   -                    -
2002-M32       2452603.50 2002 Nov 25          Al Fatah                 -      F43                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M33       2452603.50 2002 Nov 25          Al Fatah                 -      F44                  Test                     -                        -                        -         IRAQ-A   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQMIC        MS   -                        Test                     UNMOVIC              -                    -
2002-M03       2452626.97 2002 Dec 18 1115     HYSR                     -      -                    SOAREX-2                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ARC          SS   ARC/WFF/Murbach          Tech               -                    -
2003-M05       2452718.89 2003 Mar 20 0924     Al Fatah                 -      -                    TAA Thunder, Kuwait      -                        -                        -         IQBA     S?               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M06       2452718.94 2003 Mar 20 1030     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Camp Doha                -                        -                        -         IQBA     S                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M07       2452719.40 2003 Mar 20 2130     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Persian Gulf             -                        -                        -         IQBA     W                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M08       2452719.47 2003 Mar 20 2320     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Camp Udari               -                        -                        -         IQBA     W?               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M09       2452719.92 2003 Mar 21 1001     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Al Jahra/Camp Doha       -                        -                        -         IQBA     S?               -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M10       2452723.07 2003 Mar 24 1342     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Camp Doha                -                        -                        -         IQBA     N                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M11       2452724.03 2003 Mar 25 1248     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Camp Commando,N Kuw      -                        -                        -         IQBA     W                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M15       2452724.50 2003 Mar 26          Hatf II                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PK           MS   -                        Test                     Rigg                 -                    -
2003-M12       2452725.85 2003 Mar 27 0831     Al Fatah                 -      -                    Camp Doha                -                        -                        -         IQBA     N                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M14       2452726.37 2003 Mar 27 2056     Al Fatah                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         IQKK     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IQA          MS   -                        Weapon                   OIF-TAMD             -                    -
2003-M03       2452830.50 2003 Jul 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR                     -                        -                        -         WI       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2003-M04       2452906.50 2003 Sep 24          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR                     -                        -                        -         WI       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2003-M13       2452915.65 2003 Oct  3 0342     Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NESCOMP      MS   -                        Test                     Rigg           -
2003-M01       2452921.98 2003 Oct  9 1137:00  Improved Orion           -      NASA 30.54UO         Student rocket           -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     64?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   UVA/Laufer               Education           -                    -
2003-W01       2452950.50 2003 Nov  7          Super Loki               -      -                    Demo                     -                        -                        -         SPFL     LC47             -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 FLASP        SS   FLASP/                   Edu                      Wire                 -                    -
2003-M02       2452964.94 2003 Nov 21 1030?    RH-200                   -      -                    Anniversary              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    thehindubusinessline -                    -
2004-M10       2453083.69 2004 Mar 19 0440     Prithvi                  -      -                    Prithvi-3                -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2004-M01       2453139.15 2004 May 13 1531     Spaceship One            -      56L/14P              -                        -                        -                        WK1       MHV      RW12/30          MHV      BAR                   64      -  -               0.000 SCAL         YS   SCAL/Melvill 20:44       Test                      -                    -
2004-M12       2453196.50 2004 Jul 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR Boost Test          -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2004-M09       2453209.78 2004 Jul 23 0645     RH-200                   -      -                    Meso Turb Chaff          -                        -                        -         SHAR     -                -        -                     76      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    AnNGeo26,2725        -
2004-M02       2453216.22 2004 Jul 29 1722?    Scud                     -      FMA 6                Arrow USFT-1 Target      CARAVAN-1 Target         -                        MLP       WTR      LP1              -        -                     80?     -  -               0.000 MDA          MS   -                        Target                   Wire                    -
2004-M03       2453258.96 2004 Sep 10 1100     RH-200                   -      -                    Middle Atmosphere        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    TERLSPrivCom         -                    -
2004-M04       2453272.50 2004 Sep 24?         RH-200                   -      -                    Middle Atmosphere        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    TERLSPrivCom         -                    -
2004-M05       2453277.53 2004 Sep 29 0050     RX-250-LPN               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Aeron                    Wire                 -                    -
2004-M06       2453277.60 2004 Sep 29 0225     RX-250-LPN               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Aeron                    Wire                 -                    -
2004-M07       2453284.50 2004 Oct  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Middle Atmosphere        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     74      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    TERLSPrivCom         -                    -
2004-M11       2453305.75 2004 Oct 27 0559     Prithvi                  -      -                    Prithvi-3 (Dhanush?)     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                -                    -
2004-M08       2453316.78 2004 Nov  7 0650     Dhanush                  -      3                    Ship test                -                        -                        INS-P51   CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2004-M13       2453338.50 2004 Nov 29          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NESCOMP      MS   -                        Test                     AWST041206-22    -
2005-M07       2453460.50 2005 Mar 31          Hatf II                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 PK           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2005-M08       2453468.77 2005 Apr  8 0630     RH-200                   -      -                    Meso Turb Chaff          -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    -                    -
2005-M04       2453502.82 2005 May 12 0734     Prithvi                  -      -                    Prithvi-3                -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Rigg                 -                    -
2005-M01       2453522.54 2005 Jun  1 0100     RX-250-LPN               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2005-M02       2453622.61 2005 Sep  9 0245     Improved Orion           -      NASA 30.062DR        -                        Acoustic monitoring      -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   NAWC/Winstead            Calib               -                    -
2005-M03       2453622.76 2005 Sep  9 0614     Improved Orion           -      NASA 30.063DR        -                        Acoustic monitoring      -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   NAWC/Winstead            Calib               -                    -
2005-M09       2453634.50 2005 Sep 21          RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2005-M06       2453674.50 2005 Oct 31          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR Boost Test          -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2005-M05       2453732.85 2005 Dec 28 0828     Dhanush                  -      4                    INS Rajput               -                        -                        INS-D51   CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
2006-M07       2453774.83 2006 Feb  8 0800     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M04       2453787.50 2006 Feb 21          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    ANSR                     -                        -                        -         WS       5IN              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                    -                    -
2006-M08       2453789.00 2006 Feb 22 1200     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M09       2453802.67 2006 Mar  8 0405     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M10       2453816.51 2006 Mar 22 0012     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M11       2453831.17 2006 Apr  5 1600     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M12       2453843.33 2006 Apr 17 2000     RH-200                   -      -                    CAWSES-India             -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Aeron                    JASTP75,98           -                    -
2006-M05       2453886.50 2006 Jun             Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NESCOMP      MS   -                        Test               -                    -
2006-M01       2453894.97 2006 Jun  8 1111     Orion                    -      NASA 30.072NO        Student (SUBSEM)         -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   WFF/Justis               Education           -                    -
2006-M03       2453897.84 2006 Jun 11 0810     Prithvi                  -      -                    User Trial               -                        -                        -         CHAN     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                    -                    -
2006-M02       2453928.97 2006 Jul 12 1120     THAAD                    -      THAAD FTT-03         High Endo                -                        -                        -         WS       -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 LMPCO/SMDC   MS   -                        ABM Test                 Wire                 -                    -
2006-M13       2454041.50 2006 Nov  2          Fateh-110                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         IRAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IR           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2006-M06       2454078.50 2006 Dec  9          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 NESCOMP      MS   -                        Test               -                    -
2007-M03       2454161.44 2007 Mar  1 2228:29  RH-200SV                 -      -                    Mini-DUSTY MD-13         -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 ARR          SS   TROM/Havnes              Test/Aeron               Rodriguez07          -                    -
2007-M01       2454181.93 2007 Mar 22 1015     Icarus                   -      1                    ERAU/Icarus              -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ERAU         SS   ERAU/                    Test                    -                    -
2007-M02       2454196.78 2007 Apr  6 0645     THAAD                    -      THAAD FTT-07         Mid Endo                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMDC         MS   -                        ABM Test                     -                    -
2007-M04       2454270.50 2007 Jun 19          RX-250-LPN               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Test                     www,      -                    -
2007-M05       2454434.50 2007 Dec             Fateh-110                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SYRIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Test                     Wikileaks            -                    -
2007-M06       2454434.50 2007 Dec             Fateh-110                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SYRIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Test                     Wikileaks            -                    -
2008-M09       2454509.50 2008 Feb 13          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 PKAFSC       MS   -                        Test               -                    -
2008-M01       2454553.50 2008 Mar 28          RH-200SV                 -      -                    Mini-DUSTY MD-14         -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ARR          SS   TROM/Havnes              Aeron            -                    -
2008-M04       2454566.50 2008 Apr 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    AGMD Round               -                        -                        -         WI       AMGD             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                     WallopsNL080505      -                    -
2008-M05       2454566.50 2008 Apr 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    AGMD Round               -                        -                        -         WI       AMGD             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                     WallopsNL080505      -                    -
2008-M06       2454566.50 2008 Apr 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    AGMD Round               -                        -                        -         WI       AMGD             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                     WallopsNL080505      -                    -
2008-M07       2454566.50 2008 Apr 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    AGMD Round (Inst)        -                        -                        -         WI       AMGD             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                     WallopsNL080505      -                    -
2008-M08       2454566.50 2008 Apr 10          Gun Projectile 5-inch    -      -                    AGMD Round (Inst)        -                        -                        -         WI       AMGD             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USN          SS   USN/                     Test                     WallopsNL080505      -                    -
2008-M02       2454643.60 2008 Jun 26 0222     THAAD                    -      THAAD FTT-09         Mid Endo                 -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMDC         MS   -                        ABM Test                     -                    -
2008-M03       2454644.94 2008 Jun 27 1036     Orion                    -      NASA 30.074NO        RockOn                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     67      -  -               0.000 GSFC         SS   WFF/Eberspeaker          Education           -
2008-M10       2454686.50 2008 Aug  8          Iskander-M               ?      -                    S Ossetia war            -                        -                        -         NOSSET?  -                -        -                     50?     -  Gori            0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     KY60                 -                    -
2008-M11       2454800.50 2008 Dec             Fateh-110                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SYRIA    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Test                     Wikileaks            -                    -
2009-M01       2454896.96 2009 Mar  6 1057     Prithvi                  -      -                    PAD Interceptor 3        -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC4              -        -                     75      -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        ABM Test                 Wire                 -                    -
2009-M05       2454908.52 2009 Mar 18 0030     THAAD                    -      THAAD FTT-10a Salvo  High Endo                -                        -                        -         KAU      -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SMDC         MS   -                        ABM Test                     -                    -
2009-M02       2454917.31 2009 Mar 26 1920?    Lance                    -      Aegis SM-2 target    SRT                      -                        -                        -         SNI      -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 USNAEG       MS   -                        Target                  -                    -
2009-M03       2454936.70 2009 Apr 15 0450     Prithvi 2                -      2                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3?             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2009-M04       2455014.54 2009 Jul  2 0100     RX-420                   -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         LAP      -                -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 LAPAN        SS   LAPAN/                   Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2009-M06       2455116.71 2009 Oct 12 0458     Prithvi 2                -      2                    Prithvi-2                -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3?             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2009-M07       2455116.71 2009 Oct 12 0503     Prithvi 2                -      2                    Prithvi-2                -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3?             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2009-M08       2455178.75 2009 Dec 13 0601?    Dhanush                  -      -                    -                        F6                       -                        INS-P51   CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Ulrich/Wire          -                    -
2010-M01       2455210.82 2010 Jan 14 0737     RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse                  -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Eclipse                 -                    -
2010-M02       2455210.90 2010 Jan 14 0930     RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse                  -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Eclipse                 -                    -
2010-M03       2455211.81 2010 Jan 15 0730?    RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse                  -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Eclipse                 -                    -
2010-M04       2455211.90 2010 Jan 15 0930?    RH-200                   -      -                    Eclipse                  -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Eclipse                 -                    -
2010-M05       2455270.69 2010 Mar 15 0432     Prithvi                  -      -                    AAD Target               -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3?             -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MF   -                        Target                   Rigg                 -                    -
2010-M11       2455324.50 2010 May  8          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 PKAFSC       MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2010-M10       2455324.50 2010 May  8          Shaheen 1                -      Hatf IV              -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                    100?     -  -               0.000 PKAFSC       MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2010-M06       2455384.93 2010 Jul  7 1020     RH-200                   -      TDF (RH-200-395)     Tech Demo Flight         -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     60      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Test/Edu                -                    -
2010-M12       2455433.50 2010 Aug 25          Fateh-110                -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         IRAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IR           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2010-M07       2455552.61 2010 Dec 22 0245     Prithvi                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2010-M08       2455552.66 2010 Dec 22 0345     Prithvi                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2011-M01       2455626.67 2011 Mar  6 0402     Prithvi                  -      -                    AAD Target               -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Target                   Wire                 -                    -
2011-M04       2455631.69 2011 Mar 11 0433     Dhanush                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        INS-P52   CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2011-M05       2455631.73 2011 Mar 11 0530?    Prithvi 2                -      2                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3?             -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2011-M03       2455699.50 2011 May 18          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    Wire                 -                    -
2011-M06       2455708.21 2011 May 26 1700     FTI                      -      3                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     56      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2011-M07       2455709.22 2011 May 27 1710     FTI                      -      4                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     65      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2011-M02       2455721.65 2011 Jun  9 0335     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2011-M08       2455806.50 2011 Sep  2          FTI                      -      6                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2012-M04       2456108.50 2012 Jul?            Fateh-110                -      -                    R&D                      -                        -                        -         IRAN     -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 IR           MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2012-M06       2456245.29 2012 Nov 13 1900     FTI                      -      7                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     53      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    Z-3
2012-M01       2456247.95 2012 Nov 16 1045     Improved Orion           -      SSC REXUS 11         EURO REXUS 11            -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     79      -  -               0.000 EUROL        SS   EUROL/                   Tech                      -                    -
2012-M02       2456254.81 2012 Nov 23 0722     Prithvi                  -      -                    AAD Target               -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 IDRDL        MS   -                        Target                   Wire                 -                    -
2012-M03       2456261.24 2012 Nov 29 1752     FTI                      -      8                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2012-M05       2456286.50 2012 Dec 25?         Fateh-110                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALNASR   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Weapon                       -                    -
2013-M01       2456294.50 2013 Jan  2          Fateh-110                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALNASR   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Weapon                   JPost130110          -                    -
2013-M02       2456295.50 2013 Jan  3          Fateh-110                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALNASR   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Weapon                   JPost130110          -                    -
2013-M03       2456301.50 2013 Jan  9          Fateh-110                ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALNASR   -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 SYMC         MS   -                        Weapon                   JPost130110          -                    -
2013-M04       2456457.26 2013 Jun 13 1814     FTI                      -      9                    -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2013-M05       2456470.25 2013 Jun 26 1800     FTI                      -      10                   -                        -                        -                        -         CLBI     -                -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    Z-3
2013-M06       2456595.50 2013 Oct 30          Iskander-M               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4   -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test               -                    -
2013-M07       2456618.04 2013 Nov 21 1255     RH-200                   -      -                    Jubilee Launch           -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    Hindu131121          ISROAnnual13-14      -
2014-M02       2456769.50 2014 Apr 22          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 PKAFSC       MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2014-M03       2456785.50 2014 May  8          Ghaznavi                 -      Hatf III             -                        -                        -                        -         SOM?     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 PKAFSC       MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2014-M01       2456787.26 2014 May  9 1808     FTI                      -      11                   -                        Op. Aguia I              -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2014-M05       2456937.50 2014 Oct  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                   -                    -
2014-M06       2456938.50 2014 Oct  8          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                   -                    -
2014-M07       2456939.50 2014 Oct  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                   -                    -
2014-M08       2456940.50 2014 Oct 10          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo Chaff              -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                   -                    -
2014-M04       2456976.09 2014 Nov 14 1410     Dhanush                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        INS-P51?  CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2015-M01       2457083.40 2015 Mar  1 2133     Hwasong 6                ?      Scud C               -                        -                        -                        -         NAMPO    -                -        -                    134    495  S. of Japan     0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                 -                    -
2015-M02       2457083.40 2015 Mar  1 2141     Hwasong 6                ?      Scud C               -                        -                        -                        -         NAMPO    -                -        -                    134    493  S. of Japan     0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                 -                    -
2015-M03       2457121.73 2015 Apr  9 0532     Dhanush                  -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        INS-P51?  CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?   350  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2015-M04       2457218.50 2015 Jul 15          RH-200                   -      No. 1545             -                        -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     70?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                   -                    -
2015-M05       2457326.20 2015 Oct 30 1650     FTI                      -      12                   -                        -                        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test                  -                    -
2016-M01       2457531.56 2016 May 23 0130     HS9                      -      RLV-TD               HEX-01                   -                        -                        -         SDSC     FLP              -        -                     65    411  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Reentry Test                -                    -
2016-M03       2457618.50 2016 Aug 18?         Iskander-M               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         EAO      -                -        -                     50?   300  Amur range      0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2016-M02       2457628.52 2016 Aug 28 0030     ATV                      -      ATV-D02              SPEX Scramjet            DMRJ Dual Mode Ramjet    -                        -         SDSC     RH               -        -                     70      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   VSSC/                    Test/Tech                Wire                 -                    -
2016-M06       2457665.50 2016 Oct  4          RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2016-M07       2457666.50 2016 Oct  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Chaff                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2016-M08       2457667.50 2016 Oct  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2016-M04       2457713.67 2016 Nov 21 0407     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2016-M05       2457713.67 2016 Nov 21 0408     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M06       2457813.70 2017 Mar  1 0443?    Prithvi                  -      -                    AAD Target               -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M01       2457872.36 2017 Apr 28 2033     Hwasong-12               -      KN-17                -                        -                        -                        -         PUKCH    -                -        -                     71     39  Tokchon         0.000 JRG          MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M02       2457906.68 2017 Jun  2 0420     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M08       2457906.68 2017 Jun  2 0420     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M03       2457998.50 2017 Sep  2          Iskander-M               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASHU     -                -        -                     50?   300  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M04       2457998.50 2017 Sep  2          Iskander-M               -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         ASHU     -                -        -                     50?   300  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2017-M05       2458029.95 2017 Oct  3 1045     Black Brant IX           -      NASA 36.326NR        ASPIRE                   -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  Atlantic        0.000 GSFC         SS   JPL/Clark                Tech                    -                    -
2017-M09       2458031.50 2017 Oct  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2017-M10       2458032.50 2017 Oct  6          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2017-M11       2458033.50 2017 Oct  7          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2017-M12       2458035.50 2017 Oct  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2017-M07       2458115.50 2017 Dec 28          Prithvi                  -      -                    AAD Target               -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2018-M01       2458171.12 2018 Feb 21 1500     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2018-M02       2458172.72 2018 Feb 23 0522     Dhanush                  -      -                    Test                     -                        Off Paradip              INS-P51?  CHAN     SEA              -        -                     50?   350  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2018-M05       2458187.50 2018 Mar 10?         Kinzhal                  -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         GTsP-4?  -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 RVSN         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2018-M03       2458209.18 2018 Mar 31 1619     Black Brant IX           -      NASA 36.327NR        ASPIRE 2                 -                        -                        -         WI       -                -        -                     51      -  Atlantic        0.000 GSFC         SS   JPL/Clark                Tech                    -                    -
2018-M06       2458211.50 2018 Apr  3?         FTI                      -      14                   -                        Op. Aguila I/2018        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     51      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2018-M04       2458326.20 2018 Jul 26 1644     Spaceship Two            -      VSS Unity            WK2-252/VG-014 VP-02     -                        N202VG-014               WK2       MHV      RW12/30          MHV      KVAL                  52      -  MHV             0.000 VGX          YS   VGX/Mackay,Masucci       -      14.2  14:00/0:42          -                    -
2018-M08       2458396.50 2018 Oct  5          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2018-M09       2458400.50 2018 Oct  9          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2018-M07       2458450.19 2018 Nov 27 1630     FTI                      -      15                   -                        Op. Mutiti               -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52      -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test             -                    -
2019-M01       2458546.87 2019 Mar  4 0850     Improved Orion           -      SSC REXUS 23         EURO REXUS 23            -                        -                        -         ESR      -                -        -                     75      -  ESR B           0.000 EUROL        SS   EUROL/                   Tech                         -                    -
2019-M02       2458607.58 2019 May  4 0154     Hwasong-11Ga             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WONSAN   LP3              -        -                     50?   220  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                -                    -
2019-M03       2458612.81 2019 May  9 0729     Hwasong-11Ga             -      107-120-893          -                        -                        -                        -         KUSONG   -                -        -                     50?   420  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2019-M04       2458612.83 2019 May  9 0749     Hwasong-11Ga             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KUSONG   -                -        -                     50?   270  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2019-M13       2458620.50 2019 May 17          RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         SDSC     -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   SDSC/                    Aeron                    SDSC-SR              -                    -
2019-M10       2458626.50 2019 May 23          FTI                      -      -                    -                        Op. Agula I/2019         -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test                      -                    -
2019-M11       2458628.20 2019 May 24 1644     FTI                      -      -                    -                        Op. Agula I/2019         -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52?     -  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test                      -                    -
2019-M05       2458662.12 2019 Jun 27 1500     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2019-M06       2458689.36 2019 Jul 24 2034     Hwasong-11Ga             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WONSAN   LP3?             -        -                     50?   430  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2019-M07       2458689.37 2019 Jul 24 2057     Hwasong-11Ga             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         WONSAN   LP3?             -        -                     50?   690  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2019-M12       2458752.22 2019 Sep 25 1711     FTI                      -      -                    -                        Op. Agula II/2019        -                        -         ALCA     UL               -        -                     52     75  -               0.000 AEB          AS   -                        Test                      -                    -
2019-M08       2458806.06 2019 Nov 18 1330?    Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2019-M09       2458806.07 2019 Nov 18 1345?    Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M01       2458917.45 2020 Mar  8 2246     KN-25                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SONDOK   -                -        -                     50    200  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M02       2458917.45 2020 Mar  8 2246     KN-25                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SONDOK   -                -        -                     50    200  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M03       2458917.45 2020 Mar  8 2246     KN-25                    -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SONDOK   -                -        -                     50    200  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M04       2458929.41 2020 Mar 20 2145     Hwasong-11Na             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SONCH    -                -        -                     50    410  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M05       2458929.41 2020 Mar 20 2150     Hwasong-11Na             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SONCH    -                -        -                     50    410  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M10       2459108.78 2020 Sep 16 0647     RH-200                   -      -                    HTPB Propellant Test     -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     63      -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Test                     -                    -
2020-M08       2459115.50 2020 Sep 23          Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M06       2459126.50 2020 Oct  4?         Iskander                 -      -                    -                        -                        Attack on Ganja          -         AMX      -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 AMAD         MS   -                        Weapon                   Wire                 -                    -
2020-M09       2459139.08 2020 Oct 16 1400     Prithvi 2                -      -                    Test                     -                        -                        -         CHAN     IC3              -        -                     50?   250  -               0.000 ISFC         MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2020-M07       2459162.50 2020 Nov  9?         Iskander                 -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         AMX      -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 AMAD         MS   -                        Weapon                   Wire                 -                    -
2021-M01       2459298.42 2021 Mar 24 2206     Hwasong-11Da             -      199-92-891           High payload mass        -                        -                        -         HAMJ     -                -        -                     60    450  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2021-M02       2459298.43 2021 Mar 24 2225     Hwasong-11Da             -      199-92-892           -                        -                        -                        -         HAMJ     -                -        -                     60    450  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2021-M03       2459363.50 2021 May 29          Bora-1                   -      Bora-1               -                        -                        10th Mtn Commando Brig.  -         DEREC    -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 TULF         MS   -                        Test             -                    -
2021-M04       2459386.50 2021 Jun 21?         Bora-1                   ?      Bora-1               -                        -                        -                        -         DEREC    -                -        -                     40?     -  Kurdistan?      0.000 TULF         MS   -                        Test             -                    -
2021-M09       2459414.50 2021 Jul 19          SORS                     -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SINOP    -                -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 DVST         SS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2021-M05       2459472.65 2021 Sep 15 0334     Hwasong-11Ga             ?      -                    Rail Launch              -                        -                        -         YDK      -                -        -                     60    800  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2021-M06       2459472.65 2021 Sep 15 0339     Hwasong-11Ga             ?      -                    Rail Launch              -                        -                        -         YDK      -                -        -                     60    800  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2021-M07       2459485.40 2021 Sep 27 2140     Hwasong-12A              -      -                    -                        Hwasong 12A              -                        -         MUPYONG  LP2              -        -                     60?   200? -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2021-M08       2459506.55 2021 Oct 19 0117     Bukguekseong-6           ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        KPN-PLAT? SINPO    -                -        -                     60    450  Sea of J.       0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2021-M10       2459532.12 2021 Nov 13 1449     Evo Space                -      -                    Evolution Space ES1      Too Busy Chasing Stars   -                        -         FAR      -                -        -                     57      -  -               0.000 EVOL         SS   EVOL/                    Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M01       2459584.47 2022 Jan  4 2310     Hwasong-12A              -      -                    -                        Glide RV                 -                        -         MUPYONG  LP1              -        -                     50    700  -               0.000 JRG          MS   NKDSI/                   Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M02       2459590.44 2022 Jan 10 2227     Hwasong-12A              -      -                    -                        Glide RV?                -                        -         MUPYONG  LP2?             -        -                     60    700  -               0.000 JRG          MS   NKDSI/                   Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M04       2459633.50 2022 Feb 23          Iskander-M               ?      9M723                -                        -                        -                        -         VOLR?    -                -        -                     60?     -  Kyiv            0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M05       2459633.50 2022 Feb 23          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS?   -                -        -                     60?     -  Kyiv            0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M06       2459634.50 2022 Feb 24          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    KALV             -        -                     60?     -  Kyiv?           0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M07       2459634.50 2022 Feb 24          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         VOLR?    -                -        -                     60?     -  Odessa          0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M08       2459634.50 2022 Feb 24          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         VOLR?    -                -        -                     60?     -  Odessa          0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M10       2459634.50 2022 Feb 24          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KRASK    -                -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M09       2459634.92 2022 Feb 24 1000?    Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KRASK    YEYSK            -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M11       2459635.50 2022 Feb 25          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS?   -                -        -                     60?     -  Myrhorod        0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M12       2459636.50 2022 Feb 26          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         VOLR     BELG             -        -                     60?     -  Balakleya       0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M13       2459636.50 2022 Feb 26          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         VOLR     BELG             -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M14       2459636.50 2022 Feb 26          Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    MOZYR            -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M15       2459638.13 2022 Feb 27 1505?    Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    MOZYR            -        -                     60?     -  Zhytomyr        0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M16       2459638.13 2022 Feb 27 1505?    Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    MOZYR            -        -                     60?     -  Zhytomyr        0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M17       2459638.34 2022 Feb 27 2006     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    MOZYR            -        -                     60?     -  Zhytomyr        0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M18       2459638.38 2022 Feb 27 2108     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    MOZYR            -        -                     60?     -  Zhytomyr        0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M19       2459639.94 2022 Mar  1 1037     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    KALV             -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M20       2459639.94 2022 Mar  1 1037     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    KALV             -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M21       2459640.10 2022 Mar  1 1418     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    GRUSH            -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M22       2459640.10 2022 Mar  1 1418     Iskander-M               ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         BLRUS    GRUSH            -        -                     60?     -  Ukraine         0.000 RVA          MS   -                        Weapon                   Twitter              -                    -
2022-M23       2459706.71 2022 May  7 0505     Bukguekseong-6           ?      KN-23?               -                        -                        -                        824YONG   SINPO    -                -        -                     60    600  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M24       2459847.41 2022 Sep 24 2153     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        Submerged launch         -                        -         KUSONG   LP5              -        -                     60?   600? -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M25       2459851.03 2022 Sep 28 1248     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        Sunchon                  -                        -         PUKCH?   -                -        -                     50    350  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M26       2459851.04 2022 Sep 28 1257     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         PUKCH?   -                -        -                     50    350  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M27       2459858.39 2022 Oct  5 2123     Hwasong-11Ga             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    LP3              -        -                     60    800  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M28       2459886.49 2022 Nov  2 2339     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KAECH    -                -        -                     70    330  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M29       2459886.49 2022 Nov  2 2339     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         KAECH    -                -        -                     70    330  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M30       2459892.77 2022 Nov  9 0631     Hwasong-11Ga             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUKCH    -                -        -                     50    250  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2022-M31       2459906.77 2022 Nov 23 0625     RH-200                   -      -                    Meteo                    -                        -                        -         TERLS    -                -        -                     75?     -  -               0.000 ISRO         SS   ISRO/                    Meteo                    -                    -
2023-M01       2459995.43 2023 Feb 19 2215?    KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUKCH    -                -        -                     50    340  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M02       2460022.59 2023 Mar 19 0205     Hwasong-11Ga             -      -                    Silo test?               -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LP2              -        -                     50    800? -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M03       2460030.45 2023 Mar 26 2247     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHWA     -                -        -                     50?   350  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M04       2460030.46 2023 Mar 26 2258?    KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         CHWA     -                -        -                     50?   350  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M05       2460052.88 2023 Apr 18 0905     N2ORTH                   -      -                    N2ORTH Flight 1          DLR STERN                -                        -         ESR      MAN              -        -                     64      -  -               0.000 DLR/HYEND    SS   HYEND/                   Test                        -                    -
2023-M06       2460110.93 2023 Jun 15 1025     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     60?   330? -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M07       2460110.94 2023 Jun 15 1037     KN-25                    ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     60?   330? -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2023-M08       2460187.11 2023 Aug 30 1438     Hwasong-11Na             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN?   -                -        -                     50    350  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2023-M09       2460187.12 2023 Aug 30 1446     Hwasong-11Na             -      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN?   -                -        -                     50    400  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2023-M10       2460200.61 2023 Sep 13 0243     Hwasong-11Na             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     50    350  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2023-M11       2460200.62 2023 Sep 13 0253     Hwasong-11Na             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     50    650  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2023-M12       2460262.02 2023 Nov 13 1230     Red Kite                 -      -                    SOAR                     -                        -                        -         AND      -                -        -                     72      -  -               0.000 DLR          SS   DLR/                     Test                  -                    -
2024-M01       2460323.75 2024 Jan 14 0555     Hwasong-16               -      -                    Solid prop               -                        -                        -         CHDONG   -                -        -                     50   1000  -               0.000 KPA          MS   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2024-M02       2460347.50 2024 Feb  7          DART                     -      -                    KTH PRIME                -                        -                        -         ESR      LC3              -        -                     60?     -  -               0.000 TMINUS       SF   TMINUS/                  Aeron?                  -                    -
2024-M03       2460387.45 2024 Mar 17 2242     Hwasong-11Na             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     50    300  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2024-M04       2460387.46 2024 Mar 17 2300?    Hwasong-11Na             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     50    300  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2024-M05       2460387.47 2024 Mar 17 2322     Hwasong-11Na             ?      -                    -                        -                        -                        -         SUNAN    -                -        -                     50    300  -               0.000 JRG          MS   -                        OT                       Wire                 -                    -
2024-M06       2460433.72 2024 May  3 0510     SR75                     -      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         KOON     -                -        -                     50?     -  -               0.000 HYIMP        SS   HYIMP/                   Test                     tw/HyImpluseTech     -                    -